Visioning program 7 9

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Transcript of Visioning program 7 9

July 2014

Allen ISD Performing Arts Center SCHEDULE ................ 3


DESCRIPTIONS ............... 5


SCHOOL ....................... 17

Visioning Consortium MO VING BEYO ND ENH ANC EM ENT



Visioning Consortium Districts Allen ISD Highland Park ISD Northwest ISD Coppell ISD Lewisville ISD Plano ISD Frisco ISD McKinney ISD Richardson ISD


Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the North Texas Regional Consortium Visioning Con-

ference. We know that when educators learn, students learn.

Thank you for supporting your students by participating in profes-

sional learning on a summer day!

This conference is supported and born from the TASA Visioning

Institute. Thirty-five Texas Superintendents came together as a

community of learners to create a new vision for public education

in Texas. Those superintendents say:

“Our collective experience and our intensive study of what

is happening in our schools and communities lead us to con-

clude that the future of public education is at risk and will

not survive if the present direction continues. It is time to

redirect this concern, energy, effort, and support for im-

provement to create a positive commitment to the education

of our youth by transforming systems that better meet the

needs of 21st century learners."

As an educator today, you know that we must prepare all children

for the future and give them the tools and attitudes to contribute to

our democratic way of life and live successfully in a rapidly chang-

ing world. You will have an opportunity to learn how to create and

build those future-ready skills in your districts, campuses and

classrooms. Enjoy your day, learn lots, and again, many thanks for

supporting student success.

North Texas Visioning Consortium Superintendents


To the District Coordinators

Beth Brockman

Lisa Casto

Gena Gardiner

Michael Griffin

Vicki McIntosh

Laurie O’Neill

Deidre Parish

Jennifer Wilhelm

Becky Wussow


Connect Collaborate & Transform


Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:30-8:45 Welcome 8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote 10:00-11:30 Session 1 11:30-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:30 Session 2 2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome 8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote 10:00-11:30 Session 3 11:30-1:00 Lunch 1:00-2:30 Session 4 2:30-3:30 Optional District Collaborative Time


Diane Ravitch is Research Professor of Education at New

York University and a historian of education.

She blogs at, a site which has had nearly 8.3

million page views in less than a year. From 1991 to 1993,

she was Assistant Secretary of Education and Counselor to

Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander in the administration

of President George H.W. Bush. She was responsible for the

Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the U.S.

Department of Education. As Assistant Secretary, she led the

federal effort to promote the creation of voluntary state and

national academic standards.

From 1997 to 2004, she was a member of the National Assess-

ment Governing Board, which oversees the National Assess-

ment of Educational Progress, the federal testing program. She

was appointed by the Clinton administration’s Secretary of

Education Richard Riley in 1997 and reappointed by him in

2001. From 1995 until 2005, she held the Brown Chair in

Education Studies at the Brookings Institution and edited

Brookings Papers on Education Policy. Before entering gov-

ernment service, she was Adjunct Professor of History and

Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

She is the author of:

• The Death and Life of the Great American School System:

How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (2010)

• Edspeak: A Glossary of Education Terms, Phrases,

Buzzwords, and Jargon (2007)

• The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What

Students Learn (2003)

• Left Back: A Century of Battles Over School Reform (2000)

• National Standards in American Education: A Citizen’s

Guide (1995)

• What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know? (with Chester Finn, Jr.)


• The Schools We Deserve (1985)

• The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945–1980


• The Revisionists Revised (1978)

• The Great School Wars: New York City, 1805–1973 (1974)

A native of Houston, she is a graduate of the Houston public

schools. She received a B.A. from Wellesley College in 1960

and a Ph.D. in history from Columbia University’s Graduate

School of Arts and Sciences in 1975.

Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author, and


His works focus on the implications of globalization and tech-

nology on education. He has designed schools that cultivate

global competence, developed computer games for language

learning, and founded research and development institutions to

explore innovative education models. He has published over 100

articles and 20 books, including Catching Up or Leading the

Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization and

World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial

Students. He is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the

American Educational Research Association and was named

one of the 2012 10 most influential people in educational tech-

nology by the Tech & Learn Magazine. He is an elected fellow

of the International Academy for Education. His latest book

World Class Learners has won several awards including the

Society of Professors of Education Book Award (2013), Associ-

ation of Education Publishers’ (AEP) Judges’ Award and Distin-

guished Achievement Award in Education Leadership(2013).

He currently serves as the Presidential Chair and Director of the

Institute for Global and Online Education in the College of Edu-

cation, University of Oregon, where he is also a Professor in the

Department of Educational Measurement, Policy, and Leader-


Until December, 2010, Yong Zhao was University Distin-

guished Professor at the College of Education, Michigan State

University, where he also served as the founding director of the

Center for Teaching and Technology, executive director of the

Confucius Institute, as well as the US-China Center for Re-

search on Educational Excellence.

