Vince Del Monte and Lee Hayward Present… · familiar with how to apply constant tension through a...

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Transcript of Vince Del Monte and Lee Hayward Present… · familiar with how to apply constant tension through a...

Vince Del Monte and Lee Hayward Present…

21-DAY FAST MASS BUILDING Featured 21-Day Specialization Workout:

Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest

Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.

Complete a thorough warm-up of cardiovascular activity, static stretching and dynamic stretching before commencing the workout.

For maximal fat burning during the Primer Phase you will perform five cardio workouts in the week alternating between interval and “slow-go” cardio. Perform at least three interval cardio workouts for 20 minutes. Do no do the interval workouts on your shoulder or leg days. Alternating 45 seconds hard and 15 seconds easy or 30 seconds hard and 30 seconds easy is excellent. Any form of cardio is acceptable. On the other two days perform 40 minutes of easy cardio. Any form is acceptable. Do your best to do the cardio at different times of the day away from your weights. First thing in the morning or in the evening before your last meal. If you can only train once a day, after your weights.

For maximal muscle-growth during the Overload Phase, limit your cardiovascular to a maximum of three 20-minutes interval workouts with the same protocol as above. Do not do interval workouts the same day as your shoulder or arms workouts.

It’s recommended that you apply Intentions to all your exercises. If you’re not familiar with how to apply constant tension through a muscle then pick up Ben Pakulski’s MI40 program immediately. It’ll give you further instruction on how to ensure you’re “feeling” your muscles and not putting unnecessary stress on your tendons, ligaments and joints.

You’ll also notice Ben Pakulski’s NOS (Neurological Overload Sets) used through this program. If you’re coming off MI40, you know how powerful they and we’ll continue to exploit their effectiveness. BUY Ben Pakulski’s MI40 through this link:

Safety Step #1: Master proper exercise technique with a slow and controlled tempo before increasing range of motion. An ideal tempo is 311 or 411 which means 3 second negative (lower), 1 second pause, 1 second concentric (lift). Think, CONTROL – PAUSE – EXPLODE as you lift.

Safety Step #2: Master a full range of motion before increasing load.

Safety Step #3: Keep increasing poundage but never sacrifice technique, range of motion or tempo. These following rules apply, strongly, towards all your muscle building workouts.

Summary of Progression to Increase Intensity: Smooth & controlled movement ->

Increase range of motion --> Add resistance Repeat

The 5 day Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest will be used for the entire 21 day

cycle on a 3 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 day off and repeat. Here’s a sample


Monday – Back/Chest

Tuesday – Quads/Hams

Wednesday – Shoulders

Thursday – Off

Friday – Chest/Back

Saturday – Biceps/Triceps

Sunday – Off

During the Primer Phase the primary goal is maximal fat loss and caloric

expenditure to set you up for the Anabolic Amplifier Effect. Here is a sample



AM: 20 minutes of intervals

PM: Back/Chest


AM: 40 minutes of easy cardio and stretching

PM: Quads/Hams


AM: 20 minutes of intervals

PM: Shoulders


AM: 40 minutes of easy cardio and stretching



AM: 20 minutes of intervals

PM: Chest/Back



PM: Biceps/Triceps

Sunday – OFF

During the Overload Phase the primary goal is maximal muscle growth and

caloric retention so no more than three interval cardio sessions for 20 minutes


8-12 Reps Baby! I have trained all sorts of rep ranges and when it comes time

to pick the most anabolic rep range, 8 to 12 reps per set is the money range.

Anything less and it can become a challenge to get good form when performing

each rep and anything higher is simply not heavy enough to force maximal mass

in our short 21 day window. Following a 311 or 411 tempo will get you right over

40 seconds of time under tension which is the optimal amount for growth.

3-4 Work Sets Baby! We are firm believers that going to complete muscular

failure within every set is absolutely necessary for maximum stimulation and

maximum intensity to completely destroy the muscles. You can do 1-2 warm up

set/rehearsal sets before each exercise. These are NOT work sets.

Variable Rep Training! You’ll notice each specialization workout includes a

variety of rep ranges to exhaust all your muscle fibers.

30-60 Seconds Rest. This is the most anabolic rest period because it elicits the

most testosterone and growth hormone into your system. If you’re training with

a partner simply go back and forth and if you’re alone, use a stop watch to keep

the rest periods measured and honest.

NOS: NOS is only done on the last set of an exercise. In MI40, you would do 8

reps, drop the weight 20% and strive for another 8 reps, drop the weight 20%

and strive for another 8 reps and then drop it 20% and strive for a final 8 reps. It

often looks like this in reality (8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps, 6 reps…) You will NOT

perform a single rep with bad form. That’s a waste of time and energy.


