Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

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Transcript of Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

2 | The Dark Pixie Astrology

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

December 2021 - January 2022


Venus Retrograde: December 19th 2021 - January 29th 2022 3

A Note on the Hardest Impact + Exemptions 12

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn for the Zodiac Signs 14Aries 14Taurus 16Gemini 18Cancer 20Leo 22Virgo 24Libra 26Scorpio 28Sagittarius 30Capricorn 32Aquarius 34Pisces 36

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Venus Retrograde: December 19th 2021 - January 29th 2022

A retrograde occurs when a planet (or asteroid) appears to be moving

backward through the Zodiac. It’s not actually moving backward, and

just looks that way. The normal motion is forward, so retrograde motion

changes the way the energy of the planet is expressed. Venus

retrogrades about every 1 ½ years for about 1 ½ months

Venus retrogrades to end 2021 and kick off 2022, starting on December

19th 2021 at 5:36AM ET/2:36AM PT at 26 degrees 29 minutes Capricorn.

The entire retrograde occurs in Capricorn, and this means we can be:

- Overwhelmed by responsibilities in our relationships

- Focusing on adjusting our goals

- Restricted in dealings with others

- Feeling stuck with where we’re going

Make note: Which natal house does the retrograde start in for you?

With Capricorn ruling responsibility and restrictions, this Venus

retrograde likely makes us feel extra restricted thanks to the

responsibilities we have with others. We may feel overwhelmed if we’ve

been taking on too much, and especially if it seems like we’re the only

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ones shouldering all of the responsibility. Remember that you don’t need

to do everything alone, and others can help you.

If you don’t feel like you can express yourself with others, you may feel

more frustrated by that. This can make you feel more limited when

around those people, and you may refrain from spending as much time

with them, if you can.

Capricorn rules our goals and ambitions, and ambition in general may be

lower during this retrograde. We may not feel that we want to do much

of anything, and can take a step back. Getting rest and recharging can

be a good thing as long as you’re not being *too* lazy.

With Capricorn being the highest Zodiac sign, we may feel that we’re

going backward with something we had previously felt we were making

progress with. When that’s the case, we may need to reassess what

we’ve been doing and make some changes.

There may be times when we feel stuck, unable to get out of a rut, and it

may not seem like we’re going anywhere. This can be super frustrating,

and we may need to allow for the slowdown and look around. Is there

something we’ve been missing? Is there another way around that could

work better?

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Venus retrograde likes to bring people back, and in Capricorn, this may

be people who are or were our elders at some point. Grandparents,

mentors, teachers, instructors, etc.

This can be an excellent time to pick back up old goals and old

ambitions, and we can make more progress now in a healthy, positive


You can feel a strong impact from the start of the Venus retrograde if it's

making major aspects to your natal chart. The major aspects would be

23 - 26 degrees of:

Conjunction: Capricorn (super strong im)pact, extra high emphasis on

whatever is being conjuncted

Sextile: Scorpio & Pisces (positive aspect, so this gives some beneficial

energy for redos, revisions, and revisiting with whatever is being sextiled)

Square: Aries & Libra (hard aspect, so this can bring challenging energy

and bring things back from the past with whatever is being squared)

Trine: Taurus & Virgo (positive aspect, like a trine this brings beneficial

energy and is a bit easier)

Opposition: Cancer (hard aspect, like a square this can bring challenging

energy but may be more out of your control)

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Make note: Does the retrograde start aspecting any of your natal


The retrograde ends on January 29th 2022 @ 3:46AM ET/12:46AM PT at

11 degrees 4 minutes Capricorn, so the major aspects for the end of this

Venus retrograde are 8 - 14 degrees of the same signs.

Make note: Which natal house does the retrograde end in for you? Does

the retrograde end aspecting any of your natal planets/bodies?

