vCares Issue 1 - The Volunteer Shifu

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Transcript of vCares Issue 1 - The Volunteer Shifu vCares Newsletter Issue 1


The Volunteer “Shifu”

For close to 15 years now, Mr. Michael Lim has been a friend, teacher and “father” to many at Care Corner Student Care Centre (Woodlands). Over the years, he has taught lion dance, helped with photography and videography at centre events and has also helped make craft lessons possible, by helping to buy the materials needed. “He is well liked by both students and staff,” said Ms Olivia Ho, “he

is just like family to the staff and a father figure to the children.” Ms Ho, who is senior supervisor of the centre, also shared that Michael is a loyal and responsible volunteer and that they can always count on him. For example, Michael would help the centre to buy materials for their arts and crafts lessons and would go the extra mile to help them source materials which are of good quality and yet cheaper. On occasions when he cannot help with photography or videography, he would even ask his friends for help, so the centre does not have to worry about finding someone else. With all that has been shared about Michael, I was curious and had wanted to meet him to get to know him better. I had made arrangement to meet Michael and even though it had been a long working day for Michael, he obliged to meet me. Michael was connected to the centre by a friend in 2000 when the centre was looking to have the children put up a performance for a centre event. Michael had gladly agreed to teach the children lion dance because of his interest in the art too. He shared how he had started developing a liking for lion dance since his childhood; he would always jump at any chance to watch a lion dance performance. He shared how he was intrigued by the dance moves and had wanted to find out how it was done. Indeed, Michael indicated that he likes challenges and even recounted an incident when he took on the challenge to do embroidery, when an arts and crafts shop staff felt that he would not be able to achieve it. The chance to perform in lion dance came when he was in secondary school, when he joined the lion dance troupe. Michael continues to teach lion dance to children and youth till this day in a community club. “I do not teach lion dance in the conventional way; I will first get the children to start dancing and then will rectify the moves along the way,” explained Michael. vCares Newsletter Issue 1


When asked about his experience volunteering in Care Corner to teach the children lion dance, Michael indicated how he has found lion dance to be a good platform to teach values to the children. For example, through lion dance, he had taught the children to be united and cooperate with one another and for the seniors to always care for the juniors. “I treat all students as my children and teach them like I would my own children,” added Michael. He noted an attitude change in the children after participating in lion dance and shared that many of their parents were so amazed and proud to see their children when they finally performed. “I am always happy to see people happy,” remarked Michael. Michael also shared how he was touched and cherished how the children and teachers came together to celebrate his birthday years ago; they even made handicrafts for him using recycled magazines. He still keeps these to this day. “Year later, some students, though they have grown up, still return to ask for Michael,” shared Olivia, who attested to the bond the children have with Michael. He is indeed “Volunteer Shifu”. In parting, I asked Michael to share some advice with other fellow volunteers and those who are contemplating volunteering, to which he replied, “Give your best and put your heart into what you do as a volunteer.” Keen to volunteer and make a difference? Volunteer opportunities abound in our work with families, children youth, seniors. Visit today. Article by: James Lim Kindly translated by our Translation Volunteer, Tan Kheng Meng:

Gifts from the children. vCares Newsletter Issue 1


“ I have always been encouraged reading Care Corner’s Volunteer

Cares Newsletter; it contains many wonderful and meaningful

stories of how volunteers make a difference. These stories,

written by editorial volunteers themselves, have always

encouraged me and it is also with this that I have taken my first

steps to being a volunteer.

I have recently retired from an editorial role. Due to health

reasons, I am unable to render services in the direct service, such as befriending the seniors

or volunteering with youths in making a difference for the community.

However, just as some volunteers had aptly remarked, serving the community can indeed

take many forms and this encouraged me to take to step to be a translation volunteer with

Care Corner. I hope to be able to use my editorial experience and skills to help extend the

reach of the exciting stories of the work of Care Corner’s volunteers. By translating them into

Chinese, I hope more will come to know the work and mission of Care Corner; I hope to

extend the reach of these powerful stories to small and medium enterprises, Chinese

businesses, clans, shops and communities. It is hoped that my little effort will be a spark in

helping others consider making a difference too, by serving as a volunteer; serving the needy

alongside the charities.

I hope that these articles will help our readers be better acquainted with the volunteers’

labour of love for the community. vCares Newsletter Issue 1



过去 15 年来,关怀学生托管中心(兀兰)里许多




中心的高级主管 Olivia Ho 分享说:“他深受学生和



她形容 Michael 是位忠诚和有责任心的义工,有他办事,他们放心。他会




对 Michael 的赞美如潮,有口皆碑,让我有百闻不如一见的想法,希望能

对他有更深入了解。尽管 Michael 工作了一整天,他还是很乐意和我见面。

Michael 是在 2000 年经朋友穿针引线而跟中心结缘。当时,中心正要为

在中心活动上呈献表演的孩子物色导师。Michael 很乐意地接下教导孩子舞狮的



舞狮表演的机会。 他为优美的醒狮舞步深深迷住,并想知道如何能做到。

其实,Michael 说他很喜欢接受挑战,还告诉我他有一次挑战刺绣。尽管


Michael 是在念中学时加入醒狮团而取得舞狮表演机会。直到今天,他还


们一开始就一面舞一面纠正舞步。” vCares Newsletter Issue 1


询及在关怀机构义务教导孩童舞狮的心得,Michael 说他发现那是个可教


照顾小的 。“我把所有的学生当成自己的孩子,尽心尽力教导他们,就像是教自




也快 乐”。





Olivia 说“一些已长大的学生,

离开后还继续回来找 Michael”,这说

明了 Michael 和孩子们的感情联系,

而 Michael 只是“志愿师父”。

结束访问时,我问教 Michael 对其他义工和有意当义工的人有什么忠告?




作者:James Lim


学生送他的手工艺品 vCares Newsletter Issue 1


关怀机构的义工会讯《Volunteer Cares》经常有非









把关怀机构的义工会讯《Volunteer Cares》中的精彩故事、要向社会大众传达的





我希望我的翻译,也能让中文读者读到精彩的关怀社会文章。 ”