Utilizing REFM outsourcing to reduce operating costs ... REFM outsourcing to reduce operating costs,...

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Utilizing REFM outsourcing to reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, andimprove process performance

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As one of an organization’s largest spend categories, reducing operating costs and improving efficiencies inReal Estate and Facilities Management is crucial to benefiting your bottom line while remaining a key strategicentity. This summit will bring together REFM professionals to exchange best practices, benchmarking, and newideas to provide you with the knowledge to tackle your key business outcomes.

Proudly presents

Aligning REFM decisionswith each BU’s strategy –creating cohesiveness� Create accountability and

enterprise-wide buy-in of realestate and facilitiesmanagement strategy.

� Effective communicationstrategies to gain a seat at theexecutive table.

Lee UtkeSenior Director, Global Corporate Real Estate Whirlpool Corporation

Larry BarkleyManaging PartnerBarkley Advisory Group, LLC

Improve Vendor Visibility andTransparency for StrongerWorking Relationships� Integrated facilities

management tools andtechnologies to track serviceprovider performance.

� Governance, compliance, andclear SLAs to ensure maximizedservice delivery.

Linda StillmakerReal Estate & Facility ManagementThe Apollo Group

Josh DavidsonSenior Director, Global Real EstateApplied Materials

Reducing Operating Coststhrough Optimizing SquareFootage� Realize 50% space savings

through a flexible workplaceenvironment.

� Case studies on how tomanage over 75 million squarefeet across the globe.

Bob HoleskoVice President of FacilitiesHEI Hotels & Resorts

David McGintySenior Manager, Global Real Estate & FacilitiesAMS

September 19 - 21, 2012 • Hyatt Regency McCormickPlace, Chicago, IL • www.REFMoutsourcing.com

Join our global online community to download exciting new webinars and podcasts developed by industry leaders for IQPC.

Justify Your Real Estate & Facilities Portfolio to Meet Corporate Demands and GoalsRealize potential cost savings of 10 - 20% with a successful REFM outsourcing strategy.

To streamline your conference experience and provide you with targeted tools andsessions to meet your needs, we’ve broken down the event into key solution areas.Learn from industry experts within REFM the latest trends and best practices inThought Leadership. Gain comparative data to measure your organization’ssuccess against others in Benchmarking. Receive tactical advice to accomplish yourREFM goals in Tools & Templates. Interact and engage with your peers andcolleagues to foster lasting and impactful relationships in Networking. Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers of:

• Real Estate• Facilities• Portfolio Management• Shared Services & Outsourcing • Global Real Estate • Site Services• Workplace Services

WS A: The Business Case for REFM Outsourcing: Understanding the driving decision behindoutsourcing or self-performance

10:00 Day 1: REFM as a Key Business Partner: Creating Value for Your OrganizationAligning outsourcing decisions with overall organizational strategy

11:15 Day 1: Energy Management, Sustainability and Corporate ResponsibilityBenefiting your bottom line and the environment

9:00 Day 2: KEYNOTE: Full REFM life-cycle- Integrating people, place, process, and technology Determining how REFM outsourcing can reduce operation costs and improve efficiency

Who Should Attend:

Sponsorships and exhibits are excellentopportunities for your company to showcase itsproducts and services to high-level, targeteddecision makers attending the Real Estate &Facilities Management OutsourcingSummit. IQPC and the SSON help companieslike yours achieve important sales, marketing,and branding objectives by setting aside alimited number of event sponsorships andexhibit spaces – all of which are tailored toassist your organization in creating a platformto maximize its exposure at the event.

For more information on sponsoring orexhibiting at this or upcoming events, pleasecontact Eric Pompei at (212) 885- 2693 orsponsorship@iqpc.com.

SSON provides research, training, and networkingfor over 17,000 shared services and outsourcingexecutive members from over 50 countries aroundthe world. Whether you need resources to write areport, facts to benchmark performance againstor simply want to meet some of your peers at thesame stage of development we can support you.Sign up today, pay only $149.99 USD and receivebenefits that will help you to take yourimplementation to the next level.Website: www.ssonetwork.comEmail: info@ssonetwork.comPhone: +44 (0)20 7368 9300

About the Organizer:

Sponsorship andExhibition Opportunities

September 19 - 21, 2012Hyatt RegencyMcCormick Place,Chicago, IL

Thought Leadership

WS C: Expanding Service Delivery to Include Energy Management and Sustainability: Futuretrends and best practices

9:00 Day 1: KEYNOTE: Consolidation of Government Real Estate to Achieve Billions in Cost SavingsApplying government strategies of space reduction, improved management, andlease cancelations

12:00 Day 2: Expanding Scope and Complexity of REFM OutsourcingInnovations in Continuous Improvement and expansion


3:15 Day 2: Brilliance Bar Wrap UpMorning Networking SessionAfternoon Networking SessionNetworking Luncheons


WS B: People, Process, and Technology-Optimizing the REFM Lifecycle

12:00 Day 1: Flexible Workplace Initiative: Proactive Approach to Space Optimization Realizing 50% space savings through the LifeWorks Program