Zhao was born in China’s Sichuan Province. He received his

B.A. in English Language Education from Sichuan Institute of

Foreign Languages in Chongqing, China in 1986. After teaching

English in China for six years, he came to Linfield College as a

visiting scholar in 1992. He then began his graduate studies at

the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1993. He

received his A.M. in Education in 1994 and Ph.D. in 1996. He

joined the faculty at MSU in 1996 after working as the Lan-

guage Center Coordinator at Willamette University and a lan-

guage specialist at Hamilton College.

Keynote Speakers


Breakout Session 1


10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

Visible Learning and Learner Qualities: Are Your Students Empowered Learners? McKinney ISD-A106

How do you make learning visi-

ble to all who enter a classroom,

particularly the students? Attend

this session and become aware of

the effects our teaching practices

have on students and learn how

to implement an approach that

will turn students into engaged

and empowered learners. Partici-

pants will come away with spe-

cific strategies for shifting the

focus from teaching to learning.

Know Thy Impact!

Learning Progressions: The Blueprints for Formative Assessments Highland Park ISD-G141

Formative Assessments are the

key to providing feedback to

students to inform instruction

and customize learning experi-

ences. James Popham has called

learning progressions the blue-

print for the formative assess-

ment process. This session is

designed to help curriculum

directors, principals, administra-

tors and teachers of all grade

levels and content areas turn

target curriculum standards into

a sequenced set of subskills that

guide the formative assessment

process. Participants will have

time to work on writing learning

progressions for their course.

TUESDAY July 22, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 2

2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups


Realizing the Vision for Multilingualism K-12 as a 21st Century Skill through Transformative Instructional Change Lewisville ISD-K204

In this session, participants will

share in Lewisville ISD's journey

toward building multilingualism

for all students through a shift of

pedagogy to reflect best practic-

es in World Language instruc-

tion at the secondary level.

There will be a strong emphasis

and showcase of the instructional

innovations and the role they

play in the continuum of lan-

guage learning from a K-12 per-


Transforming Secondary Math Classrooms One POST-IT at a Time Northwest ISD-G259

Participants will learn how NISD

has systematically transformed

secondary mathematics class-

rooms by using focused PD and

the workshop model. Teacher led

PLCs have replaced the "sit and

get" model and allowed for au-

thentic learning to occur.

Superintendent Visioning Panel-PAC

The Visioning Institute was born

from the work and ideas of thirty

-five public school superinten-

dents who came together as a

community of learners to create

a new vision for public education

in Texas. That vision states a

belief of schools and related

venues that prepare all children

for many choices and that give

them the tools and attitudes to

contribute to our democratic way

of life and live successfully in a

rapidly changing world. Consor-

tium superintendents will pro-

vide the history and explanation

of the TASA Visioning docu-

ment and updates on the work of

the North Texas Regional group.

Online PreAP Geometry Learning Curve Frisco ISD-G117

Come join members of the

Frisco ISD virtual learning team

as they cover the success and

barriers that they had to over-

come while creating and imple-

menting their first blended learn-

ing PreAp geometry course for

middle school students


Breakout Session 1 Tuesday

10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

21st Century Learners: ePortfolios for Authentic Assessment Lewisville ISD-G151

ePortfolios empower students to

emphasize individual strengths,

becoming key players in their

own academic assessment. The

unprecedented convergence of

schools reframing readiness

standards and 1:1 student tech-

nology initiatives positions

ePortfolios to become an authen-

tic assessment tool. Join the

presenters as they discuss the

development and implementa-

tion of an ePortfolio that champi-

ons 21st century skills and pro-

found learning.

Creating a Culture of Inquiry in the Classroom Lewisville ISD-G147

Looking for ways to encourage

students to ask questions and

generate creative solutions to

problems? Inquiry is a great way

to get your students thinking!

This class will offer an introduc-

tion into creating a culture that

will allow students to take own-

ership of their learning. All are


TUESDAY July 22, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 2

2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups

Assessment: There's an App for That! Highland Park ISD-G247

Assessments should be ongoing

and essential for informing

learners about their level of suc-

cess, but how does the teacher

make this happen? Providing

quality assessments and timely

feedback for students is the most

critical component for improving

student learning. Learn how to

use several apps to assist with

formative and summative assess-

ments in any subject, without

wasting a minute. These apps

will help in organization, data

collection, documentation, and

presentation to really KNOW

what your students know.

Please bring your iPad to the

session and be prepared to down-

load a few free apps on the spot.

Augmented Reality: Look Beyond Paper Richardson ISD-H120

Augmented reality is changing

the way we view the world.

Come learn what it is, why our

kids are so fascinated with it, and

why you should be too. We will

look at where AR is now and

where it may go in the future.

