Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), ·...

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Transcript of Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), ·...

~ t~nt, ~e an~1tgbt

<tit» ..• ..

VOL. 29.

Iowa-Minnesota Debate.



Y terday morning our niver ity Debating League recel veri from the Fcder~ted Literary oCietle of Min­n ta Onlver ' ity the que Ion tor the aooual lowa-~lInne ota. dehate. Tbe que'tlon ubmltted i all follow ': " hall tbe Onlted State enators be elected lJy direct vote of tbe people?"

Our debaters are to annoullce their choice ot side before V-comber ]st. Tbedebflte thl year will be held in Iowa City, upon a date to be cbllsen later. The preliminary debate for tbe elecL;on of Iowa' team will be held

on Friday evening, January ]5,1 97. The question tor di cu~ Ion in the pre­liminary debatei: "Re 'olved, that trial by jury in civil caqes hould be maintained." The Zetagath Ian rep­re entati ves ill tb i con test ilre ivIes 1'&.

M. M. William , W. M. Plum, and F. W. Beekman, wbo will upport tbe M-6rmatlve. Irving In titute will be repre ented by Me 5rs .. J. B. ShoreLt John flank , ilnd G. N. Brlgg, wh~ will upport tbe nellutlve. A' In pre­vious years, the ociely winning Lhe preliminary debate will be entitled to two member' of the Iowa team, and the losing oclety, one.

Our foot Ball Team. The following eompll mentary notice

of our fOOL bail eleven appeared in tbe Deil Moine Register of fbur .. day mornlug:

"TIle S. U. L fo t ball team has made a better record this year than has any team in tbe hi 'tory of Iowa'. chlef educational i nsti tutlon. It has bad only 12 points cored ag,lnst it tbls year. Of the e 6 were made in Chlcagll befot'e tt.e team bad had any cOllcbing to peak of, ilnd the other 6 were made at Grinnell la t aturday. It bas played tl ve games

and bas lJean defeated only In one-hottinll out the opponent in Lbree

games and being scored ag,~in t but \wlce. It bas still two more !tames to play, one In De Moine :J.turday wi th the Des Moines Y. M. C. A. team, and It.aregular game wlLb tbe Nebra ka University eleven, at Om lha, on Thanksgiving day. In the leagoe Iowa ha tbe best chanoe of any team 10 It to the pennan t. low ~ ba de­feated Kansa 6 to 0 and Mls~ourl 12 toO; K~nsas b~lj defeated Nebraska 18 to 6, and Nebraska ba deteated Minouri 8 to 4. So that 00 points have been scored again t Iowa In tbe league tbus r"r, and Nebra~ka will have to BoorelO points a)(alll3t bel' to prevent tbe pennant coming to Iowa. Tbl8is barely probable, bowevel', and totboijlastlc rooters at Iowa City "Illlng to place money tbllot Nebraska "Ill not score at all.

Of ludividual mention of the team It 18 bard to particularize. Perhaps tbe men wbose work bas been 010 t pJ'Ollineot tbls fall are Tbomas at rltbt IIId aDd Holbrook as a baH back. 'thomas II regarded as a cork· er to break up Interrorence and his paDtlng II pbenomenal. At Grlon~ll b.-klOked Igoal from the field, the tfIt ~hpe 'bl' has ever beeo done t.hlllUlOo 111 it). West. Holbrook La

- Jtpnrttr. A Trl·weekly Newspaper Published by ~tudents of the State University of Iowa.


I a swift runner and a hot man In pick­ing up the hall arLer it h f~ heeD fum­bled. or Lhe othel'" p Hticnlar ·men­tlon i ImpH'lule. Browo, left eod, rival Tbom IS lu breaking interfer­ence and i~ If oj in getting down tile field. Walker, Blackmore and 'tan­ton all do weil on the line. Leighton' last year's crptaln, is playing a better game thi ' yeM than evc'1' before, hav· ing m.lde LWO phenomenal runs in his hlSt two game, one at Missouri tLOd the otber at arl nnell. Meyers, fro:n last year' Ames teilm, i one of the best halt' baek ' in the West, and Hobbs as full baok bides bis time and never falls. Of Captain Iverson' work notbing has tbus fal' been said. ITe i cailed the silent man, but wben be talk' it count . He i the best center in th We t to day, and Ii a captai n can not be excelled. ~'or q l1at··

ter b:lCk the team ha Coldren and iletzel. 'fbe J'ormel' is tbe b,Ht tack.le on the toam, while the latLer caOtlClC btl equalled for 'steady, sure playing.

