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Teller Elementary School: Challenge Project

More about Me (Narrative Nonfiction)

The Challenge Project is an optional activity for students who want to extend their learning experiences, to work beyond the classroom requirements, and/or to explore alternative topics. Families may need to lend support, encouragement, and assistance at home. The Challenge Projects are organized by Ms. Bass, Teller’s GT Specialist.

1. Create a model or a map of a special place in your life. Explain what this place is like and why it is important to you.

2. Think about a skill or expertise that you have. Demonstrate to the class a simple “How-To” activity in this area. Create a plan, showing what materials you will need and what steps you will demonstrate.

3. Write about either an unwelcome surprise, or a welcome surprise. Tell how the surprise came to be and who was involved.

4. Smith Magazine challenged its readers to write their life stories in just six words. Create your own 6 word memoir. Think carefully and revise as needed.

“Art is what I live for.” “Six words can say too much.” “This day will never happen again.”

5. Pick a meaningful photograph from a family event and write a description, telling about the experience and what it meant to you.

6. Write about an apology – either one from you or one to you. Describe the circumstances that led up to the apology.

7. What is your most important belonging and why is it so precious to you? Who gave it to you?

8. Create a timeline of your life. Include photos of you and your family. Also include one national or international event that happened during your life that has had widespread impact.

9. Write about an unshakeable belief (something you believe in and will never change your mind).

10. Write about what you’d like to accomplish when you are older. Think about your career, personal life, and service to others.

11. Write about what happened on the day you were born. Talk to your parents about those events and find out how they

may have impacted your family.

12. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? Use examples to support your opinion.

13. Write about something that someone said to you that you can’t forget.

14. If you could interview someone famous (living or dead), who would it be and why? What questions would you ask this person and why would you want to know the answers?

15. Write about the most fun you’ve ever had or about a time when you had no fun at all.

16. Write about being discovered doing something that you wish would have been kept a secret.

17. Write about a time when you did something wrong and did not regret it. OR write about a time you did something wrong and did regret it.

18. Write about a time when you did something right, but was not recognized for it. OR Write about a time you did something right and earned recognition for it.

19. Write about your ideal day. What would you do and where would you do these things? Who would be included?

20. Write about being bullied or teased. Or Write about a time when you bullied or teased someone else.

21. Write about a physical characteristic that you are proud to have inherited.

22. Write about a time when things did not turn out the way you expected them to.

23. Write about a time when you were really afraid. OR Tell about a time when you were afraid, but suddenly were not afraid.

24. Write about something you didn’t plan to do, but did. What were the consequences?

25. Write about something that was broken. You might have broken something, or something that was yours was broken by someone else.

26. Write about a time you were homesick. Where were you and how did you manage to get through these intense feelings?

27. Want more ideas? Look at the attached ideas!

28. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? What would you hope to do and see?

29. If you could invite anyone to dinner (living or dead) who would it be? Why would you choose that person? What would you serve? What would you discuss?

30. If you could travel in time, what time era would you travel to, and what and who would you choose to see?

31. If you could change history by going back in time, what event would you change? How would you affect that change?

More Ideas

1. Write about an unwelcome surprise.

2. Write about a welcome surprise.

3. Write about a stomachache.

4. Write about a time when something was too small.

5. Write about a tantrum you had (include whether you regretted it or not.)

6. Write about finding something awful.

7. Write about finding something wonderful.

8. Write about being afraid of something, someplace, or someone.

9. Write about a bad haircut.

10. Write about being involved in an activity that you didn’t want to be involved in (music lessons, sports, after school club, etc.)

