VCA School Annual 2013

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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Annual School Magazine

Transcript of VCA School Annual 2013


Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

School Annual



A message from our Principal

Our Deputy Principal’s message

A message from the Chairman of our School Governing Council

The words In a Class of Your Own resonate deeply at the core of Victory Christian Academy. It guides our philosophy of individualized learning. When I look at our present education system that is more interested

in getting students to pass an exam instead of pass life I am convicted more than ever before that our country needs schools that cater for the individual learning styles and needs of our students.

Prof Jonathan Jansen, the vice chancellor of Free State University said that our country’s democracy will implode within 10 years if the crisis in education is not immediately fixed. I believe that an individualized education system like ours can play a very big part in resolving such a crisis.

We’ve had an extraordinary year and for many reasons 2013 will always be remembered as a watershed time in the life of Victory Christian Academy. We have seen our foundation phase pool come up, and extended the capacity of our preschool and it now has a new look and feel to it. We have also increased our school capacity by installing a further 75 new offices in the new administration block. Our school hall has been vacated by the church and within the next few months we will have Cornerstone Institute ( on our property. Cornerstone offers a range of certificates and degrees that our students will be able to study. These are truly exciting times for us at Victory Christian Academy.

We are looking forward to 2014. We are also excited about putting up our new fence for the new year and revamping our school hall. Although we have upgraded our website we are continuously looking for innovative ways to communicate with our parents and staff. With the strong leadership our School Governing Council and Management teams provide and the unequivocal support from our staff and parents the sky is the limit to what

we can achieve here at Victory Christian Academy – where every child is, “in a class of their own”.

Mr Vernon David

I have been at VCA for three and a half years. My time here has been happy, interesting and fulfilling and is a culmination of life experiences and events making this an exciting and rewarding step in my journey.

However, the feelings I have are nothing without the students who attend VCA. In my time here I have seen students grow and blossom as they progress through the system, not only in the learning centre but in sport and cultural events as well. I thoroughly enjoy visiting learning centres, walking around the school interacting with the students and then supporting them on the sports field or at cultural events where different aspects of their personality come to the fore. This enables me to get to know the student in a complete way.

An important aspect of their growth is participation. Participation in all aspects of school life is valuable. Not only because it teaches new skills but participation also allows our children to become more rounded and to explore other talents and abilities that may otherwise lie dormant. Discovery plays an important role in the growth of our children and unless they participate in and experience the various activities offered, they are slower to discover or never realise their full potential.

It is never too late to take on something new. In order to discover more about yourself, explore avenues not ventured before. Participate in activities that stretch and challenge you. Do not be afraid! Go out, participate and discover. Achieve your purpose and reach your potential. Be the person God meant you to be.

Mrs Alison Hadfield


A message from the CEO of Accelerated Christian Education, SA

A message from the Chairman of our School Governing Council

The rich heritage of Victory Christian Academy spans more than 25 years. From humble beginnings

above a store in Glenashley, the Academy has grown into a leading educational institution in the

Durban North area.

Many have contributed to achieving the milestones that have characterised the school’s growth over this

period. As we prepare for the 2014 academic year, we look forward with anticipation to the continued

development that will take place on the school property. There are plans afoot to ensure that VCA continues to

provide an end-to-end education option for parents and students alike.

Each child at VCA is indeed in a class of their own as they enjoy the benefits of a Biblically-based, individualised

education. Victory Christian Academy is not a school for special children, but a school where each child is special!

I would like to thank the Governing Council; the management teams; Mr David, the Principal; the staff and the

parents for their valuable contribution to the success of Victory Christian Academy over the past year.

Accelerated Christian Education, the overseer of Victory Christian Academy, looks forward to a rewarding year

ahead and wishes you God’s richest blessing during the holiday season.

Graham Yoko

As we approach the end of 2013 and face a new year, I believe 2014 will be a time of great favour. I

believe there will be great favour for our school, Victory Christian Academy, for the staff of the school,

the management team, the entire parent body and most certainly all the students. Having just returned

from a holiday with my wife Shani, celebrating our 30 years in ministry and 30 years married, I realise how

privileged we are to be involved in doing something meaningful in life. We all want to contribute in life and

add value in some way as that’s how I believe God 'wired' us as his children. It is a DNA thing, God's DNA is flowing in

our spiritual veins.

