V ittcestor^^w - sbgen.org · Norman E. Scofield Ellen Webster Galbraith 197S ... as well as John...

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Transcript of V ittcestor^^w - sbgen.org · Norman E. Scofield Ellen Webster Galbraith 197S ... as well as John...


ittcestor^^wVol. 10 No. 3 September 1984 Whole Number 40

vOith tomorrou) lor corctnutty*?.


P. 0. Box II7-: Goleta, CA 93] LS-1174

OFFICERS. DIRECTORS. COMMITTEES 198-1Doreen Cook Diilloa PresidemBarry R. Glen Vice PresidedDoris Batchelder Crawford SecretaryMuriel Riemer Graham TreasurerDoris Crawford

Correspond l ariesCarol Field Hamilton DirectorLilian Mann Fish Editor, DirectorRuth Brooks Scollin Librarian, DirectorNorrrcui E. Scoficld ParliamentarianMarie LaBreche, Cecelia Spencer

Ruth Pelch Library Assistants.

COMMITTEESBOOK Evelyn Fetter. Marie LaBreche, Emily Thies. Mary !.. Johnson.

Dorotin- ".'ci 11 . Patricia Case, Ruth NorrisBOS (Transportation toother Libraries) Shirley Cobb,Helen '.'dlleri'OSPITALITV Marilyn O. • GuntermannPROGRAM Donna TepperPUBLICITY Nona Armstrong.Olive Franklin

IO0K U rtonspecial PROJECTS .... Jan Cloud, Patricia Case.Frances RamseyTELEPHONE Harry Glen.Mary Louise KehoWAYS AND MEANS Ruth Morrow, Peggy Singer, Janel Lawler

PAST PRESIDENTSNorman E. Scofield Ellen Webster Galbraith 197SHarry W. Titus 2 Carlton M. Smith 1977Emily Perry Thies Selma Bankhead 1975—1976Bette Root Harry !(. Glen 1974—1975Harry 2. Titus 1979 Carol Forbes Roth L972-1973

ANCESTORS WEST is published quarterly in March. June. September andDecenlx?r. Non-manbor subscription $8.00 per annum. Single copiiof current and tack issues $2.00.dependine on availability. Advertising by individuals: $3.00 lor first 20 words and 10 cents foreach additional word. Contributions of a genealogical or hist. -nature will be accepted as space allows. (: r mrapiod.Quotations and reviews of items in .ANCESTORS WEST have the approvalof the Society, if the source is credited. Hie Society assumes noresponsibility for services or work undertaken by advertisers.Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society dues 515.00 for calendaryear, payable by February 1 and include one subscription to thequarterly. ANCESTORS WEST. Family memberships availabe, to includeone copy of quarterly. REGULAR MEETINGS; First Saturday of eachmonth, 10 a.m. to :i p.m. Room 8, Goleta Community Center. 568 l 3ol-Uster Ave.. Goleta, CA. Library at above address open each Wednesday, !2 noon to i p.m. and during February 1984, on Saturdays.Feb. 11. IS and 25. It is hoped that use will be sulficient tocontinue the practice of Saturday Library Flours.



Vol. 10, No. 2 September 19&J-

Goddard Convocation 85

News of our Editor 85

Genealogical Faire 87

Santa Barbara County Marriage records 881908

Buyer beware 99

Queries 100

New in the Library 101Compliled by Ruth Scollin, Librarian

Book Reviews 108

In and Around San Francisco 105

Old Land Measures 106

Delayed Birth Files 106

Battle of Sedgemoor 106

Social Security Information 107

Appeal is made for gifts of books, phamplets and

periodicals for the SBCGS library. Contributionswill be reported in the NEW IN THE LIBRARY section

and are tax deductible. Recommendations for

purchase of books to be made by the book committee.

Articles and ancestral charts for ANCESTORS WEST

are solicited. Queries bring response and expansionof family data.


Recently our esteemed editor and Society

member Lilian Mann Fish suffered a serious

physical difficulty requiring hospitalization

and surgery( she is now recovering, we are happy

to report). Replacements of her caliber are in

short supply and so it was decided by the Directors

of the SBGS that an editorial board be established

to act as substitute editors. Consequently, you

will notice a slight change in the format of

Ancestors West and that the third quarterly issue

is reaching you somewhat late.

In June Ms. Fish represented the Pisoataqua

Pioneers at the Goddard Convocation in Wichita, KS.

She reports the first Chadbourne, as well as John

Goddard came on the "Red Cow" to Oyster River, NH

in 163^ as a millwright under contract with Capt.

John Mason. The newsletter of the Chadbourne Asssoc-

iation is "The Pied Cow".

Mr. Derek Webber of Snowdon, Wiltshire, Eng.

the principle speaker at the Goddard Convocation,

in one talk stressed the fact that 'cowe* shortened

to 'cow' is the Anglo Saxon word for a shifting,

sometimes water-covered sandy reef or dune in the

waters off the Yarmouth to Ipswich coast of reddish-

brown variedcolored sand—not a black and white

Holstein. A model of "The Pied Cow" graced the

lecturn at the Goddard meetings and another, with

finely laced black rigging and white sails was dis-


played at the head table of the banquet and present

ed to Ms. Fish as the only Goddard descendant in

attendance. Lilian has graciously loaned the

latter to the Society for display on the New

Hampshire table at the Genealogy Faire.

You are much loved and missed, Lilian, and

we wish you a speedy recovery and quick return.

Patricia CaseDoris CrawfordDoreen DulleaEvelyn FetterMuriel GrahamNorman ScofieldRuth Scollin



trips to the Los Angeles Public Library and the LDS

Library are scheduled for Wed.October Zk and Wed. Nov.

28 for 198^. Please meet at the La Cumbre parking lot

at ?a.. m. and at the Miramar at 7* 15 a.m. Your

reservations should go to Helen Miller at II36 La

Vista Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110* The cost is

Ten Dollars per member and Twelve Dollars for non-

society members.

Remember to pick up and return your surname cards .

The cards and instruction sheets are at the Society

library from committee members.


Genealogy Fair

October 6, 1984

Research - Speaker - Sales

Mark Saturday, October 6 on your calendar!Instead of the regular October meeting, our SantaBarbara County Genealogical Society is planning aGENEALOGY FAIR for that date. It will be held at theUnited Methodist Church, Anapamu and Garden Streetsfrom 10 am to 4 pm.

Come prepared to research! We will have tablesarrangeu by geographical area and staffed by peoplefamiliar with each area. Many members are loaningbooks from their personal libraries which will beavailable for your research. These will be complemented by others selected from our substantial SocietyLibrary. (It's a grand opportunity to look at booksnot generally availableJ)

Arrangements are being made by our President,Doreen Dullea, for a great out of town speaker tohighlight the day. And, for those new to this sport,a short Beginners Class will be held.

Another feature that's sure to attract you willbe our Sales Table. Books, supplies, and genealogy-related materials will be available for purchase witha discount given to Society members. In addition,there will be some items of genealogical interest thatcan only be acquired by participating in the excitingraffle that is planned. So, be prepared to take achance]

And, if you think that food is still a necessity(when all those beautiful books are available forperusal), bring a sack lunch or take advantage of theseveral eateries in the area. However, to keep youfortified (so that you can stick with that research)we'll have coffee, tea and "goodies" for sale.

Proceeds from the day will benefit our society inmuch-needed ways - the bookfund for library additions,speakers, general operating expenses, etc.

Offers of assistance and further questions shouldbe directed to Jan Cloud (965-7423) who is GeneralChairman.

This is an opportunity not only to do research,but to work with and get to know your fellow societymembers. Please come and join us!


Copied by Alice Ovington and Ruth Pelch88

AbBreviationstCarp = Carpinteria Los A = Los AlamosELI = ELlwood Los C = Los CrucesGol = Goleta Lamp = LampocGuad = Guadalupe Los 0 = Los Olivos* indicates out of order ( )

MontS. B.S. M.S. Y

indicates differences in7


Santa BarbaraSanta MariaSanta Ynez


ABLES, Henry JohnADRIAN, PaulineALBERTGNI, AdelineALDERMAN, John WatsonALEXANDER, BlancheALLEY, Alfred WrightALLISON, Beulah BelleAMOS, Clarence WayneANDERSON, Sigred ElizabethAQuTSTAPACE, MariaAQUISTAPACE, TomasoARMOUR, Mary


2'27 Nov12 May24 Apr18 Jul27 May4 May22 Dec1 Jul

29 Jul29 Jul3 Aug








B.ARNAIZ, Maria Francisca Herminia WallaceArthibald DUNTON 28Aug S.BATKINS, Bernard CroftonAUSTIN, GertrudeAVERY, EugeneAVILLA(Villa),John A.

