Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace · 2020-05-21 · Edit Smart Contracts 7-3 Delete Smart...

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Transcript of Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace · 2020-05-21 · Edit Smart Contracts 7-3 Delete Smart...

Oracle® CloudUsing Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

20.2.2E98674-08May 2020

Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, 20.2.2


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Audience ix

Documentation Accessibility ix

Related Documents ix

Conventions ix

1 Get Started with Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

Before You Begin 1-1

How to Access Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace 1-1

How to Get Support 1-1

2 Get to Know Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

About Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace 2-1

Understand the Building Blocks 2-2

Trading Partners 2-2

Documents 2-3

Business Flows 2-3

Typical Workflow for Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace 2-4

Part I Configure Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

3 Configure Trading Partner

Understand Roles and Users 3-1

Understand User Quota 3-3

Invite an Endorsing Trading Partner 3-4

Invite a Participating Trading Partner 3-5

View a Trading Partner 3-5

Edit a Trading Partner 3-7

Remove a Trading Partner 3-7


Add Trading Partner Location 3-7

Modify Trading Partner Location 3-8

Remove Trading Partner Location 3-8

Manage Users 3-8

Create a New User 3-9

Edit a User 3-10

Delete a User 3-10

Reset Password for a User 3-11

View Users 3-11

Add an Existing Oracle IDCS User 3-11

4 Define Document Types

About Document Type Structure 4-1

Create a New Document Type 4-3

Create a New Document Type from Scratch 4-3

Create a New Document Type by Duplication Existing Document Type 4-4

Edit a Document Type 4-4

Delete a Document Type 4-5

5 Add Business Flow Templates

About Business Flow Templates 5-1

Create a Business flow Template 5-2

Duplicate a Business flow Template 5-3

Edit a Business Flow Template 5-4

Delete a Business Flow Template 5-4

6 Configure Business Flows

About Business Flows 6-1

Create a New Business Flow Instance 6-2

Edit a Business Flow 6-3

Activate a Business Flow 6-4

7 Add Business Rules to Smart Contract

About Smart Contract Business Rules 7-1

Add Smart Contract Business Rules 7-1

Edit Smart Contracts 7-3

Delete Smart Contract Business Rules 7-5


8 Submit Documents

View Document Integration Endpoints 8-1

9 Configure Document Integrations

Integrate with Oracle Fusion Cloud Messaging 9-1

Set Up Document Integration 9-2

Configure Business Steps Document Integration 9-3

Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud 9-4

Configure Oracle Transportation Management Cloud 9-5

Add Document Integration 9-5

Configure Document Integration Endpoints 9-7

Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud 9-9

Create Document Integration 9-9

Configure Integration Endpoint 9-11


Configure Map Settings

Setup Third Party Map Providers 10-1

Setup Application Appearance 10-2


Endorsing Trading Partner Tasks

Join Founder's Network 11-1

Configure Business Flow Steps 11-3

Configure Smart Contract Business Rules 11-3

Add Smart Contract Rules 11-4

Edit Smart Contracts Business Rules 11-5

Delete Smart Contract Business Rules 11-6

Submit Documents 11-6

Manage Users for Endorsing Trading Partners 11-6


Participating Trading Partner Tasks

Join Founder's Network 12-1

Submit Documents 12-2

Manage Users for Participating Trading Partners 12-2

Part II Use Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace



Production and Test Environment

Switch From Test Service to Production Service Instance 13-1

Switch From Production Service to Test Service Instance 13-2

Promote Configurations from Test to Production Environment 13-2

Promote a Business Flow in a Test Service Instance 13-3


Track Your Assets and Documents

Trading Partners Dashboard 14-1

View Trading Partner Dashboard 14-1

Monitor Business Flows 14-3

View Business Flow Dashboard 14-4

View Business Flow Details 14-5

Monitor Flow Instances 14-6

View Flow Instances Dashboard 14-6

Trace a Flow Instance 14-7

Trace Your Items 14-9

View Items Dashboard 14-10

Monitor Documents 14-10

View Documents Dashboard 14-11


Simulate a Business Flow

Create a Simulation 15-1

Edit a Simulation 15-2

Clone a Simulation 15-3

Run Simulations 15-3

Delete a Simulation 15-3


Exceptions and Warnings

View Exceptions and Warnings 16-1


Troubleshoot Warnings and Failures

View Document Processing Diagnostics 17-1

Troubleshoot Common Error Scenarios 17-3

A Define Document Schema and Templates

Define Document Schema JSON A-1


Define Metadata Template A-6

Define Metadata Schema A-16

Define Simulator Template A-17

Define Preview Template A-32



Documentation on how to use Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.



Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides information and procedures forusing Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace improvessupply chain product traceability and dispute resolution.


• Audience

• Documentation Accessibility

• Related Documents

• Conventions

AudienceUsing Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is intended for system administrators who areresponsible for managing Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Related DocumentsFor more information, see these Oracle resources:

• Oracle Cloud at

• Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:


Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



1Get Started with Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is a blockchain application that helps to manageand monitor your supply chain.

This application harnesses the power of distributed ledgers and immutable data storesto remove the need for intermediaries. You no longer require trusted third parties toverify, record, and coordinate transactions. Instead, you determine who participates inthe monitoring and verification process of any document exchanged. Get started withOracle Intelligent Track and Trace and learn how to access the cloud service.


• Before You Begin

• How to Access Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

• How to Get Support

Before You BeginBefore you begin using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace ensure that you have thefollowing items:

• Make sure you have link to access Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace CloudService and a user account. Typically these are included in your subscriptionemail, if you haven’t received this email, contact the system administrator. See How to Access Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.

How to Access Oracle Intelligent Track and TraceLog in to the Web application to start using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.

To log in to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, you must have a user account. Oracleprovides user account information when you subscribe to the cloud service.

To access the web based application:

1. Open an internet browser and go to: https://hostname/tntui

You can find the name of your host in the email you received when you subscribedto the service.

2. Enter your user name and password.

3. Click Sign In.

How to Get SupportUse these resources to resolve problems:


• Visit the Oracle Help Center at

• If you’re an Oracle Premier Support Customer, visit My Oracle Support.

• Contact Oracle Technical Support. See Contacting Oracle Support in GettingStarted with Oracle Cloud.

Chapter 1How to Get Support


2Get to Know Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is a blockchain application that enables you tomanage, track, trace and monitor transaction documents in your supply chain businessnetwork.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace takes advantage of the power of Oracle BlockchainPlatform. Transaction documents exchanged between supply chain participants aresecurely and permanently recorded in an immutable ledger. Highest level of encryptionand data protection policy is used to share sensitive data with all stakeholders. Datasharing increases transparency and product traceability.

About Oracle Intelligent Track and TraceOne of the major challenges in the current supply chain models used in the industry istracking transaction assets across multiple trading partners. Due to lack oftransparency and visibility between the various parties involved in the supply chain,maintaining asset information continuity across enterprise boundaries is arduous.

Blockchain technology enables the network of business partners to agree upon keypieces of information which can be shared across organization boundaries. Thisfosters a trust relationship between supply chain participants, ensuring smoothmovement of non-repudiable information.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace builds on the Oracle Blockchain Platform to enableend-to-end traceability of assets and transaction documents in supply chains to reducedelays and automate record keeping. This business-ready blockchain applicationprovides a digital ledger of products, documents, and movement of all these assets inyour business network. You can now track and manage each of your transaction dataand assets in real time, define policy and exceptions, resolve disputes, improveregulatory compliance, and gain business insights using advanced analytics.

Business Benefits

• Product Tracking: Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to track all theactivities in a typical supply chain from conception, purchase of the raw material tofinished product. You can scroll through complete history of all related transactiondocuments in a complex supply chain spanning multiple organizations. UsingOracle Intelligent Track and Trace, it is easy to access all relevant data such asdocuments, environmental (IoT) data etc. For example, a pharmaceutical companymanufacturing vaccines can track raw material, such as vials, arrivals fromsuppliers. It can track current location of the raw material, shipping details, qualityand condition (temperature/humidity etc.) of the raw material delivered and so on.

• Dispute Resolution: Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace you can setup rulesand policies in the form of complex smart contracts and can track compliance andexceptions. In case of any dispute, you can track and trace back to the root cause.For example, a doctor in hospital determines that the consistency of vaccine is


unusual. As a pharmaceutical company manufacturing vaccines, you can tracethrough the supply chain to find what went wrong.

• Business Insights and Analytics: Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace offerscross-organization business insights at various level of details, starting from thebird's eye view of the business network, to full visibility of all transactiondocuments. The application also provides the ability to drill down to specifictransaction documents, such as those with failed smart contract business rules.You can view issues with smart contracts in any part of the supply chain todownstream organizations, calculate statistics based on end-to-end view, andpredict delays or yield issues.

Understand the Building BlocksOracle Intelligent Track and Trace includes multiple business personas, entities andobjects that form the foundation of any supply chain network. To harness the fullpotential of the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application, you must understandthese key building blocks and how they interact with each other.

The following sections introduce the building blocks of this application.

Trading PartnersTrading partners are entities that do business together. In a supply chain network,trading partner participates in transactions such as creating purchase orders,processing sales order, tracking shipments etc. These are key personas in OracleIntelligent Track and Trace that forms the business network and exchange transactiondocuments.

In Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, trading partners are digital placeholders of yourbusiness partners. Based on the role trading partners plays your network, they areclassified into three types.

Founder is the owner of the business network. They create the network and invite theother organizations (endorsing and participating partners) to join the network. Founderon-boards the partners of different types, and manages access. Being the owner of thenetwork, founder has its own dedicated ledger, can define own set of rules andpolicies, manage and validate all transaction documents written to the ledger, and hasvisibility across all the documents exchanged in the supply chain.

Chapter 2Understand the Building Blocks


Endorsing Trading Partners are participants along with founder in the businessnetwork. Each transaction may have one or more organizations as the participants.Like Founder, they can have their own dedicated ledgers, maintain their own set ofrules and policies, validate the transaction documents they own, and manage what iswritten to their ledger.

Participating Trading Partners are the lightweight organizations that do not havededicated ledgers. They submit documents for the business steps they are identifiedas submitter by the founder. They have limited visibility to the network and businessprocesses, and cannot perform any validations.

DocumentsAny transaction carried out in a supply chain always has an associated documentwhich is used to record the transaction data. It also captures all the relevantinformation related to the transaction which can be later used for tracking and tracing.

Supply chain operations comprise of complex logistical exercises involving multipleagencies including buyers, sellers, transporters, shipping lines, customs departmentsetc. This supply chain network may extend beyond domestic and global boundaries ofall countries. The movement of assets from the origin to it's destination requiresengagement and interaction with all of the business network partners who have astake in a transaction. Partners actively engage, and have visibility to information anddocumentation involved at each step of the supply chain. Therefore, maintenance ofstandardized documentation becomes an integral part of any supply chain transaction.

Exchange of information in the form of standardized documents not only facilitates inbuilding trust relationships between multiple partners, it also ensures traceability ofassets and associated information which may be required for complex decisionmaking, such as dispute resolution etc.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application ingests and processes thesestandardized documents received during the various business flow steps. It producesa generic document which capture all key attributes of the input business documentincluding any relationships that the input document may have. This transformation ofthe standard document to a generic one, depends on the document type and mappingthat you provide when defining the steps of a business flow. You can learn more aboutdocument types and mappings supported by Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace in Define Document Types.

Business FlowsA Business Flow represents a set of steps involved in the core business processes ofa supply chain, such as procurement, manufacturing, distribution, sales etc.

A typical business flow in Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is a logical grouping ofbusiness process steps that describe a interaction between two or more tradingpartners. Each step of a business flow has an associated document which is submittedby the identified trading partner. The submitted document is processed by the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace and is recorded securely in appropriate distributed ledgersalong with extracted key attributes.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace keeps track of all processed documents andcorrelates each document to appropriate business flow. For more information onbusiness flows, see Configure Business Flows

Chapter 2Understand the Building Blocks


Typical Workflow for Using Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace

As a founder, to start using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace you first need to setupand configure your business network, business flows, products, and associateddocuments. Once configured, you can start tracking and tracing all your assets.

The image represents the workflow for implementing Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace

Tasks Description More Information

Invite Endorsing TradingPartners

Send invites to the endorsingtrading partners in yournetwork to join OracleIntelligent Track and Trace.

Invite an Endorsing TradingPartner

Invite Participating TradingPartners

Send invites to theparticipating trading partnersin your network to join OracleIntelligent Track and Trace.

Invite a Participating TradingPartner

Complete Registration As a participating or endorsingtrading partner, complete theregistration process and setupOracle Intelligent Track andTrace.

Join Founder's Network -Endorsing Trading Partner

Join Founder's Network -Participating Trading Partner

Define Document Types Add new document types toassociate them to businessflow steps. For each documenttype added, you have toupload JSON schema, definemapping template, schemaand simulator template.

Create a New Document Type

Define Business FlowTemplates

Create templates which definethe steps involved in supplychain business flows in yourorganization. These templateswill then be used to createbusiness flow instances forproducts with specific tradingpartners.

Create a Business flowTemplate

Chapter 2Typical Workflow for Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace


Tasks Description More Information

Define Business Flows Create business flows frombusiness templates. You canalso define smart contracts foreach of the business steps,and setup the visibility oftrading partners at step level.Business flows enable you totrack your assets involvingspecific trading partners andvendors.

Create a New Business FlowInstance

Add Business Rule to SmartContracts

Add smart contracts businessrules to define rules andpolicies for validating theincoming transactiondocuments. Only the tradingpartners identified asendorsers for a business stepscan create the smartcontracts.

Add Smart Contract BusinessRules

Update Viewers andEndorsers (Submitter)

As an endorsing tradingpartner, add the viewers andendorsers for the businessflow steps for which you havebeen identified as thedocument submitter.

Configure Business FlowSteps

Add Business Rules to SmartContracts (endorsers)

As an endorser of a businessstep, add the smart contractbusiness rules.

Configure Smart ContractBusiness Rules

Validate and ActivateBusiness Flow

Activate the business flows. Activate a Business Flow

Once you have completed configuring Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, theapplication starts ingesting documents received for the defined business flows.Depending upon your role in the network, you can monitor and manage your assetsand documents. For more information, see Track Your Assets and Documents.

Chapter 2Typical Workflow for Using Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace


Part IConfigure Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace

This part contains the following chapters:

• Configure Trading Partner

• Define Document Types

• Add Business Flow Templates

• Configure Business Flows

• Add Business Rules to Smart Contract

• Submit Documents

• Configure Document Integrations

• Configure Map Settings

• Endorsing Trading Partner Tasks

• Participating Trading Partner Tasks

3Configure Trading Partner

Access to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is determined by the role of peer partnerin the founder supply chain network. As a founder or peer trading partner, you mustunderstand the various user roles you can assign within your Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace instance.


• Understand Roles and Users

• Understand User Quota


All the tasks listed below are performed by the Founder. For TradingPartner Tasks, see Endorsing Trading Partner Tasks and ParticipatingTrading Partner Tasks.

• Invite an Endorsing Trading Partner

• Invite a Participating Trading Partner

• View a Trading Partner

• Edit a Trading Partner

• Remove a Trading Partner

• Add Trading Partner Location

• Modify Trading Partner Location

• Remove Trading Partner Location

• Manage Users

Understand Roles and UsersHow you interact with Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace depends on two aspects–your organization's role within the business network, and your role within theorganization.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace supports three types of organizations in thebusiness network— founder, endorsing trading partner, and participating tradingpartner. Founder is the owner of the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance, andis responsible for inviting the trading partners to join and register with the application.Apart from organization's role, founder and each of the trading partners are alsoresponsible for creating appropriate user roles. The visibility of the application'sfeatures and functionality depends on the user role granted to you. For eachorganization type, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace has a predefined set of userroles:


• Founder

– Administrator: The application administrator configures and maintains theapplication. Users with this role have super-user privileges. An administratorcan create, modify, delete and maintain all the entities in the businessnetwork. It has visibility to track and trace all the business assets, and viewend-to-end matrices, analytics and business insights collected and calculatedby Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.

– Integration Users : The application user can only post transaction documentsusing the published REST API. As an integration user, you cannot login to theapplication, or perform any operation.

– Web Application Users: All users in the founder organization are granted thisrole.

• Endorsing Trading Partners

– Administrator: The application administrator can do everything with thedomain of the endorsing trading partner.