Every team needs someone that makes a difference but if we can be the difference we are irreplaceable and winners.

Therefore, to become that person I recommend the triple A principle:

➢ ThefirstA:AdApTAbiliTy:If you want to be a team player you need to be adaptable, you must expect the

unexpected. If the team needs you to play out of position you should be willing to take one for the team.

➢ ThesecondA:ApplicATion:All successful people know that talent is great, but if you do not have

application and focus you will never achieve your full potential. The world is full of people who failed in

spite of their talent and abilities.

➢ ThethirdA:ATTiTude:We all have some, the question is, is it a good attitude or bad attitude? Is it a

positive attitude or negative?

I like to think of attitude as an elevator in a skyscraper building. It can take you to the top, to the penthouse. Then it can

take you down to below the ground floor. We decide whether we are going up or down, we push the button through

the choices we make or we allow others to push the button and end up where we never intended to go.

It is my privilege to be involved in Victory Christian Academy and Accelerated Christian Education. I believe that is

making a difference. The students they are shaping will one day not only make a difference, but also be the difference

in a society we are so desperate to impact. Congratulations to those who have contributed this year. Whether student,

staff, or parents, your efforts are acknowledged and appreciated, we commend you and cheer you towards an exciting

year of 2014.

Jack Windt ~2


What a busy, productive, fun year it has been in the Preschool this year. God really blessed us with such an amazing group of little people who have all come to school each day full of smiles and laughter, ready

to enjoy every moment. How privileged we have been to spend our days with them.

We very proudly hosted the first ever Preschool Art Exhibition during the early part of the year. Ten schools participated in this event and our learners produced the most wonderful creations made from waste materials.

Our annual Mom’s Spa and Dad’s Breakfast were both very well attended and we discovered that the Dads, in particular, really love being back in Preschool! What fun and precious memories were created from both of these two events. The Spring Walk/Fun Day was also so much fun. Water pistols, cookie decorating, treasure hunts, donut eating competitions, soccer and the jumping castle were the order of the day while moms and dads enjoyed lots of fellowship, tea and yummy cake in the tea garden.

As part of our Eco-Portfolio, we learnt all about water conservation this year. We learnt to put plugs in the basins at school when washing our hands and we are also watering the garden with the water we play with in the water trough each day. The Yo-Puppet Company visited us with their “Water Show” and we all laughed so much we nearly cried. We trust we will all remember how precious water is and spread the word in our homes and to our families.

Our Preschool/Foundation Phase swimming pool is also now in place and ready to help us with our swimming talents in the New Year. How exciting it is going to be to go for our swimming lessons here at school? The children have all grown and matured so much. Much learning has taken place as they have had the freedom to explore, discover and experiment with the many opportunities provided each day.

As the year closed, we were so excited to be able to show off all the wonderful talents God had placed within each one of us at our annual Preschool Concert. We also have to say a sad farewell to our Grade R group as they move on to Grade 1. We are so proud of them and everything they have achieved. We trust that the memories made in Preschool will last a lifetime and that the children will stay close to Jesus, always.

Well done to the wonderful, dedicated staff for serving Jesus with all your hearts this year. You are so appreciated.

Thank you, Jesus, for being with us every day, for every success and for every answered prayer. “ForinHimweliveandmoveandhaveourbeing”Acts17:28.

Kathy Fry

Victory PreschoolVictory in Christ

victory Christian Academy




My year with the Green Group has been one of fun-filled days and creativity. What a privilege and an honour it

is to be given the opportunity to plant God’s Word into the very thirsty minds and open hearts of these young

children. They have formed beautiful friendships with one another, learning to accept each other as only Jesus

can teach us. What a pleasure it has been to teach each child and to watch their precious God-given personalities

develop as they have grown and learnt this year.