Anna Louise FULTONErnest Franklin DAYAnnie BURTONChristina ROMERO

7 Oct26 Nov20 Aug7 Oct

(License shows name as Johnie A.Villa and John Villa)AYALA, JohnBACON, George WilliamBAGG, John ShermanBAILEY, Ethel WeltonBAKER, Elmer PhillipBAKER, William StanleyBALL, Joseph JohnBALL, MariaBARBASTE, MarieBARKER, flattie IrmaBARKER, William JordanBARLOW, Geroge CorneliusBARNES, Edith LavinaBARNES, Harry AlpheusBARNES, John BoydBARNES, Lambert S.BARNES, Owen MeadBARNES, Peter GreenBARRETT, Joseph WarrenBARRY, Walter EnmettBARTLETT, Frank BartonBATES, LucyBATTY, Ernest ChamberlayneBAXLEY, Isaac RiemanBEAL, Elvera EdithBEATTIE, Herbert EdwinBECK, Herbert ElieBEGG, LauraBENNETT, MortimerBERND, Clara AgnesBESS, Fannie EthelynBEUTERBAUGH, Eunice

Mary M. ESPINOSAEthel G. FELLHazel LeFrancis HOBSONAlbert Davis PENDLEYAlice Gertrude COINERHattie CHATMANDora May RUDOLPHJose Ygnacio ORTEGAJoseph Bertrand COUTENSGeorge William JOHNSONEva Louise(a) LEWIS

4 Feb27 NovS.B.(Lomp)15 Jun12 Nov20 Aug9 Mar10 Apr22 Jun2 Jul29 Jan28 Aug

Anna Elizabeth ROCKENSIES 3 AugPeter Green BARNES 28 OctFelina CARRILLO 2 Jun

Mary Annetta(e) FORREST 29 MayClara M. SMITH 28 OctCarrie CURTIS 14 AprEdith Lavina BARNES 28 OctJosephine DOTTA 21 AprJennie G3NDRAN 22 JunLeah Alma SHELLADY 28 MarWilliam Alfred WHITE 5 FebVera Mary Strode BLYTH 18 NovEllen COOPER 5 DecJames Ernest REELS 15 MayHattie Alice DOTY 13 FebFlorence BUSHNELL 25 NovJacob Logan BURTON 9 FebEllswort BROWN 9 FebCharles Martin HUBEL 2 JanHorace Hearld JEWETT 9 OctJohn Lloyd TALBOTT 6 Nov

S. B.S. B.LompMont

S. B.

S. B.LompS. B.S. B.LompS. B.S.S.S.





GolS. B.S.S.S.S.S.MontEll

S. B.S.S.

S.S:S.Los O



BIGGER, CarrieSAiHjn^(S3m^ieriLesEta Ellsworth. BIRDBIRD, Lewis Ellsworth.BLACK, Charles: Francis:BLANCHET, JosephineBLYTH,Vera "Mary StrodeBCDIE, Frank Henry-BONETTI, Attalia OlyrapiuBOOKER, Edith Helen GanoBOTELLO, Aurora JosephineBOSKER, Neal BaleBOWMAN, Josephine ConklingBOYD, Edward Win.BRABO, Joseph Ramon, Jr.BRECK, CharlesBRIGGS, Lula MayBROUGHTON, LenoreBROWN, Claude LongfellowBROWN, EllsworthBROWN, Jessie Louise

Carrie. Sumner BIGGERLida Jane HARRIS'Charles-BRECKErnest CHamberline BATTf;Mary ArmourCharles Ambrose HALLJames- Gaff BURTONJoseph Ramon BRABO, Jr.Ethel Anna DAUGHERTYThomas Walter LOWELeonora SHTRRELLAurora Josephine BOTELLOJosephine BLANCHETBert EnnisEAGLERGeo. Collyer GALEMaggie MACKNEKOWSKIMortimer BENNETTCharles Percival RICHMOND

BROWN, William John Francis(Frances)WaIker FISHBRUCE, Robert WilliamBUELL, Maybelle MargaretBURKE, Nellie MargaretBURNS, Alice HarrisonBURTON, AnnieBURTON, Jacob LoganBURTON, James GaffBUSHNELL, FlorenceBUTT, George Alfred

Hazel Frances PIERCEWylie Cleveland NIELSONEllis Owen VAT.T.IKKITB. John WANDREYEugene AVERYLaura BEGGEdith Helen Gano BOOKERHerbert KLie BECKRosa Vivian COLE

BYRNE, Jennie Melvina Stone Cyrus Merriam PEIRCECACCIA, Annetta

CALDER, Laure WilliamsCAIDERA, AlejandroCALDWELL, Decatur GoldenCALIGARI, Battista CA)CAMERON, Claire VernonCAMPBELL,Leila Hardcastle

Cesare MacciantiEarnest Goodhue STROUDDolores HILLJessie Pearl SUMPTERAlbina PORTER (Porta)Hannah Matilda EUPHRATAlexander Franklin LANE

O\MP0DCNIC0,MargaretElizabeth WilliamFoster SAMPSONCAREAGA(Carega)Louis Samuel Mercedes Pauline ORELLACARLSON, AnnaCARLSON, JohnCARNEY, SarahCARRILLO, FelinaCARRILLO, Raumundo ManuelCARSCATJ.KNClara A'BeckettCASTELO, CarmenCASTRO, Anita MarieCAWELTI, NormanCHAMBERLTNE (Chamberlain)

Mary ElizabethCHANDA, JosephCHATMAN, HattieCHURCH, Charles ThorpeCLARK, Wn. LattinCLIFTON, SamuelCOINER, Alice GertrudeCOLE, Rosa VivianCOLEMAN, GarfieldCOMBEnO, Bernardo

Frank OLSONAlice McphersonJames Eugene KAVANAUGHHarry Alpheus BARNESELisa (Eliza) RENAULTDonald Wallace SKEELJulian Matias ORELLAWilliam Fletcher JOHNSTONGertrude WYLIEHarry Eugene SEXTON

Margaret Ann HUGHESWilliam Stanley BAKERRose Anna Laux SCHWALLERDorothy Jennie McGONIGLEGeorgia Blanche DALLYElmer Phillip BAKERGeorge Alfred BUTTSonora Elbertha FULLERMar«»uerite CRBAN

7 Mar

7Mar4 Jul25 May18 Nov3 Aug

30 Jun17 Dec22 Sep15 Oct1 Jan

30 Oct22 Sep25 May22 Apr29 May31 Oct9 Feb25 Jul12 Dec8 Jun6 Feb2 Jun12 Aug20 Aug9 Feb17 Dec25 Nov6 Jan2 Apr6 Apr3 Sep

20 Dec8 Aug10 Sep15 Jul11 Jul5 Jun

20 Nov21 Sep15 May15 Jan2 Jan1 Aug

31 Jul17 Jul27 Jul30 Oct17 Dec

16 Jul9 Mar26 Oct

2 Oct26 Jan20 Aug6 Jan11 Oct

20 Aug

S. B.

9. B.S. B.S. B.Mont

S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.CarpS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.Gol

GuadS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.




S. B.S. B.Mont

LompS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.


CONARD, Francis. PaxsonCONTRARIAS (Contreras).

Raymond Jos.CONWAY, ByronCOOK, EmmaCOOPER, EllenCOOPER, Ethel CordeliaCOOPER, WilliamCORDERO, Clara

28 Feb29 May


Blanche ALEXANDERCharles Frank LUKENIsaac Rieman BAXLEYJohn Price CUDDEBACKEnma Pearl ROBEYEnrique ESPINOSA

18 Jul26 Oct4 Dec

6 May15 May14 Sep31 May14 Sep25 Feb4 Pet

7 Sep(22) Feb20 May3 Jul

19 Jun2 Jul1 Dec3 May

22 Feb6 May14 Apr2 Aug26 Jan7 May5 Dec15 Oct26 Nov25 Sep8 Jul18 Sep26 Nov2 Oct

6 Aug17 Jul17 Dec9 Feb13 Feb26 Sep28 Nov1 MayS21 Apr13 Feb14 May26 Sep10 Jun25 Sep21 Sep

OORDERO.FranciscoEstanislaus Sarah Adalena HATTERYCORDERO, MaryCORDERO, SadieCORDERO,SerafinaCGRMACK, ClydeCOTA, AlexandroCOTA, EelfinaCOTA, LeonardoCOTA, SimonCOUTENS, JosephCRANE, Isabel SlingerlandCRAWFORD, Andres AndersonCROSS, Helen LeeCUDDEBACK, John PriceCURTIS, CarrieCURTIS, Wilbur WillisDALLY, Georgia BlancheDALY, JamesDARLING, Bessie Constance

Porfirio ORTIZAdrinao LUGOJoe REZZPLittie SWALESClara OLTVERAJuan EmLlio FLORESAnnie Butt WHITNEYAntonia CNTIVEROSMarie BARBASTECharles Nelson WILLTTSLena LEBERTCecil Ernest HOUDEYSHELEthel Cordelia COOPEROwen Mead BARNESMinnie Roasette PAYNESamuel CLIFTONNellie(Helen) McGINLEYMartin Alexander EMERICK

DAUGBTERTY(Daugherty)EthelEama Neal Bale BOWKERDAVEE, Albert RoscoeDAVIS, EtelkaDAVIS(Davirs) MaryDAY, Alice MargaretDAY, Ernest FranklinDEAN, Jerome AmosDECKER, Ellen MaudeDEN, Alfonso LorenzoDENARD, Jean BaptisteDEVENDORF, Fred ClarkBOCKSTADER, Ernest ClaytonDOMINGUEZ, AnnieDOMINGUEZ, JosefaDOMINGUES, TherezaBOTTA, JosephineDOTY, Hattie AliceDOUGLASS, Louise K.DOVER, Joseph CaytanoDOWELL, William HickmanDOWNS, William HenryDREWS, Frederick G.DUNN, John ArcherDUNN, John AsaDUNTON, Wallace Archibald

Ruby Ivea NEWHOUSEWilliam Henry DOWNSFredrick Joseph WILKINSWilliam Augustus McLARENGertrude AUSTINMary Alice WILHOITJoseph Belt MILLEREdwina MEYERMarie OHACONancy Ellen VAN RIPERMabel LYONJoseph Caytano DOVERFrancisco LOPEZAnthony POSTERJoseph Warren BARRETTHerbert Edwin BEATTIEWilliam PASTORAnnie DOMINGUEZRosa YUNKEREtelka DAVISCarrie Eva GAIL


S. B.

S. M.

S. B.S. B.Ell

S. B.B.





S. B.Las CS. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.

S. B.

S. B.B.B.B.B.


B.B.(Mont)S. B.






