Viqar Husain, Jarod George Kelly, Robert Santacruz ...

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Transcript of Viqar Husain, Jarod George Kelly, Robert Santacruz ...

Quantum gravity of dust collapse

Viqar Husain,∗ Jarod George Kelly,† Robert Santacruz,‡ and Edward Wilson-Ewing§

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3

We study the quantum gravitational collapse of spherically symmetric pressureless dust. Using aneffective equation derived from a quantization in connection-triad phase space variables of generalrelativity, we find numerically, for a variety of initial dust configurations, that (i) trapped surfacesform and disappear as an initially collapsing density profile evolves into an outgoing shockwave; (ii)black hole lifetime is proportional to the square of its mass; and (iii) there is no mass inflation atinner apparent horizons. These results provide a substantially different view of black hole formationand subsequent evolution than found from a semi-classical analysis.

In classical general relativity, black holes are the finalstate of the gravitational collapse of sufficiently massiveinitial configurations of matter. Hints of the stability ofblack holes first appeared in linear stability analyses ofblack hole space-times, and subsequently through analyt-ical [1] and numerical studies [2] of scalar field collapsein spherical symmetry.

In semiclassical gravity, defined broadly as the studyof quantum test fields on curved space-time, it was dis-covered that black holes radiate [3] and therefore have afinite lifetime. The effect of this radiation on the blackhole space-time is usually modelled by a sequence ofquasi-static configurations of shrinking mass M(t). SinceHawking radiation is that of a black body, at least to afirst approximation, mass loss is described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law together with the facts that black holemass is proportional to its radius, and its temperature isinversely proportional to mass. This leads to a black holelifetime proportional to the cube of its mass in Planckunits. Thus while black holes are stable in classical grav-ity, they are not in the semiclassical regime.

The lifetime result assumes that semiclassical gravityholds up to the final stages of black hole evaporation.However, since a black hole gets hotter and the curvatureat the horizon gets larger as its mass shrinks, the semi-classical approximation is expected to fail at least in thelate stages of evaporation due to the “backreaction” ofHawking radiation on the space-time, beyond just theeffect due to shrinking mass.

What is required for a complete understanding of blackhole physics is nothing less than a unified description ofgravitational collapse in quantum gravity that is capa-ble of describing the entire evolution, from the initialstages of collapse to the late stages of Hawking radiationand subsequent evolution of matter and space-time. Suchan understanding might arise from the quantization of aclassical model such as pressureless dust or scalar field inspherical symmetry.

There are a variety of studies that use sphericallysymmetric models with the ultimate aim of understand-ing the entire collapse process and subsequent evolutionquantum mechanically. These fall into two main types,those that start from a black hole space-time, quantize

its interior as a cosmological space-time, and then matchit to an exterior Schwarzschild metric [4–9], and thosethat avoid such an interior-exterior separation (and donot assume a pre-exisiting horizon) [10–21]. The workwe present here falls in the second category.

In this Letter we develop and study an effective quan-tum gravity formalism for pressureless dust collapse inspherical symmetry. Classically this is the well-studiedLemaıtre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) space-time; for earlierwork towards a quantum theory of this model see [22–24]. We derive effective quantum-gravity corrected equa-tions in the connection-triad variables [25, 26] for Hamil-tonian general relativity, and solve them numerically fortwo classes of initial data.

Our main result is that in-falling dust bounces whenspace-time curvature reaches the Planck scale, and formsan outgoing shock wave. When the shock wave reachesthe Schwarzschild radius, the trapped region(s) formedduring in-fall disappear. This feature rules out rem-nants, and realizes explicitly the heuristic ideas concern-ing formation and evolution of non-singular black holesdiscussed in the literature [11, 27, 28]. We calculate thelifetime T of a black hole, and find T ∼M2, a time muchshorter than that predicted by Hawking radiation.

The class of metrics we study is

ds2 = −dt2 +

(dx+Nx(x, t)dt

)21 + E(x, t)

+ x2dΩ2, (1)

where t ∈ R, x ∈ R≥0 and dΩ2 is the unit sphere metric.This is a Painleve-Gullstrand form of the spherically sym-metric Lemaıtre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) space-times. Thestress-energy tensor for dust is Tab = ρ(x, t)uaub whereua is the unit 4-velocity of the dust field and ρ(x, t) itsenergy density.

