VI Sem ECE Assignments

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Transcript of VI Sem ECE Assignments

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


    VI sem ECE

    Digital Communication

    Assignment for Jan-May 2016.

    Q. o Questions

    1. Consider the set of signals




    T t it  f  T 


    t  s   ci





    π  π  

      where i = 0, 1, 2, 3 and f c is an integer multiple of 1/

    (a) !etermine the dimensionalit", # of the signal set.

    ($) !etermine set of orthonormal $asis functions to represent this set of signals.

    (c) !etermine the coefficients si%  of the signals si(t). &lso gi'e the signal

    constellation diagram.2. $tain the orthonormal $asis set for the gi'en s1(t) and s2(t).




    t t  s





    t t  s


    10,4)(2 .

    3. nerg" signals s1(t) and s2(t) are represented with two $asis functions and their 'ector 

    representations respecti'el" are, s1=*2 1+, s2=*2 1+. -ind the distance $etween s1 and

    s2, and also their signal energies.

    4. Consider a signal s!t" # Asinc!t$%" defined o'er the inter'al ∞  t∞. !etermine and

    mae a neat plot of the output of a filter ha'ing impulse response &!t" # sinc!t$%) from

    ∞  t ∞ if the signal s(t) is gi'en as input. Can we sa" that h(t) is a matched filter for 

    s(t) i'e reasons for "our answer.

    . he two signals s1(t) = s2(t) = et

    for t 0, and= 0 elsewhere.

      &re transmitted with eual pro$a$ilit" o'er a channel with additi'e white aussian

    noise of 5ero mean and power spectral densit" #0/2. he recei'er $ases the decision on

    the recei'ed signal o'er the inter'al 0 6 t 6 2. !etermine the minimum attaina$le

     pro$a$ilit" of error at the recei'er output.

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


    7. he signals g1(t) = 10 cos(1008t) and g2(t) = 10 cos(08t) are $oth sampled at times t n

    = n/f s, where n = 0, 91, 92, :.., and f s = ; samples per second. (t)= 12 cos(?008t)cos2(1?008t) is ideall" sampled at 4700 samples per 

    second. hat is the minimum allowa$le sampling freuenc" hat is the range of 

     permissi$le cutoff freuencies for the ideal lowpass filter to $e used for reconstructing

    the signal

    ?. -igure shows the spectrum of a message signal  g(t). he signal is sampled at a rate

    eual to !etermine and setch the spectrum of the resulting @&A signal.


    B. -or the spectrum of $andpass signal shown $elow, chec the $andpass sampling

    theorem for (i) f s = 4 5, (ii) f s = 0 5. &lso indicate if and how the signal can $e


    ( f )

    0 2 1 1 2 f , C 5


    & signal s(t) of duration DE sec is defined as,



    T t T a

    T t at  s



    (i) !etermine the impulse response of a filter matched to this signal and setch it asa function of time.

    (ii) hat is the pea 'alue of output

    11. wo signals s1(t) and s2(t) are defined o'er the inter'al 0 t . >press these signals

    in terms of orthonormal $asis functions. @lot the orthonormal $asis functions.





    f (Hz)


  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments



    s 1 ( t )s 2 ( t )



    / 2t t0 0


    Consider a signal s(t) defined $"



    T t t  s


    0,1)( .

     Ft is proposed to appro>imate the matched filter for this signal $" a lowpass GC filter 

    defined $" the transfer function)/(1


    0 f   f   j

     f   H +


     where RC 

      f  π  2

    10   = the cutoff freuenc" of the GC filter is.

    !etermine the optimum 'alue of f 0  for which the GC filter $ecomes the $est

    appro>imation for matched filter.

    !etermine the pea output signal to noise ratio, assuming noise is &# of 5ero

    mean and power spectral densit" #0/2.

    !etermine $" how man" deci$els the transmitted energ" $e increased so that the

     performance $ecomes same as that of perfectl" matched filer

    13. Consider a pulse s(t) defined $"





    t 0

      where f 0 = 1/2πGC is the 3dH $andwidth of the filter.

    (a) !etermine the optimum 'alue of f 0 for which the GC filter pro'ides the $estappro>imation to the matched filter.

