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verilog practicle file verilog practical file, program to simulate half adder program to simulate 24 decoder program to simulate mux21(switch level) program to simulate finite state machine program to simulate 41 mux program to simulate full adder using structural modeling program to simulate 4bit rip

Transcript of verilog

Program No: 1HALF ADDER

SimulationInputs: a,bOutputs : s,c

At time T= 0 ns a= 0 b = 0 s = 0 c = 0

At time T= 200 ns a= 0 b = 1 s = 1 c = 0

At time T= 400 ns a= 1 b = 1 s = 1 c = 1




// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE 12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module halfadder(a,b,s,c) ; //Declared parameter list

input a,b; //Inputs are declared

output s,c; //Outputs are declared

xor(s,a,b); //Pre-defined gates are used


endmodule//End Module


Program No: 22_4 DECODER

SimulationInputs: a,b,enableOutputs: w,x,y,z

At time T= 0 µs enable= 0 a = 0 b = 0 w = 0 x = 0 y = 0 Z = 0

At time T= 40 µs enable = 1 a = 0 b = 1 w = 0 x = 1 y = 0 Z = 0

At time T= 60 µs enable = 1 a = 1 b = 1 w = 0 x = 0 y = 0 Z = 1


Program No:22_4 DECODER


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module decoder24(a,b,w,x,y,z,enable); //Declared parameter list

input a,b,enable; //Inputs are declared

output w,x,y,z; //Outputs are declared

wire w1,w2; //Internal nets

not(w1,a); //Pre-defined gates are used



endmodule//End Module


Program No: 3MUX2_1(SWITCH LEVEL)

SimulationInputs: d,selectOutputs : q

At time T= 0 µs D0= 0 D1= 1 Select = 0 Q = 0

At time T= 10 µs D0= 0 D1 = 1 Select = 1 Q = 1

At time T= 20 µs D0= 0 D1 = 0 select = 1 Q = 0


Program No: 3MUX2_1(SWITCH LEVEL)


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module mux2_1(q,d,select); //Declared parameter list

output q; //Outputs are declared

input[1:0]d; //Inputs are declared

input select;wire w; //Internal nets

not(w,select); //Pre-defined gates are used

cmos c1(q,d[0],w,select);

cmos c2(q,d[1],select,w);

endmodule//End Module



SimulationInputs: clk, reset,xOutputs: outp

Reset =1 At time T= 0 µs X= 0 ps= 00 ns = 10 Op = 1

Reset =1 At time T= .5 µs X= 1 Ps= 10 ns = 11 Op = 0

Reset =1 At time T= 1 µs x= 0 Ps = 11 ns = 00 Op = 0

Reset =1 At time T= 1.5µs X=1 Ps=00 ns=11 Op=1


Program No:4



// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module fsm (clk, reset, x, outp); //Declared parameter list

input clk, reset, x; //Inputs are declaredoutput outp; //Outputs are declared

reg outp; //Store the valuereg [1:0] ps,ns; parameter s1 = 2'b00; parameter s2 = 2'b01;

parameter s3 = 2'b10; parameter s4 = 2'b11; always@(posedge clk or posedge reset)

begin if (reset) begin

ps = s1; outp = 1'b1;




ps = ns;end always @(x)begin

case (ps) //begin case statement

s1: begin if (x==1'b1) ns = s2; else ns = s3; outp = 1'b1; end

s2: begin ns = s4; outp = 1'b1; end

s3: begin ns = s4; outp = 1'b0; end

s4: begin ns = s1; outp = 1'b0; end



endmodule //End Module


Program no 54:1 MUX

SimulationInputs: s, iOutputs: y

At time T= 0 µs S0=1 S1 = 0 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[0]=0 Y=0

At time T= 10 µs S0= 1 s 1= 1 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[1]=1 Y=1

At time T= 20 µs S0 = 0 s 1= 0 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[1]=1 Y=0

At time T= 30 µs S0=0 S1=1 I[3]=1 I[2]=0 I[1]=1 I[1]=1 Y=1


Program No: 5

Objective: Program to simulate 4:1 Mux.


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:42:26 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

`resetall `timescale 1ns/10ps

module mux1(y,i,s0,s1) ; //Declared parameter list for the Mux module

input [3:0]i; //Inputs are declared


input s0,s1; //Inputs are declared

output y; //Outputs are declaredwire s0n,s1n,y1,y2,y3,y4; //Internal netsnot(s0n,s0); //Pre-defined gates are usednot(s1n,s1);and(y1,i[0],s0n,s1n);and(y2,i[1],s0n,s1);and(y3,i[2],s0,s1n);and(y4,i[3],s0,s1);or(y,y1,y2,y3,y4);endmodule //End Module


Program no 6Full Adder

SimulationInputs: a,b,cOutputs: ca,s

At time T= 0 µs A= 1 B=1 C=1 S = 1 ca=1

At time T= 10 µs A= 0 B= 0 C= 0 s = 0 Ca=0

At time T= 20 µs A= 0 B = 0 C = 1 s = 1 Ca=0

At time T= 30µs A=0 B=1 c=1 S=0 Ca=1


Program No: 6

Objective: Designing a Full Adder using structural modeling:


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 10:22:40 01/21/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module fulladder1(s,ca,a,b,c); //Declared parameter list for the full adder module

output s,ca; //Outputs are declared

input a,b,c; //Inputs are declared

wire y0,y1,y2;

xor(y0,a,b); //Pre-defined gates are used






Program no 74-bit Ripple Carry full adder


SimulationInputs: a,b,s cinOutputs: cout

At time T= 0 ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3=1 S2=z S1 = z S0 = z Cout=1

At time T= 100 ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3= 1 S2= 0 s 1= z s 0= z Cout=1