Teacher Lazanda

Grade 00

Green Group

Blue Group

Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

Grade 000

My time with the Grade 00 group this year has been filled with fun and very special. I have many precious memories

that will stay with me forever. The Spring Walk and Fun Day was a highlight for the children. The children have grown

and matured so much and their prayers have become more specific and they are comfortable in God’s presence. Beautiful

friendships have developed and as a group the children have formed a special bond. I wish them all the best for Grade R

next year, and I truly appreciate being able to have shared in a part of their lives.

Teacher Deana



We have had a great year together, becoming a close “family”. This Grade R group has been a pleasure and

a delight to teach.

The best times in class were when the Grade Rs would say “let’s be good for teacher”, surprising me as I walked in

the class. An exciting moment was when we played a treasure hunt game looking for words around the class. The

children had to say the first letter, but instead, some of the children began to read. So awesome!

It has been wonderful to see the deep love that each Grade R has for the Lord, which has been evident in their

meaningful prayers. My heart is so warmed by the special bonds that have been formed amongst the Grade Rs.

They get along so well and always give their best in everything.

Thank you Grade Rs for a lovely year. Each one of you have been a great blessing.

Teacher Sandy

Grade R Red Group

Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

Teacher Sandy: “Do you know that today is the shortest day

of the year? Do you know why?”

Alexa: “Yes, because today is the last day of school!”

Talking about last night’s storm –

Lia said “I didn’t hear anything, I was knocked out!”

While reading about a very special meal God wants to give us in our Social Studies story, Teacher Sandy asked the children if they knew what that meal was. Ethan Whittaker replied “Yes! Chicken Fries!” SnippetS



SnApSHoTS of Victory Preschool



Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

« Our budding artists

display their works of art

to the public

« Dad’s Breakfast – Rachel and

Riaan van Eeden planning a

spectacular “box construction”

« Doughnut eating competition – now that’s our game...

Sticking together – Kwezi Mbatha & Scebile Zulu received their medals for completing the Spring Walk

Dad’s Breakfast – Kaden and Keith Goldstone with Grandpas giving wise advice

Mum’s Spa – Joel Maharaj experiments with colour on mum, Sagree

Spring Walk – Teacher Nola,Teacher Sandy

and Teacher Kathy show them how it’s done

Philip Theron

and Mholi

Malinga seem

quite impressed

by the exhibits

The Victory Preschool Art

Exhibition is set to become an

annual event in the community



Contact us: 031 573 6500


› Individualised MethodologyA tailor-made education plan for each learner

› Mastery-Based LearningMastering every concept before progressing

› Daily Character DevelopmentSixty character traits, such as responsibility, loyalty, punctuality and honesty, integrated into the curriculum

› Moral RegenerationTeaching learners how to live, not just how to make a living

› QualityAligned with the National Curriculum Statement (NCS)

In a Class of Your Own

Leaders in Individualised


Our unique approach includes:

ACCELERATED CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONCurriculum Providers Grade 0 – Grade 12

« Doughnut eating competition – now that’s our game...





On Thursdays some of our students have been meeting

at 2nd break for something we like to call: Followers!

Followers is an AMAZING gathering of students from both

the senior and junior phase where we meet to glorify

our Saviour Jesus Christ. We do various different things

each week, and because so many students have attended

Followers, the teachers have decided to split the junior

and senior phase. Followers is currently run by Mrs. Van

Heerden, Miss. Davies and Mr. Tame, but eventually will

be run by the students themselves. We have had only

a few sessions so far, but were absolutely amazed and

touched by those who attended in some way or another.

The awesome thing about Followers is that no one is

going to judge you. You can praise, worship and glorify

God as much and in any way you want. We know that God

is going to do some marvellous things in Followers and

we would like to encourage more students to join!


Back off devil...I belong to JESUS!


Everybody Needs LoveGrade 1

Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

We started this last term with lots of excitement because our confidence has grown so much throughout the

year. We now know what is expected of us and we can work independently. Knowing how to read and write

is a wonderful achievement. This term especially has filled us with great excitement because we have learned the

value of money and how to make up small change. Although this was very challenging to some of us, we still enjoyed

the games we played with money.

Children can say the funniest things. We have heard that “Jesus is riding on the ‘cow’ (instead of clouds), and that

Samson wanted to marry a Chinese lady!

