· Web viewLCS Stake Holder SurveyWylies math data Parent request / CommentsDA Report Card Input...

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Fruitland Park Elementary SchoolTitle I Plan

2013-2014 Programs

I. Members of Planning Committee: . Dr. M. DeJarlais Principal

Pat Nave Assistant PrincipalCarol Peppers ESE SpecialistRobin Colborne Literacy CoachKimberly Belcher Math & Science CoachDiane Blozis Guidance CounselorBarnelia Woodward Curriculum Resource TeacherHoward Lawrence Parent

II. Dates of Planning Meetings:April 1, 2013 9:30 am Leadership April 8, 2013 3:45 pm SACApril 8, 2013 6:30 pm Title I Planning Night

III. Evidence of Planning with Title I Program Specialist:Technical Assistance Sessions:9/14/12, 10/29/12, 11/30/12, 12/21/12, 1/29/13, 2/26/13, 3/20/13, 4/23/2013March 8, 2013 Title I Regional Meeting

IV. Evidence of Needs Analysis: A comprehensive needs assessment was conducted using the following data points: AMO data Classroom walk-through dataAttendance FAIR2012 FCAT results Behavior dataTitle I Parent Survey FTE dataBenchmark & Mid Year Assessment MTSS

LCS Stake Holder Survey Wylies math dataParent request / Comments DA Report CardInput from the SAC School DemographicsTeacher surveys Leadership Meetings District RUC2 Ready ConsortiumAfter viewing the above data points the objectives were developed.

AMO Proficiency

Year GradeTotal


Performance Pts Sub-


Gains Pts% Levels 3-4-5 Reading

% Levels 3-4-5 Math

% Levels 3.5+ Writing

% Levels 3+ Science

% Improve Reading

% Improve Math

% Low 25% Improve Read

% Low 25% Improve Math

Minority Rate

% F/R Lunch

% NCLB Criteria Satisfied

Made AMO


2012 B 495 241 256 55 58 80 48 57 67 59 73 75 n/a NBefore

Adjustments 486 232 n/a 52 55 77 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

AMO Proficiency

Year GradeTotal


Performance Pts Sub-


Gains Pts% Levels 3-4-5 Reading

% Levels 3-4-5 Math

% Levels 3.5+ Writing

% Levels 3+ Science

% Improve Reading

% Improve Math

% Low 25% Improve Read

% Low 25% Improve Math

Minority Rate

% F/R Lunch

% NCLB Criteria Satisfied

Made AYP?


2011 A 577 280 297 69 75 83 53 71 70 69 87 37 73 95 N2010 C 479 244 235 65 62 79 38 59 58 50 68 40 72 77 N2009 B 523 278 245 71 69 94 44 61 54 66 64 39 66 87 N2008 A 534 268 266 71 67 96 34 65 65 57 79 39 62 90 N2007 A 537 268 269 71 71 85 41 72 61 71 65 39 59 92 N

V. Objectives Developed as a Result of the Needs Assessment:

PERSONNEL Hire a full time Remediation Teacher:

FPES will hire a fulltime remediation teacher to focus on our 3rd grade students. The new remediation teacher will plan and coordinate with the 3rd grade team of teachers to provide additional needed support for small group intense remediation as well as students participating in the MTSS process.

Hire a full time Remedial / Computer teacher and MTSS Manager . A half time Remedial / Computer teacher will continue to benefit our school. This person will be able to serve the entire student population in their position on the “enrichment wheel” on Tuesday and Thursdays. Computer knowledge is imperative as we move toward the PARCC’s electronic testing. Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be spent providing leadership for our MTSS. This MTSS manager will organize, facilitate and follow-through on MTSS decisions as well as insure fidelity of the program and interventions.

Hire a full time Math/Science Coach Based upon previous FCAT scores in math and science, the full time implementation of a math/science coach to provide both hands-on classroom modeling and staff development has proven to be cost effective. In addition, this person will be critical in the implementation of the newly adopted Common Core math and reading curriculum in science.

Hire 1 paraprofessional (3.5 hours) In order to support differentiated instruction and flexible grouping, a paraprofessional is needed in the classroom to increase academic learning time.

Hire 1 paraprofessional (3.5 hours) This position is intended to support MTSS. This position is critical to the ongoing implementation of our MTSS program and has proven both cost effective and imperative in serving our MTSS students.


