VANISH - International Magic Magazine - VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE Edition19

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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This is a free sample of VANISH - International Magic Magazine issue "VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE Edition19" Download full version from: Apple App Store: Google Play Store: Magazine Description: An interactive magic magazine for everybody who loves MAGIC. You will read articles by some of the world's leading magicians and learn some amazing tricks. There is something for EVERYBODY in this magazine. You can build your own iPad and Android app at

Transcript of VANISH - International Magic Magazine - VANISH MAGIC MAGAZINE Edition19

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concept to creation red hot act married in magic

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9 3 6 89

Now with magic items

ready to ship worldwide.

Hyper-visual close-up: Stretch a borrowed ring!

Close-Up TableBeautiful professional table with

casino-grade felt. Packs into nylon bag for getting to the gig. Save $59

14 Millionto 1 MiracleYour lucky volunteer can pick all six lottery num-bers, matching your winning ticket, which can be in their pocket the whole time. This seems so random, and seems so fair, but will work for you without fail.

Comes complete with custom printed cards and routines for both close-up and stage shows.

Gregory Wilson’s Bandwidth lets you stretch their minds along with their ring. A solid metal ring is putty in your hands as you stretch it out like it’s made of rubber. Just as quickly it snaps back and can be immediatly examined.This is a real practical worker, great for strolling and street magic!

Top Tricks & Picks

Eye-popping Triumph! Watch all the face down cards fade away!From Francis Menotti comes a new idea for the classic Triumph effect. Shuffle cards face up and face down, and as the cards flick past all the backs slowly turn to faces. The only card left reversed in the selected card. Professionally tested for over 8 years as a practical strolling trick.

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EDITOR Paul Romhany



PRODUCT REVIEWERSPaul Romhany & Friends






PROOF READERSRichard Webster, Mick Peck


TO ADVERTISE IN MAGAZINEContact Paul Romhany for more information

Internatonal Magic Magazine

April/May 2015


BaMBOOzlERs - diamond jim tyler 8

DElIcIOus M&Ms cOIncIDEncE - Butzi, magician 10

THE DIE Is casT - charles gauci 18

HEaRT BEaT - danny archer 20

100 DOllaR BIll TO pHOnE BIll - louie foxx 22

nEWs 26

THE IMpORTancE OF WOnDER - Ben roBinson 30

WHy sHOulD yOu REaD THIs? - gerard 34

EnTERTaInIng KIDs - tim mannix 38

pERFORMIng aT REcREaTIOn cEnTREs - tony chris 42


TEn lITTlE sEcRETs - timothy hyde 70

aDvEnTuREs OF a ROMany - diva of magic - romany 72

THE naggIng ITcH - jeff hoBson 76

FROM cOncEpT TO cREaTIOn - ted outerBridge 80

Ray luM InTERvIEWs ERIc OlsEn 90

10 quEsTIOns WITH sEan BOgunIa - Paulromhany 98

aRE yOu Man OR MOnKEy? - keith fields 102

MaRRIED In MagIc - mistie and kyle knight 106

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keith fieldsA BRit of magic - from performing on streets in the Uk to a theatre in the UsA


MarrIed In MagICKyel and Mistie Knight106

Ben roBInsonthe Importance of Wonder30

roManyithe adventure continues72

all that glIttersgolden Cat Festival review 2015144

RED HOT acTs - daniel ka By nick lewin 110

EpIc FaIls In MagIc paRT 1 - charles Bach 116

cOnsTRucTIng a sTROng MagIc sHOW - nick lewin 120

DOn’T sHOOT THE MagIcIan - aaron fisher 126

WIzaRD’s Way TO pOWER pREsEnTaTIOns - Beckwith 128

a TasTE OF MagIc - nickle van wormer 130

MagIc cluBs - WHy BOTHER? - alan hudson 134

q&a WITH TWO pREIDEnTs - daz Buckley 138

all THaT glITTERs - lee alex 144

MagIc REvIEWs 154

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This issue celebrates the fourth year of VANISH. When I started this I had no idea it would grow as quickly as

it has, and reach to almost every corner of the globe. The numbers of downloads each issue are stagger-ing with the last issue having had 135,335 downloads from over 45 countries.

There is no way the magazine would be what it is without all of the con-tributors over the past three years. The one comment I am constantly told by readers is how they enjoy the variety of articles. My goal has always been to have a magazine that will inspire and educate, as well as entertain. A very big thank you to everybody who has contributed articles and helped the magazine grow. Without your friendship and support VANISH would not be what it is today.