Throughout the year Miss Reddy and I have been blessed by the different characteristics the children have. We enjoy

and love each one of them. They are so special and we have really been blessed by God to have wonderful parents

who supported us through the year. Thank you for all your prayers!

Mrs Els & Ms Reddy

» Our proud Grade 1 class all ready to start learning!

» Enjoying Honour Roll at uShaka Kidz World

» Liam Chelin plays his part – learning about recycling



Our year together was filled with plenty to see, do and learn. We had a

wonderful group of learners who were keen to work hard from the very

beginning of the year, and they are all seeing the fruit of their hard work.

It was a privilege to share this year with such gems. From amazing Show-

and-Tells to crafts and painting and even knitting, we enjoyed every moment


Mrs George, Mrs Ramdeen & Ms Moodley

Respect. Excellence. Godliness. IntegrityGrade 2 & 3

» Grade 3 learners entered `The Big Poster Challenge`

» Colouring is always fun

» Gifts for Mother's Day - Grade 3 learning centre

» Show and Tell – How to make a smokey chicken salad – Shaenel Bruyn from Grade 2 shares her secret recipe...

» Needle Therapy – Mrs George teaching her Grade 2 and 3 students to knit, and guess what – the boys are better than the girls at it!


And so the 4th and final term has come to an end. What a remarkable year it has been!

We have seen tremendous growth in every single student that God has placed in our care for the past 12

months, and we could not be more proud.

Every student has excelled and worked extremely hard to complete the goals which they set for themselves. They

have shown such diligence, commitment and perseverance. We stand amazed at what they have accomplished

this year.

VCA students know how to work hard, but they also know how to play hard. For our Mid-Term Honour Roll this

term we spent some quality time together, watching movies as well as enjoying a picnic. This was arranged to

reward the learners for achieving the halfway mark for this term.

We would also like to thank Mrs. Munien for all her help and assistance as she was also with us for the majority of

the year. We wish her all the best as she is expecting her first baby.

Most importantly we would like to thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for guiding us through this year, for

giving us patience, wisdom and lots of unconditional love.

To God be the Glory. Blessings!

Mrs Buthelezi & Mr Subramani

Grade 4 & 5

God Of WondersVictory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

» Mrs Munien is getting ready for the birth of their first baby due very soon!

» Third term Honour Roll was all about food, food and

more food!




Tiring, muddy, dirty, epic, fun, and hard are some of the words you can use to describe the experience we had at Boot Camp SA! But we had so much fun! We were treated like we were in the military and we even got dirty like we were in the military! The first thing we had to do was to do exactly 11 push up’s. But Boot Camp was not just about getting muddy and dirty it was also about learning teamwork, leadership, and listening skills. In order for us to learn teamwork skills we had to pair up in teams, and that’s exactly what we did! We were placed into 5 teams and then sent to our ‘Sarges’.

As soon as all that was done we started our activities! Most of our activities were based on teamwork. All the students enjoyed themselves! At the end of the whole trip we had a cold shower in the river, and a quick change in the bush. But all in all we had the best time ever, and it wouldn’t have happened without the help of our wonderful teachers. We thank you all for organizing the trip for all of us.


Reaching For The StarsStarting the year with our Learning Centre theme being “Reaching for the Stars”, our expectations were high and

our enthusiasm was great! Looking back and reflecting on the year, it is amazing to see how much we have

achieved within the year and how quickly it has flown by!

The students always amaze me with their ability to overcome all the challenges they face, and their wonderful

ability to ‘bounce back’ despite any setbacks. One of our favourite scriptures for the year was Phillipians 4:13

“ I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me”. I am pleased to say that the grade 6 & 7 learning

centre of this year ‘waved this as their flag, at the winds of adversities’. I am overwhelmed at having witnessed

such spiritual growth in them! I am so proud of each and every one of them and am extremely privileged to have

walked with them this year. I will miss everyone so much next year but I count myself blessed to have been apart

of all of your lives for this time, and I trust that God will continue to grow you and take you from “Glory to Glory!”

Much love!

Mrs van Heerden & Ms Davies

Grade 6 & 7

» Nothing like paintball action to get

the bring out the warrior in you!

