· Web viewU.S. History 1 – Mrs. Ryan & Mr. Branigan Mods 3-42016 - 2017 Mrs. Ryan & Mrs. Powell...

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Transcript of  · Web viewU.S. History 1 – Mrs. Ryan & Mr. Branigan Mods 3-42016 - 2017 Mrs. Ryan & Mrs. Powell...

U.S. History 1 – Mrs. Ryan & Mr. Branigan Mods 3-4 2016 - 2017 Mrs. Ryan & Mrs. Powell Mods 5-6

Welcome!!! We hope you have a wonderful year!

Homework Assignments for U.S. 1:9/8/16 – Tonight, you are to write a five-paragraph essay entitled:

“The Three Things I Like Best About Myself.” It is to be typed anddouble-spaced, and is due tomorrow. It should already be printedand ready to hand in when you enter class.

Remember that a five-paragraph essay includes an Intro, a Body and a Conclusion. In the Intro, tell what you are going to write about and just mention the three points. In the Body, explain the three points in detail. In the Conclusion, restate what you previously told us and end with a personal thoughtor opinion. Put a cherry on top of your sundae!

Also, carefully read your Course Description and Current Event Guidelines.9/9/16 – Your Five-paragraph Essay was due today.

There is no homework over the weekend! Enjoy!

9/12/16 – We had the “Thunder Dog” assembly today, so there is no homeworkthis evening.

9/13/16 – SGOs were administered today. Books were distributed. For homework, cover your book and bring it back in tomorrow for a cover check.That’s it!9/14/16 – Today, we checked book covers and did a geography group activity.

You copied down as many definitions as you could and will finish the resttomorrow. Study tonight those terms and definitions you did copy. When ourlittle Geography Unit is finished, you will have a quiz.***Be sure you come to class each day with a pen, your planner and a thicknotebook or a binder, with pockets or a folder.***9/15/16 – We completed our Geography Mini Unit today, so you can expect a

quiz on the material to come anytime. (Tomorrow???) Study the termsyou have in your notes. They are not in your textbook.

9/16/16 – We took a Geography Quiz today. We also picked volunteers to doa Current Event presentation on Friday, 9/23. Those who are doing itmust get an article approved by Wednesday, 9/21. No homework. Have a great weekend!!!

9/19/16 – Read Section 1 of Chapter 1 for comprehension, so that you canparticipate in class discussion.Current Event volunteers – be sure to have your articles approved byWed. 9/21.

9/20/16 – You were given a New York Times article that you are to read.You may underline, annotate, highlight, etc. You are to write a lengthyparagraph explaining three interesting points you extracted from thearticle. Please include the name of the article, the publisher, the date and the author, as well as a proper heading with your name, mods, date, etc.This should be typed and double-spaced. It is due on Thursday, Sept. 22.***Current Event volunteers – Wed., tomorrow, is the deadline to have your article approved.***

9/21/16 – Your paragraph explaining three points you found interesting in theNYT article is due tomorrow, typed and double-spaced. See above instructions.Also, by tomorrow, read Section 2 of Chapter 1.

9/22/16 – We collected the paragraphs on the NYT article today.You should read Sections 3, 4 & 5 of Chapter 1 by Monday, 9/26.We have scheduled our Ch. 1 Test for Thursday, 9/29.Current Event presentations tomorrow, only for those 4 or 5 people whovolunteered and had their articles approved.

9/23/16 – Today, we had Current Event presentations by students.You should have read the rest of Chapter 1 by Monday, 9/26.Our Chapter 1 Test is scheduled for Thursday, 9/29.Have a wonderful weekend!!!

9/26/16 – We are finishing up Chapter 1, today and tomorrow.You should have read the entire chapter and utilized the Review Guideyou received last week. Our Chapter 1 test is scheduled for Thursday, 9/29. Current Event volunteers should have their articles approved by Wed., 9/28.

9/27/16 – We finished up Chapter 1 today in class. Please study for yourreview tomorrow, using your Review Guide. You should have beenfilling it out. Your Ch. 1 test is Thursday, 9/28.Current Event volunteers – your articles are due tomorrow for approval.

9/28/16 – We had the review for our test today. Be sure to fill out your Review Guide and glance over the chapter in the text. Review all of your notes.Chapter 1 Test – tomorrow! Bring a blue or black pen and other work,in case you finish before the end of the period.Current Event volunteers – your articles were due today for approval.

9/29/16 – Chapter 1 Test today. For homework, please begin reading Ch. 2.Current Events tomorrow!

