
Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of Va10326



Direction for the Questions 1 to 5: From the given answer choices, choose the option that is most nearly the same in meaning to the given word.

(1)CALUMNY (1) Libel (2) Ingest (3) Pander (4) Frenzy

(2) EXONERATE (1) Plaintiff (2) Onerous(3) Eradicate (4)Exculpate


Direction for the Questions 1 to 5: From the given answer choices, choose the option that is most nearly the same in meaning to the given word.

(3)CONCUR (1)Impute (2) Agree(3) Attribute (4) Contingent

(4) AUGMENT (1)Ossify (2) Auger(3) Impediment (4) Enhance

VA10326Direction for the Questions 1 to 5: From the given answer choices, choose the option that is most nearly the same in meaning to the given word.

(3)CONCUR (1)Impute (2) Agree(3) Attribute (4) Contingent

(4) AUGMENT (1)Ossify (2) Auger(3) Impediment (4) Enhance

(5)PREPONE (1) Precede (2) Advance (3) Prevail (4) Expose


Direction for the Questions 6 to 10: From the given answer choices, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word

(6)PIOUS Degenerate (2) Tardy (3) Ethical (4) Arboreal

(7)AMOROUS (1)Passionate (2) Dispassionate(3) Impassioned (4) Ardent


Direction for the Questions 6 to 10: From the given answer choices, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word

(8)LETHARGIC (1) Listless (2) Langourous (3)Chatty (4) Vigorous

(9)DIFFIDENT (1) Dilate (2) Hesitant (3) Pragmatic (4) Audacious

10.RAUCOUS (1) Atrocious (2) Cornucopia (3)Dulcet (4) Copious


Direction for the Questions 6 to 10: From the given answer choices, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word

(8)LETHARGIC (1) Listless (2) Langourous (3)Chatty (4) Vigorous

(9)DIFFIDENT (1) Dilate (2) Hesitant (3) Pragmatic (4) Audacious

10.RAUCOUS (1) Atrocious (2) Cornucopia (3)Dulcet (4) Copious

VA10326Direction for the Questions 11 to 15: Four statements with four blanks are given, followed by four alternatives, choose that alternative which fits in the set of statements the maximum number of times.

11.1.The accountant --------- with the money and was never found 2.Unable to face the wrath of their families, the boy and the girl ----------- 3.Though he went as fast as he could, the plane had -----------by the time he reached the airport .4.Out numbered and outgunned by a formidable enemy, the beleaguered soldiers -------- for their lives.

(1) Fled (2) eloped (3) departed (4) journeyed.

VA10326Direction for the Questions 11 to 15: Four statements with four blanks are given, followed by four alternatives, choose that alternative which fits in the set of statements the maximum number of times.

12.1.Those who have been exposed to the horrors of a battlefield,

whether civilian or soldier do exhibit ------- in their behaviour.2.---------- do not prove a rule, they only prove the existence of

exceptions to the rule.3.An -----------in the dimensions of the legs caused the table to

wobble. 4.In case of a traffic block take the -------------(1) Abnormalities (2) asymmetry (3) deviation (4) error

VA10326Direction for the Questions 11 to 15: Four statements with four blanks are given, followed by four alternatives, choose that alternative which fits in the set of statements the maximum number of times.

13.1.In order to play a larger role in the ---------- market we have tied up

with multi-national companies.2.-------------sports is so competitive that even the most talented

require professional coaching.3.------------positioning systems play an integral role in

telecommunication.4.The current trend is to keep a --------perspective which dealing

with health problems.(1) Agnostic (2) holistic (3) local (4) international

VA10326Direction for the Questions 11 to 15: Four statements with four blanks are given, followed by four alternatives, choose that alternative which fits in the set of statements the maximum number of times.

14.1.Professional studies have become the ------------ of the rich(CAT 1994)2.Every citizen has the ------------ to speak, travel and live he pleases3.He has a definite ------------ over all his rivals4. Sheron no longer has the ------------ of the company’s bungalow

and car(1) advantage(2) privilege(3) right(4) concession

VA10326Direction for the Questions 11 to 15: Four statements with four blanks are given, followed by four alternatives, choose that alternative which fits in the set of statements the maximum number of times.