– Integration Users : The application user can only post transaction documentsusing REST APIs, within the domain of the endorsing trading partner. As anintegration user, you cannot login to the application, or perform any operation.

– Web Application Users: Users with this role are basic users of endorsingtrading partner organization.

• Participating Trading Partners

– Administrator: The application administrator can do everything with thedomain of the participating trading partner.

– Integration Users : The application user can only post transaction documentsusing REST API, within the domain of the participating trading partner.

– Web Application Users: Users with this role are basic users of participatingtrading partner organization

Permissions Founder Endorsing Trading

PartnerParticipating Trading





Admin WebApplicationUsers


Admin WebApplicationUsers




Yes No Yes Yes* No Yes Yes No Yes


No No Yes No No Yes* No No No


No No Yes No No No No No No


No No Yes No No No No No No


No No Yes* No No Yes* No No Yes*

Chapter 3Understand Roles and Users


Permissions Founder Endorsing Trading

PartnerParticipating Trading



Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes*

Yes* – These operations are permitted but only for their own organization. Forexample, Endorsing Trading Partner Admins can modify the configuration for businessflow steps for which their organization is assigned as submitter.

Understand User QuotaA user quota is allocated to the founder as part of the Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace subscription. User quota specifies the number of individual users subscribed bythe founder. There are two types of users which you can purchase—Universal andParticipating users.

Universal Users

Total number of universal users refers to the total individual users allocated to thefounder during subscription. Universal users can be founder users, or endorsingtrading partner users. The division of the allocated user quota amongst the tradingpartners is the responsibility of the founder. As part of inviting endorsing tradingpartner, founder can allocate a certain number of users from this universal user pool.That trading partners can create only the number of users that founder has allocated.

Once the founder allocates the users to the trading partners, the universal quota countincludes these allocated users, irrespective of whether the trading partners have usedtheir allocated quota or not. In case the number of users have increased, founder canalso buy more universal users.

Participating Trading Partner Users

Apart from universal users, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables the founder tobuy additional participating partner users. Participating users can be allocated to onlyparticipating trading partners, or to create new participating partners. If the founder haspurchased participating users, the users allocated when inviting participating users arecounted as part of this quota. However, if the participating quota is exhausted, anyadditional participating users are allocated from the universal user quota.

When a user quota (universal and participating partner users) is assigned to thefounder, the founder has the flexibility to divide the quota among the trading partners,and reserve a few for himself. The trading partner in turn has the responsibility ofcreating it's own users. The users created can have the role of – application user,admin, or user.

For example, a founder is assigned a quota of 20 universal users, and 10 participatingusers. The founder allocates 4 participating users each to two different participanttrading partners. Now, the total number of available participant users are 2, andavailable universal users are 20. If the founder allocates additional 5 users toparticipating trading partners, then the total number of available participating users is 0and available universal users is 17 (3 of these are used as participating partner users).

Chapter 3Understand User Quota


The division of user quota is driven by the needs of the founder's business network.Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides full flexibility to the founder on how thequota is divided.

Invite an Endorsing Trading PartnerInvite endorsing trading partner to join the founder network.

As a founder, you on-board other peer organizations by sending them invites to joinand register to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner


3. Under Endorsing Trading Partner area, click Invite.

4. Under Name, enter the name of the endorsing trading partner.

5. Under Roles, specify the role trading partner plays in the network, for exampleBuyer, Seller, Manufacturer etc. It is customer defined field, you can add valuesthat fit into your business network requirement.

6. (Optional) Under Address / Geo-Location, on the map, click Search Address

to enter and search an address. The latitude and longitude of the location isdisplayed below the map. The street, city, state, zip and the country fields getpopulated with their respective values. Enter or modify the values for:

• Street: Review or modify the street address of the partner.

• City: Review or modify the city where partner resides.

• State: Review or modify the state code of the partner.

• Zip: Review or modify the zip code of the partner.

• Country: Review or modify the country where the partner resides.

7. Under Primary User, specify the details of the users who will be granted theadministrative privileges:

• Name: Enter the name of the admin user.

• Surname: Enter the surname of the admin user.

• (Optional)Phone: Specify the phone number of the admin user.

• Email: Specify the email of the admin user, where the Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace will send a welcome email. The admin user of the endorsing tradingpartner will follow the instructions mentioned in the welcome email to join thefounder network.

8. Under Users, specify the number of users you want to allocate to this endorsingtrading partner.

9. Click Save.

An invitation email is sent to the endorsing trading partner at the email addressprovided under Primary User area. The primary user is the admin user which haspermission to perform all operations in the trading partner domain. The admin user

Chapter 3Invite an Endorsing Trading Partner


should follow the instructions provided in the email and register with Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace to join the founder network.

Invite a Participating Trading PartnerInvite a participating trading partner to join the founder network.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

3. Under Participating Trading Partner area, click Invite.

4. Under Name, enter the name of the participating trading partner.

5. Under Role, specify the role trading partner plays in the network, for exampleBuyer, Seller, Manufacturer etc. It is customer defined field, you can add valuesthat fit into your business network requirement.

6. (Optional) Under Address / Geo-Location, on the map, click Search Address

to enter and search an address. The latitude and longitude of the location isdisplayed below the map. The street, city, state, zip and the country fields getpopulated with their respective values. Enter or modify the values for:

• Street: Review or modify the street address of the partner.

• City: Review or modify the city where partner resides.

• State: Review or modify the state code of the partner.

• Zip: Review or modify the zip code of the partner.

• Country: Review or modify the country where the partner resides.

7. Under Primary Users, specify the details of the user who will be granted theadministrative privileges:

• Name: Enter the name of the admin user.

• Surname: Enter the surname of the admin user.

• (Optional)Phone: Specify the phone number of the admin user.

• Email: Specify the email of the admin user, where the Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace will send a welcome email. The admin user of the participatingtrading partner will follow the instructions mentioned in the welcome email tojoin the founder network.

8. Under Users, specify the number of users you want to allocate to this participatingtrading partner.

9. Click Save.

An invitation email is sent to the participating trading partner at the email addressprovided under Primary User area. The primary user should follow the instructionsprovided in the email and register with Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace to join thefounder network.

View a Trading PartnerView details about a trading partner, including its status, role, users allocated, andlocations.

Chapter 3Invite a Participating Trading Partner


1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

The following image shows the Configure:Trading Partner dashboard with all thetrading partners listed in the left pane:

The Configure: Trading Partner dashboard provides a birds-eye view of thenumber of trading partners configured in the application. Two types of users aredisplayed:

• Universal: Specifies the number of universal users allocated in the formatUsers Allocated/Total Universal Users. The universal users can be founder,endorsing or participating trading partner users.

• Participating: Specifies the number of participating trading partner in theformat Users Allocated/Total Participating Users.

• Founder Users: Specifies the number of founder users.

• Endorsing Trading Partner Users: Specifies the endorsing trading partnerusers allocated by the founder.

• Participating Trading Partner Users: Specifies the participating tradingpartner users allocated by the founder.

• Endorsing Trading Partners: Number of endorsing trading partner invited bythe founder.

• Participating Trading Partners: Number of participating trading partnerinvited by the founder.

3. Click on Purchase More if you want to buy more universal or participating tradingpartner users.

4. Select the Trading Partner that you want to view from the trading partner list. Theright hand pane displays the detailed information about the trading partner.

• Status– Indicates the status of the trading partner. Status can be any one ofthe following values - Invited, Activated.

Chapter 3View a Trading Partner


• Roles – Specifies the role of the trading partner. The value of this field iscustomer defined, and is populated when you add the trading partner to thenetwork.

• Users – The value is displayed in the format—Total users allocated/Userscurrently configured.

• Address – Address of the trading partner.

• Contact – Contact details of the primary user.

• Locations – Specifies the locations of the trading partner. To add locations

click Add Location .

Edit a Trading Partner1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

3. Select the Trading Partner that you want to edit from the list of trading partners inthe left pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of trading partner, click Edit

5. Make the necessary changes under the Details, Main Address, Primary Userand Users areas.

6. Click Save

7. Click Back and return to the Trading Partners page

Remove a Trading Partner1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

3. Select the Trading Partner that you want to edit from the list of trading partners inthe left pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of the trading partner, click Delete .

Add Trading Partner LocationAdd location for a trading partner. For each trading partner you can add multiplelocations.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

3. Select the Trading Partner for which you want to add location details from the leftpane.

4. On the right hand pane, click Locations

5. Specify the details under Details, Address / Geo-Location, IDs areas. IDsrepresent the location IDs assigned to each location of the trading partner.

Chapter 3Edit a Trading Partner


• Type: Specifies the type of ID assigned to the trading partner. You can assigna custom identification to the trading partner which uniquely identifies it. Thisfield specifies the type of that identification.

• ID: Specifies the unique custom ID for the trading partner.

6. Click Save.

7. Click Back to return to the Configure:Trading Partner dashboard.

Modify Trading Partner LocationModify trading partner location details.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

3. Select the Trading Partner for which you want to modify location details.

4. On the right hand pane, under Locations, click Edit against the location youwant to edit.

5. Modify the location details under Details, Address / Geo-Location, IDs areas.

6. Click Save.

7. Click Back to return to the Configure:Trading Partner dashboard.

Remove Trading Partner LocationDelete location of a trading partner.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Trading Partner .

3. Select the Trading Partner for which you want to add location details from the leftpane.

4. On the right hand pane, under Locations , click Delete against the location youwant to delete.

Manage UsersYou can create three types of users—admin, integration user, and web applicationuser. You can also add an existing Oracle Identity Cloud Service user to theapplication.

When creating users you should bear in mind that universal user quota is sum of—number of endorsing trading partners, number of users allocated to the trading partner,number of founder users, and spill over participating user quota (if any). Theparticipating user quota spills into the universal quota in case it exceeds theparticipating users purchased by the founder. You can also purchase additional userquota if you think current quota does not meet the needs of your business networks.

Chapter 3Modify Trading Partner Location



• Create a New User

• Edit a User

• Delete a User

• Reset Password for a User

• View Users

• Add an Existing Oracle IDCS User

Create a New UserCreate a new user and assign a role.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Users


3. Under Configuration:User dashboard, click Add New User .

4. Complete these fields under PERSONAL area:

• Name: Enter the name of the user

• Surname: Enter the surname

• Role: Select one of these roles:

– Web Application User

– Integration User

– Admin

5. Complete these fields under LOGIN area:

• Email: Enter the user email address

• (Optional) Select Use the email address as the username

6. Complete these fields under CONTACT area:

• (Optional) Phone: Enter the user phone number

• (Optional) Street: Enter the user street address

• (Optional) City: Enter the user city

• (Optional) State: Enter the user state

• (Optional) Zip: Enter the user zip code

• (Optional) Country: Enter the user country

7. Click Save.

8. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Users dashboard.

Chapter 3Manage Users


Edit a User1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Users


3. Under Configuration:User dashboard, select the user that you want to edit from

the list of users displayed. Click Edit next to the user name.

4. Complete required changes under PERSONAL area:

• Name: Enter the name of the user

• Surname: Enter the surname

• Role: Select one of these roles:

– Web Application User

– Integration User

– Admin

5. Complete the required changes under LOGIN area:

• Email: Enter the user email address

• (Optional) Click Send New Temporary Password

• (Optional) Select Use the email address as the username

6. Complete required changes under CONTACT area:

• (Optional) Phone: Enter the user phone number

• (Optional) Street: Enter the user street address

• (Optional) City: Enter the user city

• (Optional) State: Enter the user state

• (Optional) Zip: Enter the user zip code

• (Optional) Country: Enter the user country

7. Click Save.

8. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Users dashboard.

Delete a User1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Users


3. Under Configuration:User dashboard, select the user you want to delete from thelist of users displayed.

4. Click Delete next to the user you want to delete.

Chapter 3Manage Users


Reset Password for a User1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Users


3. Under Configuration:User dashboard, select the user for which you want to resetthe password.

4. Click Reset Password next to the name of the user.

View Users1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Users


3. Under Configuration:User dashboard, you can see the list of configured usersdisplayed with Name, Username,Role, Phone. The Name column displays thefull name including the name and surname of the user. The user list includes:

• Admin users of trading partners

• All the users in the founder organization

The Authorization Menu on the top right corner, displays your username,the name of your organization, and also allows you to sign out from the instance.

Add an Existing Oracle IDCS UserA founder admin can add an existing Oracle Identity Cloud Service user to theapplication and assign a role.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Users


3. Click Select Filter and from the drop down list select Show Users.

4. Click the adjacent drop down and select IDCS Users

5. From the list of users, identify the IDCS user that you need to add to theapplication, and click Edit


6. Complete these fields under PERSONAL area:

• Name: Enter the name of the user

• Surname: Enter the surname

Chapter 3Manage Users


• Role: Select one of these roles:

– Web Application User

– Integration User

– Admin

7. Complete these fields under LOGIN area:

• Email: Enter the user email address

• (Optional) Click Send New Temporary Password

8. Complete these fields under CONTACT area:

• (Optional) Phone: Enter the user phone number

• (Optional) Street: Enter the user street address

• (Optional) City: Enter the user city

• (Optional) State: Enter the user state

• (Optional) Zip: Enter the user zip code

• (Optional) Country: Enter the user country

9. Click Save.

10. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Users dashboard.

On the Configuration: Users page, the IDCS user is displayed in the list.

Chapter 3Manage Users


4Define Document Types

Each transaction in a supply chain has an associated document. For ingestingdocuments coming from various external sources into the business network, OracleIntelligent Track and Trace enables the founder to define common documentstructures.


• About Document Type Structure

• Create a New Document Type

• Edit a Document Type

• Delete a Document Type

About Document Type StructureAs part of configuring the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, founder defines thestructure of the documents which gets ingested into the network.

As a founder, you can either use pre-seeded document types in the Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace, or can define your own customized document types. Each documenttype consists of five essential parts:

• Document Schema: Defines the structure of the document in the standard JSONformat. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is currently complaint with JSONSchema Draft 5. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides JSON schema for thepreseeded document types. However, as a founder, you can upload your own rawJSON schema if the preseeded document types does not suit the needs of yoursupply chain network. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace validates the syntax ofthe uploaded JSON schema and throws exception in case of any error.

• Metadata Template: Defines the type mapping which enables the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace application to process the incoming documents andextract key pieces of information. Metadata template is essentially a set of keyvalue pairs, which maps the JSON schema to the application schema. Thismapping is important for Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace to understand thestructure of the document described in the JSON schema, and ingest informationwhich is then written to the ledger. This extracted data is used for tracking, tracing,and calculating analytics and insights. For the preseeded document types, out-of-the-box mapping is provided. For customized document types, founder decideswhich key pieces of information are important, and provides the mapping. Onlymapped information extracted from the document is written to the ledger, and thedocument is stored in Oracle Storage Cloud in encrypted form. The document inStorage Cloud is linked to the corresponding entry in the ledger by adding thelocation and the hash of the document to the ledger entry.

• Metadata Schema:You may have a requirement to track attributes in addition to the ones alreadymapped. These attributes can be added as a list of key value pairs under the


Metedata Template section. For Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace to understandthe document data, the user needs to define the data type of each of the fieldspecified. For example, if the user has defined a field called "buyername" in theMetadata Template, in Metadata Schema tab you have to define what is the datatype of "buyername", it can be a string, an array of strings, measure type etc.

• Simulator Template: are used for generating synthetic transactions duringsimulation. Simulations is one of the key functionality which lets you test themultiple what-if scenarios in your business network. For testing these scenariosyou need data which is part of the flow which you want to test. Simulator templatedefines how you can simulate a document (such as purchase order), and theattributes in the document which will be used for the simulation. In the templateyou provide either constant values or value generating expressions such asrandom number, random strings and references to other documents in the flow.This template is then used by the simulator to generate transactions for testingvarious business scenarios.

• Preview Template: The incoming source document, ingested by OracleInteglligent Track and Trace, is received in raw JSON format as defined in thedocument schema. This source document may be difficult to interprate by the enduser due to the complex JSON schema structure. Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace enables you to define a HTML preview template, which is used to displaythe incoming source document in a human readable rich text format. The pre-seeded document types already have pre-defined preview templates. For any newdocuments types defined, you as a founder should also define a preview template.

The graphic below describes the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace documentingestion process, and how the document type schema is used for incoming documentprocessing.

For a detailed information on how to define a document type JSON, metadatatemplate, metadata schema and simulator template, see Define Document Schemaand Templates

Chapter 4About Document Type Structure


Create a New Document TypeYou can create a new document type either from scratch, or by duplicating an existingdocument type.