go a long way toward refuting that I Another Opportunity to be Loyal. opinion among alumni. AILhough R. A. Calkin~, proprietor of the va tly ouL·classed iu point of weight Old Reliable Oalkins .. !,team Laun­and age, Lho Grinnell boys played a dry, will give into the treasury of the plucky a game as wa~ ever put up on Athletic As~ociatlon ten per cenL of the Grinnell field, aod by Lb~ir deeds all en h laundry bills p;Lld her by showed thlLt tbey pos essed the same tudeots of tho Oniver ·lty. This I spirit which on mallY occasion ha ano het· manire~tatlon of the generos· brought victory wben defeat seemed Ity of tbe laundry people of Iowa inevitable. City, and of their desire to encourage

Although not yet perfect by a long ODiI'et· ity enterpri es. urelyevery way, the Interference of tbe team student of the Oniversity will see to aturday showed a vast improvement. it tbat a borne firm doe his laundry

Members of tbe team seem to be ju t work. The bu ines' firms of tbi city now learning a lesson tbat should are ju tifled in expecting your patron· have been weil learned a month ago, age, ior it is to them tbat you look for i. e., tbat Individual work will not support in tbe varluu organization.

SenIor Party.

couot in a game of foot ball. 'rbe tlue individual player is ratber tha ex­ception than the rule, and often he I more of a detriment to a team thao otberwi e, for his inHuence and ex­ample tond to demoralize team work. TIle line men are as yet a trithl slow in starLi ng the in tel'rerence, bu L another week's practice, with Lbe same spirit llown by the men Lbe last t'ew days

will go far toward removing this de­fect. ~omething vver a week ago the

I nl.el·e ,t and curiosity of tbe '97 boy There i room tor improvement yet were arou,ed by tbe receipt of dainty in I he wot'k of Lbe backs al~o. It Is little cards annouDcing that "Miss ab~olntely necessar~ in order to make Columbia" would receive at the ucl- gatns tbrougb the !tne for the backs to ety nail , Wedne$day evening, Nov. bit the openin~ elt exactly tbe ri~bt ] . '1'be my~tl fleation was heightened moment,. A. trtOe too soon or a tnlle by the additional announcemeot lhat I too lat~ will orten ~Llse the direst foreign guests would be present. havoc 10 the fo rmatlon, ami io tead

At tbe appointed hour ab lot forty of a good gliin resulting, the bail will of tbe "grave and dignified" enlors be downed behind the line. for a loss. repaired to tbe halls, wbere they were Incel ant practl~e alone ~tll produce graciou Iy welcomed by "Mi ' 9 Colum- this ausolute uOtty of actIOn betwoen hla " and were intI od uced to a galaxy Ii ne men and back and a little prl­ot ."tor ign guest " In ruo t splendid vaLe practice alo~g thi line would un­and brilliant array. Many of the cos. douhLedly prove tts value by the game tumes were especially r~presentatl\'e , in D~s Moine Tbanksg-ivlng day." as well as pretty and ta'tefui. In a bart tlrue "forelgner~!I began 1.0

feel pet'fecLly at bome on American soil, and rapidly become acquainted. A short mu ICI~I program was ca.rrlen ant, con I ting of the rollowin!f num­bers: Vocal olo .... KatrinaVan Rensaelier Vocal 010 ..... Antoinette Berenger Vocal 010 .. , ..... Jeannie McClaren

After "choosing liP" ides in tbe old fashioned spelli ng school monner,Miss Columbia" conducted a conte t quiz on thtl caplt~ 1 8 of states and countries Mr. Reever hei ng tbe victor. Tiny cards wltb the fldg of nations paint ed 00 tbem, were given as souvenirs or tbo oeca!!lon. As is customary In a gathering of entbusia tic, loyal stu dent '. collC'ge songs and tbe clas yell were entered Into with ze t. Lemon ice and macaroons were dalQtlly served.

On the whole the Senior party was pronounced by tbe partiCipants as uoique as It was dellgbttu~.

Grinnell Items. Tbe Scarlet and Black S&Y9 at last

last t;aturday's giroP: "The re ult or the toot nail game la t Saturday was Indeed gratIrylng to the supporters 01 scllrlet aad black. Altbougb credited to us as a defeat, In 80me r88peets It must be regarded as a vic/ory. Prior to Saturday a strong suspIcion to tbe effect that tbe boasted Grinnell spirit in foot ball had beoome ext.lnot, was wlde-epreld, but the br~v8italld made b1 *he tealP In \bB II O. II nra. wllJ

A New Hospital. The many frhlnd:! ot S. O. I. will be

pleased to leMn tbat in the course of tbe next few months work will be be· begun on 110 magnificent new bospital building lor ou r Unlver ity Medical chao!. Tbis will be tbe lir t struet·

nre erected wl l h tbe funds ral ed by tbe annual Onlver ity tax of $55,000, asse ed by our tate Legl lature la t winter for new buildings. 'rbo plans for the new bospitlll have alrelldy been accepted by the Board ot Re­gent; they provide for a hulldlnl( cost· Ing $15,000. It will consl tot a large admlnl tratlon building, containing the olflces, ampbltbelltre, cllnlo and operating rooLOS, eLe., and two large wings for tbe ho pital proper.