I am always looking at ways to improve the content, layout and overall ease to read VANISH and am open to hearing from readers on what you would like to read and your favourite articles. All sugges-tions are welcome.

This issue features UK magician Keith Fields. I have admired Keith for many years both as performer

and risk taker. His story is one of taking chances in life and in busi-ness, and working very hard to achieve the dream. From somebody who started magic later in life and started performing on streets to having his own one-man show this is a very inspirational story and one we can all learn from.

As I sit here writing my editorial I am reminded of the great advantage of having an online magazine. As I woke up and was about to press UPLOAD I received an article from Lee Alex about a convention that was held only last week. I was able to add the article complete with the photos in to this current issue. This is what VANISH is all about. If some-thing happens you will read about it in the magazine or as soon as it hap-pens online at our daily newspaper

This is where this type of magazine format really changes the way we get our news and information. It’s a wonderful thing to have part of today’s news conscious society.

Congratulations to Sean Bogunia who just released what he calls his FINAL dancing hanky routine. The amount of work and time he has spent over the past several decades trying to design the ultimate routine

shows true dedication to our craft. The final result is something that is truly outstanding and I am sure all those who have come before him salute his drive and dedication to perfecting the effect. I salute you Sean and can’t wait to see what other projects you have coming out in the near future.

This issue also concludes the excel-lent series by Ben Robinson on The Importance of Wonder. As a project I recently published Ben’s words in book form. It is based on the series Ben wrote for VANISH with addi-tions and photos never seen before from his personal collection. If you are looking for something special to read, or for a gift be sure to pick up a copy of The Importance of Wonder by Ben Robinson.

Thank you readers for your support over the past three years. I look forward to your feedback as always, and seeing the magazine take on technology as it comes to us.

Paul Romhany


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gAg: Someone notices a loose thread on your jacket and begins to remove it. To their horror they learn that it’s a never-ending thread which shocks them into a fit of laughter.

SECRET: If wearing a dark jacket, then you’ll want to use a light colored thread and vice-versa. Place the end of a spool of thread through the eye of a needle. Pull about five inches of the thread through the eye. From inside your coat, use the needle to push the thread through your jacket at the point that is halfway between the collar and the shoulder on either side of the jacket.

Push the needle all the way through the material. Put away the needle and leave the thread hanging from the back of your jacket. Drop the spool of thread into the inside jacket pocket that corresponds with the side you pushed the thread through. Care-fully put on your jacket and run your arm behind the thread when slipping it into the sleeve of your jacket. You don’t want your arm between the thread and your pocket. The thread inside your jacket should rest on the front part of your shoulder nearest your chest.

Finish putting on your jacket. Pull the thread back into your jacket so that only a two-inch piece emerges from your coat. Press it down flat and you are ready for the fun. The nice person that offers to remove it for you will be in for a big surprise. Don’t laugh but act aggravated once they’ve started it. As they continue pulling the thread secretly retain a few loose buttons in your hand and drop them on the floor as you


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exclaim, “Wonderful!” Say something consoling like, “Is it your sole purpose in life to serve as a warning for others?”

Be sure to visit: www. to see Diamond Jim’s range of his latest products.

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the EffectA participant chooses a card during the show and is told to keep it with him. Later on, the magician takes a break and eats M&M’s with his audience. He asks some-one what’s his favorite color and asks the first partici-pant what card he selected; “10 of hearts”. The magician pours in a bowl the rest of the M&M’s that are now all red with “10 of hearts” printed on it. It also works with the picture of a person.

explanation overviewOn the M&M’s website, you can customize your M&M’s and print pretty much anything you want on it (words and pictures). After you ordered them with the info you’ll force, you’ll trick the pack to make two compart-ments: regular M&M’s on one side and tricked ones

on the other one. You pretend to take a break and you eat the regular M&M’s with your audience. When they reveal the info, open secretly the second compartment and reveal the tricked M&M’s. Tadaaa!

trick the pack

To build the gimmick, you will need:A cutter / Contact glue / a couple of 42 grammes M&m’s packs/ Tricked m&m’s with the prediction on it/ A bowl / A glass / A playing card

Click the link to see how to make up the pack.

delicious m&ms Coincidence

By Butzi, Magicien

A very novel card prediction that will have the audience “eating out of the palm of your hands.”

DElIcIOus M&Ms cOIncIDEncE