• Create a New Document Type from Scratch

• Create a New Document Type by Duplication Existing Document Type

Create a New Document Type from ScratchIf the pre-seeded document types does not suit the needs of your supply chainnetwork, you can create document types from scratch.

To create a document type from scratch, you must upload the raw JSON schema,define metadata mappings and schema, create simulator template, and define previewtemplate. The procedure provides the basic steps of creating a new document type.You can refer to the Define Document Schema and Templates to understand how tocreate a JSON schema for a document type, and how to define mappings, schemas,simulator templates and preview templates.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Types


3. Under Configuration:Document Types dashboard, click Add New DocumentTypes .

4. In the Create: Document Type, enter the Name of the document type, and selecta color for the document from Document Type Color drop down menu.

5. Click Document Schema tab. Upload the raw JSON schema of the documenttype. You can directly copy paste the JSON schema in the text area tab.

6. Click Metadata Template tab. Enter the type mapping for the document.

7. Click Metadata Schema tab. Enter the ledger schema for the document.

8. Click Simulator Template tab. Enter the simulator template details for thedocument.

9. Click Preview Template tab. Enter the preview template details for the document.

10. Click Save.

11. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Document Type dashboard.

When Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace receives a transaction document, it maps it tothe configured document type, and processes it based on the type mapping defined forthat document type.

Chapter 4Create a New Document Type


Create a New Document Type by Duplication Existing Document TypeCreate a new document type from an existing document type.

In a scenario, where an existing document type is similar to the new document typewith few variations, you can duplicate the existing type and make modification on topof it. This saves time and effort involved in creating JSON schema and other mappingsfrom scratch.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Types


3. Select the document type that you want to duplicate from the list of DocumentTypes in the left pane.

4. Click Duplicate on the right side of the Document Type name.

5. In the Create: Document Type, enter the Name of the document type, and selecta color for the document from Document Type Color drop down menu.

6. Click Document Schema tab. The schema of the existing document type isdisplayed. Modify the schema to suit the needs of the new document type.

7. Click Metadata Template tab. Modify the mappings to suit the needs of the newdocument type.

8. Click Metadata Schema tab. Modify the ledger schema to suit the needs of thenew document type.

9. Click Simulator Template tab. Modify the simulator template to suit the needs ofthe new document type.

10. Click Preview Template tab. Modify the preview template to suit the needs of thenew document type.

11. Click Save.

12. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Document Type dashboard.

Edit a Document TypeEdit a document type to modify document schema, type mapping, or simulatortemplate.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Types


3. Under Configuration:Document Types dashboard, select the document that youwant to edit from the list of documents in the left pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of document, click Edit

5. Make the necessary changes in the Name, Document Type Color.

Chapter 4Edit a Document Type


6. Modify the document structure definition under Document Schema, MetadataTemplate, Metadata Schema, Simulator Template, or Preview Template tabs.

7. Click Save.

8. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Document Type dashboard.

Delete a Document Type1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Type


3. Select the Document Type that you want to delete from the list of document typesin the left pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of the document type, click Delete .

Chapter 4Delete a Document Type


5Add Business Flow Templates

Business flow templates enable you to define the structure for the commonly used flowpatterns in your organization. You use these templates for creating the flow definitions.


• About Business Flow Templates

• Create a Business flow Template

• Duplicate a Business flow Template

• Edit a Business Flow Template

• Delete a Business Flow Template

About Business Flow TemplatesA business flow is a logical grouping of transaction documents which areinterconnected to each other by the sequence of events.

A business flow consists of a series of steps, where each step represents exchange oftransaction documents between the trading partners. For an organization, the steps ina business flow for common supply chain operations (procurement, manufacturing etc)remain the same.

Consider a typical procurement business flow:

Here, the steps when buying material A and material B will remain same. The onlydifference would be the item being purchased, and the trading partners involved. Eventhe document types associated for each step remains the same, they will differ onlywith respect to their contents and values.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to define business flow templates,which are then used to create business flow instances. Using the graphical interfaceyou can:

• Define the business steps for a template, where each business step represents atransaction.

• Identify the associated document type. The document types are the same that youhave defined in Create a New Document Type

• Define the placeholders for the trading partners involved, and the role of eachtrading partner ( for example, buyer, seller etc)

• Specify who would be the business document submitters for each step. There canbe multiple submitters in a step.


• Logically sequence the business steps in the order of their occurrence. Note thatthe sequence is not enforced at runtime. Documents can arrive into the network inany order and the application orders them correctly according to the sequencedefined in the flow template.

For the procurement flow defined above, here is a procurement template created inOracle Intelligent Track and Trace:

You can now use this template to create individual business flow instances forprocuring Material A, Material B and Material C.

For information on business flows, see About Business Flows.

Create a Business flow TemplateCreate a new business template.

In Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, business template is the starting point ofcreating any business flow instance.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flow Templates


3. Under Configuration:Business Flow Template dashboard, click Add NewBusiness Flow Template .

4. In the New : Business Flow Templates area, enter the Name of the businesstemplate.

5. Click Add Business Step .

6. For each business step enter:

• Step Name: Enter the name of the step.

Chapter 5Create a Business flow Template


• Document Type: Select the document associated with the step from the dropdown. The drop down lists all the document types that you had defined as partof Create a New Document Type.

• Submitter Role: Select the role of the trading partners who will be submittingthe document for this step. The drop down lists all the roles that you havedefined as part of Invite an Endorsing Trading Partner and ParticipatingTrading Partner Tasks. You can select more than one submitter roles.

7. Click Close to close the step window.

8. Repeat step 5 and 6, for all the steps that you want to add to this business flowtemplate.

9. If there is any error while adding steps, you will see a Warning Sign on top ofthat step. Click on the Warning Sign and fix the error.

10. Click Save.

11. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow Templates dashboard.

Duplicate a Business flow TemplateInstead of creating a business flow template from scratch, you can also duplicate anexisting template and make necessary changes to suit your business requirement.

You can use duplication functionality when there are minor differences betweenbusiness flow templates.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flow Templates


3. Under Configuration:Business Flow Template dashboard, select the businessflow template that you want to duplicate from the list of templates in the left pane.

4. Click Duplicate next to the name of the business flow template in the rightpane.

5. In the Clone : Business Flow Templates area, enter the Name of the businesstemplate.

6. Click Edit if you want to modify any of the existing business steps.

7. Click Add Business Step if you want to add new business step to the existingtemplate flow. For each new business step enter:

• Step Name: Specify the name of the step.

• Document Type: Select the document associated with the step from the dropdown. The drop down lists all the document types that you had defined as partof Create a New Document Type.

• Submitter Role: Select the role of the trading partners who will be submittingthe document for this step. The drop down lists all the roles that you havedefined as part of Invite an Endorsing Trading Partner and ParticipatingTrading Partner Tasks. You can select multiple submitter roles.

8. Click Close to close the step window.

Chapter 5Duplicate a Business flow Template


9. Repeat step 5 and 6, for all the steps that you want to add to this business flowtemplate.

10. If there is any error while adding steps, you will see a Warning Sign on top ofthat step. Click on the Warning Sign and fix the error.

11. Click Save.

12. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow Template dashboard.

Edit a Business Flow TemplateEdit a business flow template to modify the associated business steps.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flow Template


3. Under Configuration: Business Flow Template dashboard, select the templatethat you want to edit from the list of templates in the left pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of template, click Edit

5. Edit the Name, if required.

6. If you want to edit the business step, click Edit on top of the business step andmake required changes.

7. If you want to add another step, Click , and specify the required details.

8. Click Save.

9. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow Templates dashboard.

Delete a Business Flow Template1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flow Template


3. Select the Business Flow Template that you want to delete from the list oftemplates in the left pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of the template, click Delete .

Chapter 5Edit a Business Flow Template


6Configure Business Flows

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to logically group related transactions.


• About Business Flows

• Create a New Business Flow Instance

• Edit a Business Flow

• Activate a Business Flow

About Business FlowsA business flow is a logical grouping of business process steps, that are recorded,across mutliple trading partners in a supply chain to achieve a specific outcome.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to define a business flow based on thebusiness flow template. You can:

• Specify the trading partner responsible for submitting the document, and thetrading partner who would be receiving the document.

• Specify the visibility rules. There may be one or more trading partners that havevisibility of the document submitted for a step. Oracle Intelligent Track and Traceprovides step level control to the founder or document submitter to constrain thevisibility of the document submitted as part of the business step.

• Specify the endorser trading partner. For each step, associated trading partner orfounder can identify one or more trading partners for validating and endorsing thetransaction document before its written to the ledger.

• Define the smart contract rules. Smart Contracts are business logic that the OracleBlockchain Platform executes to validate and record the transaction documents tothe ledger. The application generates the appropriate smart contracts for eachstep based on the step configuration. Submitter of the transaction for the step hasthe ability to add simple rules to the smart contract to flag documents forexceptions and warnings. These rules are executed before the document is writtento the ledger. The rules generate alerts, warnings, or notifications when specifiedrule conditions are not met. The rules defined are based on the fields andattributes of the document type. For more information on smart contracts, see AddBusiness Rules to Smart Contract. For more information on document types, see Create a New Document Type

Once the business flow has been activated, Oracle Intelligent Track and Tracereceives documents for each of the business step involved in the flow. If there are anyexceptions, they are flagged and written along with the ledger entry for that businessstep. For more information on activation of a business flow, see Activate a BusinessFlow


Business Flow States

At any point of time, the business flow in Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace can be inany of the following states:

• Created—A new business flow has been created.

• Editing—The business flow is currently being edited.

• Activation—The business flow is currently being activated. If the activation issuccessful, the status is set to Activated. If the activation failed, the status is setback to Editing.

• Activated—If the activation is successful the status of the business flow is nowactivated.

• Edited—Specifies that an activated business flow has been edited.

Create a New Business Flow InstanceCreate a business flow instance from a business flow template, and provide details onthe trading partners involved, their roles, viewers and endorsers of the transactiondocuments.

In Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace business template is the starting point of creatingany business flow instance.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, click Add New BusinessFlow .

4. In the New Business Flow dialog box, select the Template from which you wantto create business flow.

5. Click Create.

6. Under New: Business Flow area, specify the Name of the business flow.

7. Click Edit on top of each step in the business flow and provide the followinginformation:

• Submitter : Select the trading partners who will be the document submitter forthis step. You can select multiple submitters in a step. The drop down lists allthe trading partners with the user role specified in the template for thesubmitter. For example, if you have selected a role "buyer" for this field in the

Chapter 6Create a New Business Flow Instance


template, then all the trading partners with role "buyer" will be listed in the dropdown.

• Viewers: Select the trading partners who can view this business step and allthe documents associated with it. The drop down lists all the trading partnersin the network. The document submitter and founder can setup zero or moreviewers for the business step.

• Endorsers: Select the trading partners who will validate and endorse thebusiness step. The drop down lists all the endorsing trading partners in thenetwork. Rules for adding endorsers:

– Only endorsing trading partners can be added as a validator or endorser.

– The document submitter and founder can setup zero or more endorsersfor a business step.

– If the document submitter is a participating trading partner, then only thefounder can setup this field.

– Endorsers are responsible for defining smart contracts for validating therules. Any exceptions to the smart contracts during a transaction areflagged and added to the ledger entry for that transaction.

8. Click Close to close the step window.

9. Repeat step 5 and 6, for all the steps in the business flow.

10. If there is any error while adding steps, you will see a Warning Sign on top ofthat step. Click on the Warning Sign and fix the error.

11. Click Save.

12. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Edit a Business Flow1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the Business Flow thatyou want to edit from the list of flows in the left hand pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of the business flow, click Edit .

5. Under New: Business Flow area, specify the Name of the business flow.

6. Click Edit on top of step in the business flow that you want to edit and providethe following information:

• Submitter : Select the trading partners who will be the document submitter forthis step. You can select multiple submitters in a step. The drop down lists allthe trading partners with the user role specified in the template for thesubmitter.

• Viewers: Select the trading partners who can view this business step and allthe documents associated with it. The drop down lists all the trading partnersin the network. The document submitter and founder can setup zero or moreviewers for the business step.

Chapter 6Edit a Business Flow


• Endorsers: Select the trading partners who will validate and endorse thebusiness step. The drop down lists all the endorsing trading partners in thenetwork.

7. Click Close to close the step window.

8. Repeat step 5 and 6, for all the steps in the business flow that you want to edit.

9. If there is any error while adding steps, you will see a Warning Sign on top ofthat step. Click on the Warning Sign and fix the error.

10. Click Save.

11. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Activate a Business FlowOnce the business flow is complete you can activate the business flow. As part ofactivation Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace performs considerable amount ofbackground tasks such as configuration and setup of partner channels, deployment ofsmart contracts etc.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the Business Flow thatyou want to activate from the list of flows in the left hand pane.

4. On the right hand pane, next to the name of the business flow, click Activate.

This triggers activation of the business flow. It may take sometime for OracleIntelligent Track and Trace to complete the activation.

Chapter 6Activate a Business Flow


7Add Business Rules to Smart Contract

Smart contracts are a set of rules and policies agreed upon by the trading partners.Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables the trading partners to add rules that getsadded to a smart contract that is generated for each business step.


• About Smart Contract Business Rules

• Add Smart Contract Business Rules

• Edit Smart Contracts

• Delete Smart Contract Business Rules

About Smart Contract Business RulesSmart contract business rules enable endorsers to add their own rules for flaggingtransaction documents as exceptions and warnings. These rules are added to thesmart contracts generated for each step. These simple rules allow defining conditionchecks on any of the attributes in the normalized document defined for thecorresponding business step.

For each business step, you can add multiple rules, where each rule may comprise ofmultiple conditions. Each condition is defined by adding a document property andcomparing it against other properties, or constant values. You can add multiple valuesof the property in a condition. You can also add multiple conditions by adding moreproperties as per your rule requirement. Therefore, a rule may consist of multipleconditions, where the condition results can be either ORed or ANDed. A mix of ANDand OR conditions are not supported.

Consider a business rule example for a sales order received with the followingconditions—currency type value Equals USD or EUR, AND transaction amountGreater than $8000, AND Total Amount is Greater than Equal to TransactionAmount. Here, the business rule consists of multiple conditions, the outcome of eachcondition is ANDed with each other to determine the final rule output.

Once the business flow has been activated, Oracle Intelligent Track and Tracereceives documents for each of the business step involved in the flow and applies theassociated business rules. If there are any exceptions, they are flagged and writtenalong with the ledger entry for that business step.

Add Smart Contract Business RulesWhen the trading partners log on to their Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance,they can only see the business steps for which they have been marked as endorsers.The trading partner can then add smart contract rules for that step. If a business stephas two endorsers, both of them are entitled to add their own smart contract rules.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.


2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add smart contracts.

The right hand pane displays the selected business flow. You would be able to seeall the steps along with a smart contract box listed at the end of each step.

4. Click View on top of the smart contract you want to add business rule.

5. Click Create Smart Contract .

6. Complete the fields under Details area:

• Name: Enter the name of the smart contract.

• (Optional) Description: Enter a small description of the smart contract.

7. Enter the fields under the Rule Conditions area:

Chapter 7Add Smart Contract Business Rules


• Condition: Select the document property for which you want to add rule. Theproperties listed here are populated from the document type schema.

• Operation: Select the operation which you want to apply to the condition. Youcan select from the following list if the property type is string:

– Equals

– Not Equals

– Equals Case Insensitive

– Not Equals Case Insensitive

You can select from the following list if the prpoerty type is integer:

– Equal

– Note Equal

– Greater Than

– Greater Than Equal

– Less Than

– Less Than Equal

• Value: Specify the value for the condition. From the drop down ,select the value type that you want to specify, and fill in the value. You canselect either a document property, or specify a constant value.

8. Click to add more conditions to the business rule.

9. Click to remove condition from a business rule.

10. All the conditions specified in the rule can be either ANDed or ORed. By default,conditional operator AND is selected. Click the toggle button to switch between

and .

11. Enter the fields under the Results area:

• Severity: Enter the severity value in case the Rule Condition defined abovefails. You can select from the following list:

– Warning

– Error

Message: Enter the message to be displayed when the Rule Condition fails.

12. Click Save.

13. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Edit Smart ContractsEdit the smart contracts for which you been marked as endorsers.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add smart contracts.