Tbe building WIU be erected on tbe east campu~, a portion of it on Linn street wbich will be closed, bavlng been donated by the oity. The ad­ministration wln~ will tront 00 Iowa Avenue, and the two hospital wings will ext«lnd to the north. In planning tbe building tbe architect aimed at architectural beauty as well as utility, Mod It will undoubtedly greatly orna· ment the University campus. Tbe lJlddlng at contractors ou the erection of the structure will close aD Jaouary 14, ]897, and as soon thereafter a pos. Sible ground will be \:)roken,

Proressor McBride lectured at OoQar Rapids, lut olitlt, on tbe ltubJect IT)'pei of VC\let&ble Life." 'l'bl. "u

,be S~" lec'"re at ~e eerj8ll

Germanla. Da sich die Mitgliederzabl dps Ver­

rei u bedeutend vergro" ert bat die e JalJr ist es beseblos en woraen da ' die Versandlungen wtl..:henLlicb gebal· ten werden.

Das letzte Program wllr au ('re t un tel'ressant. ·llesonders nlerkenBwerth waren die Declamation von Herrn chenk lind del' Berlcht libel' Lud­

wlch Ohland von Herrn IIltrtmann. An del' Deb Ite betbeiligten Ich

ammtliclle Mit~)jeder. Man be prach Ich gegen eitlg ubtlr die Bilding

und den Nutzen der franztlslchen sprache iru Vergllcb mit del' Deuts· chen.

Jm 'ganzen war die Ver3/Lmmlung liu zerse leh l'reicb da aile Anwesenden theiluabmen und gegeDseltig was sie wussten oder zu wi sen glaubten au • prdchen. Nach ten :MI wocbabend

werden lauter Ge eblchten aus del' deutschen Yolk a!{e vorgentragen.

Der IIi n kende Bote.

Medical Department. The Sen lor cia H foot bal I team I

practlriog daily and will soon be pre' pared to particip,lte in Lbo inter-elas ga rnes.

btepi have been taken to organize the Medical Society. A full report will be gl ven later.

'rbe majority of the Junior CIAS!! IHn be round in the dis sctlng room everyeveoing- rrom 7 to 9:3) o'clock. 'rbey report plenty or good ma.terlal,

'rbankS)(lvlog flay every Med lc~1 student I cordIally Invited to dlDe at tbe Paxton lIotel , OmahlL.

Dr. Carroll, '9-l, was one of tbe vi It· aI's la t week.

The Fresh 'nan cia enjoy their work In the Pharmacy deplLftment.

Dr. Oblne will not be with us nelt week, a cllplou 'rhank giving dinner at borne prevent bi coming,

8evtlral member or tbe deplLrtment are mllklog preparation to atteod a pring course ot lectures at Cblci.llfO.

Why cannot tho S. U. 1. otler such ad· vMtages? ------

The que, Cion for the Mlnncsot~· Towa debate ha~ been received. It 18 " hould tM United tate8 S nators be elected by a direct vote of tbe people?"

The Yale Glee aod HaoJo Clubs will visit the following rlties on their Cbrlstmal trip: Brooklyo, Philadel­pbla, Baltimore, Plttllbu'l, Oolumbul, Oloolnnatl, Louisville, t. Lp"l" SprlogOeld, Ohleago, Grand Rapkis, Toledo,~Ow'elandj 41ba1Y.

II .eII'I- It. If.,.tn, ... 0 H," W.,tl,..,OJI " ".tt,

TDUDAY, TMDUDAl' AID IATOIIDlT i., .. 'h Ollli .. ,.t., ,., , •• UIII""II, .f I •••.

CIIA , (i , II ftLJ II,

d ·Ou/,


i T.""'., P , ,ear, • • • - • If nOl p Id btlone January 1, I 7.


