Value Stream Mapping (VSM) · 2016. 10....

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Transcript of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) · 2016. 10....

Value Stream Mapping (VSM): A tool for improving your product

development process design

Lecture Date: 2013-10-03

Time: 13:00-14:30 Room: A2029

Jarkko Erikshammar



Jarkko Erikshammar

+46 920 491 860

copyright © Scania CV AB (publ),

purpose and aim.

Increase the insight of application of different processes

“A tool for process mapping and improvement” help with your next 0005: process planning assignment!!!


1. process thinking 2. value stream mapping 3. break 4. practice

my Lean.

• systematic common sense • ’scientific thinking’ • a change model • a bunch of practical methods

exercise one.

• In 136 characters or less:

what is a process? #VSM

• Work in your group.

• 3 minutes

• Tweet.

Johansson, Christian. @cihjoh0. “It is a repeatable,documented way to get from A to B #vsm” 3 oct 2013. 4:16 F.M. Tweet. Tomas de, Miriam. @miritiriti “Starts somewhere, leads to a specific end, and is a way to reach a target. Problem breakdown support. #VSM” 3 oct 2013. 4:17 F.M.

process thinking.

Presentation Notes
Dependent Processes are everything

value stream.

"All we are doing is looking at the time line from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing the non-value-added wastes."

Taiichi Ohno was born in Manchuria, China in 1912 and graduated from Nagoya Institute of Technology. He joined Toyota in 1932 and for about twenty years worked his way up in the firm. In the 1940's and early 1950's, Ohno was the assembly manager for Toyota and developed many improvements that eventually became the Toyota Production System.

Lean principles.

1. value 2. the value stream 3. flow 4. pull 5. perfection

Source: Womack, J. P., Jones D. T. and Roos, D (1996): Lean Thinking – Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation

Presentation Notes
Understand and create value Focus on the value stream Create continous flow Produce at demand- Pull Perfection

exercise two.

• In 136 characters or less:

what is value in a design


• Work in your group.

• 3 minutes

• Tweet

Johansson, Christian. @cihjoh0. “Quality, functions, usability, etc #vsm” 3 oct 2013. 4:32 F.M. Tweet. Tomas de, Miriam. @miritiriti “Value is to connect needs to a desirable/feasible/viable solution #vsm” 3 oct 2013. 4:36 F.M.

1. value

• Value: something the customer is willing to pay for…

• ”value adding” activities increases the value

• ”non-value adding” is waste, time consuming and costs but does not add value to the product


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Press Working Heat treatment

2. the value stream Value is created in value adding activities Processes are combinations of value adding and

non-value adding activities



Presentation Notes
Det är vanligen lättast att minska den Icke-värdehöjande delen genom att ta bort onödigt arbete All processes are combinations of value adding and non-value adding activities

3. flow

One flow, from start

to a finished product,

without stops between

value adding activities

Presentation Notes
Ingen kö mellan operationer Inga maskinstillestånd Inga processproblem Inga misstag som ger skrot Inga felaktigheter Inget letande efter verktyg Ingen överproduktion Ingen väntetid Här finns inte utrymme för lager, processproblem eller misstag

4. pull

Production as close to

the actual demand

not based on forecast

Presentation Notes
Starta produktionen på en tydlig signal En tom låda eller ett Kanban kort Behovet syns i verkstan, direkt i verkligheten Högt behov – hög produktionstakt Inget behov – ingen produktion Självstyrande – ingen inblandning utifrån

5. perfection

Continous improvemnets

a deviation is a source

for possible improvement

Presentation Notes
Hitta bästa arbetssätt - standardisera Förbättra det bästa till att bli ännu bättre Respektera och följa beslut Alltid rätt från mig Aldrig skicka vidare defekter Alltid lösa problemet där det uppkommer Se problem som möjligheter Skapa en avvikelseälaskande kultur


current state map

lean value stream

future state map

achieving the future state map

Presentation Notes
Kopiera sidor (från boken på betydelser) Berätta vad det är (10 min) Nuläge(8 min) Ideal läge(2 min) Framtida läge(2 min) Aktivitetsplan(3 min)

How is it done? 1. Current state 2. Lean Value stream

3. Future state, 12 m. 4. Achieving the future

1. Current. follow the object thorugh the flow. Note each step, problems and difficulties

2. Lean. How could it be IF we only did what the customer wants?

3. Future. How far can we come in a year?

4. Acheiving. Plan of action on a detailed level.

current state map.

A description of the current value stream (material and information) with visualization of waste

Focus on different things depending on the value

Document cycle times (c/t), set up times (s/t), WIP and buffers (days), scrap, etc.

Lean value stream.

• Relation between set-up time and WIP

• Relation between WIP and lead-time

• One piece flow

• Push versus pull

The Lean toolbox : the essential guide to Lean transformation / by John Bicheno and Matthias Holweg.. - 2009 - 4th ed.. - ISBN: 978-0-9541244-5-8 (pbk)

future state map.

It is about glancing at the future

Achievement with current resources

One budget period

Incremental steps

Presentation Notes
(Inte fokus på maskiner och investeringar utan värdeskapande aktiviteter)

achieving the future state

What is doable within 12 months?

Responsible of the value stream

Responsible for the action

Follow-up, follow-up, follow…

Plan of action Underskrift

Datum Produktionsled. Facklig företräd. Beredning Planerare

Produktionschef: KUND årlig värdeflödesplanÄgare värdeflöde:

Affärsmål VFA Mål Mätbart 2010-2011 Månadsplan Ansvarig Berörd UppföljningProduktfamilj LOOP VFA Mål Avd granskare datum

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Juni Jul Aug Sep Okt

“without this we have not achieved anything”

Presentation Notes
Vem som ska göra vad

exercise three. Four (4) groups Produce a current state (blue pen) and a future state

(green pen) for a trip from Luleå to Stockholm. From your apartment to the hotel.

You are the traveling agency. The customer is the one travelling. The objective is to reduce non-value adding activities.

Group A: plane, Group B: train, Group C: rental car, Group D: bus

4 min presentation per group (perfection) Assessment will both be on the presentation and the results

OH-plastic (2) + a blue and green pen(2)


• Bicheno, John. The new lean toolbox: towards fast, flexible flow. Buckingham: Picsie Books, 2004.

• Talks TEDx Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! Filmed Sep 2012, Posted Nov 2012.

• Michael Jordan "Failure" Nike Commercial:

• Toyota production system: beyond large-scale production [0-915299-14-3] Ohno, T 1988

• Jones, Daniel T. Seeing the whole : mapping the extended value stream / Brookline, MA. : Lean

Enterprise Inst., cop. 2002

• Rother, Mike, and John Shook. Learning to See: Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate

Muda: Version 1.3 June 2003. Lean Enterprise Institute, 2003.Womack, James P. Lean thinking : banish

waste and create wealth in your corporation / London : Free Press Business, 2003

• Björnfot, A., et al. "Lessons Learned from Succesfull Value Stream Mapping." Proceedings of the 19th

Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. 2011.

• Simonsson, Peter, et al. "‘Learning to see’the Effects of Improved Workflow in Civil Engineering Projects."

Lean Construction Journal (2012): 35-48.