Spherically symmetric metrics may be written in vari-ables appropriate for the triad-connection phase space ofgeneral relativity. The (densitized) triads are defined by[19, 29]

Ex1 = Ea sin θ, Eθ2 = Eb sin θ, Eφ3 = Eb, (2)

and give the metric

ds2 = −N2dt2 +(Eb)2

Ea(dx+Nxdt)2 + EadΩ2. (3)












The corresponding Hamiltonian theory is given by thecanonically conjugate phase space variables (a,Ea) and(b,Eb), and the canonical pair corresponding to pressure-less dust (T , pT ). These satisfy the Poisson bracket rela-tions

a(x),Ea(x′) = 2Gγ δ(x− x′),b(x),Eb(x′) = Gγ δ(x− x′), (4)

T (x), pT (x′) = δ(x− x′)/4π,

where γ is the Barbero-Immirzi parameter. These vari-ables are subject to the Hamiltonian and diffeomorphismconstraints of general relativity. We fix the gauge free-dom generated by the first constraint by setting T = t[30], and the second by setting Ea = x2. Preservationof these gauge-fixing conditions under evolution requiresN = 1 [20, 30] and Nx = −b/γ [12, 19]. The resultingHamiltonian theory has one remaining local degree offreedom with phase space variables (b,Eb). The reducedcanonical action is






), (5)

Hphys ≡ −1








b− 3γx



(6)Hphys is the true physical Hamiltonian. The dust energydensity is

ρ = − Hphys

4πxEb, (7)

and the total mass contained within a radius x is

m(x, t) = 4π

∫ x


dx x Ebρ = −∫ x


dxHphys. (8)

This completes the description of the classical theory.We quantize the theory by first defining a discretiza-

tion of the classical theory on a radial lattice, a proceduresimilar in spirit to lattice gauge theory. Let us define anequi-spaced radial lattice: x → xn,n = 0 · · ·N , withxn+1 − xn = w, fn = f(xn), and ∂xf(xn) → (fn+1 −fn)/w. The phase space variables are then defined atdiscrete points bn(t) ≡ b(xn, t) and Ebn(t) ≡ Eb(xn, t),and their fundamental Poisson bracket is bn,Ebm =Gγδm,n/w. The physical Hamiltonian Hphys becomes asum over lattice sites.

We quantize this discrete theory using a polymer quan-tization that proceeds by representing at each point n thealgebra

exp(iµbn),Ebn =iµGγ

wexp(iµbn) (9)

on the Hilbert space Hn with basis vectors |Eb〉n andinner product n〈Eb|Eb′〉n = δEb,Eb′ ; this is similar to

the momentum representation for a particle on R withthe difference that the r.h.s. is the Kronecker delta. Thisdiscrete inner product is the defining feature of the poly-mer Hilbert space Hn. With Nn(µ) ≡ exp(iµbn), therepresentation is defined by

Ebn|Eb〉n = Eb|Eb〉n,

Nn(µ)|Eb〉n = |Eb + ~Gγµ/w〉. (10)

The Hilbert space for the entire lattice is the tensor prod-uct H = ⊗Nn=0 Hn.

The operator corresponding to the Hamiltonian Hphys

requires a definition of the operator bn from the elemen-tary operators (10). The simplest possibility is (see, e.g.,[26])

bn(µ) =1


(Nn(µ)− Nn(µ)†

). (11)

The parameter µ is as yet unspecified—it may be a con-stant, or a function of xn and/or Ebn without affecting thealgebra. A physical ingredient is required to fix it. To dothis, recall that since Eb is the θ component of the triad,Nn(µ) is the generator of translations in the θ directionby an angle µ. The physical distance in this direction atthe radial lattice point xn is |∆s| = xnµ = `Pl, wherethe last equality is the desired physical input: the ele-mentary translation operator in the Hamiltonian shouldcorrespond to a Planck-length step. This sets [19]

µ =`Pl

xn. (12)

This summarizes the quantization; details appear in [31].An effective Hamiltonian can be extracted from this

quantization by replacing bn in the discretized Hphys bythe corresponding classical function that contains Plancklength corrections, and then taking the continuum limit.Using (11) and (12) this classical function is

bn =xn`Pl



), (13)

and the continuum limit gives

Heffphys = − 1




(x3 sin2






b − 3γx





Setting γ = `Pl = 1, the effective equations obtainedfrom this Hamiltonian are

b =x


− 1

2x− x sin






x+ x ∂x sin



], (15)

Eb = − x2







x. (16)


It is evident that Eb = x is a solution of the secondequation. In classical theory this corresponds to the classof LTB solutions with E(x) = 0 in the metric (1). Inthe remainder of this Letter, we consider this class ofspace-times. With Eb = x, the effective equation (15)simplifies,



(x3 sin2 b


)= 0. (17)

To summarize our results to this point, after gauge-fixing the scalar and diffeomorphism constraints, wequantized the spherically symmetric pressureless dustmodel; from this we obtained the effective equations (15)-(16) containing Planck scale corrections; and lastly we re-stricted to the class of solutions of the effective equationswith Eb = x, resulting in (17).

For the class of solutions with Eb = x, the energydensity is related to b(x, t) by

ρ = −Heff





(x3 sin2 b


), (18)

and the effective metric is

ds2 = −dt2 +(

dx+Nx(x, t)dt)2

+ x2dΩ2. (19)

Recalling that Nx = −b is induced by the gauge-fixingcondition Ea = x2, we require an effective expression forNx compatible with that used for b2 in Hphys (6). Thisis

Nx = −x2




), (20)

a form also used in related discussions of effective equa-tions in vacuum spherical symmetry [18, 19].

To solve (17) numerically, we first define the variableB(x, t) = xb(x, t) to simplify (17) to the form of a con-servation law, and then rewrite it as an integral equationso discontinuities in B can be handled, giving



∫ x2


B(x, t) dx+1


[x3 sin2

(B(x, t)




= 0 ; (21)

the term in brackets is the mass function

m(x, t) = 4π

∫ x


r2ρ(r, t) dr =1

2x3 sin2



). (22)

Our numerical procedure is the well-known Godunovmethod (see, e.g., [32]). This method involves dividingthe integration domain into cells, solving the Riemannproblem in each cell, and enforcing flux continuity be-tween cells. The only generalization of this method nec-essary for our purposes comes from noting that the cur-rent in the continuity equation (21) depends explicitlyon position x; we address this by evaluating x at theboundary between two cells when computing the flux.

To specify initial data we fix the mass function for atotal mass M by defining

m0(x) = M

∫ x0r2ρ0(r)dr∫∞


. (23)

Through (22), this determines the initial value B0(x).We use two types of initial density profiles with param-eters (x0,σ), the Gaussian and the hyperbolic tangentfunctions

ρG0 (x) = exp[−(x− x0)2/σ2

], (24)

ρT0 (x) = 1 + tanh[−(x− x0)/σ]. (25)

The first is a smooth dust ring centred at x0, and thesecond is a star-like distribution of near constant densityand initial radius x0. In both cases we set σ and x0 suchthat initially there is no apparent horizon.

At each time step we compute the density ρ(x, t) andthe function

Θ+(x, t) = |∇x|2 = 1− (Nx)2

= 1− x2




), (26)

using the expression (20) for the effective Nx; the ze-ros of this function determine the locations of apparenthorizons, see, e.g., [33].

Figure 1 shows frames from the evolution of a linearcombination of initial Gaussian data. Several features areevident: (i) during the collapse, apparent horizons formin pairs (located at the zeros of Θ+), the first due tothe closer profile, and subsequently the second; (ii) thereis a bounce at the origin; (iii) an outgoing gravitationalshock wave forms, and horizons eventually disappear asthe shock wave moves outward; (iv) the density and massfunction remain bounded at all times, and the total massis conserved under evolution; (v) there is no instability ormass inflation (unlike in classical general relativity [34,35]); (vi) after the inner profile bounces, its collision withthe second ingoing profile does not result in recollapse;(vii) there is no curvature singularity. These featuresare observed in all our simulations, and are qualitativelyindependent of σ and x0.

We computed the lifetime T of the black hole as a func-tion of the total mass M of the data for the initial densityconfigurations (24) and (25) by recording during the sim-ulation the time interval (in Planck units) between theformation of the outermost apparent horizon and its dis-appearance. The results are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 (forσ = 1/2). The linear dependence in the log-log plots isapparent. The fit to the curves appears in top left cornersof these figures. The coefficient of M2 is approximately8π/3, a numerical factor that can be computed analyt-ically for the quantum Oppenheimer-Snyder model [31].Thus the leading order contribution to T is

T ∼ 8π

3M2, (27)


FIG. 1. Dust density ρ (left column) and apparent horizon function Θ+ (right column) at the times indicated. The initial datais ρ0(r) = exp

(−2(x− 1.5M)2

)/5 + exp

(−4(x− 3.5M)2

)/10 with M = 5 in (23). The first two rows show the ingoing dust,

the middle one shows the bounce, and the last two show the outgoing shock wave until apparent horizons (the zeros of Θ+)disappear at t ∼ 202, in Planck units. For this initial data the outermost horizon forms at r = x = 2M = 10, and all mass fallswithin this radius before the bounce. (The vertical axes in the left column vary from one frame to the next.)

over three orders of magnitude in T for both initial dataprofiles.

To summarize, we derived effective Hamiltonian equa-tions that describe quantum gravitational features ofdust collapse in the loop quantum gravity formalism. Ourapproach is based on: (i) a complete gauge-fixing of theHamiltonian and diffeomorphism constraints that givesa physical Hamiltonian, (ii) a discretization and quan-tization of this system in a polymer framework that in-cludes a minimal length, and (iii) numerical integrationof a subclass of the effective equations. We found numer-ically that black holes are transitory and non-singular,

with a lifetime proportional to the square of their massto leading order.

A point of particular interest concerning our black holelifetime result is its consequence for Hawking radiation:it would commence when the outermost apparent horizonforms, and cease when it disappears a time ∼ M2 later.For M > 1 in Planck units, this is shorter than the Pagetime [36], when Hawking radiation and black hole entropyare maximally entangled. Therefore it seems likely thatthe black hole information loss problem does not arise inthe setting we have described. We leave an investigationof this and related questions for future work.


FIG. 2. Black hole lifetime for initial data (24) with σ = 0.5.

FIG. 3. Black hole lifetime for initial data (25) with σ = 0.5.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by theNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ofCanada. E.W.-E. also acknowledges support from theUNB Fritz Grein Award.


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