Victor hagea(1948) romanian painter (a c )

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Victor hagea(1948) romanian painter (a c )

03.04.13 07:51 PM

Romanian painter Victor Hagea was born in Lupeni/Hunedoara, Romania. I have been interested in drawing and painting since youth, and had a rigorous arts education. I have been much influenced by the Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French great masters. I saw in their multi-faceted work multiple windows toward the absolute. Then Dali showed me what kinds of possibilities dwell within the domain of the "real" and what the artists can make of it. After a time of experimenting in several directions such as cubism, constructivism, and abstractionism and using various techniques, I came back to the kind of painting that best expresses who I am. I have always dreamed of painting this way, finding means to capture the passing and evanescent nature of reality through forms that transcend it. Traditional Indian philosophy claims that "life is a dream", underscoring an invisible boundary that separates different worlds from each other and therefore the respective "realities" that correspond to them. There is something in each "reality" that transcends its physical immediacy taking the form of a projection or emanation, thus outgrowing its deterministic corset and finding its "super-reality" at a higher level. I believe my textual "Painting as performance representation" opens the door towards understanding this.