    ($) &ssuming an additi'e white noise of 5ero mean and power spectral densit" #0/2,

    what is the pea output signal to noise ratio

    (c) H" how man" deci$els must the transmitted energ" $e increased so at to reali5e

    the same performance as the perfectl" matched filter

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


    14. imum

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


     possi$le 'alue for the highest component of the analog signal

    20. he $inar" data 011100101 are applied to the input of a modified duo$inar" s"stem.

    (i) Construct the modified duo$inar" coder output and corresponding recei'er output

    with and without a precoder at the transmitter.

    (ii) plain with neat setch a complete precoded duo$inar" scheme. ncode and transmit

    the $inar" seuence 1101001 in precoded duo$inar" scheme. &ssume 1 = J1K and 0 =


    22. !etermine the power spectral densit" of the polar uaternar" format of #GL t"pe,

     $ased on the natural code. &ssume statisticall" independent and euall" liel" message


    23. &nswer the following.

    M1.&. Fn $uilt s"nchroni5ation is achie'ed using t"pe wa'eform coding


    H. ne $aud is eual to num$er of $its per second

    M2. he discrete autocorrelation function G &(n) for a $ipolar signaling scheme is

    M3. Construct the GL $ipolar signaling format for the $inar" seuence 011010110

    M4. i'en the $inar" seuence 011011001, Construct the polar C&N #GL format

    using ra" code

    M. rite the time domain and freuenc" domain e>pressions for the $asic pulseused to achie'e 5ero F

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


    mae a neat plot of the output of a filter ha'ing impulse response h(t) = sinc(t/) from

    ∞  t∞ if the signal s(t) is gi'en as input. Can we sa" that h(t) is a matched filter for 

    s(t) i'e reasons for "our answer.

    27. he suare wa'e >(t) of the -igure 1 of constant amplitude &, period 0, and dela" td,

    represents the sample function of a random process O(t). he dela" is random,

    descri$ed $" the pro$a$ilit" function

      f (td) = , 0 6d 6 0 .

      0, otherwise

    a) !etermine the pro$a$ilit" densit" function of the random 'aria$le O(t ) o$tained

     $" o$ser'ing the random process O(t) at time t . $) !etermine the mean and autocorrelation function of O(t) using ensem$le

    a'eraging.c) !etermine the mean and autocorrelation function of O(t) using timea'eraging.d) sta$lish whether or not O(t) is stationar". Fn what case it is ergodic

    2;. a). >plain the freuenc" di'ision multiple access(-!A&) and compare it with!A&.

     $). & @CA s"stem uses a uniform uanti5er followed $" a ;$it $inar" encoder. he $it

    rate of the s"stem is eual to 0× 107 $its/second.(i). hat is the ma>imum message $andwidth for which the s"stem operates


    (ii). !etermine the output signal to uanti5ing noise ratio when the full load sinusoidal

    modulating wa'e of freuenc" 1A5 is applied to the input

    2?. & $ase$and $inar" data transmission s"stem uses a format nown as $inar" pulse

     position modulation in which a $it D1E is represented $" placing a pulse of amplitude

    DaE from time P /2 to 0 and a pulse of 5ero amplitude from 0 to /2 while $it D0E is

    represented $" placing a pulse of amplitude 5ero from P/2 to 0 and a pulse of 

    amplitude DaE from time 0 to /2. !etermine the power spectral densit" of the data

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     $eing transmitted and also e'aluate the pro$a$ilit" of $it error if &# of 5ero mean

    and two sided @

    2B. -or a full scale sinusoidal modulating signal with amplitude D&E, show that (imum message $andwidth for which the s"stem operates


    (ii). !etermine the output signal to uanti5ing noise ratio when the full load sinusoidal

    modulating wa'e of freuenc" 1A5 is applied to the input

    33. !eri'e an e>pression for pro$a$ilit" of error for coherent detected $inar" @

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


    C4 = d1 d3

    C = d1 d2 d3

    C7 = d1 d2

    i. rite down the generator matri> .

    ii. Construct all possi$le code words.

    iii. imum length seuence. i'e reasons for "our answer.

