Using%2520 educational%2520reseach

Post on 03-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Using%2520 educational%2520reseach


Presenter: Hamilton Cruz

Internet Quotes

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day: teach that person to

use the internet and they won’t bother you for weeks

Getting information off the internet is like getting a drink form a fire hydrant. Mitchell Koper

What are some of the strength and weaknesses of using the Internet?

Strength and Weaknesses of Using the Internet


Strength Controlled vocabulary 30+ year archive Reviewed for quality

Weaknesses Limited International

coverage Abstracts instead of full

text articles At least 6 months

behind current articles

Strength and Weaknesses of Using the Internet


Strengths Current information Full text articles International coverage

Weaknesses No significant archive No search standards No quality control

How is information organized on the WWW?

Organization of Information on the World Wide Web Similarities Between Online and Print

Research Techniques

Differences Between Online and Print Research Techniques

Elements of Website Organization

The Six Ps

Prior proper performance prevents poor performance

Domain Extension Quiz

.com .edu .gov .net .org .au

Domain Extension quiz

.com .edu .gov .net

.org .au

Commercial Educational

institution Government A community or

organization based free internet provider

Organization or association


What are the 3 types of primary search utilities?

Internet Search Strategies

Subject Directories

Search Engines

Metasearch Engines

MetaSearch Engines

What the difference between Search Engine and Search Directory? Give examples.

Beyond web pages: Scholarly Communications Strategies E-mail

Newsgroups, Email Discussion Groups, and Listservs

Conferences and Telecommunications

Using Known Locations


Newsgroups, E-mail Discussion Groups, and


Conferencing and Telecommunication

Review of Educational Websites

Federal Government

State Government

National Research Centers

Regional Education Laboratories

Associations and Organizations

Review of Educational Websites

Online Journals, Reviews and Abstracts


Association and University Web Pages

Institute of Education Sciences


Visit an educational association, organization, or online journal website (Tables 4.8 and 4.9).

What are 3 features that would be useful research resources and why?


I looked at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. This is a really good website - full of useful pages and easy to navigate. They have a page for journals and books listing the Journal for Research in Mathematics education, as well as other non-research publication


Another page is dedicated to Research, news and advocacy. Besides current advocacy and media issues, NCTM presents a summary of current summaries of research, and upcoming research pre-session conferences. This is a good secondary source to get a list of possible literature review material.


I visited the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. This particular site had a publications tab which included pages designed specifically for journals and newsletters. Each page consisted of a variety of journals for different aspects of health education, coaching, recreation, etc


. This would be a fantastic resource for those doing research in this particular area of study, because it is specifically designed for that very reason. Most of the time libraries and other educational resources don’t have an extensive collection of sports or recreation related materials.


Also included in this website was a product catalog and online store where teachers, researchers, students, etc. can get the tools and resources necessary to carry out some of the functions discussed in the journals, newsletters and data provided on the website.


I visited the National Association for the Education of Young Children ( I clicked on the Early Childhood Research Quarterly with contained research in Early Childhood Education and Practitioners Perspectives. I liked that link because it gave a variety of different articles to read and various topics


. I looked at the Teaching Young Children Magazine, which had current issues as well as past issues and had a variety of different topics of interest, things you could utilize in your classroom and apply with the students. The last thing I looked at was Publications and this had a selection of educational resources for early childhood professionals. I think this site is could be very useful because it is national educational association and has researched and important information.


I visited the National Association for the Education of Young Children ( The first thing I found was access to the "Early Childhood Research Quarterly" which could be helpful when researching subjects on the topic. From there I clicked on the "Voices of Practitioners" link.


This publishes the research of early childhood teachers. I think getting information directly from the very people who educate is invaluable. Finally I liked how you had access to books they publish in the early childhood field.


I reviewed the National Educational Association. It's fundamental goal advancing the cause of public education. Works on the local, state, and national level to influence and set education policy. The website has a reference tab for Issues and Action that address topics such as, NCLB Act, Educational Funding, Dropout Prevention, and Minority Community Outreach which deal with various social and political issues.


The website also contained another link for tools and ideas associated with several of the "hot topics" that were being addressed. I found this website to be very useful when looking at various social justice issues within the educational system.


I visited the website for Education Next. I remember seeing the magazine in a bookstore one time and thought it interesting. The website itself is helpful because it organizes previous articles along topics such as government policy, technology, and standards. Also, it provides a link to a discussion board with which to get in contact with other possible researchers. Also, it provides access to their own research studies in the "edfacts" section.

Activity: The Great Race