11. Write about a secret.

12. Write about a pet and something that he/she did.

13. Write about giving your dog a bath.

14. Write and have the last line be “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

15. Write about being scolded.

16. Write and have the last line be “But she came back.”

17. Write about sitting in someone’s lap.

18. Write about being too cold or too hot.

19. Write about something vanishing.

20. Write and have the first line be “That’s enough of that.”

21. Write and have the last line be “That’s enough of that.”

22. Write about when someone fell down.

23. Write and have the first line be “That’s not yours.”

24. Write and have the first line be “There are many things I miss.”

25. Write about a time when you were suddenly not afraid.

26. Write and have the second sentence be “It’s not funny.”

27. Write about a time that you comforted an adult.

28. Write about looking for a lost animal.

29. Write about something that you promised not to forget and you forgot.

30. Write and end with “I could go on and on.”

31. Write about a time when you were dressed inappropriately for the occasion.

32. Write about a time when someone lost his/her temper.

33. Write about a time when you felt compassion unexpectedly.

34. Write about someone or something being born.

35. Write about something that you cannot deny.

36. Write about something that you did or that you don’t understand.

37. Write about something that you had to have.

38. Write about something embarrassing.

39. Write about what you have too much of.

40. Write about how you spend your allowance.

41. Write about what got left behind.

42. Write about what you collect, or what you do not collect.

43. Write about a time when you knew you were in trouble.

44. Write about a fading memory.

45. Write about what you want to be.

46. Write about at time when you got the wrong reaction from someone.

47. Write about a time when a holiday was supposed to be special and wasn’t.

48. Write about something you gave that wasn’t appreciated.

49. Write about being sick.

50. Write about where you would fly if you could.

51. Write about something that someone said that you filed away in your memory.

52. Write about a moment when you knew something was over.

53. Write about what you wish you could still do.

54. Write about a skill that you have, but no longer need.

55. Write about a time involving a flashlight.

56. Write and end with “You can’t get away from it.”

57. Write about something that makes you laugh every time.

58. Write and end with “That’s typical.”

59. Write about what you don’t have to have.

60. Write about when a striking difference between you and someone else became clear.

61. Write about what you think of when you are getting ready to go on a trip.

62. Write about not wanting to leave a favorite place.

63. Write about a question you wish you had asked.

64. Write about finding someone doing something mysterious.

65. Write about receiving help that was not welcome.

66. Write about something that you wish you didn’t know.

67. Write about something you regret telling someone.

68. Write and begin with “Get me out of here.”

69. Write about something you no longer feel guilty about.

70. Write about something you feel guilty about.

71. Write about something you have learned to overlook.

72. Write about what you cannot overlook.

73. Write about family traditions.

74. Write about family superstitions.

75. Write about pretending to like the food somewhere.

76. Write about good manners that make no sense.

77. Write about a time that you were really excited, but lost your enthusiasm.

78. Write about a sudden or awkward silence.

79. Write about a responsibility you would rather not have.

80. Write about a time that you were reluctant to go home.

81. Write about what you don’t need.

82. Write about a favorite Saturday or Sunday.

83. Write about a mistake you didn’t bother to correct.

84. Write about a time you overreacted.

85. Write about a dream.

86. Write about a lie you were told.

87. Write about something you no longer find funny.

88. Write about what you find funny.

89. Write about your bad habit or habits.

90. Write about what you don’t want to hear.


Detail 2:

Detail 3:

Detail 1:

Purpose / Importance of Story:To entertain, amuse To teach a lesson To persuade Other?



Story Idea:

Planning Organizer – Memoir for_____________________

Writing a Personal Memoir 2 1 0

I have written in the first person (I, we) or third person (he, she).

Yes Sometimes No

I have written in the past tense. Yes Sometimes No

I have written an introduction for the reader. Yes Sometimes No

The story is written events in the order they happened.

Yes Sometimes No

I have used transitions to help the reader. Yes Sometimes No

I have added many details to make my memoir interesting.

Yes Sometimes No

I have used strong adjectives to create images in the reader’s head.

Yes Sometimes No

I have used powerful verbs to describe the action in the story.

Yes Sometimes No

I described my feelings throughout the memoir. Yes Sometimes No

I ended my story with concluding remarks that tell the reader why I chose to write about this experience.

Yes Sometimes No

I read my story to a peer who helped me to check this checklist.

Yes Sometimes No