ViewDirect User Quick Reference Guide€¦ · ViewDirect – User Quick Reference Guide 4 Drill...

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Transcript of ViewDirect User Quick Reference Guide€¦ · ViewDirect – User Quick Reference Guide 4 Drill...

State of Maryland

Department of Information Technology

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Table of Contents

Overview .............................................................................................................. 1

Accessing ViewDirect .............................................................................................. 1

Logging into ViewDirect ........................................................................................... 2

Viewing Reports/Versions/Listings ............................................................................ 3

Drill Down to Report ............................................................................................... 4

Example of Printing an Entire Report........................................................................... 5

Example of Printing Selected Pages of a Report .............................................................. 6

Commonly Used Commands & Function Keys ............................................................... 7

Appendix A – Process of Converting a Report from ViewDirect into

an Excel Spreadsheet ....................................................................................... A-1

Obtain the Ability to Write ViewDirect Reports to a Dataset and

to Download the Dataset to the User’s Network/PC ........................................ A-1

Write a ViewDirect Report to a Dataset ............................................................... A-2

Perform a File Transfer Process (FTP) to Download the Dataset

from TSO to the User’s Network/PC ............................................................ A-2

Convert the Downloaded File into an Excel Spreadsheet.......................................... A-4

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide



ViewDirect is a repository of reports located on the mainframe. Users can access reports in

ViewDirect by report ID and, in most cases, by agency ID for the purpose of viewing, downloading

from the mainframe, and/or printing.

Accessing ViewDirect

1. From the ANNAPOLIS DATA CENTER screen, enter fmis, and press the Enter key.

2. From the CICSP50 FMIS PROD TOR screen, enter the ACF2 logon ID, and press the Enter


3. Enter the ACF2 password, and press the Enter key.

4. From the Signon OK screen, enter fmst, and press the Enter key twice.

5. From the FMIS MASTER SYSTEM MENU screen, press F6 for VIEW DIRECT:


ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Logging into ViewDirect

1. On the *** ViewDirect *** VIEWING MENU screen, enter the ViewDirect Recipient ID in

the RECIPIENT ID field, and press the Tab key.

2. Enter the ViewDirect Recipient ID password in the PASSWORD field.

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Viewing Reports/Versions/Listings

1. To locate a report by report ID, enter the report ID in the REPORT/TOPIC/QUEUE ID field,

and press the Enter key (i.e. DAFR4950).

2. To locate a report by agency ID, enter the agency ID in the REPORT/TOPIC/QUEUE ID field,

and press the Enter key (i.e. F50).

3. To view a complete listing of reports and agencies for which the ViewDirect Recipient ID has access, enter

YES in the DISPLAY LIST OF REPORTS/TOPICS field, and press the Enter key.

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Drill Down to Report

1. To select an item from any list, enter S (or any other single character) in the OPTION column next to

the item to be selected, and press the Enter key.

2. By continuing to select items from a list view, the user is able to drill down and view a specific


3. Important note: press the F3 key to return to the previous screen in ViewDirect.

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Example of Printing an Entire Report

1. To select an entire report for printing, from the REPORT SECTION INDEX screen, enter S (or any

other single character) in the OPTION column next to the report to be printed, and press the F2


2. To process the print request, press the Enter key. Note: in this example, all 31 pages were selected for


ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Example of Printing Selected Pages of a Report

1. From the REPORT SECTION INDEX screen, enter S (or any other single character) in the

OPTION column next to the report to be printed, and press the F2 key. Note: Using the F2 Key

while viewing the report will also initiate a print request.

2. To select specific pages of a report for printing, from the PRINTING MENU screen, modify the

FROM ==> PAGE and TO ==> PAGE fields to reflect only the pages to be printed, and press

the Enter key.

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Commonly Used Commands & Function Keys

The chart below offers additional options for selecting reports/pages to be printed within

ViewDirect, as well as, navigational and search information.

PF Key Command Where Valid Command/Operand Description

PF1 H(ELP) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Displays HELP text for the screen being


PF2 PR(INT) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Displays the Printing Menu. If you mark

pages for printing, the Printing Menu

prompts you to print the marked pages. If

you didn't mark pages for printing, the

Printing Menu provides the option to

select pages for printing.

PF3 END Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Returns to the previous screen.

PF4 ME(NU) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Returns to the Viewing Menu.

PF5 RF(IND) Report Screen Repeats the active FIND or SCAN


PF6 MA(RK) Report Screen Marks specific pages and/or specific

reports to be printed.

MA nnn – Marks the specified number of

pages; i.e., MA 1 marks the current page


MA – Marks the current page.

MA B – Marks the current page as the

beginning or ending of a block. At the

beginning, the block pending status is

turned ON. At the end, the block pending

status is turned OFF.

MA S - Marks all the pages of the current


ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


PF Key Command Where Valid Command/Operand Description

PF7 U(P) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

U nnn – Scrolls up nnn units. The unit is

specified in the SCROLL field (row,

screen, or page).

U MAX – Scrolls to the top of the report

or selection screen.

U – Scrolls up one SCROLL unit.

PF8 D(OWN) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

D nnn – Scrolls down nnn units. The unit

is specified in the SCROLL field (row,

screen, or page).

D MAX – Scrolls to the end of the report

or selection screen.

D – Scrolls down one unit.

