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323Volume 58 • Number 6 • November/December 2008

CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:323–346

Vascular Access in Oncology Patients

Maurizio Gallieni, MD; Mauro Pittiruti, MD; Roberto Biffi, MD

ABSTRACT Adequate vascular access is of paramount importance in oncology patients. It is

important in the initial phase of surgical treatment or chemotherapy, as well as in the chronic man-

agement of advanced cancer and in the palliative care setting. We present an overview of the

available vascular access devices and of the most relevant issues regarding insertion and man-

agement of vascular access. Particular emphasis is given to the use of ultrasound guidance

as the preferred technique of insertion, which has dramatically decreased insertion-related

complications. Vascular access management has considerably improved after the publication

of effective guidelines for the appropriate nursing of the vascular device, which has reduced

the risk of late complications, such as catheter-related bloodstream infection. However, many

areas of clinical practice are still lacking an evidence-based background, such as the choice of

the most appropriate vascular access device in each clinical situation, as well as prevention

and treatment of thrombosis. We suggest an approach to the choice of the most appropriate

vascular access device for the oncology patient, based on the literature available to date. (CA

Cancer J Clin 2008;58:323–346.) © American Cancer Society, Inc., 2008.

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The use of vascular access devices (VADs) is an integral aspect of health care for neonates, children, and adults andhas moved beyond the acute care setting to chronic, long-term care. VADs have a paramount role throughout themanagement of the oncology patient, as they are needed in the initial phases for surgery or chemotherapy, in theadvanced stages for chronic treatment, and in the last stages for palliative measures.

According to US data,1 approximately 150 million intravenous catheters are purchased, and at least 5 million cen-tral venous catheters (CVCs) are inserted every year. It is difficult to estimate how many of these VADs are actuallyused for oncology patients. However, it is reasonable to assume that the proportion is high, as most surgery, chemother-apy, and radiotherapy protocols for the management of neoplastic disease require intravenous infusions, includingeven those for palliative care, for which a long-term VAD usually is the best route of administration.

Data from a study commissioned by the Food and Drug Administration in the 1990s2 showed that the use of VADsis associated with a high complication rate (10% to 25% of all patients with VADs) and a morbidity of at least 10%;52% of the reported complications were directly related to insufficient information (for nurses, patients, and otherpeople dedicated to the care of the device) or inappropriate technique of VAD placement and nursing care.

In this review, we will summarize data indicating that at present, in 2008, technological developments; a newpatient-oriented, cost-effective approach to the selection of procedures and techniques; and closer attention to the impor-tant issue of health practitioner education have decreased the complication rate, especially in the area of oncologyand palliative care. In particular, the introduction of ultrasound guidance has dramatically decreased insertion-relatedcomplications, and the new, updated nursing guidelines related to VAD care have proved to be effective in reducingthe risk of late complications, such as catheter-related bloodstream infection.

However, at least 2 issues are still reason for concern:(A) There is no evidence-based guide to the selection of the most appropriate VAD for each clinical situation,notwith-

standing the broad range of VADs available, both in terms of features and performance. Moreover, there is little

Dr. Gallieni is Coordinating Editor,The Journal of Vascular Access; Re-searcher, University of Milano, Schoolof Medicine; and Vice-Director, RenalUnit, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy.

Dr. Pittiruti is Researcher, Italian Na-tional Research Council; and Depart-ment of Surgery, Catholic University,Rome, Italy.

Dr. Biffi is Director, Division of Abdomino-Pelvic Surgery, European Institute ofOncology, Milan, Italy.

Published online through CA First Lookat


Disclosure: The authors report no conflicts of interest.

TABLE 1 Features, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Different Types of Vascular Access Devices

Tip Technical VAD Expected Type Ideal Main MainPosition Feature Material Duration of Use Setting Advantage Disadvantage

Short-term VADs

Short peripheralcannulas Peripheral Nontunneled Teflon, silicone 72 to 96 hours Continuous Hospital Low cost Short duration

Short-term CVCs Central Nontunneled Polyurethane 1 to 3 weeks Continuous Hospital Low cost High risk forCRBSI

Medium-term VADs

Midline catheters Peripheral Nontunneled Polyurethane, <2 to 3 months Discontinuous Hospital Low risk of Peripheral routesilicone and/or CRBSI


PICCs Central Nontunneled Polyurethane, 3 to 12 (?) Discontinuous Hospital No risk at Low flowsilicone months and/or insertion


Hohn Central Nontunneled Silicone <2 to 3 months Discontinuous Hospital Low risk of Risk of and/or thrombosis dislocation


Long-term VADs

Tunneled catheters Central Tunneled Polyurethane, Months to Discontinuous Outpatient Indefinite High cost(Groshong, silicone years durationHickman, Broviac)

Ports Central Totally Polyurethane, Months to Discontinuous Outpatient Indefinite High costimplanted silicone years duration

Abbreviations: CRBSI, catheter-related blood stream infection; CVC, central venous catheter; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter;VAD, vascular access device.

guidance addressing the problem of thechoice of the best VAD for the oncologypatient—a consequence of the scarcity ofrandomized trials in this area. A few clear-cut indications come from the guidelines ofthe Registered Nurses’ Association ofOntario,3 from the guidelines of the BritishCommittee for Standards in Haematology,4

and from the Standards for Infusion Therapyof the Royal College of Nursing (RCN)5

and of the Infusion Nurses Society (INS).6

(B) Patients and their families still currently playa minor role in the selection of VAD at theonset of treatment, notwithstanding the evi-dence showing that patient involvement isassociated with greater patient satisfaction,fewer delays in therapy related to loss of vas-cular access, fewer device complications,preservation of peripheral veins, less nurs-ing time spent attempting to gain vascularaccess, shorter hospital stays, fewer emer-gency room visits, and decreased infusion

therapy costs.7 However,most patients whorequire intravenous therapy for longer than1 week are not routinely assessed for inter-mediate dwelling VADs. In addition, patientsatisfaction about long-term VADs has rarelybeen addressed.8,9


Venous VADs can be classified as short-term,intermediate (medium-term), and long-termaccesses. They can also be classified as central (whenthe tip of the catheter lies in the lower third ofthe superior vena cava [SVC], in the atrium,or inthe upper portion of the inferior vena cava) orperipheral (in all the other instances). Table 1summarizes features, advantages, and disadvan-tages of different types of VADs, which will beanalyzed in this review. Central venous access ismandatory for a number of specific solutions forinfusion, such as those containing vesicant drugs.

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Short-term Venous VADs

Short-term peripheral venous VADs are usu-ally 35- to 52-mm–long Teflon cannulas. Theyare the most commonly used VADs in daily clin-ical practice and are inserted into superficial veinsof the arms of adult patients or into any super-ficial vein of children and neonates.

Short-term CVCs are nontunneled, 20- to30-cm–long polyurethane catheters inserted intoa central vein (subclavian, internal jugular, innom-inate, axillary, or femoral vein), preferably resort-ing to ultrasound guidance. They may have asingle lumen or multiple lumens, and they shouldbe used only for hospitalized patients.10 Theyare designed for continuous, short-term infu-sions (1 to 3 weeks).

Intermediate Venous VADs

Intermediate venous VADs are nontunneled,central venous devices specifically designed forprolonged intermittent use; they include midlinecatheters, peripherally inserted central catheters(PICCs), and Hohn catheters. Midline cathetersare nontunneled, peripheral VADs insertedthrough a peripheral vein of the arm (antecu-bital, basilic, brachial, or cephalic vein), usingeither a “blind” technique or ultrasound guid-ance; they are 15- to 30-cm long and are usuallymade of silicone or second-third generationpolyurethane. By definition, their tip is not “cen-tral,” ie, is not located in the SVC but in the axil-lary vein or in the subclavian vein. PICCs arenontunneled, central catheters inserted througha peripheral vein of the arm; they are 50- to 60-cm long and are usually made of silicone orsecond-third generation polyurethane. Hohncatheters are nontunneled, 20-cm long, centrallyinserted silicone catheters.11 Both PICCs andHohn catheters can be used for prolonged con-tinuous or intermittent infusion therapies (upto 3 months) both in hospitalized patients and inpatients treated as outpatients, in a hospice, orat home.10 The use of PICCs is approved by theFood and Drug Administration for up to 12months; although most PICCs may stay in placeand in use for several months, there is growingevidence that their actual duration depends onmany factors: type of material; technique of

insertion; stabilization of the VAD; patient com-pliance; and, most importantly, nurse compe-tence in the maintenance of the device.

PICCs are usually inserted at the bedside bytrained physicians or nurses either resorting to the“blind” technique via the antecubital vein orthe cephalic vein or to ultrasound guidance viaa deep vein in the midarm (basilic or brachialvein); they are available with one or more lumens.In the hematology-oncology setting, they arewell suited for ambulatory or outpatient ther-apy12 because they can be safely used even inpatients with extremely low platelet counts orat high risk of hemorrhage.4

Materials (silicone versus polyurethane) mayinfluence the risk of complications since sometypes of polyurethane may be associated with ahigher incidence of thrombosis.13 Sometimespolyurethane PICCs may be preferable becausethey have thinner lumen walls and larger inter-nal diameters; these features significantly increaseflow rates and reduce the risk of breakage andcomplete rupture of the catheter. This may bean advantage in hematology patients,who oftenrequire blood and platelet infusions. On theother hand, pump-driven or low-flow intra-venous infusions—as in chemotherapy treat-ments for solid tumors—can easily be deliveredby either silicone or polyurethane PICCs; siliconeis associated with better biocompatibility anddurability than most types of polyurethane andthus seems more suitable for long-term use. Inthe United Kingdom,most chemotherapy treat-ments are delivered through PICCs, which areincreasingly inserted using ultrasound guidance.