Clly P t Ofltce

or "rooters' trom Lbe Uni\"e Ilyor ~'eb lIa are making reat. prepara­tl to uppol1 tli ir r pr otatlv


arranlC 111'0

II larllt' Olllllht'r or nllr Iludt'ntt! may

b IIhlt to all,'od t hl' ganH' and . to t' 0 VI eh r ollr

t am in will 1\ gr a vi wry. • othlnl(

II flnl (,·tn pr'~ nt 11' glv!'n a 10

C'IIur'llCt'IIwut to our huy. In ttl1 d 'cl -

Iv IC 1111 •

Y. ~l. C. A. Convention, Til .' 'c'ft-Illry rc,lnrts 1 Yt'r) l'lIjoy·

aMI.' nd prulltah\e LIIIIl' spent at thl' (lllrl'l OllVl'ntlon or th y , t •. A.

) OUlIlf 111 1111

lOor' fnllll Dlouth to month and from hal( or hi ('ollillan-

yeu <21\N KleK 1\ Ge1\L


Nobby Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats.

+-• .g.

COAST & EASLEY, The American Clothiers.

~"'THE. )0

earter School of E)ratory. Located in Close Hall.

We teach Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic Art According to the new school of Expre sian.

peclal Work in Phy leal Culture if de ired. Our Malta, "By Art, conceal Art.' For information, terms, etc., addres ,

E. A. CARTER, Principal and Proprietor. f. O. BOl, 1721. IOWA C.ITY, IOWA.



Ube Proprtetors Of tbe bawltel1e Steam 1aulll)rp ba\'!e ma~e all arrangements to 1aun~rl1 an~ menl) all tbe 1tnen tbat comes to tbem anl) gt"e tbe 13est SaUsfactton tn tbe cit». liunl)les callel) for anl) ~elt"erel) rtgbt at l10ur room. 213 S. Clinton St. 'Rabenau 8. <tbatbam.

\tbe ~lb lRelfable <t. ~. ID. jLaunhr~, IS NOW AT 211 AND 213 IOWA AVENUE .

• 'ew Building bait block west of old stand. trielly Flrst Class Work. KENYON & HAMM. PROPS.

(Succe SON to A. T. Calkins.) Telephone '07'. 8lgn . The Big Collae.

eot Flower Store. Western Union Td. C, 's. Buildlrg. GreellbouE(,s. C r. Churcb and Dodge 51

~TelepboDe. No. 5.~

JAS. ALDOUS & SON, Proprietors

O'Keefe High Grade Fountain Pen 1f cannot obtain at your Book Store, to

Introduce Pen In your college,on receipt of h with order will end by register mail one Pen at 20 per cent. di count. . Club of live at 26 per cent. di C<lunt. Club of teu at 30 per cent. di count.

'0.2 No.8 No. 4 '2.60 • ..,.00, ,3.60


Construction and Combination of Parts

Every Part New and Novel, Oomplete and Practical.

Call at office of TilE VIDKTTg· REPORTER and see illustration of Pen, ani opinion relative 10 same, Addres

Willia m H O'Keefe, 60 Main St" Lockport, N. Y. Advi e if line, medium, or coarse pointed pens, are want~d.

CALL 011'

Lumsden & Rummelhart FO~ a~OCE~IES AliD P~OVU~IOttSJ

A Larae StOck of CannM Goods tD !:!elect tr9m. Fruit of All Kind •. SPEOIAL RATES TO CLUBS. " •

180 DU81lQUJI: STJurr.. , " • IOWA Oil'1'. IoWA.





\\)nstruclion in bra' lorerto1or •. Monoct C . and Cbarc a1. • "on ~t\:\al COUr

in "'hicb draw I HATTiE

ilJ::dent under F .. II llU ~iJ. H. Vandt lIf~ ~ lJoulang~r ~


Pen S IN

d Parts


r. 10" .. ,

~ ~f8 . .

tlEl.LS TH.

aest Grades of Coal. STUDEns TRADE APPRECIATED.

Oruce on Burlinll"on SIreet. Upposite Burlinglon Depot.

Open Your Eyes. THE

Cottage * Stuclio Cor. D~buque Rnd Market 8:8.



We don't pay $30 to $40 each month for rent. lnd YOU g~l th~ bt!n~til .

AMATEUR WORK FINISHED. I Call. eumlne work, und compare pri es.


"s. V. I." · "WHITE ROSE" ~q "SWEET ROSE BUD."

CICHRS Are lhe Rest In thl' CIty.

OIl6.Q:::!'~~y. Fred Zimmerli.

frank .ttrePtow. .. PractIcal Sleam JD2cr.

il5- Ladles Ore, ts. CurtaIns, ~i1 k s. Shawls, Carpel ~nd all kJlld IIf D"t'ln!? Cleaning and Repairillg neatly lind promptly done

Boy .ming 10 your"l<1 clothe and have them made ntW fur a slliall c. bt. II 7 It, W A A v K,

AU work guarranl ct'd .

