
Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Vanessa+comic+essay

Comic essay

In this essay I will be comparing the two comics Beano and Spider Man and looking at their differences and similarities.

The typography used on the beano front cover is designed for young people with the target audience of 5-10. The language used on the front cover is informal because of the target audience. The connotation for using informal language is for the target audience understands the words used. The price is very low at 50p this is great because the target audience would be able to afford the comic. There is a date and issue number on the comic it makes it much easier for collectors of the comic to collect the comics. When in the speech bubble it says “it’s a girl” is easy to understand whats going on. The comic advertises lots of freebees to help make people buy the comic. There is a plug used which advertises joining a beano club for free. Its free the connotation for this is that its free because the target audience would not be willing to pay more money with the money their monthly allowances. The masthead uses very bold colours such as the primary colour red which connotates anger but when the colour yellow is added, it brightens the masthead and makes it more calm and bold at the same time. The masthead is bubble writing and looks 3D and that helps catch the target audience’s eye. The words used are informal so the target audience will be able to understand the language used. The price of the comic is 50p the connotation is that the target audience will be able to afford the comic but the price has been put in small the connotation is that the first thing to catch the audience is not

the price. The freebee and the plug have been written in bold colours and simple writing the connotation is that its simple for the target and not too grown up. The gender is for males because the comic advertises a freebee beano banger and that is not the sort of things girls would want to buy. The words in the speech bubble are bold and red the connotation is that its young and masculine.

The typography used in the spider man comic is designed for the target audience of10-15. The spider man comic uses formal language because the target audience is much older and smarter than the beano audience. The plug says “the civil war chapter” on the top of the comic the connotation is that the comic is set in the civil war. The institution of the comic is Marvel. Marvel has produced many comic so the readers of those comic would be interested in reading spider man. There is an issue number this helps collectors collect the comic, this is good for comic and its collectors. There is also a price that is suitable for the target audience. There are formal words used in the comic such as astonishing this explains that its for an older age range. Prey for life is a play-on words, prey is food but is used as pray and is pray to god. This co notates that spider man is the prey because he looks weak and there is the villain preying spiderman. The colours used are masculine and dark it helps set

the gender which is male. The masthead doesn’t stand out, it is also dull this help show that it’s a dark Comic not meant for girls. The font used in the masthead is bold and bright the connotation is that it stands out and is attractive to the audience because of the colours used. The red outline in the masthead connotates danger and masculinity. The font is big and slightly bubble writing this helps the masthead stand out from other comics but its not too childish. Spider man has been put in the front and the scenery is a desert and the villain is showed the conntation helps the target audience know what is in store in the comic without revealing all thats in the comic. Spider man looks weak and vulnerable because his mask is ripping off his face, he is sweating the connotation is to interest the reader so their interested in finding out what happens to spider man.

The magazine front cover tells more information. Like dennis having a new baby sister. The facial expression on Dennis’s connotates that hes not happy about the new of happy a new baby sister...theres more trouble going to be caused be dennis.

The spider man magazine front cover tells more information. The birds following the villain coontates that he controls birds or has something to do with birds. The cactus connotates that the setting is in a desert.

the target audience for the beano comic is targeted to 5-10 years old. The comic is based on a kids on cbbc. The target audience is boys because of the colours used and the main character is a boy, the way the main character is drawn- with messy hair shows that he doesn’t care and is very mischievous. I think it is very successful because of the free bangers which only young boys would want, colours used, and the main character and the informal language.

The target audience for the spider man comic is 10-15 years old. Its for boys because of the colours used. The illustration is more detailed and not as simple as it would be for a kids comic. This is successful because of the language used and the fact that it shows the institution, only older people would be more interested in the institution.