9/30/16 – We had Current Events today. Begin reading Chapter 2.No school on Monday! Have a great weekend!!!**** Current Event volunteers for Friday, Oct. 7 – Have your articlesapproved by Wed., Oct. 5!****

10/04/16 – Current Event volunteers – your articles are due by tomorrow –Wed., Oct. 5 – for approval.Please read Section 2 of Chapter 2 for tomorrow.

10/05/16 – We finished Section 1 today and will be going into Section 2 –The English in North America – tomorrow. Make sure you have readfor comprehension.Current Events were due today for approval.

10/06/16 – Today, we discussed English colonization in North America.Tomorrow, we will have Current Events!

10/07/16 – Current Events today. No homework.Have a great weekend!

10/10/16 – Mayflower Compact assignment, typed and double-spaced, dueThursday, 10/13. If you need any help, be sure to see me ASAP.No Current Events this week.

10/11/16 – Your Mayflower Compact assignment is due, typed and double-spaced, on Thursday, 10/13. There is no school tomorrow. No CurrentEvents this week.

10/12/16 – NO SCHOOL10/13/16 – Mayflower Compact assignment due today. Make sure you have

read all of Chapter 2. No Current Events this week.10/14/16 – Using your instruction sheet and your text book, do the 13 Colonies

Map Assignment. It will be due on Tuesday, Oct 18. We will have Current

Events on Friday, Oct. 21. Those who are going should have their articlesapproved by Wed., Oct. 19.Have a great weekend!!!

10/17/16 – This week we will be finishing our Chapter 2 material. Our test isplanned for Tuesday, Oct. 25. Review will be on Monday, Oct. 24. We have Current Events this Friday, so if you are giving a presentation,please have your article approved by this Wed., Oct. 19.***13 Colonies Map is due tomorrow, Tues., Oct. 18***

10/18/16 – You were to turn in your 13 Colonies Map today.Read Section 4 of Chapter 2 tonight.Test – Chapter 2 – Tuesday, Oct. 25Current Event presenters – you have until tomorrow to show yourarticle for approval. Remember! We do not have class tomorrow!

10/19/16 – We did not have class today due to PSATs.We will be discussing Section 4 on Thursday, so be prepared.Current Events on Friday. Articles were due to be approved today.

10/20/16 – We finished Chapter 2 today by discussing the formation of theMiddle Colonies. We also distributed Review Guides in preparation forthe Chapter 2 test on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Please use these guides to helpyou study. Our review class will be Monday, Oct. 24.Current Events tomorrow.

10/21/16 – Current Events today. Review for test on Monday. Test – Chapter 2 – Tuesday, Oct. 25.Have a wonderful weekend!!!

10/24/16 – We had our Review today in preparation for the Test on Ch. 2tomorrow. Please review the chapter and your notes.Those who have Current Events this Friday need to have their articlesapproved by Wed., Oct. 26. This will be the last Current Events for thequarter!

10/25/16 – Test – Chapter 2.For homework, get started reading Section 1 of Chapter 3.

10/26/16 – Do the Geography Worksheet on the Settling of the English Colonies.This is due tomorrow, Th., Oct. 27. Please write as neatly as possible.

Volunteers for the last Current Event presentations – your articles weredue by today for approval.

10/27/16 – The Geography Worksheet on the Settling of the English Colonies wasdue today. We will have any remaining Current Events for lst quartertomorrow.

10/28/16 – We had the last of our Current Events today, and we viewed part ofAfricans in America. The information from this video is important and interfaces with the material we have discussed and with future material.Have a great weekend!!!

10/31/16 – Happy Halloween!We discussed Britain’s tax laws for the colonies today, as well as theparticular situation in Massachusetts, which caused them to lose theircharter. You received a film permission slip to be given back to us by Friday.No Current Event this week.

11/1/16 – Tonight, you are asked to read Section 2 of Chapter 3, in preparationfor tomorrow’s class.Also, please review the map you were given of the Trans-Atlantic SlaveTrade for discussion in class.You received a film permission slip regarding the viewing of about a 10-minute portion of the film, Amistad. Please return those slips byFriday, the day we intend to show the clip. Thank you.

11/2/16 – We began Sec. 2 of Ch. 3 today, discussing how the southern Englishcolonies in North America were founded. Please make sure that you haveread the entire section.Film permission slips are due by Friday to view the Amistad clip.

11/3/16 – The Middle Passage was the subject of today’s interactive lesson.We learned of the conditions of this horrific journey. You were given twopackets of information on the Middle Passage, which you are to read thisevening in preparation for class tomorrow.Please bring your permission slip in for the viewing of the film clip fromAmistad.

11/4/16 – We viewed a clip from Amistad today. We then got into groups toanswer data-based questions. We also chose people to do Current Eventson Friday, Nov. 19. Their articles should be approved by Wed., Nov. 16.