STUDIO OF ART. InstructiOn In DraWing and Painting, Oil

WII=lor •. Monochrom~ In Wa~h, Pen and Ink.andCbarc ·al. Academic Dr" WIJ 'f!" frutTI Casts. S~tl:ial course for per ons purs~lng work in "'bieh draw nil' I~ n~cessarv.

HATTIE J. STtMMEL. \udeot under F .. W. Freer, I< oyal Academy,

Mpnich; J. H. Vandeq)rel and Paullnl' Dohn, PUPlfa of 80ulangcr amJ Lefl'b\' r~. Paris. ll~" WuhIDgton :It VISItors are welcome.

EPENETER' Billiard * Parlor. I /~II. Iqd .. lr~wIQg a Specialty.

." , o.buque St. CIGARS AND TOBACCO,

~. 'Staxtaman, 1l1afCbes, (tloclls. ~ewelrv Sliver anD I)lateb 'UlIla reo I

5p,c}taclcs a Spcct~ltp., '01 .... /IIfIu It. ' Iolla Cltv. /0111'.



",", .. ~u~ 6 ..... , ... "1 : ~~~'"~~!~!t~y!~~I,! !!,!'F<!!!t.~!~~~~!"a~,,~,!!t!:. 4- II' the bt!Ft Turn ·outs. ::>ingle [Iud Double l~igs. · INCORPORATED IS9 •• JI ClOOO FOR i of any Barn in th~ city. Vocal And Instrumental Mu le. Harmony an4 'II S I X S H IN E S Opl'n at all h llur~. li l'n tl e horses for Ladles and 1\1 usicalTI'l'ory and Normal Methods. JI to drive. l< a es rI'8sonablt'. COllr.1! arra~ge i prouressively leatlinjl to 'II • DAVE REESE. PRO,.. gradn;'tiun when diploma, are conferred. ~ MILTON THOMPSON . ESlJecial att~lItion giveD to University stu-

~prIO. 260. l1a dn.r ·. Barber Bh~OP. dt!PY:~se call at office for'!ermsand full partlcu-

" S 6 . 1874. lOr. moon, 1896. lars . .... y YVY Y Y Y ,J. W. RUQGL-£S. PRESIOENT. ___ ~_ Consultation Rooms. !? round floor, first

door west of Crl'8C~nt Pharmacy ill CreEcent Ulock'

Reslden<;e and Office, Telepbone No. 58.

THE HAWKEYE Coover & Co. ~est8ur8"t Have moved to and Short Order House.

18~ Clinton St. Peter A. Dey. Pres. G. W. Ball, Vice Pre~. Meals and Lunch Served at all bours. Lovell Swisher, Cash. J oun La.hek. As'tCash. 3rd door E. of P. O. J. J. RlfTENltlfYER, Prop.

First National Bank B/IARD BY THE Dn OR WttK.

- Smohe tbe -We invite comparison. Get 01lT Prices on IOWA CITY. IOWA. Groups and remt'mlJer that we lIavt! tbe be t OAPITAL, "OO.OOU.OO. W PLUS, '80,000.00. ligbt in the city for Groups. of wblcb we make 0111 ECTORS. a specialty. Second Floor. Peter A. Dey, J . T. Turner. E. Bradway, C,S.