There is no evidence of significant advan-tages or disadvantages of PICCs over CVCs inhospitalized patients. A few studies suggest thatPICCs may be preferable because they are asso-ciated with fewer mechanical complications atinsertion, lower costs (since they are mainlyinserted by nurses at the bedside), and a lowerinfection rate.1,11,14 The latter issue has recentlybeen challenged,15 and it has been suggested thatinfection control and prevention programs shouldbe consistently implemented whenever any typeof VAD is used.16 However, it is accepted thatplacement in the antecubital fossa or at midarmcarries the important advantage of moving theexit site of the catheter away from endotracheal,

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:323–346

oral, and nasal secretions.17 Moreover,ultrasound-guided placement of PICCs at midarm is asso-ciated with optimal nursing management of theexit site.18

Long-term VADs

Prolonged intravenous treatment (�3 months)requires a long-term venous VAD, such as a tun-neled central catheter or a totally implanted port.Tunneled catheters are usually made of siliconerubber,with or without Dacron anchoring cuffs;the variety with the cuffs is strongly recom-mended, as it is more stable.19 The cuffs alsoinduce an inflammatory reaction within the sub-cutaneous (SC) tunnel, leading to fibrosis andconsequent catheter fixation, usually within 3to 4 weeks after insertion. Tunneled cathetershave been shown to be associated with lowerinfection rates than nontunneled catheters.16,20

Valved catheters have the advantage of not requir-ing heparin flushes but may need pressurizedinfusions for the administration of blood prod-ucts and also tend to be more expensive. In acontrolled trial, they were not superior to a tra-ditional, open-ended device in terms of catheterefficacy and early and late complications.21 Thus,there is little evidence to support one type ofcatheter over another.

Totally implanted ports consist of a reservoir(usually made of titanium and/or plastic polymers)connected to a CVC (usually made of silicone),which may or may not be valved. Ports havelower reported rates of catheter-related blood-stream infections than both tunneled and non-tunneled CVCs.16 Most ports have only onelumen, which makes them best suited for long-term intermittent chemotherapy, especially inpatients with solid tumors. Double-lumen portsare used for specific purposes, as in patients under-going bone marrow transplantation and in patientswho require infusion of noncompatible med-ications and fluids, which necessitate a secondintravenous access. Ports allow better bathingand swimming,which are restricted with exter-nal VAD, and they may appeal to patients con-cerned about the psychological implications ofthe presence of visible nonimplanted catheters.They are more expensive to purchase, insert, andremove, and they leave larger scars.

The choice between a tunneled catheter anda port depends on many factors, mainly relatedto patient compliance, experience of the nurs-ing staff, and frequency of venous access. Accord-ing to US Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) Guidelines,22 totally im-plantable access devices should be reserved forpatients who require long-term, intermittentvascular access. A tunneled CVC is preferablefor patients requiring continuous access. Thus,oncology patients who need chemotherapy treat-ment scheduled on a weekly or monthly basisshould benefit from a totally implanted port,while those who need daily infusions of pallia-tive treatment (analgesics,hydration,nutrition,etc.)should benefit from an external catheter.

Medium-term and long-term venous devicesare both adequate for outpatients. The use ofshort-term CVCs for nonhospitalized patientsshould be discouraged, considering their highsusceptibility to infection and the risk of obstruc-tion of the device, dislocation, and catheter-related venous thrombosis.22


According to Registered Nurses’Associationof Ontario Guidelines,3 INS standards,4 andRCN standards,5 a central venous access is in-dicated in the following conditions: admini-stration of solutions with pH �5 or pH �9;administration of drugs with osmolarity �600mOsm/L4 or 500 mOsm/L3; parenteral nutritionwith solutions containing �10% glucose or 5%amino acids because of their high osmolarity;administration of vesicant drugs or other drugsassociated with vascular intimal damage; needfor multiple-lumen intravenous treatment; needfor dialysis or apheresis; need for central venouspressure monitoring; and venous access neededfor more than 3 months.

Thus, in the oncology patient undergoingchemotherapy, the ideal venous access is centralrather than peripheral since many antineoplasticdrugs are notoriously vesicant. Despite the factthat many oncology units still deliver chemother-apy mainly by the peripheral route, it is commonlyaccepted that the infusion of vesicant drugs into aperipheral vein is potentially dangerous becauseit is associated with a high risk of extravasation,

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infiltration,phlebitis, local tissue damage,and pro-gressive loss of available peripheral veins. The INSstandards for infusion therapy4 recommend a cen-tral venous access (including PICC) for the admin-istration of boluses of vesicant medications; if aperipheral access is used, a new access site shouldbe used for each administration,and its site shouldbe documented to avoid repeated use. However,continuous infusion of vesicants should be per-formed exclusively by a central route.

On the other hand,when the oncologic patientis on a palliative care program,most of the infu-sions (analgesics, hydration, or nutrition) may besafely delivered by a peripheral route. However,peripheral parenteral nutrition (given througha short peripheral cannula or through a midlinecatheter) should be used only for a limited periodof time and exclusively when the osmolarity ofthe nutrient solutions,which may contain lipids,does not exceed 800 mOsm/L. According toCDC guidelines,22 midline catheters should bepreferred whenever intravenous therapy isexpected to last more than 6 days; since this is thecase for most intrahospital parenteral nutritiontreatments, midline catheters are bound to playa major role in this setting. Also peripheral homeparenteral nutrition should be given only viamidline catheters since short cannulas carry ahigh risk of dislocation and infiltration.


All central VADs may have single or multi-ple lumens and can be open-ended or valved.Multiple-lumen catheters are advantageous inpatients undergoing stem cell transplantation orchemotherapy that involves the simultaneousinfusion of a number of agents and blood prod-ucts. Blood products may be administered con-currently with another drug/infusion througha dual-bore catheter. Although multiple-lumencatheters are generally associated with increasedmorbidity, particularly infections,23,24 in thehematology setting, the increased risk is likelyto be offset by their convenience, thereby justi-fying their use. If total parenteral nutrition isbeing administered, a dedicated central routeshould be used exclusively for this purpose.17

VADs of small caliber should be employed tominimize the risk of catheter-related thrombosis

and/or subsequent venous stenosis.25 This is par-ticularly true for PICCs,26 although it may bedifficult to administer blood products or high-flow hydration with a very narrow lumen. Whena totally implanted port is used, choosing acatheter caliber larger than 6 to 7 French does notcarry significant advantages since the main lim-itation to flow is the caliber of the Huber nee-dle used to access the port.

As regards the material, most central VADsare made of silicone or polyurethane,which havedifferent features. Silicone rubber chemical struc-ture is composed of adjacent polymer chainscross-linked to each other. Its physical propertiesvary according to the degree of cross-linking.Surface-active additives can be mixed with thepolymer or added to the ends of the polymerchain to modify its surface properties,which canaffect infection and thrombosis rates. Problemsderived from the contact of blood with VADsare usually related to surface properties of thebase catheter material. Surface treatment processesallow coupling or incorporation of substancesto or into catheter materials. Coating with antimi-crobials (silver, antiseptics, or antibiotics) may bea suitable way to prevent the development ofcatheter-associated infections,while coating withantithrombotic substances may prevent throm-bosis. However, there are some controversialreports on the potential of adverse reactions dueto silver- and antiseptic-coated catheters.27

Polyurethanes are a class of materials with abroad spectrum of physical and chemical prop-erties. Their commonality is the urethane link-age between “hard” and “soft” polymer chains(segments). For catheter applications, polyetherand polycarbonate soft segments are used.Polyurethanes with polycarbonate soft segmentsare more resistant to attack by biological enzymesand hydrolysis than those made of polyethers.

Material properties have some clinical impli-cations that may influence catheter selection. Themain biological issue for catheters is hemocom-patability and, to a lesser extent, compatibilitywith tissue contacted to access the vessel lumen.Hemocompatibility of a VAD refers to the abil-ity of the device to carry out its intended func-tion within flowing blood, with minimalinteraction between device and blood that ad-versely affects device performance and without

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inducing uncontrolled activation of cellular orplasma protein cascades. Hemocompatibility isa complex issue: depending on how it is defined,on the patient population, disease state, catheterentrance site, and other factors,one catheter mate-rial can be said to perform better or worse thananother. For short-term applications, in general,there are no noticeable differences betweenpolyurethane and silicone catheters. For longer-term applications,durability may be more impor-tant than biocompatibility.

Ease of insertion is influenced by catheter stiff-ness and wall thickness, as well as frictional prop-erties of the catheter surface; in general, siliconecatheters are more difficult to advance over guidewire than polyurethane catheters of similar size.

The risk of mechanical phlebitis is influencedby catheter stiffness and size. Given the samelumen size, silicone catheters are larger and poten-tially cause more mechanical phlebitis, but sili-cone is less stiff and, therefore, less traumatic tothe vascular endothelium. Since silicone has lowertensile and burst strength than polyurethanecatheters of equal dimensions, the wall thicknessof silicone catheters is increased to provide ade-quate strength. Consequently, for the same catheterFrench size (outer diameter), silicone cathetershave a smaller lumen and lower flow rate thanpolyurethane catheters. Flow is proportional toradius at the fourth power, so very small changesin inside diameter—especially of narrow cath-eters—have a very large effect on flow rates.