Chapter 7Edit Smart Contracts


The right hand pane displays the selected business flow. You would be able to seeall the steps along with a smart contract box listed at the end of each step.

4. Click View on top of the smart contract you want to add.

5. Click Edit Smart Contract next to the smart contract which you want to edit.

6. Under Details area, edit the Name and Description.

7. Edit the fields under the Rule Conditions area:

• Condition: Select the document property for which you want to add rule. Theproperties listed here are populated from the document type schema.

• Operation: Select the operation which you want to apply to the condition. Youcan select from the following list if the property type is string:

– Equals

– Not Equals

– Equals Case Insensitive

– Not Equals Case Insensitive

You can select from the following list if the prpoerty type is integer:

– Equal

– Note Equal

– Greater Than

– Greater Than Equal

– Less Than

– Less Than Equal

Chapter 7Edit Smart Contracts


• Value: Specify the value for the condition. From the drop down ,select the value type that you want to specify, and fill in the value. You canselect either a document property, or specify a constant value.

8. Click to add more conditions to the business rule.

9. Click to remove condition from a business rule.

10. All the conditions specified in the rule can be either ANDed or ORed. By default,conditional operator AND is selected. Click the toggle button to switch between

and .

11. Edit the fields under Results area:

• Severity: Enter the severity value in case the Rule Condition defined abovefails. You can select from the following list:

– Warning

– Error

Message: Enter the message to be displayed when the Rule Condition fails.

12. Click Save.

13. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Delete Smart Contract Business Rules1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add smart contracts.

The right hand pane displays the selected business flow. You would be able to seeall the steps along with a smart contract box listed at the end of each step.

4. Click Edit on top of the smart contract you want to modify .

5. Click Delete next to the smart contract you want to remove.

6. Click Save.

7. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Chapter 7Delete Smart Contract Business Rules


8Submit Documents

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides a REST API based mechanism to thetrading partners to submit documents into the network.

When a business flow is activated, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace generates aREST endpoint for each of the business steps. Trading partners integrate these RESTendpoints with their REST clients or integration tools to post documents. Tradingpartners can only submit documents for the business steps for which they have beenidentified as submitter.

• View Document Integration Endpoints

For more information on how to use REST APIs, see REST API for Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace.

View Document Integration Endpoints1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integration Endpoints .

3. Under Configuration:Document Integration End-points dashboard, select thebusiness step for which you want to submit the document.

The right hand pane displays the REST endpoint URL for selected business step.It also provides information about the document that needs to be posted.

You can copy paste this URL to your integration tool or REST client to POST yourdocuments.


Only the business steps for which you have been identified as thesubmitter are displayed on this dashboard.

4. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Document Integration End-pointsdashboard.


9Configure Document Integrations

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace can integrate with other Oracle applications andcloud services such as Oracle Cloud Applications with Oracle Fusion CollaborationMessaging, Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service, and OracleManufacturing Cloud.


• Integrate with Oracle Fusion Cloud Messaging

• Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud

• Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

Integrate with Oracle Fusion Cloud MessagingOracle Intelligent Track and Trace integrates with Oracle Supplier Network usingOracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework. This framework stores all sourceand transformed documents which are exchanged between the trading partners. Usingthis framework, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace taps into these exchangedtransactional documents, and pulls in the documents specific to the business flows.

The following transaction document types are supported:

• Purchase Order

• Purchase Order ACK

• Invoice

• Shipment

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance is pre-seeded with the above documenttypes, which are pre-integrated with Collaboration Messaging Framework. As afounder, to integrate your application instance with Collaboration MessagingFramework, you MUST use these pre-seeded document types while defining yourbusiness flows.

The configuration of Collaboration Messaging Framework in Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace is a 3 step process.

1. Configure Oracle SCM Cloud with Collaboration Messaging Framework.

2. Establish a communication channel between Oracle Intelligent Track and Traceand Collaboration Framework

3. Configure business flow steps to pull documents from Collaboration MessagingFramework.

It is assumed that you have already completed step 1. You can refer to the Collaboration Messaging Framework Documentation to understand more about thevarious configuration procedures supported for inbound and outbound messages.


As a trading partner administrator, you must setup steps 2 and 3 to establish anintegration channel between the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace and CollaborationMessaging Framework. You must set up a document integration separately for a testenvironment and a production environment.

• Set Up Document Integration

• Configure Business Steps Document Integration

Set Up Document IntegrationAs a trading partner administrator, you configure an integration between OracleIntelligent Track and Trace and Oracle Cloud Applications with Oracle FusionCollaboration Messaging Framework. This enables the Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace instance to poll the framework periodically and pull new transactionaldocuments exchanged between trading partners. You need to configure the testinstances and the production instances separately.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integration .

3. Under Configuration:Document Integrations dashboard, click

4. Enter the following values:

• Name: Specifies the integration name.

• Integration Type: Select Oracle Applications - Collaboration Messaging .

5. Enter the following in the Test Instance and Production Instance sections:

• Document Retrieval URL: Specifies the Collaboration Messaging URL whichwill be used by the application for periodic polling and retrieval of documents.

• Username : Specifies the Collaboration Messaging username to be used forauthenticating requests.

• Password: Specifies the Collaboration Messaging password forauthentication.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Fusion Cloud Messaging


6. Click Verify Test Connectivity to test the connection between the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace test instance and the Oracle Cloud Applications testinstance with Collaboration Messaging Framework.

7. Click Verify Production Connectivity to test the connection between the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace production instance and the Oracle Cloud Applicationsproduction instance with Collaboration Messaging Framework.

8. Click Save and then Back to return to the Configuration: Document Integrationdashboard. You can see the document integration configuration displayed on thedashboard.

9. Click Edit to edit the configuration.

10. Click Delete to delete the configuration.

Configure Business Steps Document IntegrationAs a trading partner administrator you can associate each business step to theCollaboration Messaging Integration configuration, which is then used to pulldocuments for this business step from the framework. You can also configure variousfilters which enable you to uniquely identify the pulled documents associated yourbusiness steps.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integration Endpoints .

3. Under Configuration:Document Integration End-points dashboard, select thebusiness step for which you want to add document integration.

The right hand pane displays the REST endpoint URL for selected business step,along with an option to configure document integration.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Fusion Cloud Messaging


4. Click Configure and specify the following parameters:

• Integration: Specifies the document integration configuration to be used forretrieving documents for this business step.

• Additional Parameters: Specifies the list of filter parameters that you canapply to uniquely identify the documents, pulled from the framework, with thisbusiness step. These filters are especially helpful when the same documenttype is used across multiple business flows. You can distinguish the documentassociated with a specific business flow step based on a unique parameter(s).These parameters will then be used to filter the documents, which will berouted to this business step.


Configure button will only appear for the business steps which havebeen defined using the pre-seeded document types.

5. Click Save, and then click Back to return to the Configuration: DocumentIntegration End-points dashboard.

Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management CloudOracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides an out-of-the-box integration with OracleTransportation Management Cloud for receiving functional messages.

Oracle Transportation Management Cloud (OTM) is used by shippers and logisticproviders for its transportation planning and execution capabilities. OTM integratestransportation planning, execution, freight payment, and business process automationin a single application across all modes of transportation.

Integrating with OTM, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides the followingadvantages:

• Ability to track the state of a business process during its shipment phase whenmoving from order to fulfillment

• Complete visibility and traceability to the shipment life-cycle.

The XML documents that are sent as messages from or to OTM are also known as theTransmission.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud


Transaction interface are definitions related to high level business object interfacesincluding orders,shipments, invoices. The Transmission primary document will containone or more Transaction interface elements.

A Transmission can contain the following interfaces:

• Shipment: carries information about the shipment, shipment Status, and stops

• Order: order related information

• Finance: billing related information

• Document: business documents such as Bill of Lading


Currently, in the integration, the shipment document type is supported.

• Configure Oracle Transportation Management Cloud

• Add Document Integration

• Configure Document Integration Endpoints

Configure Oracle Transportation Management CloudYou need to create an external system and configure an agent in OracleTransportation Management Cloud (OTM) for it to send shipment details to OracleIntelligent Track and Trace.

Create and configure the following entities in Oracle Transportation ManagementCloud to enable integration with Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace :

• External System: Contains the endpoint and authentication details of OracleIntelligent Track and Trace. The endpoint is


• Agent: Configured with properties, qualifiers and triggers that are applied on thetransactions. You configure the agent to send only the transaction envelope thatcontains the ShipmentGUID) to the external system. The external system retrievesthe relevant sub-component (Interface) of the referenced shipment by invoking aREST API.

Add Document IntegrationAs a trading partner administrator, you configure an integration channel betweenOracle Intelligent Track and Trace and Oracle Transportation Management CloudService. This enables your Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance to receiveshipment data from an Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service instance.You need to enter the setup details separately for the test instances and theproduction instances.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integrations .

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud


3. Under Configuration:Document Integrations dashboard, click .

4. Enter the following values:

• Name: Specifies the integration name.

• Integration Type: Select Oracle Applications - OTM .

5. Enter the following in the Test Instance and Production Instance sections:

• Document Retrieval URL: Specifies the endpoint that will be used by theapplication for periodic polling and retrieval of shipment documents fromOracle Transportation Management Cloud.

• Username : Specifies the Oracle Transportation Management Cloudusername to be used for authenticating requests.

• Password: Specifies the Oracle Transportation Management Cloud passwordfor authentication.

6. Click Verify Test Connectivity to test the connection between the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace test instance and the Oracle TransportationManagement Cloud test instance.

7. Click Verify Production Connectivity to test the connection between the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace production instance and the Oracle TransportationManagement Cloud production instance.

8. Click Save and then Back to return to the Configuration: DocumentIntegrations dashboard. You can see the OTM document integrationconfiguration displayed on the dashboard.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud


9. To edit the configuration, click Edit , modify the values, click Save, and thenBack.

10. To delete the configuration, click Delete and confirm.

Configure Document Integration EndpointsAs a trading partner administrator, you can associate a step of a business flow to theOracle Transportation Management Cloud Service integration configuration, which isthen used to pull shipment data for this business step from the Oracle TransportationManagement Cloud Service instance. You can also configure various filters whichenable you to uniquely identify the pulled documents associated with your businesssteps.

Before you can configure an integration endpoint, the concerned step of the businessflow must use the Shipment document type.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integration Endpoints .

3. Under Configuration:Document Integration End-points dashboard, select thebusiness step for which you want to add document integration.

The right hand pane displays the REST endpoint URL for selected business step,along with an option to configure document integration.


Configure button will only appear for the business steps which havebeen defined using the pre-seeded document types.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud


4. Click Configure and specify the following parameters:

• Integration: Specifies the document integration configuration to be used forretrieving documents for this business step.

• Activate: Enable the slide bar to activate the configuration

• Additional Parameters: Specifies the list of attributes that you can apply tofilter the documents, pulled from Oracle Transportation Management CloudService, for this business step. These filters are especially helpful when thesame document type is used across multiple business flows. You candistinguish the document associated with a specific business flow step basedon a unique parameter(s). These parameters will then be used to filter thedocuments, which will be routed to this business step.

5. Click Save, and then click Back to return to the Configuration: DocumentIntegration End-points dashboard.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud


Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing CloudOracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides out-of-the-box integration with OracleManufacturing Cloud. Using this out-of-the-box integration, Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace polls for and tracks all updates to those work orders exchanged betweentrading partners but are created and stored in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud .

Oracle Manufacturing Cloud provides a supply chain solution for discretemanufacturing companies complementing other Oracle Supply Chain ManagementCloud applications. It lets you to set up, manage, execute, and cost your productionoperations.

In Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, a work order refers to a document that conveys theauthority for the production of a specific product. It contains information about what,how, how many, and when to manufacture a product. The product item, work definitiondetails, operations, resources, components, quantities, and dates are specified in thework order.

After you enable the Oracle Manufacturing Cloud integration, Oracle Intelligent Trackand Trace will periodically poll for new or updated work orders. It filters the workorders, fetches and feeds them to the application. The work orders supported inOracle Intelligent Track and Trace are:

• Discrete work orders

• Process work orders

Your Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance is pre-seeded with the discrete workorder and process work order document types. As a founder, to integrate yourapplication instance with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, you MUST use these pre-seeded document types when defining your business flows.

To configure the out-of-the-box integration, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Configure Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

2. Establish a communication channel between Oracle Intelligent Track and Traceand Oracle Manufacturing Cloud

3. Associate integration endpoints and configure filters based on available keys inOracle Intelligent Track and Trace

It is assumed that you have already completed Step 1 and performed the proceduresto create work orders in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud.

As a trading partner administrator, you must complete Steps 2 and 3 to establish anintegration channel between Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace and OracleManufacturing Cloud.

• Create Document Integration

• Configure Integration Endpoint

Create Document IntegrationAs a trading partner administrator, you configure an integration between OracleIntelligent Track and Traceand Oracle Manufacturing Cloud. This enables the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace instance to receive work order data from Oracle

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud


Manufacturing Cloud. You need to enter the setup details separately for the testinstances and the production instances.

The integration supports process work orders and discrete work orders. You need tocreate a document integration for each type of work order that you submit for one ormore business flow steps.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integrations .

3. Under Configuration:Document Integrations dashboard, click .

4. Enter the following values:

• Name: Specifies the integration name.

• Integration Type: Select Oracle Applications - Process Work Orders orOracle Applications - Discreet Work Orders based on which work orderyou'll submit for the business flows.

5. Enter the following in the Test Instance and Production Instance sections:

• Document Retrieval URL: Specifies the endpoint that will be used by theapplication for periodic polling and retrieval of work order documents fromOracle Manufacturing Cloud .

• Username : Specifies the Oracle Manufacturing Cloud username to be usedfor authenticating requests.

• Password: Specifies the Oracle Manufacturing Cloud password forauthentication.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud


6. Click Verify Test Connectivity to test the connection between the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace test instance and the Oracle TransportationManagement Cloud. test instance

7. Click Verify Production Connectivity to test the connection between the OracleIntelligent Track and Trace production instance and the Oracle TransportationManagement Cloud production instance.

8. Click Save and then Back to return to the Configuration: DocumentIntegrations dashboard. You can see the document integration configurationdisplayed on the dashboard.

9. To edit the configuration, click Edit , modify the values, click Save, and thenBack.

10. To delete the configuration, click Delete and confirm.

Configure Integration EndpointAs a trading partner administrator, you can associate a step of a business flow to theOracle Manufacturing Cloud integration configuration, which is then used to pull a workorder for this business step from the Oracle Manufacturing Cloud instance. You canalso configure various filters which enable you to uniquely identify the pulleddocuments associated with your business steps.

Before you can configure an integration endpoint, the concerned step of the businessflow must use the Process Work Order or Discrete Work Order document type.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Document Integration Endpoints .

3. Under Configuration:Document Integration End-points dashboard, select thebusiness step for which you want to add document integration.

The right hand pane displays the REST endpoint URL for selected business step,along with an option to configure document integration.


Configure button will only appear for the business steps which havebeen defined using the pre-seeded document types.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud


4. Click Configure and specify the following parameters:

• Integration: Specifies the document integration configuration to be used forretrieving documents for this business step.

• Activate: Enable the slide bar to activate the configuration

• Additional Parameters: Specifies the list of attributes that you can apply tofilter the documents, pulled from Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, for this businessstep. These filters are especially helpful when the same document type isused across multiple business flows. You can distinguish the documentassociated with a specific business flow step based on a unique parameter(s).These parameters will then be used to filter the documents, which will berouted to this business step.

5. Click Save, and then click Back to return to the Configuration: DocumentIntegration End-points dashboard.

Chapter 9Integrate with Oracle Manufacturing Cloud


10Configure Map Settings

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace lets you integrate with third-party map providers. Asa founder, you can customize the application to use the maps and search facilityincluded by your map provider. When you select a third-party map provider, the built-inmaps get replaced with the maps provided by your map provider.


• Setup Third Party Map Providers

Setup Third Party Map ProvidersOracle Intelligent Track and Trace currently supports the application inbuilt OracleMaps, and third party map providers HERE maps. Oracle Maps are configured bydefault.

To configure third party map provider:

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Settings .

3. Under Configuration:Settings dashboard, click Edit .

4. Under MAP, next to Map Provider click Edit .

5. Choose the Map Provider from the drop down. We currently support two mapproviders – Oracle Maps(default), HERE Maps.


6. If you select HERE Maps, specify the information related to your map provideraccount.

• Application ID: Application ID of your HERE map account.

