Video surveillance Moving object detection& tracking Chapter 1

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Transcript of Video surveillance Moving object detection& tracking Chapter 1



Object detection and tracking is the problem of finding the motion

of an object in an image sequence. It is result for:

Animation & Interaction


Recognition of objects

Video surveillance

Medical applications

Computer assisted living

There is no doubt that moving object and detection and tracking

is one of the very important topics in the field of computer vision


Video tracking is the process of locating a moving object (or

multiple objects) over time using a camera. It has a variety of

uses, some of which are: human-computer interaction, security

and surveillance, video communication and compression,

augmented reality, traffic control, medical imaging and video

editing. Video tracking can be a time consuming process due to

the amount of data that is contained in video. Adding further to

the complexity is the possible need to use object recognition

techniques for tracking, a challenging problem in its own right.

We typically distinguish 3 cases:

Tracking rigid objects

Tracking articulated objects like humans or animals.

Tracking fully non-rigid objects.

Classical Moving object detection and tracking methods for the

steady cameras are inadequate for the moving ones because there

are some Differences in the assumptions of each one. The field of

computer vision includes very important topics, one of them is

object detection and tracking especially moving objects, after

many years of search in working on steady cameras, it was

necessary to develop some sophisticated algorithms in the field

of object detection and tracking and it will be mentioned later

with further clarification.

In this paper it is applied on video surveillance but it should be

known that it can be applied on some different topics like: driving

safety assistance, robot navigation, and content based video


It must be known well that moving object detection and tracking

is the basic step towards the further analysis of the image

sequences in video surveillance.

The ability of moving object detection and tracking can naturally

improve the driving safety for robot.

There are some particle filters can work well for steady cameras

but they are not well for moving ones.

Moving cameras have some sudden movements and shakings that

can lead to image blur and Noticeable change in the size and

positions which will result in the tracking failure so some new

algorithms had developed to overcome the problem of tracking

failure result from the sudden movements and they can track

moving objects with its original position and sizes.

There is a filter called feature-guided it is derived for tracking

moving objects, by a technique called Markov chain Monte

Carlo (MCMC) the mentioned filter could be implemented


This paper is completely or partially related to the fields:

computer vision and image processing. Machine learning and

pattern recognition techniques will be integrated for developing

new algorithms for object detection and tracking to improve the

last results and it is the target.

As we mentioned previously our goal is to apply the methods and

tools in with different types of cameras, so we just need to the

information of the image.

Here are some advantages perhaps the most notable is that we do

not need information coming from lasers, radars, odometers and

GPSs. Other one is that our methods do not need to camera

calibration and prior training.

These methods have been used previously and showed that it is

possible to detect and track objects without the need for some


So let's agree that our project is divided into two parts .the first

one is to recognize the moving object of interest and then to track

these moving objects through its motion.

Pay attention, some problems may face your two parts. One of

them that can face the first part is noise:

You do not know the reason of some moving pixels in the image

if it is due to the moving of the camera or the noisy of the

background that are not of interest. So we think the solution for

this problem is that we will use size constraint to give up the

unimportant parts that will be too small to be part of the object of


We came to the second problem that can face the second part and

it is how to correctly identify the objects of interest in all the

image frames.

Using motion detection alone to track the targets provides a poor

method due to the noisy movements.

Template matching alone is not robust against change in object

orientation and tends to drift off when targets are in motion.

Hence, we use a combination of the two by performing template

matching only on the pixels that are moving. Results have shown

this to be a robust method in both recognizing the objects as well

as tracking them.

Problem statement:

Firstly, let's differentiate between different concepts, but both are

inseparable complements the other. What the difference between

detecting objects and tracking objects??? There is a big difference

between the two concepts as the first means to find the instance

which will be face, cars, bike, building in image and video or any

other instance. So the logical and next step of detecting is

tracking. Simply tracking means monitoring the object motion

and all changes in video sequence including its presence,

position, size and shape. So logically tracking starts with

detecting objects. While detecting an object repeatedly in

subsequent image sequence is often necessary to help and verify


Our problem lies in determining the basic objects as it crossed in

front of the cameras and then trace these objects to get to the last

point it stands then take the necessary attitude and this is the focus

of our conversation in the following pages.

