VISIT MALTA WITH TSIAKAS TRAVEL · Described as ‘a miniature Versailles’, Palazzo Parisio, in...

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Let us guide you through the discovery of our beautiful islands. Culture, art, architecture, culinary delights, warm sandybeaches and a mild climate : you’ll find everything you are looking for in Malta. From the imposing fortifications of Vallettato the medieval narrow streets of Mdina, walk through 7,000 years of history during which the islands have been occupiedby Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Arabs, Romans, the Order of the Knights of St. John and the British with each leaving its

own impact on the islands and their inhabitants.

Tsiakas Travel is your perfect partner for an unforgettable holiday. With several years of experience, we work with thebest hotels and service providers on the islands.

Our experience and knowledge of the Maltese islands are at your service!


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea,Malta is half way between Europe and Africa.

Over the centuries, Malta's location has given itgreat strategic importance and for this reasonbeing, a succession of powers ruled the islands

throughout history.

Nowadays, also thanks to it’s position, Malta canbe reached from most European and North African

capitals in less than a 3 hours flight.

The climate is typically Mediterranean, with hot,dry summers, warm and sporadically wet autumns,

and short, cool winters with adequate rainfall.Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588


Built during the 16th century by the Order of the Knights of St. John, the city was named after one of the twentyeight Grandmasters, Frenchman Jean Parisot de La Valette who laid the foundation stone of this city in 1566.

Together with our experienced tourist guide you will visit several sites including baroque churches such as the Co-Cathedral dedicated to St. John, Auberges with impressive rococo facades and the Upper Barracca Gardens from

which a breathtaking view over the Grand Harbour can be admired.


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Upper Barracca Gardens in Valletta aresituated near Auberge de Castille and

possess unsurpassed views across the GrandHarbour over to the Three Cities.

The origins of the Upper Barracca Gardensgo back to 1661, when it was a private

garden of the Italian Knights, whose inns ofresidence (Auberges) lie close by. It was notbefore 1824 that it was opened as a publicgarden and during World War II the gardensuffered much destruction. The paths arelined with busts, statues and plaques that

chart various personalities and othersignificant events in Maltese history.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta is a gem of Baroqueart and architecture. It was built as the conventual

church for the Knights of St John. The Grand Mastersand several knights donated gifts of high artistic valueand made enormous contributions to enrich it with onlythe best works of art. This church is till this very dayan important shrine and a sacred place of worship. It

is also a venue for cultural events.

The Beheading of St. John the Baptist, the famouspainting by Caravaggio is situated in the oratory of the

St. John’s Co-Cathedral.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

This 16th century building is one of themost imposing buildings in Valletta andis the former Sacra Imfermeria ofthe Order of St John of Jerusalem,

now popularly known as theMediterranean Conference Centre,

which is located adjacent to Fort StElmo and overlooking the Grand

Harbour.Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Grand Masters’ Palace was one of the first buildings inthe new city of Valletta founded by Grandmaster JeanParisot de La Vallette in 1566 a few months after the

successful outcome of the Great Siege of Malta in 1565.The Palace was enlarged and developed by successive

Grandmasters to serve as their official residence. Later,during the British period, it served as the Governor’s Palaceand was the seat of Malta’s first constitutional parliament in

1921. The palace today is the seat of the Office of thePresident of the Republic and the House of Parliament.The State Rooms are the show piece of the Presidential

Palace sited at the heart of Malta’s World Heritage Capitalcity of Valletta.

The ground floor of the Palace building hosts the Armouryexhibiting one of the world’s greatest arms collections.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Constructed in 1732, the Manoel Theatre situated in the capital city of Valletta, is Malta's oldest and Europe's third-oldest working theatre. The venue, small in size, has a richly adorned, glorious Rococo interior. It hosts some of Malta's

best orchestral concerts, operas, drama, musicals and more.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta currently houses aspectacular range of artifacts dating back to Malta’s Neolithic period;from the Għar Dalam phase (5200 BC) up to the Tarxien phase (2500

BC). On display at this museum are the earliest tools used by theprehistoric people to facilitate their daily tasks; representations of animal

life and also human figures, both elements showing the great artisticskills of the dwellers of the island at the time also giving us an insight on

their daily lives. Highlights include the ‘Sleeping Lady’ from the ĦalSaflieni Hypogeum, the ‘Venus of Malta’ from Ħaġar Qim and the large

altars from the Tarxien Temples.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Mdina also known as ‘Citta' Notabile': the noble city, was home then, as now, to Malta's noble families; some are descendantsof the Norman, Sicilian and Spanish overlords who made Mdina their home from the 12th century onwards. Impressive palaces

line its narrow, shady streets.