• Application Code: Application code of your HERE map account.

• Base URL: URL to load the default tiles for Map. This attribute is autopopulated with URL https://{s}.{base},where:

– {s} is used as a URL prefix with values 1to 4. This variable helps to sendthe request to different servers which are distributed for optimized loadbalancing. For example, a request to tile may be like:<app_id>&app_code=<app_code>&lg=eng<app_id>&app_code=<app_code>&lg=eng<app_id>&app_code=<app_code>&lg=eng

You do not need to provide any value for this variable, however you mustpreserve this format for Base URL. For more information, see HERE Mapdocumentation on load balancing

– {base} is used to change the different map layer tiles such as traffic oraerial. Currently this placeholder value is set to base. You do not need toprovide any value for this variable, however you need to keep the formatas is for Base URL.

• Geocode URL: This URL attribute is used to perform the address look up for agiven input string. This URL is auto populated.

• Traffic URL: This URL attribute is used to load the traffic tiles for Map. ThisURL is auto populated.

• Aerial URL: This URL is used to load the satellite and terrain tiles for Map.This URL is auto populated.


All the URLs on this page are auto populated with default values. Oraclerecommends to change the URL values only when HERE maps updatesthe API version or API Endpoint.

7. Click Save.

8. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Settings dashboard.

Setup Application AppearanceOracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to customize the appearance of yourapplication instance. You can upload a customised image which represents your

Chapter 10Setup Application Appearance


organization, and can also change the name of the application displayed in the title barof the UI console.

To configure appearance:

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Settings .

3. Under Configuration:Settings dashboard, click Edit .

4. Under APPEARANCE, specify the following:.

• Application Name: Name of the application which you want to be displayed inthe title bar. By default Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is displayed.

• App Logo: Application logo to be displayed on the title bar of the UI console.By default Oracle logo is displayed. Select Custom if you want to display acustomised logo.

• Choose Image File: Upload a custom image which will be displayed in thetitle bar of the UI console. This option is enabled only when you selectCustom in App Logo. Ensure that the image uploaded has a whitebackground, and image height is not more than 22 pixels. Images with heightmore than 22 pixels are scaled to fit and may appear distorted.

• Show Application Name: Select this option if you want to display applicationname in the title bar. Note that the name displayed is the same that you havespecified in field Application Name above.

• Show Logo: Select this option if you want to display the application logo in thetitle bar of the UI console. Note the the logo displayed is the same that youhave specified in field App Logo above.

5. Click Save.

6. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Settings dashboard.

Chapter 10Setup Application Appearance


11Endorsing Trading Partner Tasks

Founder sends invites to all the endorsing trading partners to join the Founder's OracleIntelligent Track and Trace business network. Once you register with Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace, you can contribute to the founder's supply chain by submittingdocuments, and adding rules for validating business flow steps.


• Join Founder's Network

• Configure Business Flow Steps

• Configure Smart Contract Business Rules

• Submit Documents

• Manage Users for Endorsing Trading Partners

Join Founder's NetworkTwo automated emails are sent to all the trading partners as part of the invitation tojoin the founder's Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace business network.

The first email contains instructions to activate your account with Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace and setup your password. Follow the instructions provided in theemail to setup and register your account. Here is the screenshot of a sample activationemail:


The second email provides the steps to access Oracle Intelligent Track and Traceapplication. Here is a screenshot of the sample access email:

Chapter 11Join Founder's Network


Configure Business Flow StepsAs an endorsing trading partner, you are responsible for configuring the businesssteps for which you have been identified as a document submitter.

As a document submitter you specify the viewers and endorsers for the business step.A viewer has a read-only permission for all the transaction documents associated withthe business step. An endorser defines the smart contract rules for a given businessstep.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add viewers.

4. Click Edit on the right hand pane, next to the name of document.

5. Click Edit on top of each step in the business flow and provide the followinginformation:

• Submitter : Select the trading partners who will be document submitters forthis step. The drop down lists all the trading partners with the web applicationusers role specified in the template for the submitter. For example, if you haveselected a role "buyer" for this field in the template, then all the tradingpartners with role "buyer" will be listed in the drop down. You can selectmultiple submitters in a step.

• Viewers: Select the trading partners who can view this business step and allthe documents associated with it. The drop down lists all the trading partnersin the network.

• Endorsers: Select the trading partners who will validate and endorse thebusiness step. The drop down lists all the endorsing trading partners in thenetwork.

6. Click Close to close the step window.

7. Repeat step 5 and 6, for all the steps in the business flow that you want to edit.

8. If there is any error while adding steps, you will see a Warning Sign on top ofthat step. Click on the Warning Sign and fix the error.

9. Click Save.

10. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Configure Smart Contract Business RulesSmart contract rules are business logic and validation code that is auto-generated bythe application for each step based on the step configuration. Each submitter can addtheir own rules that are added to the default validation that the smart contractexecutes.


• Add Smart Contract Rules

Chapter 11Configure Business Flow Steps


• Edit Smart Contracts Business Rules

• Delete Smart Contract Business Rules

Add Smart Contract RulesAs an endorsing trading partner, you are responsible for configuring the businesssteps for which you have been identified as an endorser.

As an endorser you define the rules for validating the business steps. You createsmart contract rules, which verify the incoming transaction documents against thedefined parameters and raise exceptions in case of any deviations.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add smart contract.

The right hand pane displays the selected business flow. You would be able to seeall the steps along with a smart contract box listed at the end of each step.

4. Click View Smart Contract on top of the My Smart Contract Rules which youwant to add.

5. Click Create Smart Contract .

6. Complete the fields under Details area:

• Name: Enter the name of the smart contract.

• (Optional) Description: Enter a small description of the smart contract.

7. Enter the fields under the Rule Conditions area:

• Condition: Select the field for which you want to add rule. The fields listedhere are populated from the document type schema.

Chapter 11Configure Smart Contract Business Rules


• Operation: Select the operation which you want to apply to the condition. Youcan select from the following list:

– Equals

– Not Equals

– Equals Case Insensitive

– Not Equals Case Insensitive

Value: Enter the value for the condition.

8. Enter the fields under the Results area:

• Severity: Enter the severity value in case the Rule Condition defined abovefails. You can select from the following list:

– Warning

– Error

Message: Enter the message to be displayed when the Rule Condition fails.

9. Click Save.

10. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Edit Smart Contracts Business RulesEdit the smart contracts business rules for which you been marked as endorsers.

1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add smart contracts.

The right hand pane displays the selected business flow. You would be able to seeall the steps along with a smart contract box listed at the end of each step.

4. Click View Smart Contract Rules on top of the smart contract you want to edit.

5. Click Edit Smart Contract next to the smart contract which you want to edit.

6. Under Details area, edit the Name and Description.

7. Edit the fields under the Rule Conditions area:

• Condition: Select the field for which you want to add rule. The fields listedhere are populated from the document type schema.

• Operation: Select the operation which you want to apply to the condition. Youcan select from the following list:

– Equals

– Not Equals

– Equals Case Insensitive

– Not Equals Case Insensitive

Value: Enter the value for the condition.

8. Edit the fields under Results area:

Chapter 11Configure Smart Contract Business Rules


• Severity: Enter the severity value in case the Rule Condition defined abovefails. You can select from the following list:

– Warning

– Error

Message: Enter the message to be displayed when the Rule Condition fails.

9. Click Save.

10. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Delete Smart Contract Business Rules1. Click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows .

3. Under Configuration:Business Flows dashboard, select the business flow forwhich you want to add smart contracts.

The right hand pane displays the selected business flow. You would be able to seeall the steps along with a smart contract box listed at the end of each step.

4. Click Edit on top of the smart contract you want to modify .

5. Click Delete next to the smart contract you want to remove.

6. Click Save.

7. Click Back to return to the Configuration: Business Flow dashboard.

Submit DocumentsOracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides a REST API based mechanism to thetrading partners to submit documents into the network.

When a business flow is activated, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace generates aREST endpoint for each of the business steps. You can integrate these RESTendpoints with your REST clients or integration tools to post documents. You can onlysubmit documents for the business steps for which they have been identified assubmitter.

• View Document Integration Endpoints

Manage Users for Endorsing Trading PartnersAs an endorsing trading partner, your access to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace islimited by the role you play in your organization.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace has three types of user roles defined for the tradingpartners—admin, application user, user. You can read more about these roles andtheir access permissions in Understand Roles and Users.

To manage users in your Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance, see ManageUsers

Chapter 11Submit Documents


12Participating Trading Partner Tasks

Participating trading partners are lightweight trading partners in the founder network.Their access to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is limited to few operations such asdocument submission for a business step, and trace transaction documents for whichthey have been granted view access.


• Join Founder's Network

• Submit Documents

• Manage Users for Participating Trading Partners

Join Founder's NetworkTwo automated emails are sent to all the participating trading partners as part of theinvitation to join the founder's Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace business network. Asa participating trading partner, you must follow the instructions in the emails to be ableto start contributing to founder's supply chain.

The first email contains instructions to activate your account with Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace and setup your password. Follow the instructions provided in theemail to setup and register your account.

The second email provides the steps to access Oracle Intelligent Track and Traceapplication. Here is a screenshot of the sample access email:


Submit DocumentsOracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides a REST API based mechanism to thetrading partners to submit documents into the network.

When a business flow is activated, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace generates aREST endpoint for each of the business steps. You can integrate these RESTendpoints with your REST clients or integration tools to post documents. You can onlysubmit documents for the business steps for which they have been identified assubmitter.

• View Document Integration Endpoints

Manage Users for Participating Trading PartnersAs a participating trading partner, your access to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace islimited by the role you play in your organization.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace has three types of user roles defined for the tradingpartners—admin, application user, user. You can read more about these roles andtheir access permissions in Understand Roles and Users.

To manage users in your Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance, see ManageUsers

Chapter 12Submit Documents


Part IIUse Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

This part contains the following chapters:

• Production and Test Environment

• Track Your Assets and Documents

• Simulate a Business Flow

13Production and Test Environment

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides two types of types of workingenvironments—Test and Production.

As a founder, when you subscribe to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, you receivetwo instance URLs—Test Service instance and Production Service instance.Production Service instance refers to the real-world business instance which is usedby trading partners to submit and query transaction documents. Test Service instancerefers to an instance which enables you to submit mock transaction documents andqueries which simulate the real-world scenarios.

When you configure various business flows for your supply chain, you may want tosimulate them to identify any potentials issues that may occur in production. The TestService instance enables you to closely simulate the production environment byproviding the Simulator functionality. For more information on Simulator, see Simulatea Business Flow.

In a test instance after creating the entities, activating the business flows, and verifyingthe network, you can migrate their configurations to the production instance bypromoting the business flows.

Rest of the functionality between the production and test environment remains thesame. You can switch between these two instances to access the test and productionenvironments.


• Switch From Test Service to Production Service Instance

• Switch From Production Service to Test Service Instance

• Promote Configurations from Test to Production Environment

Switch From Test Service to Production Service InstanceSwitch from the Test Service instance to Production Service instance.

1. Login to the test service instance URL.

2. Click Test Service on the top right corner of the screen.

3. Under the Switch Service dialog box, click OK.


You will be redirected to the Production Service Instance.

Switch From Production Service to Test Service InstanceSwitch from the Production Service instance to Test Service instance.

1. Login to the production service instance URL.

2. Click Authorization Menu on the top right corner of the screen, and selectSwitch to Test Service.

3. Under the Switch Service dialog box, click OK.

You will be redirected to the Test Service Instance.

Promote Configurations from Test to ProductionEnvironment

If you have created the required entities, activated flows, and verified the network in atest environment, you can now migrate and use them in the production environment bypromoting the business flows.

When you promote a business flow from a test instance to a production instance, thefollowing entities associated with the business flow also get promoted:

• Trading partner, locations and location business identifiers

• Flow templates

Chapter 13Switch From Production Service to Test Service Instance


• Business rules

• Document type definitions

• Integrations

An existing entity in the production instance is overwritten during a promotion. In thetest instance, when you initiate to promote a business flow, a list of its associatedentities that would be overwritten is displayed, which you need to confirm before thepromotion.

In a production instance, you need to explicitly activate a business flow that waspromoted even if it was active in the test instance.

Promote a Business Flow in a Test Service InstancePromote a business flow to migrate the business flow and all its associated entitiesfrom a test instance to a production instance.

Before you can migrate a business flow and its associated entities from a test serviceinstance, a production service instance and a founder should already be provisioned.

1. On the test service instance, click Menu and then click Configuration.

2. Click Business Flows icon.

3. On the Configuration:Business Flows page, from the left navigation bar, clickthe business flow that you need to promote.

4. For the business flow, click Promote.

5. Select the Click to Confirm check box and then click Promote and wait for theevaluation and promotion process.

Chapter 13Promote Configurations from Test to Production Environment


6. On the Last Promoted page, examine the success or error notifications about thepromoted artifacts and click OK. You can fix the errors and repeat the promotion.

7. Click Back to return to the Configuration:Business Flows page.

Switch to the production instance and verify that the business flow and its associatedentities have been migrated.

Chapter 13Promote Configurations from Test to Production Environment


14Track Your Assets and Documents

Once you have configured your business network, setup and activated the businessflows, the transaction documents start trickling in for each of the flow instances. As afounder or a trading partner, you can view this data at various level of details—business flow level, instance level, trading partner level, or even transaction documentlevel.


• Trading Partners Dashboard

• Monitor Business Flows

• Monitor Flow Instances

• Trace Your Items

• Monitor Documents

Trading Partners DashboardTrading partners form the business network of the founder's supply chain. They submitand receive documents for various business flows for which they are responsible.

You can track the activities of the trading partner by monitoring:

• Number of business flows in which they are submitter or receiver.

• Various roles assigned to the trading partner in the business network.

• Location and contact details.


• View Trading Partner Dashboard

View Trading Partner DashboardView details about a trading partner, including its role, contact details and associatedbusiness flows. You can also view the trading partners in a map to identify its location.

1. Click Menu and then click Trading Partners.


The upper pane displays a graphical representation of trading partners and theirassociation with each other.

The lower pane gives a summary of all the trading partners in the businessnetwork.

2. Click the Trading Partner icon for which you want to view details.

Field Description

Trading Partners Number of trading partners this one isconnected to.

Business Flows Number of business flows the tradingpartner is associated with.

Roles Roles of the trading partner in the businessnetwork

Locations Location and contact details of the tradingpartner

3. Click the Map icon to view the location of the trading partners on the map.

Chapter 14Trading Partners Dashboard


Monitor Business FlowsBusiness flows form the backbone of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application.Once the business flows are activated, any document submitted maps to a specificbusiness step in business flows. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides elaboratedashboards which display data and metrics for the activated flows in the application.

As a founder, you can monitor all the business flows by tracking multiple metrics:

• Number of active business flows

• Number of instances for a business flow

• Number of documents for each instance

• Summary overview for each business flow instance—waiting, completed, successor failures.

As a founder, you can view the data and metrics for all the business flows andtransaction documents.

As a trading partner, you visibility to the data is limited by your organization type in thefounder's network—Endorsing trading partner, or participating trading partner. Thevisibility is further constrained by the user role assigned to you—admin, applicationuser, or user. For more information, see Understand Roles and Users.

All the dashboards are maintained in real time. As the transaction documents come in,the dashboards are updated with the relevant data.

Chapter 14Monitor Business Flows



• View Business Flow Dashboard

• View Business Flow Details

View Business Flow DashboardView a high level overview of the active business flows in Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace application.

1. Click Menu and then click Business Flows.

2. Business flow dashboard displays multiple types of metrics and statistics whichprovide you with the summary for all the business flows active in the application.

Metric Description

Documents Displays the number of documents currentlyin the system.

Business Flows Displays the number of active businessflows.

Flow Instances Displays the status of business flowinstances:

• Completed• In Progress

Document Types Displays the number of each documenttypes submitted by the trading partners.

Flow Graphical representation of the activebusiness flows along with their individualsteps.

Flow Instances Displays the progress of the flow instancesassociated with each business flow:• Completed• In Progress

Chapter 14Monitor Business Flows


View Business Flow DetailsView details about a specific business flow—number of instances, transactiondocuments, errors, warnings etc.

1. Click Menu and then click Business Flows.

2. Click View next to the business flow for which you want to view details.

3. A detailed view provides a number of intricate metrics for a business flow. Thisenables you to do in-depth assessments of the various performance parameters,and track status at a high level.

