Using Ruby Beneath a Java API

Post on 24-May-2015

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My JavaLand talk with title: Using Ruby Beneath a Java API Ruby is a programming language focused on simplicity and productivity. JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Does it make sense to integrate Ruby libraries (Gems) with Java so they can be used transparently within any JVM-based application? Absolutely! With the diversity and innovation in the Ruby ecosystem and the popularity of polyglot programming on the JVM, it's a great fit. In this presentation, we'll explore several ways to invoke Ruby from Java, including how variables are transferred, how to adapt to data types that only exist in Ruby, how to create Java interfaces to wrap Ruby code and, finally, how to bundle Ruby Gems alongside Java code in a jar file using Apache Maven for publishing to Maven Central. As a practical example, we'll examine AsciidoctorJ, a library that provides a Java API to the Ruby-based Asciidoctor library. You'll leave the presentation with the knowledge you need to leverage JRuby to integrate any Ruby Gem into your JVM-based application.

Transcript of Using Ruby Beneath a Java API