Francis Carlisle STOCKING 12 OctLucy STRAYER 26 JunMaria Francisco Herminia 28 Aug

ARNAIZMartha Florence MORRIS 7 MayMaria Dutra MARTINEZ 7 Sep

DURFEE, Eedward ColeDUTRA, Frank Garcia

S. B.

S. B.

S. M.


EAGLER, Bert Ennis.EARLE, Walter HerbertEDDT, Geo. LymanEDRIN3?roN(Edington)Wj!iiEDWARDS, Anna NormaEDWARDS, Carl FrancisEMERIGK, Martin AlexanderENGLISH, Earl ElmoERRECA, Jean BaptistaESPEJO, RamonaESPINOSA, EnriqueESPINOAA, Leonardo S.ESPINOZA, Mayy M.ESTELL, Martha ELlenEUPHRAT, Hannah MatildaFEELEY, JamesFELL, Ethel G.FERRERO, AnnaFIELAND(Fielan)WilliamFISH, Frances WalkerFLEMING, Ernest WilliamFLINT, Charles ByronFLORES, Juan EmilioFOREN, Laura

Lula.:May-BRI6GSMary Clara HAMMFTiEttalfay STEP

Barret Rowena MOOREJames Philip SULLIVANMabel POETTBessie Constance DARLINGBessie Agnes SMITHMariana LASAGAJames Adolphus SCOTTClara CORDEROMaria Antonia ROMERO 6John AYALA

22 Apr S. B.11 Jul S. B.14 Nov Lomp5 Sep nr Gol28 Aug S. B.5 Jun5 Dec

19 Jun21 Dec10 Oct14 Sep

Feb(Mission)SY4 Feb S. B.


William H. STILLMAN(Stilwell)120ct S.B.Claire Vernon CAMERON 15 Jul S. B.Anna Maria RUDDY 5 Jun S. B.George William BAOON 27 NbvLomp(SB)Luigi Giacinto SOMACAL 8 Sep S. B.Dora MIRANDA 28 MayWilliam John BROWN 12 Dec

Dola Pierre LDngstreetTRAFTON 6AprIsabella Virginia LTBBEY 3 NovDelfina COTAJohn Watson ALDERMAN

FORREST, Mary Annetta(Annette) John Boyd BARNESFOSTER, AnthonyFOX, AngelaFREILEY, William EllmorFRICK, Charles WinzelFRICK, William HenryFRYER, GeorgeFRYMAN, Geo. WesleyFULLER, Sonora ElberthaFULMER, Grace AlamedaFULTON, Anna LouiseGAGE, Mary CortGAIL, Carrie EvaGALE, Geo. CollyerGALLAGHER, AnnieGEALAS, KateGEORGE, MaryGEWE, Hattie MayGILKESON, Ada LeeGILLETT, Fred JayGILMORE, Jack W.GLEASON,Henry B.GLENSOR, Harry WillardGODFREY, ArthurGONDRAN, JennieGOODCHTLD, Ralph AlexanderGOODEN, Arthur HenryGRACE, Victor

S. B.CarpS. B.S. B.Las CS. B.S. B.

20 May24 Apr29 May

TherezaDOMINGUES 1 MayMont(SB)Harold L. MITCHELL 11 Sep S. B.Murtle SAUNDERS 17 AprGeorgia May SLANKARD 13 AugMabel PARK 19 JunOsyth Ransome SEXTON 1 JunRuth Idella NIDEVER 4 JulGarfield COLEMAN 11 OctRalph Alexander GOGDCHILD 25 DecBernard Crofton ATKINS 7 OctCharles Blackburn LEFFLER 22 AugFrederick G. DREWS 21 SepLenore EKOUGHTON 29 MayEdward SWERTNER 29 JulJohn SILVA 31 DecFrancis Paxson OONARD 28 FebErnest Alva BOBBINS 7 JanClyde Barton STAMP(Staup) 24 DecOlga MAKKDNENBeatrice J. TAYLOREva Mildred WALLACEElizabeth Paschall HACKERLillian Harriet PAGEElater.Enmett BARRYGrace Alameda FULMEREunice Anna JANESMarie LUCEY

GRAEBER, AugustHeinrichFriedrich Elizzabeth WALSH

23 Jul30 Aug5 Jun5 Dec7 Dec

22 Jun

25 Dec6 Feb30 Jul28 Feb28 Dec22 Jun15 Apr4 May29 Sep

GRANT, JamesGRAY, Lendal MortalGREENFIELD, Benjamin PercyGREENLEAF, DorotheaGRIFFIN, Arthua

Janet McHardy RITCHIESophie Katherine MARKSJessie Eugenie TAYLORWilliam M. HUMANSLucy Alice SEXTON

LompS. B.MontS. B.CarpS. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.LompS. B.S. B.S. B.Los AS. B.S.S.S.S.S.S.



S. B.S. B.S. B.Mont

S. B.S. B.S. B.



GRCSS1, Louis. DomingoGRUWELL, Jesse AlainGUENTHER, Ethel GlendolenGUIDOTn, GiodittaHACKER, Elizabeth PaschallHADDON, George SamuelHADLEY, Everest Wells Jr.HAHN, Ida E.HALL, Charles AmbroseHAMILTON, JamesHAMMEL, Mary ClaraHAMMOND, Golden IreneHAMPTON, JosephHANSEN, OlgaHARDING, Jesse EugeneHARRIS, Lida JaneHASSEY, Mary FrancesHATTERY, Sarah AdalenaHAWKINS, George AlfredHAWKINSON, Obe WilliamHAYWARD, Earl GrantHERALD (Hearld) FRANKHESKIN, PatrickHESSE, ELla AntonietteHESSE, Lucy HazelHEYL, Ethlene CoraHIGGINS, Annie E.HILL, DoloresHILL, OliverHILL, Samuel MiltonHIRT, AgnesHOBERT(Hobart),Edward FisherHOBSON, Hazel LeFRANCISHOLLINGS, Richard ButterworthHORN, David IsiahHOUDEYSHEL,Cecil ErnestHOWLAND, Jennie MayHUBEL, Charles MartinHUGHES, Margaret AnnHUMANS, William M.HUNT, Enroa AmeliaHUNT, Laura AgnesHUYCK, Emily

ILENSTEIN, Francis DeeJANES, Eunice AnnaJEWETT, Horace HaroldJIMINEZ, WillehadoJOHNSON, George WilliamJOHNSTON, Herbert DennisJOHNSTON, William FletcherJONAS, FredJONES, Richard D.JUAREGUE, Gregorio PorfirioKAVANAGH, James EugeneKEENEY, Alonzo AlbertKEISER, Pauline D.KELLY, John JamesKINCAID, Bertha Jean

Guiditta GUIDOTTI 16 Apr S. B.Dica Lucille SMITH 25 Jun Los OHaison Sylvester RIDEOUT 7 May S. B.Louis Dcmingo GROSSI 16 Apr S.Harry Willard GLENSCR 5 Dec S.Hilda C. SWANSON 8 Dec S.Isabel May RICE 10 Apr S.Fred JONAS 12 Jun S.Attalia Olympia BONETTI 30 Jun S.Nellie LAUGHLIN 24 Nov S.Walter Herbert EARLE 11 Jul S.Carl Henry ROGERS 6 Jul S.Stella Madeline MILLER 16 Sep S.John James KELLY 21 Jun S.Violett Virginia SIMON 2 Sep S.Charles Francis BLACK 4 Jul S.William Leon MYERS 14 May S.Francisco Estanislaud CORDERO 31MayS.























Pauline ADRIAN 27 Nov S.Hannah Louisa THOMPSON 14 Oct S.Frieda Dorothy MEYER 11 Sep S.Agnes HIRT 20 Aug S.Elizabeth Maria STINSON 4 Sep S.George Wesley Winston STONE 4 Nov S.Walter Jeptha RANDOLPH 9 Feb S.John Pilcher SMITH 5 Mar S.Robert Jonathan MYERS 10 Sep S.Alejandro CALDERA 20 Dec S.Amanda McWILLIAMS 28 Oct S.Elizabeth Clarissa WAUGH 25 Sep S.Frank HEARLD(Herald) 20 Aug S.Jennie Anna SALISBURY 15 Nov S.John Sherman BAGG 15 Jun S.Bertha Lucretia SCHUSTER 20 Mar S.Emily HUYCK 23 Oct S.Helen Lee CROSS 22 Feb S.Clarence Wayne AMOS 22 Dec S.Sara Agnes BERND 2 Jan S.Joseph CHANDA 16 Jul S.Darotha GREENLEAF 4 May S.Arthur MASSEY 15 Apr S.David MORELL 20 Oct S.David Isiak HORN 23 Oct S.Cora RUTHERFORD 9 Oct S.Arthur Henry GOCDEN 6 Feb MontFanne Ethelyn BESS 9 Oct nr Los ORosaria REYES 4 Oct S. B.Hattie Irma BARKER 29 Jan S. B.Rosa Beatrice LOGAN 4 Sep S. B.Anita Marie CASTRO 27 Jul S. M.Ida E. HAHN 12 Jun S. B.Pauline D. KEISER 10 Jun S. B.Mary ROBLES 5 Apr S. B.Sarah CARNEY 15 Dec S. B.Claribel VAN DERVORT 17 Aug S. B.Richard D. JONES 10 Jun S. B.Olga HANSEN 21 Jun S. B.Louis Daniel RASOR 19 Mar S. B.