The famous routine Ben Pakulski prescribed to me with ten weeks before the WBFF

World Fitness Model Championships is here! I know what you’re thinking, “Aren’t I

going to over train with this kind of volume?!” No, unless you’re nutrition and recovery

protocols suck. There WILL be some days you feel unrecovered but that’s okay. Give

yourself a goal number of reps and do your best. Every few days you’re body will super

compensate and you’ll feel stronger again. I did this protocol for TEN WEEKS

STRAIGHT and only looked better with time. The logic behind this high volume is

FORCED ADAPTATION. Your body will be forced to adapt to the new volume and

make tremendous gains in size and strength. Just be sure to stay well hydrated and nail

your daily caloric intake each day. It’s not a specialization program for nothing!

+++In the morning, perform 100-200 pushups with variations hand positions. Wide, medium, narrow, with your feet elevated, off a BOSU ball, shoving your hands out, shoving your hands in. Take 30 second breaks until you reach your goal. ++++In the morning, if you have access to a pull up bar, perform 30-50 variations of pull

ups and chin ups. You can do super wide grip, palms facing, medium grip, neutral grip,

staggered grip. Mix it up. Just focus on going through a FULL range of motion. Right

to the bottom (arms fully lengthened) and get your chin to the bar. Quality is better than

quantity. Take 30-60 seconds between sets. Just keep trying to do more reps from day

to day. Give yourself a realistic goal to shoot for each morning.

How Much Weight. You should always be striving to pyramid your weights up each set

and each workout. Here is an example.

Week 1:

• 1st set - 12 reps @75 lbs

• 2nd set - 10 reps @80 lbs

• 3rd set - 8 reps @85 lbs

• 4th set - 6 reps @85 lbs

Week 2:

• 1st set - 12 reps @80 lbs

• 2nd set - 10 reps @85 lbs

• 3rd set - 8 reps @90 lbs

• 4th set - 6 reps @90 lbs

Week 3:

• 1st set - 12 reps @85 lbs

• 2nd set - 10 reps @90 lbs

• 3rd set - 8 reps @95 lbs

• 4th set - 6 reps @95 lbs

*After 21 days your strength should have gone up 5 to 10 pounds on all smaller body

parts and about 10-30 pounds on all larger body parts. BUT, do not fixate over

numbers – focus on TENSION through your muscles. Lifting 5 lbs heavier to shift the

weight off your target muscle is not the point. The weights should allow you to still

FEEL your muscle work and burn. If not, it’s too heavy. Focus on QUALITY, not


*Remember, you can perform 1-2 warm up sets before each exercise but for no more

than 10-12 reps and 50% of your work weight. Do not count these as work sets.

Usually you only need 1-2 warm up sets for the first exercise of the workout, not ever

single exercise.

*Notice the volume on your shoulders, arms and legs is lower. That is okay. You’re

training those body parts for maintenance. Attempting to specialize back and chest at

the same time is a challenge in itself so follow the set up as prescribed below. Better

yet, print off this entire document, staple it and bring it to the gym with you! Go make it



Featured 21-Day Specialization Workout: Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest

Day 1: Back/Chest

Exercises Total Sets Reps Rest A. Straight Arm Pull-Overs 4 10 + NOS 60 (Facing bench) B. Variations of Pull Ups/Chin Ups 4 40 total 30 *Rotate through wide grip, underhand, neutral and close grip C. Deadlifts 3 10 + NOS 60 D. 1 Arm Rows 4 8 + NOS 60 E. Underhand Seated Rows 3 8 + NOS 60 D. Incline Barbell Chest Press 6 6 90 +++In the morning, perform 100-200 pushups with variations hand positions. Wide, medium, narrow, with your feet elevated, off a BOSU ball, shoving your hands out, shoving your hands in. Take 30 second breaks until you reach your goal. ++++In the morning, if you have access to a pull up bar, perform 30-50 variations of pull ups and chin ups. You can do super wide grip, palms facing, medium grip, neutral grip, staggered grip. Mix it up. Just focus on going through a FULL range of motion. Right to the bottom (arms fully lengthened) and get your chin to the bar. Quality is better than quantity. Take 30-60 seconds between sets. Just keep trying to do more reps from day to day. Give yourself a realistic goal to shoot for each morning. *Abdominal can be done 3-6x a week depending on your goals. If you’re goal is to be a ripped fitness model, train them up to 6x a week. If your goal is to have a strong core, train them up to 3x a week on alternating days. Select 3 of your favorite exercises and rotate through a continuous circuit for 15-30 reps each exercise. Take 15 seconds rest between exercises and 1-2 minutes between circuits. Do each circuit for 15-25 minutes.

21-DAY FAST MASS BUILDING Featured 21-Day Specialization Workout:

Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest

Day 2: Legs

Exercises Total Sets Reps Rest A. Leg Extension 4 10 + NOS 60 B. Front Squats 4 10 + NOS 60 C. Wide Stance Leg Press 4 20 60 D. 1 Leg Deadlifts 1 25/leg 2 minutes (take 10-sec pause as needed) F. Lying Leg Curls 4 10 + NOS 60 G. Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3 8 + NOS 60 H1. Seated Calve Raises 3 20 - H2. Donkey Calve Raises 3 10-12 30 +++In the morning, perform 100-200 pushups with variations hand positions. Wide, medium, narrow, with your feet elevated, off a BOSU ball, shoving your hands out, shoving your hands in. Take 30 second breaks until you reach your goal. ++++In the morning, if you have access to a pull up bar, perform 30-50 variations of pull ups and chin ups. You can do super wide grip, palms facing, medium grip, neutral grip, staggered grip. Mix it up. Just focus on going through a FULL range of motion. Right to the bottom (arms fully lengthened) and get your chin to the bar. Quality is better than quantity. Take 30-60 seconds between sets. Just keep trying to do more reps from day to day. Give yourself a realistic goal to shoot for each morning.

21-DAY FAST MASS BUILDING Featured 21-Day Specialization Workout:

Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest

Day 3: Shoulders

Exercises Total Sets Reps Rest A. Seated Dumbbell Press 3 5-7+ NOS 60 B1. Bent Over Lateral Raises 4 10-12 - B2. Arnold Press 4 10-12 - B3. Lateral Raises 4 10-12 2 min D. Leaning Side Lateral Raise 2 12-15 30 D. Lying Side Lateral Raise 2 12-15 30 seconds +++In the morning, perform 100-200 pushups with variations hand positions. Wide, medium, narrow, with your feet elevated, off a BOSU ball, shoving your hands out, shoving your hands in. Take 30 second breaks until you reach your goal. ++++In the morning, if you have access to a pull up bar, perform 30-50 variations of pull ups and chin ups. You can do super wide grip, palms facing, medium grip, neutral grip, staggered grip. Mix it up. Just focus on going through a FULL range of motion. Right to the bottom (arms fully lengthened) and get your chin to the bar. Quality is better than quantity. Take 30-60 seconds between sets. Just keep trying to do more reps from day to day. Give yourself a realistic goal to shoot for each morning.

21-DAY FAST MASS BUILDING Featured 21-Day Specialization Workout:

Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest

Day 4: Chest/Back Exercises Total Sets Reps Rest A. Incline Dumbbell Press 4 8 + NOS 60 (75 degree anagle) B. Flat Bench Press 4 8 + NOS 60 C. Parallel Bar Dips 3 15 30 D. Cable Flys 1 30 60 *take mini sets if needed E. Bent Over Barbell Rows 6 6 60 +++In the morning, perform 100-200 pushups with variations hand positions. Wide, medium, narrow, with your feet elevated, off a BOSU ball, shoving your hands out, shoving your hands in. Take 30 second breaks until you reach your goal. ++++In the morning, if you have access to a pull up bar, perform 30-50 variations of pull ups and chin ups. You can do super wide grip, palms facing, medium grip, neutral grip, staggered grip. Mix it up. Just focus on going through a FULL range of motion. Right to the bottom (arms fully lengthened) and get your chin to the bar. Quality is better than quantity. Take 30-60 seconds between sets. Just keep trying to do more reps from day to day. Give yourself a realistic goal to shoot for each morning.

21-DAY FAST MASS BUILDING Featured 21-Day Specialization Workout:

Brick-House Back & Chiseled Chest

Day 5: Biceps/Triceps

A1. Lying Barbell Tri Extension 4 8-10 - A2. Overhead Rope Tri Extension 4 12-15 60 B1. Preacher Curl 4 8-10 - B2. Standing Dumbbell Curl 4 10-12 60 C1. Close Grip Bench Press 4 6-8 - C2. Bench Dips 4 15-20 60 D1. Reverse Grip Barbell Curls 4 8-10 - D2. Standing Hammer Curls 4 10-12 60

+++In the morning, perform 100-200 pushups with variations hand positions. Wide, medium, narrow, with your feet elevated, off a BOSU ball, shoving your hands out, shoving your hands in. Take 30 second breaks until you reach your goal. ++++In the morning, if you have access to a pull up bar, perform 30-50 variations of pull ups and chin ups. You can do super wide grip, palms facing, medium grip, neutral grip, staggered grip. Mix it up. Just focus on going through a FULL range of motion. Right to the bottom (arms fully lengthened) and get your chin to the bar. Quality is better than quantity. Take 30-60 seconds between sets. Just keep trying to do more reps from day to day. Give yourself a realistic goal to shoot for each morning. ON THURSDAY AND SUNDAY, no pushups in the morning! Basically, do your

morning pushups 5 out of 7 days a week on this program.