Have a great weekend!!!

11/7/16 – We finished our activity from Friday. Then, we learned about theElectoral College. We will continue the activity on Wednesday.

11/8/16 – Election Day – No School11/9/16 – We discussed the election and finished up the Electoral College

packet. Your short answer is due on Tuesday, Nov. 15th.11/10/16 – NJEA Convention – No School11/11/16 – NJEA Convention – No School

Have a great four-day weekend!!!

11/14/16 – We finished the Middle Passage today, and went over Treatment ofSlaves in the Various Colonies, as well as the Slave Codes and the Impact ofthe Cotton Gin. Read Section 3 for tomorrow.The Electoral College paragraph is due tomorrow. Please use pen and skip every other line.

*** Current Event articles must be approved by Wednesday, Nov. 16 for all those presenting on Friday.***11/15/16 – Current Event articles are due tomorrow for approval.

The Electoral College paragraph was due today.We finished Section 2 of Chapter 3 today and began Section 3. You shouldhave read Sec. 3 for comprehension.

11/16/16 - Current Event articles were due today for approval.We discussed the commercial North today, as well as the problems of thecities of the 13 colonies. Tomorrow – the Salem witch trials!!!

11/17/16 – We discussed the Salem witch trials and went into the two movements that swept the 13 colonies: The Enlightenment and The Great Awakening. We will finish the latter on Monday.Current Events tomorrow.

11/18/16 – Current Events.Have a wonderful weekend!!! We have gotten through the lst Quarter!!!

11/21/16 – Today, we finished Section 3 of Ch. 3. Please read Section 4.The Olaudah Equiano assignment is due typed and double-spaced by

Wed., Nov. 23. ***Our test on Chapter 3 is on Tuesday, Nov. 29.***No Current Events this week.

11/22/16 – The Olaudah Equiano assignment is due Wed., 11/23. (tomorrow)It should be typed and double-spaced. Remember! The question you are

to answer has two parts.No Current Events this week.We began the French and Indian War today and will finish it tomorrow.Our Test on Chapter 3 will be Tuesday, Nov. 29. So, be sure to be here for the in-class Review on Monday.

11/23/16 – We completed the French and Indian War today, thus finishing Ch. 3.Test on Chapter 3 – Tuesday, Nov. 29. Review – Monday.No school Thursday and Friday!Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your loved ones!!!!

11/28/16 – Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!Today, we had our review for our Chapter 3 test tomorrow.Please use your text, your notes and your Study Guide to help you study.We are available after school and tomorrow morning for any additionalhelp you may need.No Current Events this week.

11/29/16 – Test – Chapter 3. Please read Section 1 of Chapter 4 for tomorrow.No Current Events this week.

11/30/16 – We began Chapter 4 – The Revolutionary War – today.Please make sure that you have started reading the chapter.No Current Events this week.

12/1/16 – Please begin filling out the Acts Chart. This will be a great studytool for you and will help you to keep all the acts straight. Continuereading Ch. 4.No Current Events this week.

12/2/16 – Continue to fill in your Acts Charts. Continue reading Ch. 4.The Boston Massacre assignment is due on Tuesday, Dec. 6. Please answer the questions in complete sentences, in pen.Current Events next week on Friday, Dec. 9. Get articles approved by Wed., Dec. 7 if you have volunteered to present.Have a great weekend!!!

12/5/16 – Your Boston Massacre assignment is due tomorrow – Tues., 12/5.Current Events are this Friday. If you have volunteered to go, please have your article approved by Wed., Dec. 7.

12/6/16 – The Boston Massacre assignment was due today.Current Events are this Friday. Please get your article approved by Wed.if you are presenting.If you have not read Chapter 4, please do so.

12/7/16 – Pearl Harbor DayYou received an abstract of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. On the sheet

with the questions, you are to bullet your answers, neatly, in pen. (You do not,this time, have to use complete sentences.) This assignment is due on Friday,Dec. 9. If you have any difficulties or questions, please do not hesitate to see one of us, either before school or after. We will be glad to help you.

Current Events will be this Friday. Articles were due by today for approval.The test on Chapter 4 will be Friday, Dec. 16. You will receive a Review

Guide and you should fill that out. You will also, as always, have a full in-class review, but you may additionally schedule a one-on-one review with one of us.This can be really helpful – try it!12/8/16 – Your Common Sense assignment is due tomorrow. See instructions

above. Test – Chapter 4 – Friday, Dec. 16.Current Events – tomorrow.

12/9/16 – Current Events today.The Common Sense assignment was due today.Your Chapter 4 Test is Friday, Dec. 16. You received your Review Guides today.Have a great weekend!!!