We will also share iPad/

Smartphone apps you can use to

create your own augmented real-

ity layers. Feel free to bring a

mobile device to use during the


Academic Vocabulary – Digital Style Lewisville ISD-G255 This session will revolve around

words that are not unique to a

particular discipline and are

often not the focus of vocabulary

instruction. These words are

frequently encountered in vari-

ous genres of text, powerful

because of their wide applicabil-

ity, and often represent subtle or

precise ways to say relatively

simple things. Our purpose is to

plan with intent to teach them

across all grade levels and sub-

jects with digital applications.

Please bring your laptop and/or


Combatting Initiative Fatigue: An Unpanel Approach to Amping Up Engagement Lewisville ISD-H104 Too often students and educators

feel that the newest idea is just

“one more thing.” Burnout,

fatigue, and defeat are ever

looming possibilities, but,

through careful application of

Design Thinking, minds and

hearts can be re-energized and

inspired. This deconstructed

panel, or “unpanel,” will guide

participants as they explore,

experience, and erect structures

and techniques for making and

sustaining change.

Transformational Leadership in a Digital Age Northwest ISD-K200

Participants will be treated to a

variety of technology inspired

tools that can help leaders trans-

form their classrooms, campuses

and districts. BYOD and get

ready to explore the future.


Breakout Session 1 Tuesday

10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

Flipped Mastery Classroom in Middle School Allen ISD-G229

Describe how to incorporate a

mastery classroom in a middle

school environment. Mastery is

a learner driven environment,

with students taking ownership

in the learning process. Teachers

work as coaches to help students

reach a level of mastery in core

content classes.

QR Gallery Walk Highland Park ISD-H146

Learn how to use QR Codes/

Aurasma App to enhance learn-

ing. Create content and share

with QR codes and Aurasma

App in your own gallery. Walk

in this fun and exciting class!

Brainstorm ideas for your sub-

ject area and use this creative

method to learn and share

knowledge and learning re-


Measuring Engagement in the Classroom McKinney ISD-G211

Ever wonder if engagement is

happening in classrooms? How

can we measure engagement?

Participants will understand the

importance of measuring en-

gagement to best DESIGN in-

struction to support deep levels

of learning. Participants will

generate ideas to compose their

own tool for measuring engage-

ment in the classroom.

TUESDAY July 22, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 2

2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups

From Library to Learning Commons...Buckle Up! McKinney ISD-K120

An overview of McKinney ISD's

journey from traditional school

libraries to a Learning Commons

Model. This presentation will

outline our process for change

and creating large learning spac-

es for groups and individual

learners that promotes quality

"disruptive change".

From Polka Dot to Plaid: Weaving a New Tapestry of Leadership Lewisville ISD-G156

How does a learning organiza-

tion move toward a more inte-

grated and fluid approach to

growing leaders? Come and

explore a model used by Lewis-

ville ISD that intentionally con-

nects district content and pro-

gram specialists, campus admin-

istrators and teacher leaders.

This session is suitable for all

participants interested in grow-

ing leadership throughout the


Re-Imagine Learning: Making Student Thinking Visible with 21st Century Tools Lewisville ISD-K214

Come and re-imagine how learn-

ing can look with various devic-

es in various classrooms. After

all, it's not what tools you use,

but how you use the tools that

makes an impact. Participants

will explore how the use of tech-

nology can make student think-

ing visible, create a record of

student learning, and aid in

formative assessment.

Front-Load Design: Reimagine Teaching with Tech Lewisville ISD-K226

Starting with the tool? Stop.

Learn how to create out-of-this-

world technology integrated

lessons with five simple design

guidelines: THINK. CREATE.


SHOW. Beginners to advanced

tech users will benefit, learn new

tips-n-tricks and take a new front

-loaded approach to instructional

design for tech.

Journey through the Elementary Flipped Classroom Highland Park ISD-K126

Do you want to maximize learn-

ing time for students? Come and

learn the important components

of developing and implementing

a Flipped Classroom at the ele-

mentary level. Attendees will

learn valuable strategies based

on qualitative and quantitative

evidence. The Flipped Model

teaches students to become com-

petent with technology as well as

becoming self-directed learners.

Students are then able to manage

their own time and resources and

become more willing to take

risks with their learning. This

course is geared towards those

beginning their journey with the

Flipped Classroom.

The One-iPad Classroom Richardson ISD-G123

This session will cover real-life

examples of the one-iPad class-

room with our teachers and stu-

dents. We will highlight iPad

classroom management in multi-

ple situations using a variety of

apps, resources, and equipment.


Breakout Session 2 Tuesday

1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

Building Capacity Through a Different Kind of Coach Lewisville ISD-G247

When Lewisville ISD created its

Strategic Design, district admin-

istrators began to plan for imple-

mentation and change across its

64 campuses. Forty Strategic

Design Coaches were hired to

foster the change called for in

Strategic Design across the dis-

trict. But their main goal was to

build capacity for innovation

within teachers so that they

would continue creative work on

campuses when coaches were

not available. In this session,

follow the Strategic Design

coaches on their two year jour-

ney of trying to work themselves

out of a job by building capacity

within LISD teachers to design

and deliver engaging lessons.