    4. &n N!A s"stem operates with a sampling freuenc" of 30 5. Ff a sinusoidal signal

    >(t), normali5ed so that >(t) 6 1 whose freuenc" is 3 5, is applied, what 'alue of Vǀ ǀ

    minimi5es the slope o'erload

    47. Fn a $inar" data transmission using duo$inar" con'ersion fliter without a precoder,

    the recei'ed sample 'alue Wc X were found to $e 2 2 0 2 2

  • 8/19/2019 VI Sem ECE Assignments


    0 2 2 0 2 2 0.

    he starting $  was 1.

    a) !o "ou feel there is an error in these 'alues

     $) Ff there is an error, can "ou guess the correct W$ X seuence Fs this uniue

    c) Ff the o$tained W$ X seuence is not uniue, write down all possi$le correct W$ X


     #oteR Aore than one error in Wc X seuence is e>tremel" unliel".

    4;. & con'olutional encoder has a single shift register with two stages, three modulo2

    adders, and an output multiple>er. he generator seuences of the encoder are as

    followsR g(1)=(1, 0, 1), g(2)=(1, 1, 0), g(3)=(1, 1, 1). !raw the $loc diagram of the


    4?. >plain the principles of direct seuence spread spectrum and freuenc" hopping

    ($oth slow and fast freuenc" hopping) spread spectrum communication s"stems.

    Fnclude suita$le diagrams and wa'eforms as reuired.

    4B. he $inar" data stream 001101001 is applied to the input of !uo $inar" s"stem

     a) Construct the !uo $inar" coder output and corresponding recei'er output without a


     $) plain how the" are minimi5ed

    1. Consider the sinusoidal process  O(t)=& cos(28f ct)

    where the freuenc" f c is constant and the amplitude & is uniforml" distri$utedR

      f & (S)= 1, 0 6 S 6 1

    0, otherwise

    !etermine whether or not this process is strictl" stationar".

    2. >plain the transition pro$a$ilit" diagram of a $inar" s"mmetric channel.

    Ff the input $inar" s"m$ols 0 and 1 occur with eual pro$a$ilit". -ind the pro$a$ilities

    of the $inar" s"m$ols 0 and 1 appearing at the channel output.

    Ff the input $inar" s"m$ols 0 and 1 occur with pro$a$ilit" 0.2 and 0.;.-ind the

     pro$a$ilities of the $inar" s"m$ols 0 and 1 appearing at the channel output.

    3. Consider the (;, 4) amming code. and parit" chec 

    matri> of the code satisf" the condition  = 0 or  = 0.

    4. &n analog signal ha'ing 4 5 $andwidth is sampled at 1.2 times the #"uist rate,

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    and each sample is uanti5ed into one of 27 euall" liel" le'els. &ssume that the

    successi'e samples are statisticall" independent.

    hat is the information rate of this source

    Can the output of this source $e transmitted without error o'er an &# channel with

    a $andwidth of 10Q5 and an (t) = w(t), where w(t) is

    white aussian noise of 5ero mean and power spectral densit" #0/2. -or h"pothesis

    1, a target is present, and >(t) = s(t) J w(t), s(t) is an echo produced $" the target.

    &ssuming that s(t) is completel" nown, e'aluate the following pro$a$ilitiesR

    a) he pro$a$ilit" of false alarm defined as the pro$a$ilit" that the recei'er decides a

    target is present when it is not.

     $) he pro$a$ilit" of detection defined as the pro$a$ilit" that the recei'er decides

    a target is present when it is.

    ;. !etermine the power spectral densit" of the polar uaternar" format of #GL t"pe,

     $ased on the natural code. &ssume statisticall" independent and euall" liel" message


    ?. !raw the $loc diagram and e>plain the $ase $and $inar" @&A s"stem and e>plain theinters"m$ol interference

    B. hat is a pseudo P noise seuence ow is it generated >plain with an e>ample and

    'erif" the properties.

    70. he $andwidth of input signal to @CA is restricted to 4Q5. he input 'aries from

    3.?K to J3.?K and has the a'erage power of 30m. he reuired signal to noise ratio

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    is 20dH. &ssuming uniform uanti5ation, calculate the num$er of $its reuired per 


    71. >plain with neat setch a complete precoded duo$inar" scheme. ncode and transmit

    the $inar" seuence 1101001 in this scheme. &ssume 1 = J1K and 0 = 1K.

    72. & discrete memor"less source O has fi'e s"m$ols >1, >2, >3, >4  and >  with pro$a$ilities p(>1)=0.17, p(>2)=0.1B, p(>3)=0.10, p(>4)=0.40 and p(>)=0.1. Construct