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MPS - My Language Portfolio

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 1

My Language Portfolio

Name: __________________________________

School: _________________________________

World LanguagesCurriculum and Instruction

Minneapolis Public Schools

This pilot portfolio is based on the European Language Portfolio and the CILT Junior Portfolio, and the Linguafolio Pilot Project developed by the NCSSFL (National Council of State Supervisors for Languages) and the state departments of education for Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Kentucky. More information about the pilot project is available at

Minneapolis Public Schools acknowledges the work of NCCSFL, the Council of Europe and the ELP, and the pilot participants in developing this portfolio project for languages.

MPS - My Language Portfolio

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 2

My Language Portfolio

will help you keep track of and think about how YOU learn languages and learn about other cultures through various experiences. It can be a record of your progress as you continue learning languages and learning about cultures throughout school and life.

Language learning is an adventure and this can be your travel journal!

What you can do with your language portfolio:

Show people what you know and can do in other languages at different times as you continue to learn.

Show people what you’ve learned and experienced about different cultures.

Show YOU what and how your have learned to use more and more language over time.

Help yourself to think about how you learn languages and set goals for continuing to learn languages and to set goals for your own learning.

Assess yourself using the checklist as a record of what you think you can do and how you are progressing in the languages you are learning.

Add work samples of what you can do in languages at different times throughout your learning, such as recordings of your voice, something you have written, projects, awards or certificates.

Keep a journal of the places you visit, people you meet who speak the language, your experiences with using the language, how you have used your knowledge of other cultures and other accomplishments.

Share your portfolio with your parents, teachers – especially when you change schools, and others.

Keep it up to date as you learn other languages. It can serve as a map of your life-long language-learning journey.

Let’s get started………….

MPS - My Language Portfolio

My Language Experiences

Languages I already KNOW!

Fill this out for the languages you already know. For example: “I use Hindi to talk to my grandmother.”

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 4

Some ideas………….At school

At home

To sing to write

With friends

To read

To talk

To understand With family

To write

I use


I use


I use


MPS - My Language Portfolio

My Language Experiences I have seen or heard: In this Language: From this Culture/Country:

A movie

A book

A magazine

A TV program

A newspaper

A menu

A food label

A greeting card

A public sign

Words on clothes

A song

An artwork

A symbol

A flag

A coin or paper money

A game

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 5

MPS - My Language Portfolio

My Language Experiences

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 6


Single words – such as


Labels on objects in the classroom

Dates and days of the week

Number words



My name

Some new words

Where I live

My age

Labels on things

A simple story or poem

and other things…

MPS - My Language Portfolio

My Language Experiences

Names of my friends or email pals who speak these languages:

Countries I have visited where these language are spoken:

How I learn languagesMy favorite activities for learning new words and phrases are:

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 7

MPS - My Language Portfolio

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 8

MPS - My Language Portfolio

Places in the World that I’ve Learned About……………………

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 9

MPS - My Language Portfolio

Learning about other cultures……

What I Know About ________________ (country/countries)What do you already know about the country? Do you know what kind of food they eat, what kind of clothes they wear, what language(s) they speak, what holidays or traditions they have…etc. Fill in the box below as much as you can.

What I Learned About ______________(country/countries)What did you learn about the country? Write as much as you can.

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 10

MPS - My Language Portfolio

Cultural Celebrations What kinds of cultural celebrations or festivals do you know? Fill in the box and the reasons that you feel that way.

Most Interesting

Most Informative

Most Fun

My Favorite

Most Unusual

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 11

MPS - My Language Portfolio

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 12

MPS - My Language Portfolio

My Language Experiences What helps me understand and learn:

When I READ words in another language?

When I HEAR words in another language?

When I PRONOUNCE words like my teacher says them?

When I COMMUNICATE my ideas to people when I speak?

When I communicate my ideas when I WRITE?

What GOALS do I have for learning a language?

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 13

MPS - My Language Portfolio

My Language Experiences

Some things I can do in _______________________ Circle what you can do.

I can tell others:

-please and thank you.

-what I want.

-how I feel.

-where I live.

-what I like and don’t like.

-how old I am.

-about my brothers or sisters.

-an answer to a question.

