Using the CDD Vault for MM4TB

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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BIO2014 - Mining for gold - creating business opportunities from publicly funded collaborative research - session

Transcript of Using the CDD Vault for MM4TB

Using the CDD Vault for MM4TB Sean Ekins PhD, DSc.

CSO, Collaborative Drug Discovery, IncBurlingame, CA

The Exploitation pathway…

Research Information system (RIS)

Technology transfer Entrepreneurship Networking

Torbjörn IngemanssonEuropean Commission

Sean EkinsCollaborative Drug Discovery, Inc.

Claire SkentelberyEuropean Biotechnology Network

Bonny HarbingerNational Institutes of Health

“by provisioning the right amount of storage and compute resources, cost can be significantly reduced with no significant impact on application performance”


CDD- a decade of drug discovery collaborations

2004 - presentSaaS

Easy to use

Used by AcademiaIndustry, Biotech


Selective collaboration

100’s of published datasets

NIH funded STTR collaboration

Some collaborations outside also


Developing molecules for TBUsing computational data miningNew technologies for TB drug discovery

From Desktop to Mobile apps – making data accessible

Clark et al., submitted 2014

Predict targets

Drug discovery is repetitive and there are 1000s of diseases

Drug discovery is high risk

Do we need robots or just smarter programs that discover the ideas we test?

24 groups in this project use a single

Participants from India, Russia, South Africa, Europe, USA

TB Drug AcceleratorAnother example of a big TB collaboration7 Big Pharma and 4 academic institutes will open up targeted sections of their compound libraries and share data with each other.

• Abbott• AstraZeneca• Bayer • Eli Lilly• GlaxoSmithKline• Merck • Sanofi • Infectious Disease Research Institute (IDRI)• NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

Diseases• Texas A&M University • Weill Cornell Medical College

The Big Picture• This did not happen overnight – 10 years to get here!• Collaboration and selective secure sharing is key – move

ideas and data – to clinical compounds• Domain expertise in drug discovery• Bring scientists together globally• Grants can accelerate / catalyze collaboration• Grants can fund further technology development• Impact how we develop therapies