» The VCA Talent Show was just one of the many

highlights of an amazing year together



Winners In Christ“We are not building the future for our youth, instead we are building our youth for their future.”

Grade 8 & 9Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy

Some of the highlights for this year were the VCA Talent Show, Honour

Roll and Student of The Week. Talent Show gave the students

the opportunity to show off their skills and abilities. We spent weeks

rehearsing for the big event. The night was filled with excitement, fun

and smiles. Mid-term Honour Roll was different this year and we played

‘Minute To Win It”. The students were thrilled about competing and were

up for the challenges they had to complete. We introduced “Student of

The Week” where a student was selected by certain criteria and was

entitled to 100 merits and Free Scoring for the week! This has proven to

be an excellent incentive for students to reach higher!


Our cook off was unforgettable! The students were put into three teams

and were given different menus which included a starter, main course

and dessert to prepare. They were given the opportunity to showcase their

cooking skills and abilities. The three judges were in awe of the presentation,

taste and character of the dishes during the competition. It was extremely

hard to choose the winning teams but we did! The students were awarded

certificates and were commended for their great team work!

Mrs Nagoor & Mrs Coetzer


At 8 o’clock, Wednesday morning - the 24th of April 2013 - I started on a little journey called “Leadership Camp”.

I call it a journey because at that time I knew little of what I was in for as a brand new staff member going on

camp - I was absolutely blessed! Our three days were made up of fun activities, adventurous tasks, life-shaping lessons

and many moments of bonding. I got to see the students shine in their unique ways, witnessing a collage of different

personalities and callings meshing into one beautiful group of young people with incredible passion for God’s heart.

Leadership Camp was a great opportunity for the students to embrace themselves as well as each other - many stepped

out of their comfort zones, some learned more about the principle of honour in teamwork, and others even discovered

more about themselves. There was so much to take out of this experience and as a staff member I count it a honorable

privilege to have had the opportunity to be a part of this along with the students.

Miss Kayley Davies~13


“Reaching For The Stars”FET Learning Centre

The year at a glance:

This term our Grade 9-10 learning centre did exceptionally well, in spite of all the

extra-curricular activities that were planned throughout the term.

When we look back at the Talent Show, our class took on a huge project. They astonished

the crowd and left some in tears. Our item incorporated silhouette dance and drama. The

piece, entitled The Script, was written and Directed by Mr Moodliar and Mrs Maharaj. This

was our highlight!

We also planned an awesome Merit day. This is a reward for learners who may not excel

academically but display Christian character and are rewarded for it with merits, which

is then used for Merit day. We choose to have a Proudly South African Braai! We also

had a lot of team building and fun games. Lastly, we went on Honour Roll to Gateway,

where we played ten pin bowling and had lunch together. The Learners really enjoyed

themselves and tried to beat the staff team, which some of them did!

We started off this year motivated and inspired with the classroom theme of being a superhero and were told

to be the best we can and do the best we can do. Our motto for this year was to “transform and not conform"

. This was a message we received from Romans 12:2, which states: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but

be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good,

pleasing and perfect will." This scripture helped us do excellently in our work throughout the year, and will continue

to help us make a positive impact in the world.

This year for our class has been informing and directional, in terms of what we want to do when we finish school.

We went to a Career Exhibition Expo at the Grange Garden Hotel where we were informed by several colleges and

universities about the different careers they specialized in. In Term 2 we were able to be a blessing to HOLAH (House

Of Love And Hope), baby home where orphan babies are cared for. As a class we got together and brought boxes of

supplies to them that we had taken our time to fill. The feeling it gave us was priceless and we even were allowed

to hold some of the babies and take pictures with them which was incredible.

Our Honor roll outings over the year were brilliantly planned and helped us to feel accomplished, knowing that we

had worked hard and were receiving a reward for our hard work and diligence. In Term 1 we went to Ster-Kinekor

in gateway and watched the movie, “Jack the Giant Slayer” which was interesting and exciting at the same time.

Then in Term 2 we had an amazing race adventure in Paradise Valley where we were put in teams and had to

use all our creative sills and thinking abilities. Next, in Term 3 we had a relaxed bowling session at Gateway that

allowed us to let off some stress and prepare for the holidays.

