Venezuelan History

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Venezuelan History

Alejandro Reyes

1. Initiation 4. Consequences

2. Federal Program 5. Government, Legislature, Final Result

3. Development and Outcome March 1858-July 1863.

Political instability Social Problems inherited from struggle

for independence Tensions between economical and

political groups (1842) Armed movements in rural areas Conservatives and Liberals Julian Castro, promised to liberate all

workers, servants, and farmers from liabilities coming from their employers.

• The revolution of March set off the many events that spurred the Federal War.

• Julian Castro ordered the persecution and expulsion of all Liberal leaders; these men took refuge in Saint Tomas and Curacao and formed the Patriot Junta of Venezuela. This Patriot Junta prepared the program for Federal Revolution (1858).

Meanwhile, the rural workers (campesinos) took up arms in Carabobo and Portuguesa.

The government intended to conciliate with the Federals; Federal Tirso Salavaria and his men assaulted the military quarters of Coro.

The people of Coro elected a provisional government parallel to the national one and named Ezequiel Zamora as chief of the federal army.

Zamora, Coast of Coro Abolition of Death Penalty Complete Freedom of the Press Perpetual prohibition of slavery Freedom of Religion, preserving the

sovereigns tuition that is essential to ensure freedom

Immunity of oral argumentation in any species

Inviolability of Property Absolute Independence of the electoral power

It developed because the people were tired of the Monagato. They didn’t want the same family over and over again.

Led by Julian Castro, governor of Carabobo

Began with a lot of uprisals throughout the country.

March 1st: Castro rebelled in Valencia and proceeded to march towards Caracas with 5ooo armed men.

As a consequence of the civil war, the revolutionaries were successful.

They managed to end the Monagato reign.They couldn’t establish what they wanted

but they still took out the Monagas family for some time.

The government legislature that the liberals had in mind couldn’t be achieved.

In a way they did fight 5 years for nothing.

1. Relevant Issues 3. Constitution of 18642. Government 4. Opposition

Born in Tabe, Jadacaquive, Peninsula de Paraguaná (Currently Falcon State) the 27th of January 1820

Studied at Colegio Nacional de Coro, completed philosophy

Military career started in 1848 Visited USA and Europe Almost came back in 1870 after

Guzman Died in Martinica in April 29th, 1870 Named Mariscal de la República

After Federal War, triumphant military caudillos got power (Coche Treaty)

Chosen as provisional president until 1865

1865-1869 was Constitutional President Constituent Assembly promulgated the

Federal Constitution of 1864 Gave the country the name of the

United States of Venezuela Greater disaster in the sector of public


Helped mostly the triumphant caudillos. Made easier for rich to become richer

through taxes. Arose oligarchic movement that kept

violating rights and claims for which it fought.

Principles used as the basics of the liberal party in the Federal War were betrayed and manipulated between the caudillos.

Economic situation and administrative problems

1867, east-La Revolución Re-conquistadora. Blue March, 1868 General Jose Tádeo Monagas

got in front of the opposite movement. Falcon quit-month later Made the Congress choose General Manuel

Ezequiel as his successor 24 of July, revolutionary troop reached

Caracas, three day of fighting. Provisional government, Guillermo Tell

Villegas, 26 of July.

1. Zulia’s Separatist Movement

2. Opposition

Started by the liberals and conservatives

The continuity of the traditional “nepotism of the Monagas”

Entered successfully to Caracas on June 6th, 1868.

Jose Ruperto Monagas, who was Jose Tadeo Monagas’ son, considered he had the right to govern the country.

The financial situation and political was marked by institutional instability.

The customs offices were controlled by the states and the territorial integrity of the republic was in danger because of the declaration of separation of Zulia state.

On June 26, 1869. A separatist movement headed by the

president of the state, general Venacio Pulgar proclaimed its autonomy.

Raised an army of more than 6000 men. The troops of the government defeated

Pulgar's followers, who was arrested and sent to the castle of Puerto Cabello.

The union of the liberals and conservatives broke apart with death of Jose Tadeo Monagas.

His son dominated the conservatives in the government: this helped to raise the opposition of the liberal fraction led by Antonio Guzman Blanco.

Antonio Guzman Blanco had become a prestigious military chief of the federation and important politician.

Jose Ruperto Monagas reacted with a ruthless persecution against the federals.

Falcon’s properties were confiscated. Guzman Blanco organized an invasion to

Venezuela, while all over the country were armed uprisings.

February 1870, Guzman Blanco landed in La Vera de Coro, and was recognized by the federal Chief of Venezuela.

In April, Guzman Blanco and his troops entered Caracas successfully.

Jose Tadeo Monagas Jose Gregorio Monagas Jose Ruperto Monagas