12/12/16 – We discussed some exciting Rev. War battles today. Tomorrow,we look at iconic Rev. War art. Please continue filling out your Review Guide. Your test on Chapter 4 is on Friday, Dec. 16.No Current Events this week. They will next be on Friday, Dec. 23.

12/13/16 – Today, we examined iconic Revolutionary War art. The assignment you started today in class is due tomorrow. Remember to write youranswers in pen. We will go over the long-range assignment you were given at the end of

class tomorrow. It is due on Friday, and you get to pick the RevolutionaryWar era painting yourself and write about it.No Current Events this week.Chapter 4 test is Friday, Dec. 16. We will have our in-class review Thursday.

12/14/16 – Your Revolutionary War Art sheet that you began in class yesterdaywas due today. Your Ch. 4 test is Friday, Dec. 16. Tomorrow is our Chapter 4 test review. work with your Review Guide to study for the test. Also use your notes and text.

12/15/16 – We had our review for the test today. Test, Chapter 4, tomorrow.Your Revolutionary War Art assignment is due tomorrow, Fri., Dec. 16.

12/16/16 – Test – Chapter 4, today. Current Events – Friday, Dec. 23. Have a great weekend!!!

12/19/16 – We began Chapter 5 today – the Constitution! Yipee!!!Please read the chapter and take a look at your U.S. Consitution.We have Current Events this Friday, so if you are on the list, you need tohave your article approved by Wed., Dec. 21.

12/20/16 – Our discussion today centered on the weaknesses of the Articlesof Confederation. Your assignment, due tomorrow, is the sheet calledConstitutional Conventioneers. Please do it in pen.Continue reading Chapter 5.Those who have Current Events on Friday need to get their articles approved by tomorrow, Dec. 21.

12/21/16 – We discussed the Northwest Territory in depth today, and howthe area became states. You were to turn in the sheet – Constitutional Conventioneers today.You are to do the Constitution in the Making sheet for tomorrow.(Please use pen!)Current Events – Presenters were to have their articles approved today.

12/22/16 – Your Constitution in the Making sheet was due today.We also gave out two more sheets: Delegates Draft the Constitution andp. 182 worksheet. Both are due tomorrow.We have scheduled the Chapter 5 Test for Thursday, January 5. You received your Study Guide today.

12/23/16 – We had Current Events today. Your Delegates Draft the Constitutionand p. 182 worksheet were due today.The Chapter 5 test will be on Thursday, January 5, and you have received your Review Guide.Wishing you and your loved ones a very special holiday season and a veryHappy New Year!!! Enjoy your break!

1/3/17 – Happy New Year to everyone!We have our Chapter 5 Test on Thursday, January 5.You were given the Review Guide before the break, and you were to fill out the back of it by tomorrow. This is super important for our review.The last presenters for Current Events will be going on Friday, Jan. 6.Please have your articles by Thursday for approval, if not sooner.

***A number of people have zeroes after their names for various assignments.This is never a good thing. If you make up any of them, you will receivesome credit. See us if you wish to make anything up.***

1/4/17 – We finished up Chapter 5 and reviewed for the test tomorrow.Mrs. Powell is holding an after-school review today for all interested.Current Event presenters: your articles are due by tomorrow for approval.

1/5/17 – Test on Chapter 5 today.Current Events for tomorrow. (Articles were due today for approval.)Please begin reading Chapter 6.

1/6/17 – Current Events today.Be sure to read at least Section 1 of Chapter 6 by Monday.Have a great weekend!!!

1/9/17 – We began Chapter 6 today. This is our last chapter before exams.Our Ch. 6 test will be on Thursday, Jan. 19.

1/10/17 – Continued with discussion on Chapter 6. You all should have handed inthe assignment on Washington’s Gift. Current Events have been completed for this quarter’s rotation.Our Ch. 6 test will be on Thursday, Jan. 19.

1/11/17 – We handed out your Chapter 6 Review Guide today. Your Chapter 6Test is on Thursday, Jan. 19. We got up to/through the French Revolution today.

1/12/17 – Chapter 6 Test is on Thursday, Jan. 19. Utilize your Study Guide.We continued discussion of our attempts to stay out of war with Britainand France.

1/13/17 – Continued discussion in Chapter 6. Test on Thursday, Jan. 19.Have a great weekend!

1/16/17 – No school – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day1/17/17 – We are just about finished discussing Chapter 6. We will finish and

have our review tomorrow. Make sure to study your Review Guide.Test – Ch. 6 – Thursday, Jan. 19.***We gave out the Midterm Exam Review Guide today.***

1/18/17 – Review for Test on Chapter 6.Test – tomorrow!