With the retrograde starting at 26 degrees and ending at 11 degrees

Capricorn, you get hit by a major aspect during the retrograde if you

have planets or points at:

Conjunction: 11 - 26 degrees Capricorn

Sextile: 11 - 26 degrees Scorpio & Pisces

Square: 11 - 26 degrees Aries & Libra

Trine: 11 - 26 degrees Taurus & Virgo

Opposition: 11 - 26 degrees Cancer

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Make note: List all of the major aspects the retrograde makes to your

natal chart:

This Venus retrograde makes 4 major aspects to the other transit

(moving) planets. They are:

Conjunct Pluto | December 25th 7:03AM ET/4:03AM PT @ 25 degrees

43 minutes Capricorn

Venus retrograde actually begins conjunct Pluto, so this energy is strong

at the start. Pluto wants us to take things more seriously, increases

intense and passionate energy, and this can be a good period to

transform your relationships and the ways you connect with others, find

stability and be confident. Channel this energy productively, otherwise it

can cause lots of upset.

Which house does this conjunction fall in for you? What does that

house rule, and does it aspect anything in your natal chart?

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Conjunct Mercury | December 29th 5:27AM ET/2:27AM PT @ 24

degrees 26 minutes Capricorn

This can be a pleasant aspect, and communication can be improved. We

may find it easier to say what we need to and express ourselves. We can

find it easier to balance our responsibilities, and give attention to the

people in our lives. We may strive for peace, balance, and one-on-one

attention. Major aspects can occur between 22-26 degrees of Capricorn

(conjunction), Scorpio or Pisces (sextile), Aries or Libra (square), Taurus or

Virgo (trine), and Cancer (opposition).

Which house does this conjunction fall in for you? What does that

house rule, and does it aspect anything in your natal chart?

Sextile Neptune | January 5th 11:03AM ET/8:03AM PT @ 20 degrees 45

minutes Capricorn Venus, Pisces Neptune

Neptune is the planet of compassion, so this aspect is super helpful for

us expanding on our compassionate sides and doing more to help

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others. We can be more understanding and thoughtful. We may also be

a lot more creative, and want to explore artistic endeavors.

Which house does Venus fall in and which house does Neptune fall in

for this aspect? What do those houses rule, and how may they work

together harmoniously to benefit one another?

Conjunct the Sun | January 8th 7:48PM ET/4:48PM PT @ 18 degrees 43

minutes Capricorn

The Sun shines a light, so this can be a positive time during Venus

retrograde when we’re aware of the issues we need to work on, and

inspired to take action. We can focus on what we want for ourselves, and

may want to start something around this time.

Which house does this conjunction occur in for you, and does it aspect

anything in your natal chart?

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The retrograde ends trine (positive) Uranus in Taurus, which ends its

retrograde on January 18th trine Venus. This can help with making

changes in your relationships, being open to new people, and taking

action after being stuck.

Mercury retrograde also kicks in January 14th, and will be retrograde in

Capricorn January 25th to February 3rd. So we come out of one

retrograde in Capricorn, but still have another to contend with! The

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn can tie up loose ends and help to close

the chapter on anything that came up with the Venus retrograde.

While the transit (moving) Moon is in the same sign as the Venus

retrograde, this can bring extra focus on the retrograde itself, and any

benefits or challenges. It can be a good time to get some control (or at

least try to!). The Moon will be in Capricorn twice during Venus

retrograde in Capricorn, and the first time is January 1st (6:02PM

ET/3:02PM PT) to January 3rd (5:44PM ET/2:44PM PT), and during that

time, on January 2nd 2022, a new moon occurs in Capricorn, and it's not

conjunct (aligned with) Venus, but it still may shine a light on any Venus

retrograde issues we're dealing with at the time, and may be good

energy for second chances and do-overs.

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The second time is for the end of Venus retrograde, starting January

29th (4:09AM ET/1:09AM PT) to January 31st (4:42AM ET/1:42AM PT), and

this can bring some extra focus on what we’ve been dealing with. With

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn at this time, it brings more emotional

energy to what we need to keep up with during Mercury retrograde.

Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and Libra, so when the transit

Moon is in these signs during Venus retrograde, we can sync up with

them a little bit, and feel extra off. In Taurus, we can be extra frustrated

and stubborn, while in Libra, we can be extra out of balance and

indecisive. The Moon is in Taurus or Libra on:

December 26th (11:23AM ET/8:23AM PT) - 28th 2021 (4:16PM ET/1:16PM

PT) - Libra

January 10th (9:27AM ET/6:47AM PT) - 12th 2022 (10:08PM ET/7:08PM

PT) - Taurus

January 22nd (5:03PM ET/2:03PM PT) - 24th 2022 (10:56PM ET/7:56PM

PT) - Libra

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A Note on the Hardest Impact + Exemptions

With the retrograde occuring in Capricorn, you can feel the overall

impact strongest if you have a Capricorn Sun, Moon, or Rising. The Sun,

Moon, and Rising are the most important parts of your natal chart and

most closely tied to who you are, so retrogrades in these signs can really

throw you off! There may be a lot of redos happening, a lot of focusing

on the past, and a lot of little things to deal with. Others can be extra

frustrating, and you have to go easier on them and yourself.

Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus and Libra, and when the natural ruler

of your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign is retrograde, this can also throw you

off, but usually in a more subtle way.

The ones who get the hardest hit from any Venus retrograde though are

usually those who are experiencing multiple hard aspects -

conjunctions, squares, and oppositions. One or two may not be so bad

(unless it’s to your Sun or Moon), but three or more? That’ll kick you when

you’re down over and over again! So when you see a Venus retrograde

doing that for you, make sure to be prepared for absolutely anything,

and have some healthy outlets for stress. For this Venus retrograde, that

would mean you have multiple planets between 11 and 26 degrees in

Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.

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You can be exempt from the hard challenges of Venus retrograde if

Venus is retrograde in your natal or progressed charts. In your natal

chart, this means you were born during a Venus retrograde, and the

energy is natural for you. This can actually be a time when you’re

thriving! In your progressed chart, this means your progressed Venus

has turned retrograde, and you’re more comfortable with the energy

now. You may not feel the exemption though if your natal or progressed

Venus is closely conjunct your natal Sun, Moon, or an angle (Ascendant,

Descendant, Imum Coeli, Midheaven). This amplifies the energy of your

Venus retrograde in your life. BUT even if you have the exemption, if the

Venus retrograde is making hard aspects to your chart, you can still feel

those, and it can be a challenge when it’s multiple.

Are you going to be hit hard by this retrograde? If yes, make a plan for

navigating that. Are you exempt from Venus retrogrades? If yes, make a

plan for making the most of this retrograde energy:

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Venus Retrograde in Capricorn for the Zodiac Signs

This section is going to break down the retrograde for each of the

Zodiac signs. If you know your Rising sign, read that one (or the sign after

your Rising if yours is late in sign). Otherwise you can read your Sun sign

(Rising is just more accurate).


Venus retrograde might bring out issues with your bosses, your parents,

your mentors, or any of your elders, and you may struggle with dealing

with them at times. Flipped around, you as an authority figure may also

have struggles, and you may not care for the responsibilities you have,

or feel overwhelmed by them. This may be a time to work on improving

your connections with your elders, improving how you approach being

an authority figure yourself, and balancing your responsibilities with

personal time off.

You may not feel as connected to your goals and ambitions as well, and

can be a lot lazier and lack motivation to get much done or push for

anything, or you may be frustrated by the lack of progress when you’re

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trying so hard. Trying too hard likely doesn’t work during this period, and

you just stress yourself out needlessly, so avoid that. But being

completely lazy may also bring problems that grow bigger, so you need

to avoid that too. Try to find the balance between working hard and


This can be an excellent period for reconnecting with those you looked

up to, or with picking back up old goals and ambitions. You can take a

different approach now that may end up being more successful.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can make you feel like you’re not getting as much space

in your relationships and dealings with others as you’d like or need, and

this can be frustrating to you. You may snap at others quicker than usual,

or have less patience than usual, because of it. Running away likely isn’t

an option, so you have to work with what you’ve got. The restrictions and

limitations and responsibilities you have may not be as confining as

you’re interpreting them to be. Try to think creatively about how you can

get space within the existing framework of your life in healthy, positive


You may think big and talk big during this period, but need to watch for it

all to be just empty words. Back up what you say, otherwise no one

takes you seriously. If you can’t back it up, then hold your tongue and

just let it be thoughts for now.

This can be a good time to focus on the positives and reconnect with

the good in your life. This can help you feel less restricted, and you can

get along better with others. Take a look at the big picture as this can

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help with being more optimistic. Don’t lose sight of what’s possible. Also

remember that Venus is your ruler, so don’t be surprised if you have this

subtle off feeling throughout the retrograde. Take it easy where you can.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can dig up the deeper issues in your relationships, your

approach to dealing with others, and your own issues with intimacy. You

can become a lot more aware of how these issues impact your

relationships, commitment, connections, and interactions with people,

casual and serious, and how this is impeding your life. Don’t be afraid to

face those inner problems. Shining some light on them can reveal

they’re not the big monsters you thought they were. Addressing them in

healthy ways can lead to lots of improvements in your relationships, but

also in connected areas of life that you wouldn’t think of.

