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Transcript of v - newspapers.digitalnc.orgnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92074063/1917-02-23/ed-1/seq-5.pdf ·...


Inflow of Foreign Unskilled Labor Is Vital to Growth of American Industiy

6 4 T H G O N G R E S I I IS

nRAUIIIilfi NPAR FNfl1 By FRANK J. WARNE 1 Special Expert el CuHua Bureau on Foreign-Born Populalioo

u n H n m u n c n n c n u1

----- -'

Consninious among the things y\v hnv» Icarno'l in the last two 3'ears

as to the t*(Mioiniis uf iTiunijrration i.< tho hjiiiin iate and varying demand fo r unskilled labor which our native ]»o|Mdation does not supply. Tt is

very im portant to society that it se( nre the labor necessary to excavate fo r subwavs, tunnels, reservoirs, skyscrapers, railways and sim ilar large construction enterprises. I t is e<iually important that pro«lucers and m anufacturers secure the unskilled labor c.''."'ential to the condu<*t of

industry. It is also important to the employment <.f our native skilled

labor.As our own di*m(“stic markets do rot supply this unskilled labor in

BulVu-ieiit volume lo meet the requircitu r;is, this ^'’!'!•lv for years has been c(>niin,i; thii'nuli iniiiiiLrrai It must continm' ’.«• (oine from this source. To slnit it o!V. i<> i(-Irirl it to far below the l i > y economic dei-'.and, is to brum' iiijiiiy. j o t as ].erniittiit.i: i: 1<* conu- in su<‘h large

vo'unic as to tlooii our iiuhi>irir^ with an (’\< r>u!'i'ly.






f k him us (yivin his n a m « .CHATTANOOGA BAKERY CNATTAMMOA TtHN.

Jus t to Show Them. Ccod Result ing From War."Si> voii ii::vr |i« < M <iii ;i \;vjt to viUiF < :r, i.\Ir li.-iv V4iin<'\\ lit'i'c lhat ci \-

li<i\hiMi<i liiiiiH*;" ■ ili.'ali'iii ndi > i>n a ”u;i <‘:irri!iici‘. Snilii' pr.i'-priMii- Ii'okiii': : d(., s ili.' l'i iiIi’.n ni' |nililic ln'ahli. Tlir

eltl/«’ii. • Si'ani'-li u a r inii thr<>nuli its nu‘«ii-' ! ia r 1(1 iii> lir.ir! a i ' ' i ;;| <i|! ( cr^, aiintlM r \\;ir tin* <tiu* with

1.;' h;', < 11 i li 1111" " i V'lu'i! r t \ .T . ’I'lic liiittlc a^raiiist ty-ili' iii t'l \ ii A ’ ' pill.ill v\;:s \\aL'*'(l iiii.rt' \lj:uri>usly and

“I kiH'w ’lia! whal iln' inx'', wii'lt’. | '._\>iciiiiiti''a!!\' in Ilic Aiii*‘rii'aiiiii\' I'.'i in lia<’k iliai; :.n\ w lifi'f ri-'c. 'I'lir l>nil<liii)' >'to 'luT' iti: ; ‘T ial till' Patiiiiiia «-anal, l:ii’;:cly t'<»r naval

riirfv f.ti'.-d for in'ltiiiiL: .I"!!!.""!! i tniMiih foi iln* <if• loy' li;;v a iu o a i i l . i l to s.iUH'ihiuL' i' Mu' Ikii!, i'o m t and tyj.hoid . T h f" " r i d . ” ' m i l . .!'< ;• nt ! i \ o s w l i i c l i h a v o I m'c i i an<l


I will I'f >;.v. (] l.y dies*' tw o \ ic ( (» r if s of

GOOD FOR HUNGRY CHILDREN I 'um. .ii.v . x.w.is n m yI tlnio-. a ’l Mio lo<s«>s of t ln‘ present war.

Cliililrtn love Skinner’s M.icaroni -----aiiil Spaghetti liecau^c o! i;'-- di ii-ioustuste . It is good t'tir ih ' i i i and \o u ' «tli trive tlieiii all they w au l. It is ji f r e a t huiUler o f Imhic and n iascle. and d o e s not m a k e tle iu nei'xoU'' and irri­ta b le l ik e m eat. T lie nmst eeiin.iuii' al Jind n u tr i t io n s fotul Iviiown. Mad>' I'rom t l ie fiui'St 1 ‘uruii) w h eat . Writ.' .<l;in- Iier Mf^. ('o.. O m aha. .\< lir.. lor 1 > :iU- t i fu l cook lio(*k. It is sent l l e e to m o th e r s .— A dv.


Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur*

iant and Remove Dandruff— Real

Surprise for You.In a Novel.

“Well, this ln'1'oiiic uiarr ifs .-ii-js I must say.”

" l l u h r"I’aKe Thirteen."

Logical Conclusion.“ H e i s i m t o i j i 111 ; h . . u o o d ^ > ' t . ”

" ’r i i a t i s w l i \ t h > y t h i n k t h e y . a n

t ree l i i i i i . ' ’

Dr. P r i r \ > • P ' a d S h o t" Is no t a " io- t t n p f " o r I .a a i» al !■ n u l4ciie o f Ti.rdi. ( N a n s o u t ^Vl.^I^Bc r Tap« wcrri i n l t l i sinj^’.t liopt

Its Sort.■•<;ood ^tory ihi^ a l 'u t i!;e ra t t le ­

snake, wasn 't i t ? '"Y es; i-attlitm l'ooiI vtory."

Green’s August Flower

When the stomach and liver are In good working order, in ninety-nine cases out of everv hundred general good health prevails.Qreen’s August Flower has proven a blessing and has been u. ed all over the civilized world during the last tifty odd years. It is a univer.‘ al remedy for w e a k stomach, const ipntiun and n c r v ous indigestion. A dull iicad.uhc. t>ad taste in the mouth in t h e m«ro inK< or that “ tired fcclins” are naturc's_\»arn- Ings that somethin}: is wrung in the diKCstivc apparatus. At such times t irccn’s August l-lower will quicklv corrcct the difticulty O'ul cstablisli a noriiia! condition. At all dru;{j;ists’ or dealers',25c and 75c buttles.

Green’s August Flower

Yonr hair hi’ronios light, wavy, fluf- f.v, abundan t and ajipears as soft, lus­trous and beautiful as a young g ir l ’s a f te r a “Danderine ha i r r leanse . ” Just t ry th i s—moist on a cloth with a l i tt le Dandorine and carefully draw it th rough your hair, tak ing one small s t rand a t a time. This will cleanse tho ha i r of dust , d i i t and excessive oil Mnd in just a few m om ents you have doubled the beauty of your hair.

Besider, beautifying the ha i r a t once, Danderine dissolves every par t ic le of dandruff; c leanses, purifies and invig­orates the scalp, forever stopping Itch* lug and fall ing hair.

But w hat will p lease you m ost will be af te r a few w eeks’ use when yoti will ac tually see new h a i r—fine and downy a t first—yes—but really new h a i r—growing all over th e scalp. If you care for p retty , soft ha i r and lots of it, surely get a 25 cen t bott le of Knowlton 's Danderine f rom any store a n d ju s t t r y it. Adv.

Real Helpmeet."1 *ot‘s your will a."slsr you with y(»ur

u o rk V ’ <i\u-iied iiie liorsf reporter . “ 1 see her at yoin' d. '•U tiuile ofien.”

"YeP.” replied 1h<‘ s.’lf-eonfessed hu- luorist. "She d. s[!< \ s nil my wife iind iiiother-in-law jokes.”

Rats Are DangerousKin T h e m B y U s i n g


U. S. Government Buys It SOLD EVERYWHERE —25c andll.OO

To Drive Out MalariaAnd Build Up The System

T a k e th e O ld ! - ' tandard G H O V E 'S T.'\STELESS chill 'I'ON’IC. You know what you are taKiuK'. as the formula is printed on everv label, showing it is fjninine and Iron in a tasteless form. Tiie yuiame drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the sy. teiii 50 ceuts.

Color of It.“ lle'f* in a l*r<.. 1. -~i udy.”"1 woi tier if i i ’-- Mv. r a b lu e fun l.

••i- a Mai’k thoui:l,i

Roman Kye l:.il>a!n i.>- an untisciitic oint- nieiit, applied e.Meiii • lly ami not u “ v.asrh.’’ Its iicahnK p i‘'pci 1 if- [niietrate the in- llaiiud eurface.', piovjJiag prompt relief. Adv.