At time T= 300 ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3 =1 S2 = 0 s 1= 1 s 0= z Cout=1

At time T= 500ns A=1111 B=1010 Cin=1 S3=1 S2=0 S1=1 S0=0 Cout=1


Program No: 7

Objective: Program to simulate 4-bit Ripple Carry full adder:

Code://// Verilog Module kk_tabish_lib.bit4_adder//// Created:// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE 12)// at - 10:32:07 02/11/2009// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.3 (Build 75)

`resetall`timescale 1ns/10ps module adder4bit(a,b,cin,s,cout); //Declared parameter list for the 4-bit ripple Carry adder module input [3:0]a; //Inputs are declared

input [3:0]b;

input cin; output [3:0]s; //Outputs are declared output cout; wire w1,w2,w3; //Internal nets

fulladder1 f1(a[0],b[0],cin,s[0],w1); //Instantiate four 1-bit full adders

fulladder1 f2(a[1],b[1],w1,s[1],w2); fulladder1 f3(a[2],b[2],w2,s[2],w3); fulladder1 f4(a[3],b[3],w3,s[3],cout); endmodule //End Module


Program no 8JK flip flop

SimulationInputs: j,k,clkOutputs: q

At time T= 0 ps J=0 K=0 Q=x

At time T= 100 ps J=0 K=1 Q=x

At time T= 200 ps J=0 K=1 Q=0

At time T= 400 ps J=1 K=0 Q=0

At time T= 500 ps J=1 K=0 Q=1

At time T= 600 ps J=1 K=1 Q=1

At time T= 700 ps J=1 K=1 Q=0


Program No: 8

Objective: Program to simulate JK flip flop:

J K Q*

0 0 Q

0 1 0

1 0 1

1 1 ~Q

Truth Table


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 09:54:16 02/18/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)`resetall`timescale 1ns/10ps module jk_ff (q,j,k,clk); //Declared parameter list for the JK flip flop module input j,k,clk; //Inputs are declared

output q; //Outputs are declared reg q; //Internal nets

always@(posedge clk) //Sensitivity list for changes to occur when clock changes.

begin if (j==1'b0 && k==1'b1) //Conditional statement starts q=1'b0; else if(j==1'b1&&k==1'b0) q=1'b1; else if(j==1'b1&&k==1'b1) q=~q; else q=q; end //If Ends endmodule //End Module


Program no 9SR flipflop

SimulationInputs: s,r,reset,clkOutputs:q

At time T= 0 µs Reset=0 S=1 r=0 Q=1

At time T= 10 µs Reset=0 S=0 r=1 Q=1

At time T= 12.5 µs Reset=0 S=0 r=1 Q=0

At time T= 20 µs Reset=0 S=0 r=0 Q=0

At time T= 30 µs Reset=0 S=1 r=1 Q=0

At time T=32.5 µs Reset=0 S=1 r=1 Q=x


Program No:9

Objective: Program to simulate SR flipflop:

S R Q*

0 0 Q

0 1 0

1 0 1

1 1 Undefined


Truth Table


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// Created:

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 10:15:25 02/18/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)


`timescale 1ns/10ps

module srff(s,r,clk,res,q); //Declared parameter list for the SR flip flop module

output q; //Outputs are declared

input s,r,clk,res; //Inputs are declared

reg q; //Internal nets

always@(negedge clk) //Sensitivity list for changes to occur when clock changes.


if (res) //Conditional statement starts


else if(s==0 && r==0)


else if(s==0 && r==1)


else if (s==1 && r==0)




end //If Ends


endmodule //End Module


Program no 10D flipflop

SimulationInputs: d,clk,resetOutputs: q

At time T= 0 ps D=1 Reset=1 Q=0

At time T= =200 ps D=0 Reset=1 Q=0

At time T= 400 ps D=0 Reset=0 Q=0

At time T= 600 ps D=1 Reset=0 Q=0

At time T= 650 ps d=1 Reset=0 Q=1


Program No: 10

Objective: Program to simulate D flipflop.

Reset Q*

0 D

1 0

Truth Table


// Verilog Module abc_lib.fa

// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)

// at - 10:40:45 02/18/2009

// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.1b (Build 76)

`resetall `timescale 1ns/10ps module Dflipflop (q,d,clk,reset); //Declared parameter list for the D flip flop moduleoutput q; //Outputs are declaredinput d,clk,reset; //Inputs are declared

reg q; //Internal nets

always@(posedge reset or negedge clk) //Sensitivity list for changes to occur when input changes.

if (reset) //Conditional statement starts q<=1'b0;else q<=d;endmodule //End Module


Program no 11T flip-flop

SimulationInputs: clk,tOutputs:q,qbar

At time T= 0 ns reset=1 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=1

At time T= 200 ns reset=0 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=0

At time T= 400 ns reset=0 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=0

At time T= 450 ns reset=0 Q=1 Qbar=0 Reset=0

At time T= 550 ns reset=0 Q=0 Qbar=1 Reset=0

At time T=650 ns Reset=0 Q=1 Qbar=0 Reset=0


Program No: 11

Objective: Program to simulate T flipflop:

T Q*

0 Q

1 ~Q

Truth Table

Code://// Verilog Module kk_tabish_lib.t_ff_dataflow// Created:// by - student.UNKNOWN (ECE12)// at - 11:00:45 02/18/2009// using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2005.3 (Build 75)// ### Please start your Verilog code here ### `resetall`timescale 1ns/10psmodule t_flipflop_dataflow(t,clk,q,qbar,reset); //Declared parameter list for the T ff module input t,clk,reset; //Inputs are declared output q,qbar; //Outputs are declared reg q; always@(posedge reset or negedge clk) if(reset) q= 0; else q <= q^t; assign qbar = ~q; endmodule //End Module