€¦ · Web viewA phone conversation with. Wiley Brooks . and . Bill Jordan. Yes, good evening...

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Transcript of €¦ · Web viewA phone conversation with. Wiley Brooks . and . Bill Jordan. Yes, good evening...

A phone conversation withWiley Brooks and Bill Jordan

Yes, good evening Mr.Wiley Brooks.Yes.How are you doing this evening?Ok, ok, and you?I’m doing well, thank you. Is this a good time?Yes, uh huh.Um, sorry about last night but I got everything under control so if you’d like we can start the interview.Ok, anytime…Ok great so Wiley brooks. Who is Wiley brooks?Wow, I’ve never had anyone ask that.Well I mean from the stand point you have a picture here of you lifting the weights back in 1982. Is that part of what you are, is that when you started breathatarianism?Well, um, gee I really don’t know where to start…I mean this is uh, this thing is so far away from where I started so when I start back from the beginning it seems almost impossible. Is your audience aware of the metaphysical world? You know, what they call the new age world… it’s been cooking for quite a while now.Yes there are some people in the audience that are aware of the metaphysical world, yes.Oh I see. Let me think for a minute because I haven’t done this for a long time from this point because I have been so into people that have been very advanced in it so I haven’t really taken the time to go back to that beginning stage again, you know? So let me see, um, you know a lot when it comes to my own personal self, I think the best thing that’s written about me is on the web. You know, the way it’s put - I’ve been teaching this stuff for a few years. It’s like a bio it’s very short its very brief. But it’s best describes me because I don’t have much history in this whirl. I came from another whirl. I’m so out of this whirl that to start with the truth wouldn’t make any sense at all. Okay…

You see what I’m saying? It’d be like running into an alien, which I am. People don’t know that such a thing exists, it’s like, they’re still wondering where the flying saucers exists and to me it’s like someone is wondering if automobiles exist.Ha ha, okBecause I’ve been around for 72 years now, do you see what I mean?Yes, I do.So… let me just sort of give you my perspective on how I may be able to reach a lot of your questions. Most people are interested because they hear about Breatharians from the view point that Breatharians that they’ve heard about are people that can live without eating food. That is the main information that is in the whirl and of course that was not really the main purpose of even really making that knowledge known. The purpose was to make people aware of the possibilities that we could do something way far beyond what they have been thought to believe. Do you see what I’m saying?Yes, I do.So that was the whole idea. When I started Breatharianism I started many years ago because I came to the conclusion not knowing that I would be different from anybody else from the planet in the sense of being aware of things that they weren’t, I’m not different in the as far as the physical bodies concerned but I was different because I came into the whirl in a different way and I came with a lot more information about my purpose of being here than most people so I started out very young knowing that I could live without eating but I also made it clear - and always made it clear - that I could only do that only in certain circumstances. Do you see what I mean?Yes. What are those circumstances, for those who don’t know?Well at the time when I introduced myself to the whirl that’s when I did the demonstration on that’s incredible. The circumstances have always been being in the environment with the proper air.

Right.See what I mean? When you live on just air, the body is so sensitive in its normal state that even a small amount of pollution in the air whether it be from automobiles or whatever is a tremendous detriment to the system so it’s impossible to live on just air alone on this planet except in very limited places. Do you see what I mean? So in other words the times that I spent not eating here were not that many. One because; it wasn’t what I came to do, but when I did do it I could only do it up in the mountains when I went away from the normal populations. You see what I mean?Yes, I do.So what I always said is that people can live without eating, in the proper environment. Now there are people that physically live on the earth - I’ve heard of

some in Russia and maybe some in India but they are people that are designed to live that way and they live in an environment which is conducive to that particular situation. But, under the circumstances we have in history and under the situation we have with the electricity with all of the man-made (well, it’s not even a matter of being man-made) it’s just that they are things that were counterproductive to the natural energies of the human body. For example, radiation from electromagnetic forces like television station transmitters… and the number one problem on the planet right now is the AC power system. The AC power system is extremely detrimental to the body.How so?… and all the other things that the whirl was not aware of. These things prevent you from going without eating because you can never get the body in an environment that was free from these types of intrusions.How does the ac system…?Well, I don’t know if you’re familiar with electricity, but the electromagnetic system effects of the AC electricity is very determinantal to the system because the human body runs on the electrical system which is more related to what we call direct current, or DC current, and it’s a current which runs in one direction. You know, you have your positive and your negative and they both run in one direction but the AC is reversed - it’s a system where you run from positive to negative for a period and then it switches back the other way so you have interruptions in the natural flow of things and it would be like your light switch on the wall; if you turn it on the light would come on and if you turn it off, it would go off. Well that’s what happens with AC current. It actually goes on, and then off... do you see what I mean?Yes, I do.And so this interrupts the natural mechanism of the body and it would prevent you from being at your natural state. Matter of fact, that is the number one problem in the planet right now - the electromagnetic pollution. And so, I didn’t even speak about this years ago because I didn’t know anything about those and it wouldn’t do any good to talk about it because most people wouldn’t be able to have the mechanism to detect it. Do you see what I mean? But I came with that mechanism. I have a built in mechanism that allows me to feel the energy from all different types of manifestations, and so in doing that over the years I was trying to find what would be a good way to get people, one to make them aware of the whirl we were preparing for, which by the way that whirl is here now, which is what I call the New Earth and when I started out many years ago I didn’t have any idea how that would play out. But in order to get people to the point where I was, I had to find out what was blocking people from getting to that state and I was not aware of all the problems, you see? It took all the years I spent trying to figure out what it is that stops people from moving up in their vibrations, which would naturally bring their frequencies to that of the New Earth.