I can ask others:

-their names.

-where they are from

Gaelle Berg, World Language Curriculum Specialist, Minneapolis Public Schools, Fall 2008 Page 14

I can SPEAK!

I can sing a song.

I can count from 1-20.

I can spell my name.

I can say the date.

I can tell time.

I can say the day of the week.

I can say my favorite food.

I can say the color of something.

I can recite a rhyme or poem.

I can retell a simple story.

I can name some animals.

I can ….

I can TELL others:

- please and than you.

- what I want.

- how I feel.

- where I live.

- what I like and don’t like.

- how old I am.

- about my brothers or sisters.

- an answer to a question.



I can ASK others:

- their names.

- where they are from.

- what they like.

- where they live.

- what country they are from.


My Language Experiences

In the future I would like to…

Continue learning this language,


And learn another language such as…


I would like to go to these places where another language is spoken:


I will use my new language(s) to:


My Self –Assessment Checklist

Beginning – Listening What I can do in ____________________ On My

ownWith Help

Not Yet

1. I can understand some words and phrases such as hello, thank you, please and words that sound like English.

2. I can understand basic words and phrases about my family and myself when people speak slowly and clearly and repeat.

3. I can follow simple classroom instructions, directions and teacher comments.

4. I can understand basic greetings and routine phrases like please and thank you.

5. I can understand short, simple questions about myself when people speak slowly and clearly and repeat.

6. I can understand descriptions of common objects.

7. I can understand times and dates.

8. I can tell main ideas from sentences about familiar topics.

9. I can understand some simple songs, rhymes and poems.

10. I can understand numbers (1 – 20).

11. I can ….

My Self –Assessment Checklist Beginning – Reading

What I can do in __________________ On My own

With Help

Not Yet

1. I can identify familiar names, words and phrases in very short, simple readings.

2. I can understand words and phrases on simple everyday public signs (exit, no smoking, danger, days of the week, opening and closing times).

3. I can fill out simple forms (name, address and date of birth).

4. I can understand simple written messages and comments in the classroom (“very good”, “homework”).

5. I can understand short, simple messages on greeting cards and post cards (“Happy Birthday”, “Best wishes”).

6. I can understand the main ideas in reading when there are lots of pictures to help me (menus, maps, ads, signs, posters).

7. I can follow short, simple written directions for going somewhere or doing a simple task.

8. I can understand words that look like words I already know in my own language.

9. I can…..

My Self –Assessment Checklist

Beginning – Person to Person Communication

This is what I can do in ____________________ On My own

With Help

Not Yet

1. I can greet people in a polite way.

2. I can use words polite phrases like good morning, thank you, and please.

3. I can introduce myself and others.

4. I can give the names of some people, places, and objects.

5. I can ask simple questions and answer simple questions with a word or two.

6. I can carry on a simple conversation using phrases I have memorized.

7. I can say short sentences and phrases from memory.

8. I can talk about things I like and dislike.

9. I can describe myself, my family, other familiar people, places and things with short phrases or sentences.

10. I can ask for or give someone something.

11. I can say when I don’t understand and ask people to repeat or speak more slowly.

12.My teacher and classmates can usually understand me when I speak.

13. I can………

My Self –Assessment Checklist Beginning –Spoken Presentations

What I can do in ____________________ On My own

With Help

Not Yet

1. I can talk about myself and others using simple sentences about name, age, where we live, nationality, and family.

2. I can describe my activities, hobbies, and interests using simple sentences when I talk.

3. I can recite simple rhymes, poems, or sing songs.

4. I can name familiar people, places and objects.

5. I can talk about things I like and dislike.

6. I can …

My Self –Assessment Checklist

Beginning –Written PresentationsWhat I can do in ____________________ On My

ownWith Help

Not Yet

1. I can write or copy words I see on the wall, in a book or on the board.

2. I can write some familiar words.

3. I can fill in the blanks on a form that asks for personal information (last name, first name, age).

4. I can label pictures and objects (parts of body, classroom objects).

5. I can create a simple brochure with pictures, words and short phrases.

6. I can …

My Self –Assessment Checklist Intermediate -- Listening

What I can do in____________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can understand everyday words and phrases that talk about my family, school or where I live.

