Venial Sins

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Venial Sins

Venial Sins

Venial Sins

•It is a lesser sin that does not result in a complete separation from God and eternal damnation in Hell as an unrepented mortal sin would.

Venial Sins

•They do not break our friendship with God, although they injure it.



Venial Sins harms us by making us

less fervent in the service of God, by

weakening our power to resist mortal

sin, and by making us deserving of

God's punishments in this life or in


If often committed, venial

sin weakens the will, lessens

our power to resist evil, and

makes it easier for us to fall into

mortal sin.



FIRST COMMANDMENT:•Failure to pray daily•Failure to accept that each person is

responsible for his/her own sins•Failure to accept that Hell is real•Not Loving God with your whole

Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength•Tempting God

•Trying to control things, rather than seeking God’s Will•Failure to learn about the Teachings

of the Church•Indifference or Ingratitude towards

God•Not trusting God•Being Angry to God•Giving in to Depression or Self-Pity

•Being embarrassed at being a Catholic•Failure to Examine One’s Conscience

daily•Failure to Pray when tempted•Failure to defend the Church when

it’s being ridiculed•Failure to support the Church


•Refusing or denying the Mercy of God•Failure to accept suffering•Being willfully distracted at Mass•Being willfully distracted at Prayer•Failure to bow, remove your hat, or

bless yourself, etc. when passing a church


•Cursing thoughtlessly

•Using the Lord’s Name in surprise, or

anger (without thinking or habitually)

•Irreverent, Improper, or Inappropriate

Use of the Scriptures

•Vulgar or Inappropriate Language

•Speaking Badly about the


•Using the Names of the Saints,

Blessed Mother, or the Pope


•Telling irreverent jokes about

Sacred persons, or objects


•Arriving late to the Mass, or leaving early, without a good reason•Failure to pay attention, or participate at the mass•Being irreverent at the Church

•Failure to spend extra time on Sunday in Study of the Faith, or Prayer•Failure to reserve Sunday for Family or

Recreation•Allowing Sports, or other schedules to

dictate the Sunday Schedule•Desecrating Sunday or a Holy Day of

Obligation by Sinful Amusements, or Inappropriate Entertainment, Keeping Bad Company, or Impure Thoughts


•Fighting with Brothers, Sisters, or Relatives•Making Fun of the Elderly or the persons with disorders•Failure to help the Elderly or the persons with disorders

•Not praying for those in authority over you (Parents, Teachers, Employers, etc.)•Being too strict with rules, boundaries

and discipline•Failure to properly respect parents or

authorities•Feeling ashamed of or Embarrassed

about your parents

•Lack of Gratitude toward your parents•Not trying to cultivate peace in your

family•Failing to be a good example to your

family•Spoiled or pampered your children,

instead of giving them attention & affection

•Failed to lead your children to Mass, Communion and Confession•Treating those under your authority

disrespectfully•Taking advantage of others for your

own selfish purposes•Hired others for the care of your

children, without good cause

•Failure to teach your Children adequately about God, or their Spiritual life•Failure to spend significant quality

time with your children•Has your wife unnecessarily taken

employment away from home, and children



•Stubbornness without good reason

•Listening to Bad Music


•Unnecessarily risked your life or the

life of another

•Wishing Evil upon another•Seeking Revenge or Retaliation•Harbouring a Grudge•Prejudice•Using obscene or vulgar gestures•Anger•Fighting or Arguing over slight



•Failure to Apologize

•Excessive use of the Internet

•Violating Friendships

•Willfully doing things to others to

Anger them

•Treating others unjustly

•Habitual Lack of Punctuality•Procrastination•Failure to Respect the Dignity of

Yourself•Failure to Respect the Dignity of

Others•Laziness•Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

•Failure to Care for One’s Health

•Driving Carelessly

•Driving while Intoxicated

•Intemperance (Overeating or

Drinking too much)

•Refusing to Forgive another

•Failure to Pray for Sinners


•Lack of Custody of the Eyes

(Looking Inappropriately at others)

•Selfishness in Marital Intimacy

•Seeking Wrongful Attention from


•Failure to respect persons of the opposite sex•Treating others as objects•Dressing somewhat Immodestly•Allowing your heart to stray from your

spouse•Watching Television, Movies, or

DVD’s that promote Sex or Violence


•Wasting Time•Failure to Practice Charity, or to Help the Poor•Theft of small or inexpensive items•Attachments to persons or things

•Willful Failure to Return

Borrowed Items

•Failure to keep a promise

•Squandering or Wasting

Money on needless items or





•Spreading Rumours

•Talking behind another’s back

•Making Rash Judgements

•Being Unjustly Suspicious

•Being Negative, Critical, or

Uncharitable in thought, about


•Cheating at Games or School

Work, etc.

•Bragging or Boasting

•Speaking Unkindly to, or

about others

•Exaggerating the Truth

•Complaining, whining, or

Seeking Attention


•Looking at Immodest Pictures or Persons•Not trying to control your imagination•Telling or Listening to Impure or Vulgar Jokes or Stories

TENTH COMMANDMENT:•Sadness or Anger the Good Fortune of

Another•Desire for the Goods of Another•Failure to distance yourself from the

world’s wealth•Materialism•Attachments to Riches or Material