Avoid operations. FodiiiVf Liver ft Moaiach n-un'dy I \t> o i / )—Besulu sure: hmue rpnicdy. W'rltt- today. CaUiieBC RcBcdr C*. .Dept. W -7,219 S.Dcarbura St. .Ckicat*

Uric Acid!

ES.Moth aiai lan ir i l ly look

'Ilia 1 but ;ai ey |>ii ('is of candy.Ill

And ni: iiy a ierjis on ti> Ic.

tiiaii V ho jtays cnsb

Ever since the discover}’ of Scheele in 1775 that uric acid was found within the |^(jy—most eminent physicians agree that rheumatism is caused by it; also many distressing symjjtoms as head­ache pain in back, stomach distress, Bwolien feet and ankles, gout, etc.

I t was Dr. Pierce of the Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., who discovered a new agent called Anuric, a harmless remedythat if taken before meals will carry off the uric acid from the system and in this way the pams and aches, the creaky oints rnd all the distressing Bjrmptoins

^ Vf rheumatism and other maladies dis- •J^lflPpearA You can easily prove this your- V ^ ^ I f by obtaining Anuric at almost any

drug store, or send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial package. Try it and be convmced that Anuric is many times more active than Uthia and eliminates uric acid aa hot vater melts sugar.

All Else Must Give Way to Appropria­

tions and Measures Relating to Na­

tional Defense.— To Hasten Action.

W ashington. With the end of the Sixty-fourth ( ’ nij'ress but tw^ weeks off. Administration leaders a re coneen- trat in j; the ir energies to the enactm ent of revenue and national defense le^i.' lilt ion. Much long-pendinK general legisla tion every one reeonnizes nius; give way to appropr ia t ions and meas tii'(‘s that rela l t‘ to the prejiarations (if the Nation for even tua li t ies whlt^li may prow out of the di|)Iomatie breach with t iermany.

In the Senate ihe revenue rtidnaval bill.-; a re lo be f^iven the ri);hl of way as soon as the espionaKe and nnti-eonsjiiraey bill, now under eon -iideration. is otit of the way. Th > Hon.-e will jtass the Army app rop r ia ­tion within a few days, ami Iheii devote its a t ten t ion to the sundry civil and treneral deficiency apprttprialions. Wliat em erpency legisla tion may bf* eiwKled before ad jou rnm en t depends entirely upon the decision of the P res ­ident. Many believe lie will com m uni­cate within a few days his plans for handling the in ternational crisis. I’re- vailing opinion is tha t he will ask ('o)iKr<‘ss for au thori ty t(» use ih'. armed forces of the Nation for the ’•rotection of American seamen and . \m eri(an r ights on the hif;h seas, not with th(‘ purpose of makiiiK war. but ■o open the sea to shippinj;.

To Hasten Action.While wait ing the next step, what

• ver it may be, the Senate is tieter- mined to has ten action on the revenu ' bill, the naval ajtprtipriat ion bid .imended by the naval alYairs i-ommit *ee to ( arry an increa. •;•f S’.(‘ri.Onn.dttc {(ver the House bill.

and the Army ai>!>ropriation bill. In iddition to these measures , the ship- I'itiK bill, iitfzi-d by tile sliip|)iiiu board. <“xt( tiding the ])o\ve!s of the Covern I'lent to control coniitiercial shiiipiiiK. i of paraiMoiint intere'-t.

W he the r the re will be time lor |ia.<- sage of railroad labor legisla tion and other general bills, in view of tb ., congestimi of essential measures , is seriou.sly doubted by leadt is of both parties It has been detcrmineil to proceed with the most urgent m atte rs regard less of IIk* possibility of a ’.i• ■xtra st'ssion. and there is contiden'e ' Lat all Die a;ipropriat ion nieasure- excppt i)ossibly the riyers an<l liarbrs bill, can be eii.'u ted by .March 4.