Writing: To improve writing scores by 3% on the 2014 Florida Writes

Continue to utilize a full time Writing Coach to model and mentor teachers in writing instruction with an added focus on 3rd and 4th grades. This position will be key in the effective transition to CCSS.

4th and 5th grade students will continue to complete the Document Based Question (DBQ) project on a quarterly basis. We are working toward implementation of this type of reading and writing in the lower grades as well with an eye on the common core standards and their reading and writing rigor. Our Writing Coach will be vital in this transition.

Title I funding will also be provided to cover both subs and stipends to ensure that teachers are able to participate in this important training.

Great Books was brought onboard in the 2012 – 2013 school year to provide our students with more opportunity to respond to complex text. This resource is also and excellent mentoring tool to provide our students with access to classical and well rounded examples of exemplar text.

Reading: To increase by 10%, the number of students scoring level 3 and above on the 2014 FCAT 2.0.

FPES will purchase supplemental literature and informational complex text (50/50) to provide additional practice in the CCSS “close reads”. These additions to our curriculum will insure increased vocabulary and comprehension routines in our daily lessons thereby increasing the rigor of our overall ELA program. Professional development for Great Books and informational close reads will be provided to the teachers in the fall.

We will continue to provide in-house staff development for Words Their Way and Making Words which are used in the reading block for core instruction, remediation and enrichment in phonics instruction and word work.

Provide staff development for all instructors, in all grade levels in phonemic awareness, phonics and running records in order to provide highly effective, school wide phonics instruction and remediation.

Continue to utilize “Rosetta Stone” for all students identified as ELL, “LY” students in support of acquiring academic fluency in English.

Continue to utilize the Nancy Fetzer reading instruction strategies in all academic areas. This will be supported by the literacy coach, PLCs, staff development, peer coaching, and Instruction Demonstration Observations (IDO’s). The Nancy Fetzer strategies for both fiction and non-fiction literature will be used throughout the school for both reading and writing to respond to the text.

Fruitland Park Elementary School is currently researching consultants and programs to provide staff development and support for our teachers in both reading and writing. Professional development is most especially critical in our transition from the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards to the Common Core State Standards and FCAT 2.0 to the PARCC Assessment. Funding will also be provided to cover both subs and stipends to ensure that teachers are able to participate in this important training.

Staff Development which will also require subs and/or stipends will be provided to our teachers to train them to use the new reading basal and reading materials that will come with the district’s adoption of a new elementary reading program to begin in the 2013 – 2014 school year.

Fast Forward, Earobics and Lexia will continue to be utilized to remediate students with reading deficiencies. The Site license we will purchase from Scientific Learning will cover the cost of Fast Forward. Accelerated Reader (AR) will also be purchased to continue during the 2013 – 2014 school year.

Subscriptions for Weekly Reader and Science Spin will be purchased to provide additional informational text with an emphasis on higher order thinking and questioning.

As in previous years we will again hire subs for Kindergarten through 2nd grade for FAIR testing so that teachers may personally administer the FAIR to their students.

Reading Data Sorts to match students with differentiated instruction will also be used during the 2013 – 2014 school year. Funds will be used to pay for subs so that teachers may meet and deliberate together when placing students in specific Reading Plus groups (30 additional minutes daily of reading instruction beyond the 90 minute reading block).

Writing will also be utilized in reading instruction as required by the Common Core Curriculum. Subs will be hired to provide time for teachers to collaborate on writing instruction and scoring.

Math: To increase by 10%, the number of students scoring level 3 and above on the 2014 FCAT.

Utilize a Math/Science Coach to mentor, model and provide staff development geared to the NGSSS, FCAT 2.0 and the PARCC. With the blending of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and the Common Core, the Math and Science coach will be responsible to provide staff development to prepare our teachers for the transition between the two sets of standards. Subs and/or stipends will be utilized to provide time for teacher training and collaboration. Some of our teachers are currently participating in Thinking Math train the trainers. These teachers under the support of our Math Coach will provide staff development to our faculty throughout the 2013 – 2014 school year.

Continue to utilize Wiley’s Warm-Ups as math instructional focus lessons for 2nd through 5th grades in order to provide on-going progress monitoring and additional math instruction which is based upon the NGSSS math standards.

Continue to utilize Everglades’ Next Generation Florida Mathematics Standards Curriculum for math remediation. Hopefully, and if funding allows, continue to use Penda for math and science remediation, practice and enrichment.

