Using SECC data for NREGA Planning

Post on 09-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Using SECC data for NREGA Planning

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Some points about SECC SECC-2011: WHY needed?

#1: Beneficiary identification

Socio Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011 ranks the households based on their socio-economic status.(=a database is created)State Governments can use this database to prepare the list of families living below poverty line (BPL).(Combined with UID) This database can be utilized for identification of beneficiaries for various socio-economic welfare schemes.

#2: Policy Making

SECC census database will provide authentic information to policy makers about caste-wise population breakup in the country (e.g. socio-economic, educational status of a particular caste.)Based on that, Government can evaluate the performance of its past schemes/policies and update them accordingly.SECC for Rural HouseholdsAutomatically Exclude some households (based on income/assets)Automatically Include some householdFor the remaining houses: rank them based on seven deprivation factors.

#1: Automatically Excluded

If a household own any of these items: theyll be excluded. (list not exhaustive)VehicleKisan Credit Card with credit limit of Rs. 50k and aboveAny member is Government employeeAny member is earning more than Rs.10k per month.Paying income taxPaying professional taxHouse has pucca walls and roof + Three or more roomsOwn a refrigeratorOwn Landline phoneOwns irrigated land above a limit.Some points about SECC #2: Automatically Included

Household with any of the following will be included automatically:Households without shelterDestitute/ living on almsManual scavengersLegally released bonded labourersPrimitive tribal groups

What is Primitive tribal groups (PTG)?

There are the poorest of poor amongst the Scheduled Tribes (STs). Theyre identified based on three parametersThey use pre-agricultural level of technology for farming.Very low level of literacyThey population is either Declining or stagnant.

Some points about SECC #3: Deprivation indicator

So far we know thatSECC-2011 census aims to rank households.It automatically includes/excludes certain households (as seen above)Now for the remaining households (which are not automatically included or excluded) the census will rank them based on 7 Deprivation Indicators.

7 deprivation indicators:

Households with only one room, kucha walls and kucha roofNo adult member between the ages of 16 and 59Female headed households with no adult male member between 16 and 59Households with disabled member and no able bodied adult memberSC/ST householdHouseholds with no literate adult above 25 yearsLandless households deriving a major part of their income from manual casual labourHouseholds with the highest deprivation score willBe first included in the BPL list.Be first given benefit of Government welfare schemes.ok so ^this was the methodology for doing SECC census in Rural area. Now speaking of methodology for Urban areas.Some points about SECC MGNREGA SECC Panchayats Mapping (For IPPE Blocks)

The option is available at PO login.Mapping of Panchayats(For IPPE Blocks)

Mapping of Matched Panchayats

List of mapped Panchayats through organic or Inorganic way along with Approved and Manually Mapped Panchayats mappings.

Inorganic ally mapped Panchayats pending for Approval.

Approved Inorganically Matched or Manually mapped Panchayats

Mapping of Matched Panchayats(...contd.)

List all SECC Tehsils within the selected districts.

List all SECC Panchayats within the selected Tehsil and not yet Mapped.

List of SECC villages in selected SECC Panchayats

Manual Mapping of Panchayats