W ill Be Notable Eclipse.Tlu- solar w l lp se of .lune 8, IIHN.

with a total pha.se of a minute i.nd a , half, will be notable on siccouut of it»4 | Ion;; path over a region favorable for , observation. Striking; the ea r th »»tlf Ihe coast of . lapan, the moon's shadow j will a rr ive al Columbia river, Wash- in^rton, ait ‘JiTm p. m. rn<-ilic time, and will cross to the .\tl:inli4* in a sou th ­easterly direction in 47 minuK's, U*av- iat; the coast of I ’luritla al (»: 12 e a s t ­ern liuK'. and vai.I 100 miles atxeft th ree minutes later. A map pre ­pared by W.Msliinjiton «olleKe oi»serva- tory shows about hnporlsinl towns on the dire<‘t roule. Tnif. K. Petit points out tha t h.v co-operation a »«up- posed discovery nuiy be te lenraphed ahead for verification.

Get This Good Book


That Itch, Burn and Scale Quicltly Re­lieved by Cuticura— ^Trial Free.

It takes about ten minutes to prove th a t a hot batli w ith Cuticura Soap f(dlowed by gent le applications of t ’u ticura O intment will afford relief and point to speedy hea lm ent of eczemas, itchiiiK^ and irri tat ions. They a re Ideal fo r all toilet purposes.

F ree sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura. Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv.

Fixing the Time.Hill (coniin;; lo a f te r a shell has hit

his <lu>;ont) Have I ben lonu uncon­scious, WilliamV

William »di. a jroodish bit. Bill.Bill- W h a t do you call a “jjoodish

bir." WilliaiiiVWillir.in Well. :i iontrisb lime. Bill.Bill— Well, what 's lh:it while on the

hill? Ts It snow or daisies?

**Health and How to Have It” tells import­ant facts every i>erson ought to know. It is clean, concise, and scientific. It tells you why you drag along uncomfortable from day to day. It offers you advice on how to overcome this condition.If it doesn’t appeal to you, you are not under obligsp

tions to follow it. If its oonclusioiis are common eense, you will want to benefit by it.

It's yours for the asking. If your druggist can't give you a copy, write to us direct.

T k e P enuM C o n p a n y , Colanboa* Ohio

Some Consolation.We are told that housewives can no

lonjrer aO:'ord to serve cabbage. T ha t 's loo bad. of eours<*— l.ut how much bet- li-r tin* board'H}: house of tb<> fiiiure is ;:oint: to smell I

MOTHER’S JOY SALVEfor Colds, Croup, Pneumonia andA s th m a : ( j o o s i : ( ; u i : a s i : l i n i m k n t for Neuralgia. ilheunnit ism nnd : Sprains. F or sa le iiy all l>rngpists. (iOOSK (JItKASH <’<»M1' .\NV. MI U'S., ' Greensboro, N. C.—Adv.

Husband’s Qualities.A;:nes T h e o s t i ic h doesn’t see much

and digests everything.(Irace \\ hat an ide.-il husband.

.\ woniiin alwsiys tii;;.’<s she is bet­te r lh:in o ther w<mMi. nnd a man iliinks he’s no wf>rse thaii «'lli«‘r men.

'I'he chU'f «-neinles of plants in lieavy soils a re djimp and cold dnrintr the rainy months.



No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation

by morning.

Get a lO-c-'nt box.Are you keeping your bov’els, liver,

and s tom ach *lean, pure and fresh with ( 'a sca re ts , or merely forcing a passagew ay every f e w , days with Salts, Ca thart ic I’ills. Castor Oil or Purga t ive W ate rs?

Stop havin.g a bowel w ash d a y . Let C ascare ts thoroughly cleanse and reg ­u la te the stonuich, remove the sour and fe rm ent ing food and foul gases, take the excess liile from the liver and ca r ry out of the sys tem all the constipa ted w as te m a t te r and poisons in th e bowels.

A C ascare t to-night will m ake you feel g rea t by morning They work while you s*eep- never gripe, s icken or cause any inronvc'nience, and cost only 10 cent'! a box from your store. Millions of men anil women take a Cascaret now and tlien and never have Headache, Hilio.isness, Coated Tongue, Indigest ion, Sour S tom ach or Constipation. Adv.

Southern Boundary Patrol Will Be Left to Regulars.

Wasli ington. Orders were issued '>y ti l l- w a r de t i a r t ne-i i i d i re c i in^i eral F unslon to begin the immediate demobilization of all the guard units rem ain ing in border camps, and it is expected tha t the last troop i ta in will ht> on its way north by March 7.

<:(>neral Funston will liave on the luuder nearly ."»0,0u0 rejiular tloops d ispc 'e d aloii;^ the liin' 1 oin >■ville to Yuma, Ariz.. on jdaiis worked m f by the general staff.

