V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest The Good Shepherd ...

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Transcript of V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest The Good Shepherd ...

The Good Shepherd Newsletter

Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral

3256 Warren Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Phone: (216) 941-5550, Fax: (216) 941-3068

E-mail: st.mary.cathedral@sbcglobal.net - www.smroc.org

V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest

Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe


Pascha – The Gift of God’s Love

The Holy Pascha represents the most

essential aspect of our Faith: The Resurrec-

tion from the dead. Without this, our

preaching and faith would be in vain (I Cor.

15,14). Experiencing again the Passion and

Resurrection of Christ, in the Church, any

faithful person is filled again with hope in

the eternal life, which is God’s gift to us.

We do this because: ”God gave us life eter-

nal and this life is in His Son” (1 Cor. 5,11)

The word Pascha comes from the Hebrew word

Pesah that means passing. The ancient Hebrews were

commemorating their wondrous passage through the

Red Sea. The Christians in turn, re-live in their Pascha

the Passion of Christ, Pascha represents the passing of

Christ and ours, from death to life.

The Jews consume the Paschal Lamb

remembering their journey to the Promised Land. For

the Christians, Christ Himself becomes the Lamb of

sacrifice who gives Himself on the Cross for our sins.

In this sense, Christians regard Christ as the true

Pascha, that carries us from death to life.

Following a hard year of pandemic and

emotional oppression, the inner brightness and joy of

Pascha comes as the most befitting and needed sacred

therapy. I pray to the Lord to grant good health and life

eternal to all those who love Him. I also call on all

those who are Baptized to get renewed through the

Holy Sacraments and re-affirm their Faith by enlisting

themselves in the Church! Christ comes to us through

the Holy Light to give us His peace joy of

Resurrection, the gift of God’s love.

Christ Is Risen!

Father Remus Grama

Paștile – Darul Iubirii lui Dumnezeu

Sfintele Paști reprezintă cel mai essențial

aspect al credinței noastre: Învierea din

morți. Fără înviere, credința noastră ar fi

zadarnică (1 Cor. 15, 14). Retrăind în

Biserică Patimile și Învierea lui Hristos

omul credincios se umple iarăși de

nădejdea în viața veșnică, darul iubirii lui

Dumnezeu pentru om. Pe aceasta o primim

prin Botez, deoarece: “Dumnezeu ne-a dat

viață veșnică și această viață este în Fiul

Său”(1 John 5,11)

Cuvântul Paști sau Paște (de obicei la plural!),

provine din evreiescul Pesah și înseamnă trecere. La

Evrei era trecerea minunată prin Marea Roșie. La

creștini, Paștile reprezintă trecerea lui Hristos și a

noastră de la moarte la viață.

Evreii consumă mielul pascal amintindu-și de

călătoria lor spre pământul făgăduinței. La Creștini,

Hristos Însuși devine “Mielul de jertfă” care Se

jertfește pe Cruce pentru păcatele noastre. În acest

sens, Creștinii Îl privesc pe Hristos ca pe adevăratul

Paște, care ne trece de la moarte la viață.

După un an greu de pandemie și suferință,

strălucirea și bucuria interioară a Paștilor vine ca cea

mai potrivită și necesară sacro-terapie. Rugând pe

Domnul să dăruiască sănătate și viața veșnică tuturor

celor ce-L iubesc, vă chem pe toți cei botezați la

reînnoire prin Sfintele Taine și reafirmare a credinței.

Hristos Cel ce vine la noi prin Sfânta Lumină să ne

dăruiască pacea și bucuria Învierii, darul iubirii lui


Hristos a înviat!

Părintele Remus Grama


May 1 - Holy Saturday / Sfânta și Marea

Sâmbătă - 9 am Divine Liturgy; 11 am - 2 pm

Distribution of Paști for Elderly, Sick, &

Travelers; 10:30 pm Church Opens;

11:30 pm Midnight Service.

May 2 - Resurrection of our Lord / Învierea

Domnului - 12.01 am Resurrection Service,

Divine Liturgy followed by blessing of

baskets and Pascha reception in the Social


11:30 am Paschal Vespers followed by

Sunday School Egg Hunt activity and

Paschal reception.