KING, BruceKLAYS, Virginia MabelKLETT, Edward J.KNTFFEN, Alberta KattiKNIGHT, Frost JosephKO0PMANS(Kx3permans) NienReLANE, Alexander FranklinLANE, Nora LeeLANE, Raymond EarlLANG, MarkLASAGA, MarianaLAUGHLIN, NellieLEACH, Willis ElginLEBERT, LenaLEFFLER, Charles BlackburnLEPPER, Willis FloydLEWIS, Eva LouisaLEWIS, Lillian ElsieLIBBEY, Isabella VirginiaLINDBOE, Ragnhild WilhelmineLTVAROT, Manuel DeF.LOGAN, Rosa BeatriceLONG, LouisaLONG, Sadie ElizabethLONGSDON, Donnie PhiloLOPEZ , FranciscoLOPEZ, Josie DoverLOPEZ, LauraLOWE, Thomas WalterLUCEY, MamieLUGO, AdrianoLUGO, AnnieLUKEN, Charles FrankLYON, MabelMACCIANTI, CesareMCKNEKOWSKI, MaggieMAKKDNEN, OlgaMANDONCA, Anna AmeliaMANZETTI, FrankMARCIEL, Manuel CaetanoMARKER, Alfred EugeneMARKS, Sophie KatherineMARRIOTT, Charles HerbertMARSH, RubyMARTENS, ClaraMARTINEZ, JacintaMARTINEZ, Maria DutraMARVIN, Ida MayMASON, Floyd RaymondMASON, Mary MargaretMASSEY, ArthuaMcBLRNEY, Louise GilbertMcCALEB, Edith MaudeMCCARTHY, RosalieMcDANIEL, Alfred NewtonMcELHANEY, Alva RoyMcGINLEY, Nellie (Helen)

Lizzie. SHERMAN 14 Nov S. B.George Warren SANDERS 15 Oct S. B.Ida May MARVIN 17 Dec S. B.Bert Lercy THOMPSON 4 Nov S. B.Gertrude Rebecca YOUNG 13 Oct S. B.Otto NIEOERMULLER 17 Feb MontLeila Hardcastle CAMPBELL HJul GolGeorge Alexander RAY 13 Feb GolTheresia Dorothy YOUNG 6 Jan S. B.Grace NTDEVER 6 Mar CarpJean Baptista ERRECA 21 Dec S. B.James HAMILTON 24 Nov S. B.Agnes Georgana RANDALL 1 Jul S. B.Andrew Anderson CRAWFORD 3 May S. B.Mary Cart GAGE 22 Aug S. B.Helen Louise STRENGTH 25 Aug S. B.William Jordan BARKER 28 Aug S. B.Alfred Newton McDANIEL 2 Jul S. B.Charles Byron FLINT 3 Nov S. B.Peter Kristian SrVERTSON 10 Feb S. B.Jacinta MARTINEZ 23 Oct S. B.Herbert Dennie JOHNSTON 4 Sep S. B.Frank Rudolph SHATTUCK 27 Dec S. B.Charles Herbert MARRIOTT 12 Oct S. M.Beulah Belle ALLISON 4 May S. B.Josefa DOMLNGEZ 28 Nov S. B.Benjamin Franklin NEWTON 10 Dec S. B.Belisario ROBLES 13 Apr S. B.Josephine Conkling BOWMAN 1 Jan S. B.Victor GRACE 30 Jul S. B.Sadie CORDERO 25 Feb S. B.Abalardo RUIZ 2 Dec CarpEmm COOK 26 Oct S. B.Ernest Clayton DOCKSTADER 13Feb S. B.Annetta CACCIA 6 Apr S. B.Claude Longfellow BROWN 31 Oct S. B.Fred Jay GILLETT 23 Jul S. B.Manuel Caetano MARCIEL 14 May S. B.Catterina TAPPERO 19 Jan S. B.Anna Amelia MANDONCA 14 May S. B.Eleanor TAYLOR 1 May S. B.Lendal Morton GRAY 22 Jun MontSadie Elizabeth LONG 12 Oct S. M.William SMITH 22 Jul S. B.Albert Edward NEWTON 21 Sep S. B.Manuel De F. LIVAROT 23 Oct S. B.Frank Garcia DUTRA 7 Sep S. M.Edward J. KLETT 17 Dec S. B.Mary Margaret MASON 8 May S. B.Floyd Raymond MASON 8 May S. B.Emm Amelia HUNT 15 Apr S. B.Stuart WALCOTT 21 Jan MontRudolph Edward SCHRDFF 17 Mar S. B.Maynard ROSENBERGER 2 Apr S. B.Lillian Elsie LEWIS 3 Jul S. B.Lillie Eva POOL 19 Mar S. B.James DALEY 7 May S. B.


LompS. B.

McGONIGLE, Dorothy Jennie.McLAREN, William AugustusMcMTCHAELS, Samuel OwenMcpherson, AliceMcWILLIAMS, AmandaMENDENHALL, Olive AmeliaMERRY, GenevieveMEYER, EdwinaMEYER, Frieda DorohtyMIDDLETDN, Thomas BowmanMILLER, Harlan DeweyMILLER, Joseph BeltMILLER, Mary L.MILLER, Stella MadelineMIRANDA, DoraMITCHELL, Harold L.MOORE, Alice MaudMOORE, RowenaMORE, CatherineMORELL, DavidMORRIS, Martha FlorenceMORRISON, Ernest J.MURPHY Frances AlviraMUSTIN, Mrs. EthelMYALL, Maud MayMYERS, Robert JonathanMYERS, William LeonNEAL, Pearle ElizabethNEWHOUSE, Ruby IveaNEWTON, Albert EdwardNEWTON, Benjamin FranklinNLDEVER, GraceNIDEVER, Ruth IdellaNIEDERMULLER, OttoNIELSGN, Wylie ClevelandO'BANNON, Walter James

OHACO, MarieOLTVERA, ClaraOLSON, FrankGNTIVEROS, AntoniaONTIVEROS, Blanche OduliaORBAN, MargueriteORELLA, Julian MatiasORELLA, Mercedes PaulineORTEGA, Jose YgnacioORTEGA, LawrenceORTIZ, PorfirioOSBORNE, PhyllisOTIS, Pearl NinaPAGE, Lillian HarrietPARK, MabelPARRISH, Andrew LeroyPARRISH(Parish)IdaMyrtle UptonPASTOR, WilliamPAUL, Mary LeonoraPAYNE, Minnie Roasette

Vita. Lattin CLARK 2 OctAlice Margaret DAY 18 SepBerthilda PETERSON 6 Nov

John CARLSON 15 MayOliver HELL 28 OctWalter James O'BANNON 4 OctHarlle ZEIGLER 24 OctAlfonso Lorenzo DEN 17 JulEarl Grant HAYWARD 11 SepSarah Agnes WINTERS 25 JunNellie Rogers STONE 11 SepEllen Maude DECKER 6 AugChas. F. SMITH 25 JunJoseph HAMPTON 16 SepWilliam FIELAN (Fieland) 28 MayAngela FOX 11 SepGustav PILLING 18 Nov

William Barret EDINGTCN(Edrington) 5 Sep nrGolLewis Thompson SKUTMAN 18 Aug S. B.Laura Agnes HUNT 20 Oct S. B.Edward Cole DURFEE 7 May S. B.Alma E. SMITH 3 Jul S. B.William Edward STEWART 11 May S. B.Homes TUCKER 14 Nov Los AErnest Frank WEBB 16 Sep S. B.Annie E. HIGGINS 10 Sep S. B.Mary Frances HASSEY 14 May S. B.Richard Dudley VAN DUYNE 16 Jun S. B.Albert Roscoe DAVEE 26 Nov LompClara MARTINS 21 Sep S. B.Josie Dover LOPEZ 10 Dec S. B.Mark LANG 6 Mar CarpGeo. Wesley FRYMAN 4 Jul CarpNienke KDaPERMANS(Koopmans)17Feb MontMaybelle Margarett BUELL 6 Feb S. B.Olive Amelia MENDENHALL 4 Oct S. B.Jean Baptiste DENARD 17 Dec S. B.Alexander COTA 22(4) Feb S. B.Anna CARLSON 21 Sep S. B.Simon COTA 19 Jun

Raymond Jos. O0NTRARAS(Contreras)29MayS.Bernardo CCMBETTO 20 Aug S.Carmen CASTELO 17 Jul

Louis Samuel CAREGA (Careaga) 20 NovMaria BALL 22 Jun

Isabelle RGBARD (Rouard) 27 JunMary CORDERO 14 Sep

Louis Jacquith SPEAR(Speer) 29 JulJohn POOLE 11 JunArthur GODFREY 7 DecWilliam Henry FRICK 19 Jun MontIda Myrtle Upton PARISH 29 Mar S. B.Andrew Leroy PARRISH 29 Mar S. B.Louise K. DOUGLAS 14 May S. B.George Calvin WATSON 30 Sep S. B.Wilbur Willis CURTIS 2 Aug Lomp

















PELRCE, Cyrus. MerriamPENDLEY, Albert DaviaPEPPIER, AnnaPESANTE, Peter AlbertPETERSON, BerthildaPETERSON, Lillie GwendolinePIERCE, Hazel FrancesPILLING, GustavPOCKETS, Gustave HermanPOETT, MabelPOOL, Lillie EvaPOOLE, JohnPORTA, Porter, AlbinaRAE, John GeorgeRANDALL, Agnes GeorganaRANDOLPH, Walter JepthaRASOR, Louis DanielRAY, George AlexanderREELS, James ErnestRENAULT, ElizaREYES, RosariaREZZO, JoeREZZONICO, JohnRICE, Isabel MayRICHMOND, Charles PercivalRTDEOUT, Haison SylvesterRITCHIE, Janet McHardyROBARD (Rouard) IsabelleROBBINS, Ernest AlbaRCBEY, Emma PearlRCBLES, BelisarioROBLES, MaryROCKENSIES, Anna ElizabethROGERS, Carl Henry Golden Irene HAMMONDROMERO, Christina John A. AVILLA (VILLA)

(Johnie A. Villa and John Villa on license)ROMERO, Maria AntoniaROSENBERGER, MaynardROUARD(RObard) IsabelleRUDDY, Anna MariaRUDOLPH, Dora MayRUFFNER, Stanley JosephRUIZ, AbalardoRUTHERFORD, BelleRUTHERFORD, CoraSALISBURY, Jennie AnnaSALSBURY, James WilliamSAMPSON, William FosterSANDERS, George WarrenSAUNDERS, MyrtleSCHALLERT, Eugene JosephSCHERMERBORN, SusieSCHROFF, Rudolph EdhwardSCHUSTER, Bertha LucretiaSCHWALLER, Rose Anna LauxSCOTT, James Adolphus

Jennie Melvina Stone BYRNE 2 Apr S. B.LompS. B.