Seciftary Haker empiiasized that 1: \v ;!!; :i r:i v.:i' ol' the <t:i:- iroop- is ii!

no way cotinecfed with the < risis witli ( lerma’iy. but < arries out a jtolicy i!<- Jeriiii'K i to li'iiu a ' I. ' .issued after (letieral Finis'on had re- jnu ted that he had eiin ’:;h i'ej:ulai s to meet any bortb r exigencies tha’ !n';-'!it ari.se. Many guard units ali* aiiy iiud been ordered honae durint^ the past lew weeks, and the number of i'uardsnie:! remaining and to be d(Mnol‘oliz(‘d un- iler the order is about aM.uno.

. A d m i n i s t r a t i o n of f i c ia ls a f - u n d e r ­

stood *0 h a v e be en l o n v i n c ' d by th e

r e j i o r ts o f si>e( ia l td is e r v e rs f o r t l ie

s t a te d e p a r t m e n t a n d th e a r m y th a t

’ he ve is l i t t l e j i o s s ib i l i t y of a r e c u r ­

r e n c e o f se r io u s ra id s .

In 1920.,Iusti<e W hat 's tlic charge? Oflieer—Sieaiiim pota toes from a

lewelry si«ire. yer hot.or.

Anuric cures f’.KkacliP. Luinbut'o. Rheuinati^ini. Send bV. Dr. V. M. i’ierce. Buffalo, X. Y., for l ; i r^ trial package.— Adv.

Note the evil n ^ i i l t s of smoking as i l lustrated by the \ ol<-ano: it <onstant- ly sulTers fri>m criiiii ions.

To average our 'xrongs costs more thall to iirote« I «air riirhts.

The Juvenile Artist.'I 'eacher— What is that ,\ou iiave

draw n on your slate. i;inierVHliiKT (aged seven) A niati. a w o m ­

an. two children and a iiouse.Teacher r.ut 1 can se»- nothitii: ex ­

cept ii house. Wln-re are tln' tti.-in. | woman and the c!iildr<’ii?

lOInier < di. tin ;. ! ia\e izorie in th'- house.


Lady Tells What Cardui Did for Her and What It Will Do for

Sufferinii Women.

Deepwater, Texas.—"I think Cardui is indeed a wonderful medicine." says Mrs. Mintiie Siarn<‘s. of this town. “Tn 190.*>, I broke down in hetilth sud­denly . . . 1 sufferc<l agony. Hadhearing down iiaitis . . . also tny back an<l limbs atul hips. . . . i<om«‘iinies I was in bed all the time jitnl again I was just able to be u].. I suffered most severely iit . . . and would be confitu'd lo my bed four or live days.

“Notliing I (li<l ever did me any good unti l I took Cardui, but I suffered two years this way before I took Cardui. One day my husband . . . s:iw the Cardui advertisement. l i e got me a bott le, I began tak ing it and next month I n v \-c v felt any pain at all. did all my work without any trotilde. . .

Mrs. .'startles says slic ilid not take an.\ more t 'artlui then u.itil I'.tns. when sht* took four bott les, wiili exc»>IN'nt results. .She concludes her s ta tem ent with tlu* following: “I would adviseall expectan t m o t lu fs to give Cardui a tr ial. It will relieve all tinxiety and fea r a.« is na tu ra l for them to have. I know, fo r I ha.d the experi<*nce mv-

' self.”Judg ing from the experiences of so

many thousands of o ther women, yoti can depend on Cardui to surely help you, if you suffer from any of the complaints so common to women.

(Jet a bott le from your druggist to­day, and give it a fa i r tr ia l.—Adv.

LAXLAX-FOS Is an iitiproyed Cascatak DI6ESTIVE UXATIVE-Pleasiiit to takiIn LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by addition of certain h.irmless chemicdls V.liich increase the efficiency of the C<iS- cara, nlakin^ it better than ordinary Cas­cara. LAX-FOS aids digeMion: p1ep..sant to take; does not gripe or diftcrb stomach. ,\dapted to children and adults. Just try % bottle for constipation or indigestica. 50c.