When it comes to deeper issues in your relationships themselves, some

of your relationships may need a total overhaul to be healthy and viable.

Are you willing to do the work? Are they? These issues are likely not

new, and have festered for a long time. You may want to throw yourself

into them, but make sure you’re being realistic about how much you can


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This can be a good period for transformations of any kind, but especially

any that help you connect more with others. Open yourself up more


Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde targets your relationships and the people in your life,

and you may find yourself helping others a lot more than usual. You can

help the people you care about to improve their lives and deal with

issues, and while you can appreciate being helpful, you may also feel a

little drained (or a lot). You have to remember to take care of yourself

too, otherwise all of your attention goes to others, and your own needs

don’t get met. There’s always that balance that needs to be struck. While

the people in your life may demand more attention, and they may seem

like they need it, try to be realistic about how much you’re really helping

and how much you’re just fixing their problems for them and they’ll

create new ones as soon as you’re done.

Balance can be incredibly important for you with this retrograde, and

you need to make sure you’re balancing that focus on yourself with your

focus on others, otherwise everything can get off quickly. It can be

tempting to just do whatever it takes to keep the peace, but this may

end up putting you in a situation where you’re compromising your own

needs, and that’s probably not good. You may want to avoid conflict, and

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that’s fine, but try to come up with better solutions that don’t make you

sacrifice yourself.

This retrograde can be great for reconnecting with people from the past,

and or recommitting to those you have a healthy relationship with.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can either make you lazier in your daily life, or you may

be frustrated by how much you’re trying and not really getting that list of

things to do done. It’s like you finish one thing and two more pop up to

replace it. There needs to be a balance between time off and work. In

truth, if you hate what you’re doing on a daily basis, you’ll likely hate it

more and move toward the lazy side, but this is just your subconscious

telling you that you hate this and need to make some positive changes.

Start gathering information and making plans. If you’ve already been

frustrated with your daily life, that can become a lot more prevalent, and

you can push for change but may push too far and end up digging

yourself deeper into the hole. Try pulling back and having some more


Stressing yourself out can end up causing some health issues, so try to

avoid that. Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical needs.

Putting them on hold to get another task done probably won’t help. Try

to plan healthy, positive ways to manage your stress better.

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This can be a great period for revising work you’ve already done, or

tackling your routine and schedule to increase productivity. Just don’t

forget to schedule time for naps!

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can bring some issues in your love relationships, and

you may be frustrated by your loved ones, overwhelmed by them, or not

as connected. Any existing issues get more attention, or get worse, and

you have to work them out in a healthy way. Your loved ones may

demand more of your attention, and you may feel extra generous, which

can make you more easily taken advantage of. Remember to protect

your heart and that boundaries can be healthy.

If you’re single, you may have an old flame on the brain that you’d like to

reconnect with. This can be good energy for it, but make sure you’re

remembering why you broke up and not just the good stuff. If you’re in a

relationship, this can be a good time to recommit to your partner and

find new ways of expressing affection. Rekindle the flame and have

some fun.

This can also be a good time to reconnect with creativity, and you can

feel super creative and inspired during this retrograde. Make more time

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for creative hobbies or ventures, or try to infuse some of this creative

energy into your daily life.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can focus on the emotional connections you have with

others, and whether both your and their emotional needs are being met.

Do you feel supported, and are you giving support? Do you feel

nurtured, and are you being nurturing? The best relationships are a

two-way street. Look around and assess if you have a solid support

system, and are being a solid supporter. If you’re giving too much, think

about healthy boundaries you can work on creating. If you’re not giving

enough, think about why you’re holding back and what you can do to

work on that.