Infusate compatibility is a function of cathetercomposition and structure. Catheters are notattacked by drugs, but they are by the solventsnecessary to put them into solution or to pre-serve them. In general, silicone is more compat-ible with infusates because it is cross-linked andhydrophobic. Alcohols, in particular, can per-meate polyurethane catheters (especially thosewith polyether soft segments) and carry solubi-lized drugs with them.28

The risk of extravasation of infusates is influ-enced by catheter stiffness, as stiffer catheters candamage the vessel. Silicone is less stiff thanpolyurethane.

Catheter occlusion caused by precipitates usuallydepends on the administration of incompatibleinfusates rather than on catheter material prop-erties. Again, silicone catheters, having smaller

inner diameters, are more easily blocked by pre-cipitates. However, polyurethane is more proneto degradation if alcohol or other solvents areused to dissolve the precipitate. The patency ofthe catheters is also related to their kink-resistance(the ability of the catheter to maintain an openlumen when it is bent): silicone catheters bendmore easily, but kink with less applied force thanpolyurethane catheters. However, silicone cathetersalso recover more readily and are not permanentlydeformed as easily as are polyurethane catheters.

Clotting and thrombosis are influenced by thechemical as well as the physical properties of thematerial. Catheters with a rough surface are morethrombogenic than those with a smooth surface(radiopaque barium sulfate filler can have aninfluence). Some studies29,30 suggest that sili-cone may be less thrombogenic than some spe-cific types of polyurethane. Polycarbonate-basedpolyurethane is more stable and less thrombo-genic than polyether-based polyurethane.

Stability and durability are affected by theresponse of catheters to infusates (including sol-ubilizing agents), disinfectants, and cleaning solu-tions, as well as by the biologic environment.Polyurethane is inherently stronger due to higherburst and tensile strength, but it is more suscep-tible to in vivo degradation and attack by sol-vents. Silicone is less prone to stress crackingthan polyurethane because it is cross-linked.

Vascular damage is a function of catheter stiff-ness, especially of its tip. Thicker catheters arestiffer than thinner catheters. In general, siliconeis softer and less traumatic than polyurethane.

With regard to catheter maintenance requirements,polyether polyurethanes are subject to degrada-tion by alcohols and disinfectants, especially oint-ments in a PEG (polyethylene glycol) base.Silicone is more resistant to attack by cleaning anddisinfecting agents but is more easily torn. Siliconeis also more resistant to solvents in general becauseit is cross-linked. Silicone catheters may swellbut don’t break in most solvents, and theirhydrophobicity limits the attack by water.

Radiopacity is a function of the amount ofradiopaque material in the catheter. Smallerdiameter catheters or catheters loaded with alower concentration of radiopaque agent willhave a dimmer fluoroscopic image. Radiopaqueagents (ie, BaSO4) weaken catheter materials.

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Teflon, silicone, and polyurethane have beenassociated with fewer catheter-related infectionsthan polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene. However,all available CVCs are made either of polyure-thane or silicone, and there is no specific recom-mendation regarding materials for clinical practice.17


The type and the design of the catheter itselfmay significantly affect the risk of catheter-relatedinfection, as shown by Maki in an important sys-tematic review of 200 prospective studies.16

Tunneling and Total Implantation

Tunneled catheters and totally implantedVADs are associated with a lower rate of infec-tion since they are specifically protected fromextraluminal contamination. On the other hand,tunneling and SC implantation require a minorsurgical procedure, which is contraindicated inpatients with low platelet counts or coagulationabnormalities.4

Coating with Antiseptic Drugs

Short-term CVCs coated with chlorhexidine/sulfadiazine or coated with rifampicin/minocy-cline have a significantly lower infection rate.16

In a recent systematic review and economic eval-uation conducted by the Liverpool Reviews andImplementation Group,31 the authors concludethat rates of catheter-related bloodstream infec-tion (CR-BSI) are significantly reduced bycatheters coated with rifampicin/minocyclineor internally and externally coated with chlorhex-idine/silver sulfadiazine. Statistical significance wasnot seen with catheters only coated externally.

Thus, as suggested by Evidence-based Practicein Infection Control guidelines,17 the use of aVAD coated with an antimicrobial is to be con-sidered for adult patients who require short-termcentral venous catheterization and who are athigh risk for CR-BSI if the facility infectionrates remain high despite the implementationof a comprehensive strategy to control them.

It is important to stress that most evidence inthis area concerns short-term,nontunneled, cen-tral venous access. There is no evidence to sup-port the use of PICCs or tunneled catheterscoated with antiseptic drugs.

Multiple Versus Single Lumen

CVCs with multiple lumens may be associatedwith higher infection rates than single-lumenCVCs, as shown by several randomized con-trolled trials (RCTs) and stated by CDC guide-lines22; nonetheless, this contention has beenquestioned by recent papers. Two recent sys-tematic reviews and quantitative meta-analyseshave focused on the risk of CR-BSI and cathetercolonization in multilumen catheters comparedwith single-lumen catheters. The first one con-cluded that multiple lumens are not a significantrisk factor for increased CR-BSI or local cathetercolonization compared with a single lumen.23

The second one concluded that there is someevidence from 5 RCTs with data on 530 cen-tral VADs that for every 20 single-lumen cathetersinserted,one CR-BSI will be avoided that wouldhave occurred had multilumen catheters beenused.32 Although further research is warranted,in the meantime it may be reasonable to recom-mend a single-lumen catheter unless multipleports are essential for patient management.Moreover, if a multilumen catheter is used, oneport should be identified and designated exclu-sively for parenteral nutrition because the inter-action of parenteral nutrition solutions withdrugs and solutions of different pH increasesrates of thrombosis and, consequently, rates ofinfection. In addition, the larger lumen of dou-ble ports should be used for parenteral nutritionto reduce the tendency to obstruction.17 Ofcourse, all lumens must be handled with the samemeticulous attention to aseptic techniques.

Compared with central venous catheters,PICCs appear to be associated with a lower riskof infection,most probably because of the exit siteon the arm, which is less prone to be contami-nated by nasal and oral secretions1; however, noRCTs have proven such contention to date.17 Atpresent, it is reasonable to consider PICC inser-tion (a) in patients with tracheostomy; (b) inpatients with severe anatomic abnormalities ofneck and thorax, which may be associated withdifficult positioning and nursing of a centrallyplaced CVC; and (c) in patients who need intra-venous access for prolonged periods of time(months). On the other hand, PICCs are notadvisable in patients with renal failure and impend-ing need for dialysis, in whom preservation of

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upper-extremity veins is needed for fistula orgraft implantation. Anyway, the assumption thatPICCs are safer than conventional CVCs withregard to the risk of infection is in question; theissue should be addressed by a larger, adequatelypowered RCT assessing peripheral vein throm-bophlebitis, PICC-related thrombosis, and pre-mature dislodgment, as well as CR-BSI.15


Insertion Technique: State of the Art

Choice of Venous Access and Roleof Ultrasound Guidance

With the exception of PICCs, all long-termcatheters for oncology treatments require anaccess through tributary branches of the venacava so that their tip is placed correctly in thecentral venous district.

PICCs are usually inserted at the antecubitalsite. The procedure is performed by a nurse or aphysician,usually in a blind fashion. It is associatedwith a high risk of local phlebitis,patient discom-fort, and venous thrombosis,33 especially in pa-tients with hematological malignancies34; on thecontrary, in our experience PICC insertion byultrasound-guided venipuncture of deep veins atmidarm is associated with a low risk of localcomplications and negligible patient discomfort.

The percutaneous approach to the subclavianor internal jugular vein currently is the mostpopular procedure for placing catheters in theSVC, both for short-term (no more than 6 to 8weeks) and long-term use. Such venousapproaches were made possible in the 1970s bythe development of specific tools, like theSeldinger j-wire and the peel-away introducer-dilator, formerly not available. These technolog-ical instruments offer the option to avoid opensurgical vein cannulation,which at that time wasnecessary for the placement of the silicone andpolyurethane catheters required for long-termaccess. The great flexibility of percutaneous can-nulation, the short duration of the procedure inmost situations, and the possibility to switch froma procedure that requires an operating theaterto a less demanding (especially cost-wise) out-patient or even bed-side procedure have made thesuperiority of percutaneous central vein access

quite obvious. The CDC recommends not touse routinely venous cut-down procedures as amethod to insert catheters, even for long-termones, because percutaneously placed cathetersare associated with a lower infection rate thansurgically implanted ones.22 However, in neonatesand in children, not routinely but in selectedcases,venous cut-down might be the safest choice.

Recognition of risk factors for difficult catheter-ization is essential, and all patients should be eval-uated for conditions that might increase thedifficulty of catheter insertion, such as skeletaldeformity, presence of scars, obesity, or previoussurgery at insertion site. An alternative that mayreduce the incidence of pneumothorax (the mostfrequent complication of central venous cannu-lation by subclavian route) is the preferential useof the internal jugular vein35 for the percutaneous“blind” (based on anatomic landmarks) approachfor central venous cannulation. Nonetheless, thismay not always be possible due to anatomic abnor-malities, dehydration, operator inexperience, ordisease-related alterations; in such conditions, theoperator may be forced to resort to subclavianvenipuncture and expose the patient to the risk ofpneumothorax. The issue, which is associatedwith additional costs,has been addressed by devel-oping a number of imaging techniques to accessthe subclavian and/or internal jugular vein underguidance (simple Doppler, echo-color Doppler,digital venography, and others).