A Global Connections Journey Highland Park ISD-G117

In this session, HPISD's Global

Connections Liaison will

share her journey to prepare

globally competent students. In

sharing her beliefs and goals, we

will explore the processes and

programs that have been estab-

lished through this initiative.

TUESDAY July 22, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 2

2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups

Coppell ISD Learning Framework Coppell ISD-G156

Participants will understand the

components of the Coppell ISD

Learning Framework and how

CISD uses this document to

support and drive the construc-

tivist philosophy of the district.

Participants will interact with the

chapters of the Learning Frame-

work and have opportunities to

make applications to their goals

and practice.

Building a Culture of Innovation in the Middle School Math Classroom Lewisville ISD-G123

With the increasing rigor of the

mathematics curriculum, it is

important to develop middle

schools math students who are

able to analyze, synthesize and

apply critical thinking to deepen

their understanding of the power

standards. In this session, we

will explore how to create a

culture and climate for engaging

students through the use of pur-

poseful and meaningful activi-

ties. These activities will require

students to design solutions to

relevant, real-world situations,

learn questioning strategies that

guide their learning, and effec-

tively collaborate and communi-

cate within and outside the class-

room. This session is for all

middle school math teachers.


Aligning Instruction Through Feedback Northwest ISD-G151

Participants will learn how to

guide teachers to improve their

instruction through feedback.

Principals and others charged

with monitoring the instruction

on a campus will systematically

focus on alignment through a

series of protocols.

Living, Learning, Leading -- The Glen Oaks Way! McKinney ISD-G211

A panel of elementary students

will discuss what it means to

live, learn, and lead for a happy,

successful life. They will ex-

plain how they apply their lead-

ership skills in learning opportu-

nities as they discuss their roles

in the Project-Based Learning

environment. They will be able

to explain how they communi-

cate, collaborate, create, and

think critically throughout learn-

ing experiences.


Breakout Session 2 Tuesday

1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

Creating a "Paperless" Classroom: One Teacher's Journey Highland Park ISD-K126

A middle school science teacher

shares his story of the process of

creating a virtually "paperless"

classroom. Topics discussed

include hardware selection and

implementation, software selec-

tion and implementation, as well

as the complete content loop

from lesson distribution, student

content creation, and finally

teacher feedback. All of this is

accomplished without relying

upon paper or a copying ma-


PBL Process and Protocols for Successful Implementation Coppell ISD-H120

Educators employ a variety of

learning structures to better meet

the needs of their diverse learn-

ers. Project-Based Learning

requires design upfront to ensure

successful learning outcomes.

Come learn from current prac-

tioners on the key processes and

protocols every educator should

use in the design process. There

will be an emphasis on the im-

portance of being TEKS driven

and the role of technology inte-

gration in a PBL classroom.

TUESDAY July 22, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 2

2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups

Curriculum Flipping in the Primary Classroom Richardson ISD-K214

What does curriculum flipping

look like in a primary class-

room? How does it change in-

structional practices and learning

outcomes? Hear from K-2

teachers and administrators who

piloted this new approach and

experienced success. Get the

tools and knowledge to begin

your own curriculum flipping


Enriching Your Vision Using Formative Assessment Highland Park ISD-K200

Designed to address both begin-

ning and experienced educators,

this workshop will present par-

ticipants with teacher-friendly

tips and tools for enhancing their

vision of teaching and learning

in their classrooms, using a crea-

tive, on-going process of forma-

tive assessment.

Creativity³= Creating a Creative Culture Lewisville ISD-G147

Discover how Lewisville ISD

fosters and develops creative

abilities! Participants will experi-

ence techniques used to encour-

age and develop innovative ca-

pacities. Participants will be

encouraged to let their imagina-

tion run wild through the use of

creation apps, fostering a crea-

tive environment and developing

a creative skill set. The intended

audience are those who are inter-

ested in delving into how crea-

tive tendencies are being fos-

tered in Lewisville ISD.

Music-Based Learning - Creating Musical Products to Demonstrate Learning Lewisville ISD-G255

This presentation will showcase

possible outcomes of allowing

students to create a musical

product to demonstrate their

learning. Students will discuss

their experiences regarding com-

pleting traditional assessments

versus creating musical products

for assessment, and how their

depth of knowledge was affected

by the creation of musical prod-

ucts. Examples of student crea-

tions will be shared. This ses-

sion is for all interested.


Breakout Session 2 Tuesday

1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

Speed Date My iPad Highland Park ISD-H104

Each presenter will share 3-4

creativity/productivity apps

which serve as tools and re-

sources to enrich the design of

engaging lessons. Participants

will move from table to table

every 10 minutes to experience

different apps and gain ideas

about how these apps support

enhanced student achievement.