Accompanied by our experienced tourist guide, walk through one of Europe's finest examples of an ancient walled city andextraordinary in its mix of medieval and baroque architecture.

Like nearby Mdina, Rabat played a major role in Malta's past and is a prime source of its cultural heritage.


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The mosaic pavements in the Domvs Romana in Rabat rank among the finest and oldest mosaic compositions from the westernMediterranean, alongside those of Pompeii and Sicily. They were discovered in 1881 just outside Mdina in the remains of a richand sumptuously decorated town house of the Roman period. This museum was one of the very first to be opened to the public.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Catacombs in Rabat are a typical complex ofinterconnected, underground Roman cemeteries that were in

use up to the 4th century AD. They are located on theoutskirts of the old Roman capital Melite (today’s Mdina),since Roman law prohibited burials within the city. These

Catacombs represent the earliest and largest archaeologicalevidence of Christianity in Malta.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Dedicated to St. Mary the Assumption but better known as the Mosta Rotunda, it’s impressive dome is said to be the thirdlargest unsupported church dome in Europe. The Rotunda’s circular design is based on the Pantheon of Rome.

During World War II, a bomb pierced through the dome and rolled across the floor inside the church. Miraculously, the bombdid not explode! A replica of the bomb that pierced through the dome, can be seen in the sacristy.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Marsaxlokk is a small picturesque village in thesouth eastern coast of Malta. It is referred toas the 'fishing village' . Marsaxlokk is locatedaround a natural harbour which is the secondlargest on the islands. This natural shelter ishome to the traditional Maltese fishing boats,the colourful Luzzu's. These gondola type of

boats are used by fishermen to capture'lampuki', a Mediterranean fish mostly caught

between August and December. A luzzu will havea mythical eye painted on both sides of the prow,which should protect the fisherman and his family

from evil.Every Sunday morning, Marsaxlokk is host of thebiggest fish market in Malta. Stalls are erectedall around the quayside and fishermen sell theircatch. Apart from fish one finds in this market

clothes, shoes, food, antiques, books andsouvenirs.

Marsaxlokk Village

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Three Cities of Birgu, Bormla and Isla offeran intriguing insight into Malta and its history.The Three Cities can rightly claim to be the

cradle of Maltese history, as Vittoriosa, Sengleaand Cospicua have provided a home and fortressto almost everyone who settled on the Islands.

Their harbour inlets have been in use sincePhoenician times: the docks always providing aliving for local people, but also leaving them

vulnerable when Malta's rulers were at war. Asthe first home to the Knights of St. John, the

Three Cities' palaces, churches, forts andbastions are far older than Valletta's.

The local communities here celebrate holy daysand festas as nowhere else on the Islands. The

most spectacular events are the Easterprocessions when statues of the "Risen Christ"are carried at a run through crowded streets.

The Three Cities

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Malta is gifted with beautiful baroque churches. This architectural style was very popular during the 16th and 17th

centuries. One of the finest examples of baroque churches in Malta is theparish church of Msida which is dedicated to St. Joseph.

Our Baroque Churches

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Malta’s Neolithic Temples are designated UNESCO World Heritage sites. There are several of them scattered around the island. They arefascinating and perplexing for there are no definite answers to how and why they were built or for what they were used. We can onlyoffer theories. What is certain, is that several thousand years before the arrival of the Phoenicians, the Islands were the home to aremarkable culture. These people acquired the skills, and had the strength of spiritual devotion, to mobilize men and resources to buildmegalithic structures and hew out living rock into burial chambers. This culture was to vanish from the Islands whether through famine,

fire, natural disaster or routed by invasion no one knows.

Our Neolithic Temples

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Described as ‘a miniature Versailles’, Palazzo Parisio, inNaxxar, is a historic palace full of charm. Now home ofthe ennobled Scicluna family, in its time it has been the

residence of the most popular Grand Master of theKnights of St John (the ‘Knights of Malta’), of Sicilian and

Maltese nobility.

Behind its relatively modest façade is a sumptuous andflamboyant chateau that has been constantly developed

and lavishly decorated across the centuries, in exuberantstyle by the finest and most eminent craftsmen of the

time. The interiors are rich with fine frescoes,magnificent marble, mirrored walls, trompes l’oeil, rarepaintings and extravagant gilding. The internationally

recognized landscaped gardens, which are acclaimed asbeing among the finest in Europe, further reflect the

splendor of this gracious home.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

San Anton Gardens are the largest and loveliest gardenarea in Malta and lie on the confines of the Three Villages- Attard, Lija and Balzan. The gardens we know today were

opened to the public in 1882.Palms, cypress, jacarandas, araucarias and other exoticplants, some of them over three centuries old, adorn the

garden, together with graceful fountains, pools, statues andcolorful flower-beds.