The only procedure that has been evaluatedin RCTs, which have been pooled in 3 meta-analyses,36–38 is the ultrasound-guided placementof central venous access (technique adopted forboth the subclavian and internal jugular vein).According to this technique, an ultrasound probeis used to locate the vein, and the introducer nee-dle is guided through the skin and into the ves-sel. During internal jugular venous catheterization,ultrasound guidance (both 2-dimensional [2D]ultrasound- and Doppler-guided methods) clearlyreduces the number of complications, failures,and time required for insertion.36 Conversely, itsuse for subclavian venous catheterization hasyielded inconsistent results in a small number oftrials36,39,40: limited evidence favored 2D ultra-sound guidance for subclavian vein proceduresin adults (relative risk 0.14; 95% confidence inter-val, 0.04 to 0.57). The landmark Vascular Access

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in Oncology Patients method was more success-ful than Doppler-guided cannulation for subcla-vian vein procedures (1.48; 1.03 to 2.14). Anindirect comparison of relative risks suggestedthat 2D ultrasonography would be more success-ful than Doppler guidance for subclavian veinprocedures in adults (0.09; 0.02 to 0.38).

The meta-analyses have shown that ultra-sound guidance reduces complications relativeto percutaneous accesses performed with thestandard “landmark” technique, especially whenthe operators have little experience with thelandmark method. In many studies the controlarm (unguided percutaneous access) often hadunusually high complication and unsuccessfulrates (over 40%),whereas most prospective seriesreport early complication rates for experiencedoperators usually under 5%.

National Institute for Clinical Excellence-UK made the following recommendations in200241:(A) 2D-imaging ultrasound guidance should be

the preferred method when a CVC is in-serted into the internal jugular vein of adultsand children in “elective situations.”

(B) 2D-imaging ultrasound guidance shouldbe considered in most clinical situationswhere CVC insertion is necessary, inde-pendently of the situation (elective or emer-gency procedure).

(C) Everyone who uses 2D-imaging ultrasoundguidance to insert CVCs should be appro-priately trained so that they can use thetechnique competently.

The implementation of National Institute forClinical Excellence-UK guidelines has beenassociated with a significant reduction in com-plication rates in a UK tertiary referral center.42

Similar recommendations, based on the pub-lished data of RCT meta-analyses, have beenmade by several scientific societies.4,6,17 Mostrecently, the Association for Vascular Access hasdrafted a position statement on the use of real-time imaging for placement of central VADs(available at advocating theuse of ultrasound guidance for all nonemergentcentral vascular access procedures, includinginsertion of PICCs.

Other prospective studies, some of which wereRCTs, have addressed this issue in a number of

settings, such as the intensive care unit, emer-gency room,43–45 oncology,46 pediatrics,47 anddialysis,48 leading to the conclusion that ultra-sound guidance improves the success rate of veincannulation, reducing the number of attempts,complications, and failures. Concerns have beenexpressed with respect to training, as the noveltechniques should be incorporated into the ultra-sound courses that are currently being set up forradiologists, anesthesiologists, and surgeons.Moreover, the landmark method would remainimportant for emergencies when ultrasoundequipment and/or expertise might not be imme-diately available.

Cost analysis is a key issue. Calculations shouldbe precise and also include costs for ultrasounddevices and operator training. Calvert et al38 com-pared the economics of using 2D-ultrasoundlocating devices and more traditional landmarkmethods for central venous cannulation. Theyreached the conclusions that the cost of usingultrasound for central venous cannulation wasless than 10 pounds sterling (corresponding toabout 20 USD) per procedure and that the intro-duction of 2D ultrasound for central venous can-nulation would save the United Kingdom–National Health Service money (£2,000 forevery 1,000 procedures). However, some criti-cism derived from the incidence of arterial punc-ture that the authors used in their analysis. Basedon experience and published data, a 12% inci-dence of arterial puncture using the landmarkapproach was judged almost an order of magni-tude too high. Using a significantly lower andmore realistic arterial puncture incidence reducesthe cost of the landmark technique and maychange the cost-effectiveness calculation to thepoint where the ultrasound choice may no longerbe dominant, meaning that while ultrasound ismore effective, it also costs more. Finally, sincethe reference is internal jugular vein cannulationin the operating theater, the question of whetherthe results can be extrapolated to other centralvenous cannulations performed outside that set-ting was not addressed.38

In conclusion, the present state of centralvenous long-term cannulation, especially forCVCs and ports used in oncology, remains quitecontroversial. These procedures are widespread,and most operators tend to rely on personal

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experience and professional education whenthey choose an approach, the most importantfactor being their degree of familiarity with thevarious options. While many RCTs have clearlyshown that ultrasound guidance is superior tothe landmark technique—at least in terms ofimmediate outcome—for internal jugular veincannulation in a variety of clinical settings,doubtsstill persist for the subclavian insertion site, andmore studies are needed to address long-termbenefits and cost-effectiveness. Adequately pow-ered prospective RCTs are still lacking on sev-eral issues, especially late complications of centralvenous long-term accesses; for example, theimpact of different techniques and access routeson infection and thrombosis rates in the oncol-ogy patient population is still unknown. No trialcomparing the subclavian versus internal jugu-lar vascular access in this patient population hasbeen published so far, although an objective needfor such a trial is clear.49

Catheter Tip Position

The position of the catheter in the vascularsystem is a major determinant of CVC-relatedthrombosis, and tip position has emerged as themain independent prognostic factor for mal-function and reduced duration of the device.Placement of the catheter tip high in the SVCresults in a higher incidence of thrombosis thanlow placement in the SVC or at the atriocavaljunction.50 Therefore, at least in oncologypatients, the atriocaval junction appears to bethe optimal position; hemodialysis could requirefull atrial positioning of the catheter tip, at leastfor cuffed devices.51 Thrombosis also seems tobe more common when catheters are insertedentering the left subclavian vein. Many centers

systematically verify position by fluoroscopy afterimplantation; recently, an electrocardiography-derived method has been proposed as a radiation-free alternative,with initial encouraging results.52


The complications of CVCs can be classifiedinto 2 main categories: (A) early (intraoperativeand postimplantation period to first use) and (B)late complications.

Early Complications

Early complications are related to centralvenipuncture for catheter insertion. They includepneumothorax, hemothorax, primary malposi-tion, arrhythmias, air embolism, and arterial per-foration causing clinically relevant bleeding.Published rates of specific complications arehighly dependent on patient selection and arebased on series of several hundred patients53;early complications occur in approximately 6.2%to 11.7% of patients (Table 2). Arterial punc-ture and hematoma are the most commonmechanical complications during the insertionof CVCs, with similar rates for internal jugularand subclavian catheterization.54

Pneumothorax continues to be reported inmany prospective series,while no case of signif-icant hemorrhage related to catheter placementhas been reported recently in the literature.


Pneumothorax is described as the most fre-quent complication of percutaneous central ven-ous cannulation. Its prevalence is 0.5% to 12%,depending on differences in clinical features,

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TABLE 2 Frequency of Early Complications (Expressed in % of Cases), According to the Insertion Site,Using Anatomic Landmark Percutaneous Techniques*

Internal Jugular Subclavian Femoral

Arterial puncture 6.3 to 9.4 3.1 to 4.9 9.0 to 15.0Local bleeding <0.1 to 2.2 1.2 to 2.1 3.8 to 4.4Hemothorax NA 0.4 to 0.6 NAPneumothorax <0.1 to 0.2 1.5 to 3.1 NATotal 6.3 to 11.8 6.2 to 10.7 12.8 to 19.4

*Adapted from Hamilton HC, Foxcroft DR.49

Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.

access site, and operator experience; this last vari-able is considered by (almost) all authors as thekey determinant of pneumothorax rate.Consequently, the operator learning curve (maybeup to 50 implants) has a major impact on com-plication rate and should be borne in mind whenthe complication prevalence is assessed: inser-tion of a catheter by a physician who has per-formed 50 or more catheterizations is half aslikely to result in a mechanical complication asinsertion by a physician who has performedfewer than 50 procedures.55

With the ultrasound-guided approach, pneu-mothorax has become extremely rare. When itoccurs, clinical presentation of iatrogenic pneu-mothorax complicating central venous accessplacement in cancer patients without severeunderlying pulmonary disease is largely depend-ent on the size of the pleural space involved.Individuals with a small pneumothorax (oneinvolving less than 30% of the hemithorax) areusually asymptomatic and may have a normalphysical examination. The diagnosis of iatro-genic pneumothorax must always be confirmedby the identification of a thin, visceral pleuralline, which is found to be displaced from thechest wall on a posterior-anterior chest x-rayperformed with the patient in an upright posi-tion. A confirmatory x-ray is usually obtainedafter implantation, immediately after the proce-dure,or a few hours later,depending on the avail-able facilities and on-site protocols. However, ithas been suggested that postprocedural chestradiographs are not routinely required afterimage-guided (by fluoroscopy or ultrasound)central venous catheter insertion.56,57 A post-procedural chest radiograph can be performed ona case-by-case basis in symptomatic patients orwhen there is suspected inappropriate cathetertip position.

As there are anecdotal reports of delayed, severepneumothorax not visible on earlier x-rays occur-ring hours and even days after the procedure,particularly in oncology patients, a delayed x-ray(at least 2 hours after implantation) should bepreferred. Another chest x-ray should urgentlybe obtained for all patients carrying a centralvenous port who develop acute respiratory symp-toms. An x-ray obtained during expiration mayhelp in identifying a small apical pneumothorax;

however, the routine use of this imaging tech-nique does not improve the diagnostic yield.58

Treatment of iatrogenic pneumothorax aims atevacuating air from the pleural space and re-expanding the lung. Available therapeutic optionsinclude simple observation; aspiration with acatheter,with or without immediate removal ofthe catheter after pleural air is evacuated; andinsertion of a chest tube or tube-thoracostomy.59

The selection of the approach depends on the sizeof the pneumothorax, the severity of symptoms,and whether there is a persistent air leak or not.According to our own data and contributionsin the literature, the first approach to a smallasymptomatic pneumothorax (one involving lessthan 30% of the hemithorax) should be obser-vation alone,with repeated chest x-rays and sup-plemental oxygen. The administration of oxygenis able to accelerate by a factor of 4 the reab-sorption of air by the pleura, which occurs atthe rate of 2% per day in patients breathing roomair.60 Most physicians hospitalize patients witha small pneumothorax, although patients whoare likely to comply with treatment plans maybe managed at home after 6 hours of observa-tion and a new x-ray, provided that they haverapid access to an emergency service.61

A pneumothorax that is large (involving 30%of the hemithorax or more) or progressive maybe drained by simple aspiration via a plasticintravenous catheter, thoracentesis catheter, orsmall-bore (7 to 14 French) catheter or by theinsertion of a chest tube.62 Simple aspiration issuccessful in 70% of patients with moderate-sized primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Nodata are available in the medical literature regard-ing the success rate of this treatment in iatro-genic pneumothorax complicating a CVCplacement. Iatrogenic pneumothorax may also bemanaged with a chest tube that is left in placefor 1 or more days. The need for a chest tube ismuch more frequent in patients with severeemphysema, obstructive lung disease, or hyper-inflation. Severe hypoxemia or hypotension mayoccur in patients with chronic obstructive pul-monary disease and be life-threatening. Also,hypercapnia occurs often, with values of partialpressure of arterial carbon dioxide exceeding 50mmHg. Physicians should evaluate patients care-fully, ruling out significant pulmonary disease

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before scheduling a procedure for CVC implan-tation and taking alternative approaches intoconsideration (eg, venous cut-down,ultrasoundguidance, or peripherally inserted CVCs).


According to a general definition, late com-plications are events that occur after the peri-operative period following catheter insertion.63

In the oncology setting,events occurring after thefirst chemotherapy course given through thedevice can be considered late complications.They are mechanical complications (pinch off,fractures, dislodgement, or migration); extrava-sation injuries; infections (including phlebitis ofthe cannulated vessel); catheter and vein throm-bosis/occlusion (including deep vein thrombo-sis, pulmonary embolism, or SVC syndrome).

The experience of one of the authors64 in alarge series of patients with totally implantableaccess ports connected to a Groshong cathetershowed that the rate of late complications is low:catheter rupture and embolization 1.5% (0.063episodes/1,000 days of use); venous thrombo-sis 1.5% (0.063 episodes/1,000 days of use);pocket infection 0.3% (0.012 episodes/1,000days of use); port-related bacteremia 2.4% (0.101episodes/1,000 days of use). In a retrospectivestudy by Yildizeli et al,65 long-term complicationsof catheter and port system placement occurredin 6.6% of cases,namely infection (2.2%), throm-bosis (1.3%), extravasation (1.3%), and catheterfracture (1.8%).

Mechanical Complications

The obstruction of a CVC is usually due tointraluminal precipitation of lipid aggregates,drugs, clots, or contrast medium. It can be effec-tively prevented by appropriate nursing (ensur-ing continuous infusion of parenteral nutrition byintravenous pump; following appropriate proto-cols of flushing when the catheter is not in useor after blood withdrawal; avoiding routine useof the catheter for infusion of blood products,blood withdrawal,or infusion of contrast mediumfor radiological investigations; and avoiding directcontact between heparin and parenteral nutri-tion solution containing lipids). When the catheterlumen is obstructed, the most appropriate actions

are exchange over guidewire, removal (for non-tunneled, short-term CVC), or an attempt atpharmacological disobstruction (for PICCs orlong-term VADs). Disobstruction should alwaysbe performed using a 10 mL syringe (or larger)so as to avoid inappropriately high pressure,whichmay damage the catheter, and using the mostadequate solution for the presumed type ofobstruction (ethanol for lipid aggregates, uroki-nase or rTPA for clots,NaOH or HCl for drugs,and sodium bicarbonate for contrast medium).

Damage to the external part of the cathetermay occur because of inappropriate nursing careof the catheter exit site (eg, using scissors chang-ing the dressing, chemical damage to siliconedue to inappropriate use of ether, chemical dam-age to polyurethanes due to inappropriate useof ethanol, etc.).5,6 Damage to PICCs and tun-neled catheters is usually repaired with specificrepair kits; for short-term, nontunneled CVCs,exchange over guide wire is more cost-effective.

Erosion or damage to the skin above the portis usually secondary to (A) errors during place-ment (choice of a port that is too large or posi-tioning the port in an area that is too skinny becausethe absence of an adequate SC tissue will increasethe chance of skin necrosis due to the presence ofthe VAD) or to (B) inappropriate nursing (ie, aHuber needle left in place for more than a week).

Dislocation of nontunneled catheters, bothcentral and PICC, is usually secondary to inap-propriate securing of the catheter at the time ofinsertion or to inadequate nursing of the catheterexit site. Catheter stabilization is used to pre-serve the integrity of the access device and toprevent catheter dislocation. CVCs are stabilizedusing a method that does not interfere withassessment and monitoring of the access site orimpede vascular circulation or delivery of theprescribed therapy.6

Different products are used to stabilize cath-eters: manufactured catheter-stabilization devices,sterile tapes, and surgical strips. Whenever fea-sible, a manufactured catheter-stabilization deviceshould be preferred. Stitches should not be usedroutinely, as they increase the risk of local throm-bosis/phlebitis (in PICCs), as well as the risk ofbloodstream infection (in CVCs) and the riskof dislocation and local infection of the exit site(in all devices).4

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Dislocation of tunneled catheters should beprevented by positioning the cuff at least 2.5 cminside the tunnel (or more, according to the man-ufacturer’s instructions) and securing the catheter,preferably with a catheter-stabilization device,for at least 3 to 4 weeks.

The “pinch-off ” syndrome is due to com-pression of a large-bore silicone catheter—tunneled or connected to an implantable port—between the clavicle and the first rib, typicallysecondary to “blind” percutaneous placementof the catheter in the subclavian vein via theinfraclavicular route. Such compression maylead to malfunction, obstruction, damage, andeven fracture of the catheter, with emboliza-tion in the lung vascular bed. It is a potentiallysevere complication, which is totally prevent-able simply by avoiding placement of siliconecatheters via the infraclavicular “blind” veni-puncture of the subclavian vein.

Tip migration is a complication of siliconelong-term catheters. It is also defined as a second-ary malposition, and it usually happens when aninappropriately short catheter (tip in the upperthird of the SVC) dislocates because of increasedthoracic pressures. It can be prevented by properpositioning of the tip of the catheter.

Evidence that the choice of the internal jugu-lar vein is better than the subclavian vein forVAD placement comes from a recent prospec-tive,nonrandomized,observational study in 1,201patients.66 Immediate complications were morefrequent in the subclavian than in the internaljugular approach (respectively, 5.0% versus 1.5%;P �.001); catheter malposition (2.3% versus0.2%), venous thrombosis (2.0% versus 0.6%),catheter malfunction (9.4% versus 4.3%), andlong-term morbidity (15.8% versus 7.6%) werealso significantly more frequent in the subcla-vian than in the internal jugular group.

Thus, most of the mechanical complicationsare dependent on technical aspects of VAD inser-tion (pinch-off syndrome,dislocation, tip migra-tion, erosion above the reservoir, etc.) or onappropriateness of nursing (occlusion, disloca-tion,damage to the external tract of the VAD,ero-sion above the reservoir, etc.).

In particular, it appears that the cornerstonesfor effective prevention of insertion-related com-plications are (A) use of ultrasound guidance35;

(B) choice of the internal jugular vein rather thanthe subclavian vein66,67; (C) appropriate positionof the tip of the catheter; (D) proper stabiliza-tion of the catheter (for external VADs); and (E)proper placement of the reservoir (for ports).

Extravasation Injuries

Central VADs have greatly reduced the inci-dence of extravasation injury, but this severecomplication may still occur in cases of cathetermalfunction, such as rupture or tear in the catheteror port septum,migration of the catheter into asmaller vein, perforation of the SVC wall, sep-aration of the catheter from the reservoir, andimproper placement of the needle into the portseptum.68 Extravasation injury has been reportedto occur in 0.1% to 6.5% of cases.69 Catheterocclusion, which may be due to a clot withinthe catheter lumen or to fibrin sheath forma-tion, can be associated with extravasation becauseexcessive force when flushing the catheter canrupture its connection to the septum.

Extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can resultin significant tissue damage. Pain is the main warn-ing sign. If pain suggests extravasation injury,druginfusion should be discontinued immediately, andthe site should be aspirated for residual drug. Insevere cases, tissue necrosis can occur. Dependingon the site of extravasation, alteration in limbfunction and even mediastinal damage may occur.70

The degree of tissue injury may be severe enoughto necessitate surgical debridement.


Intravascular catheter-related infections are amajor cause of morbidity and mortality in can-cer patients. In the hospitalized population,bloodstream infections are the third most fre-quent type of nosocomial infection.71 A largeEuropean, multicenter, point-prevalence studyreported that 71% of all sepsis patients had anintravenous line.72 Coagulase-negative staphy-lococci, Staphylococcus aureus, aerobic Gram-negative bacilli, and Candida albicans are thepathogens most commonly involved.

Infection prevention and control is a crucialaspect of the clinical care of patients carrying avascular access. Cancer patients are especially sus-ceptible to infections because of immunodepres-sion, and they should therefore be carefully

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protected from this severe complication. Patientsafety can be enhanced by incorporating guide-lines17,73 into daily clinical practice.

Most catheter-related infections arise by 2mechanisms: (A) infection of the exit site, followedby migration of the pathogen along the exter-nal catheter surface and (B) contamination ofthe catheter hub, leading to intraluminal coloniza-tion and consequent seeding of the pathogeninto the circulation.

Because diagnosis is often clinical, and clini-cal diagnostic criteria are either insensitive ornonspecific, CVC-related infections are oftenoverdiagnosed; this results in unnecessary andwasteful removal of the catheter.74 Catheter-sparing diagnostic methods, such as differentialquantitative blood cultures and differential timeto positivity (DTTP), have emerged as reliablediagnostic techniques. Paired blood cultures (aer-obic and anaerobic) from a peripheral vein andthe central catheter should be obtained. If theculture from the central catheter turns positivebefore the peripheral sample (diagnostic cut-off:2 hours), this so-called DTTP can help to makethe diagnosis of catheter-related infection.72

Possible preventive strategies include skinantisepsis, maximum ster ile barr ier, use of

antimicrobial catheters, and antimicrobial catheterlock solutions. Management of catheter-relatedinfections involves deciding on catheter removal,antimicrobial catheter lock solution, and the typeand duration of systemic antimicrobial therapy(Figure 1). The type of catheter involved shouldalso be taken into account. Empirical intravenousantimicrobial therapy should be initiated aftersamples for appropriate cultures have been obtained.In most cases of CVC-related bacteremia andfungemia,nontunneled CVCs should be removed.On the other hand, the decision to remove a tun-neled catheter or implantable device should bebased on several factors, such as the severity ofthe patient’s illness and underlying condition (neu-tropenia, thrombocytopenia); proof that the VADis infected; availability of other vascular accesssites; assessment of the specific pathogen involved;and presence of complications, such as endocardi-tis, septic thrombosis, and tunnel infection.

When a catheter-related infection has beendocumented and a specific pathogen has beenidentified, systemic antimicrobial therapy shouldbe targeted, and the use of antibiotic lock ther-apy should be considered. Specific guidelines ondiagnosis,management, and prophylaxis of CVC-related infections are available.17,73,75

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FIGURE 1 Management of Tunneled or Totally Implanted Central Venous Catheter-related Infection.

McGee et al53 have suggested that selectionof the subclavian site appears to minimize therisk of infectious complications. However,whilethis statement is supported by an RCT compar-ing the infection rates associated with the selec-tion of the subclavian or femoral vein,54 noRCTs comparing the infection rates associatedwith internal jugular and subclavian vein can-nulation are available. Moreover, a more recentnonrandomized study comparing the subcla-vian, internal jugular, and femoral sites in 657intensive care patients (the largest sample size ofall CVC studies conducted) showed that theoverall incidence of CVC infection and colo-nization is low and does not differ both from aclinical and statistical standpoint among the 3sites, provided that optimal insertion sites areselected, experienced operators insert the cath-eters, strict sterile techniques are adopted, andtrained intensive care unit nursing staff performcatheter care.76


Catheter-related thrombosis, along with infec-tion, is the most relevant complication in cancerpatients who need long-term venous access.77

To address this issue, the Italian Study Group forLong Term Central Venous Access promoted anationwide consensus on catheter-related cen-tral venous thrombosis.78 The problem of throm-bosis is particularly relevant because the incidenceof venous thromboembolism is markedly higherin patients with cancer than in patients withoutcancer,79 as thrombosis is a direct consequenceof tumor growth and host inflammatory responsesand an indirect consequence of cancer treat-ment, venous stasis, and direct vessel trauma.Indeed, cancer and chemotherapy are recognizedrisk factors for development of central venousthrombosis in patients with a CVC because ofdirect release of thrombogenic factors by neoplas-tic cells, decrease of antithrombotic natural fac-tors induced by the tumor, and the procoagulantactivity of many anticancer drugs.

In a systematic review,80 the incidence ofsymptomatic CVC-related deep vein thrombo-sis in adults varied between 0.3% and 28.3%,whereas the incidence of venography-assessedcases (mostly asymptomatic) ranged from 27%to 66%. Pulmonary embolism has been reported

to occur in 15% to 25% of patients with CVC-related vein thrombosis. Although the throm-bosis rate is high,only a third of the thrombosedCVCs become symptomatic. Nonetheless,CVCthrombosis can result in clinical symptoms, theloss of catheter function, a higher rate of infec-tion,postphlebitic syndrome of the upper extrem-ity, pulmonary embolism, and greater costs.However,using totally implantable access devices,we reported a low incidence of catheter-relatedsymptomatic venous thrombosis: 1.06% (ie,0.022/1,000 days of port use).81

Within 24 hours of CVC insertion, a fibrinsheath, always colonized by bacteria, forms aroundthe catheter, but its presence does not predictsubsequent thrombosis of the vessel in whichthe catheter is placed. Mechanisms of CVC-induced thrombosis include acute and chronicendothelial damage to the vein wall producedby an intravascular foreign body. Regarding thepossible role of the insertion technique in induc-ing thrombosis, prospective nonrandomized stud-ies have suggested a relationship between minimalinsertion damage to the vein wall, as obtainedwith ultrasound guidance, and low rate of sub-sequent thrombotic events. However, no RCTsin a long-term setting have investigated the rela-tionships between insertion techniques (eg,percutaneous versus venous cut-down,ultrasound-guided versus anatomic landmark techniques)and central venous thrombosis rate.

Materials can also have an effect on throm-bosis rates. Prospective trials have indicated aninherent superiority of silicone and second-thirdgeneration polyurethane over more rigid mate-rials like polyvinylchloride, tetrafluoroethylene,and polyethylene. In addition, a lower-diametercatheter and a single lumen might be protectiveagainst the risk of central venous thrombosis.

When thrombosis occurs, medical treatmentor catheter removal are the possible options.

Studies on the pharmacologic treatment ofcatheter-related thrombosis have focused on clin-ically overt thromboses, reporting a rate of suc-cessful catheter preservation ranging from 45.5%to 96%.78 No clear advantages could be obtainedby catheter removal after the thrombosis wasestablished,and the clinical outcome did not seemto be influenced by this measure. In addition, therisk of embolization during or immediately after

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catheter removal has been reported.82 The manda-tory indications to catheter removal in case ofthrombosis include infected thrombus, malpo-sition of the tip (primary or secondary to migra-tion), and irreversible occlusion of the lumen.

Thrombolytic drugs (urokinase or recombi-nant tissue plasminogen activator) should be usedin acute symptomatic cases diagnosed fewer than24 hours after the first symptoms. Efficacy ofsystemic versus local thrombolysis is still a mat-ter of debate,especially for large thrombi. Chronicsymptomatic cases should be treated with a com-bination of low-molecular–weight heparin(LMWH) and then oral anticoagulants or withLMWH long-term alone,depending on the clin-ical setting. Compared with warfarin, LMWHexhibits a superior safety profile and more pre-dictable antithrombotic effects and can usually begiven once daily in a unit dose without the needfor dose monitoring, but use in patients withrenal failure (especially for glomerular filtrationrate �30 mL/minute) should be cautious becauseeven low prophylactic doses of LMWH mayaccumulate and cause bleeding.

Although some early open-label trials sug-gested a benefit from oral, low-dose daily war-farin83 or daily SC dose of LMWH,84 morerecent double-blind, placebo-controlled RCTsdid not find any advantages for either of these pre-vention strategies.85–87

The choice to start prophylaxis against venousthromboembolic events in all oncology patientsbearing a CVC, either with LMWH or withminidose warfarin, remains unsupported byevidence-based medicine. However,more stud-ies are needed to identify subsets of cancer patientswho are at high risk of developing CVC throm-bosis and may benefit from prophylactic systemicanticoagulation. Indeed, in a recent observa-tional study,88 compared with patients with notreatment, continuous antithrombotic prophy-laxis administered to patients who were olderand had a history of venous thromboembolism,as well as more advanced cancer, did not pre-vent catheter-related thrombosis but significantlyreduced systemic venous thromboembolism(8.2% versus 4%) and mortality (44% versus 25%).The Italian Study Group for Long Term CentralVenous Access78 suggests considering prophy-laxis with a single daily dose of LMWH (eg,

enoxaparin 100 IU/kg) in high-risk patients,including those who have a family history ofthrombotic events or previously suffered fromidiopathic venous thrombotic events.

With regard to the particular type of venousthrombosis (local or,more seldom,central),whichmay occasionally be associated with PICCs, itappears to be a multifactorial phenomenon influ-enced by caliber of the catheter, technique ofplacement (ultrasound-guided versus blind), can-nulated vein (cephalic versus brachial versus basil-ica), position of the tip, stabilization technique(stabilization devices versus tape versus stitches),type of treatment, patient, and disease charac-teristics. PICC placement in the basilica vein orin a brachial vein at midarm by the ultrasoundtechnique is recommended; catheters larger than4 French are to be avoided.26

Are Infections and Thrombotic Events Related?

Van Rooden et al89 have shown a close asso-ciation of CVC-related infection with throm-bosis: they found that the risk of developingclinically manifest thrombosis increases sub-stantially after an episode of CVC-relatedinfection (relative risk, 17.6) and is enhancedby the severity of the infection. Comparingpatients without catheter-related infections andpatients with systemic catheter-related infec-tion, the absolute risk of thrombosis increasedfrom 2.5% to 57.1%. Moreover, in patients hav-ing 2 or more positive subsequent CVC lockfluid cultures with identical micro-organisms,71.4% developed thrombosis as compared with3.3% in patients with negative or a single pos-itive culture.


Catheter management is a critical issue in thecare of cancer patients, and it is as important ascatheter selection and placement. Venous accesscan be considered a routine matter, but it cancarry serious complications,which can be main-tained at a very low level if strict adherence toa regimented protocol of surgical technique andof catheter care is maintained.90

In the early years of vascular access care,91 itwas shown that the most significant way to reducecatheter-related infections was rigorous aseptic

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nursing care, renewal of the dressings, and accessto the catheter being the sole responsibility ofspecially trained nurses.

Nowadays, much nursing time is spent car-ing for patients receiving intravenous therapy.In several countries nursing care in vascular accessis very advanced, as nurses select, insert, andremove both peripheral and central venousdevices, but in all countries their role in assess-ing the patient’s vascular access needs and inmaintaining the access is crucial.92,93

Many times patients and parents, rather thannurses, are caring for catheters. Therefore,VADcomplication rates can be viewed in differentperspectives. However, nursing care, regardlessof the fact that the caregiver is the patient, a par-ent,or a nurse, should follow standard,high-qual-ity procedures. Specific nursing aspects of vascularaccess care are beyond the scope of this review,but they are very important. We refer the readerto available nursing guidelines.6 We only sum-marize a few considerations on dressing tech-nique, catheter flushing, and patient education.

Dressing Technique

Clinical management of VADs requires ster-ile technique because their correct maintenanceincreases the benefits to the patient and decreasesthe risk of serious complications.

It has been shown that wearing sterile glovesand disinfecting the skin with 2% chlorhexidine-based preparations reduce catheter-related infec-tions most effectively.94 Povidone-iodine or a 70%alcohol solution can be used alternatively in caseof allergy to chlorhexidine. More recently,17 it hasbeen suggested that the dressing of CVCs withthe use of nonsterile gloves coupled to a no-touchtechnique is equivalent to the use of sterile gloves.

The port system is accessed using a specialnoncoring Huber needle, which avoids damageto the port and allows more than 2,000 punctures.The silicone port membrane needs to be punc-tured vertically in order to avoid bending thetip. During continuous use, access needles shouldbe changed every 7 days, with caps and tubingchanged every 2 days, but in patients treated withtotal parenteral nutrition, tubing is changed everyday because of a greater potential for bacterialgrowth. VADs that are used intermittently shouldbe accessed and flushed at least once a month.

Transparent polyurethane film is recommendedfor catheter-site insertion dressing by the CDCguidelines for the prevention of infections asso-ciated with intravascular catheters.22 It has provedto offer the advantages of excellent adhesion,firm support of the catheter, good tolerability,ease of application, and fewer replacements percatheter lifetime compared with standard gauzeand tape dressings.95 Regarding the risk of infec-tion, recent guidelines17 suggest that transparentpolyurethane films are also superior in prevent-ing CVC-related infections.

There is no defined frequency for changingtransparent dressings, but most facilities changethe dressings weekly or sooner as needed. Thedressing must be changed if it becomes wet,soiled, or loose. Patients who shower must pro-tect the site to prevent any water from gettingunder the dressing.

A recent meta-analysis of 8 RCTs96 found thatchlorhexidine-impregnated dressing (a roundpatch with a slit that allows it to be fitted aroundthe catheter and antimicrobial action that lasts forup to 7 days) is effective in reducing vascular andepidural catheter bacterial colonization and is alsoassociated with a trend toward reduction incatheter-related bloodstream or central nervoussystem infections, suggesting the need for a largeRCT to confirm whether chlorhexidine-impregnated dressing is cost-effective in prevent-ing bacterial infections related to vascular andepidural catheters or not.

Catheter Flushing

Routine catheter flushing is the most commonpractice to maintain patency, reducing fibrinsheath and clot formation.63 This is a common-sense practice as no studies are available in theliterature. Flushing protocols vary by facility andtype of VAD. In most cases flushing is carriedout with 10 to 20 mL of normal saline, followedby 5 mL of heparin solution (10 U/mL for dailyflushing or 100 U/mL in case of longer intervals).However, some catheters are designed to pre-vent the reflux of blood into the catheter throughthe presence of pressure-sensitive valves and canbe flushed with normal saline only.

Saline flushing should be done with 10-mL orlarger syringes to prevent excessive flushing forcethat can damage the catheter. Prefilled syringes

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of smaller size are available with a traditional 10-mL syringe diameter; they generate a signifi-cantly lower pressure compared with traditional3-mL syringes.

Flushing is recommended before and afteradministration of drugs, before and after trans-fusion of blood components, after obtainingblood specimens, and for device maintenancewhen not in use.

The only available publication on catheterflushing concerns catheter maintenance in patientswho after completion of therapy retain theirports for extended periods of time.97 Most man-ufacturers recommend heparin flushing of theport systems at 4-week intervals, but Kuo et alchallenged this indication. They showed thatpatient compliance with monthly appointmentsis poor and that average intervals of accessionamong patients who had clotted catheters was79 days versus 63 days for those without any dif-ficulty in flushing. They concluded that monthlymaintenance is excessive, inconvenient for thepatients, and expensive, while clinical experi-ence suggests that less frequent flushing couldbe safe and feasible.

Patient Education

Most long-term VADs are cared for by patientsat home. Therefore, patient education is ofutmost importance to reduce the occurrenceof complications.

Patients and caregivers should understand theimportance of thorough hand washing,of admin-istering medications on time, and of routineassessment of the insertion site. Teaching aidsinclude video tapes, information booklets, andhands-on practice using dummy devices andequipment. Reinforcement of information pro-vided with lectures and written material bydemonstration and practice has been found toachieve better retention of information.

Following adequate training, the nurse shouldestablish whether the patient and/or family care-giver are ready to manage their vascular accessat home. To do so, they should be able to describethe rationale and the risks and the benefits of thedevice, demonstrate care of the access to a levelappropriate for their needs, list the signs andsymptoms of catheter-related complications, and

state how to contact the hospital or health careprofessional if they have concerns.98 In selectedcases, it may be useful to arrange for a nurse tovisit the patient at home in order to further rein-force the retention of training information.


Many patients suffering from solid tumorsrequire long-term central venous access for safe,cyclic delivery of chemotherapeutic agents,transfusion of blood and blood products, andperformance of laboratory tests. It is a commonexperience that venous integrity is quickly com-promised by local trauma caused by the exposureto toxic effects of the antineoplastic drugs andrepetitive cannulation and blood sampling sothat an efficient peripheral venous access becomesprogressively difficult to achieve and maintainover the period usually required to complete achemotherapy program. Moreover, some oncol-ogy patients need an indefinite venous access forpalliation and symptomatic therapies. In this spe-cific clinical setting, totally implantable accessports are usually preferred to percutaneous tun-neled catheters because they need no externaldressing, do not interfere with patient activities(such as personal hygiene, swimming, and sex-ual life), require only monthly flushes of hep-arinized saline to keep the catheter patent, andhave a relatively lower incidence of infectionand malfunction. It is common practice to implantthese devices at the beginning of the course ofchemotherapy to avoid potential future venousaccess problems and failures; however, despitetheir extensive use, the pros and cons of this pol-icy have been evaluated in only one RCT, par-ticularly with respect to efficacy and cost-benefitratio and its impact on patient quality of life.99

Descriptive and prospective nonrandomized tri-als have reported a number of patient benefits,including no need for additional peripheralvenipunctures, greater convenience, and armsleft free for activities of daily living, whereaspatients generally disliked the visibility of portsand complained about site soreness.9,100

Clinical trials to evaluate safety, costs, and qual-ity of life of central venous ports have been basi-cally open-label, single-arm,Phase II studies101–103

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or comparative studies with externalized tun-neled systems; they have provided little infor-mation on quality of life and global costs,especially when only prospective data are takeninto consideration,104,105

A paper from our group64 has provided clini-cians, health care planners, and funding agencieswith data derived from a large prospective study ontotal cost of devices for long-term chemotherapyof solid tumors. Briefly,333 port devices,amount-ing to a total of 79,178 days in situ, were placedduring a 30-month period in 328 patients (5patients underwent a second placement afterremoval of the first device), who were followedprospectively for a minimum of 180 days in orderto detect device-related and overall complications.The average purchase cost of the devices wasobtained from the hospital charges, based on thecosts applied during the 30-month period of thestudy. Insertion and maintenance costs were esti-mated by obtaining the charges for an average portimplant and subsequent use; costs of complica-tion management were assessed analytically, pro-viding the total amount of related costs whenmore than one case of a complication was observed.The global cost for each device was defined as thepurchase cost plus the insertion cost plus the main-tenance cost plus the cost of treating complica-tions, if any. According to the obtained findings,the global cost per patient, treated for a 6-monthperiod, was US $1,971. Although these resultscannot be easily extended to other institutions dueto different staff policies, observed complicationrates, and other factors, this single-center prospec-tive study shows that ports are associated with highpurchase and insertion charges, low complicationrate, and low maintenance costs.