Participants will walk away from

this session with an overview of

each app and lesson ideas to add

to their instructional toolkit.

Plano ISD Academy Tour Plano ISD-On site at Plano

The first 50 participants will

enjoy a tour of the Plano Acade-

my High School and highlights

of their program which include

an innovative, project-based 9th-

12th grade learning community

committed to fostering a profes-

sional environment, inspiring

creativity, and empowering stu-

dents to collaborate and compete

in a rapidly changing world.

With an emphasis on science,

technology, engineering, arts,

and mathematics (STEAM) and

interdisciplinary connections,

student learning is anchored in

real world experiences which

rely on continuous collaboration

with others both inside and out-

side the school.

TUESDAY July 22, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Ravitch/Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 2

2:30-3:30 Job Alike Groups

e-Portfolios: The Gold Standard of Student Learning Northwest ISD-G141 Participants will view interactive

e-portfolios created by middle

school students. Every NISD

middle school student creates a e

-portfolio, but the unique charac-

teristics are left to them to de-

sign. Learn from these principals

how teachers and students use

these portfolios to reflect on their


Virtual Learning Environment for PD Frisco ISD-G229 Learn how to create a Virtual

Learning Environment that culti-

vates a team culture while in-

creasing implementation. Ex-

plore technology tools that will

allow you to turn your work-

shops into job-embedded

professional development that

increases implementation and

allows participants to work as a

collaborative team.

Standards Based Instruction: Evidence of Learning Northwest ISD-H146

Through the use of Standards

Based Bulletin Boards, NISD

has created a systematic way to

bring transparency of instruction

throughout the building. Partici-

pants will learn how to plan,

implement, and assess in a stand-

ards based system.

Technology Decision-Making Best Practices Richardson ISD-K204

With ever-evolving technologies,

how do you determine what is

affordable, feasible, and applica-

ble for student learning? Rich-

ardson ISD will share with par-

ticipants their comprehensive

technology decision-making


PLCs at Work on Your Campus Northwest ISD-K226

Participants will hear how three

different campuses transformed

their teacher planning time into

true PLCs. Principals will share

protocols, expectations, and

examples of authentic work de-

signed to support teachers and

improve classroom experiences.


Breakout Session 3


10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

Capacity Building on a Grand Scale Lewisville ISD-G259 How do you support teachers

with technology integration

while building teacher leader

capacity on campuses? First,

begin with a group of Learning

Technology Coaches and build a

cadre of volunteer teachers with

varying technology capabilities

and provide differentiated train-

ing on technology tools, best

practices, and the principles of

adult learning. Next, follow up

and provide support as cadre

members train and mentor their

peers at the campus and district

level. Lewisville ISD's 21st

Century Learning Cadre has

grown to impact professional

learning on an individual, small

group, campus, and district--

wide basis. Please come with a

device of your choice and head-

phones in order to gain full bene-

fit of our interactive gallery walk

of the #21cadre experience.

Creating 21st Century Learning Spaces Richardson ISD-G117

Participants will explore ideas

for renovating existing spaces on

a low budget and creating new

spaces in newly constructed

buildings and classrooms. An

emphasis will be on how these

decisions impact student learn-


WEDNESDAY July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 3

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 4

2:30-3:30 Optional District

Collaborative Time

Community-Based Assessment and Accountability System (CBAAS): To Whom Should We Be Accountable? Highland Park ISD-H146

Should we be more accountable

to our state, nation or to our own

community? Article VI in Creat-

ing a New Vision for Public

Education in Texas speaks to the

reciprocal relationship needed

between the school and stake-

holders and offers a compelling

charge for us to build a stronger

sense of community ownership.

The development of a Communi-

ty-Based Assessment and Ac-

countability System (CBAAS) is

a collaborative journey where a

variety of representative stake-

holders partner with the school

district and local community to

establish a system that holds

schools accountable for that

which the community identifies

as important. During this ses-

sion, representatives from High-

land Park ISD will share the

purpose, the processes, and the

lessons learned from embarking

on this innovative approach to


Yong Zhao—Q & A-PAC

Yong Zhao will provide follow-

up to the keynote with more

information and an opportunity

to address questions.

Changing Digital Campus Culture Allen ISD-H120 Principals will share the success-

es and challenges at three sepa-

rate campuses in changing the

way students, teachers, and staff

create and produce with technol-

ogy. Learn how these campuses

empowered their schools,

hurdles to avoid, and specific

strategies to increase the produc-

tion and creation with technolo-


Reflective Learning with Reading and Writing Conferences Highland Park ISD-K214

During this session you will dig

deeply into the conferring pro-

cess in the reading and writing

workshop. You will discuss the

value of conferring, as well as

practical tips for record-keeping.

