Vanity metrics & Measuring Social Media Marketing Success

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Vanity metrics & Measuring Social Media Marketing Success

Vanity Metrics

Which metrics reliably measure your Businesses Social media success?

What are vanity metrics?Facebook page likesTwitter followersOther social media account followingDownloads & Email opens using clickbait tactics

Specifically page likes, shares & comments which arent reflective of your target market & from people who arent truly interested in your business these metrics dont help you make any business or marketing decisionsPeople waste a lot of marketing budget obtaining social media likes Im very sceptical about the quality of likes that can be bought from FB (more and more people are ignoring sponsored content and likes often seem to come from outside specification)People waste a lot of effort & time producing content or posts which dont necessarily entice the right audience, but will gain social likes, shares & commentsOpened emails gained through clickbait tactics can actually damage your reputation, reduce your mailing list and annoy othersComplete Package Marketing 2017

Is it good to produce content for vanity metricsIn a word noIt may make you feel good and like you are achieving your objectives (if this is one) and being seen but its a very hollow victory which actually distracts you from the end goalThose 1000 followers that you have gained/persuaded/enticed will never purchase from you it would be better to take your time and attract the right audience over a slower period of time100 followers who are genuine leads and are regularly engaging with your high-quality content are better that 1000 followers who were incentivised to like your page but will never purchase When you start producing content for your actual target audience you will start to see those likes (that you possibly paid for) go down againComplete Package Marketing 2017

What are the true metrics to measure success?Engagement likes, comments and shares of your high-quality contentReach Is your content being shown to enough people?Customer journey, sales funnel & website performanceConversion rate - track the actions that have led to enquiries and customer acquisitionContent sharing are you putting it in the right place?Likes from your target market check demographic informationComplete Package Marketing 2017

Want free help?

Is you high-quality content not receiving enough engagement?Is your company not being seen on social media?Are you not reaching your target market or getting enough enquiries?

We will shortly be offering a completely free checklist and action plan to sort these issues for you make sure you are on our mailing list to receive this:

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