Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan · 2019. 6. 22. · Drobo How-To Guide...

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Transcript of Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan · 2019. 6. 22. · Drobo How-To Guide...

Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 1

A  proper  backup  strategy  must  include  both  on-­‐site  and  off-­‐site  backups  to  ensure  that  all  critical  data  is  fully  protected.    While  Drobo  provides  redundant  storage  that  protects  against  one  or  two  simultanious  drive  failures,  it  can  not  safeguard  against  viruses,  power  surges,  or  natural  disasters.  To  ensure  that  all  critical  data  is  protected,  Drobo  recommends  a  “3-­‐2-­‐1”  backup  plan.    

• 3  copies  of  any  data  that  needs  to  be  kept  • 2  different  devices,  for  protection  against  device  failure  • 1  location  specifically  designated  for  offsite  data  protection  

Drobo  direct-­‐attached  storage  provides  high-­‐performance  protected  storage  with  exceptional  scalability  for  primary  workspace  storage.      A  second  Drobo  (or  other  storage  device)  provides  a  backup  copy  of  primary  storage  to  ensure  protection  against  catastrophic  failure,  while  also  offering  additional  benefits  such  file  versioning  and  nearly  instantaneous  restorations  in  the  event  a  file  is  accidentally  deleted.    

While  Cloud  storage  can  provide  expansive  off-­‐site  protection  of  critical  data,  the  recurring  costs  associated  with  large  amounts  of  data  can  limit  feasibility.    CrashPlan  includes  support  for  backups  between  sites  as  well  as  social  backup  allowing  friends  and  family  to  store  encrypted  backups  offering  off-­‐site  backups  without  the  costs  associated  with  cloud  services.  

While  this  document  covers  the  free  CrashPlan,  additional  Drobo  solutions  documents  can  be  found  on  the  solutions  page.  



 On-­‐site  Backups  Using  CrashPlan    Off-­‐site  Backups  Between  Drobo  Storage  Devices    Social  Backup  between  Family  &  Friends  

What  You  Will  Need  • The  latest  Drobo  Dashboard  and  firmware  release  • Drobo  direct  attached  storage  (DAS)  or  iSCSI  device  • Mac  or  Windows  Workstation(s)  connected  to  the  Drobo(s)  -­‐  Two  computers  are  required  for  off-­‐

site  backups  • CrashPlan  Software    -­‐  • Free  CrashPlan  account  • High-­‐speed  internet  access  

Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 2

On-­‐site  Backups  Using  CrashPlan  

This  section  covers  how  to  configure  local  backups  with  CrashPlan.      If  the  Drobo  will  be  used  for  workspace  storage  as  well  as  backups,  secondary  storage  is  still  recommend.    While  this  configuration  provides  file  versioning  and  protection  from  accidental  file  deletion,  it  does  not  protect  against  catastrophic  failure,  and  secondary  media  and  off-­‐site  backups  are  the  recommended  best  practice  to  ensure  against  critical  data  loss.  

STEP  1       Download  and  install  the  free  CrashPlan  application  from  the  URL  below  and  create  a  

CrashPlan  Account  as  part  of  the  installation  process.  


STEP  2  



Launch  the  CrashPlan  application  

On  the  Backup  tab,  click  the  Select  button  under  the  Files  section.  



Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 3

STEP  3    


Choose  the  files  &  folders  that  will  be  backed  up  on  to  the  Drobo  and  click  Save.  

In  this  example,  only  the  users’  folder  will  be  included  in  the  backup  job.  

CrashPlan  will  begin  to  scan  all  the  files  and  directories  selected.  

NOTE:  This  full  scan  will  only  occur  when  a  new  backup  source  is  selected.  

STEP  4  




Click  on  the  Destination  tab  to  view  backup  destination  and  options  for  this  job  







Click  the  Folders  button  and  then  click  the  Select  button  next  to  select  a  backup  destination  folder.      




Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 4



Select  a  directory  on  the  Drobo  that  will  be  used  to  store  backup  data.  

In  this  example  the  folder  Data  on  the  Drobo  Mini  will  be  used  as  the  backup  destination.  

Click  OK  to  once  the  folder  has  been  selected.  




STEP  5  


NOTE:  There  is  only  one  Start  Backup  button  on  this  screen.    If  additional  backup  destinations  had  been  configured,  there  would  be  one  button  to  the  right  of  each  of  these  locations.  



On  the  Folders  tab  verify  the  destination  folder  is  correctly  listed  under  Available  Folders  

Click  the  Start  Backup  button  to  begin  the  initial  backup  job.  





The  Progress  status  bar  indicates  that  the  backup  is  underway  and  displays  an  estimate  of  time  to  completion.      

Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 5

STEP  6  


Once  the  backup  has  completed,  CrashPlan  will  automatically  verify  the  integrity  of  the  data  based  on  a  predetermined  time  interval.  