Metric Description

Documents Number of documents received for thebusiness flow.

Flow Instances Number of flow instances for the businessflow

Errors Number of errors observed for the businessflow

Warnings Number of warnings observed for thebusiness flow

Documents with status For each step in the business flow, displaysthe document status—With Errors, WithWarnings, or Successful

Name Name of the business flow step

Document Document type associated with the businessflow.

Submitter Name of the trading partner who is thesubmitter for this step.

Endorsers Name of the endorsers for this step.

Chapter 14Monitor Business Flows


Metric Description

Flow Progress Progress indicator to show degree ofcompleted steps across all instances of theflow.

Flow instances at each stage Displays the number of instances whichhave completed the business step.

Flow waiting for documents Displays for each business step the numberof instances for which the associateddocument is still pending.

Percentage Arrived Displays the percentage of documentsreceived for each business step.

Monitor Flow InstancesEach flow instance represents a single occurrence of the business flow, instantiatedfor recording all the transaction documents for a specific item or service in thefounder's supply chain.

Each document received by the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace corresponds to aspecific business step of an instance. The transaction documents received may ormay not be in the order in which the steps are defined for a business flow. OracleIntelligent Track and Trace maps the transaction to the business step, and performsthe necessary processing for ingesting the document and other data received as partof the transaction.

As a founder, you can monitor all the business flow instances individually. OracleIntelligent Track and Trace provides a number of step-level statistics:

• Number of steps completed and pending for each instance.

• Statistics showing the list of trading partners as submitters for each instance.

• Provides a pictorial representation of how the instance are related to each other.

• Provides a timeline view to trace the transaction documents in a chronologicalorder across multiple flow instances.

• Provides a map view to trace movement of assets and documents betweendifferent trading partner.

As a trading partner, your visibility to the data is limited by your organization type in thefounder's network—endorsing trading partner, or participating trading partner. Thevisibility is further constrained by the user role assigned to you—admin, integrationuser, or web application user. For more information, see Understand Roles and Users.


• View Flow Instances Dashboard

• Trace a Flow Instance

View Flow Instances DashboardView details about flow instances which includes number of documents completed,pending, or failed.

1. Click Menu and then click Flow Instances.

Chapter 14Monitor Flow Instances


2. Flow Instance dashboard displays a number of statistics which provide you withthe summary for all the business flows active in the application.

Metric Description

Flow Instance Summary Displays the a summary of all the flowinstances in the system:• Status summary—Status wise

distribution of flow instances:– In Progress– Complete– With Error– With Warnings

• Trading partner summary—For howmany instances the trading partner is adocument submitter.

• Business flow summary—For eachbusiness flow, how many instances areactive in the system.

Status Displays the status of each flow instance.

Business Flows Displays the active business flow instancename.

Last Updated Displays when was the business flowinstance last updated.

Progress Displays the progress of each instance inthe format <Number of steps completed>/<Total Number of steps>.

Trading Partner Trading partner submitting the 1st documentto the flow.

1st Document Displays the document details of the firststep in the business flow.

Value Displays the value of the order from the firstdocument.

Trace Link to trace the instance

Trace a Flow InstanceView a detailed trace of the flow instance which includes relationship with otherinstances, and time-line view.

Chapter 14Monitor Flow Instances


1. Click Menu and then click Flow Instances.

2. Click Trace icon against the business flow instance that you want to trace.

Three types of view are supported:

• Flow Context — Shows the relationship of the selected business flowinstance with other flow instances. The grayed-out box represents the stepwhich is pending. Click Document icon in each step to view the documentwhich is written to ledger.

• Chronological Trace — Chronological display of all the steps for the selectedflow instance and steps from related flow instances. As you scroll down thebusiness steps, you can view the flow of documents between the submitterand receiver in the map. This view also displays any IoT event captured alongthe time-line. For example, if the geo-location information for the goods isavailable, the application shows the movement of goods from one location toanother. If any corresponding metrics are available, they are shown as linecharts in the Details panel.The geo-location and any corresponding metric should be mapped to thetrackingData in metadata template of the corresponding document type, for itto be displayed correctly and to have the metrics show up as a charts in theDetails panel

• Grid View — Displays a swim-lane view of the flow instance showing thosetrading partners that have access to the submitted documents. The highlightedboxes represent the transactions which are submitted by the trading partner.The greyed-out boxes represent the transactions which are view only for atrading partner.

3. Click Chronological Trace on the upper right corner for the time-line view of theflow instance.

Chapter 14Monitor Flow Instances


4. Click Visibility Grid on the upper right corner for the grid view of the flow instance.

Trace Your ItemsIf a document references an item, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace traces the itemacross all the documents in the business flow where it is referenced, and presents alist of these documents.

As a founder, you can keep track of all the items in your supply chain and referencethe data for tracing it to the document, trading partner, or business flow instance.


• View Items Dashboard

Chapter 14Trace Your Items


View Items DashboardView and trace the item in your supply chain network.

1. Click Menu and then click Items.

Field Description

Serial No. Serial number or item ID of the itemextracted from the document.

Last Update Date and time when the last update for theitem was received.

Referencing Document List of documents which have references tothe item number.

2. Click Trace icon to view the transaction in business flow instance where the itemis referenced.

Monitor DocumentsEvery transaction document is associated with a business step in a flow instance. Youcan monitor the documents received by the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace bykeeping track of various parameters such as document status, document type,submitter etc.


• View Documents Dashboard

Chapter 14Monitor Documents


View Documents Dashboard1. Click Menu and then click Documents.

Field Description

Documents Summary Displays the summary of all the documentsreceived in the system:• Number of documents which are

successful, received with warning, andreceived with error.

• Number of documents submitted byeach trading partner in the businessnetwork.

• Number of documents received foreach document type.

Document ID of the document received.

Document Type Type of document received.

Timestamp Date and type when the document wasreceived.

Submitter Trading partner who submitted thedocument.

Business Flow Name of the associated business flow.

Trace Link to the business flow instance to whichthe document belongs to.

2. Click Document icon to view the source document and the block written in theledger.

Chapter 14Monitor Documents


3. Click Trace icon to trace the transaction to the business flow instance.

Chapter 14Monitor Documents


15Simulate a Business Flow

As a founder, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to test out the activatedbusiness flows by simulating the transaction documents for each of the flow steps.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace depends on the trading partners to send transactiondocuments to the founder's network in a specific document format. Each of the tradingpartner must setup and configure an appropriate integration process to extract thedocuments from their enterprise applications, transform them to the document formatdefined by the business network, and transmit it to the founder's network in a reliableand secure manner.

It is therefore a little challenging for you to test these business flows which spanacross multiple trading partners. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides asimulator tool which generates mock transaction documents from the trading partnerswhich help you to:

• Test the business flow

• Identify potential issues with document ingestion

• Validate KPI computation and analytics

• Demonstrate to the trading partner how the business flow process works in realtime


Simulator functionality is available only in the Test Service instance. Formore information, see Production and Test Environment


• Create a Simulation

• Edit a Simulation

• Clone a Simulation

• Run Simulations

Create a SimulationCreate a simulation to test out the business flows and identify any potential issues orerrors.

When you define a business flow, all the flow steps have an associated documenttype. The document type specifies the document structure in which data will bereceived for that step. Each document type defined also contains a simulator template.This template is used to create data for the simulated transaction documents.

1. Click Menu and then click Simulations.


2. Under Simulations dashboard, click Add New Simulations .

3. In the New dialog box, specify the value of these fields:

• Name: Enter the name of the simulation.

• Document Generation Interval: Enter the frequency at which the documentis generated. For example, if the frequency is specified as 30 minutes, adocument is generated every 30 min.

• Business Flows: Select the business flows that you want to simulate as partof this simulation. For each flow selected, application displays:

– All the steps of the business flow(s).

– Simulation template for each business step.

4. Select the Business Step from the business flow chart in the bottom pane, tomodify the simulation template attributes. All the attributes are populated with thedefault values defined in the template.

5. Click Edit next to the attribute that you want to modify. Make the requiredchanges to the attribute values, and click OK. Repeat this step for all the attributesthat you want to modify for the selected Business Step.

6. Repeat step 4 and step 5 for all the steps in the selected business flow.

7. Click Save.

8. Click Back to return to the Simulations dashboard. You should see the newsimulation that you have added in the simulation list.

You can also create simulation for an end-to-end workflow involving multiple businessflows. Apart from customizing the business step attributes for all the business flows,you can define the relationships between the various business flows including theirdependencies. Ensure that the relationships between the business flows that youdefine in the simulator should be same as the ones you have defined when creatingthe document types.

Edit a SimulationEdit an existing simulation.

Chapter 15Edit a Simulation


1. Click Menu and then click Simulations.

2. Under the Simulations dashboard, click Edit against the name of thesimulation you want to modify.

3. Make the necessary changes, and click Save.

4. Click Back to return to the Simulations dashboard.

Clone a SimulationYou can clone an existing simulation to create a new one.

1. Click Menu and then click Simulations.

2. Click Duplicate on the right side of the simulation that you want to clone.

3. In the New dialog box, enter the value for these fields:

• Name: Enter the name of the simulation.

• Document Generation Interval: Enter the frequency at which the documentis generated. For example, if the frequency is specified as 30 minutes, adocument is generated every 30 min.

• Business Flows: Select the business flows that you want to simulate as partof this simulation. For each flow selected, application displays:

– All the steps of the business flow(s).

– Simulation template for each business step.

4. Make the changes to the attributes for each business step for the selectedbusiness flows.

5. Click Save.

6. Click Back to return to the Simulations dashboard.

Run SimulationsRun a simulation to test the business flows.

1. Click Menu and then click Simulations.

2. Under Configuration:Simulations dashboard, click Run .

3. Click Stop if you want to stop the simulation.

4. Click Trace to trace the simulation.

Delete a SimulationDelete an existing simulation.

1. Click Menu and then click Simulations.

2. Click Delete on the right of the simulation that you want to delete.

Chapter 15Clone a Simulation


16Exceptions and Warnings

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to add smart contract business rules toeach business step in the business flow. These rules act as checkpoints for allincoming documents. When a document is submitted for a business step, theapplication applies the defined rules and in case of any discrepancy annotates thetransactions being written to the blockchain ledger with appropriate exceptions andwarnings.

You can view these exceptions and warnings under Exceptions and Warnings


• View Exceptions and Warnings

View Exceptions and WarningsView a detailed list of exceptions and warnings raised in Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace.

1. Click Menu and then click Exceptions & Warnings .

A list of failures and warnings is displayed.

2. Click on the failure or warning to view the details

A detailed log of the selected warning or failure is displayed.


Field Description

Failed Rule Name of the smart contract business rulethat failed for the document.

Time Date and time when the failure wasobserved.

Endorsers Name of the endorsers for the document.

Document ID The ID of the document in which the error isobserved.

3. Click Trace

next to the failure or warning to trace the business flow step in which error isobserved.

4. Click Document to view the document in which the error is observed.

Chapter 16View Exceptions and Warnings


17Troubleshoot Warnings and Failures

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace displays the list of warnings and failures in case anytransaction documents received fails during processing, or does not adhere to thesmart contract business rules.


• View Document Processing Diagnostics

• Troubleshoot Common Error Scenarios

View Document Processing DiagnosticsView detailed diagnostics data for all failed document submissions.

Documents submitted to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace can fail due to multiplereasons such as—document processing failure, blockchain processing failure,simulator processing failure, or business flow processing failure. As a documentsubmitter, you should be able to identify the reason of failure, and retry submitting thedocument once the error is fixed. Diagnostic functionality enables you identify thesubmitted transaction documents that have not been successfully processed andrecorded. You can also view the processing stage at which the error occurred, alongwith the various generated artifacts to help you diagnose the error.

As a founder, you can see all the transactions documents submitted by you and alltrading partners. However, once the error is fixed, you can re-submit only thosedocuments for which you are the submitter.

As a trading partner, you can only view and retry document submission for which youare the submitter.

1. Click Menu and then click Diagnostics.


2. Document Processing Diagnostic Summary dashboard provides a birds-eye-view of all the failed document submissions in the application.

Metric Description

Document Processing Number of documents failed duringdocument processing.

Business Flow Processing Number of documents failed duringbusiness flow processing.

Blockchain Processing Number of documents failed duringrecording data on blockchain.

Document Type Metrics Specifies the number of documents failedfor each document type configured in theapplication.

Integration Processing Specifies the number of documents failedduring integration processsing.

Simulator Processing Specifies the number of documents failedduring simulator processing. This error isrecorded when simulator fails to generatedocument or if the generated document failsvalidation.

3. A detailed list of all failed event types is displayed which enables you to diagnosethe error and retry the document submission once the error is resolved.

Field Description

Event Type Specifies the event during which theDocument failure was observed—DocumentProcessing, Business Flow Processing,Simulator Processing or BlockchainProcessing.

Document The document id associated with the failedDocument.

Document Type Type of document.

Chapter 17View Document Processing Diagnostics


Field Description

Timestamp Date and time when the failure is observed.

Business Flow Name of the business flow in which thefailure occurred.

4. Click Document to view the document in which the error is observed.

5. Click View

to view the details about the error occurred.

6. Click Retry

to retry submitting the document once the error is resolved.

7. Click Retry All Documents to retry all Documents.

Troubleshoot Common Error ScenariosThe table lists the common errors and exceptions which you may encounter whileusing the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application. For each scenario, a detaileddescription along with resolution steps are also provided.

Event Type Error/Exception Scenario ScenarioDescription



Submitted document notcomplaint with schema

This error may becaused due to anyof the following tworeasons:

1. InvalidSchema

• The JSONschema of thedocument typeis incorrect.

1. IncorrectSubmitteddocument

• The submitteddocument is ininvalid formatand is notcomplaint withthe documenttype JSONschema.

1. Invalid Schema

• Resolution:Check the JSONschema andmake updates ifnecessary.

1. IncorrectSubmitteddocument

• Resolution: Re-submit thedocument withappropriatechanges toensure that thedocument iscompliant with theschema.

Chapter 17Troubleshoot Common Error Scenarios


Event Type Error/Exception Scenario ScenarioDescription



Error storing transaction indocument store.

This error isobserved when thedocument with thespecified keyalready exists.Duplicate ingestionof the samedocument is notsupported.

Example: Documentwith ledger key'PurchaseOrder:44443941' hasbeen alreadystored.

Resubmit thedocument with adifferent ledger key.To understand moreabout ledger key, see Define MetadataTemplate


Unexpected error whileprocessing event

Unexpected errorhappened with thesystem.

Contact your OracleSupportRepresentative.


Error receiving document fromobject storage

The application isunable to fetch thedocument from OCIobject storage,possibly due tonetwork issueduring connectivity.

Contact your OracleSupportRepresentative.


Invalid hash of Object storedocument

Invalid documentfetched from OCIdocument storage,possibly due todocument beingcorrupted.

Contact your OracleSupportRepresentative.


Invalid JSON produced formetadata

Application ofHandlebarstemplate on thedocument producedinvalid JSON. Thiscould possibly bedue to an issue withthe metadatatemplate.

Verify that the correctdocument templatehas been used togenerate the JSONfile. You can also runthe simulation with theupdated file to validatethe document.

Edit the metadatatemplate to fix thesyntax errors thatcaused the invalidJSON, and re-submitthe document.


Unexpected error whileprocessing the documentmetadata. is unreachable

This error isobserved whenthere is aconnectivity Issuewith theinfrastructure.

Contact your OracleSupportrepresentative.

Chapter 17Troubleshoot Common Error Scenarios


Event Type Error/Exception Scenario ScenarioDescription



Error invoking BCS transactionproxy

Unauthorized OBCS

Incorrect BCSconfiguration.

Correct the BCSconfiguration and thenre-submit thedocument.

This is not anexceptionevent

Documents show up in separateflow instances

This is a potentialerror which may becaused due toincorrect documentcross-referencemapping in themetadata template.

Verify the metadatatemplate against thesubmitted documentto check if themapping matches.

You cannot replay thisas the document withincorrect cross-reference is alreadyprocessedsuccessfully. Currentlythere is no way to fixthis as the documentis already recorded inthe blockchain.

This is not anexceptionevent

Flow instance view showsincorrect flow relationships

This is a potentialerror which may becaused due toincorrect crossreferences betweenthe documents.