Ethel Welton BAILEYGustave Herman POCKETSElizabeth TAPIESamuel Owen McMICHAELSStanley Joseph RUFFNERRobert William BRUCEAlice Maud MOOREAnna PeppierCarl Francis EDWARDSAlva Roy McELHANEYNina Pearl OTISBattista (A) CALIGARIRobertina STEVENSWillis Elgin LEACHLucy Hazel HESSEBertha Jean KINCAIDNora Lee LANEElvera Edith BEALRaymundo Manuel CARRILLOWillehado JIMENEZSerafina CORDEROAdeline ALBERTONI

12 Nov6Mar24 Jan6 Nov11 Oct8 Jun

18 Nov6 Mar5 Jun

19 Mar11 Jun10 Sep11 Aug1 Jul9 Feb19 Mar13 Feb15 May1 Aug4 Oct4 Oct12 May

Everest Wells HADLEY, Jr.10 AprJessie Louise BROWN 25 JulEthel Glendolen GUENTHER 7 MayJames GRANT 28 DecLawrence ORTEGA 27 JunHattie May GEWE 7 JanWilliam COOPER 15 MayLaura LOPEZ 13 Apr S.Gregorio Porfirio JUAREGUE 5Apr S.George Cornelius BARLOW 3 Aug S.

6 Jul S.7 Oct Mont










B.GolS. B.S.S.S.S.





Los AS. B.




Leonardo S. ESPLNOZA 6 Feb §? 9?Rosalie MCCARTHY 2 Apr S. B.Lawrence ORTEGA 27 JunJames FEELEY 5 JunJoseph John BALL 10 AprLillie Gwendoline PETERSON HOctAnnie LUGO 2 DecFrank TOWNE 9 JanFrancis Dee ILENSTEIN 9 OctEdward Fisher BDBART(Hobert)15NovS. B.Muriel Jessamine WHEATON 23 Jul S. B.

Marguerite Elizabeth CaMPODCNICOS JunVirginia Mabel KLAYS 15 OctWilliam Ellmore FREILEY 17 AprZena Leonora WILSON 5 NovHenry Terril SPROUSE 24 JulEdith Maud McCALEB 17 MarRichard Butterworth HQLLINGS20MarS.B.Charles Thorpe CHURCH 26 Oct MontRamona ESPEJO 10 Oct S. B

S. B.S. B.LompS. B.CarpS. B.S. B.

GuadS. B.lonpS. B.S. B.S. B.


SEXTON, Harry Eugene

SEXTON, Lucy AliceSEXTON, Osytfi RansomeSHATTUCK, Frank RudolphSHELLADY, Leah AlmaSHERMAN, LizzieSHTRRELL, LeonoraSIENANK, Elsie FisherSILVA, JohnSIVERTSON, Peder KristianSIMON, Violett VirginiaSKEEL, Donald Wallace

Mar^ Eliza CHAMBERLAINCChamberline)17 Dec Gol

Arthur GRIFFIN 29 Sep S. B.George FRYER 1 Jun S.Louisa LONG 27 Dec S.Frank Barton BARTLETT 28Mar S.Bruce KING 14 Nov S.Edward Vftn. BOYD 30 Oct S.Alfred Wright ALLEY 27 May S.Kate GEALAS 28 Dec S.

Ragnhild Wilhelmine LINDBOE lOFebS.Jesse Eugene HARDING 2 Sep

Clara Beckett CARSCALLEN31 Jul( Clara A'Beckett)Catherine MORE 18 AugCharles Winzel FRICK 13 Aug



s.Los OS. B.S. Y.GolLos 0S. B.

SKILLMAN, Lewis ThompsonSLANKARD, Georgia MaySMITH, Alma E.SMITH, BerthaSMITH, Bessie AgnesSMITH, Chas. F.SMITH, Clara M.SMITH, Dica LucilleSMITH, John PilcherSOMACAL, Luigi GiacintoSCMERMEIER(SCMMERVILLE), AnneSPANGLER, WilliamSPEER(Spear) Louis JaquithSPROUL, EffieSPROUSE, Henry TerrilSTAMP, (Staup) Clyde BartonSTAUP, (Stamp) Clyde BartonSTEELE, Alfred MossSTARKWEATHER, James WilliamSTARR, Mabel E.STEPHENS, Edna LoraneSTEVENS, RobertinaSTEP, Etta MaySTEWARD, Sarah JosieSTEWART, William EdwardSTILLWELL(Stillman),William H.STLNSGN, Elizabeth MariaSTOCKING, Francis CarlisleSTONE, George Wesley WinstonSTONE, Nellie RogersSTOWE, JosephineSTRAYER, LucySTRENGTH, Helen LouiseSTROUD, Earnest GoodhueSULLIVAN,James Phil(l)ipSUMPTER, Jessie PearlSWALES, LottieSWANSCN, Hilda C.SWEENEY, Hugh Chas.SWERTNER, EdwardTALBATT(Talbott) John LloydTAPLE, ElizabethTAPPERO, Catterina

Ernest J. MORRISON 3 JulAlfred Moss STEELE 25 JunEarl Elmo ENGLISH 19 JunMary L. MILLER 25 JunLambert S. BARNES 28 OctJesse Alain GRUWELL 25 JunEthlene Cora HEYL 5 MarAnna FERRERO 8 Sep S.William Addison WHITE 2 Mar S.Mabel E. STARR 27 Nov S.Phyllis OSBORNE 29 Jul S.Felix George WYRZYKOWSKI 5N0v S.Susie SCHERMERHORN 24 Jul S.Ada Lee GILKESON 24 Dec S.Ada Lee GILKESON 24 Dec S.Bertha SMITH 25 Jun Los 0

Bertha Setzer WILKINS 19 Aug S. B.William SPANGLER 27 Nov S. B.Geo.David UPTON 5 Jun LompJohn George RAE 11 Aug S. B.Geo. Lyman EDDY 14 Nov LompRichard J. TRUSSLER 22 Dec S. B.Francis Alvira MURPHY llMay S. B.Martha Ellen ESTELL 12 Oct S. B.Patrick HESKIN 4 Sep S. B.John Archer DUNN 12 Oct S. B.Ella Antoniette HESSE 4 Nov S. B.Harlan Dewey MILLER 11 Sep S. B.Edwin Roy WILEMAN 4 Dec S. B.John Asa DUNN 26 Jun S. B.Willis Floyd LEPPER 25 Aug S. B.Laura Williams CALDER 3 Sep S. B.Anna Norma EDWARDS 28 Aug S. B.Decatur Golden CALDWELL8 Aug S. B.Clyde CORMACK 7 Sep S. B.George Samuel HADDON 8 Dec S. B.Adelaide THOMAS 1 May S. B.Annie GALLAGHER 29 Jul S. B.Eunice BEDTERBAUGH 6 Nov LompPeter Albert PESANTE 24 Jan S. B.Frank MANZETTT 19 Jan S. B.












TAYLOR, Beatrice J.TAYLOR, EleanorTAYLOR, Jessie EugenieTESCHAN, Walter FrohsiJin

TBDMAS, AdelaideTHOMPSON, Bert Leroy-THDMPSON, Hannqfj LouisaTHRASHER, FrankTOWNE, Frank

Jack.W. GLLMORE 3Q AugAlfred Eugene MARKER 1 May-Benjamin Perry- GREENFIELD 15AprErnesta Victoria von

BAUMBACH 16 AprHugh Chas. SWEENEY 1 MayAlberta Katti KNTFFEN 4 NovOfee William HAWKINSON 14 OctSigred Elizabeth ANDERSON 1 JulBelle RUTHERFORD 9 Jan

SKSDNiV-5° Ja P±erre LaaSStreet Ernest William FLEMING 6AprTOATm «^t,_, Enrich WELNZETL (Weinzel) 8 OctTRAUB, MabelTRUSSLER, Richard J.TUCKER, HomerUPTON, Geo. David

VALLIKETT, ELlis OwenVILLA (Avila) John A.(name on license: Johnie A.

VAN DERVORT, ClaribelVAN DUYNE, Richard DudleyVAN RIPER, Nancy Ellen

WANDRY, B. JohnWATSON, George CalvinWAUGH, Elizabeth ClarissaWEBB, Ernest FrankWEBER, Rosa EliseWEINZETL(Weinzel),EnrichWHEATON, Muriel JessamineWHITE, William AddisonWHITE, William AlfredWHITNEY, Annie ButtWILCOX, Kathryn MabelWILEMAN, Edwin RoyWILROIT, Mary AliceWILKINS, Bertha SetzerWILKINS, Frederick JosephWILLTTS, Charles NelsonWILSON, Frank WilliamWILSON, Hallie QuinnWILSON, Zena LeonoraWINTERS, Sarah AgnesWISE, Philip LeonardWYLIE, GertrudeWYRZYKOWSKI, Felix GeorgeYOUNG, Gertrude Rebecca

YOUNG, Theresia DorothyYUNKER, RosaZEIGLER, Harlie

Sarah Josie STEWARDMrs. Ethel MUSTINEdna Lorane STEPHENSNellie Margaret BURKEChristina ROMEROVilla and John Villa)Alonzo Albert KEENEYPearle Elizabeth NEALFred Clark DEVENDORF

von BAUMBACH, Ernesta Victoria Walter Erohsinn TESCHAN 16 AprWALCOTT, Stuart Louise Gilbert McBLRNEY 21 JanWALLACE, Eva Mildred Henry B. GLEASON 5 JunWALSH, Elizzabeth August Heinrich Fredrich GRAEBER 28Feb

Alice Harrison BURNS 12 AugMary Leonora PAUL 30 SepSamuel Milton HILL 25 SepMaud May MYALL 16 SepHenry John ABIES 2 MarMabel TRAUB 8 OctJames William SALSBURY 23 Jul

Anne SOMERMEIR(Scmerville) 2 MayLucy Bates 5 FebLeonardo COTA 3 JulPhilip Leonard WISE 24 JulJosephine STOWE 4 DecJerome Amos DEAN 2 Oct

James William STARKWEATHER 19 AugMary DAVTRS (Davis) 8 Jul

Isabel Slingerland CRANE 1 DecHallie Quin(n) WILSON 5 JunFrank William WILSON 5 JunEugene Joseph SCHALLERT 5 NovThomas Rowman MLDDLETON 25 JunKathryn Mabel WILCOX 24 JulNorman CAWELTI .30 OctEffie SPROUL 5 NovFrost Joseph KNIGHT 13 OctRaymond Earl LANE 6 JanWilliam Hickman DOWELL 10 JunGenevieve MERRY 24 Oct

22 Dec14 Nov5 Jun2 Jun7 Oct

17 Aug16 Jul9 Feb

S. B.S. B.S. B.

S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.LosALompS. B.Mont

S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.MontS. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. M.S. B.S. B.S. B.S. X.S. B.