In addition, you will learn how

to use the data to design learning

experiences. Whether you are

beginning to use conferences, or

you simply want to use them

more effectively, come and learn

how purposeful conversations

with your students can support

self-reflection and increased

learning. Attendees may bring

any portable device (iPad, tablet,

iPhone, smartphone).


Breakout Session 3 Wednesday

10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

Future Ready - The Allen Way Allen ISD-K226

Future ready is the description of

Allen ISD students and gradu-

ates. Using the LMS Canvas, by

Instructure, learn how this fast-

growth district is transforming

education, teaching and learning.

Learn how to implement online

and blended learning in a sys-

tematic, strategic way that sup-

ports high quality instruction and

student achievement. Hear six

keys to success including strate-

gic planning with stakeholders,

clear vision and beliefs, collabo-

ration across district, an instruc-

tional model, high quality pro-

fessional development and im-

plementation planning essentials.

Gain ideas and examples for all

to build online learning and

make a difference for today's

students--who are tomorrow's


Lewisville's Assessment Cooperatives: Building Campus Level Capacity Lewisville ISD-G147

Learn how Lewisville ISD

formed elementary and middle

school assessment cooperatives.

Participants will examine the

materials, tools, and techniques

that were used to build teacher

capacity in the area of formative

assessment. Examples will illus-

trate how teachers applied their

knowledge in the classroom.

WEDNESDAY July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 3

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 4

2:30-3:30 Optional District

Collaborative Time

Teaching Towards Independence: The Backwards Planning Model Frisco ISD-G151 Participants will understand and

use the Backwards Planning

Model, focusing on reading,

social studies integration, and

writing. Participants will look at

student behaviors and teacher

behaviors that facilitate learning.

Participants will understand how

backwards planning develops a

clear idea of what a standard

really looks like in a classroom.

Plano ISD Academy Tour Plano ISD-On site at Plano

The first 50 participants will

enjoy a tour of the Plano Acade-

my High School and highlights

of their program which include

an innovative, project-based 9th-

12th grade learning community

committed to fostering a profes-

sional environment, inspiring

creativity, and empowering stu-

dents to collaborate and compete

in a rapidly changing world.

With an emphasis on science,

technology, engineering, arts,

and mathematics (STEAM) and

interdisciplinary connections,

student learning is anchored in

real world experiences which

rely on continuous collaboration

with others both inside and out-

side the school.

Going Google with Richardson ISD Richardson ISD-G123 Richardson ISD will share their

experience with becoming a

Google Apps for Education dis-

trict that now has over 47,000

user accounts. They will share

the process they went through to

set up their Google domain, how

they manage their accounts,

resources they used to support

their implementation, as well as

information on how they trained

their teachers. They will also

share the experience of one cam-

pus that has gone 100% Google

Apps including using Chrome-

books as their 1:1 student device.

Flip Creativity into Science Allen ISD-K200

Flipped learning has opened the

door to so many possibilities for

improving learning and the

learning environment. What

started with a need to find class

time to help students has become

student time to do physics and

show some creativity. Students

who are not usually interested in

science are engaged and encour-

aged to show their learning

through creativity. Creativity can

be implemented in a science

class through web tools, inquiry

activities, 20% project

(genius hour) and alternative

assessment without adding on to

the required content.

Using Formative Assessment in Secondary Allen ISD-G211

In this teacher-led session, learn-

ers will experience an overview

of best practices in assessment

and then hear practical examples

of formative assessment from

elementary teachers from a vari-

ety of grades and subject areas.


Breakout Session 3 Wednesday

10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future to Engage Gifted Students McKinney ISD-G229 “Gifted students have been de-

fined as those who possess ex-

ceptional abilities in any area of

learning that significantly ex-

ceeds age-level expecta-

tions” (Winebrenner, 2001).

Many gifted and high ability

students will not make academic

progress within a school year

without the implementation of

engaging work. The focus of the

engaging classroom should in-

sure students must show growth

as well as mastery of the stand-

ards. In the MISD ALPHA

Gifted and Talented program, we

want to encourage creativity,

inspire a curiosity, feed a sense

of wonder, and spark an imagi-

nation. The McKinney ISD's

gifted and talented program of-

fers a wide range of opportuni-

ties for students to participate in

real-world, hands-on project

based learning opportunities, not

only in language arts but also in

math and science. Come here

our story.

WEDNESDAY July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 3

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 4

2:30-3:30 Optional District

Collaborative Time

Journey to Project-Based Learning McKinney ISD-A106

Are you ready for Project-Based

Learning? This session will

address four readiness factors to

consider before committing to a

PBL instructional model. Partic-

ipants will evaluate current prac-

tices to measure staff's

knowledge of standards/

objectives, staff's lesson design

abilities, growth mindset of

stakeholders, and student dispo-

sition to learning.