Continue to invite the District Program Specialist for Math to Fruitland Park on a monthly basis to provide ongoing staff development.

Continue to participate in the STEM program.

Science: To increase by 10% the number of students scoring level 3 and above on the 2014 FCAT

Utilize a Math & Science Coach to mentor, model and provide staff development geared to the NGSSS and FCAT 2.0. The Science Coach is also active in providing science labs for the 5th grade students which supports their knowledge of classroom learning.

With the blending of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and the Common Core the Science Coach will also play an important role in transition to science instruction as prescribed by the Common Core. Hopefully, and if funding allows, continue to use Penda for math and science remediation, practice and enrichment.

Focused Support for Sub Groups:

Lower Performing Students: For the past three years, between February and April, Fruitland Park Elementary School has provided afterschool tutoring for our struggling students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO), with focus on remediation of identified areas of weakness. This is in addition to the SES tutoring provided by Title I, if available. Pending funding, Fruitland Park Elementary plans to offer this same service in the 2013-2014 school year.

Fruitland Park Elementary school will continue to extend the 90 minute reading block by adding an additional 30 minute reading instruction period daily for grades 2 -5. This time provides the school with the opportunity to remediate practice or enrich students in their reading skills.

Homeless Students:It is the goal of Fruitland Park Elementary School to work with our homeless families to provide the support they need to avoid interruptions in their student’s education. The school’s registration packets provide a place where parents can let us know if they are currently homeless. These students receive free or reduce lunch, the right to continue at the same school if they so choose even if they must leave our immediate school zone, counseling for academic support if they so choose, educational supplies as well as the communities “Food for the Weekend” program.

Migrant Students: It is the goal of Fruitland Park Elementary School to work with our migrant families to provide the support they need to avoid interruptions in their student’s education. The school’s registration packets provide a place where parents can let us know if they are employed or have been employed recently as migrant workers. These students receive free or reduce lunch, the right to continue at the same school if they so choose even if they must leave our immediate school zone, counseling for academic support if they so choose, educational supplies as well as the communities “Food for the Weekend” program.

Minorities:Fruitland Park Elementary school will continue to provide staff development on Cultural Awareness for all Fruitland Park Elementary School faculty members.

Students With Disabilities:Research verifies that Thinking Maps does have a positive impact on students with disabilities. Continued staff development or PLCs in Thinking Maps will be provided to the faculty.

Writing Teams and Work Shops for Faculty (including our Family School Liaison) to discuss and plan curriculum, assessment data and coordination as well as prepare classroom teaching materials will be conducted. These workshops will convene during the school year, weekends and summer.

VI. Professional Development Plan and Budget Junior Great Books $9000.00 Phonemic Awareness, phonics & running records In-house Nancy Fetzer reading and writing (if possible) $9000.00 CCSS / PARCC In-house Stipends & Subs for Teacher Training & Collaboration $18,294.00 Thinking Maps In-house Thinking Math In-house Math/Science Coach $56,577.00

Literacy Coach Separate Funding

VII. Parent Involvement Plan and Budget:a. Research-Based Approaches to Parent Involvement that will be implemented:

Monthly Family Nights (including dinner) with an academic focus (may include math, science, reading and writing)

Pre-school tours and advertising School Website “The Challenger” parent news letter Translation System for parent meetings Parent volunteer programs All Pro Dad Breakfasts Parent Resource Room Family/School Liaison Prescription Pads Kindergarten Round-Up Title I Parent Meetings

Parent Involvement Expenses: Food (Parent Night Dinners, Pro-Dad & I-Mom Breakfasts: $2500.00 Child Care: $310.00 Supplies: Copies: $500.00 Teacher Pay for Parent CCSS academic informational nights: $1,189.00 Mileage: $300.00 Supplies $894.00

b. Method for Tracking Parent Involvement:

Parent Climate Survey Sign In Sheets Meeting Agendas Family School Liaison & CRT records box Recorded Volunteer Hours

Parent Involvement database

c. Coordination with Title I and District Parent Involvement Council:

FPES will be represented at all DAC meetings and provide minutes of the meeting to the SAC and PTO. The Family/School Liaison will attend all District Parent Involvement Council meetings and provide minutes of the meeting to the SAC and PTO. Our FSL and at least one parent representative will serve on the district Title I Parent Involvement Plan Committee.