In Santa Barbara Marriage Record Book"H" maiden or previousnames ofbrides are shown as follows: Santa Barbara marriage unless otherwisestated.

Bride (m.n. Or p.n.) Groom Date 1907BANFIELD, Sarah JosieBERNASCONI, AntoniaBICKFORD, EthelBUTT, AnnieCAPRA(CARPRA,MargueriteCASE, JennieMayCOFFMAN, EffieDILLON, AnnieDODGE, NellieDOVER, JosieESPINOSA, DelfinaFLETCHER, HattieGILBERT, LouiseGRIFFIN, ElizabetjHILL, Dolores

previous husband wasBOTCHKISS, Agnes G.KIENTZLER, LouiseMANSELL, Alice MaudMcWBORTER, LottieO'BRIEN, KatePITT, Lillian HarrietPOMIER, DoloresRYERSEE, LouisaSLINGERLAND, IsabelSMITH, Francis A.THCMPKINS, (Tompkins) SarahTOWNE, Ida May

22 Dec

19 Jun14 Nov

3 Jul

20 Aug22 Dec5 Nov29 Jul24 Nov

10 Dec

20 May9 Mar21 Jan24 Jan20 Dec

1 Jul14 May18 Nov7 Sep1 Dec7 Dec20 Dec27 Dec1 Dec

11 May15 Jan

17 Dec

Richard J. TRUSSLERSimon COTA LompocHomer TUCKER Los AlamosJoseph Bertrand COUTENSBernardo COMBRETTOClarence Wayne AMOSFelix GeorgeWYRZYKOWSKIEdward SWERTNERJames HAMILTONBenjamin Franklin NEWTONJuan Emilio FLORES LasCrucesWilliam Stanley BAKERStuart WALCOTT MontecitoPeter Albert PESANTEAlejandro CALDERA

Emilio POMIERWillis Elgin LEACHWilliam PASTORGustav PILLINGClyde CGRMACKJohn SILVAArthur GODFREYAlejandro CALDERAFrank Rudolph SHATTUCKCharles Nelson WILLISWilliam Edward STEWARTJames Eugene KAVANAUGHEdward J. KLETT


CANADA: Complete records on Canadian citizensare kept at the Public Archives of Canada, Ottowa, OntFrance: Documentation Francaise, 29-31 QuaiVoltaire, 753^0 Paris CEDEX 07Germany: Verlag Degner and Co. D 8530 Neustadt A.D.Poland: Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych, Warsaw,DLiga 7. The American Embassy in Warsaw will alsoobtain records for a slight charge.Norway: "Norweigan Ancestors", National TouristOffice, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, N.Y. N.Y. 10019Japan: National Diet Library, 1-10-1 Nagata-cho,Chivoda-ku, Tokyo 100'•Yugoslavia: Arhiv Bosne 1 Hercegovine, Sarajevo,Save Kovacevica 6 (Bosnia)


As stated in a recent issue of the SantaClara Co. H & GS Quarterly, Vol.20, #4,Whole#80, Spring 1984, we must all be careful whenwe ask unknown firms and individuals to helpus in our research.

California Genealogical Society NewsletterVol.XV,#2,April 1984, printed some advice ofthe International Genealogy Consumer Organization, 4329 South Stafford Way, Salt Lake, UT,84119, which -

Does not recommend these genealogists,publications, or businesses:

Alabama, Genealogical Quartlerly, Mobile,ALAnderson, Robert D., Omaha-, NebraskaDoughtery, Donald A., Exeter, NHHanson, Diana, Oahu, HawaiiHistree of Lawton, OklahomaHoward, Bruce A., Mobile, AlabamaJonasson, Eric L., Winnipeg, Manitoba,CANJournal of Genealogy, Omaha, NebraskaKarta of Europe, Mt. Vernon, WashingtonPelton, Susan, Oakley, IDSmith, Conley, Mt. Vernon, WashingtonTree Searchers Genealogical Service,

Snglewood, FloridaVan Hart, Barbara, Ft. Wayne, IndianaWatson, Larry s., Lawton, OklahomaWheatfield Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba,CAN

Recommends caution when dealing with these:Bayle/Bailey, Beatrice, sterling, PAdeBreffny, Brian, London, EnglandSpectator Books, Inc. Maweaqua, IllinoisTaylor, Sharon, Copley or Bath, OhioWarwick, James P., Maweaqua, Illinois

Likewise, take care: in the Illinois StateGenealogical Soc. Newsletter, Vol.5,#7,8,July/August 1984, appeared:

Moultrie Co. H & GS warns of "Walter Manning, Eugene, OR, who doesn't fill orders" and"Halberts who offer 'rare' Coats of Arms."

In the Will-Grundy Co. GS NHMS, additionalword appeared from the International GenealogyConsumer Organization which does not recommend

Genealogical Reference Builders Newsletter,Post Falls, ID

Boy D. J. Droddy, recently of Salt Lake.UTMerlyn Starke, Eagle Grove, IAJack Evans, New Castly, DERichard E. Redding, Jr., Englewood, FLNuma Co., Ltd., Copely, Ohio








QUERIESNeed information on James BROWN born ca.

1885 CA. Lived in WA in early 1900«s,also in Oregon and Alaska.

Theresa Brown

E. 44 GlassSpokane, WA 99207

John Jacob RECTOR/Elizabeth FISHBACK camefrom Trupbach, Germany to Germanna, VA. in1714, Sons were John, Henry, Harmon, andJacob. Most Rectors in America descendfrom this family. A RECTOR FAMILY HISTORYis being compiled. Rector descendants arerequested to write giving ancestry back asfar as known. If found to be a descendantof these Rectors you will be asked fordetails on your family and self. And theinformation you contribute at that timewill become a part of the History.

Larry King100 Longview DriveHendersonville, TN 37075

Need any info on Jeremiah SMITH (s. ofWilliam, Mary SMITH, grandson of James,Ann SMITH) of Rowan-Davidson-Guilfordcounties, NC. Born ca. 1762, fought inRev. War, received TN land grant. Whowere wife, children?Welcome corres of any nature on following:William (s. of James, Ann SMITH) and Mary(died ca. 1825) SMITH of Rowan-Davidsoncounties, NC. Children: Sarah (m. Jos.Moore), Kiziah (m. Steven Welborne),Elizabeth (m. Paul Daniels), Hannah,Martha, Patience, Ruth, Benjamin (m. NancyThomason), John, William Jr., James,Jesses, Jeremiah.Wish to exchange info re following: James(died 1775) and Ann SMITH, removed toRowan County, NC, ca. 1755. Children:Andrew, James Jr., Samuel, William, Ann,Rebeckah, Jannet, Martha, and Mary.

Patricia A. Case

1002 San Antonio Creek RoadSanta Barbara, CA 93111

"DO YOU HAVE ENGLISH ANCESTORS: Will helptrace at reasonable costs.

John !'. Cornish82 Wicksteed House

County StreetLondon, SE1 6RN, oNGLAND

Mr. Cornish has established an hourly rateof $ 7-50 payable into an American account,Write him for details.


BOOKS (Purchased by the Society)

1. Passengers to America. Michael Tepper; Editoe2. Kentucky Marriage Records from the Register of

the Kentucky Historical Society.3. Kentucky marriages 1797-1865. G. Glenn Clift;

Compiler.4. Bermuda Settlers of the 17th Century by Julia

E. (Tlercer.5. Emigrants from England 1773-1776. Transcribed

by Gerald Fothergill.6. Genealogical Periodical Annual Index. Vol.15,

1976, Vol.16,1977, Vol.17,1978, Vol.18, 1979.Laird C. Totule; Editor.

7. A List of the Early Settlers of Georgia. E.ITlerton Coulter & Albert B. Saye; Editors.

B. Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Indiana withSupplement. Margaret Waters; Compiler.

9. Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution by Bobby Gilmer Moss.

10. The Famine Immigrants, Vol.11 & III, Ira Glazier; Editor.

11. The Source - A Guidebook of American Genealogy.Arlene Eakle & Johni Cerneyj Editors.

12. Baptismal & Marriage Registers of the OldDutchChurch of Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. - 1660-1809. Rosuuell R. Hoes; Editor.

BOOKS (Donations)

1. A Bedwell family by Larry King. Donated by theAuthor.

2. The Province of West New Jersey 1609-1702 byJohn E. Pomfret. Donated by Sherwin Chase.

3. Index of Rutland Co., Vermont Gazeteer. 1881by Charles D. Townsend. Donated by the Author.

4. Index of Gazeteer of Addison Co., Vermont.1882.by Charles D. Townsend. Donated by Author.

5. A Guide to the Index Holdings at the Hall ofRecords, Annapolis, Maryland. Donated by DorothyWalt.

6. The rrancis Redfearn 'amily by Louise RedfernPells. Donated by the Author.

7. Glossary of Geographical Names in English, FrenchSpanish, Italian, Dutch & German. Prof. JeanHerbert; Editor. Donated by Sherwin Chase.

8. Index to Hayden's Virginia Genealogies. Renarazel; Compiler. Donated by Irma Keyes.

9. Maryland Marriages 1778-1800. Robert Barnes;Compiler. Donated by Irma Keyes.

10. Our French-Canadian Ancestors by Thomas J. La-rorest. Donated by Lilian rish.

11. Current Publications by Member Societies.2ndEdition. Pub. red. of ramily History Societies.England 1984.

12. Where to rind the International GenealogicalIndex. Jeremy Gibson & Michael Ulalcot; Editors.

13. The Plummers of Harmony Grove by Edgar Z. Palmer.

14. Members Computerized Data Exchange Pub. by L.A.Westside Gen. Soc. 2nd Edition, Mar. 1984. Bill& Merrill Prochar; Compiler.