1/19/17 – Test – Chapter 6.1/20/17 – We began our review for the Midterm Exam. We will review again on

Monday.Have a nice weekend!

Welcome to the Second Semester!1/30/17 – Today, we reviewed our Midterm Exams and answered any questions.

We also started Chapter 7. Please read Section 1 for homework tonight.Current Event volunteers – please have your articles approved by Wed., Feb. 1.

1/31/17 – We discussed the American System today. Please make sure that youhave read Section 1 of Ch. 7. Current Event people – please have yourarticles approved by tomorrow.

2/1/17 – We got more into the American System today. Current Event volunteers were to have their articles approved by today.

2/2/17 – Please read Section 2 of Chapter 7 tonight. Also, do the worksheet about Nationalism and Sectionalism, due tomorrow.Current Events tomorrow.

2/3/17 – We had Current Events today. The Worksheet on Nationalism and Sectionalism was due today. Please read the rest of Chapter 7 by atleast Tuesday.Have a great weekend!!!

2/6/17 – Current Event volunteers – you need to get your articles approved byWed., Feb. 8.Please read the rest of Chapter 7 by tomorrow. We were right at the Missouri Compromise.

2/7/17 – Current Event presenters need to get their articles approved by Wed.We have gone over the Missouri Compromise and gotten to (or very near to) Jackson’s election as President.Due tomorrow: Jim Beckwourth – Mountain Man. Please type and double-space the answers to the first two questions. Draw or computer-generate a tombstone and on it put Jim’s full name, his birth and death dates, and an epitaph that hints at the possible exaggerations of his life.

2/8/17 – Your Jim Beckwourth assignment was due today.Make sure that you have read all of Chapter 7 by this point.We are planning our Test on Ch. 7 for Wed., Feb. 15. Utilize your ReviewGuide, your text and any returned homework to study.Current Event articles were due today for approval.Your Map of The Age of Jackson is due on Friday, Feb. 10.

2/9/17 – SNOW Day! No School!2/10/17 – Your Jackson Map is due today. Our Chapter 7 Test is next Wed., Feb.

14. Our Review will be Tuesday. Have a great weekend!!!

2/13/17 – Late Start Day – No mods 1-2 or 3-4.Because we missed our 3-4 class, we have had to move our test date fromWed., Feb. 15 to Thursday, Feb. 16. Review will be on Wednesday.Please use your Review Guide, notes and text to help you study.

2/14/17 – Today, we finished Chapter 7. Tomorrow, we will have our Review forthe test on Thursday (changed from Wednesday).

2/15/17 – Today we had our Review for Test on Chapter 7 tomorrow (Thursday, Feb. 16).Use your Review Guide, notes and text to help you study.

2/16/17 – Test today on Chapter 7. We begin Ch. 8 tomorrow! You may begin to read the chapter in preparation!

2/17/17 – Today, a shortened schedule, we discussed the Reform Broadsheet

Project due next Friday, Feb. 24. Each of you picked a reformer out of a bag and you will do your broadsheet on that person. We also introduced Chapter 8.Have a great 4 – day weekend!!!

2/22/17 – Hope you had a great mini-break!Remember! Friday, 2/24, your Reform Broadsheet Project is due!If you need any questions answered or need any help, please let us know!Continue to read Chapter 8, as our test will be next week.No Current Events this week.

2/23/17 – We continued today with discussion of the reforms of the early 1800s.Work on your Reform Broadsheet Project. It is due tomorrow.***Submit your broadsheet to turnitin.com – 14810653 – chiefs, and bring your hard copy to class!***We will collectively view them tomorrow in class in a Gallery Walk activity.***Test on Chapter 8 – Thursday, March 2.***

2/24/17 – We had a Gallery Walk today, and we looked at everyone’s Broadsheets on important reformers of the early 1800s. Good work!Remember – the Test on Ch. 8 is on Thursday, March 2!Have a great weekend!!!

2/27/17 - Our Chapter 8 Test is planned for Thursday, March 2. Please be herefor the in-class review on Wed., March 1. As always, we will hold before or after school reviews for anyone who requests them.We will have Current Events this Friday, March 3. If you have volunteered,please have your article approved by Wed.

2/28/17 – Our Ch. 8 Test is planned for Thursday, March 2. Review is tomorrow.Please be here for that. Make sure you have read Ch. 8 in your text book.Current Event volunteers – please have your articles approved by tomorrow.Today, you chose three assignments that will be due on Monday, March 6.These are to be typed and double-spaced.