May 3 - Bright Monday / Sfintele Paști - 9 am

Paschal Divine Liturgy.

May 4 - Bright Tuesday / Sfintele Paști - 9 am

Paschal Divine Liturgy.

May 7 - (+) Life-giving Fount of Mother of

God / (+) Izvorul Tămăduirii - No Divine

Liturgy in our church, visit a Monastery.

May 21 - Sts. Constantine and Helen / Sfinții

Mari Împărați și întocmai cu Apostolii,

Constantin și mama sa, Elena - 9 am Divine



This year, the blessing of the graves will

be as follows:

Sunday, May 30 at:

1 pm - Sunset Cemetery

3 pm - Lakewood Cemetery

Monday, May 31 at:

8:30 am - St. Theodosius Cemetery

11 am - West Park Cemetery (Ridge


For any other cemeteries, appointments could be

personally arranged by calling the parish office or

directly Fr. Grama for scheduling.


În acest an, binecuvântarea mormintelor va

avea loc după cum urmează:

Duminică, 30 mai la:

1 pm - Sunset Cemetery

3 pm - Lakewood Cemetery

Luni, 31 mai la:

8:30 am - St. Theodosius Cemetery

11 am - West Park Cemetery (Intrarea Ridge)

Pentru sfințirea mormintelor la alte cimitire, vă rugăm să

contactați oficiul parohial sau direct Părintele Grama pentru


The Parish Office is

CLOSED on MONDAY, MAY 31st in observance of

The office hours will return to normal on

TUESDAY, June 1st at 9 AM.

Thank you and have a safe Memorial weekend!


Parish Council


Viorel Oancea

(440) 915-9642

Ladies Auxiliary


Maria Tent

(216) 272-5961


Marian Ciuta

(216) 513-5535

Financial Secretary:

Simona Sarsama

(216) 533-4636

Hall Rental:

Italian Creations Church Office

(216) 226-2282 (216) 941-5550

Blessings to our Supporters!

In the celebration of the Holy Week we see the Lord

giving Himself for us and our salvation. The Cross

remains a testament of His altruistic love. What shall

we give Him in return?

We give in imitation of Christ. We give the earthly

things so that we may receive the heavenly things.

Today, we thank ALL our members and future

members for their generosity in supporting Saint

Mary Cathedral! Your steady support helps the entire

community and enables us to continue our mission.

Please, do your own share and give. “God blesses the

cheerful giver.”

On behalf of all members of the church we thank our

donors / supporters!


On April 2nd we ended our Fish Fry To Go project. Our

parishioners responded greatly to our need for workers.

Many faithful men and women came on Thursday to

clean fish and prepare the details. Then, on Fridays, we

had plenty of helpers to fry, bake and run the kitchen and

plenty of youth acting as servers. Among the hardest jobs

were done by the cashiers and parking lot workers, who

had to face the relentless cold that indubitably came upon

us every Friday. May the Lord see everyone’s effort and

bless our hearted volunteers!


Grave Blessing on Memorial Weekend

Orthodox clergy bless the graves according to

different practices, some on Palm Saturday, others on

Thomas Sunday. In Cleveland, for over 60 years, the

Orthodox Clergy Council initiated the blessing of graves

on or around the Memorial Weekend.

This year’s schedule may be found in this publication

on page 2. Father usually goes to: Saint Theodosius

Cemetery, Sunset Cemetery, West Park Cemetery,

Lakewood Cemetery. For other locations, you need an


A Note from Father / Notă de la Părintele

Receive the Body of Christ!

A few more weeks and Holy Pascha is here! It is Great

Lent and it is high time for all our spiritual children to get

ready to enter the Holy week and the great feast of

Resurrection of Christ. I urge all of you to come to

confession and receive absolution from the Priest.

Receiving the Holy Eucharist is necessary in order to

remain in Him. It is our way to stay alive in Christ.