VIII. Periodic Evaluation Plan:

Previous Summer: Summer School Based Leadership Meetings

disaggregate data to establish school goals for 2013 – 2014 set a school wide focus calendar based upon data adjust curriculum and instruction as needed to address identified areas of need plan staff development needed to support the new goals

District Leadership MeetingsState Differentiated Accountability Feeder Pattern Workshop

August : Preplanning District Leadership SessionAdministration & Leadership team presents information to all staff

August – June: Leadership Team MeetingsAugust – June: Vertical Team MeetingsAugust – June: Grade Level MeetingsAugust – June: TEAM Teacher EvaluationsSeptember – June: Grade level data sessionsSeptember – June: District Level DA visits and evaluationsOctober, February & May: SAC reviews school data periodically to insure the school is making the anticipated progress and if not, adjust the school plans when needed.Students in need of support are directed to the MTSS teamSIP Mid-Year Report: A mid-year interim report is compiled and submitted which evaluates our School Improvement Plan. Adjustments to strategies are made accordingly in the Title I Plan and in the SIP. We will also evaluate our students’ progress using current FAIR, benchmark assessments and other assessment data which may include: pre/post Harcourt tests, writing

prompts, informal classroom assessments. We will also evaluate parent/family involvement progress through informal on-going discussions.

IX. Compliance narrative including how you will address the 10 Title I-mandated compliance objectives and four sub-points of NCLB, Sec. 1114, Components of a School-wide Program.

a. A comprehensive needs assessment :AMO data Classroom walk-through dataAttendance FAIR2012 FCAT results Behavior dataTitle I Parent Survey FTE dataBenchmark & Mid Year Assessment MTSSLCS Stake Holder Survey Wylies math dataParent request / Comments DA Report CardInput from the SAC School DemographicsTeacher surveys PLCs

Leadership District RUC2 Ready Consortium

b. School-wide reform strategies :

MTSS Vertical Teams (PLC) Grade Level Teams (PLC) Non-fiction reading Thinking Maps Positive Behavior Systems (PBS) Family School Liaison Math and Science Coach Writing Coach Common Core Thinking Math Literacy Coach Cooperative Learning

c. Instruction by highly qualified teachers :

Instruction by highly qualified teachers Principal: Doctorate of Education Assistant Principal Masters of Education Leadership One-hundred percent of our instructional teachers are highly qualified as defined by NCLB and verified by the district office.

38% hold an Advanced Degree 14% are Reading Endorsed 63% are ESOL Endorsed 04% are National Board Certified

All of our paraprofessionals are highly qualified.

d. High-quality and on-going professional development :

Thinking Maps (In-House Trainer) Cooperative Learning (District Trainer) Nancy Fetzer’s Literacy Connections (Pending Funding) Close reading & complex text instruction (In-House Trainer) Phonics & Running Record (Qualified Volunteer Trainer) Higher Order Thinking (In House) Differentiated Instruction (In House) Junior Great Books (JGB Trainer) Thinking Math (In-House Trainer) Common Core Cohort Monthly Train the Trainers Monthly PLC’s (In-House) Gallery Walks (In-House) Data Tracking and Data Management (Coaches) Literacy Coach Math /Science Coach

e. Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers :

FPES utilizes the District provided recruitment strategies. All new hires must be “Highly Qualified” FPES offers a nurturing work environment and support for all new hires. All instructional staff new to FPE

participate in a welcome meeting, Teacher Orientation Program. A Title I Instructional Coach works one on one with all new hires throughout the year Department chairs play an active role in mentoring and familiarizing new hires with the State District and school


f. Strategies to increase parental involvement :

Monthly Academic Parent Nights including dinner (academic focus) (with free child care) Title I meetings (fall and spring planning) Principal, teachers, students and parents sign the school’s Title I Compact and are

conferenced on Parent Report Card Night Monthly Newsletter School Web Site Abbreviated Parent Involvement Plan brochure sent home Notices of meetings and events sent home Kindergarten Round-Up (flexible meeting times) All Pro Dad monthly breakfasts iMOM monthly breakfasts Student Awards Ceremonies Report Card Night Conferences Fall Meet the Teacher Night Flexible meeting times for Title I meetings Spanish notices to parents (when needed) Translator device for conferences / meetings are available Student report card and progress reports (English & Spanish) Food 4 Families (weekend program)

g. Plans for assisting preschool children in transition from early childhood programs:

