UVic SOS Welcome Fall 2012

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of UVic SOS Welcome Fall 2012

We are a chapter of Students Offering Support, an international charitable organization that seeks to

Raise Marks, Raise Money and Raise Roofs.

UVic SOS members prepare, market, and run review

sessions before midterms and final exams.

To attend one of these 3 hour sessions and receive a take-

home review package, students pay a $20 donation.

All money raised from review sessions goes towards

building an education-related development project in Latin

America during a summer outreach trip.

Exam-AIDs are lectures taught by our Tutors that include a review of the

curriculum and example problems.

In 2011/2012, we taught 400 students and raised $7700!

Anatomy of an Exam-AID:

Quality review materials

Well-prepared Tutors

General Volunteers collect donations at the door

Lots of students!

President’s Message:

Our goal is not only to get large numbers of students attending our sessions, but more importantly to ensure

we provide a helpful and high-quality service.

The VP Academics organizes Course Coordinators and Exam-AID Tutors into groups to develop and run review sessions.

Tutors are upper-level students who have excelled in the course and are able to explain the material in fun and understandable ways.

“Definitely worth the fee, especially considering it is for a charitable cause.”

“This is a really great program. I find this more helpful than the review sessions put on by the professors.”

“Loved how it was a full overview of the course in such a short amount of time and cheap!”

“Awesome explanations and examples.”

“I feel much more confident in the material.”

“Keep it up. This was really helpful”

The VP Marketing directs the General Volunteers to do marketing activities.

Long-term goal: Make UVic SOS a well-known name

across campus that is synonymous with quality review sessions!

General Volunteers advertise SOS Exam-AID review sessions with:

Posters and brochures and… some very creative marketing!

General Volunteers are also cashiers at Exam-AIDs and run our recruitment table at campus events.

All the money we generate from Exam-AID sessions funds the supplies & building

materials for outreach projects.

But we don’t just give the money away…

These projects are constructed by SOS volunteers themselves!

The VP Outreach works with SOS staff at the national headquarters to design a volunteer outreach trip for

our chapter.

Participants pay about $1800 to cover costs for the 2-week trip.

This summer, UVic SOS members went to Guatemala to construct an

eco-friendly schoolhouse!

- The VP Finance tracks every penny spent and earned!

- The VP Human Resources helps hire and coordinate volunteers.

- The Graphic Designer creates our eye-catching marketing material.

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with us!

We look forward to working with you to

Raise Marks, Raise Money &

Raise Roofs!

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