So, what your saying is that the normal human beings such as myself, our bodies vibrate at a lower frequency than it should?Exactly.And because of a lot of things, the electromagnetic fields of contamination…Right.So you teach people, what is it that you can do?Well, what my website does, what I do now specifically, and what I’ve been doing - my main purpose on the planet (matter of fact just about everybody’s purpose on the planet at this time believe it or not) was to prepare people to move into a higher state of awareness or higher state of vibrations in their bodies which would be what is called in a lot of the religious books, Heaven on Earth. See what I mean? There is this New Whirl which is Heaven on Earth, but it is only experienced through the physical body. Now most religions taught that you would get to this heaven once you die but that’s not the case. The heaven that is actually happening right now - which I mention on my website - is a physical place and in order to get to that place your body has to be able to vibrate at a frequency that is harmonious with that frequency. Like, for example on a television receiver or transmitter or any type of communication you have a specific frequency, like a telephone number, right? So the same thing is with the whirl. The frequency of the physical whirl you are in now, called the 3d whirl [world] the basic vibration is that of carbon. So, as you move into the New Whirl the basic vibration of the New Whirl is gold. So you see, the difference is when you’re vibrating at the level of carbon then you cannot be accessible to the whirl that vibrates at the frequency of gold.So that’s why you say the true Breatharian has Six Precious Metals?Right, exactly. You see, if you notice on my website (I’ve been saying this forever and nobody’s getting it) everybody is a Breatharian, everybody on the planet at his point came to the whirl from the whirl where they did live, they could, if they wanted to, live without eating because it’s a totally different substance. But when they came to this whirl… and the only way to get to this whirl is, you have to come through a body which is harmony with this particular whirl, which is a carbon-based whirl, right? When your born into the body you’re born into that type of body. But the way the evolution process works is in order for a society or a whirl to move up to a higher level, the bodies are gradually changed. The DNA is changed in the body by the new generations that come in. Now have you heard of the crystal children or the indigo children? Have you heard that term?No, I don’t know indigo, no.You’ve heard of crystal?Yeah, sure.Oh I see. Ok well the indigo is the same type of thing, it’s just that they have a higher vibration and their vibrations are compatible with the New Whirl vibrations.

You see what I mean? Now the interesting thing is - where I come in - the problem is getting there from the carbon-based whirl. Even though the young people come in (even for the past 30 or 40 years, and maybe even longer) a lot of people including yourself, you come in with the DNA for the gold and all the six precious metals which are in the body but they are subdued and they are held below activation because they cannot be fully activated in a 3d whirl. So, slowly the ascension process is slowly being able to change your dieting system so you are taking in substance which is more 5d in vibration and less substance which is 3d substance in vibration. In other words, to sink from 5d into 3d you have to eat 3d food and believe it or not, the first 3d food we ate were fruit and vegetables. So the story about Adam eating the apple was actually the thing that gave me a clue to what was going on because when I stopped eating, when I did my first fast (well uh you would call it a fast well I never did like to eat when I came here but I didn’t know why). So when I did look into it and every time I would stop eating I would be so connected and I would be so fearless and feel so whole and as people said feel so godly, and then when I would eat again immediately my body would change and I would move into the realm of pain and negative thoughts would come into the mind and that type of thing and that’s what gave me my clue to start looking in that direction because I started out with the problem of the eating. So I had to figure out why it was that for me, eating was a strange phenomenon when for everybody else it seemed to be quite normal. So the process was for myself to find out - it took years to find out - I wasn’t like everybody else in the sense that I do have special capacities that everybody else doesn’t have because everybody has a different thing that they came to do. My capacity was that I was able to… I was anchored in the higher frequencies but I could live in the lower frequencies. Do you see what I mean? So as I moved into the higher frequencies I thought for everybody it would be very simple.But then as I started, as things started to unravel, from the sense that I found out that the grids around the earth or the electrical systems around the earth had been destroyed, and they had to be replaced… so I was one of those people that worked on the grids around the planet which is something I had no idea as I didn’t know anything about it. In other words there’s a spiritual energy pattern around the earth which is the foundation of the spiritual side of our physical bodies. You see in the original earth we had these energetic grids around it, us, and that’s why you can live without eating because the energy came directly from the environment. Those grids were destroyed so when the grids were destroyed that’s what sank us into 3d whirl, you see? So when you don’t get the energy from the outside you must get it from the inside and that’s why the eating process was instigated because the external grids that were used to support us were destroyed. And so we uh, you know, developed the system of eating. That’s why when I discovered that I could live without eating that everybody couldn’t because I didn’t realize that the grids were gone, because I didn’t know anything about grids.

So you see, there’s a lot of information I didn’t know when I came here and it took years of experimentation on my own path on my side of it to understand why everybody couldn’t just stop eating and that’s why I never told anybody to stop eating… but most people did grab onto that part of it and because it was something that stretched their minds to a more unlimited state because they were absolutely set on the idea that they were dying because of the food, or everybody had to eat. And everybody does not have to eat... it just depends on where you are. Now I didn’t know at the time that the earth... in order to have the air pure like it was, it would have to be the new 5d whirl that I’m talking about now. You see, I didn’t know that was going to be the case. So the proper environment, I mean whirl, that has pure air and the lack of all of the electrical interference and the other things that were interfering with the body.I had no clue that was actually the actual New Earth, which is a duplicate of the old earth that is in existence right now, which does not have those mechanisms. Now it just so happens that I am able to travel between those whirls. But I can only do that under limited circumstances and it’s not something that everybody can do. So that’s why I only do it for a limited number of people. And if you saw my prices, they are what they are because people who have the money also have the qualifications from the viewpoint of energy levels. But people don’t realize money is energy - you hear them talk about it. In order to have the money externally it must represent the energy you have internally. So that’s why to try to take someone who has not developed the kind of concentration that’s necessary to contain that kind of energy into the New Whirl would be impossible. Because what I do is - it’s something like I said I can’t do it for everybody - but what I can do and for the people that I do do it for also overshadows, or over lights, thousands of other people.So the plan was – the plan has always been, long before this time of course – that we would have realized by now that we are spiritual beings, sustained by the breath of life, and that’s why I use the term Breatharians because Breatharians are people that breathe and live off breath, and that is what has been said for many, many years. Man was created, and I think the book says, God breathed into the nostrils of man and man became a living entity. And that’s true; it’s the breath that keeps us alive. So the food was a temporary thing that helps to sustain us only because the external systems that were in place - before we were so called kicked out of the garden – were natural grids which sustained the human mechanism. You say they were destroyed, why were they destroyed? What happened?Well, there was supposed to be a lot of different wars… a lot of planetary wars and things. I don’t like to get into that part of it because there’s so many things happening in the universe it would just get too complicated to try to give all of the reasons as to why things happened. But it did happen. Are you familiar with the story of Alantus?Yes, of course.

