Value-added Technology: One Cable for all Applications · KOLLMORGEN | Pempelfurtstr. 1. 40880...

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Transcript of Value-added Technology: One Cable for all Applications · KOLLMORGEN | Pempelfurtstr. 1. 40880...

K O L L M O R G E N | P e m p e l f u r t s t r . 1 4 0 8 8 0 R a t i n g e n D e u t s c h l a n d Te l e f o n : + 4 9 ( 0 ) 2 1 0 2 - 9 3 9 4 - 0

Value-added Technology: One Cable for all Applications

Universal and very economical single-cable solutions from the very first meter - Added value for ma-chine builders and users! Kollmorgen has expanded its range of single-cable motor-drive intercon-nection options with a new one-piece cable and connector assembly for Hiperface®-DSL. Already widely used for many conventional applications with the digital resolver (SFD), the well proven solution brings many benefits for users of Hiperface®-DSL encoder technology.

Always an advantage: Single-cable connection technology from Kollmorgen

• Lesshardware• Fasterinstallation• Fewerconnections• Greaterreliability

• Smallerfootprint• Lighterweight• Reducedinventorycosts

Excellent economy and reliability

• Costadvantagefromthefirstmeterofcable• Plug-and-playwithelectronicnameplatefeature• Highnoiseimmunityduetodigitalsystem• Highinvestmentsecuritywithstraightforward

retrofittingofthedriveifyourneedschange• Acabletechnologyforallapplications

f Less hardware and time saving during installation and commissioning f Just one type of cable for digital resolver (SFD) and digital Hiperface®-DSL encoders

f Reduced inventory costs through fewer components f Electronic nameplate and motor temperature monitoring for all standard applications

Robust resolver basedencoder systemshavebeenproven for several years inmanydrivesystems.MorethantenyearsagoKollmorgenbeganpioneeringtheadvanceto-wardsthedigitalresolver;bringingtomarkettheinnovationthatcombinesthebenefitsofarobustanalogtechnologywiththeadvantagesofdigitalencodersystems.Whetheryouchoosethedigitalresolver(SFD)orhigh-resolutiondigitalHiperface®-DSLencoders,Kollmorgensingle-cable technologywillbringyousignificantcostadvantages,betterperformanceandhigherdatareliability-fromtheveryfirstmeterofcable.


S I N G L E - C A B L E S O L U T I O N S

K O L L M O R G E N | w w w . k o l l m o r g e n . c o m

Specifications are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of the product user to determine the suitability of this product for a specific application. All trade marks are the property of their respective owners. © 2012 Kollmorgen Corporation KM_FY_000184_RevA_UK

Single-cable Solutions in Practice

Servomotors with single-cable option Servo Drive

Stall Torque [Nm]

Peak Torque [Nm]

Digital Resolver


DSLHolding Brake*

AKD Standard



AKM1 0,40 1,44

AKM2 1,42 4,82

AKM3 2,88 10,22

AKM4 6,00 20,40

AKM5 14,30 38,40

AKM6 24,50 65,20

* In combination with digital resolver (SFD) from June 2013

Innovation from Kollmorgen: Single-cable covers all standard applications!

Single-cable drive packages with scalable functionality and performance


S I N G L E - C A B L E S O L U T I O N S

Single-cable drive packages with AKM Washdown- andWashdownFoodgradeservomotors,forpackagingapplica-tionsinthefoodindustryoruseinroughenvironments,areavailable.