For our Field Trip we went to watch ‘Othello” in the Playhouse Theatre. This was a treat for us in Term 2 and it was

good to actually get a taste of how people used to converse in the Shakespearean days. It was funny and really

made you feel like you had travelled back in time. Finally in Term 4 we had our long expected Yoko Cup which is

always a highlight in VCA. We, as a class, gave it everything we had and made the school proud in soccer and in

netball. This year we have made many memories that we will hold onto and cherish for the rest of our lives.


Mr Moodliar, Mrs Maharaj & Mrs Narasimman, Mrs Chetty

transform and not conform





AASC from a teacher’s perspective

From the 21st of September - 26th of September this year, some of VCA’s students attended the All Africa

Student Convention held at UFS (University of Free State) Bloemfontein. High school learners from across

Africa came together to compete in events in a variety of areas including academics, art, sport, music,

platform (speech & drama) and dance. Many new friendships were made, and it's an experience the students

will never forget! A special thanks to all the teachers who assisted with organizing this trip and giving the

students much support during their relevant events! Well done to Joni Buitendag for getting two art pieces

in top 10 and Melody Brujin for her dress being awarded 3rd place!


WOW!!! What an experience! Yes, at first I was quite apprehensive about going to convention,

but little did I realize that I would have such a blast. I was impressed when I sat in and listened

to the various items the students delivered. It is amazing to see what talents God has blessed

our students with. Going to convention as a sponsor was not easy, but with the grace and

guidance of God it was possible. I found our students to be most helpful and cooperative.


« The group of students

that represented VCA at

the All Africa Student

Convention (AASC) 2013

Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy







onthe21stAugust2013wehostedamostunbelievabletalentshow.ourthemewasRetro70’s,andboywasitGRooVy.Therewasplentyofdelicious foodwhichtheparents, friendsandfamiliescouldenjoyfromearlyoninthenight,andthismadeforagreatatmosphereevenbeforetheeventofficiallystarted.Thehallwasdecoratedandthecolourfullightssetthesceneperfectly.




The Talent Show Committee

Talent Show 2013

« Our MC for the night,

Mrs Ward who added

plenty of colour and fun

to the event!

ARetro-Fabulous nighttoremember!



News from past Victorians who are making their mark in the world

VCA AlumniVictory in Christ

victory Christian Academy


Victory Christian Academy invites you to become a member of our soon to be launched Alumni Association. We

constantly hear of the many great testimonies of the great things our past

graduates are achieving in the world, and would love to hear from you.

For more information, email

or call (031)5727182


Tammy began studying a Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSc) at the University of Cape Town in 2009 and completed her undergraduate degree in 2011. She majored in Psychology and Organisational Psychology. Tammy went on to complete her Honours degree in Organisational Psychology at the School of Management Studies at UCT and completed her postgraduate studies in 2012.

Since leaving university, Tammy has worked as a Project Manager for an actuarial software development company in Cape Town. Tammy married Ian Teague in 2013 and together, they currently serve on the eldership team at Common Ground Church in Cape Town.


After graduating from VCA and writing the SATs, Talia was accepted at the University of the Western Cape to study towards a B.Ch.D (Dental surgery). After completing her five year degree in 2012, she was appointed this year to work at a Pinetown clinic and is currently completing her community service.


I grew up in a musical as well as Pastoral background. This has greatly influenced my stream of study. I moved to South Africa with my parents for missionary work and I have experienced many cultures before returning to the United Kingdom.

I was set to study medicine, but I became critically ill in ICU and the doctors gave me 48 hours left to live. My parents, being pastors, took a Bible and made a vow that if God would spare my life I wouldn’t study medicine, I would study Music and Theology. Also, my grandfather is a Leeds alumni. I am now passionate about my area of study because I enjoy the fact that I can incorporate both history and arts and religions into a broad perspective of knowledge. Understanding various aspects of human emotions, either with music or belief plays a large role in my studies.

