Victory in Europe and the Pacific Ch 14 Sec 4. Battle of the Bulge Last Major German offensive of...

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Transcript of Victory in Europe and the Pacific Ch 14 Sec 4. Battle of the Bulge Last Major German offensive of...

Victory in Europe and the Pacific

Ch 14 Sec 4

Battle of the Bulge Last Major German

offensive of the war December 16, 1944 in

the Ardennes Forest

(N. France/Belgium)

Link Edge of the Abyss 44:00

Poll: Last major German offensive of the war?

Poll: The Bulge was high ground.

Battle of the Bulge

Eventually the attack fails due to lack of troops and supplies.

Ensured that the Soviets would reach Berlin first

Poll: The battle of the bulge ensures that the...

Hitler’s Downfall As the Soviets enter Berlin in

April 1945… Hitler marries Eva Braun Two days later commits

suicide His body is burned afterwards

The German army surrenders May 7th, 1945.

May 8th, 1945 known as VE day

Link End Game 44:00

War in the Pacific still going on!

Poll: What ultimately happens to Hitler?

Poll: German Surrender.

Main Factor in the defeat of the Axis…

The allies had a productive capacity 2x the axis

Underestimating the Soviet Union Having to fight on multiple fronts Resources for Germany became scarce

Poll: Productive capactiy of the alleis.


Battle of Midway (June 1942) Japanese fleet is

destroyed by American air force (including battleships and aircraft carriers)

An important turning point for U.S.!

U.S. begins taking back islands in the Pacific.


3 carriers, ~15 support ships, 233 carrier aircraft, 127 land-based

aircraft 1 carrier sunk, 1 destroyer sunk, 98 aircraft destroyed, 307 killed

4 carriers, 2 battleships, ~15 support ships, 248 carrier aircraft, 16

floatplanes 4 carriers sunk, 1 cruiser sunk, 248 carrier aircraft

destroyed, 3,057 killed

Battle for Midway Island If won,

Japanese could have bombed Hawaii from here.

Major turning point-defeat of Japanese fleet.

Link 8:42 Link 18:08


The Japanese Shinano.


Mighty Japanese battleships are pounded to pieces by US carrier planes. They are obsolete.

Poll: Battle that was the turning point in the...


Island Hopping: the practice of landing on one island, defeating its forces, then quickly moving on to the next

strategic target.


1. Bomb

2. Invade

3. Build an airfield to bomb the next island

How to Island Hop with General Douglas MacArthur:



Battleships found a new role in bombarding

Japanese held island defenses.

Battle for Iwo Jima

Dead at Iwo Jima: 6,800 US 20,000 Japanese.

This flag raising was a serious morale boost to soldiers on the island.

Link 19:07


Iwo Jima

The island where the film ‘flags of our fathers’ was set.

Horrendous casualties on both sides



Mt. Suribachi

Island Hopping on Iwo Jima


1. Bomb: 74 days in a row

Island Hopping on Iwo Jima

3. Build an airfield: Already there, used for bombers and fighters to destroy Japanese cities.

2. Invade: 110,000 US vs. 22,000 Japanese


Iwo Jima Casualties

6,821 US Dead

20,000 US Wounded

Nearly all 22,000 Japanese fought to the death.

Poll: Famous flag raising picture.

Poll: Kamikaze means...

•Suicide pilots

•Would try to crash into American ships

•The Japanese would rather fight to the death than surrender.


US ships ablaze after kamikaze attacks


A ‘Kaiten’-or suicide torpedo.


Attacking Okinawa island.


Okinawa Island - May 1945

This island is within bomber range of Japan. If it falls Japan will, at last, be vulnerable.


Okinawa Facts

500,000 Civilians living there before the battle

150,000 Civilians killed during the ugly battle

97,000 Japanese soldiers before the battle

7,000 Japanese soldiers survived the battle

Hundreds of Japanese “Kamikaze” pilots trained to pilots crash into US Navy boats, killing 5,000


US invasion force of 200,000 soldiers

US casualties, 12,513 dead, 55,000 wounded


Japan retreats.

Japan withdrew all forces from the Pacific and from the mainland.

So widely scattered were soldiers, and so dedicated were they to their cause, that old soldiers were still coming out of hiding in 1972!


The ‘Ohka’

This is an unused Japanese suicide rocket bomb found on Okinawa. There were no more Japanese planes to launch it.

The Manhattan Project

Code name for the A-Bomb program

Led by Robert Oppenheimer

First detonation Alamagordo NM, July 1945

Ushers in the Nuclear Age


Poll: The Mahnattan Project designed the...

Poll: The first atomic detonation was at...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945

Faced with a casualty estimate of a million, Truman authorizes use of the A-Bomb against Japan.

Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1955

Poll: First atomic bomb was dropped on..

This plane dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.


The first Atomic bomb to be used in war… ‘little boy’.

This bomb was shipped from the US a mere 4 hours after the ‘Trinity’ A-bomb test in the US.

The actual radioactive material inside was the size of an orange.

The Atomic Bomb

Atomic bomb – “little boy”


The USS Indianapolis

Delivered the first atomic bomb to the US air force in Tinian. July 30 1945 sunk by Japanese submarine off the Philippines on the way

home. Because of her ‘special mission’ her journey was ‘secret’. Of 1200 crew, 900 survived the sinking only to find themselves at sea

with no rescuers even looking for them. Sharks were quickly attracted and after 4 days only 300 men were left,

mostly terrified out of their minds. It was the worst US Navy disaster in history.

Victims in Hiroshima

Why drop the Atomic Bomb?

The Japanese had shown they would fight to the last man, woman and child.

The atomic bomb saved as many as 1 million U.S. lives, and many more Japanese.

Harry Truman said he dropped the bomb to end the war.

Poll: The atomic bomb probably saved lives.

Poll: President who authorized the bomb drop.


The Japanese surrender party onboard a US battleship in Tokyo Bay 15.9.1945.They are ‘enduring the unendurable’ at the Emperor’s request. The Emperor finally concedes that Japan cannot face US technology and survive.


Over Tokyo Bay.

Japan surrenders 1945

VJ day Aug. 14, 1945 Formal Surrender

Sept 2, 1945 Even after the A-

bombs some Japanese wanted to continue to fight.

Emperor Hirohito intervened

Poll: Japanese surrender.

This presentation contains the poll(s) you downloaded

Slide Contents

2 Suggested verbal notes for presenters

3 Instructions slide to educate audiences on responding via text messages.

4 Instructions slide to educate audiences on responding via web or mobile web. This must be enabled on your poll in

5 Instructions slide to educate audiences on responding via Twitter. This must be enabled on your poll in

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Presenter Text Polling Notes Explain what’s going on

“Now I’m going to ask for your opinion. You’ll use your phones to respond just like on American Idol. So please take out your cell phones, but remember to leave them on silent.”

“You’ll participate by sending a text message. If you don’t know how to do that, just ask your kids! Or have your neighbor help you figure it out.”

Address their concerns “This is a just standard rate text message, so it may be free for you, or up to twenty cents

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How To Vote via Texting

1. Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20)2. We have no access to your phone number3. Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do



How To Vote via

Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling doTIP


How To Vote via

Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling doTIP


How To Vote via Twitter

1. Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do2. Since @poll is the first word, your followers will not receive this tweetTIPS