15. Early Virginia Wills 1790-1850. Wyth Co.16. Genealogies of Connecticut families from the V.r.

Hist. & Gen. Reg. Selected by Gary Boyd Roberts.3 Volumes. Donated by Emily Thies.

17. The Uprooted. The Epic Story of the Great Miora-tions that made the American People, by OscarHandlin.

18. Current Genealogical Publications Vol.1 1984 byClaudette Maerz


1. The Ballew Family Journal April 1984.2. Glenn Families of Kentucky. On Loan from Shirley

Lettington3. Hudnall FamilyGram 1984. On Loan from Shirley

Lettington.4. Huxford Gen. Soc. Inc. Magazine. June 1984. Don

ated by Harry Titus.5. Martin Family Quarterly. May 1984. Donated by

Harry Titus.6. The Reynolds Family Newsletter. Spring, Fall

1982, Fall 1983. Donated by Shirley Lettington.7. Wigfield Newsletter. Vol.14, 1984 On Loan from

Shirley Lettington.


IDAHO: Lost & Found. Boise, Genealogical QueryNewsletter. May 1984

IRELAND: The Irish Ancestor. Vol.IV:2 1972 & Supplement 1972. Donated by Shirley Lettinq-ton.

KENTUCKY: The Longhunter. Bowling Green. Spring 1984.MISSISSIPPI: Mississippi Genealogical Exchange. Vol.n™..™. 29»1~4 1983. Donated by Dorothy Walt.PENNSYLVANIA: The Genealogical Clearinghouse Quar

terly. apr-Jun 1984.


ALABAMA: Natchez Trace Traveler. Vol.4:2 1984.ARIZONA: Sun City Genealogist. Summer 1984.AUSTRALIA:The Ancestral Searcher. Canberra. March


Generation. Queensland. March 1984.BELGIUM: Vlaamse Stam. Mar., April, May 1984.CALIFORNIA: Ash Tree Echo. Index 19B3, July 1984.

Central Coast Gen. Soc. Bulletin. SprinD1984. H -Golden Roots of the Mother Lode. SonoraFall 19B4.Leaves & Saplings. San Diego. Vol.12:l£2 1984

Lifeliner. Riverside. June 1984.Marin Kin Tracer. Novate. Summer 1984.Noticias. Santa Barbara. Vol.XX:4, 1974,Vol.XXI:1, 1975, Vol.XXII:1,3,4 , 1976,Vol.XXIII:1-4,1977, Vol.XXIV:1,2,1973.

103Noticias Index Vol.1-26 1955-1980. Donatedby Lilian FishOrange Co. Gen. Soc. Quarterly. June 1984.Rabbit Tracks, Thousand Oaks. Spring 1984.Redwood Researcher. Fortuna. May 1984.Santa Clara Co. Historical & Gen. Soc. Quart.Fall 19B3.Santa maria Valley Gen. Soc. & Library.Spring 1984.Searcher. Burbank. May, June, July 1984.Sonoma Searcher. June 1984.Surname Searcher. 1977-8.Ventura Co. Gen. Soc. June 1984.

C0L0RAD0:Pinon Whispers. Pueblo. Vol.IV:4.CONNECTICUT: Connecticut Nutmegger. June 1984. Don

ated by Emily Thies.ENGLAND: Family History News & Digest. April 1984.

Hertfordshire People. #20 & 21. 1983-11984.International Soc. for British Genealogy &Family History Newsletter. Apr-Jun 1984.St. Margaret's Journal. Mar.,June,Sept.1980,Mar.1981, Mar.,June,Sept.1982,Winter 1983.On Loan from Shirley Lettington.Wiltshire Fam. Hist. Soc. Spring 1984.

FLORIDA: Florida Genealogist. Sprin 1984. Donatedby Harry Titus.Geneagram. Port Charlotte.April, June 1984.Rota-Gene. Sarasota. Apr-May, Aug-Septl984.

GEORGIA: Ancestors Unlimited Edition. College Park.June 1984.Central Georgia Gen. Soc. Quart. Mar.1984.Georgia Gen. Soc. Quart., Spring 1984.

ILLINOIS:Cornsilk Quart. Sycamore. Summer 1984.DeWitt Co. Gen. Quart. Spring 1984.Madison Co. Gen. Soc. Quart. Spring 1984.

INDIANA: Genealogy. April, May 1984. Indianapolis.Hoosier Genealogist. Indianapolis. June 1984.South Bend Area Gen. Soc. Spring 19B4.

IOWA: American Genealogist. Jan. 1983, April 1983Donated by Emily Thies.

KANSAS: Kansas Kin. Manhattan. May 1984.Midwest Historical & Gen. Register. Apr-Jun 1984.

KENTUCKY: The Register of the Kentucky HistoricalSociety. Vol.77:3,4 1979,Vol.78:1-4, 1980,Vol.79:1-4 1981, Vol.80:1-4 1982, Vol.81:1-4 1983,Vol.82:1 1984. Donated by NancyStrait.

L0UISIANA:Baton Rouge Newsletter.Jan..April, July1984.

MAINE: Downeast Ancestry. Machias. April 1984.Donated by Ruth Scollin.Second Boat. Feb., May 1984 Donated byRuth Scollin.

MASSACHUSETTS: Car-Del Scribe. Ludlow. July 1984.Mayflower Quarterly May 1984. Donated byEmily Thies.

104New England Hist. & Gen. Register.April 1984. Donated by Emily Thies.

MICHIGAN: The Pastfinder. St. Joseph. Summer 1984.red of Gen. Soc. Newsletter. Mar-Apr,May-Jun. 1984.Genealogists' Exchange - July 1984.Platte Co. Hist. & Gen. Soc. Bulletin.Spring 1984.Prairie Gleaner. Mar, Sept,Dec. 1983.Mar. 1984. Donated by Holly Jennings.Researcher. May 1980, Jan.-Sept. 19811.Donated by Dorothy Walt.Seventeen Seventy-Six. Vol.1:3 1982.Donated by Shirley Lettington.

NEBRASKA: Ancestors Unlimited. Mar,April.June 1984.NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Genealogist. Albuquerque.

March, June 1984.Pecos Trails. Carlsbad. May 1984.

NEW YORK: Dutchess. Poughkeepsie. Summer 19B4.Tree Talks. Sept. 1981, Mar.1984. Donated by Wes Kingsley.

NORTH CAROLINA: Bulletin of the Gen. Soc. of OldTryon Co. May 1984.Eswau Huppeday. Shelby. May 1984.

OHIO: Ancestor Hunt. May 1984.Brown Co. Gen. Soc. June 1964.Certified Copy. Cleveland. Winter 1984.Licking Lantern. Newark. June 1984. Donated by Emily Thies.Ohio Gen. Soc. Newsletter. April a984.Our Heritage. West Union. Vol.VI:1, 1984.Palatine Immigrant. Winter, Spring 19B4.Donated by Harry Titus.Report. Mansfield, Spring 1984. Donatedby Emily Thies.

OKLAHOMA: Pontotoc Co. Quart. April 1984.,Julyl984.OREGON: Oregon Gen. Soc. Quart. Spring 1984.

Timber Trails. McMinnville. July 1984.PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania Traveler-Post. 1979-1981.

Donated by Dorothy Walt.SOUTH CAROLINA: South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral

Reseaech. Spring 1984. Donated by HarryTitus.South Carolina Historical Magazine. April1984. Donated by Harry Titus.

TEXAS: A Tale o f Mid-Cities. April, July 1984.Austin Gen. Soc. June 1984.Cypress Basin Gen. & Hist. Soc. Quart.Vol.VI:1 1984.Dallas Quarterly. June 1984.Tootprints. 'ort Worth. May, Aug. 19B4.Gen. 5oc. of Northeast Texas. April 1984.Herald. Conroe. Summer 1984.Reflections. Corpus Christi. June 1984 &Index 1983.

UTAH: Genealogical Helper. May/June 1984.VERMONT: Branches & Twigs. Putney. Spring 1984.

105 VIRGINIA: Genealogical Computing. May, July1984.

Ridge Runners. Vol.XV:4. Donated cyDorothy Walt.Southwest Virginian. April.June,Sept,Dec. 19B1. Donated by Dorothy Walt.Virginia Appalachian Notes. Indexl979,May,Aug. 1979. Donated by DorothyWalt.

WASHINGTON: Bulletin of the Whatcom Gen. Soc.Spring 1984.Eastern Wash. Gen. Soc. June 1984.Seattle Gen. Soc. Bulletin Summer 19B4.Tri-City Gen. Soc. Bulletin Apr-Jun1984. Richland.

IN AND AROUND .SAN FRANCISCO*The Sutro Library, a branch of California State

Library is located at 480 Winston Dr. San Francisco,

CA 94132.*The California Historical Society Library is at

2099 Pacific Ave. S.F. 94155- There is an excellent

collection on early California families.»

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization, Dept.of

of Justice, 630 Sansome St. SF 94111 will search

records for Fifteen Dollars.* .The Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Ave, SF 94132

has one of the best collections fo Celtic history

guides in the nation.*The California Bureau of Records and Vital Statistics

1927 13th St. Sacramento 95814 will release copiesof birth, marriage and death records for Four Dollars

The Dept. of Public Health, 101 Grove St., SF 94101

also has BDM for San Francisco.

* The Federal Archives and Records Center is located

at 1000 Corifcdor Drive, San Bruno 94066*The California Genealogical Society is at 870

Market St., Suite 1124, SF 94102

* The main branches of all Bay Area Public

libraries and local universities and college

libraries contain genealogical collections.



Link 7-92"

25 links 1 rod

100 links 1 chain

Mile 5,280' or 80 chains, 32 rods or8 Furlongs

Rod 5% yards or l6§ '. Also called apole or perch

Rod Depending on the locality a rod canvary from 5^yards to 8 yards. It isalso used to describe an area of £acre

Acre 43,560 sq. ft. or 16 sq. rodsChain 66 ft. or 22 yards or 100 links

Furlong 660 feet or 220 yards or 10 chain


In 1940, when people had to have a birth

certificate suddenly for Social Security purposes

many people whose births were as early as 1858

came in and filed the births with the county clerks.