--------- Welcb, A. N. Currier. Geo. W. Hall .

~~~~"'" ~ KENT COLLEGE OF LAW.~ -, -

Martlhlll D. Ewell, LL.D .• M.D., Dean. Stubente. < Fallte'llI will op~n ::i~plember 7. 181lS. Di-

ploma Hdm'ts to bar. J ml)rnvl'd method, unit- Wben in need of a LIVERY calion IOI!' tht'ory and pmcth e. The school of practice 18 the leadlnll fl"lture. Evening ses",lon8 of ten hour~ a \\ eek lor each c1a8~. Students can be self supporting while stuaying. For cata-

murpb~ & lReba. logul:s addrebs. M . D . EW ELL, Dean. Cab Orders for Parties and Dances a speclBily. ~~~ Entranceat1l4WashingtonSt.

DEALER ~~~~Il)y ~ I mCFRBlBJD ~B~P B~U~E. ~t4ua An tun QaatUtl~.

Butter and El'gs and COltntry Prouuce always on band



DENTIST. Rooms over Shrader'S Drug Store,


Still Ready . . ... To caler for student trade. \\ I: can alwayslurnish yvu with

fine [cnfcct/cneIU,!(e Cream,Ecaa Wale alll' other Cnrlon,zed Drinks, Oysters Se,ved in All Styles.

Mrs. M. B. Chihak. 115 /O'U IQ A1'tnue

Fresh Pies. Cakes. Cookies nnd Pretzels (hand made) always on hand at tht:

Tbe only house in lown tb t makes a specialty of SH01(T ORDEHS


MEALS. Served at all ours. Oyatera In Every Style.

Give me a call . llR Wasbington Street. Open all nigbt. A. G. McFARLAND.


WERTS Ground J' 1C10(, 22 Clinton t·

• AnoLher invoice uf cluaks re- : : ceived this IDurnlnlC, among them: : Lhe nohhtest ea ·tern style". 'a ll : : during Rerl Tit/!( ~»Ie II nd get them: : at R d Tag prlccs. - Gra rullug : : Ijro~ . :

ba"alla H(tuba n lRoee," IUleb HbawJte~e," an~ algar£!. HlPrtnceee." MPd by Konvallnka & Stoddard. 1""la. A'·e


Oalkin~ St~am Launar~ m. Iowa Jveoue aod Uno Sf.

First Class Work Guaranteed.



On De~mbcr ht---

Miss Elizabeth Irish WILL MOVE HER SCHOOL OF

SbOrmana ~ T~D~writinu. Intolhe Old Hinman Building .

Comer College and Dubuque Sis.

fact and Rumor.

EDlTORS.-Louise Boe chI', Edmund IUlmon.

Phi P:!is harl a p:lrty Thu r3Jay even ing.

eity Bakery. Remnant Slaughtering Sale Jameson, ex-'99, Is 10 town tor a few c. A, SCHMIDT, rroprietor.

C.lnton Street.

locals. BeauWul thiu clliDa with gold erlJ,l'e

and Lhe . O. J. buil dil' g~, 15c, 231', LOc, 7,)C, II nd $1 00. A Iso solid sill'e r poons and norelLle marked ItS you wish.­The Dresden hlna tore. Our Crye­tal Roum, tilled with ri ch CUL gill S, is at all tim~s open for yo ur 10 'pecLion.

willlJe contlnu cI neXL week on uncle r- clays. wear, ho Icry, larllt's' CO l' ets, crock­el'y, tinware, graniLe ware. etc., itR we rull~t havtl 1lI01'e room for holiday goods arrl\'Jng.-l'he Wide Awake, 123 College 'to

. A L, lavlltn's I ' t~e place to have a suit made to ol·der.

Bands, the practical Jeweler, 22 Clin· ton t .

.New mandolin at Plank Bros.

'fho. enlors had a party Wednc day night.

'fhe IgmLL Nu gave a party J!'rlday night.

'fhere i gol ng to be a fooL ball hop on Dec. 41h

~1t'8. CJlrl W. 1lolbrook I vi Itlng 10 West Onion.

La u ra Klopp has beeo III durin" tho last or tb Is week.

: ... \Ve' ;I~~" h'~~'I;I'g '~ I 'I ' 'tb~' iate:t' : New neckwear received every week 'l'h Logic chi- seB had examinations : no velLie Itl dress goods. All In-' at Bloom & Mayer's. ThurAday morning. • : cl ud ed ill th e Red 'fag sale at : eo nloom & J\1 yer , all wool hlaok 11 '1'. HJ'u ~h vi l'ed his s()n B"rr tt : Gmmllng Bros. : " '" ...... _ ...... -.... _ .................... Iri h frieze ulster, cl1lY lined, for $JO. HI'uah,oo 'I'uosday.

Ju t rt'cell'ea by WhltRcre & FOltz, . When all others tall Hands io uc- MI'. Clyde Mc (lrd was lnlLlated by a fresh bupply of Plow's tine candlee. ce fu!. the :tet lasL nl!-fbt.

