Visual Management E learning

Post on 08-May-2015

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Visual Management is simple but it’s hard. Organization’s struggle to implement Visual Management as it is difficult, expensive and time consuming to reach every employee. [How often has a well-intentioned 5S initiative ended as an unsustainable housekeeping exercise?] Now we have a suite of six (6)** e-layered learning modules to allow organizations to install Visual Management in a fast, effective and sustainable way-because it is truly embedded in the Lean “Respect for People” principle- it is meaningful for the employee.

Transcript of Visual Management E learning

How Layered Learning Modules Work

Visual Workplace, Inc. is now o�ering Visual Management Layered Learning Modules, which are accessed in a web-based environment. The layered learning model has

Each leader receives 6 core modules that include weekly activities and assignments to assist the participant in transferring the research based principles and answers into the work place.

5. Visual Problem Solving – Continually Improving the Process

1. Visual Management – An Overview

2. Workplace Organization – Beginning to See

3. Visual Display – Exposing Problems and Waste

4. Visual Controls – Creating Real-Time Feedback

6. Sustaining Visual Management – Continuous Learning

Layered Learning Modules

Each module structure is identical and contains the following sections:

An assessment on the knowledge and awareness on the content area.

Checking In

• Only requires 15-20 minutes per week from participants• Exclusive research-based content and process• E�ective for reaching a distributed work force• No travel expenses like traditional training• Focuses on application and reinforcement with built-in measurement and tracking• Easily integrated with reward and recognition programs• Modules can be quickly customized and personalized for your organization

Leaders implement application focused exercises on a weekly basis and discuss during team meetings.

Action PlansResearch based answers and ideas on Visual Management.

LessonsAn opportunity to practice, drill and rehearse the skills and competencies.

ExperiencesRe-assessment of the knowledge and awareness on the content area.

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Key Bene�its of the Layered Learning Model Contact Visual Workplace


Individual Licenses $300/User

Volume Pricing & Site Licenses Available.

Call for Details.

Each module compares to the

cost of purchasinga continuous

improvement book.

been successfully implemented in almost every industry since the learner only needs 15-20 minutes per week and has built in reinforcement and tracking.

The layered learning model is ideal for any organization that has a hard time taking key leaders o� the job for large chunks of time. The cumulative e�ect of layering skills overtime is signi�cant, and managers have told us that the process is not cumbersome or burdensome and a whole new set of tools showed up in their tool box almost seamlessly.