Firstly it will be located next to the cameras warning system, the

cameras will work as an observer in a normal and natural, but

when it sees something strange the alarm device will work to

warn one of the employees to monitor the site being monitored to

see What detection alarm whether a human being or otherwise .if

it was a human being be dealt with according to the regulations,

considering that this case of theft or trespass on the property,

whether private property or public, and if it is, for example,

crossing the object but not , the alarm normally and naturally

works but does not consider the case of encroachment on the

property. As the signal system worked in this case it is make sure

the quality of the system and that the device works even with the

crossing of living things is the human in front of the cameras.

Our real problem is to prevent crime not cure it according to the

sentence which say "prevention is better than cure" we want to

use technology to reduce the number of crimes in our society

aiming to Harness all means of science to limit committing fewer


Why not we have all possible ways to do that although they may

be very hard for achieving.

There is no doubt Crimes are varied in the world from theft to

murder and other types. The motives are varied so also between

hunger and poverty, and sometimes for greed and perhaps to

terrorize citizens in the last while.

All organizations calling for peace in the world calls for reducing

crime, whether by educating citizen's seriousness or taking the

necessary precautions to reduce them gradually until they are

disposed of once and for all. It had to be the presence of

technology, mainly as the largest contributors for solving such a

problem, at least in a narrow between private places and public

ones enclosed scale down to the streets until it was difficult to

achieve at the moment.

Technology and scientific progress Facilitated the reduction of

crime largely by invention of such systems that are monitoring

places of interest and private places of citizens as it by informing

citizens that all of these places are under control and this is their

right, we do so to avoid the occurrence of the crime from the

ground up rather than occurrence then processed.

As we mentioned previously, the solution of this problem is

developing a secure system can monitor any vital place all the day

all the week so we need large servers to record all these videos

So we need high quality storage devices for the storage of such

bulky videos and then discharged if we did not need it, and here

the cost may come, but as part of the solution we can use cloud

computing and renting storage certain as we need and discharge

it from time to time to store the other as the price of renting these

servers will not It is costly to the point of not afford. It has also

given the benefits of and behind the use of a secure electronic

system by comparing the old traditional system is probably not

the price expensive. Instead of hiring more security persons we

may underestimate the cost with the existence of this security

system. This system must have the highest provider and the latest

means of safety and protection so as not to breach. We hope here

that the system will perform all the functions desired from. This

system will be subject to the experience over and over again until

we reach the best results and trying to reduce the percent of the

mistake until we can remove it completely.


Avery important benefit behind our project is reducing time,

effort and money. In traditional surveillance systems the one

place should be guarded by more than one persons. The percent

of mistake from these persons may be high, the quality may be

weak, the cost may be very high and finally Possibility of a crime

may be high.

Our system of surveillance cameras 24 hours a day, as we

mentioned provider with high-quality warning is working

safely, effectively and efficiently to the greatest degree

possible. it also is not required to remain in front of the

cameras monitoring throughout the specified period , of

course, leads to some extent to waste time and effort.

Therefore, it is possible to leave the cameras and perform

another task at the same time and the alarm will notify you

with anything strange going to happen according to the

programming device. It is also possible to use the system

device for recording in the absence of human guard and

when you get back, instead of wasting time and effort in

the video review of the Register and may be the

registration period very large and our system gives you the

ample opportunity to review only critical moments that

something may have happened to them from theft or

anything non grata, where it recorded these moments and

it will immediately notify you by your return.

It should be well known that the ultimate objective behind

this system is to fine tune the citizens and automatically

prevent them from committing crimes. So protecting man

even from himself must be the goal of every person until

a higher status in a moral refrain people spontaneously

from committing crimes.

Here is a very simple block diagram for our system.