FPES invites preschools to take tours in the spring prior to the children’s kindergarten year. We also coordinate with the local Head Start to offer an annual tour for their Head Start students who will be attending FPES in the fall. FPES promotes Voluntary Pre- K through posters and flyers (VPK). We offer flexible meeting times in an effort to accommodate as many parents as possible. Handouts are given to the upcoming kindergartners that provide tips and activities for the students and their parents to prepare for the upcoming school year.

h. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessment described in the plan:

FPES teachers are encouraged to meet with the Principal to share ideas and concerns on a one to one setting if a teacher so desires. Weekly Vertical Team and/or Grade Level PLC’s are another venue that provides the teachers with “a voice” in the school’s academic and procedural policies. Grade levels “data days” provide teachers and the leadership team the opportunity to meet and discuss assessments, assessment results and their implications for classroom instruction. Weekly leadership team meetings and monthly grade level chair meetings are yet another way the school provides the opportunity for communication between the faculty, the leadership team and the administration. Teacher surveys are another method used to include teachers in the decision making process.

i. Students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance which shall include:

After school SES tutoring (if available) After school ELO tutoring (if funds are available) Math Heads before and after school tutoring In school pull out / push in small group remediation with resource teachers Differentiated explicit small group or one-on-one instruction/remediation with the

classroom teacher Small group /one on one remediation provided by certified support teachers and

highly qualified teachers’ assistants SIPPS Words Their Way / Making Words (phonics and word study) Title III Rosetta Stone Computer time for support/remediation/enrichment (Fast Forward / / FCAT Explorer)

Hands on math and science labs (AIMS & Picture Perfect Science) READing Paws Therapy Dogs Positive Behavior Systems

j. Coordination and integration of federal, state and local services and programs:

We support various state and federal programs, including: Inclusion IDEA ELL SAC Title II Title III Title X SAI

We also utilize community partnerships including: DARE Community United Methodist Church (after school Wednesday tutoring / Wonderful Wednesday enrichment, Holiday Food program Assembly of God of Fruitland Park Church We are supported by community organizations that aide our school and families in

money supplies and volunteer hours including: Kiwanis Rotary American Legion Auxiliary READing Paws Therapy Dogs

List 4 sub-points:1. Describe how the school will implement the ten (10) components.

Vertical Teaming Horizontal Teaming Direct Instruction

Differentiated Instruction, Coaching, (Math Science, Literacy and Peer Coaching) PLC’s District, professional and in-house staff developers Instructional Demonstration Observations (IDO’s) Teacher Gallery Walks

2. Describe how the school will use resources from Title I and other sources to implement the ten (10) components.

FPE will use the majority of the Title I funding for personnel. A portion of funding will also be utilized to support ongoing professional development and/or supplies for teacher in-services including writing teams, stipends and subs.

3. List all state, local and federal programs that support your school-wide program.

FPE will continue using the FAIR assessment to identify the student Achievement level, diagnosis reading problems and identify appropriate

instructional implications Through LCS’s grant, Fruitland Park is also participating in PBS to fine

tune our school policies and MTSS process In the 2013 – 2014 school year, FPES will continue the Reading

PAWS program FPES participates in the District’s Science Fair and District wide

Competitions FPES participates in the District’s STEM program ESE IDEA Lake County Educational Foundation DARE Title I, Title II, Title III, Title X, SAI PTO / SAC

4 Describe how the school will provide individual student academic assessment results in a language the parents can understand, including an interpretation of those results, to the parents of a child who participates in the academic assessments required.

Bilingual teachers and staff are available to assist with communications for Spanish Speaking parents. Letters, progress reports and assessment reports during the school year are sent home in English and Spanish. A translation device will be available for conferences and meetings Reports provided by the state, FCAT and CELLA are provided in English and Spanish

X. Budget Narrative explaining use of funding

a. ReasonableThe expenses are valid and necessary to meet the objectives of the plan. The school has the capacity to use the purchases. District bid process is followed. Yes, the school can fully defend all purchases

b. NecessaryThe purchases are necessary to meet the objectives of the plan. District bid process is utilized and minimum amount is spent. There are no other items to substitute.

c. AllocableItems are budgeted for and have a line item available. No items have a split use.

d. AllowableAll items are allowable purchases for Title I funding.