Family relationships may also be important during this retrograde,

whether that’s bio family or the people you think of as family. The people

you live with can also be more important. You may want to give them

more attention, spend more time with them, or want to reconnect in a

new way. As for the connections that aren’t healthy, you may want to get

to the core of them to find the issues that need to be worked on. But,

you may also need to be realistic about whether or not they actually can

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be worked on. In some cases, you may need to just find a way to make it

more manageable.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde focuses on communication, and you may give more

attention to communication in your relationships and dealings with

others. You can take a different approach to communicating and

expressing yourself, and this can be helpful for improvement. But also

make sure that you’re not sure working to be heard, but also that you’re

hearing others well. Keep the lines of communication open and flowing

both ways, and try not to take misunderstandings so much to heart.

Your imagination may be stronger during this retrograde, and you can

use this creatively in anything you do. This would be a good time for

creative projects, and you can enjoy this. There may be times it’s difficult

to focus your mind though, and you may get scattered sometimes. Try

to make sure you’re giving your mind breaks and not taking on too much

mentally-challenging work.

You may want to keep yourself busy during this period, and can fill up

your schedule, but you may need to be careful of taking on too much

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and exhausting yourself. This period can be good for learning or sharing

knowledge, so think about ways you can do that.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can slow things down for you, and you may feel

frustrated by just how much. Yet you may lack the energy and

motivation to do much, so nothing really changes. This can focus on

your relationships, and you may find that you’re a lot more stubborn with

others, or you have to deal with a lot more stubborn people. Try to have

more patience, with both yourself and others.

This may be a period where things kind of remain as they are, and you

may feel a little stuck at times. Try not to let that get the better of you

though. Take it as an opportunity to reconnect with the moment and be

more present in your life. Focus on what you may have been missing out

on recently, and learn how to be more comfortable with stillness and


You may want to indulge in a big way during this retrograde, and

moderation may seem like another language. It can be a good idea to

try to keep things in balance though, and you can benefit from not going

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overboard. But, a little indulgence can help buoy you emotionally with

this retrograde, so a little can be alright.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde targets you specifically, Capricorn, since it does occur in

your sign, and you may struggle with your relationships, your ability to

connect, or with getting attention from others. You may get attention

you don’t want, and lack the attention you do want. You may encounter a

lot of annoying people, while the people you do want around are more

elusive. The real person you likely need to focus on is your relationship

with yourself. Have you been focusing more on others, or on your

external goals and other matters? Give yourself the same care and

attention that you show to everything else in your life.

You may feel you’re not presenting yourself in the best way, or not

coming across as you’d like to, so think about ways you can change that

for the better. You can experiment with a new look, and this can be a

good time to change up your appearance. Just make sure it’s something

that can be changed back once the retrograde is over in case you

realize you don’t want to stick with it later.

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Retrogrades are times for second chances, so think about a second

chance you’d like to have. You can make things work this time with a

more creative approach or different outlook.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can make other people way more draining on you than

usual, so you may want to try to get more time to yourself. This may

prove to be difficult though, and you may only be able to get little

moments here and there, but make the most of them when you can to

breathe and have some quiet. Others may be more demanding, and you

can feel the weight of responsibilities more acutely. Try not to focus on

the weight and the demands, and remind yourself of the good you get

out of it.

Subconscious issues in your relationships can also be more apparent

now, and you may need to get into your subconscious and work on

blocks. These issues may be what’s actually causing the draining effect

people are having on you, so if you find it’s a lot of people or everyone

you meet who is exhausting you, this may be the culprit. Start a little at a

time if that’s all you can manage.

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You may feel a stronger connection to the past during this period, and

people and relationships from the past may come back around. See if

there’s anything more you need to learn this time.

Your plan for the retrograde:

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This retrograde can focus on your friendships, and you may have to deal

with issues that have impacted your ability to have healthy friendships,

or any at all. If your friends seem to scatter like cockroaches when the

lights come on whenever you need help, that’s a sign you need new

friends and your ability to choose good ones isn’t so good. A lot of the

same problems that cause us to choose bad romantic partners also

cause us to choose bad friends, so if you’re looking around and not

seeing any good ones, do some internal reflection.

Old friends may come back around during this retrograde, and you can

reconnect and enjoy each other’s company, though it may only be

temporary. Old groups you used to belong to may seek you out, or you

may come back to them, but again, this may not last once the

retrograde is over.

You may look to make some changes, in your life and in your

relationships, and this can come along quickly. This may be driven by a

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desire to get more independence and align with your true self more

authentically and in a healthy way.

Your plan for the retrograde: