Vasco Nunoz de Balboa

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Vasco Nunoz de Balboa. Made By Jayda A. August 31, 2012 Mrs. Gregg’s 5 th Grade Class Room 705. The Basic Facts. Was born in/near 1475 Died on January 15, 1519 (was beheaded) Was born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Spain Was sponsored by Spain. Major Achievement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Vasco Nunoz de Balboa

Vasco Nunoz de Balboa

Made By Jayda A.August 31, 2012

Mrs. Gregg’s 5th Grade Class Room 705

Was born in/near 1475 Died on January 15, 1519 (was

beheaded) Was born in Jerez de los Caballeros,

Spain Was sponsored by Spain

The Basic Facts

Was the first European

Explorer to discovered the Pacific Ocean

Major Achievement

1) His first voyage was around the tip of South America and around the Filipino islands.2) His second voyage wasFrom China to around Mexico3) His third voyage was allaround Northern South America and in The Isthmusof Panama4) His final voyage was small,And just went near Canada.

Balboa’s Route

Born in/near 1475 In 1500, Balboa sailed with Rodrigo de Bastidas from

Spain to Colombia, South America In 1510, Balboa and his dog went on a boat from

Santo Domingo to San Sebastian In 1511, Balboa founded a colony (the first European

Settlement) In 1513, Balboa was on an expedition when he came

across the Pacific Ocean, making him the first European to see it.

In 1519, he was beheaded in front of a crowd.

Balboa’s Time Line