Verify the submitteddocuments in the flowinstances against thecross-referencesprovided in thecorrespondingdocument typemetadata schema.

You cannot replay thisas the document withincorrect cross-reference is alreadyprocessedsuccessfully. Currentlythere is no way to fixthis as the documentis already recorded inthe blockchain.

Chapter 17Troubleshoot Common Error Scenarios


ADefine Document Schema and Templates

As part of configuring the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, founder defines a set ofdocument types which are then used to define business flows. A document received inany business transaction belongs to one of these document types.

Each document type consists of multiple data structures which help the application toprocess and ingest the document received in a transaction. As a founder, you mustaccurately define these document types and provide association between them incase they have any dependency.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides pre-seeded document types which can beused directly to define business flow steps. You can also define your own customizeddocument types in case the pre-seeded types do not fulfill your business requirements.

This chapter provides the instructions on how to define your own customizeddocument type.

• Define Document Schema JSON

• Define Metadata Template

• Define Metadata Schema

• Define Simulator Template

• Define Preview Template

Define Document Schema JSONOracle Intelligent Track and Trace supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) baseddocument structures, thereby providing you the flexibility to define your owncustomized document type schema which suits your business needs and wants.

JSON is a data-interchanged language which is relatively easy for humans to read andwrite, and easy for software to parse and generate. It is often used for serializingstructured data and exchanging it over a network, typically between a server and webapplications.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace currently supports JSON Schema Draft 7specification for parsing and validating the incoming transaction documents. As afounder, when you define your own document type structure, it must be JSON Schemadraft 7 compliant. You can read more about the JSON and the current specifications at and

Once you have defined your document schema, you can upload it to Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace by following the instructions provided in Create a New DocumentType.


Usage Example

This is an example of a JSON schema for document type QA Inspection.

{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "IpEventId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Unique identifier for this inspection event. PK." }, "EventType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "MANUFACTURING", "RECEIVING", "STANDALONE" ], "description": "Indicate the inspection event is Manufaturing Operations" }, "InspectionPlanId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to inspection plan that is used" }, "InspectionLevelId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to inspection level that is used." }, "IpCriteriaId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to inspection criteria" }, "SourceLineQty": { "type": "number", "description": "Total quantity on the source line: receiving transaction quantity or manufacturing operation completion quantity." }, "UomCode": { "type": "string", "description": "Unit of measurement for the quantity of samples being inspected in this event." }, "QtyRequested": { "type": "number", "description": "Requested inspection quantity from manufacturing or receiving." }, "SamplingQty": { "type": "number", "description": "Quantity resulted from sampling plan to be

Appendix ADefine Document Schema JSON


inspected." }, "QtyInspected": { "type": "number", "description": "Total quantity actually inspected in this event." }, "QtyAccepted": { "type": "number", "description": "Total quantity actually accepted in this event." }, "QtyRejected": { "type": "number", "description": "Total quantity actually rejected in this event." }, "OriginalDisposition": { "type": "string", "description": "Original disposition for the samples being inspected." }, "InspectionStatus": { "type": "string", "description": "Indicating if inspection collection is 'IN_PROCESS' or 'COMPLETE'" }, "InlineFlag": { "type": "string", "description": "\"A 'Y' value indicates inline results collection" }, "DraftFlag": { "type": "string", "description": "Value 'Y' or 'N'. A 'Y' value indicates that the inspection is in draft mode that the source transactions are yet be completed. A non-draft (value 'N') indicates that the related transaction is required." }, "InspectedBy": { "type": "string", "description": "Identifier for the person who is actually conducting the inspection." }, "InspectionDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "description": "Indicating the Date that this inspection event is conducted." }, "DispositionDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "description": "Indicating the date that dispostion is made for this inspection event."

Appendix ADefine Document Schema JSON


}, "InventoryItemId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to the inventory item being inspected in this event." }, "OrganizationId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Indentifier for the Inventory Organization" }, "RevisionId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Revision identifier for the inspected material if the item is revision controlled." }, "ItemRevision": { "type": "string", "description": "Identifies the item version for which the inspection is conducted." }, "CategorySetId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to the catalogue of item being inspected." }, "CategoryId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to the category of item being inspected." }, "WorkOrderId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Identifier for the work order for manufacturing inspections." }, "WoOperationId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Identifier for the work order operation in manufacturing inspection." }, "OperationSeqNumber": { "type": "integer", "description": "Sequence integer for the work order operation in manufacturing inspection." }, "DispatchStatus": { "type": "string", "description": "Dispatch status for the work order operation." }, "WorkCenterId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Identifier for the work center for resource inspections." }, "WorkAreaId": {

Appendix ADefine Document Schema JSON


"type": "integer", "description": "Identifier for the work area for resource inspections." }, "ResourceId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Identifier for the resource to be inspected." }, "SubinventoryCode": { "type": "string", "description": "Subinventory where the inspected material is located." }, "LocatorId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to the sub inventory locator of the material being inspected in this event." }, "LotNumber": { "type": "string", "description": "Lot number of the material being inspected in this event." }, "TransactionType": { "type": "string", "description": "indicates receiving transaction type." }, "SourceOrgId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Source organziation if the receiving transaction type is transfer" }, "SupplierId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to the supplier of the material being inspected." }, "SupplierSiteId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Identifier for the supplier site." }, "CustomerId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to the customer of the material being inspected." }, "DocType": { "type": "string", "description": "Document type for receiving inspection events" }, "DocNumber": { "type": "string", "description": "Document number for receiving inspection events." },

Appendix ADefine Document Schema JSON


"DocLineNumber": { "type": "integer", "description": "Document line number for receiving inspection events." }, "DocScheduleNumber": { "type": "string", "description": "Document schedule number for receiving inspection events." }, "ReceiptNum": { "type": "string", "description": "Receipt number that is inspected in this inspection event." }, "ShipmentHeaderId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to header of shipment for the material being inspected." }, "ShipmentLineId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to shipment line item for the material being inspected." }, "SupplierLotNum": { "type": "string", "description": "Reference to shipment lot number" }, "InterfaceTransactionId": { "type": "integer", "description": "Reference to RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table for receipts inpsections." }, "CreatedBy": { "type": "string", "description": "Who column: indicates the user who created the row." }, "CreationDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "description": "Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row." } }}

Define Metadata TemplateFor the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace to understand the submitted JSONdocument, you must provide a mapping of the attributes in the JSON to the applicationnative schema template.

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


A metadata template extracts key pieces of information from the received documentand maps this information to a normalized schema. This enables Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace application to process and ingest this information which is thenwritten to the ledger. This extracted data is used for defining smart contracts, tracking,tracing, and calculating analytics and insights.

To define a metadata template, you must:

• Understand the structure of the metadata template. This includes the variousattributes and their expected values that form the template.

• Understand how you can use helper functions to facilitate defining the templatestructure.

• Understand the process of metadata JSON generation.

Metadata Template Structure

You must understand the structure of the metadata template before defining one foryour customized document type. The table below lists down the attributes that form themetadata template along with their data types and limitations (if any).


All the attributes that are not mandatory are marked as optional.

Attribute Type Description

documentNumber string Unique document identifier.Example: Purchase OrderNumber


documentType string Human readable name of thedocument type. Example:

"documentType":"Purchase order"

documentTypeId string Document Type ID as definedin the correspondingDocument Type field of thetemplate. The document typeshould be exactly same as theinternal id type. It is generallyset in lowercase, withunderscore as a delimiter.Example:


Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Attribute Type Description

ledgerKey string Unique key used to identifythe document in ledger.Example:


Ensure that the key is unique.For more examples, you canrefer to the preseededtemplates in the application.


Array of object with attributes:

• documentNumber—integer

• ledgerKey—string• documentTypeId—string

Cross-reference to zero ormore documents that thisdocument references. Forinstance, a Shipmentdocument may refer to acustomer Purchase Order anda Sales Order. This is a keypiece of information thatallows the application to buildthe trace within a flow andacross different flows.Example:

"documentCrossRefs": [ {{#each document.unpackedShipmentLines}} { "documentNumber": "{{Order}}", "ledgerKey": "PurchaseOrder:{{Order}}", "documentTypeId": "PurchaseOrder" } {{#unless @last}},{{/unless}} {{/each}} ]

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Attribute Type Description

documentTimestamp Integer Creation date of the documentas a timestamp number. Youcan use the helper functions togenerate the Timestamp fromthe date, {{toTimestampdocument.some.field}}.Example:


For more information onhelper functions, see HelperFunctions.

(Optional) referencedItems Array of object with thefollowing attributes:

• itemNumber—string• itemId—string• itemKey—string• description—string• quantity—Object with

attributes:– unitCode—string.

Standard unit codevalue such as KG forkilograms. Defaultvalue Ea.

– value—number• lot—Object with

attributes:– lotNumber—string– quantity—object with

attributes:* unitCode—

string. Standardunit code values,such as KG orkilograms.Default value Ea.

* value—number– lotSerials—array of

strings.• serialNumbers—array of


List of Item numbers, lotnumbers, serial numbersreferenced in the documentthat need to be tracked.Example:

"referencedItems": [ {{#each document.result.pdfDraftPurchaseOrderLine}} { "itemNumber": "{{itemNumber}}", "itemId": "{{itemId}}", "itemKey": "{{itemNumber}}", "description": "{{itemDescription}}", "quantity": { "unitCode": "{{uomCode}}", "value": {{quantity}} } {{#if @last}} } {{else}} }, {{/if}} {{/each}} ]

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Attribute Type Description

transactionValue Object with attributes:• currencyCode—string.

Standard currency codes.Default value USD.

• amount—number.

Monetary value of thedocument. Used in queriesand in smart contract rules.Example:

"transactionValue": { "amount": 0, "currencyCode": "USD" }

(Optional) trackingData Array of object with followingattributes:• (Optional) timestamp—

integer• geoLocation—Object with

following values:– lat—number– lon—number– alt—number

• metrics—object withattributes:– name—string– label—string– quantity—

* unitCode—string. Standardunit code valuesuch as KG forkilograms.Default value Ea.

* value—number

Used for submitting IoT data.If trackingData is added,geoLocation must bespecified. The metrics array isa list of differentmeasurements such aspressure, temperature,vibration etc recorded at thatpoint in time and at thatparticular location.

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Attribute Type Description

(Optional) documentData key and value pairs in format"key":"value"

List of attributes in thedocument that are important tobe stored in the ledger, andalso for defining smartcontract rules and/or tracing.Example:

"documentData": { "procurementBusinesssUnit": "{{document.result.procurementBuName}}", "requisitionBusinesssUnit": "{{document.result.requisitionBuName}}", "orderAmount": { "amount": {{document.result.ordered}}, "currencyCode": "{{document.result.orderedCurrencyCode}}" } }

Once you have defined your metadata template, you can upload it to Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace by following the instructions provided in Create a New DocumentType.

Metadata JSON Generation Process

The Metadata Template is used to generate a normalized document from the incomingdocument. This normalized document is the one that is used for smart contract rulesprocessing and is also the one written to the blockhain.

Helper Functions

Helper functions are utility functions that can be used in the template for doingcomplex mapping.

Given below is a list of helper functions along with their input and output parameters.

Helper Function Usage Description

jsonItem Prints json without quotes. For moreinformation, see

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Helper Function Usage Description

toTimestamp Converts date/time-formatted string totimestamp number.

Supported hash parameters• format - String format as defined in

java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter or ISO instant if not defined.

• zone - timezone if required by format orGMT if not defined.

• locale - locate if required by format orroot locate if not defined.

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Helper Function Usage Description

sum Sum all arguments in the format {{suma.value b.value c.value}}.

##Example JSON: { “Attr1”: “some value”, “Qty1": 10, “Qty2”: 200, “anArray”: [ { “name”: “Temperature”, “value”: 40 }, { “name”: “Pressure”, “value": 14 }, { “name”: “Humidity”, “value”: 45 }] } ##Example of sum and find: { “total”: {{sum document.Qty1 document.Qt2}}, {{find document.anArray “name” “Pressure" as |reading| }} “pressureReading”:reading.value {{/find}} } ##Example Result: { “total”: 120,

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


Helper Function Usage Description

“pressureReading”: 14 }

find Find an element with the property set to aparticular value.


{{#find some.array "x" "yy" as |o i| }}{{o.n }} {{i}} {{@key}} {{@index}} {{else}}na{{/find}}

Find object in an array (or object) with field"x": "yy". Inside the block, o is referencingthe object found, i is the index of the object.Both can be named differently. Also specialkeys are available inside the block, with self-explanatory names: @key, @index, where keyhas the same value as index in arrays. It ismodeled in the similar fashion as handlebars"each" helper, including the "else" block. Mostof these parameters are optional, the minimalfind helper is {{find arr "x" "yy"}} printsthe object with "x":"yy" field.

String Helpers String helper functions publicly available at

Conditional Helpers Conditional helper function publicly availableat

Usage Example

The example below implements the concepts explained above to produce a metadatatemplate for a document type QA Inspection. You can refer to the original JSONschema of this document type in <cross reference to previous section>

This document type is used to inspect quality report of the shipped goods. Givenbelow are few important attributes captured in the example:

• documentCrossRefs—Refers to other documents WorkOrder andReceivingReceipt

• referencedItems—Refers to InventoryItemId for which quality check is performed.

• documentData—Defines additional attributes which must be captured duringdocument ingestion.

{ "documentNumber": "{{document.IpEventId}}", "documentTypeId": "QAInspection", "documentType": "QAInspection", "ledgerKey": "QAInspection:{{document.IpEventId}}",

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


"documentCrossRefs": [ {{#if document.WorkOrderId}} { "documentNumber": "{{document.WorkOrderId}}", "ledgerKey": "WorkOrder:{{document.WorkOrderId}}", "documentTypeId": "WorkOrder" } {{/if}} {{#if document.DocNumber}} {{#if document.WorkOrderId}} ,{{/if}} { "documentNumber": "{{document.DocNumber}}", "ledgerKey": "ReceivingReceipt:{{document.DocNumber}}", "documentTypeId": "ReceivingReceipt" } {{/if}} ], "documentTimestamp": {{envelope.timestamp}}, "referencedItems": [ { "itemNumber": "{{document.InventoryItemId}}", "itemId": "{{document.InventoryItemId}}", "itemKey": "{{document.InventoryItemId}}", "description": "", "quanity": { "unitCode": "{{document.UomCode}}", "measure": {{document.QtyAccepted}} } } ], "transactionValue": { "amount": 0, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "documentData": { "InspectionType": "{{document.EventType}}", "SamplingQty": {{document.SamplingQty}}, "QtyInspected": {{document.QtyInspected}}, "QtyReject": {{document.QtyRejected}}, "InspectionDate": "{{document.InspectionDate}}" } }

Given below is the generated metadata JSON schema for a submitted QA Inspectiondocument:

{ "documentNumber": "9553", "documentTypeId": "QAInspection", "documentType": "QAInspection", "ledgerKey": "QAInspection:9553", "documentCrossRefs": [ {

Appendix ADefine Metadata Template


"documentNumber": "93148", "ledgerKey": "WorkOrder:93148", "documentTypeId": "WorkOrder" }, { "documentNumber": "DocNumber_default_value", "ledgerKey": "ReceivingReceipt:DocNumber_default_value", "documentTypeId": "ReceivingReceipt" } ], "documentTimestamp": 1563590024140, "referencedItems": [ { "itemNumber": "5727", "itemId": "5727", "itemKey": "5727", "description": "", "quanity": { "unitCode": "UomCode_default_value", "measure": 5801 } } ], "transactionValue": { "amount": 0, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "documentData": { "InspectionType": "STANDALONE", "SamplingQty": 6876, "QtyInspected": 7590, "QtyReject": 9953, "InspectionDate": "2019-07-20T02:33:44.078538Z" }}

Define Metadata SchemaOracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to track any additional documentattributes that are not part of the metadata template.

You add these additional attributes under the documentData attribute. For OracleTrack and Trace to understand these additional attributes, you must provide data typedefinition of each of them under tab Metadata Schema.


Currently Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace supports only the following datatypes for the attributes in the Metadata Schema—string, integer, and object.Arrays are not currently supported.

Appendix ADefine Metadata Schema


Once you have defined the metadata schema, you can upload it to Oracle IntelligentTrack and Trace by following the instructions provided in Create a New DocumentType.

Usage Example:

The example below displays the definition of all the documentData attributes definedfor document type QA Inspection.