3/1/17 – Current Event articles were due today for approval!We finished our material for Chapter 8 – Reforms. We also reviewed forthe test, which is tomorrow – Thursday, March 2. Be sure to use your Review Guide and read the chapter in your textbook! See next page!!!

Your three “Reform Buffet” assignments are due on Monday, March 6, typed and double-spaced.

3/2/17 – We had our Chapter 8 test today on the Reforms of the early 1800s.We will have Current Events tomorrow.Your three “Reform Buffet” assignments are due on Monday, March 6,typed and double-spaced. Be sure to put the title of the assignment above your answers.We will begin Chapter 9 on Monday, March 6.

3/3/17 – Current Events.Your three “Reform Buffet assignments are due on Monday, March 6,typed and double-spaced. Be sure to put the title of the assignmentabove your answers.Please begin reading Chapter 9 – “Expanding Markets and Moving West.”Have a great weekend!!!

3/6/17 – Today, your “Reform Buffet” assignments were due.Make sure that you are reading Chapter 9 for this week. Take some notesand be prepared for class! It will make you feel good!Current Events this week. Volunteers must get their articles approved byWednesday, March 8.

3/7/17 – Read Chapter 9 for this week. Current Events this Friday. Volunteers must get their articles approved bytomorrow, March 8.

3/8/17 – Current Event articles were due today for approval.We are discussing Chapter 9 this week, and have already distributed the Review Guide for the Test that is scheduled for Wed., March 15.You were also given a Map of the Westward Routes that will be due onMonday, March 13. If you have any difficulties or questions, please seeme.

3/9/17 – Chapter 9 should be read. Our Test is scheduled for Wed., March 15.Use your Review Guide and text, as well as your notes to study. See us ifyou would like additional review. Maps of Westward Routes are due onMonday, March 13. Again, see us if you have any difficulties. Current Events tomorrow.

3/10/17 – We had Current Events today. Maps of Westward Routes are due Monday, March 13. Test on Ch. 9 is Wed., March 15! Use your Study Guide, notes and text to prepare for it. Be sure to see us if you wish tohave additional review or have any questions.Have a great weekend!!!

3/13/17 – Your Westward Route Maps were due today.We finished Chapter 9 today. When we next meet, we will have ourReview. The day after that, we will have our Ch. 9 test.

3/14/17 – SNOW DAY!!! No School!!!3/15/17 – Late Start Day – We did not have our U.S. 1 classes today, therefore,

we will have our Review tomorrow and our Test on Chapter 9 on Friday.3/16/17 – We had our Review today. Please utilize your Review Guide by filling it

out and studying it, your notes and your text. Chapter 9 Test tomorrow.3/17/17 – We had our Chapter 9 Test today.

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!!! Have a great weekend!!!

3/20/17 – Happy first day of Spring!!!Please begin reading and preparing Chapter 10.No Current Events this week.

3/21/17 – We discussed up to through the Kansas-Nebraska Act today.We are planning for a test next week on this chapter. We will announcethe date tomorrow and distribute review guides. Please read and preparethe rest of the chapter so that you are reading to discuss in class.

3/22/17 – Our Chapter 10 Test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29.You received your Review Guide today.Homework tonight: Analyzing Causes, due tomorrow (Thurs., March 23),write answers in blue or black pen directly on the sheet, neatly please.

3/23/17 – Your Analyzing Causes worksheet was due today.***Your Chapter 10 Test has been RE-SCHEDULED, with the consent of the class, to Tuesday, March 28!!!.*** Use your Review Guide, notes and text to help you study. Please come before or after school for extra review ifyou want.

3/24/17 – We finished Chapter 10 today! Remember that we have re-scheduled the Chapter 10 Test to be on Tuesday, March 28 (instead of Wed., March 29). Use your Review Guide, notes and text to help you study, and be sure to be here

on Monday for our in-class review. If anyone desires extra review, please see one of us and we will schedule a before or after school session, for one or for all!Have a wonderful weekend!!!

3/27/17 – Today we had our Review for our Chapter 10 Test tomorrow.Please stop by after school if you need any extra review or have any questions. Be sure to go over the proposals for what to do with theMexican Cession! Bring a blue or black pen with you to the test, also.

3/28/17 – Test on Chapter 10. We begin Chapter 11 tomorrow. You received the Map, “The States Choose Sides.” This map is due onThursday, March 30. Please label and/or shade all that you are directed.***Don’t forget to stripe the Border States with the same color you use for the Union states. (These states were forced to stay in the Union for variousreasons.)

3/29/17 – Your map – “The States Choose Sides,” is due tomorrow, Thurs., 3/30.Please see above instructions. You can find out what the border states were by reading the text or listening in class.You should be reading and preparing Chapter 11 in your text.