Well in the day that they were doing what they were doing, they reached a point where they also went way away from the natural energies of creation. See, when the world was created, it was created in a specific way. And that way was centered on what we call Love, which in electrical terms is a balance. Everything in the world is based on a balance, from the top down to the bottom. So, what they did during the Alantus time, is that you know it is a world of many cultures, and there was purpose of this world by the way, and in this world is also a world of free will. So in that circumstance people were able to develop different kinds of schemes and plans and inventions and, you know, and religions and so forth. So unfortunately, because we didn’t have any one guide or reference point… I mean, the individuals just didn’t know and didn’t understand. So they had to learn, so that’s what this is all about. So the people that created the energies that were contrary to the natural force of love. At first the energy has an excitement about it. Like today, if you get depressed and you eat certain foods you feel a lot of love from that stimulation. But in getting confused from the feeling of love from stimulation and the feeling of love from the essence of the creator… when that became distorted, then the world moved in the opposite direction. So Alantus was actually destroyed because when developing the new type of electricity which was opposite the to the natural electricity of the world, love, it created a destructive mechanism which actually destroyed the environment; the earth, which included the grids. You see what I mean? It’s like an atomic explosion.Yes, I got you.Yeah, so anyway, that did happen. And so what happened was many of the people on the earth at that time had a pre-warning and so they went into the earth. So we do have civilizations inside the earth, in the physical earth. You know, there are societies in the earth, have you heard of those?Yes, I have.Ok. Well you see, and so those societies in the earth they are far advanced, they live to 20-30,000 years and they had [and still have] the opportunity to continue progressing and moving ahead whereas the people on the outside of the earth were all destroyed, basically. You know, the so-called ‘civil life.’ And then everything started over again because there was only a rudimentary type of consciousness on the external side of the earth. So that’s why all of us on the earth right now are actually exports from other systems. But anyway, the whole idea was… well, of course I didn’t know all of this stuff when I started out. But, so what I’m saying is that’s how the grids got destroyed. I’ll just have to leave it at that because it just gets too complicated.Yes, I.. I feel you.You see what I mean? Now what happened is that we are very close in DNA; every human being on the planet is pretty almost close, almost identical except for a few different things including different colors and different hair styles and different shapes of bodies but we are basically all identical, but at the same time we are from

all different star systems like the Pleiades or Sirius. A lot of us come from the inner-earth. We come from the crust of the earth. We come from the center of the earth. So we are from all over the place… are you still there? Yes, I’m here.Ok I’m getting a call but I’ll just have to let it go.Alright.So what I’m saying, what I’m trying to piece together here is that we did have the earth have it’s own electrical system which was based and supported by natural crystals and stones and metals in the atmosphere and all that stuff and supported by the sun and, you know, and the energy from the stars. It’s all about light but they’re all the proper combinations of energies from the natural worlds. And so during the Alantus time like I said before, because it is a world of free will people did experiment with electric type things or inventions to make the world better, in some cases. They were also situations where people did try to enslave other people. Those things were true too. In all the ruckus that came about it just got away from the real truth of how things should work and we ended up destroying the earth to an extent. So we have extinguished ourselves form the surface of the earth many times. So what happened in this time now - you keep hearing the date 2012, right?Yes.Ok. Well what they’ve been trying to do and what all of us have been talking about forever is that one day there will be the second coming of Christ. And of course we’re already here. We are the Christ - you and I and everybody else on the planet. And that simply is a frequency. See, the Christ frequency is based with the same core frequency as gold. That’s why they say; in heaven the streets will be paved of gold. Right, I know that one.Ok. So that’s why there is this whirl and the streets are paved with gold because the whirl is gold… and it’s funny, I never get any calls when I’m talking but now everybody’s brother is calling me.Ok you’re still there, right? Yes, I’m here.Ok because my phone cuts out a lot and sometimes I’m talking for twenty minutes and nobody’s there.No, I’m here.Ok. Well, so what I’m saying is or what I’m trying to paint a picture of here - and maybe you can decipher it later - the whole thing is my purpose of being here and matter of fact most other people are here for same reason, is that in this ruckus of

destroying the whirl and all the things we did in the past (with Alantus in particular) which has left millions of us stranded in our physical bodies … we are all 5th

dimensional people, we are all fully conscious beings and we all came into the whirl to create a whirl of the next level. So in other words we created the world of carbon – a carbon based world. Now we are to create a whirl of a higher caliber which is a balance between physicality/spirituality, which is a balance between the light we call physical light and the light we call spiritual light. You see, in the physical whirl which we call the 3D whirl, you would say the ratio between the physical light and spiritual light would be 90% physical and 10% spiritual. Now in the new world, you have an equal amount of the essence on both sides, except that the spiritual side makes the physical side. You see what I mean? Which is the way it’s supposed to be. See, in the 3D world, it’s the physical that actually has the most powerful effect in that world. Whereas on the other side - on the 5D world - it’s the mental, or the thinking mechanism which is the dominating side and that works through the heart center.So now, Mr. Brooks, how is it that the person… only the people that have the higher vibration can work with you to make that transition, what about the rest of us?Well, that’s the thing. It’s not that the people have to have a higher vibration, because they don’t. They have to have a greater the capacity to handle the higher vibration, do you see what I mean?Yes.I’ll give you an example. Now here is something else that people don’t know in the 3D world because it’s been hidden from you … because in order to control the world by the people, the renegade people who did come here [Illuminati], and did want to control the world, and they still have a great control of it right now, is the way you did that is by giving them a situation where you serve their power by turning your power against yourselves. You see, everybody basically has the same equal power on this planet. That’s why you keep hearing over and over that we are children of god as they keep saying … and that we are one with god and we’re near god and we’re by god but no one wants to actually admit that we are god.Ha ha, yes.Do you see what I mean? It’s such a travesty because what people can’t realize is that the only way you can control a god is you have to get a god to use their power against themselves.How do you do that?Well, in the whirl… you’re using your power against yourself. Do you see what I mean?Yes.You are doing that. But let me tell you how it started. Let me tell you one of the main things. And this is how –

Oh boy, this phone is going crazy now. It’s never done this before but that’s life… ok, in the whirl…Ok, so let me tell you how It started, let’s assume… let me give you another scenario because this is what woke me up real early when I got to this planet. I could see in order for me to be totally free in this world I needed to do one thing - I need to be Superman. Now, you remember the superman comic books, right?Yea, sure do.Ok. Well how can I be the guy who can do good for everybody because everybody wants to do that. You know, protect the beautiful women and everybody else of course, but most of all the beautiful women first, like Lois Lane; like everyone else, and I was actually naïve enough to think that I could be superman and I would not give up until I became superman. And I heard a lot of the things I would hear from the religious people and one of the things was - knock and the door will be opened. And, call and someone will listen. So I decided I want to meet god directly because it seemed the only person who knew what was going on was god, right? So I sat down one day and said, ok I’m not going to get up until I meet god. That’s it. And I started looking for god and guess what happened? You found god?That’s right. And why should it be so strange to people? But it is. It’s the strangest thing in the whirl to some people. They preach it 24 hours a day! Ask and you will receive. Knock and the door will be answered, or something. Have you heard that?Yes, of course.That’s funny, that’s what I did but nobody else would believe it. Do you see what I mean?Yes, I do.Guess what I call that person who I call who was god?I don’t know.Instead of calling him god, I call him a Breatharian.