Bow and coworkers99 have randomly allocatedadults with solid tumors (mainly gynecologicmalignancies) and beginning a course of intra-venous chemotherapy at 2 university-affiliatedCanadian hospitals to have venous access usinga surgically implanted venous access port (n �59) or using standard peripheral venous access(n � 60). Outcome measurements included portcomplications, access strategy failure,access-relatedanxiety and pain, quality of life (expressed bymeans of the Functional Living Index-Cancer,FLI-C, 21-item questionnaire), and costs. Portcomplication rates were low (0.23/1,000 days

of use); failure of the assigned venous-accessstrategy occurred in 16 (27%) of 60 controls,who had to cross over to receive central venousaccess to complete treatment. As expected, fail-ure was correlated with significant access-relatedanxiety and pain according to the outcome ofmultiple linear regression. The analysis of qual-ity of life was based on only 92 patients com-pleting 6 cycles of chemotherapy; although nostatistically significant differences were detectedin the total FLI-C scores between the groups, arise in the total scores over the course of thestudy was observed, which was consistent witha chemotherapy-induced effect. Cost was muchhigher in the ports group compared with con-trols (2,178 � 271 versus 530 � 894 CanadianDollars, P �.0001). This study has a number oflimitations: first, in spite of stratification and ran-domization procedures, the small sample sizecaused an uneven distribution of diagnosesbetween the groups, which may have resultedin an imbalance of factors possibly affecting thefrequency of venous accesses and quality-of-lifemeasurements; second, serial quality-of-life dataover 6 cycles of chemotherapy were availablefor analysis from only 92 subjects so that thestudy sample size had limited power to detectclinically important quality-of-life differencesderived from each of the subscale scores; finally,ports were recommended for all venous accessesby the authors, but in reality they were used foronly 39%—the remaining 61% of venous bloodsamples for laboratory tests were obtained byperipheral phlebotomy. This introduced a sys-tematic negative bias obscuring the quality-of-life benefit related to port use.

Until quite recently fluorouracil (5-FU) mono-therapy, usually modulated by folinic acid, usedto be the one and only treatment option formetastatic colorectal cancer.106 A significant issuefor quality-of-life assessment in oncology patientswas the recent introduction of oral agents, likecapecitabine, in view of the claims that theymimic intravenous 5-FU, at least pharmacolog-ically,107 since open-tunneled Hickman lines ortotally implantable access ports, which are nec-essary for prolonged 5-FU infusions,were foundto be potentially risky devices. Randomized tri-als had previously demonstrated that 5-FU infu-sion was the optimal approach as response rate,

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progression-free survival (or time to progression),and overall survival—as well as toxicity—wereall significantly in favor of infusion over bolusadministration.108 Significantly less diarrhea, stom-atitis, nausea and vomiting, alopecia, lethargy, andneutropenia (all with P �.0001) were seen with5-FU infusion in a recent large multicenter trial.109

Oral medicinal products were offered as analternative to “unpleasant” intravenous 5-FU ina randomized trial by Twelves et al.110 The authorsreport on the preferences of “experienced”patients receiving capecitabine and the biweeklyintravenous 5-FU regimen (LV5FU2), whichwas given according to either an outpatient or anin-patient regimen. Compared with the admin-istration of intravenous 5-FU as an in-patient,patients preferred outpatient capecitabine.However, about 50% of those patients who pre-ferred capecitabine as their favorite outpatienttherapy later chose the outpatient intravenous5-FU regimen with which to continue treat-ment; this was due to the fact that intravenous 5-FU was better tolerated than capecitabine. Inaddition, self-reported quality of life using theFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Colorectal questionnaire was in favor of LV5FU2(outpatient). An additional concern for patientswho are already taking oral medication to con-trol heart disease, hypertension, and/or diabetesmight be to add 4 to 5 rather large tablets ofcapecitabine in the morning and another 4 to 5in the evening.

In conclusion, the cost-effectiveness of cen-tral venous port use in the long-term treatmentof oncology patients has not been fully estab-lished. Prospective RCTs comparing ports withrepetitive peripheral venous accesses can be car-ried out exclusively in subjects with good periph-eral vein status and undergoing intermittentbolus chemotherapy. Patients showing poorperipheral veins at the initial evaluation or sched-uled to receive infusion chemotherapeutic reg-imens are usually candidates for port placementand cannot be enrolled in these randomized tri-als, thus limiting the feasibility of achieving con-clusive evidence-based information. At this time,there is objective evidence that totally implantableport systems are a safe, effective strategy for long-term venous access and that their use has resultedin an association with a reduction in peripheral

access-related anxiety and pain. It is still unclearwhether these benefits outweigh the overall costsof their purchase, implant, and use for the sup-portive care of an increasing number of cancerpatients. During these times of economic restraintand limited health care resources, further well-designed and sufficiently powered RCTs areneeded to answer the question.


Choosing the appropriate device for the can-cer patient may be cumbersome. Therefore, wewould like to summarize here the most usefulindications from available guidelines and reviews.According to Registered Nurses’Association ofOntario Guidelines,3 INS Standards,6 and rec-ommendations of the British Committee forStandards in Haematology,4 choosing the mostappropriate type of vascular access device is theresult of a collaborative process among nurse,patient, physician, and other members of thehealth care team, taking into account duration ofprescribed therapy, anticipated supportive ther-apy, physical assessment, patient health history,support system and resources, patient-caregiverability to care for the device, device availability,and patient preference. The use of a structuredapproach is strongly suggested in order to facil-itate a comprehensive assessment and the devel-opment of a vascular access care plan before theinitiation of therapy. All patients should receiveclear and comprehensive verbal and writteninformation explaining the risks, benefits, andcare of the device.

Many issues about the choice of the deviceare still matters of investigation, and ongoingRCTs are expected to solve at least some of thecontroversies. Nevertheless, there is a generalconsensus on some issues in the following list:1. Nontunneled central catheters are indicated

for short-term in-hospital setting use whenperipheral venous access is impractical or notindicated. Peripheral access (via a short can-nula or a midline catheter) should be chosenonly if the device will be used for nonvesicantdrugs, nonhyperosmolar parenteral nutrition,and solutions with pH between 5 and 9.

2. Chemotherapy with vesicant drugs shouldbe delivered by a central venous access in

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order to reduce the risk of infusion-relatedcomplications (especially extravasation).

3. Tunneled CVCs are indicated for patients inwhom long-term central venous access andintensive device use are anticipated. Therepeated administration of chemotherapy,antibiotics, parenteral feeding, blood prod-ucts, and frequent blood sampling are all con-ditions suggesting their preferential use.

4. Fully implanted catheters (ports) are more suit-able for children and long-term use (more than2 to 3 months) with less-frequent need foraccess, especially in patients receiving inter-mittent bolus chemotherapy for solid tumors.

5. PICCs are more suited for ambulatory oroutpatient-based therapy when a medium-term use (3 months) is anticipated. Polyure-thane PICCs allow easier infusion of bloodproducts as greater flow rates are achievedbecause the thinner walls provide a larger in-ternal diameter of the catheter. The risk ofPICC-related venous thrombosis is reducedby avoiding PICCs with calibers �4 Frenchand by preferring insertion via the ultrasoundtechnique.

6. The number of lumens and diameter ofcatheters should be kept to the minimum.


Over the last decade, many changes haveoccurred in oncology, with new chemotherapycombinations and more complex regimensbecoming available. VADs are now widely usedand have facilitated vascular access in this cate-gory of patients. Despite the availability of a vari-ety of devices, each showing different featuresand performances, there are no definitive datafrom the literature for an evidence-based guideto the choice of the most appropriate device andinsertion site, particularly in terms of the reduc-tion of long-term complications. Important com-plications like thrombosis and infections are stillassociated with permanent CVCs in oncology,sometimes leading to VAD loss, significant mor-bidity, increased duration of hospitalization, andadditional medical costs. Nowadays most VAD-related infections can be prevented. A numberof measures have been implemented to reducethe risk of infections, including maximal barrier

precautions during catheter insertion, catheter-site maintenance, and hub handling. New tech-nologies and materials will be available in thenear future, needing appropriate trials.

Thrombosis still remains a major problem.When VAD-related deep vein thrombosis occurs,it seriously complicates the clinical managementof the patient because of the need for anticoag-ulant treatment and sometimes the need to achieveanother central line. It may be particularly trou-blesome in a patient who already has compro-mised venous access because of multiple coursesof chemotherapy. Future prevention studies shouldaim to achieve a better understanding of the riskfactors for thrombosis, contributing to a betterdefinition of the patient population at risk; cer-tain patient groups, including those with a hema-tologic malignancy undergoing intensivechemotherapy, as well as those with hereditarythrombophilia or with a history of unprovokedthrombosis, may have an elevated risk of devel-oping this complication, making them reason-able candidates for prophylaxis. Currently availableprophylactic agents are not optimal for the pre-vention of thrombosis, especially in the cancerpatient. Future studies should be adequately pow-ered and evaluate the effects of newer factor Xainhibitors, such as pentasaccharide fondaparinux,or direct thrombin inhibitors, such as ximelega-tran. Early trials suggest that the former is moreeffective for prophylaxis against venous throm-boembolism and is associated with less bleedingthan LMWH. The latter may be a more stableoral anticoagulant than warfarin,not being affectedby diet or antibiotics. Clearly such agents wouldfirst have to undergo evaluation in large PhaseIII trials in this clinical setting.

Finally,more studies are needed to investigatethe issue of patient satisfaction and quality of lifeand their relationships with the VAD adopted forlong-term use,a topic rarely studied so far. Whereaspatients and their families still currently play aminor role in the selection of a VAD at the onsetof treatment,patient satisfaction should be a majorissue in the clinical setting of cancer palliation.


The authors thank Dr. Jennifer Hartwig,med-ical writer, for her professional help in editingthe manuscript.

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