3/30/17 – “The States Choose Sides” Map was due today.Continue preparing Chapter 11. Try reading and taking notes, so that you’ll be prepared for class discussion!

3/31/17 – You received your Chapter 10 test back today, and your map, “The States Choose Sides.” Continue to read and take notes on Chapter 11.Next week is PARCC. Please bring your own ear buds, and leave your phones in your lockers, turned OFF.Have a great weekend!!!

4/3/17 – First day of PARCC testing today, so shortened periods through Wednesday.We continued Chapter 11 – the Civil War today. Please make sure that you have read the chapter so that you are prepared to discuss in class.

4/4/17 – 2nd day of PARCC. Shortened classes. We continued Chapter 11.Civil War Web Quest is due on Friday, April 7. See one of us if you have any questions. Please write SUPER neatly! Thank you!

4/5/17 – 3rd day of PARCC. Shortened classes. We continued Chapter 11.Civil War Web Quest is due on Friday, April 7. Please write SUPERneatly! See one of us if you have any questions.

4/6/17 – Civil War continued.Your Web Quest is due tomorrow. Write SUPER neatly, please.See one of us today if you have any questions!

4/7/17 – The Civil War Web Quest was due today.You received your packet of Civil War materials today and you shouldtry to read through them. The information is very helpful.Have a wonderful Spring break!!!

4/17/17 – Hope you had a lovely Spring break!We are discussing the major battles of the Civil War this week.No Current Events.Make sure you have read Chapter 11.

4/18/17 – Assembly – mods 3-4 and 5/6.4/19/17 – We continued major battles of the Civil War.

No Current Events this week.Assignment: The Poems of Walt Whitman – follow the directions on thelast page. Type and double-space your answer. Due Friday, April 21.

4/20/17 – We reached just up to Gettysburg. Your Poems of Walt Whitman assignment is due tomorrow. Please bring your Gettysburg Map and ahighlighter to class tomorrow, as we will be discussing the battle.

4/21/17 – The Battle of Gettysburg today! We will finish up the war next week.Our Test on the Civil War (Ch. 11) is on Friday, April 28. The Review Guidewas available today.Your poems of Walt Whitman assignment was due today.Have a great weekend!!!

4/24/17 – We will be having our Chapter 11 – Civil War Test on Friday, 4/28.Please access your Review Guide, Notes, Packet and Text for studying.If anyone would like extra, out of class review, please see one of us.The Emancipation Proclamation assignment is due tomorrow, typed anddouble-spaced.The assignment on David Farragut is due on Wed., April 26, typed and double-spaced.

4/25/17 – Emancipation Proclamation answers were due today and were discussed in class. The David Farragut assignment is due tomorrow, April 26, typed and double-spaced.Our Chapter 11 Civil War Test is Friday, April 28. Study notes, packet, textand Review Guide. ***Mrs. Powell will be conducting an additional reviewafter school on Wednesday, April 26, for all who are interested.***

4/26/17 – The David Farragut assignment was due today.Our review for the Civil War Test, Ch. 11, (Friday, April 28) was today and will continue tomorrow. Use notes, your packet, text and Review Guide to study.

4/27/17 – We had our Civil War Review today – Ch. 11. Test tomorrow.See above for all you should study.

4/28/17 – Civil War Test today. Next week, we will view the film “Glory” andhave Current Events. Have a great weekend!!!

5/1/17 – We began viewing “Glory” today. Please be here each day on time to view the film in its entirety. There will be a film sheet assignment to hand in after the film is finished. Current Events this Friday. If you are a volunteer, please have your articleapproved by Wed., May 3.

5/2/17 – Current Event articles must be approved by the end of tomorrow.We continued our viewing of “Glory.”

5/3/17 – Current Event articles due by today for approval.We finished “Glory” in 3 – 4, and almost finished it in 5 – 6.We will go over the Film Sheet tomorrow and it will be due on Friday.Our next chapter is 12 – Reconstruction.

5/4/17 – We went over the film sheet that will be due tomorrow about the film.We introduced Chapter 12, which you should be reading and taking notes on.

5/5/17 – Current Events today. Film sheet due today. Keep reading and taking notes on Ch. 12 – Reconstruction. Have a great weekend!

5/8/17 – We discussed the Radicals plan for Reconstruction today.

Please read and take notes on Chapter 12. Our test will be next Friday, May 19. Current Events are this Friday, May 12. If you volunteered, your article is due for approval by Wed., May 10.

