Utilizing Technology to Provide Career Consulting

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Utilizing Technology to Provide Career Consulting

Utilizing Technology to Provide Career Consulting In the past, businesses invested in robust outplacement services for their recently laid off

employees. These services included re-training, resume building workshops, interview

coaching and more, and would help former employees find jobs with higher salaries

faster than those who searched on their own. Although it began as a service for upper

level employees, it spread down as layoffs became a larger necessity. In recent years,

though, these services have declined. Companies can no longer afford to invest as much in these services, and fewer agents are

offering them. In 2009, 69% of companies offered these services to at least some

employees they had laid off, and that percentage has decreased since then. With

outplacement agents being stretched equally thin today, serving 200 clients a week where

they used to have 30, these traditional services are no longer as effective. Alternative career transition solutions have risen in their wake, including web-based tools

that are more cost-efficient and which can provide career counseling services that are

just as effective, or more so, than the traditional ones. More and more companies are investing in technological outplacement services like those

developed at Careerminds, where technology-fueled programs work in tandem with high-

touch career counseling to develop services any time of day with no hour limit, until laid

off employees have found a new placement. Here are some of the technologically driven tools and programs available as traditional

outplacement alternatives:

● E-lessons, Webinars: If a recently laid off employee is looking for new

employment, they may have to shift to a tangentially related field or position. For

instance, if they blogged for your company, they may be able to shift into social

media at another company with a little extra training. These tools allow them to

get the extra training they need without having to pay money for schooling, and

give the flexibility of reliable, online help instead of in-person courses. ● My Resume Writer and Promoter: One of the keys to finding any position is

pitching yourself correctly, and the best way to do this is through an interesting,

well-written and designed resume. These tools help former employees improve

their resumes, and then promote them to recruiters and other hiring personnel at

potential new positions. ● Coaching: Where outplacement agencies used to provide job coaching that was

top of the line, they now no longer have the time or resources to do so. New

programs like executive coach and unlimited online coaching can help give

former employees the help and time they need to procure another position. Some

time in person with career coaches is usually included in such packages so that

employees have the opportunity to speak to someone face to face.

These new programs and outplacement opportunities give you the support you need at a

price you can afford. They are smart and safe for you and your former employees, and

result in faster, better placements. Please see Careerminds’ information on career

consulting and technology solutions to see how you can update your outplacement

services and ensure that the employees you have to lay off don’t stay unemployed for

long. Company Bio Outplacement programs have not evolved as quickly as technology has, meaning they can

be a drain on your company and inhibit former employees from finding new placements.

Careerminds develops strategic, scalable outplacement solutions that are based on

technology. They focus on high-touch, high-tech blend career transition assistance and

education to help laid off workers find comparable positions quickly. Clients include

small start-ups and Fortune 500 companies. Summary

Outplacement services are no longer what they once were, and companies would do

better to invest in scalable, strategic technological solutions to help their former

employees obtain new employment. These tools include resume writers and promoters,

coaching, education and more.

Sources: 1. Career Minds (2014-4-2), “Outplacement for Workers Gets Upsized by

Career Minds,” careerminds.com

2. Feintzeig, Rachel, Weber, Lauren, (2014-4-2), “Assistance for Laid-Off Workers Gets Downsized,” Wall Street Journal, WSJ.com

3. Career Minds (2014-4-2), “Benefits,” careerminds.com