{ "$schema": "", "$id": "", "type": "object", "required": [ "documentData" ], "properties": { "documentData": { "properties": { "InspectionType": { "type": "string" }, "SamplingQty": { "type": "number" }, "QtyInspected": { "type": "number" }, "QtyReject": { "type": "number" }, "InspectionDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" } } } }}

Define Simulator TemplateA simulator template enables you generate mock data using which you can test yourbusiness flows and identify potential issues.

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables this simulation functionality by providingyou a mechanism to define a simulator template for each document type in yourbusiness flow. In a simulator template, you specify a list of values for the JSONschema attributes, using which the application generates mock documents. You canspecify values for all the JSON schema attributes, or can choose a few important oneswhich are essential for metadata template and schema generation.

To facilitate the generation of mock data, Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides alist of attributes types which you can use to assign random values to the JSONattributes in the simulator template.

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template



All the parameters specified in the column Type Definition/Syntax aremandatory unless specified explicitly.

Type Type Definition/Syntax Example

Constant{"type" : "CONSTANT","name" : "<propery name"> ,"label" : "<string>","value" : "<string>"}

"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/ProcurementBusinessUnit" :{"type" : "CONSTANT","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/ProcurementBusinessUnit","label" : "Creator_Org","value" : "Alpha Chemicals"}

To support"CONSTANT_DATE", specify"values" : "<YYYY-MM-DD>T<HH:MM:SS>. Forexample: "values":2018-06-20T21:42:02.0Z

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


Type Type Definition/Syntax Example

Random Date{"type" : "RANDOM_DATE","name" : "<property name>","label" : "<string>","value" : "[PAST|CURRENT|FUTURE]","valueThresholdInDays" : <number>,"format" : "[date-time|date]"}

valueThresholdInDays isoptional. It puts a limit on howmuch back / forward thegenerated value can be.Default value is 5

format is optional. Defaultvalue is "date".


"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/OrderDate" :{"type" : "RANDOM_DATE","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/OrderDate","label" : "Timestamp","value" : "PAST","valueThresholdInDays" : 3,"format" : "date-time"}

Random Number{"type" : "RANDOM_NUMBER","name" : "<property name>","label" : "string","lowLimit" : <number>,"highLimit" : <number>}

lowLimit is inclusive whilehighLimit is exclusive


"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/POHeaderId" :{"type" : "RANDOM_NUMBER","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/POHeaderId","label" : "OrderNumber","lowLimit" : 1,"highLimit" : 5000}

decimals is optional andspecifies maximum number ofdigits after the decimal point. Ifspecified, random numberswith decimals are generated.

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


Type Type Definition/Syntax Example

Random From List{"type" : "RANDOM_FROM_LIST","name" : "<property name>","label" : "<string>","values" : [ <array of strings> ]}


"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/Supplier" :{"type" : "RANDOM_FROM_LIST","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/Supplier","label" : "Supplier","values" : [ "Alpha Chemicals", "Beta Chemicals", "Gamma Chemicals" ]}

To support "Random Booleanfrom List", specify "values" :[ "true", "false" ]

Random Money{"type" : "RANDOM_MONEY","name" : "<property_name>","label" : "<string>","minValue" : <number>,"maxValue" : <number>,"decimals" : <number>,"currencies" : [<array of allowed standard currency codes>]}

"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/InvoiceValue" :{"type" : "RANDOM_MONEY","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/InvoiceValue","label" : "TransactionAmount","minValue" : 100,"maxValue" : 5000,"decimals" : 2,"currencies" : [ "USD", "GBP", "EUR" ]}

Decimals is optional. If notspecified, only whole numbers(i.e, non-fractional) aregenerated.

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


Type Type Definition/Syntax Example

Random Measure

{"type" : "RANDOM_MEASURE","name" : "<property_name>","label" : "<string>","minValue" : <number>,"maxValue" : <number>,"decimals" : <number>,"measures" : [<array of strings>]}


"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/Quantity" :{"type" : "RANDOM_MEASURE","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/Quantity","label" : "TransactionQuantity","minValue" : 100,"maxValue" : 5000,"decimals" : 2,"measures" : [ "KG", "LB" ]}

Decimals is optional. If notspecified, only whole numbers(i.e, non-fractional) aregenerated.

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


Type Type Definition/Syntax Example

Random String

{"type" : "RANDOM_STRING","name" : "<property name>","label" : "<string>","prefix" : "<string>","suffix" : "<string>""minLength" : <number>,"maxLength" : <number>}


"#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/SenderName" :{"type" : "RANDOM_STRING","name" : "#/properties/OrderHeader/properties/SenderName","label" : "Sender","prefix" : "S-","suffix" : "-ORG""minLength" : 8,"maxLength" : 12}

• For a random string offixed length, specify thesame value for"minLength" and"maxLength".

• The length fields(minLength, maxLength)include the prefix andsuffix.

• To generate numbers asfilling characters,"numeric" doesn't need tobe specified (by default,it's true).

• To generate characters(both lower and uppercase included) as fillingcharacters, specify �"numeric" : false

Usage Example

The example below displays the simulator template for document type QA Inspection:

{ "attributes": [ { "field": "#/properties/IpEventId", "label": "IpEventId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 }

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


}, { "field": "#/properties/weightInKilograms" : { "label": "weightInKilograms", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 72, "highLimit": 80.5, "decimals": 3 } }, { "field": "#/properties/EventType", "label": "EventType", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_FROM_LIST", "values": [ "MANUFACTURING", "RECEIVING", "STANDALONE" ] } }, { "field": "#/properties/InspectionPlanId", "label": "InspectionPlanId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/InspectionLevelId", "label": "InspectionLevelId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/IpCriteriaId", "label": "IpCriteriaId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/SourceLineQty", "label": "SourceLineQty", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER",

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


"lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/UomCode", "label": "UomCode", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/QtyRequested", "label": "QtyRequested", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/SamplingQty", "label": "SamplingQty", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/QtyInspected", "label": "QtyInspected", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/QtyAccepted", "label": "QtyAccepted", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/QtyRejected", "label": "QtyRejected",

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


"modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/OriginalDisposition", "label": "OriginalDisposition", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/InspectionStatus", "label": "InspectionStatus", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/InlineFlag", "label": "InlineFlag", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/DraftFlag", "label": "DraftFlag", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, {

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


"field": "#/properties/InspectedBy", "label": "InspectedBy", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/InspectionDate", "label": "InspectionDate", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_DATE", "value": "PAST" } }, { "field": "#/properties/DispositionDate", "label": "DispositionDate", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_DATE", "value": "PAST" } }, { "field": "#/properties/InventoryItemId", "label": "InventoryItemId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/OrganizationId", "label": "OrganizationId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/RevisionId", "label": "RevisionId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, {

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


"field": "#/properties/ItemRevision", "label": "ItemRevision", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/CategorySetId", "label": "CategorySetId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/CategoryId", "label": "CategoryId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/WorkOrderId", "label": "WorkOrderId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/WoOperationId", "label": "WoOperationId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/OperationSeqNumber", "label": "OperationSeqNumber", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 }

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


}, { "field": "#/properties/DispatchStatus", "label": "DispatchStatus", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/WorkCenterId", "label": "WorkCenterId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/WorkAreaId", "label": "WorkAreaId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/ResourceId", "label": "ResourceId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/SubinventoryCode", "label": "SubinventoryCode", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/LocatorId", "label": "LocatorId",

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


"modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/LotNumber", "label": "LotNumber", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/TransactionType", "label": "TransactionType", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/SourceOrgId", "label": "SourceOrgId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/SupplierId", "label": "SupplierId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/SupplierSiteId", "label": "SupplierSiteId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


} }, { "field": "#/properties/CustomerId", "label": "CustomerId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/DocType", "label": "DocType", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/DocNumber", "label": "DocNumber", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/DocLineNumber", "label": "DocLineNumber", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/DocScheduleNumber", "label": "DocScheduleNumber", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null }

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


}, { "field": "#/properties/ReceiptNum", "label": "ReceiptNum", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/ShipmentHeaderId", "label": "ShipmentHeaderId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/ShipmentLineId", "label": "ShipmentLineId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/SupplierLotNum", "label": "SupplierLotNum", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/InterfaceTransactionId", "label": "InterfaceTransactionId", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_NUMBER", "lowLimit": 10, "highLimit": 100000 } }, { "field": "#/properties/CreatedBy", "label": "CreatedBy",

Appendix ADefine Simulator Template


"modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_STRING", "minLength": 10, "maxLength": 20, "numeric": false, "prefix": null, "suffix": null } }, { "field": "#/properties/CreationDate", "label": "CreationDate", "modelDefault": { "type": "RANDOM_DATE", "value": "PAST" } } ], "fixedValues": []}

Define Preview TemplateOracle Intelligent Track and Trace enables you to define a preview template which isthen used to display the transaction source document in an easy to read andcomprehend rich text format.

A preview template is an HTML template that defines the rich text view structure of thedocument using HTML tags. This template is then applied to every incoming documentof that type and a rich text view is generated based on the defined HTML structure.

All the pre-seeded document types have a predefined preview template. For any newdocument types you should provide a preview template definition, if you want togenerate a rich text view of the source document.

To define a preview template, you must have a basic understanding of HyperTextMarkup Language(HTML) and how to construct a basic HTML document usingsupported elements and attributes.

Preview Template Structure

Preview template has an HTML document structure. Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace currently supports a limited set of HTML elements as detailed in the table below.


While defining a preview template you must only use the HTML elementsand attributes listed the table below.

Tag Description

Block Elements

<p> Defines a paragraph.

Appendix ADefine Preview Template


Tag Description

<div> Defines a section in a document

<h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings

<ul> Defines an unordered list

<ol> Defines an ordered list

<li> Defines a list item

<blockquote> Defines a section that is quoted from anothersource

Formatting Elements

<b> Defines bold text

<i> Defines a part of text in an alternate voice ormood

<font> Defines font, color, and size for text

<s> Defines text that is no longer correct

<u> Defines text that should be stylistically differentfrom normal text

<sup> Defines superscripted text

<sub> Defines subscripted text

<ins> Defines a text that has been inserted into adocument

<del> Defines text that has been deleted from adocument

<strong> Defines important text

<strike> Defines strikethrough text

<tt> Defines teletype text

<code> Defines a piece of code

<big> Defines big text

<small> Defines smaller text

<br> Defines single line break

<span> Defines a section in a document

<em> Defines emphasized text

Table Elements

<table> Defines a table

<tr> Defines a row in a table

<td> Defines a cell in a table

<th> Defines a header cell in a table

<colgroup> Specifies a group of one or more columns in atable for formatting

<caption> Defines a table caption

<col> Specifies column properties for each columnwithin a <colgroup> element

<thead> Groups the header content in a table

<tbody> Groups the body content in a table

<tfoot> Groups the footer content in a table

Style and Semantics Elements

Flex layout Provides complete control over the alignment,direction, order, and size of content.

Appendix ADefine Preview Template


Along with the HTML tags specified above, you can also use helper functions in HelperFunctions to define the preview template.

Once the preview template is defined, you can upload it to Oracle Intelligent Track andTrace by following the instructions provided in Create a New Document Type.

Usage Example

The example below provides a sample preview template for a pre-seeded documenttype PO ACK. If you plan to define a preview template for your custom documenttypes, you can refer to the preview templates of any of the pre-seeded documents.

<!DOCTYPE html>{{#*inline "bodyStyle"}}background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.877);padding: 5px;{{/inline}}

{{#*inline "tdStyle"}} color: rgb(61,53,177); font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 10px;{{/inline}}

{{#*inline "thStyle"}} color: rgb(8, 8, 8); background-color: rgb(199, 199, 199); text-align: left; padding: 10px;{{/inline}}

{{#*inline "numberValueStyle"}} padding-right: 10px;{{/inline}}

{{#*inline "valueStyle"}} color: rgb(61,53,177); font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 5px; font-family: monospace;{{/inline}}

{{#*inline "labelStyle"}} color: rgb(6, 2, 17); font-size: 14px; padding: 5px;{{/inline}}

<!-- Main container --><div style="{{>bodyStyle}}"> <!-- Outermost container --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;"> <!-- Titles container --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">

Appendix ADefine Preview Template


<div style="flex-grow: 3;"> <span style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">Oracle</span> </div> <div style="flex-grow: 1; text-align: right;"> <span style="color: rgb(43, 43, 46); font-size: 24px">Order Confirmation</span> </div> </div>

<!-- Main body container --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between;"> <!-- Ship To --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: right"> <div style="min-height: 100px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 10px; border-color:rgb(5, 2, 44); justify-content:center; width: 300px;"> <div style="display: flex; {{>labelStyle}}"> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">Ship To</div> </div> <div style="display: flex; {{>valueStyle}}"> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">{{{document.result.shipToLocationName}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex; {{>valueStyle}}"> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">{{{document.result.soldToLeAddressLine1}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex; {{>valueStyle}}"> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">{{{document.result.soldToLeTownOrCity}}} {{{document.result.soldToLeStateProvn}}} {{{document.result.soldToLePostalCode}}}</div> </div> </div> </div>

<!-- Bill To --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: right;"> <div style="min-height: 100px; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 10px; border-color:rgb(5, 2, 44); justify-content:center; width: 300px;"> <div style="display: flex; {{>labelStyle}}" ;> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">Bill To</div> </div> <div style="display: flex;{{>valueStyle}}" ;> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">{{{document.result.billToBuName}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex; {{>valueStyle}}"> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;">{{{document.result.soldToLeAddressLine1}}}</div> </div>

Appendix ADefine Preview Template


<div style="display: flex; {{>valueStyle}}"> <div style="flex: 0 0 400px;"> {{{document.result.soldToLeTownOrCity}}} {{{document.result.soldToLeStateProvn}}} {{{document.result.soldToLePostalCode}}} </div> </div> </div> </div>

<!-- Document number and date --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: right;"> <div style="border: 1px solid; border-radius: 10px; border-color:rgb(5, 2, 44); justify-content:center; width: 300px;"> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>labelStyle}}">Order Date</div> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>valueStyle}}">{{{document.result.poHeaderId}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>labelStyle}}">Purchase Order Date</div> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>valueStyle}}">{{{document.result.orderDateDisplay}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>labelStyle}}">Customer Number</div> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>valueStyle}}">{{{document.result.orderDateDisplay}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex;"> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>labelStyle}}">Buyer/Contact</div> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; {{>valueStyle}}">{{{document.result.orderDateDisplay}}}</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

<!-- Header Container --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction:column; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 10px; border-color:rgb(5, 2, 44); min-height: 90px; margin-top: 10px;"> <div style="text-align: center;"> <h1>ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER</h1> </div>

<!-- Items container --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction:column; min-height: 90px;"> <table style="border-collapse: collapse;">

Appendix ADefine Preview Template


<thead> <tr> <th style="{{>thStyle}}">Quantity</th> <th style="{{>thStyle}}">Description</th> <th style="{{>thStyle}}">Item #</th> <th style="{{>thStyle}}">Unit Price</th> <th style="{{>thStyle}}">Unit</th> <th style="{{>thStyle}}">Total</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{#each document.result.pdfDraftPurchaseOrderLine as |item n|}} <tr> <td style="{{>tdStyle}}">{{{item.itemNumber}}}</td> <td style="{{>tdStyle}}">{{{item.itemDescription}}}</td> <td style="{{>tdStyle}} {{>numberValueStyle}}">{{{item.quantity}}}</td> <td style="{{>tdStyle}}">{{{item.uomCode}}}</td> <td style="{{>tdStyle}} {{>numberValueStyle}}">{{{item.unitPrice}}}</td> <td style="{{>tdStyle}}">{{{item.uomCode}}}</td> <td style="{{>tdStyle}} {{>numberValueStyle}}">{{{item.unitPrice}}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} </tbody> </table> </div>

<!-- Total line --> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: right; margin-top: 5px;"> <div style="flex: 1 0 auto;"></div> <div style="flex: 0 0 200px; border-top: 1px solid rgb(5, 2, 44); border-left: 1px solid rgb(5, 2, 44); justify-content:center;"> <div style="display: flex; align-content: space-between;"> <div style="{{>labelStyle}}flex: 1 0 50px; align-self: center;">Total</div> <div style="{{>valueStyle}}flex: 1 0 auto; text-align: right; margin-right: 10px; align-self: center;">{{{document.result.ordered}}}</div> </div> <div style="display: flex;{{>valueStyle}}"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div>

Appendix ADefine Preview Template