Enclosed sections are reserved for orange and other citrustrees. Bougainvillas bloom profusely on the wall of an

elevated terrace beneath the Palace front.These gardens host the Presidential Palace, official

residence of the President of Malta.

Beyond these gardens, is the ‘Kitchen Garden’ home to avariety of farm like animals, an attraction for children and

parents alike.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Ghajn Tuffieha Bay

Golden Bay


Ghadira Bay

Paradise Bay

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588


Village Square Qbajjar Salt Pans

Ramla Bay Mgarr Harbour

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Steeped in myth, Gozo is thought to be the legendary Calypso's isle of Homer's Odyssey - a peaceful, mystical backwater.Spend a day venturing around this beautiful island accompanied by our local tourist guide. Crossing between the two islands is ascenic 25 minute trip by ferry. Baroque churches and old stone farmhouses dot the countryside. Gozo's rugged landscape and

spectacular coastline await exploration.The island also comes complete with historical sites, forts and amazing panoramas.

View of the Cittadella, Gozo

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Azure Window in Gozo

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Sanctuary of Ta’ Pinuis an architectural

masterpiece built in anisolated site on the islandof Gozo. It is situated ina valley between the two

villages of Gharb andGhasri. This sanctuary isdedicated to Our Lady ofTa’ Pinu and welcomes allvisitors who wish to pray

or simply admire thesplendid sculptures andcraftsmanship on the

Maltese stone inside thechurch.

Inside this Sanctuary youcan witness the devotion

of the Maltese andGozitans, expressedthrough items like

helmets, casts, photos andbabygrows hanged on thewalls as offerings from

promises attended by OurLady of Ta’ Pinu.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

The Island of Comino

The Blue Lagoon

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Stuffed Aubergines

Stuffed Marrows


Rabbit Stew



Maltese Platter

Honey Ring

Maltese Bread

Lampuki – national fish

Maltese Sausages

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Traditional costumes and Folklore

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Our Traditions…

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Good Friday Processions

Birgu by candlelight

Carnival floats

Feast of Our Lady the Assumption

The karozzin is a Maltese traditional mode of transport consisting of a carriage pulled by a horse. It was once popular for general transit and is stillused as a tourist attraction. It is mostly found at Mdina and Valletta, and dates to the mid-nineteenth century.

In this case the Karozzin is seen wandering in the narrow streets of Mdina approaching the main entrance of the ‘Silent City' .Short city tours round Valletta and Mdina can be organised on board a karozzin.

Valletta & Mdina Tour on board the Karozzin

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Discover Malta on boardVintage Cars and Buses

Discover Malta in an unusual way.We can take you around the island on board old

vintage cars and buses.These can be hired for half days, full days or


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588


Bird Park Malta

Mediterraneo Marine Park &swimming with the dolphins

Splash & Fun Water Park

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

SPORTS AND LEISUREDiving – excellent locations

Horse-riding : panoramic viewsRoyal Malta Golf Club

Jeep Safaris


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588



Cycling Tours Rock Climbing & Abseiling


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Weddings in Malta

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Let us organise for youthe most special day ofyour life. We can takecare of accommodation,wedding venue, catering,transportation, flower

arrangements, animationand photography.

Malta offers an array ofbeautiful wedding venues

most of which aresurrounded by lush

Mediterranean gardensand offer romantic views.


Malta now boasts four legal casinos, all very well equipped with the latestgaming facilities. Some of them, such as the Dragonara Casino and theCasino di Venezia are located inside historical buildings. The Casino di

Venezia is hosted in the magnificent Captain’s Palace. Situated along the‘Vittoriosa Waterfront’, it faces the

most elegant arm of the Grand Harbour.The Dragonara Casino is a 19th Century Palace built by the Marquis

Scicluna to serve as his Summer residence. It is situated on the tip on anarrow peninsula in St Julian’s.

Dragonara Casino

Casino di Venezia

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588



Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588


Sicily is only 90 minutes away from Malta on board a catamaran! Spendone day in Sicily and enjoy an excursion during which you will visit some

of the most important sights such asMount Etna and Taormina.


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588

Whether for leisure, culture, fun and adventure or for aconference or business travel, Malta is the ideal destination for you!

For whatever reason, Tsiakas Travel offers the followingservices at very competitive prices :

• Accommodation – we work with all hotels on the islands from which we havepreferential rates.

• Airport transfers for both groups and individuals.• Organised excursions in your mother language accompanied by a local tourist guide.• Organisation of conferences, meetings and seminars.• Sports, nautical and team building activities.• Organised dinners.

Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588


Tsiakas Travel Co. Ltd. – Andrew Cunningham Street, Qawra - SPB 1744 – Malta - Tel : 00356 21575588