Nobby plaid suits, Oy front coat Gold pens at Plank Bros. Jlln (1~s kept Dorothy Wickersham aod ve l , ror '12 lit Bloom & Mayer. Sweators 50c to $·too-Ooast & Ea - from cia e' I'or a few day .

Fall aod wlntf'r und rwear from 700 ley. Delia AJrord, ex-'!)9, returned to her to , .400" uit.-Ooast, Easlr.y. Get J(lhn Bands to take the dirt out boms at Waterloo, 'fhursday.

Best hine, 6 for 26c, Wbltaker~s of your watcb. Miss Busl eelo ent/ertalned Lhe PI ton orlal parlor ' . , Nobhy caps tor rall. - CoasL 8T En - Phis 'I'hllrsday night at the home of

When tbe main pring or your watch ' ley: , Prote HOI' MoOoonell. breaks take It to John l1and~. /See Bloom & Mayer great all wool Nina Peterson 011 sed chool Thurs·

kersey overcoat, lined, sleeve lining, day on accoullt or ilia Election I Oller, and the tock of cl­

garR, tobacco and pipes I 10 for fall and winter trade; tlno and cheap; at Wieneke'S t. James Arcade CIgar tote.

General Repair Shop. Bicycle repaired aud blred out,

locks repaired, aod all kinds of d'upll­cate keys made to order. 206 S. Du· buqMe st., Jamp8 W. Oalta, Prop.·

tor $10.

Six for 250, Six shlne for a quarter at Whl~'

aCl'e's barber shop. weatera, all prices- Coast & Easley

For the bctlt shoe re'palrlng go to Fred Langdenherg, who has receotly mo\'ed trom Rlcord's shoestoi'll to the Blue Front store on Ollntoo street.

1111 ID , '09, and ThoO)I\S, '97, made .. trip Into the cOU II Ly la t ulgbt.

Beta ThoLa PI tmLernlty InitiaLed O~en M. D eDlH, '00, last night.

Olyde Cobb rols ed orne recltatloos tbl week on account or IIIne •.

The J1'rench cmluary did not bavo Its u811al meeting on Wednesday.

• .... , .... - ", I j

- " J .'.. I .. \ . '. • t ....

Law Dor o. L ' ,I pendlog a few

d y. at. borne. II };lIz beth De Bell, or Atlaota,

G ,h Join the Juolor cl J. A. DeviL accompanied the foo~

ban warn \.(J D Mold died at D the efJec or • member of

EI·CapLaln W , of Bar ard, I giving a course or lectur on "Trlclcs in Foot Ralt, In 'arlous :Sew Eog­land colleges.


RICHMOND Straight Cut No.

1 Cigarettes.

The American Tobacco Compa.ny, P, ••• rl t l.rU.


lMater ~roof machintosbes. Gua rra ntccb.

~ratt a Strub. 118 .. 120 (utnton St.


w. P. ZeIt bamel Tallor bop r R LEANING, PRE lNG, ETC.



lIulsizer'sGreen House CHOICE ROSES,

AND OTHER CUT FLOWERS Con ·Ilory and BflId'"lJ Plan I . T Ir-

araph aDd "j elrphon Ord promptly Illend-~ to. T«I«pbon« 3 • •

J ••• ItLSlln, 41P1 ... II. I ....



Grandrath Bros.


WOllUlf'S lUDIOAL SOHOOL £Woman" Medical Collqe of Chiagoj.

1N .. 1It See .. U .... . Iftft, • Olea •••

Thoma hand PnlCliCal llI5Iructlon In every DeJ)U!ment. HO!j)ltal Ad\'lllllqra UlIMlf1lllS­~. l 'nparalJ,1 vppon nlU for Practlcal Obetl.'trica an4 G Inecology. i.~t L8bo-nltori~ po • oa» 1 70.

F..- anD01lIICemtllt and otber Inform.­lion addr('S5 the Secretary, .

MARIK J . MERGLER. MD •• 188 S. Llncolo S&., Cblcqo.

~oo"er's lRestaurant t


1Dtntng ~oom 1ntOc ant) 1tgbt :ticat Sen~tce tn tbe <ttt)]. 1ocntton <tol\\')cntent ..... l3onr~, $2.50 pet 'lIll1celt ..



. I , .MD.

Offiice (l\'er Jobn n CounlY 'avlogs Bank.

ffice H(lllrl, :30 to 12; I to II.

Tnlll. l:. t:AlIluH. l'rn.. "' ... A. tN\. 1.:. h,.r. L. L.a ....... V. Pre.. GIO. L F.uc.A •. t:. h.

Johnson County


DI".oro" • . ThO!!. C. Car n.:'. L . Lt'I,·vre. J . C. Coch·

I1In. I-:d Tud r . m'l ~hnrpl. , L . n. PaU~r-" 11 . 'truhm. C. F. IAvelace, lII ax Marer.


It W1t.f-4o IOU plaut" "Onl.1/'~"" ......