PF10 LE(FT) Report Screen LE nnn – Scrolls the page horizontally to

the left by the number of columns


LE MAX – Scrolls to the leftmost column

(column 1).

LE – Scrolls left one-half screen.

PF11 RI(GHT) Report Screen RI nnn – Scrolls the page horizontally to

the right by the number of columns


RI MAX – Scrolls to the rightmost


RI – Scrolls right one-half screen.

PF12 Q(UIT) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Exits completely from ViewDirect.

M(AX) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

M – Used with PF7 and PF8 keys to move

the cursor the maximum number possible

in the specified direction.

B(OTTOM) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Moves to the end of the report or Selection


T(OP) Report Screen and

Selection Screens

Moves to the top of the report or to the

first entry on a Selection screen.

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


PF Key Command Where Valid Command/Operand Description

F(IND) Report Screen F sss – Searches forward for the string

specified by sss. If the string contains

blanks, enclose the string in single or

double quotes. If one kind of quote

appears in the string, enclose it in the other

kind of quote.

F sss ALL – Highlights all occurrences of

the string.

FR(EEZE) Report Screen FR Rnnn-nnn Cnnn-nnn – Where Rnnn

refers to a Row number and Cnnn refers to

Column number. Holds the specified rows

and columns in the visible window while


FR – Displays the current row and column

freeze values on the Command line.

FR OFF – Restores to the default page


FR ON – Restores the screen to the last

entered freeze settings.

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Appendix A –

Process of Converting a Report from ViewDirect

into an Excel Spreadsheet

Obtain the Ability to Write ViewDirect Reports to a Dataset and to Download

the Dataset to the User’s Network/PC

1. The user can have a new ViewDirect Recipient ID established that writes to a dataset by having

their agency’s FMIS Functional Coordinator or FMIS Security Officer complete and submit a

‘ViewDirect "Recipient ID" Request’ form.

On the form, enter 'FILE' or ‘DATASET’ in the Remote Printer ID field to have the requested

ViewDirect Recipient ID defined to write print requests to a dataset, instead of routing to a


The form, along with instructions, can be found at the following link:

ViewDirect "Recipient ID" Request Form

Send the completed form to the IT Service Desk at

Upon completion of this request, the user will receive a notification that includes the following


Recipient ID: XXXXX

Password: XXXXX


2. The user can obtain security to access the above dataset by having their agency’s ACF2 Security

Officer complete and submit the "ACF2 Dataset Access Form". The user will need

Read/Write/Allocate/Execute access.

The form, along with instructions, can be found at the following link:

ADC Security Forms

Send the completed form to DoIT Security Services at

Upon completion of this request, the user will receive a notification. The user now has the ability

to submit print requests in ViewDirect using the newly defined ViewDirect Recipient, and these

print requests will then be written to the designated dataset.

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Write a ViewDirect Report to a Dataset

1. Log into ViewDirect using the newly created ViewDirect Recipient ID.

2. Use the print function in ViewDirect to write a report to the dataset. Select/mark the report to

be printed. For assistance with printing, see examples previously described in this guide.

3. Pressing the F2 key to submit the print request will write the selected data to the dataset.

4. Log out of ViewDirect and FMIS.

Perform a File Transfer Process (FTP) to Download the Dataset from TSO to the

User’s Network/PC

1. Log into TSO.

2. At the Ready prompt, select the Receive Files option located on the Tools pull-down menu.

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


1. Under Host File, enter A60E.IR.PRD in the Level field.

2. Enter the remainder of the dataset name, ***.INFOPAC.DATA, in the Host Data Set field.

(The *** represent characters that are unique to each user’s dataset name.)

3. Under PC File, enter the location of where the downloaded file should be saved in the Look in


4. Enter a file name (without any extension) for the downloaded file in the File name field.

5. Under Data Type, verify/select the settings Text, CR/LF, and To ASCII.

6. Click the Transfer button. (A dialogue box will appear showing the file being downloaded from

the host to the requested destination.)

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Convert the Downloaded File into an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open Excel.

2. In Excel, click Open, Computer, and Browse.

3. Once Browse is selected, the Open dialogue box is displayed. Click on the File Type drop down

menu, and select All Files.

4. Locate and double click on the downloaded file.

5. A dialogue box may appear displaying a warning that the file format and extension do not

match. If so, click the Yes button to proceed with converting the file into Excel.

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


The Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 3 dialogue box will appear. This allows the user to

design the report’s format for Excel.

Step 1 of 3:

Choose the data type that best describes your data (usually Fixed width).

Modify the Start Import at row field if other than row 1.

Select the 437: OEM United States option from the drop down menu in the File origin


Select My data has headers if this option applies to the data.

Click the Next button.

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


Step 2 of 3:

Set column breaks, as desired.

Click the Next button.

Step 3 of 3:

Column Data Format should always be General.

Click the Finish button. This will import the data into an Excel spreadsheet using the

formatting options chosen in the Text Import Wizard.

Appendix A

ViewDirect –

User Quick Reference Guide


1. At this point, the Excel spreadsheet can be designed and/or modified as needed.

2. To save the spreadsheet as an Excel file, click Save as.

3. Optional: Modify the file location and/or file name.

4. Click on the Save as type drop down menu, and select Excel Workbook.

5. Click the Save button.