fileDoug !vlacEwan asked that the bank ba1ar1ce be reported as $1,000 (rather than...

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Transcript of fileDoug !vlacEwan asked that the bank ba1ar1ce be reported as $1,000 (rather than...

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19TODDRIVE Februa.'•·:,.1• 25, 2005

10:00 a.m.

Present: L. Brockman, B . Clark (Secret~.!)'), J. Goldstein, I. Gusdal, D. IvfacEwan (Treasurer), J. I\farkham, J. Mi.m.die (Chair), S. Stothers. Also present as a guest:

Regrets: Rosalyn Hov.rard. J. Harnerton

Absent: N . Losey, J . Ste>1vart

1. l\fumtes of t.lte lVIeeting of December 17, 2004: On a motion by In,. Gusdal and Doug MacEwan, the minutes lNere approved as circulated.

2. Business fu-isfag from the minutes: a. President's Reception: 111e reception will be held in the Th.farshall I\kLuhan Hall (formerly called the Beausejour Room) in UMSU on the Fort Gany Campus on Saturday, April 23, 2005, 2:00 to 4 :30 p.m. Barry Prentice "\Nill speak on the possibilities of replacing Manitoba§s winter road sy:,1em with dirigibles. Rosalyn Howard agreed to find out who will be speaking on behalf of the President

b. Communications - official announcement: John Mundie said that he had not yet pursued the official public relations announcement concerning the existence of the UivIR .. i\ Executive. He suggested that John Markham airange to have such a11 announcement appear on the Association website.

c. Securing members upon retirement: Rosalyn Hovvard agreed to find out whether an exit interview routinely occurs and whether it could be used to secure Association membern upon retirement Doug MacEwar1 suggested that we should send a personally signed letter asking retirees to join the Association.

d. Sen.ices for members: John Mundie said that he had verified with Julie Mikuska that r etirees were entitled to receive the UoflvI Bulletin, but did not knovv why many \'Vere not being sent it Rosalyn Hm.-vard asked that she be allowed to pursue ti11is issue with Barb Cameron rather than have lJiviRA. deal directly with Julie 1viik1.iska. It \Vas so agreed. John "t\,11uhdie said that he would ·\'vait a vveek and then pursue th.e matter.

\ \

e. Privacy policy: John Mundie asked if John Hamerton had said anything about the draft policy on privacy. Brent Clark said that he had only sent regrets. John Mundie said that we favour the "opt-out" process ;,vhereby retirees vvould be told at the exit intervie~ . ..v that unless they opt-out they would be added to the Association's list. Rosalyn Ho\'Vard asked whether vle were sure this is IegaI. John Mundie said yes. Irv GusdaI said that since lllv.lRA .. would not be making the list public it vvouid be alright

f IV!ailing and email lists: Rosalyn Howard said that mailing was very e"-'Pensive so the University vvas leaning tov . .rard using email. John Mundie said he would contact Nick Donaldson to discuss the addition of new members to the email list.

g. CUR.AC Conference 2004 wtnd-up: John Mundie said that tliis was all cleaned up.

h. Bank. account: Doug MacEv1.ran reported that the bank account had been set up ai.1d has a balance of approximately $1, 000.

i. Ap!wintment of retkees to University committees and governing }}(ulies: John Mundie said that he had not yet contacted the President concerning this topic. He said that Terry Voss and Rosalyn HO\·vard are looking into it.

j . Conmmnications committee: John Markham distributed a4-page draft of the Retirees' Ne'\.•/s. The Executive vetted the te11.i. John Markham asked if he shouid mention the Fall A.nnual General Meeting in this ne\-vsletter or the ne11.i. Lois Brockman suggested that it be included in this one. John ~·farkham asked if the matter of paying membership fees should be included. J ay Goldstein pointed out that the te:x-t should changed to say that the fee \-viH be set at the Annual General Meeting. It \-Vas so agreed. It was also agreed to remove the reference to inactiv e members. Doug !vlacEwan asked that the bank ba1ar1ce be reported as $1,000 (rather than $1,200). It was so agreed. Regarding the Fall President' s Reception, Rosaiyn Hov~rard said she wouid iike to check to see ifiviarshaii McLuhan Hali ""rouid be availabie (rather than Smart Park). It V'\ras agreed to remove the University of Saskatche¥lan

1 ° J 1: t Ti 1 1 .1 1 J 11 ° 1! 1: 'I r T r"f. J J 1 1 t 1 •-v·eosue auuress . .l.L w as aiso agreea mm me eum.u auuress .tor ..1m1e i:">Le•van suuu1u oe verified. At Rosalyn Ho'i.:vard§s inquiry, Jolm Markham said he '\.Vould have the final texi submitted by .. th€ follov\.:-ii1g 't~Vedu.-esda:_;,~.

there was still no data on costs from Barb Hanchard. He said t.1iat she opposes raising the f!co!~~ f~!9 £!.?pp!em.e!!.!a.~l healt.ti ·&!-::! .. tlenta! b,enefit~ because she feel~ it is to.a experrsi\,7e. He said that June Stewart is discussing this issue at the Staff Benefits Cornmittee.

1. Providing supplementary health benefits for those o"Ter 75: John Mu...11die said that Great \Vest Life is very expensive for this kind ofbenefit. Steve Stothers said there are many exclusions in the fine print [No decision was reached].

m. lVIemhersbip fees charged by other retiree associations: Jay Goldstein distributed a 1-page summary of27 university retirees' associations fees. He pointed out that '\Vaterloo ($100) and ·victoria ($150) offer lifetime memberships. He noted that we should have a rationale for whatever foe w e choose. Lois Brockman a<sked if he had found auy information on the percentage of participation v:rithin associations. Jay Goldstein said he had not. John I\.fondie suggested that Ken Ray ofClJR.a,,C might be able to provide this information. Lois Brockman said that the Association 'vouid be viabie oniy if it charged a large membership a small fee, or a small membership a lcu·ge fee. Brent Clark suggested a foe of $i.5 based on the rnriona1e that it is re iativeiy sma1i it matches the Universiiy of '\Vinnipeg§s. Lois Brockman said that if offe1·ed a lifetime membership it >vould §~ii~i-a.te a. ia.t-5e iiiitiaI ~a:;li iiifU5;iUii. Di-CiiL Ciru.-k ~a,irj fl1at: i:f"7vvc vvci-c 5~cki1ig ~ucli a. Iarge foe that members wouid e::\'Pect a tax receipt. Joh..'1 Mundie said that matter could be

usage of the fees. John 1v1undie t.han .. i.;:ed Jay Goldstein for his work in preparing the

n. Nominating Co:irm.rJttee: Jay Goldstein confinned that under the constitution a