Unlocking the Digital Genius Coppell ISD-G115 CISD is seizing the power of

technology to capture the hearts

and minds of this digital genera-

tion. Integration Specialists share

how they developed the moral

imperative for transformation

leveraging the power of technol-

ogy through an innovative, dif-

ferentiated professional learning

plan. Come learn how to unlock

your digital genius.

Systematically Building Instructional Leaders Northwest ISD-G156

As a result of its tremendous

growth, NISD has created a sys-

tematic approach to building

instructional leaders. From

teacher leaders to identifying

principal candidates, NISD iden-

tifies potential leaders and offers

focused training programs.

Transforming Learning Environments Coppell ISD-H104

We believe that each learner

deserves to learn in a safe and

healthy environment. Educators

can create ideal learning envi-

ronments by addressing the fol-

lowing five areas: academic,

physical & virtual, social &

emotional, and community in-

volvement. While some envi-

ronmental changes might sound

overwhelming and expensive

(i.e. knocking down walls), other

ideas will be shared that can be

quickly and cheaply implement-

ed in August. Examples from

classrooms, hallways, libraries,

common spaces, and outside

areas in all grade levels will be


Our Journey with Elementary Instructional Coaching Frisco ISD-G129

Beginning the journey starts with

researching and talking with

stakeholders about the vision,

mission and goal. The first step

is picking the right people and

providing them with quality

professional development. The

next step is just taking the step.


Breakout Session 4 Wednesday

1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

1 to 1 Implementation with Secondary Students: Technology Integration Northwest ISD-K226

Participants will hear how NISD

has adopted its second genera-

tion of a 1 to 1 student device

program at its secondary schools.

Learn about the selection pro-

cess, the rollout, the PD in-

volved, and the implementation

into the classroom.

Building District Capacity through Your Campus Leaders Lewisville ISD-G147

Transform your student learning

and build capacity in your dis-

trict. Replicate this successful

model from Lewisville ISD us-

ing your campus administrators,

teacher leaders, and other district

specialists, creating a group of

leaders that are "multipliers".

Learn how you can develop cam-

pus leaders to transform instruc-

tional practices combining learn-

ing, collaboration, and campus

walks focused on initiatives such

as: Project Based Learning, De-

sign Qualities, and Assessment


WEDNESDAY July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 3

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 4

2:30-3:30 Optional District

Collaborative Time

Building Collaboration using an Instructional Coaching Model Frisco ISD-A106

Partnering with the Charles A.

Dana Center at UT Austin since

2008, Frisco ISD has built a

secondary Instructional Coach-

ing model with campus instruc-

tional coaches, campus adminis-

trators, and district coordinators.

Our goal? To create job-

embedded professional develop-

ment within schools that would

facilitate a teachers-helping-

teachers culture. Recognizing

that teacher behaviors affect

student learning and that coach-

ing has significant impact on

how teachers teach, our model

relies on a triad approach, link-

ing coaches and administrators

to teachers and shaping teacher

practice. In this session, we

share our journey and the experi-

ences that shaped our collabora-

tive model.

Using Formative Assessment in Elementary Allen ISD-G115

In this teacher-led session, learn-

ers will experience an overview

of best practices in assessment

and then hear practical examples

of formative assessment from

elementary teachers from a vari-

ety of grades and subject areas.

Blended Learning: Let's Get Beyond the Hype Coppell ISD-K214 Campus leaders and educators

share their journey and imple-

mentation of an innovative

blended learning structure.

"Blending" the best practices of

face to face learning design with

the best practices of virtual con-

tent design can inspire amazing

results from learners. Coppell

ISD will share their experiences,

strategies and mistakes to avoid

in the implementation of the

blended learning model at the

secondary level.

Building Leadership Capacity to Support Special Education and 504 Coppell ISD-G247

Participants will learn how to

develop and utilize campus ad-

ministrators to improve special

education and 504 outcomes.

Presenters will share how and

why they developed a "Campus

Administrator Handbook for

Intervention Services", as well

as an overview of the interactive,

case-study professional learning

session used to build capacity

within Coppell ISD campus



Breakout Session 4 Wednesday

1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

Vision of Transformation through Recognition Lewisville ISD-G229 As we began Lewisville ISD’s

Strategic Design initiative, we

recognized a need for tangible

resources to highlight our dis-

trict’s goals and beliefs in action.

In addition to collecting evi-

dence, we saw a need for staff

recognition. Digitally showcas-

ing the work and using Twitter

as the platform was our solution.

Transforming School Culture Through the Implementation of Professional Learning Communities Richardson ISD-G156

Experience how one elementary

school principal transformed the

culture of his school by imple-

menting professional learning

communities. Learn how PLC's

catapulted the school from low-

performing to sustained exem-

plary status.

Yong Zhao—Q&A-PAC

Yong Zhao will provide follow-

up to the keynote with more

information and an opportunity

to address questions.