Oh, ok.Well … another, thing which I saw very young in life, which is really funny; I couldn’t believe nobody else could see it. I noticed in the bible (I’ve read the bible many times) but the thing that was so clear to me … for example, god said, let’s make man in our image and in our likeness. Have you heard that?Yes.Well people are absolutely amazed when I tell them the god I met just looked like we do. I talk to him just like I’m talking to you … they just can’t believe it. Let me

give you an example why people are having such a terrible time. You saw Breatharians on the web, right?Yes.And you called me and you talked to me, right? You’re talking to me right now. Well, what if you called me and you got a message on the phone saying, well, little Wiley isn’t here right now, but you can talk to his Light; his light is here. So I’ll talk to his light and I’ll tell you what his light says. I don’t think you’d be talking very long, would you?Well, I’d try to find out what that was…Well let me assure you - the best thing to do is talk to the person directly.Absolutely, I agree.Ok. So I can tell you, if you want to know the truth about god, then talk to god directly. Now here’s another thing you might ask yourself… the biggest thing I had on this planet is that I couldn’t believe that people are so blind. Here’s the other thing that was really amazing to me… is that, not only was it simple to see through all of these little things, like; Let’s make man in our image and in our likeness, but the other thing that is really amazing to me is, god created universes forever, and the universes never end… the telescopes can go out, how many light years? Millions of light years, right?Right.But isn’t it strange god can’t seem to make a little bitty body and come and talk to people? Why can’t god do that? Why does god always have to talk through somebody else? People say, well I saw him in a light, I saw him in a flame, I saw him in a shadow, I saw him in all kinds of places. I’m an engineer. I design things and if I design something… for example, you go to get an automobile, right? Right.And you get an automobile. What if they gave you a manual and you said, well, gee I’ve got my automobile but you know, what happens if something goes wrong with it? And they said you pray for an answer. Ha ha.That wouldn’t make much sense to you, would it?No, sure wouldn’t.Well, how much sense would it make if they gave you an automobile and they gave you a manual, right, and you went home and as you’re driving your car there you got a flat tire… you took out your manual and guess what your manual said?Pray?

No, no. Your manual said June 1, 21 BC.Oh, that’s no good.2000 years ago, right? Not the exact number, but I’m trying to say it would be ridiculous to take out a manual 2000 years old.Right, I got you.So I can tell you it’s as simple as that. And that’s the problem – it’s so simple that it is just so far above everybody’s head. Another thing that was a big clue to me that all of the religious books talk about, and they say, unless ye have the mind of a little babe ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Have you heard that one?Yep.Well guess what? That is absolutely true and let me give you just one more example. I can take a little babe or any child and I can tell them; look. I just talked to god the other day this is what he said... guess what they’ll do? They’ll say, yeah well tell me what he said. Guess what would happen if I told an adult that I talked to god the other day?Something totally different. Well, you better believe it. They go to the police or even try to have me locked up or killed.Yea that’s true they do all of that.Well let me tell you something my friend… this will be the end of people if they don’t realize all of these things they’ve been hearing, some of them are absolutely true. And the things that are true are the most simple. And there’s one other statement that Jesus made that nobody seems to recall: and it’s very simple it says, have I not said that ye are all gods?Right, right. I know, I know.Have you heard that one?Yea.Ok I’ll give you a little background. Here’s what happens… it said the kingdom of heaven is within, right?Yes.And god is in heaven, right?Well if god is in heaven and that kingdom in heaven is within you, then who do you think god is?I am god.There you go!

Well let me tell you why you don’t get in to this other whirl until you meet god directly. It would be impossible otherwise.Ok, go ahead.Do you see? I don’t mention it on my website, I don’t like to talk about this god stuff as it were because for people it just gets too complicated, because it’s so simple. It’s very true. There’s no way you will get into this New Whirl unless you meet god face to face. You will not know what to take to get there… that’s why I say on my website if you have the capacity to tell what type of stuff you’re putting into your body - what vibrations that you’re taking… which are Christ energies or they are anti-Christ. That is the problem, do you see what I mean? Christ frequencies only mean the frequencies that are taking you up. The anti-Christ frequencies are the frequencies that are taking you down.Could you give me an example of a Christ frequency as a food sort?Well, right now you saw my diet on the web, right…? Did you see the diet? The hamburgers and the diet coke?Yea, yea right.Ha ha haThe 3d diet?Huh?The 3d diet?It’s a 5d diet… it’s part of the 5d diet. But the thing is, well here’s one other thing I can tell you - the 5 magic words, right?

1. Jot Niranjan2. Omkar3. Rarankar4. Sohang5. Sat Nam

Those 5 magic words are the words that will connect you to that world that I’m talking to you right now.Ok.Those 5 magic words will connect you to that world and move you in that direction. You see, if you’re looking at it from the 5d world, everything is a light. Everything in the universe is a light, right? It’s just, what light takes you up and what light takes you down?