Dte" II·OIlo\bIr1I."

Wo Rome 11 Really Complete Without a new 1897 MOdel

Washburn Oultar,Mandoiln, Banjo or Zither.

Prlct!S het>n .c.led down OS • rftult of ~ W ashburn'. ennrmou popularity 60 lh t now1olCII buy a cenulne ", •• hbum oUhe very I.tost des1p

From $'5.00 Upward. The new \\' •• llbum Monclolln I a ndloal ~

from fonner otyl • It Is the ne.test, dalnll<st ... tlgbte.t I.ndolln Im.gln.hle. alld Itslon •• pt)nIIdIs nry near 10 Ih.t of It fine old Cremon" Violin. II bun. Rro tIOld at fixed and unllonn prices br alilirtl· cIA", mu,le dealers .v~ry" here.

Washburn. "r. the nckl\owledged sbnd:ud of 0. ... orld. They nro \I,ed exclusively by the ItdlJc Artists, Teach.r. and Glee Clubs. Our new II . bum cat.lugll6 cool.lnlng porlrnitsof 0\·., JOOA and rullinformnlion, prlcrR,endor-ements,ttc.,w • """t free ou receipt of np"lIcatlon. If ),our locllcldl« cannot supply )'ou we wlll l!etld W ashburn. C. 0. D. ... IU. privilege of examlnaUon, direct froln lhefatWrl'.

A Wuhburn Improves with age and IIIlkt1. 0Ift that Intreuel In value as the yean It ~7' It I, really worth many tim.., lu ~t.


0PBfU ~OU8B ~B8taurant BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars

Drs. HAZARD & POLLARD. '012 N Clinton t. TdephOne. No. H .

HOUR. DR. HAZARIl. DR. POLlARD IOtol'lA . M· 8;30toIOA.M. 8to1SP.1I1. JtoSP.M. Tel phone 18 Telepbone 8.

P. tf. ~ATZENI't'IEV~, D~A&'~"'N

flour ' fee~. No. to Dubuque lreet. ----

\t be ~trhwoob, LEADING BOTEL







KJlnu •• Colorado, Arizona, Old attd fIIew Mexico and Callfornl ••


Ark.n •••• T ••••• T.nn ••••• , AlabalM, MI .. I •• ,ppl. Loul.l.n., G.oral ..

Florid •• nd the

OF IOWA CITY. SOUTH tP SOUTHEAST ~:~:r::~~:;m _ F. '.IIIItE, Prl,. On/I_Lin. to PEORIA Without ~

- ,OR-

R .. I Direct Connection_ with Throuah TraiN

S h oe e pal rl ng . to Prinol.,.1 Cltlealn IIIlnola,,O ..... , • kentuoky, Weat Vlr.lnla, Penna'IYSIIla ....

CALL ON New Yo", without chanae.

JOHN STANOSHECK, e cond Dlor Welt of Cloae Hall.




llln i \'erstt~ mebtcal ~cbooI.




FOOTBALL Supplies. Everything for the player- Jackets, Shoes, tocking, Jer· seys, Shin Guard, etc. Spaldings Ofticial In­tercollegiate Foot Ball, officially adopted by the InterCOll egiate A • sociation. Complete Catalogue, Fall and Winter ports, free , The Name the Guar Regolar c:ourw. four yeara. Ad"anced Mand­

Ing given. Tbr labontory and c1lnloaJ .dvan- anlee. r~:.n~~~::~It~ drculan of I.G.SPlLDINGlr BROS.

... •• D_V ••• Jr. New York, hicago, ~~~~~ 2"'~"'CNICA(JO.IU. I and Philadelph,a.

Wanted-In Idea ~ - tIIIDIr : WANTED-FAITHFUL MEN OR wo. --=a I MEN to travel for res onsi Ie estabIisbtd ........ m~ .. ~ bouae IQ Jowa. Salary '780 aDd nlle_ • .... J l Po.llion perman rot. !( efpr~nce. Ear. RiI ...."'. addre8tefl ItlImped envelope. The ifill/-Mil .. eC "" ~ Ikar lnlunlllce .I:Ildg., Chicago.

STUDENT UNIFOfUto\8 FO~ FJ!LL t\f 8j\WVa~'8.

VOL. ~.

ot a week the Or thai had to Ilgbt made, and excellent halt their I

Y.M. C.A. Metcalf Munzenmales JIarrl Bearty Raw on Lynde (e) Hull uddoth

Ma'ber Closson Henson

Stipp of De8Moiocs umpire.

The rollowi I taken from

"The day persons wi Lynde won nortb goal wi Thomas turned 15. tor 5 yards around 'rho here I be Uoi aDd Bonson ere and H

"After the 0. A. braced ball. S. U. 1. Its 1eC0Dd to the 5·yard Tbomas pun cals took the ~yard line. center tor 3 y tbe locals a pig-skln on Y.M.C.A. left tackle made a beau eDd for 12 and made 5 IlClfOtlated BenlOn and tbe Ii De, but The UDlvertl the ",ard lrolDed. for 6 'ard&,