The School and the University have great learning facilities as students do not run short on resources and the staff are always available for those times when resources are scarce. I am looking forward to writing my dissertation this year and being in contact with my supervisor regularly, as it is a combination of both Music, Theology and Religious Studies.

What I love about Leeds is the opportunity that students have to try out so many different activities, due to the many societies available. I am part of LUU Backstage Society and I am so glad I joined, as I have discovered that I am passionate about sound engineering and have engineered most of the Union’s shows. Outside of studying I like to sing, play instruments, do sound engineering and do some work for a Christian TV station. Once I graduate I plan to continue with a Masters degree in Theology.


Connect with us!SHeldonTeMleTT

“ While completing grade 12 in 2007, I applied to the University of KwaZulu Natal to study Civil Engineering. Whilst applying to UKZN I also applied for a bursary from construction company Basil Read. I was blessed to have both applications accepted and started my studies in January of 2008 with all expenses covered!

I spent the next four years working towards achieving my Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering – a four year Honours degree. University was challenging but extremely enjoyable. I went from having 7 people in my class in grade 12 to having 120 people in first year. First year was all about adjustment. Exams were also another adjustment but goal setting skills and an independent work ethic learnt at VCA with the ACE Curriculum assisted in making this adjustment. I completed my studies in December 2011, finishing in 4 years along with only 42 others of the original 120 that started in 2008. Throughout my four years I managed to achieve 4 Certificates of Merit which are only awarded to the top 3 students (by marks) for each subject (3 of the 4 certificates were for Structural Analysis related subjects).

In January of 2012 I started working for Basil Read and was posted at the Medupi Power Station in Lephalale, Limpopo where I am currently working. Medupi is the largest dry-cooled, coal-fired power station in the world with an output of 4,800 Megawatts. My current position is that of site engineer and my responsibilities include the planning, pricing and execution of construction and logistics. I am also currently registered as a candidate engineer working towards my professional engineering license which typically takes 3-5 years to achieve. “

SiMonéleRoux Since graduating from VCA in 2011, Simoné went on to study B.Social Sciences with the aim to specialise in Child Psychology/Play Therapy in Bloemfontein at the University of the Free State. In her first year, she helped out at an orphanage, and was also blessed to qualify to be part of the Golden Key Honour Society, where they nominate the top 15% academic achievers from each faculty. This year, she was still part of various community service groups, and helped out at old age homes and at the psychiatric complex in the free state. Since March this year, Simoné has been doing fundraising. She recently qualified as a top 10 finalist of RAG (Receive And Give), where they will be crowning a Miss RAG in 2014. Simoné was chosen to be on the leadership committee of PSA at the psychiatric hospital for the year 2014 and to be a peer mentor at the University of the Free State to help out and lead first year students who need guidance during their first year at university.

“I am very grateful for the fact that I was part of the ACE Curriculum since Grade 1 and that I could graduate at VCA. Goal setting has helped me to achieve the goals I set for myself and I can honestly testify that so many of the Godly principles and morals that I was taught during my schooling years at home and at school have stuck with me. I can truly say that it has helped me to strive for success during my university years, to make the best out of every situation and to be able to help others who are in need. ”


All raring to go for the Preschool Spring Walk


to God be the glory great things He has done

A Blessing

We would like to thank Mrs Munien and the entire Worship Team who lead us every week in an awesome time of Praise and Worship at assembly and special occasions. You are all a blessing to VCA!

Yzabela and mum Anne Aromin are excitement for the first day of Grade 1

Idols winner Lloyd Cele with some of his biggest fans from Preschool

Our Prefect Dedication Ceremony was a momentous event this year

Some of our Graduates enjoying this year's Graduation ceremony




Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy










Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy









Victory in Christ

victory Christian Academy



(In a Class of Your OWN)



Victory Christian Academy (VCA) is a co-educational private school that provides learners with an excellent, holistic education, preparing them for life and the world of work. Attention is given to character development, values and moral

education. Our internationally recognized and individualized curriculum allows each student to progress at their own pace. Training in goal-setting, social skills and leadership form part of the daily programme.

Over the past 26 years, VCA has produced world-class graduates and professionals who are living their dreams. Doctors, lawyers, artists and pilots all form part of our proud alumni.