Affidavits sworn to by relatives or a doctor present

at the birth or proof of baptism were necessary.A

delayed birth record might have been necessary if

the original record had been destroyed by fire

after the birth.

The word 'relief' on a tombstone means that a

lady was a widow when she died, but if it says

•consort of John Jones' you know that John was

alive when she died.

Society of Genealogists is now located at:14 Charterhouse BuildingsLondon EC1M 7BA«**•»*««***##**##•»-»-**

The Battle of Sedgemoor and the "Pitchfork Rebelion"

took place 300 years ago. Fought between the rebel

supporters of the Duke of Monmouth against the army

of King James II, this was the last major fighting


on English soil. Some 4,000 names of Monmouth

supporters are known as well as the villagesand towns from where they came. A number of

prisoners were transported to the West Indiesand the United States and descendants of manymore emigrated all around the world in the 19thcentury. The Somerset and Dorset FHS has promisedto offer advice to anybody, anywhere, who hasreason to believe that their ancestors could have

fought on either side, and it is hoped that manypeople will take the opportunity in this commer-ative year to visit Somerset. Write tot

Somerset Tourist OfficeCounty HallTaunton, TA1 4DYEngland

SOCIAL SECURITY INFORMATION FOR GENEALOGISTS JThe first three .digits of Social Security

Numbers of are of interest to genealogists. Theyshow the State where the applicant was living whenhe applied, his date of birth, his father's nameand his mother's maiden name. It is possible toobtain copies of the application by calling yourlocal Social Security Office for the proceedure orcontact the Social Security Administration, Box 57,Baltimore, MD 21203.The states and their first three digits follow:001-003 NHC04-007 ME

C03-009 VT.Oi0-134 MA

C25-039 RI040-049 CT050-134 NY

135-158 NJ159-211 PA212-220 MD221-222 DE223-231 VA

Fart/232,233-236 WVPart 232.237-246 NC«4*-251 SC

252-260 CA261-267 FL268-302 OH

303-317 IN

318-361 IL

433-439 LA

440-448 OK449-457 TX

468-477 MN

478-485 IA486-500 MO501-502 NO503-504 SD

509-515 KS516-517 MT518-519 ID520 WY

521-524 CO535 £ 585 NM

387-399 MI & WI

400-407 KY

403-415 TN416-424 AL

425-428 & 537 MS429-432 AR

526-527 AZ

528-529 UT

530 NV

531-539 WA540-544 OR

545-573 CA

574 AK

575-576 HI

577-579 DC

700-728 RR Retirement


108A Bedwell Family by Larry King, 100 LongviewDr., Hendersonville, Tennessee, (pub. byauthor, 1982), $25. 377 pages. Robert Bed-well, the immigrant ancestor of this family,was from St. Giles Parrish, Cripplegate,London, England. He received a grant ofland in 1661 and settled in Old RappahannockCounty, Virginia. He had five children:Thomas, Robert Jr., Henry, Mary and Elizabeth. It is through his grandson, JamesBedwell (son of Robert Jr.) that all of thesubsequent generations are descended. Jameshad three sons: Caleb, Robert and James.Generations five through eight are likely tobe of the most interest to the present daygenealogist. Generations nine through fourteen will be most useful to future genealogists. This book is profusely illustratedwith black and white photographs. The interests, occupations, and accomplishments of thedescendants of Robert Bedwell run the gamut.Mr. King is of the tenth generation. He haspreviously published Bedwell Kinfolks, BlueRidge Mountain Kinfoiks, and Keith Kinfoiks.A Bedwell Family has a good index with sur-names and first names. Each person has adual number, one for the generation from theancestor and another for the order in thatgeneration. Mr. King's number is 10-349.Although the immigrant Robert Bedwell settled in Virginia, the Bedwell Family hasspread throughout the United States and someforeign countries. It would definitely payto peruse this book if you have a Bedwellname.

The Francis Redfearn Family - A study of theFamily of Francis Redfearn (1777-1858), hiswife Ruth Milner (1779-1857) and their threesons and three daughters..Gateway Press Inc.,Baltimore, 1982, cloth, $30.00. May be ordered from the author, Mrs. Harrison Pells(RuthRedfern Pells) 96 Townhouse Lane, CorpusChristi, TX., 78412. There is a table of contents, of illustrations, a foreward whichtells of the stimulus to search in 1969 andthe scope of the research which includedover 5000 letters written during the periodas well as a visit to the locale in YorkshireEngland, from which the family immigrated.There is a page devoted to acknowledgements,an explanation of the system of recording,a list of abbreviations used. Footnotes andreferences are listed at the end of eachchapter plus a list of general references onpages 15 & 16. An appendix beginning onpage 717 includes data from wills and probate


documents received after the manuscriptwas ready for publication indicates thethorough and inclusive character of thestudy. The appendix also includes a complete list of passengers on the Golanda, theship on which the family traveled fromLiverpool to Philadelphia as well as a pageof corrections. The numerous phots, pedigree charts and illustrations are includedwith the text to which they relate. Thereare 36 pages of indix. The book is exactlywhat it purports to be: A Study of theRedfern Family - a very thorough and readable one.

R United States. Bureau of theMicrofilm Census. 1850 Census: Calif

ornia: Los Angeles, Marin, Mari-oposa, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa,Sacramento, Santa Barbara, SantaCurz, San Diego, San Joaquin andSan Luis Obispo Counties.Filby: none.

R United States. Bureau of theMicrofilm Census. 1860 Census: Calif

ornia: San Luis Obispo, SanMateo, Santa Barbara and SantaClara Counties.

R United States. Bureau of theMicrofilm Census. 1870 Census: Calif

ornia: San Luis Obispo, SanMateo, Santa Barbara Counties.

R United States. Bureau of theMicrofilm Census. 1880 Census:

California: Santa Barbara (part)and Santa Clara(part) Counties.

R United States. Bureau of theMicrofilm Census. 1900 Census:

California: Santa BarbaraCounty.

(taken from Genealogy, A Selected List of Books from theSanta Barbara Public Library)June 1980, revised Sept. 1981.

\ 10

Notice from the San Francisco Public Library

On April 18, 1906, an earthquake measuring8.25 on the Richter Scale rocked San Francisco. The quake, lasting 48 seconds, and thesubsequent fire, lasting three days andnights, caused tremendous property damage.The number of casualties, never completelytabulated, was in the hundreds.

To arrive at an accurate total for the number of dead, Mrs. Gladys Hansen, San Francisco City Archivist, has made a thoroughsearch of all available records. Her totalof 826 known dead far exceeds the officialfigure of 478 given by the 1907 Board ofSupervisors. Yet even with her careful calculations, Mrs. Hansen believes the revisedfigure too low. She appeals to anyonehaving knowledge of any person killed in the1906 disaster to write to her with whateverinformation they have. The names of thedead will be entered in the official rosterin the Public Library, available to researchers of history and genealogy.

We encourage anyone seeking information onpeople killed in the 1906 Earthquake andFire, to write to:

Mrs. Gladys Hansen,San Francisco ArchivesPublic LibraryCivic CenterSan Francisco, CA. 94102

Please enclose a stamped, self-addressedenvelope.

Immigrations Records

The National Archives Trust Fund Board hasannounced that all restrictions have beenlifted on access to name indexes to Passenger Arrivals and Passengers & Crew Lists inthe custody of the National Archives. ThePassenger Arrival Records 1883-1954 previously subject to a fifty year restrictionhave been released by the Immigration andNaturalization Service. This opens 6,055new rolls of microfilm to researchers.For a copy of the catalog, write to:Publication Sales Branch, National Archivesand Records Service, Washington, DC, 20408.


Spokane. Washington 99210MKVBERSHIP: SO. per yr. Couples S8. Get big 50 page Quarterly ••BULLETIN".Includes Northwest data. National and Internationa] features. FREE QUERIESto members. Offers to swap for similar equal value: TOiBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS.Stevens County. Washington, SB.50; Adams and Pend Oreille County,Washington.$5.00; Lincoln Co.. Washington $6.50; Whitman Co. 3 vols, each $5.00



Beaumont, TEXAS 77704Membership $7.50 per year includes 4 issues - YELLOWED PAGESOffering: Jefferson Co., Texas Marriages 1837-1899 $10.50

Hardin County, Texas Cemeteries (272 pp) 15.50Yellowed Pages, Vols. 1 through V. each $8.00


SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL S0CII-7IT.!r,v ™ Box 549, Seattle WA 98111q^nnSJ,0 inClfG y°or 2re-1850 New England - New York ancestors in plannedSeattle wf981lT ^ t0 Seattle Genealoeical Coeiety P. O.'bSS

********** *


Sr^rr^r7^^- ^^f^ issued Spring. Summer. Fall, Winter. FREE OUERYper quarterly. Area covered- The original five counties of southeastern Cblora-a^ P,^ 'J^' ?"OTVley- Custer" 'reTOnt- "uerfano, Kiowa. OteS CSand Pueblo. Membership dues: Individual $7.00. Family $10 On Senior CitilL/Student $5.00 Organization $15.00 and Life $10o! S^Sl^io^mSSrSip.

* *** *******

ROTA-GENFINTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE Bi-Monthly — 32 PaeesFREE Queries _- News— Book Reviews — GenealogicalUPS Jhstoncal Data. $15.00/Yr — Sample $2.50

Charles D. TownsendI.F.R. Genealogy. 5721 Antietam Drive

Sarasota. Florida 33581

* * * * ****** * * * *

Si ill available - Notesheets - Royal Presidio of Santa BarbaraForms and charts to assist in research projectsVolunteer your services and. make suggestions.

SANTA BAPHAPA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL S0CITTH-The first, county historical or genealogical society in the T'njterf Statesto become affiliated with the International federation of Family History

Societies; is also a member of the Ajnerican federation.There is a complete file of ANCESTORS WEST in the Library of Congress.















































