Please, do not postpone your coming. My hope is that by

Palm Sunday, all our members will have been renewed in

the Lord by receiving the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist!

Trupul lui Hristos Primiți!

Peste câteva săptămâni sunt Paștile! Suntem în Postul

Mare și este vremea ca toți fii noștri duhovnicești să se

pregătească să intre cu inimă curată în Săptămâna

Sfintelor Patimi și marele Praznic al Învierii. Vă îndemn

pe toți să veniți la Spovedit și să primiți iertare de la

Preot. Spre a ne menține filiația în credință trebuie să ne

împreunăm euharistic cu Hristos. Vă rog să nu amânați

venirea. Speranța mea este ca mai înainte de Duminica

Floriilor toți enoriașii noștri să fie înnoiți în Hristos,

primind Sfînta Taină a Cuminecării.


Paschal Services

By God’s Grace, this year, the Holy Week and Paschal

services will take place according to the usual schedule, at


Follow CDC Rules

We remind our members to observe the CDC rules and be

considerate toward others, by wearing the facial mask,

disinfecting and maintaining the distance, for everyone’s


Holy Communion

Only those who had Confession may receive Communion.

When receiving Holy Communion please open your

mouth widely and do not touch the spoon. Then,

immediately, discard the napkin as directed.

Midnight Service

This year, candles may be obtained outside the church.

Please get you candle, leave your Paschal donation and

quietly wait for the beginning of the


The Holy Light

The Holy Light will be distributed by the

Priest outside the church, on the entrance

platform. When receiving it, please,

observe “the distance”.

Distribution of “Paști”

The bread and wine called “Paşti” will be

distributed Saturday from 11 AM – 2 PM

and at midnight, immediately after the

Resurrection service through the end of

the Midnight Liturgy. Discard the

container after washing it.

My Paschal Donation

Most of us offer generous donations in honor of the

Resurrection. Please, use an envelope and write your

name on it. Then return it to our Epitrop. May the Lord

repay you in Grace!




Slujbele Paștilor

Cu ajutorul Domnului, în anul acesta slujbele din

Săptămâna Mare și Sfintele Paști vor avea loc potrivit

programului obișnuit, la miezul nopții.

Urmați Regulile CDC

Pentru protecția tuturor, reamintim enoriașilor noștri să

continue să se conformeze regulilor cunoscute, purtând

masca și menținând distanța.

Sfânta Cuminecătură

Sfânta Euharistie poate fi primită numai de cei care s-au

pregătit prin Spovedanie. Atunci când primim Sf.

Cuminecătură să deschidem gura mare și să nu atingem

lingurița. Șervețelul trebuie lăsat imediat la locul indicat

spre a evita orice profanare.

Lumânarea de la Miezul Nopții

În acest an, lumânările se vor obține afară din biserică, de

la Epitrop. Vă rugăm luați lumânarea, lăsați donația și

așteptați în liniște începerea rugăciunii.

Distribuirea Sfântei Lumini

Lumina sfântă se va distribui de sfințiții

slujitori, afară din biserică, pe platforma din

fața bisericii. Nu vă înghesuiți! Vă rugăm să

păstrați distanța!

Distribuirea “Paștilor”

Pentru cei vârstnici, pâinea și vinul numite în

popor “Paști” se vor distribui Sâmbătă

dimineața, de la 11 AM – 2:00 PM, precum si

noaptea, imediat după slujba Învierii.

Atențiune: Nu aruncați containerul decât după

ce îl spălați.

Donația de Sfintele Paști

Credincioșii noștri dăruiesc cu generozitate în onoarea

Învierii Domnului. Vă rugăm să folosiți un plic și să vă

scrieți numele și suma donată. Apoi lăsați darul Dvs la

Epitrop. Domnul să vă răsplătească cu al Său Har!



Behold! The Bridegroom comes at midnight, and

blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching...

Holy Week - (April 26 - 30)

During the Holy Week’s services, we accompany Jesus to Jerusalem, where He is betrayed, judged, unjustly con-demned, mocked, beaten and crucified. The services will take us through the Lord’s death and burial on Friday, to witness the empty tomb and His glorious Resurrection on Saturday at midnight.