2:00 Day 1: Lease Administration and Contract NegotiationCreating clear governance and SLAs to optimize vendor relationships

2:45 Day 1: Design and Use of Performance Metrics for your REFM OutsourcingMeasuring vendor relationships and REFM processes

4:15 Day 1: Integrated Facilities Management- Technology Solutions for REFMOptimizing self-performed and outsourced services

10:00 Day 2: Change Management- Facilitating Smooth Outsourcing TransitionsManaging headcount and improving productivity through strong change leadership

2:00 Day 2: Improve Global Sourcing Skills, Site Selection, and Vendor Management

Tools & Templates

Utilizing REFM outsourcing to reduce operating costs,increase efficiency, and improve process performance


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Pre-Conference Workshops

9:00-11:00 8:30 Registration for Workshop A

Before embarking on a real estate and facilities outsourcing journey,you must fully understand your organization’s internal abilities,outsourcing vision, and how to align REFM outsourcing with youroverall corporate strategy. This workshop will provide in-depth trainingto build the roadmap for outsourcing optimization.

What you will learn:• How to do a full analysis of your REFM portfolio to build your servicedelivery model and business case for outsourcing.

• Pros and cons to REFM outsourcing and the current market trendsaffecting this decision.

The Business Case for REFM Outsourcing: Understanding the driving decision behind outsourcingor self-performance

Benefits of attending:• Understand your internal strategy and capabilities to determine youroutsourcing or self-performing decisions.

• Tangible strategies for receiving buy-in and executive support of yourREFM outsourcing initiatives.

Michael Huaco Vice President, Business Strategy & Corporate Real Estate National Facilities Services


2:00-4:00 1:30 Registration for Workshop C

The first processes that are typically outsourced include workplaceservices, facilities services, and transaction/brokerage services. Oncethese have been successfully implemented into your outsourcingstrategy, REFM professionals are looking to energy management andsustainability as the next step to REFM outsourcing optimization.

What you will learn:• Where opportunity lies within your portfolio to incorporate energyand cost savings.

• Effective practices for sustainability.

Expanding Service Delivery to Include Energy Management and Sustainability: Future trends andbest practices

Benefits of attending:• Realize 20% cost savings through effective energy managementstrategies.

• Lead your industry in environmental stewardship while reducingoperating costs.


11:30-1:30 11:00 Registration for Workshop B – Boxed Lunch will be served

The main driver behind real estate and facilities outsourcing is toreduce operating costs; to achieve these cost savings your REFMfunction must be able to manage the outsourcing transformation,optimize service delivery, and integrate vendor management tools andtechnologies. This workshop brings you through the entire REFMoutsourcing process from start to finish.

What you will learn:• A full understanding of REFM outsourcing from process selection andchange management.

• Technology solutions for vendor management to consolidate servicesand providers.

People, Process, and Technology-Optimizing the REFM Lifecycle

Benefits of attending:• Whether self-performing, outtasking, or outsourcing, gain tangiblestrategies to improve efficiencies in transitioning, process selection,and technology implementation.

Larry BarkleyManaging PartnerBarkley Advisory Group, LLC


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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8:30 Registration & Coffee

8:55 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:00 KEYNOTE: Consolidation of Government RealEstate to Achieve Billions in Cost Savings

Applying government strategies of space reduction, improvedmanagement, and lease cancelations

Key takeaways:• At the end of FY 2012 government agencies saw savings of$5.6 billion in real estate savings.

• Utilize techniques of consolidation, reduction, andreconfiguration within your organization to achieve cost andspace savings.

Danny WerfelControllerOffice of Management and Budget

10:00 REFM as a Key Business Partner: Creating Valuefor Your Organization

Aligning outsourcing decisions with overall organizational strategy

Key takeaways:• Communicating corporate strategy with each business unitto develop the best REFM outsourcing decisions.

• Gaining a seat at the table as a strategic asset within yourorganization.

Josh DavidsonSenior Director, Global Real EstateApplied Materials

10:45 Morning Networking & Refreshment Break

11:30 Identifying REFM Service Delivery Improvements

Creating mutually beneficial outcomes for service providersand customers

Key takeaways:• Achieve clarity of service definitions and identify whatprocesses are included in your scope.

• Create effective SLAs for your internal customers.

Linda StillmakerReal Estate & Facility ManagementThe Apollo Group

12:15 Flexible Workplace Initiative: ProactiveApproach to Space Optimization

Realizing 50% space savings through the LifeWorks Program

Key takeaways:• Create a free address workspace program that utilizes spaceefficiently and drives productivity

• Learn communication vehicles to converse with uppermanagement and stakeholders

• Metrics, measurements, and surveys to analyze space andincrease employee satisfaction

David McGintySenior Manager, Global Real Estate & FacilitiesAMS

1:00 Networking Luncheon

2:15 Lease Administration and Contract Negotiation

Creating clear governance and SLAs to optimize vendorrelationships

Key takeaways:• Create visibility of all leases and contracts to monitorexpirations, rentals, and renewals.