H u n t ’s ( ' u r e is ♦‘spooi.-iliy com - poiiTnlp<l f(.r t r . f t r e a t m e n t of Itc-li. l i i t .p ■worm, a i .dT*m u t . i» (-I 'd h.v th e KiMt «>ii t!.<- -.ii j. t Thatt h e p i i r r i . a - i - iir.i.'*-. fif ty c-p h Th, w il l li** j. rcP i) : ; .y refiiri<le<i to an.v dUs;t!;stlfil cust<.mer. Trr Iliiiifs C u r e St". tn ; r r . s k . A* .my

c r t-f III <!ir«*ot fii ru

A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO. Inc. Dept. Z. Sherman. Texas

The Wretchedness of ConstipationCan quickly be overcome byCARTER’S L in iE LIVER PILLS.

Purely vegetable —act stirely and Kently on the liver. Cure Biliousness,H e a d ­a c h e ,Di zz i ­ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE.

Genuine must bear Signature



EcT»ATTMEJc;Nr5 rE0M^ .

You may not ie«- t h a t when <ome men promise you things they a lways

qualify the jiromlse with a great big if.

H a v e y o u

R H E U M A T IS ML u m b a g o o r G o u t ?

T a k e R K E U M A C ' I D R to rrtDOT* t t e c a a s e a n d d r i T e th e poisun from tlie eyetem.

“■HirairinR os thb ihidkPITS BHirSATIM Oil Till OCTSIDI "

A t A U D r n g K U t a

Jas. Baily & Sob, Wholesale Diatribalon Baltimore. Md.


Ncf Contents 15 Fluid Draci

WITHIN THE RHACH of every ■woman— health :ind strength. They’ro liron^jbt to you by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite I*rescription. Take th;s lii. iiioine, and there’s a safe ami <*ertain remedy for all the chronic weakenesses, de­rangements, and diseases pe- culi;.^r to tho sex. I t will build up. :-Lreninhen. and InviRorato every "ri.n-down” or delicate wouian. I t regulates and as­sists all the natural functions.

At s«»me period in her life, a woman rcqtiires a special tonic and nervine.

If you're a tired or aftlicted woman turn to " F'avorite Prescription,” you will find it never fails to benefit.

JSolu in tablet or liquid form.

You will escape many ills and clear up the coated tongue, tiie sallow complexion, the dull headache, the lazy liver, if you will take a pleasant laxative made up of the May-apple, juice of the leaves of aloes, root of Jalap, and called ' 'P leasant Pellets.” You can obtain a t drug store these vegetable pellets in vials for 25c.— ask lor Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant PeUete


Mexico City.—The A merican Ainbas

ador Menry P. F le teher . a r r i \ e d heri^.

He was met by officials from the Mex

, loan Foreign Office, m em bers of Gen­

eral C a ranza’s staff and a bifr deletia-

tion of Ciovernment officials headed )»y

a ,m i l i ta ry escort. A m bassador F le teh ­

er expressed his approeeia tion of the courtesies shown him on liis Journey through Mexico.


I W ashington .—The itractice of mak

; ing public the des t ina t ions and man:-

I fests of m erc h an t ships leaving Ameri i can ports, is to be discontinued durin , '

the cris is with G erm any as a step in the protection of American in te re s ' s from the G erman subm arine campaign. No word as to the por t for which any vessel sails or the cargo she carried will be made public by th e Governme it officials who g ran t clearance.



F o r h | f e n t « ^ ^ d ^ h i l d r e n .

Mothers Know That Genuine CastoriaAlways

Bears the Signature


nwowyifomi 1 1 'iwvoaroiuci ! r JiCi«:iiu»4iuia [ , j,' .... I.’ j'■_

For Horses. Cattle, Sheep and Hoes. Contains Cop­peras for Worms, Sulphur fo r the Blood, S'iitpetcr fo r th e K id n e y s , N'ux Vomica.aTonic.and Pure Dairy Salt. I ’sed hy Vet­erinarians 12 years. N o Dosing. Drop B rick in feed-box. Ask yourdtraler for Blackman's or writo

I a l c o h o l - 3 TER CENT. {! AVc^elablc PrcparationfcrAs -i similatin^thcFood by Rc^ul^? tin^lhcSlomcchs andBofwelsof^


ThcrctJj’ Pfomotini^Cheerfulness and RcstCofitaaj neither Opitln1, o phlnc Mineral. NoT N a h c o tic

t^ c fO k L D c S J k

IM xSnm a R o rh tU tS ^

A a jifS e td

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