The Troparion sung at Matins on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday begins with the following words:

This is an exhortation to accompany Jesus through His

Passion by participating in the services and by praying. We need to focus our minds on the Lord. He is the Bride-groom of our souls.

Great and Holy Wednesday On this day Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples. Judas received thirty coins of silver from the Jewish priests, in exchange for telling them where they could find Jesus.

Orthodox Christians normally fast on Wednesdays, in

rememberance of the fact that on this day our Lord and

Saviour Jesus Christ was betrayed.

Great and Holy Thursday On this day Jesus ate

at the Last Supper with His disciples in the Upper Room. As He was sitting at the table, He took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to His discilples, saying: “Take, eat, this is My Body which is broken for you.” Then, He also took the Cup in His hand, saying: “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins.”

Orthodox Christians partake of Christ’s Own Most

Pure Body and His Most Precious Blood every time they

receive Holy Communion.

Great and Holy Thursday, Cont. On Thursday evening Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as a sign of love and humility. In this way He taught us that we are called to show brotherly love by serving one another. On Thursday night after supper, as Jesus was in the Gethsemane Garden praying,

Judas came in with armed guards. The traitor gave Jesus a kiss on the cheek to indicate to the guards who was the man they were looking for. Suddenly, one of the disciples truck the servant of the High Priest and cut off his ear. Jesus rebuked the disciple for doing that, by saying, “Do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father in Heaven, and that He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels right away?” But Jesus did not want to do that so that the Scriptures may be fulfilled. He came to the world to die and to rise for us. He came to save us.

The guards arrested Jesus and took Him to be judged by the Jewish priests. The disciples were greatly afraid and flew away. Only Peter followed Him at a distance, all the way to the High Priest’s courtyard. There a maid recognized Peter and said out loud that he was one of Jesus’ disciples. Peter denied it three times. Then the rooster crowed. At that moment, Peter remembered that Jesus had told him that he was going to betray him, and he went out of the courtyard and “wept bitterly.” (Matthew 26:75)

Caiaphas, the Hight Priest, asked Jesus if He was the Son of God. Jesus said yes. Caiaphas was very troubled to hear such an answer, and tore up his vestment in anger. He considered that a blasphemy which needed to be punished by death.

Great and Holy Friday The Jews could not put anyone to death. Only the Romans had the right to condemn to death. For this reason, Caiaphas sent Jesus to the palace of Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor. Pilate found no guilt in Jesus. Besides, Pilate’s wife had told him that she had had a terrible dream and warned him not do anything to Jesus. Pilate asked the crowd of people to decide. The people shouted to have Jesus crucified.

Continue on Page 6

Paschal Edition - (3 pages)



Aduceți Copiii la Biserică

Copiii sub șapte ani nu trebuie să

se spovedească spre a primi Sf.

Eucharistie. Copiii peste 7 ani au

nevoie să-și mărturisească

păcatele. De aceea, rugăm pe

părinți, să aducă copiii la

Spovedanie. Părintele vă stă la

dispoziție în fiecare Sâmbătă după Vecenie. Pentru

programare la alte date, vă rugăm să sunați la 216-941-


Great and Holy Friday, Continue from page 5 Then the soldiers took Him away and mocked Him.

They clothed Him with a purple robe, put a crown of thorns on his head, and began to salute Him: “Hail, King of the Jews!” Then they struck Him on His head with a reed and spat on Him. They also knelt in front of Him and worshipped Him. After they had humiliated Him in this way, they took Him to crucify Him.

A great multitude of people followed Him to the place where He was going to be crucified. That place was called Golgotha, which means “Place of the Skull.” Women mourned and lamented Him.

Jesus Christ our Lord, the Creator of the visible and the invisible worlds, was crucified on Holy Friday. While the soldiers were nailing Him to the Cross, He prayed for them to the Father in Heaven, saying: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

Pontius Pilate had written an inscription in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and put it on the Cross. It read:

Two criminals were also crucified there on that day.