2. I can understand simple phrases and questions and information about the things I need like shopping, eating and health.

3. I can understand everyday words and phrases about the things I like or do such as hobbies, pets, music, and movies.

4. I can follow basic directions such as how to get from one place to another or how to complete a task.

5. I can identify the topic of conversation when people speak slowly and clearly.

6. I can understand the main idea and some details when I listen to basic messages and announcements on familiar topics.

7. I can usually understand the main idea of a simple news story or TV program if there are lots of pictures.

8. I can understand when people talk about things that happened in the past, present, or future but I may need it repeated.

9. I can understand the main idea of a skit or presentation with visual support.

10. I can …

My Self –Assessment Checklist Intermediate – Reading

What I can do in ___________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can understand short, simple messages and readings that have common words on familiar topics.

2. I can understand common public signs found in stores, airports, streets, or restaurants.

3. I can scan to find information I need when I look at advertisements, schedules, menus, phonebooks and brochures.

4. I can understand basic written instructions, directions, and rules.

5. I can understand short personal invitations, letters, or emails.

6. I can identify facts in short newspaper or magazine articles.

7. I can understand basic information in formal letters and messages.

8. I can understand main ideas and some details in simple poems and short stories or readings.

9. I can understand forms well enough to give details about myself.

10. I can guess the meaning of certain words by looking for word roots and thinking about the context in which the word is used.

11. I can….

My Self –Assessment Checklist

Intermediate- Person to Person Communication What I can do in _______________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can ask and respond to simple questions about familiar topics.

2. I can use numbers to talk about age, how many things, prices and the time.

3. I can describe myself - how I look and feel, where I live, my age, etc.

4. I can use colors, shapes, sizes and location to describe things.

5. I can create simple sentences with words and phrases I’ve learned.

6. I can talk about things that have happened in the past.

7. I can talk about things that are going to happen in the future.

8. I can begin and keep a conversation going using simple phrases about familiar topics.

9. I can share a personal description of a person, place or thing.

10. I can ask for and give simple directions to a place.

11. I can retell a familiar story or sequence of from pictures.

12. I can talk about personal feelings and likes, and giving simple reasons for these.

13. I can express feelings such as surprise, happiness, sadness, and interests.

14. I can talk about a simple problem, such as hunger, thirst, wants and needs.

15.My teacher and classmates can usually understand me when I speak.

16. I can………

My Self –Assessment Checklist Intermediate – Spoken Presentations

What I can do in _________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can create new sentences from familiar words and phrases.

2. I can describe myself, my family, other people, and where we live.

3. I can describe my interests, activities and personal experiences using several simple sentences.

4. I can use numbers to talk about age, how many, prices, and time.

5. I can describe objects using colors, shape, and size.

6. I can talk about my needs, wants and likes or dislikes.

7. I can ask and respond to simple questions about familiar topics.

8. I can summarize information in a simple way.

9. I can begin and keep a conversation going.

10. I can explain and give reasons for my plans and activities.

11. I can describe past activities and personal experiences.

12. I can retell a story using pictures.

13. I can talk about what is happening now.

14. I can talk about things that happened in the past.

15. I can talk about things that are going to happen in the future.

16. My teacher and classmates can easily understand me when I talk.

17. I can…..

My Self –Assessment Checklist Intermediate – Written PresentationsWhat I can do in ___________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can fill in a simple form or questionnaire about my personal information date of birth, address, and nationality.

2. I can write a message in greeting card or simple postcard.

3. I can write a short note or email message.

4. I can create a simple brochure with pictures and short sentences and paragraphs.

5. I can write short simple notes and messages about familiar topics, such as telephone messages, meeting someone, or giving an excuse.

6. I can open and close a simple personal letter using appropriate phrases and greetings.

7. I can write a simple personal letter or email to accept or offer and invitation, thank someone, or apologize.

8. I can write about my daily life in simple sentences about my family, school, hobbies, vacations, likes and dislikes.

9. I can write a simple summary of factual information on familiar topics.

10. I can…

My Self –Assessment Checklist Advanced --Listening

What I can do in ____________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can understand the main ideas and details of most conversations or discussions when people speak clearly and slowly.