It just so happens at this point, that diet is the light that takes you up – in conjunction with the meditation exercise. If you do one without the other, it’ll be like taking poison.So you see, the 5 magic words are number one. And remember another thing which was a clue for me (and that’s why I got an early start). I think [the book] it said, in the beginning the word was god and the word was with god, or something like that. Guess what that word is? They are those words. You see what I mean?Yes.Now since I don’t have any religion and I can’t prove to you they are what they are, it might be impossible for people to do it because they’re simple. They’re so free. And there’s no proof! [laughs] You see, the interesting thing is, nobody’s ever proved there’s god, they say, the scientists.Yes, the scientists say that.Yes, that’s really funny. See, how will they know god when they saw him? Before I can get anybody into the 5d world I have to clear up all this stuff. You can’t get into the 5d world without the power you need to be there, to begin with. But to have the thinking that you have in the 3d world… which is absolutely illogical... that is the disease in the 3d world. It’s absolutely irrational and illogical; it’s insane. It’s crazy. And I actually believe, if you just kept everybody quiet for 10 minutes and got them to look at how illogical their thinking is, I think it would change the world in 10 minutes. Ok.Follow what I’m saying?Yeah.I mean, after all, how many times can you say. god created everything? God is everything. God is love. God created you. You are god. We’re all one. One god. God is inside; heaven is inside. Love is you. And still, I couldn’t even get people to say, well, if you are children of god, then could you maybe accept the fact that you are a little bitty god…? I couldn’t get people to accept that.No, I couldn’t accept that because my minister didn’t tell me that.Yeah. Well, how many ministers have you ever heard say anything like that? I mean, in the sense of god being …. I mean, people are so subservient to something that they think is bigger than they are. And they are actually the gods that they are waiting for. We are actually the gods that we are waiting for, it’s really funny. Well… it would be funny, if it weren’t so critical at this stage. So what I’m saying is, before you get into this whirl we’re talking about; this heaven, you have to know that heaven is god’s home. It’s the home of gods, let’s put it that way. Now the other thing to talk about if you’re looking at the whirl from the 5D side - and that’s the only way you could possibly be in that world, and

obviously you have to have the right thinking because you also hear over and over again that you are what you think, right?Right.Well look how people think. I mean, they’re so confused and there’s so much distortion and there’s so much contradiction in their thinking that it would absolutely be impossible to move any higher in their vibration because they would just self-destruct.So to help overcome that, they would have to do the 5 words, is that what you’re saying?That’s right.And what about the stuff about drinking the coca-cola, the Diet Coke?Well, that’s what I recommend you try. The diet coke, only specifically what I have - nothing else in the universe. And only in the specific size that I have - nothing else in the universe. I have the 1L size [and the McDonald’s Diet Coke], nothing else. If you get the 16 oz., if you get the 24 oz., if you get the 10 oz.. if you get anything other than those [1L plastic bottles only and the McDonald’s Diet Coke] they are just poison. That’s how specific everything is. If everyone knew what I knew, it would be a great day for me. But you see, it would be hard enough if we get people even knowing what it is because the mind comes in and says, well that’s impossible. Well, how could they possibly know? How could they know? It’s the same people with god - how do the know who god is if they’ve never seen him and don’t think they can ever see him?What a dilemma they’re in… if you tell a person they’re god (like a couple of people I’ve experimented with) they will agree they are children of god, but for some how or another they can’t believe that they are children so they must be god children and god children grow up to be adult gods, right?Absolutely.Well we are adult gods! So why are we acting like children? Well not really like children I mean with the simple mind. But adults are actually the opposite. We are gods and we are responsible for the creation we’re in. We keep hearing that all the time but we don’t really believe it. So you see that’s why the problem is where it is in the world. Now what I did when I noticed that everything you do, everybody will take it and split it into thousands of pieces and they will make it so complicated it will have no effect whatsoever because it is all so dividing and separating and so the outcome would be. So what I saw, the first thing I needed to do is pick something that people couldn’t tear apart and make it something that it’s not (even though they’ve tried very hard) I decided to pick a word because we all have to be called something, right?Right.

So I picked the word Breatharian because it’s very simple. Breath is breathing and Arian is a person who breathes. Right?Right.That’s the one thing in the universe that people can agree on.Oh I see, I got you.You follow me?Yes.It is better than the word God; that’s why I never talk about god. Because everybody’s got a different god.Right, exactly.And they are fighting each other because of their god.Yes, that’s true.But everybody does breathe. It doesn’t matter whether you eat or not, that’s never been my point - never has been - but that’s what they grab because the mind has to make everything complicated. So over the years they tried to the fact that I had something that everybody agrees on and it pulls them to one point of reference. The word breath and breathe, happens to be the word. If you look at Breatharian it holds the same frequency as the vibration as Christ. And the word ‘God’ does not.Yea. That’s heavy.So you see when you look at my website and you see the word, look at Breatharian. One, that’s for sure you’re perfectly with harmony everybody in the universe because everybody is a Breatharian, it’s just they don’t know it. They don’t know it but they are because it’s a vibration, you see what I mean?Yes so, now…That was the important thing about what I did when I came up with the word Breatharian. I knew that it would eventually come to their attention and I hoped it would come to their attention so they see that they can live without eating because they will have to sometime in the near future really come to a point about that and be able to see that it is the breath that is thing that sustains life and food actually is a just temporary thing that we use to keep the body operating and get back to our natural state.So now once again what can we as the masses, what can we do right now?Well I gave you the perfect thing to do right now. And the thing about it is, it’s just so simple that it’s so free and that’s why most people won’t do it, and I must admit this interview is much more extensive than I ever anticipated I’d be doing, but since you’re still listening and you seem to still be following me so far, it could be the greatest thing that could ever happen if you can put it in words. Because the main

thing here is – here is the problem: the world that exists right now and all the power that we need is right now available. And your connection to that power is those 5 magic words. There is nothing on the planet more valuable than those 5 magic words. Now, here’s where the MacDonald hamburgers and diet coke come in. Luckily, Ray Croc came from the world that I’m from. He came here to do a job and I had no idea that he made those hamburgers that would be exactly what I needed when the time came that I had the meditation exercise to bring into the universe, because without those burgers, the meditation exercise would be detrimental. Oh, ok.So if you’ll notice there’s a MacDonald’s restaurant practically everywhere in the whirl right?Sure is.And it’s not too expensive, and all you have to do is do those meditations exactly the way I have them on my website and eat the hamburgers and drink the diet coke and do it for as long as you can. And not to sit around and talk about it and write about it and fantasize about it and think about it … but actually do it for a while, and when you start to experience the 5d whirl or your greater whirl, when you start to experience it and know it from yourself from your own heart as the truth… is the only way you can get into this whirl called heaven. And that comes from within you. This is your connection to your own god-power. Because the day is over when people will be able to continue deceiving themselves into thinking there’s a greater god outside of themselves than inside of themselves. What about 2012? What’s that about?2012 is a date set … I think this is the first time I’ve said this in public… because people don’t want to be frightened. That’s what the dark side will tell you what’s this is all about is all the whirls below the 5 dimensional worlds dissolve. They were not designed to last forever. They were designed to last for a certain amount of time and the objective was to go into the 3d worlds, explore and duplicated the 3d worlds in the 5d worlds before the 3d worlds dissolved. Got you.So what’s happened is - it should have been done long before now, but the bad guys got in control and the good guys are so brainwashed.. and because it is a free will design… we’re all gods in this world and there’s no gods that can serve the rights of another god. So if we’re lied to and deceived then we trapped ourselves, and that’s the problem. If everybody else on the planet weren’t gods then I wouldn’t have a problem, because I know who I am. The fact is there are also billions of other gods on the planet and these gods think they’re not gods. You know, It’s like getting on an airplane, and you’re ready to take a trip, and nobody knows who the pilot is! You wouldn’t want to be on the plane very long would you?No you wouldn’t.