• Identify underperforming locations to realize areas of costreduction.

Tom SuroDirector of Real EstateSillicon Valley Bank

3:00 Energy Management, Sustainability andCorporate Responsibility

Benefiting your bottom line and the environment

Exploring cost savings through energy management provides anew arena to reduce operating costs while increasingefficiencies. The key to energy management is understandingthat every building or facility has an opportunity for increaseenergy efficiencies and this session will showcase strategies torealize full potential.

Key takeaways:• Identify where you can improve energy efficiencies withinyour facilities portfolio.

• Learn best practices in energy management andsustainability.

Bob HoleskoVice President of FacilitiesHEI Hotels & Resorts

3:45 Afternoon Networking & Refreshment Break

4:30 Quick Fire Panel Discussion: 6 Topics in 60Minutes • Technology solutions to maximize vendor partnerships andoutsourced services.

• Performance measurement of outsourced and self-performedprocesses.

• Consolidation strategies to bundle services spread acrossvendors, geographies, and functions.

• Best practices in service delivery optimization. • Continuous improvement of your REFM outsourcing deliverymodel.

• Change management techniques for a flawless outsourcingtransition.

5:30 Close of Conference Day One

Main Conference Day OneThursday, September 20, 2012

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8:30 Registration & Coffee

8:55 Chairperson’s Recap of Conference Day One

9:00 KEYNOTE: Full REFM life-cycle- Integratingpeople, place, process, and technology

Determining how REFM outsourcing can reduce operationcosts and improve efficiency

Key takeaways:• Creating a successful performance plan that is well alignedwith the corporate mission, sets achievable goals, andestablishes strong vendor partnerships.

Lee UtkeSenior Director, Global Corporate Real EstateWhirlpool Corporation

10:00 Design and Use of Performance Metrics foryour REFM Outsourcing

Measuring vendor relationships and REFM processes

Key Takeaways:• Create targeted metrics and KPIs such as maintenance costper revenue that will effectively track the performance ofyour REFM processes.

• Improve accountability and ownership with real time dataand analytics.

• Benchmark your REFM outsourcing against other best inclass organizations.

Marianne ZellerDirector, Corporate Real EstateWyndham Worldwide

10:45 Morning Networking Break

11:30 CASE STUDY: Thompson Reuteurs' "Workplaceof the Future" Strategy

Aligning organizational structure and culture

Key Takeaways:• Effective location selection to ensure highly effectiveenvironments for the right functions.

• Strategies for successful sourcing as well as techniques forseamless integration of acquired properties and personnel.

Christopher StaalGlobal Head, Global Real Estate & Workplace SolutionsThompson Reuters

12:15 Networking Luncheon

1:30 Integrated Facilities Management: TechnologySolutions for REFM

Optimizing self-performed and outsourced services

Key Takeaways:• Implementation techniques for seamless technologyintegration.

• Performance dashboards for monitoring services and thirdparty providers.

• Portals for employee self-service.

Brad Reinhardt Real Estate ManagerSprint

2:15 Expanding Scope and Complexity of REFMOutsourcing

Innovations in Continuous Improvement and expansion

Key takeaways:• Analysis of if and when new processes or services should beincorporate into your outsourcing model.

• Best practices for continuous expansion of REFMoutsourcing with minimum disruption and maximum results.

Adam Hoy Global Real Estate Director Unilever

3:00 Afternoon Networking Break

3:30 Brilliance Bar Wrap Up

A unique concept taken from the leaders in innovation,Apple’s Genius Bar, bring your questions and get answersfrom our leading expert faculty! Address the challengeswithin your organization that keep you up at night.

Email your questions to Natalie.Blauvelt@iqpc.com

4:30 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks and End ofConference

Main Conference Day TwoFriday, September 21, 2012

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Registration InformationEnd users

*An end user is someone who is looking for solutions and will directly benefit from the contentprovided in the program

*A vendor is a solution provider who can offer products and service to enhance the end user’soperations at their perspective organizations.


Utilizing REFM outsourcing to reduce operating costs,increase efficiency, and improve process performance

Proudly presents

September 19 - 21, 2012 • Hyatt Regency McCormickPlace, Chicago, IL • www.REFMoutsourcing.com

Join our global online community to download exciting new webinars and podcasts developed by industry leaders for IQPC.

5 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER:Web: www.REFMoutsourcing.comCall: 1-800-882-8684Email: info@iqpc.comFax: 1-646-378-6025Mail: IQPC - 535 5th Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017






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Group Rate - $239 plus 16.39% per night. Please identify you are part of the IQPC – Facades group to ensure the special rate. Note thatyou are eligible for this rate three days prior and three days post the event based on availability. Reservations Telephone – (888) 421-1442 or (312) 567-1234Please make your reservation before August 27, 2012 in order to ensure you are eligible forthe group rate.

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