5/9/17 – We continued Reconstruction. Please read and take notes on Ch. 12.Our Test will be Friday, May 19.Current Events is this Friday. If you volunteered, please get your article approved by tomorrow, 5/10.For homework: Answer the questions on the Frederick Douglass reading.Due Thursday, 5/11, typed and double-spaced.

5/10/17 – Onward with Reconstruction – Our test will be Friday, May 19.Current Event articles were due today for approval.The Frederick Douglass questions are due tomorrow, typed and double-spaced.

5/11/17 – The Frederick Douglass assignment was due today.We finished Reconstruction today. Our test is Friday, May 19. You

received your Review Guides today.Current Events tomorrow.

5/12/17 – We had Current Events today. Our Test on Ch. 12 will be next Friday, May 19.Have a great weekend!!!

5/15/17 – We will finish Reconstruction today. On Tuesday and Wednesday,we will view a film on Reconstruction. (Shortened classes due to PARCC)Thursday is our Test Review. Friday, May 19, we will have our Ch. 12 –Reconstruction Test.

5/16/17 – Film on Reconstruction.5/17/17 – Film on Reconstruction.5/18/17 – Review for Test on Reconstruction – Ch. 12.5/19/17 – Test on Reconstruction – Ch. 12.

Have a great weekend!!!

5/22/17 – We began Chapter 13 today, so please read and take notes.We have Current Events this week. If you volunteered, please have your

article approved by Wed., May 24.5/23/17 – We discussed the U.S. govt.’s policy toward the native Americans.

Current Event articles must be approved by tomorrow.5/24/17 – Mr. B. and Mrs. Powell discussed cowboys and their lifestyle today.

Current Events due today for approval.Test for Chapters 13 & 14 is scheduled for Friday, June 9.

5/25/17 – We continued our examination of Chapter 13 today.You received an assignment to draw campaign buttons for the 1896

presidential election, with the emphasis on the issue of the gold standard.This assignment is due on Thursday, June 1. (You are NOT to computer-generate these. They are to be hand-drawn.)

Current Events tomorrow.5/26/17 - Current Events

Remember your campaign buttons assignment. See above. Due Thursday, June 1. Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!!! See you on Wed., May 31.

5/31/17 – We have finished, or very nearly finished, Chapter 13.Your campaign button assignment, based on W.J. Bryan’s “Cross of Gold”

speech is due tomorrow. Please refer to Section 3 of Ch. 13 to learn more about the issue of bimetallism or free silver.

We are having our last Current Event presentations on Friday, June 2.If you are among those who has not yet had a chance to present, your articles are due tomorrow.

Our Combo Test on Chapters 13 & 14 will be on Friday, June 9.6/1/17 – The campaign button assignment, based on the “Cross of Gold” speech

was due today. Our last Current Events presentations are tomorrow.Our Combo Test on Chapters 13 & 14 is on Friday, June 9.

6/2/17 – Last Current Events presentations.Please read and do notes on Chapter 14 – the last one!Have a great weekend!!!

6/5/17 – We continued discussion material from Chapter 14. You were given your last homework assignment: “Mother” Mary Harris.Please read the article and then answer the three questions in complete sentences, typed and double-spaced, due Thursday, June 8.

Review for the last test, Chapters 13 & 14, will be Thursday, June 8.Test will be Friday, June 9.

***You received your Final Exam Review Guide today. Please make good use of it. Also, the map, The States Choose Sides, should be studied, as it will be on the exam. We will have at least two days to review in class for the Exam.

***All missing work and tests must be handed in or completed by Friday, June 9. ***

6/6/17 – Chapter 14 discussion.Remember: “Mother” Mary Harris assignment is due on Thursday, June 8.Test on Chapters 13 & 14 is on Friday, June 9.

6/7/17 – Chapter 14 completed.“Mother” Mary Harris assignment due tomorrow.

6/8/17 – “Mother” Mary Harris assignment due today.We had our Review for our Combo Test on Chapters 13 & 14.*** All missing tests and work are due by tomorrow, Friday, June 9.***Test on Chapters 13 & 14 tomorrow.

6/9/17 – Test on Chapters 13 & 14 today. Have a great weekend!!!

6/12/17 – We passed back all the 2nd semester tests to make Study Packets for the Final Exam. Please use the Review Guide you were given last week tostudy, as well as the map “The States Choose Sides.”We began Exam Review.

6/13/17 – Exam Review.6/14/17 – Exam Review.6/15/17 – Mods 1-2 Exam and Mods 15-16 Exam.6/16/17 – Mods 3-4 Exam and Mods 13-14 Exam.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

6/19/17 – Mods 5-6 Exam and Mods 11-12 Exam.6/20/17 – Mods 7-8 Exam and Mods 9-10 Exam.

Have a wonderful summer!!!