That’s what it’s like for me, every day I get up!Wow.I walk out into the whirl, it’s the strangest thing in the whirl, all these gods running around acting like they’re nobody. All the things they’re believing and the stuff they’re creating and they think somebody else is gonna come and straighten it all out.So how does that make you feel?Well I know that it’s insane but in a way its ok because it has to be that way because we’re all gods. Let me just give you a viewpoint from the god side.Sure.From my side I know who we are. Here’s the thing that’s really funny when we start to discover how we really created the world… the gods that are trapped are trapped because it took a god to trap them… so who could trap a god but a god?Sso we created a game and we did it so well that we cannot figure out the answer to the game ourselves we got trapped in it. Oh ok, it’s like a maze.So I’m walking around in a whirl where billions of people who are trapped in their own creation.Got you.Now we’re making a small break-through. I’m talking to you now you’re still on the phone. Most people I don’t talk to this long once I mention to people they’re god that’s enough for them and they’re gone. But I may as well tell you the truth because we’re running out of time. And there’s no way of getting into this New Whirl without meeting god face to face. And this is no theory and this not stuff that is going to pop up later on and some kind of with their imagination you don’t get into that world until you know the truth and the truth is: we are all gods on this planet. At this time in particular we have all ascended at least once, most of us more than once.Now, what about next question you have different types of ascension you have ascension, empowered ascension could you go into that a little bit?Well actually they’re all just moving into the next level of our consciousness, do you follow what I’m saying?Yes.It’s like graduating high school and going to college; it’s just one process of leaving high school and going to college. The only difference is you may use different methods and may have different types of systems. You may have high school or vocational school and different types schools but the process is the same, it’s graduation time.

Right, I got you.So the idea is we need to get through with this game that we’ve created in the 3 dimensional world. That’s why you keep hearing about the world of 3d, is the world of illusion. The interesting thing is… that was a big shock to me was trying to figure out what I would do to help other people figure out who they hare because I know who I am. And I was trying to figure, how can I get these people, the rest of us, to know who they are? And Then I realized in doing that I had so much pain. There was unbelievable pain that I had to go through because I couldn’t believe that you keep hearing this stuff is not real in the 3d whirl. That’s funny because I was having a lot of real pain. Right.That’s what happening to people right now. They are having real pain but they think the 3d world is just an illusion and will just up and disappear. But guess what? The 3d whirl was an illusion, but when the gods came here, the gods they are, they made the 3d world real.So you see what the dilemma is now? You got the gods who are creating every day a world that is based on the rules and regulations of a 3d world. And so who can change that but them?Exactly.You can’t force a god to do anything and that’s the why basis of all the things that exist in this world is freedom. Before we can get out of this world the idea is that everybody must be free. Only in that state of freedom, because we are all one. You see what I mean?Yes, I do.You see, it’s a very simple thing but at the same time it’s very complicated.Yes.Because, what I see is you ask me the questions directly. Let me give you the answer directly again because I never thought I’d have this opportunity to do this at least from what I’ve seen in the past. The five words on my website, which are free - those words are worth more money that you could imagine in the 3d whirl.Are you still there?Yes, I’m here. Ok I’m just getting all kinds of things happening to my phone here. This line will cut out at one hour exactly, it always cuts out if it does you just call me back, I’ll wait, okay?Now here is what I want to say - the five words are the words that will connect you to your source power; your own god source power. The Macdonalds hamburgers are

what I recommend - the light energy of those foods, and it’s about the light energy, it’s not about the nutritional value, but it’s about the light energy and that energy is anchored in the 5D world and this is not dependent on what anybody believes…----- rings -----

Hello?Yes, Mr.Brooks, about the diet?I told you it would cut out at one hour and I don’t know how to stop that on this phone.That’s alright.So I was saying about the diet.Yes.Ok, now here’s the purpose about the diet - most important thing is to follow the meditation exercise, and when you do that then the diet is very specific - it’s only those things that I recommend. Only. Then drink as much diet coke as you like. The idea is, for a while, as long as you can do it, don’t drink any water, don’t take any fruit juices, don’t take anything but that diet as long as you can. When it’s been a week or two weeks just do it as long as you can with the meditation exercise. Most importantly the meditation. And keep increasing the meditation as you do it. If you reach a point where you say okay I’m sick of this diet, I want to try something else… Then go ahead and try something else … I want to connect you into the power grids, so that you’ll at least be connected so you can feel what’s right and what’s wrong. Because in the heaven worlds, it’s all about feeling, it’s all about the truth, and the truth is in the heart. And you can feel what’s right and what’s wrong. Do you see what I mean?I do.In the 3D world, you don’t have that capacity. Now it just so happens, as I said before, the base metals that’s in the body eventually that will replace the iron in the body (you know in your blood composition you have iron, right?) Right.That will be replaced by gold.What does that mean for us?Well it means that your body will be vibrating at a higher frequency and that higher frequency will be the frequency of the heaven worlds and the frequency of the heaven worlds is gold. That’s why you’ll notice when a person says, you have a heart of gold?Yes.