15.1.People sensed ------------(CAT 1994)2.A bad ------------case had come in - a person with a smashed arm 3.And then, without warning, ------------ struck 4. The dogs were the first to recognize the signs of oncoming

------------(1) Tragedy (2) accident (3) disaster (4) calamity

VA10326Direction for the Questions 16 to 20: Choose the pair of words that are most similar to the original pair.

16. LIQUID : GASEOUSNESS :: (CAT 1996)(1)Serum : Fume(2)Humid : Arid (3)Thaw : Distil(4)Smoke : Cloud


1.Implosion : Explosion 2.Separation : Combination 3.Intrusion : Extrusion 4.Enemy : Friend

VA10326Direction for the Questions 16 to 20: Choose the pair of words that are most similar to the original pair.


1.Damage : Disinherit 2.Canny : novice 3.Burgeon : Shrink 4.Jocose : Jocund

19.FLY : KITE :: 1.Book : write 2.Orate : Speech 3.Drive : Car 4.Room : Rent

VA10326Direction for the Questions 16 to 20: Choose the pair of words that are most similar to the original pair.

20.PATIENT : TREATED :: 1.Surgeon : Operated 2.Barrister : Barred 3. Account : audited 4.Convict : Imprisoned

VA10326Direction for the Questions 21 to 25: In the following sentences , fill in the blank space with the appropriate word from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences that are logically coherent.

21.On a dark night a white image ------------ passing by a dry well.

(1)wasn’t (2)happened to be (3)discovered in (4)said to be

VA10326Direction for the Questions 21 to 25: In the following sentences , fill in the blank space with the appropriate word from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences that are logically coherent.

22. Nordisk have recently ------------ a product called Glucometer (CAT 1994)1.started 2. commissioned 3.launched 4.begun

VA10326Direction for the Questions 21 to 25: In the following sentences , fill in the blank space with the appropriate word from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences that are logically coherent.

23.Net banking -------- happen with malware, a software programme designed for illegal activities.


VA10326Direction for the Questions 21 to 25: In the following sentences , fill in the blank space with the appropriate word from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences that are logically coherent.

24. The Nature Forever Society has announced the winners of its Biodiver City Photo Contest that was a ------- success having attracted a large number of entries. 1.Dismal2.Resounding3.Reprehensible4.retrogressive

VA10326Direction for the Questions 21 to 25: In the following sentences , fill in the blank space with the appropriate word from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences that are logically coherent.

25. The Coast Guard ----------- a vessel from Dubai which was carrying banned satellite phones. 1.Interrupted2.Intercepted3.Intertwined4.Inundated

VA10326Direction for the Questions 26 to 30: In the following sentences, fill the blank spaces with appropriate words from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences. 26. Though one eye is kept firmly on the ----------- , the company now also promotes ----------- contemporary art (CAT 2000)

(1) present, experimental (2) future, popular (3) present, popular (4) market, popular

VA10326Direction for the Questions 26 to 30: In the following sentences, fill the blank spaces with appropriate words from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences.

27. The law prohibits a person from felling a sandalwood tree, even if it grow on one’s own land, without prior permission from the government. As poor people cannot deal with the government, this legal provision leads to a rip-roaring business for -----------, who care neither for the -----------, nor for the trees

(1) middlemen, rich(2) the government, poor (3) touts, rich(4) touts, poor

VA10326Direction for the Questions 26 to 30: In the following sentences, fill the blank spaces with appropriate words from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences.

28. Stock indices ------------ following bad economic data and an uncertain political situation which could discourage foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) from ---------- in the country

(1)shot up, settling (2) rocketed, residing (3) tumbled, investing (4) rose, cultivating.

VA10326Direction for the Questions 26 to 30: In the following sentences, fill the blank spaces with appropriate words from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences.

29. The Bank of Japan -------- the world’s most intense burst of monetary -------- by promising to inject about $1.4 trillion into the economy is less than two years.

(1) unleashed, stimulus (2) unburdened, stimuli(3) unravelled, sacrifice (4) unrestrained, sacrilege.

VA10326Direction for the Questions 26 to 30: In the following sentences, fill the blank spaces with appropriate words from the options that follow to create meaningful sentences.

30. The Tea Board of India has set a --------- for exports in 2013, undeterred by the fact that exports in 2013, undeterred by the fact that exports have been ----------- of late.

(1) easy target, robust (2) illusory target, resilient (3) stiff target, under pressure (4) tough target, negated