One of them blasphemed Jesus, by saying: “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” The other criminal, though, rebuked him for not fearing God and said that they were justly condemned for what they had done, but that Jesus had done nothing wrong. Then the same criminal addressed the Lord with humility and asked Him: “Lord, remember me when You come in Your kingdom.” Jesus answered him: “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:39-43) During their brief dialogue on the cross, the thief humbly confessed his sins and recognized Jesus as the Lord. In His great mercy, Christ forgave him and promised to fulfill his wish. The repentant thief was the first man who entered paradise.

There stood by the Lord’s Cross His beloved Apostle John and three women named Mary: His Most Pure Mother the Virgin Mary, and also Mary, the wife of Clopas, together with Mary Magdalene. John was weeping by the Cross. The Lord told them that from that moment on they would be like mother and son. On that day St. John took the Virgin Mary to his home.

Jesus gave up His Spirit at about three o’clock in the afternoon. Soon after that there was a big and fearful earthquake, and it became dark. The veil of the Temple of Jerusalem was torn in two. When those who were guarding Jesus saw those things, they were greatly afraid and said: “Truly this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:51,54).

The Son of God came into the world to save us from death and to grant us eternal life. He destroyed death by His own Death on the Cross. He did not forsake the Cross, but He accepted it with humility out of love for mankind.

We too can defeat evil only if we take up our cross. The power of the Cross is the power of God’s love. We can defeat evil only through love.

The Epitaphios is a large embroidered icon which depicts Christ after He has been taken down from the Cross. During the Great Vespers on Holy Friday, the priest and the deacon bring the Epitaphios in procession down from the Altar Table into the center of the church. There they place it on a table which symbolizes Christ’s Tomb. The faithful venerate the Epitaphios by kneeling in front of it and by kissing the Lord’s feet, hands and shoulder. In some churches, the faithful “pass under Christ’s Tomb” by crawling under one side of the table, and coming out on the other side. This is a symbolic act. We die with Christ so that we may also be raised with Him on the third day.

Near the end of Matins on Holy Saturday, the whole congregation participates in a solemn procession around the chruch to commemorate Christ’s burial. Church bells are ringing while the Epitaphios is carried with candles and incense.

Great Lent, Holy Week & Pascha - Activity Book for Children, 2ndEdition, Lengua Viva, 2018

Apply in the below activity what you have learned about the Holly Week.


2. Jesus gave it to them to eat.

3. The day when Jesus was crucified.

5. Jesus went to pray in this garden.

8. The ultimate punishment

10. He took it in His hand.

11. It took place in the Upper Room.

12. It was torn in two.

13. Icon depicting Christ taken down from the Cross.

16. Orthodox Christians receive this Sacrament at every Liturgy.

18. The High Priest asked Jesus if He was the One.

20. On that evening Jesus washed the disciples’s feet.

DOWN: 1. Roman Governor.

4. Christ was betrayed on this day.

6. Jesus was unjustly accused of it.

7. The way Jesus was put to death.

9. Jesus gave it to them to drink.

14. Christ’s dead body was placed in it.

15. Christ was nailed to it.

16. From Palm Sunday to Pascha.

17. The High Priest.

19. Iscariot.


All parish ladies are invited to bring boiled-

colored eggs for the Pascha Reception, on

Saturday, May 1st, in the Social Hall’s

kitchen. Thank you!


Pentru sâmbătă, 1 mai, ne trebuie ouă fierte-vopsite

pentru recepția din noaptea Învierii și ziua de Paști.

Doamnele care aduc ouă sunt rugate să le lase la bucătărie,

în sala socială. Vă mulțumim!

St. Mary Ladies Auxiliary

Palm Sunday, April 25th, after the

Divine Liturgy in the Social Hall


This delicious traditional pastry must not

miss from your Paschal table. If you did not

place an order before April 18, stop by, we

will make some extra loaves for you. Fist

come, first served rule apply for those who

did not put an order. Thank you!

Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church

3256 Warren Road

Cleveland, OH 44111


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Resurrection of Our Lord

May 2

Învierea Domnului