Well you will literally have a heart of gold. Your heart will actually produce gold. Do you follow me?In the 5d world, is gold looked at the way it is here in the 3d world?Well no, it’s liquid in the 5d world it’s like a mist. You breathe it. Oh I see.That’s why when you breathe it, it’s condensed and condensed into gold. And you will begin to experience that in your body but that’s down the line. The main thing to do is do the meditation exercise and the words will do what they’re meant to do. And the diet is for the purpose of acting as a catalyst because you see what happens when you create a world it is made of something it’s called I guess it’s called a unified field but that unified field has vibrations that you can’t destroy, you can only transmute it. In order to get out of the 3d world, you must transmute the 3d substance so you can rise into the 5d whirl and you can’t do that unless you have a catalyst to do that and what the diet coke and the hamburger does, is as you do the meditation exercise and begin to feed the 5d energy into the body, and as you do that, the 3d energy must be transmuted… and it must have a catalyst to take it out of the body and back into the earth, so as you’re moving up in your vibrations you want to leave everything behind from the 3d earth and you can’t do that without this catalyst. That’s why people are so fat and so overweight and heavy – they can’t get rid of the 3d stuff. You see, everyone’s becoming more 5d, whether they like it or not, but the only thing is , if you don’t get anchored properly (that’s what the 5 5d words do for you) then you can see it will be a real disaster.So you’re saying people that are eating McDonalds and drinking diet coke are on the way now, is that what you’re saying?Well no, what I’m saying is the reason people are so overweight is because they can’t get rid of the 3d substance.Right.So your energy is increasing; you’re having more and more energy, right?Yes.Now you’re supposed to be getting lighter and lighter because the energy is increasing whether you like it or not. But you can’t get rid of the substance that is 3d in vibration so it just keeps creating more and more 3d world which is mass, right?Got ya.So the weight that people are gaining is not from the food that they’re eating, well it is from the food they’re eating, but it’s only because they’re eating 3d food and 3d only creates more and more mass.3D creates more 3D.

Yes, that’s right. Very well put.[laughs]Okay, that’s it very simply, see what I mean?Right.The thing is now obviously if I haven’t been in 5d I wouldn’t have been able to see this. It was a total shock to me - I was also so-called fruitarian or vegetarian or whatever the case may be because I didn’t know that things were going to be this way, you see what I mean?Right.So I tried my best; I loved fruit and I love the other stuff. I did realize it was all you know it was you know all foot one of frequency it was a balancing of substance but the problem is that the balance you in the frequency of the carbon world that the 3d world is 3d world.I got you, ok.That’s why I said don’t’ take fruits or vegetables or anything from the 3d world, basically. Because the hamburger - the one I recommend only, and all of the stuff in it has a certain energy of the 5d world that keeps it from entering the body except in the form of light and the 5d stuff catalyzes all of the 3d stuff and moves it out of the body back into the earth. Wow.So you cannot accomplish that by not eating. You think that’s people long they try to stop eating and they think they can get to the 5d world and that would be impossible.Now you said after a few weeks after eating the hamburger and the coke I would find out something else to eat?No I didn’t say that. I said eat it as long as you can, because I know that’s what you will do.Ok eat it as long as I can…That’s right and then when you think you can’t do it then try something else, if you choose to try something else, do you get what I’m saying? What will happen is, you will probably be in a lot of pain when you go off the track your supposed to be on. So once you get anchored … my purpose here is to get you anchored into the world into the right direction… do you see what I mean?Right.… and when you know what the right direction is … and it’s in the world of love by the way, and believe me, love does not like or lead to disharmony. So what happens is when you get anchored to the right thing you will start to experience this feeling

of love. But what happens is when you experience the feeling of love, you will also be a thousand-times more sensitive to the feeling of pain when you move away from the love. And that pain is so excruciating you would be amazed.Right, I know what you mean.And the problem is, in the 3D world, if you never get hooked on the world that is outside of the 3D world, you’ll never be able to tell where the love is – the right love, you see? So that’s the problem - if you don’t stick with it long enough to know that this connects you to another world. When you’re connected then if you go off, you’ll know, your off, this is not what you want to do. Now I’m not saying your body will want to have those hamburgers forever. Basically it’s the beef that matters, and the hamburger itself. You know, it’s the carbohydrate that’s the deadly poison. Carbon, right? Carbon hydrates. And it just so happens that the cows, by the way, incarnated on this planet so they would be food for us during this temporary stage when we got trapped and couldn’t get back to where we came from. The cow, actually, incarnated for that purpose. So the beef is what I recommend because it’s for that purpose. Ok.A lot of religions teach you, don’t eat meat. Well that was a big one for me because I was taught the same thing. And I’ll tell you, I went through so much suffering because I absolutely refused to eat anything because I loved fruit; the best of it and the organic, and I’ve already got this power, I can lift, you know, all these weights and I know I’m god already and I traveled to all of the other planets but one thing I couldn’t understand was why I couldn’t get away with eating fruit! I loved grapes, right?Uh-huh.Oh man, the pain got so bad it was unbelievable.Wow.So I’m saying … here’s what I’m saying. Very clearly. Try it, right? Right.Try it for as long as you can and if you just feel that wow this is crazy (because the money’s going to pop up) and it’s gonna tell you, it can’t be right… there must be something else… just try it, and as you suffer through it, don’t worry about it (laughs)You haven’t felt any pain until you feel the pain of god. And since you’re the god, you’ll be directing the pain. Don’t worry, you’ll know what to do. Okay.The thing is to just get started believe me it’s far along, we have very little time left. And for people listening what was the title on your website, please?

Breatharian.com.The stuff we talked about on your website...So, well ok, the most important thing for them to find is the 5 magic words and to read the question and answer page, because it explains it the best I can in words it’s all about. Now if they do the diet they will start to experience things that will tell them what they need to know because words will not do it alone, you see what I mean?Yes of course.The time for words is over. So what’s why the I put the diet on my website for anybody in the world who wants to use it.Now as far as doing the personal workshops; yes I do charge 25 million. It’s going to keep going up because there’s a reason for that.Do you see what I mean? But that’s got nothing to do with the people getting it for free. You see, everyone has their own reason for being here, we’re all gods, and this connection will connect you to your own god power.So now the workshops are $25,000 or $25,000,000?$25,000,000.Okay, just wanted to get that clear…And it goes up 1 million dollars every 2 months until 2010 and after 2010 the minimum will be $1,000,000,000.Wow.The closer we get to the deadline, the more it’s going to cost. You see, it’s different in this world than it is in your world. In the 3d world, things get cheaper and cheaper right, so people don’t do it because they are waiting around for a better price, right?Yea right, right.In my world it’s the opposite; you wait around, you pay more.So you gotta move, right?That’s right.Okay.I’ll tell you, I mean if I had a lot of money; I mean if I was in your world because the money in that world will mean nothing because you can’t get into that world. You see that’s the thing people don’t know.And by the way we do use money in the 5d world. And I can tell you something for sure; use the five magic words and try follow the diet as long as you can until you get hooked into the energy and the power and then you’ll the direction as what you

need to do you have to be awake and you have to know that it’s serious because it’s just incredible that we are so close to annihilation of the planet I mean while it’s not an individual thing and like I said before the day 2012 was set because many years ago like I said before all of the worlds below the fifth dimension are supposed to dissolve. We’re supposed to be out of here before 2012. And you know, you can’t wait until 2012 to get out. This should have happened thousands of years ago!So we gotta start now.Well… yeah… I would suggest you’re a little late!(laughs)Well, not too late.We’ve got to catch up.Right, you’ve got to catch up, and that’s why I have to have people who have lots of money … you see something about money that some people don’t understand, if you’ve heard people say, o gee he’s got a lot of money he thinks he’s god… well guess what? He is god. God is money; it’s an energy right. I agree.This is how we created the game. One of the most concentrated forms of god is money. So you see, the people that have that money, in order to have that money you must have a certain amount of capacity to handle god, or the Light, right? And so anyone that has that, they have already developed the capacity to handle more Light. So that’s why it’s important to get people that have that kind of energy. Because let’s say once you switch the energy of a person who has the energy of a billion dollars … remember whatever influences are in your environment, you also influence. Oh I got you.See what I mean? So moving one person into the other world that has billions of dollars also has contact with billions of people, right?I got you.When that person is changed, everybody in their consciousness line is changed, automatically. So then one of the prime candidates would be Oprah?Uh, probably. Yes. It would be anybody who that has money because, one, no matter how much money you got you can’t get it into that other world and the other thing is remembering the bible, it says it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Well, this is the circumstances here. The fact is, I didn’t know money had anything to do with it on this planet… I mean I didn’t know the mechanics of what we’d created when I came here because you only come with so much energy. But as I found these things out,

that’s why I’m giving this information now the way it is because this is not something you get from the religions and churches and things because they’re looking at it from the 3d world. When you look at it from the 5d whirl (gold itself)… like I said, I produce Gold in my body. So you see in the 5d whirl, there would be no problem with people having what they want, because everybody can produce gold. And that’s why gold is the most valuable and you’ll notice we’re going back to the gold standard.Yes, we are, definitely. The gold is how we created the world and the gold is representative of your god power and your god energy.We’re going back to the gold standard?That’s right.I never heard that, when’s that happening?Check out in the world, you’ll see. I know that gold people value gold but our currency’s not backed by gold …It will be backed by gold. Really?Don’t worry about those things, that’s not important, they’re being taken care of. Ok.I’m just giving you the idea of how things work.I got you, I got you.So it’s all important and the key thing is … the most important thing, and believe me, the Most Important, is to just do the meditation exercise as much as you can, and the diet as much as you can and just do it and as your life progresses, things in the world are changing real fast… and just keep your eyes open and be aware of the things that are being brought into your vision. You see?Right.And this is the best thing that can happen to the world, not the world happen to it. And I must admit this is one of the most best interviews I’ve ever done with anyone and so, if you can make it make sense, like you seem to understand what I’m saying, it would be the greatest thing that could happen to the world if you can get it out so people can understand it. Do you see what I’m saying?I’ll do my best.Yeah, well, you know, I can tell you, the world would applaud you for it and we need it. This is a very serious matter. And the 2020 date is absolutely critical. And because of people’s energy being so low, when you speak of negative things

(because in the 3d world they can’t tell when your speaking of something negative) they can’t tell what the Vibration of the words you are saying, so they think, when you say the world negative, they would feel that it’s negative. They can’t tell what the truth is. They confuse the truth with choice or what they believe. Or what they feel. And since the vibrations of the 3d worlds are distorted, it’s impossible to tell what the truth is.Because the vibration is so low.Exactly. So, you see, that’s why it’s such a conundrum that everything is the way it is. Right…So of course, the illogical thinking is that you can save yourself – it’s like someone trying to save themselves drowning in the bottom of the ocean by staying in the bottom of the ocean; I mean if someone comes down to throw a rope down and says, hey, grab this rope! And you say well, I don’t like the color of this rope. (laughs) I got you.See what I mean?Or I don’t like the sound of it, or it doesn’t smell right, you see, that’s the logic. So it’s like, for example, if I tell the average person that I’m God, they’d just think I’m crazy. But if I told them that they are God, they’d really think I was insane. As a matter of fact, everybody on this planet is a god. And I do mean, an active, creative god. And unfortunately, we’re creating all of this mess around us 24 hours a day and they’re thinking somebody’s gonna come and rescue them, and when somebody does (like myself, and like many other people including yourself, I’m sure) is that they say, well, gee, the bible says this or some other book says that…I hear you… or say you’re crazy.Yeah. I can tell you one of the things that’s very important – don’t believe anything unless someone tells you directly. Forget about books. Do you see what I’m saying?I believe you.When you hear it, you’ll know, by the person. That’s why I have people call me and tell them by the way how to pronounce those words, and give them the exact sound. I guess if this gets out to a lot of people I’ll be on the phone for the rest of my life. But that’s ok. Well –Matter of fact, I might, one day, put it on the website when I can set it up the way I’d like.Put what on the website?… so they can feel the vibration directly.

Oh, oh the words.Things have to happen fast. We are absolutely … you know, at a critical stage. We have to act fast. You know, this is what I do 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I don’t have anything there’s nothing more important to me than succeeding this time around and not blowing the planet to hell. And it can happen. It’s not a matter of blowing the planet, we’ve got to be off this planet. We’ve got to be off this rock, as they say.Right, off the rock.Do you get what I’m saying?Would you like to give us these pronunciations now, and I can email you those and you can put them on your website?Oh I can, yeah, you have a recorder, right? Ok let’s do them a few times.

1. Jot Niranjan2. Omkar3. Rarankar4. Sohang5. Sat Nam

To hear the correct pronunciation of the 5 Sacred 5th Dimensional Names go tohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VNRu0YIAkM

Wiley Brooks Pt. 10(10 minute version only)