2. I can understand long stories and presentations on familiar and some unfamiliar topics.

3. I can understand the main idea of news stories or music on familiar and some unfamiliar topics.

4. I can understand the storyline or plot of most T.V. programs or movies.

5. I can understand conversations, discussions or stories things that happen in the past, present, or future.

6. I can understand many idioms and colloquial expressions if I am familiar with the context.

7. I can …

My Self –Assessment Checklist

Advanced – Reading

What I can do in ________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can identify main ideas and many details in reading about familiar topics.

2. I can understand main ideas and some details from magazines, newspaper articles, short novels, poems, and plays.

3. I can understand correspondence, such as email pen pals or pen pals writing about feelings and activities.

4. I can understand main points when someone is trying to persuade me of something.

5. I can understand main ideas and some details in short stories.

6. I can understand the main ideas of a movie in another language.

7. I can scan books and other complex texts and pick out information for a specific task.

8. I can recognize different styles of writing in literature.

9. I can read more complex texts on a variety of subjects.

10. I can understand and summarize longer reading selections.

11. I can understand a variety of authentic documents that are written for native speakers.

My Self –Assessment Checklist Advanced – Person to Person Communication

What I can do in _________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can converse on topics that are familiar and interesting to me.

2. I can talk about how I feel and respond to other’s feelings in some detail.

3. I can talk about my opinions with some details.

4. I can ask and answer a wide variety of questions on a variety of topics, give reasons, and ask follow-up questions.

5. I can describe people, places and things in detail using a variety of descriptive words.

6. I can talk problems and suggest possible solutions.

7. I can talk about what has happened, giving background information and the sequence of events.

8. I can talk about things that will happen in the future, giving details and explanations about the event.

9. I can talk about things that could happen in the future, giving details and explanations about the events.

10. I can ask for a definition or explanation and will repeat what has been said in another way to make sure I understand.

11. I can handle almost all needs for communication in the target language.

My Self –Assessment Checklist Advanced – Spoken Presentations

What I can do in ___________________ On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can present information with supporting details about a variety of topics of my interest.

2. I can ask for and give detailed messages, directions and explanations.

3. I can tell a story or talk about an event that happened, using details, transitions and connections within the narration.

4. I can summarize news items, interviews, stories, films, or plays.

5. I can dramatize plays for an audience.

6. I can give a presentation and respond to audience questions.

7. I can give a series of directions with helpful hints to complete a task.

8. I can describe my dreams, hopes, and ambitions.

9. I can explain a point of view on an issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

10. I can present information with supporting details about a variety of topics of my interest.

11. I can………….

My Self –Assessment Checklist Advanced –Written Presentations

What I can do: On My own With Help Not Yet

1. I can write short paragraphs on topics of personal, current or general interest, using dictionaries as needed.

2. I can write personal letters describing important events and expressing feelings.

3. I can write a description of a book, or a movie’s plot, narrate a simple story, or report on an event.

4. I can write a resume giving personal information.

5. I can write formal letters giving or asking for detailed information, replying to ads, applying for a job.

6. I can write a summary of information.

7. I can write a fictional short story with a beginning, middle and end.

8. I can write a detailed personal narrative that describes past experiences, such as best day of my life, or a trip I took.

9. I can write a news report about a past or current event.

10. I can write a detailed, informative brochure.

11. I can write a persuasive letter, such as modify a policy or rule for longer lunch period, or to support a program.

12. I can….

For my other language learning documents, look for:

My Language Portfolio

I choose what goes into it. It is a record of some of my work in languages.

In my portfolio you can find samples of:

1) My written work2) My projects for school3) My voice on tape4) Posters I have created5) Videotapes, DVD, Podcasts or audio and video files of my language use 6) Brochures I have written and designed7) Other

The Official Record of My Language Learning

Course or Learning Experience:_________________________

School/Institution: _________________________

Year: ________Grades or Notes:_________

The Minneapolis Public Schools My Language Learning Portfolio is based on the European Language Portfolio, the CILT Junior Portfolio, the NCSSFL Linguafolio Project 2004 and the Wisconsin Linguafolio 2007