WEDNESDAY July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 3

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 4

2:30-3:30 Optional District

Collaborative Time

Building Learning Pathways Lewisville ISD-G123

Come and hear the story of how

one instructional technology

department in the DFW area

revamped the thinking and de-

sign of one key “capacity-

building” process. The story

begins with the creation and first

steps of an innovative group of

“teacher-leaders,” known as the

Foundational Build Team. This

team tackled an important ques-

tion: How do I facilitate a ses-

sion, so that each participant-

teacher “owns their learning”

and works at their own

“implementation” pace? The

work of this remarkable team not

only serves as an ingredient in

our support model, but it also

directly tackles a few obstacles

that have notoriously inhibited

high-performing, busy teachers.

At the end of this session, partic-

ipants will walk away with a

new teacher-leader “capacity-

building” model as well as a new

participant-driven PD model for

tech integration.

What's up with PBL Highland Park ISD-H104

Participants will:

1. Explore project-based learning

as an approach to teaching &


2. Experience samples of project

-based learning units of study

3. Hear reflections from various


Screenrecording Videos on iPads Highland Park ISD-K200

Videos provide a great resource

for student learning and can now

be created quickly and easily by

both teachers and students. This

session will provide an overview

of how content support is chang-

ing as well as a tutorial on how

to make your first video. Videos

are not just for “flipping” class-

rooms. Current applications


* Support for struggling or

absent learners

* Access to short, daily lesson

tutorials for difficult content

* Content re-teach before re-


* Front-loading of information

* Student demonstrations and

personal video “notes”

* Content delivery during

teacher absences

Reflecting on the Principals' Visioning Institute Northwest ISD-H120

Participants will hear about the

Principals' Vision Institute and

how such a network can both

benefit and transform a leader's

own perspectives. Hear from

both a high school and an ele-

mentary principal about the pro-

cess and how it helped steer their

campuses toward the future of


Support Flipped Allen ISD-K204 Flipped Classroom is a strong

instructional strategy, focused on

student success. Hear how Allen

High School administrators sup-

port the Flipped Classroom.

Learn the what, why and the



Breakout Session 4 Wednesday

1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.

Developing a Community Based Accountability System Northwest ISD-H146

NISD has gone through an ex-

tensive process to develop their

own Community Based Ac-

countability System and report-

ing dashboard. Participants will

learn how to include stakehold-

ers in the process, collect the

data from various sources, and

report the data to the public in a

efficient manner.

Innovations in Reading Interventions: How We Used Technology and Paradigm Shifts to Create an Effective Approach for Struggling Readers K-12 Lewisville ISD-G211

Sometimes just seeing how

someone has manifested com-

mon goals can inspire us. In this

presentation, the Reading Inter-

vention Leaders from LISD will

present their structures, products,

and stories of how they built

reading interventions for stu-

dents through innovative uses of

technology, principles of strate-

gic design, and by changing the

mindset of teachers. Participants

will be challenged to think about

reading interventions and how

we can best serve the students

who need them in this new age

of education.

WEDNESDAY July 23, 2014

8:30-8:45 Welcome

8:45-9:45 Zhao Keynote

10:00-11:30 Session 3

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Session 4

2:30-3:30 Optional District

Collaborative Time

Expert Mining: Building Educator Capacity through Community Collaboration Lewisville ISD-G141

With the world at our fingertips,

finding the right specialist to

support and further authentic

learner experiences can be a

daunting task, but the risk in-

volved in opening up the class-

room to the community can be

minimized. Discover tools, tips,

and strategies for digging into

the wealth of stakeholder abili-

ties, building pools of appropri-

ate and eager experts, and con-

necting educators with local

professionals as we all work

toward crafting engaging, real-

world learning opportunities for

our schools. This session is

designed for teachers, campus

leaders, district leadership, and

community stakeholders who are

interested in delving deeper into

utilizing the vast resources found

in our communities.

Engaging At-Risk-Students in a Core Content Science Course Using PBL and 21st Century Leadership Skills McKinney ISD-G117 The session, Engaging At-Risk-

Students in a Core Content Sci-

ence Course Using PBL and 21st

Century Leadership Skills, will

explore the implementation of an

initial credit science course for

an At-Risk student struggling in

science and math. The design of

using PBL and embedding 21st

Leadership skills will be dis-

cussed by the presenters. The

intent of the session is to have a

student discuss their perspective

about the course and what im-

pact it made on their learning as

they entered high school.

Staff/Student Learning Hub Frisco ISD-G259

Ask not what you have to do for

an LMS, ask what your LMS can

do for you! A learning manage-

ment system can offer so much

more than a mere web site.

Come see how Frisco ISD is

using Moodle to facilitate collab-

oration, share resources and

create unique instruction oppor-

tunities for both staff and stu-