To  specify  when  this  process  will  occur,  navigate  to  Settings  tab  and  select  Backup.      

To  verify  the  backup  immediately  select  the  Now  button.  



 Backing  up  to  another  Drobo  for  Offsite  Storage    In  this  example  a  Drobo  will  be  utilized  for  both  on-­‐site  and  off-­‐site  storage.    While  a  Drobo  is  not  required  at  each  end,  it  offers  the  maximum  flexibility  as  capacity  can  be  instantly  expanded  in  a  Drobo  to  match  storage  or  retention  requirements.      

NOTE:  This  configuration  requires  a  computer  that  remains  powered  on  at  both  locations  where  the  Drobo  system(s)  are  connected  functioning  as  a  “server”.  


STEP  1  

  Configure  the  computers  as  shown  in  Steps  1  and  2  in  the  previous  section  of  this  guide.    Basic  configuration  is  required  at  both  the  on-­‐site  and  off-­‐site  locations.  

NOTE:  The  computers  at  each  location  do  not  need  to  share  the  same  operating  system  or  platform.    For  example,  a  Windows  computer  at  the  primary  site  and  a  Mac  at  the  off-­‐site  location  is  fully  supported.  






Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 6

STEP  2  



At  the  off-­‐site  location,  load  CrashPlan  and  select  Existing  Account.      

Enter  the  same  credentials  that  were  used  for  the  primary  site.  

Click  Sign  In  to  authorize  this  computer.  

STEP  3  



Select  the  Destination  tab  and  then  Computers.  

Both  computers  associated  with  this  account  should  be  displayed.  

Note  –  The  backup  job  can  be  created  from  either  site  and  there  is  no  limitation  on  which  computer  functions  as  the  source  or  destination  




Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 7

STEP  4  



On  the  Backup  tab,  select  the  Change  button  located  under  Files    














In  this  example  the  folder  Test_Data  located  on  the  Drobo  Mini  has  been  selected  for  off-­‐site  backup.  Click  Save  to  finish.  

Note:  While  there  are  no  limits  to  the  number  of  folders  or  size  of  data  that  can  be  selected  for  off-­‐site  backup,  the  time  required  to  complete  a  backup  is  limited  by  the  internet  connection.  



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STEP  5  


To  select  a  destination  folder  for  backup  jobs,  load  CrashPlan  on  the  off-­‐site  computer  and  navigate  to  the  Settings  tab.    

Under  General,  select  Configure  to  select  a  inbound  backup  destination  








On  the  Inbound  Backup  Settings  window,  click  on  the  folder  icon  to  change  the  backup  archive  location  to  the  Drobo  











Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 9



Select  a  folder  on  the  Drobo  that  will  be  used  to  store  backup  data  sent  from  the  primary  site.  

Click  OK  to  return  to  the  settings  window.  













Verify  that  the  archive  location  now  points  to  the  Drobo  and  click  OK  to  continue.  







Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 10

STEP  6  





In  the  Destinations  window,  click  the  Start  Backup  button  located  next  to  the  off-­‐site  computer.    

The  off-­‐site  backup  will  begin  immediately.    The  status  of  the  job  can  be  found  on  the  Backup  tab.  



NOTE  –  The  initial  backup  may  take  considerable  time  depending  upon  internet  connectivity.  

Configuring  Social  Backup  to  a  Drobo  for  Family  &  Friends  One  great  feature  of  CrashPlan  is  option  for  cooperative  backup  among  family  and  friends.    This  section  similar  to  those  in  the  previous  section,  where  the  same  user  has  control  of  the  computers  and  storage  at  both  sites,  but  sends  invitations  to  family  or  friends  to  participate  in  backup.    This  can  be  configured  in  either  direction.  

NOTE:  This  setup  is  assuming  that  both  parties  involved  have  computers  and  both  have  ample  capacity  for  storing  social  backups,  like  a  scalable  Drobo  storage  unit.    

STEP  1  


Navigate  to  the  Destinations  tab  and  select  Friends  from  the  top  menu.  

Click  the  Invite  link  to  send  an  invitation  to  a  friend  to  join  CrashPlan.  



Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 11




Enter  the  email  address(es)  of  friends  or  family  who  will  participate  in  the  social  backup  network.    

Click  Add  to  begin  the  invitation  process.  


In  the  invitation  message  select  Yes  –  offer  my  computer  to  enable  other  social  backup  users  to  store  their  backup  data  on  your  computer.  

If  desired,  personalize  the  invitation  message  and  then  click  Send  Invitation.  


Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 12

STEP  2  



When  an  invite  is  received,  CrashPlan  will  automatically  prompt  to  accept  or  decline.  

NOTE  -­‐  For  the  invitation  process  to  complete,  the  invitee  must  sign  up  for  CrashPlan  with  the  same  email  address  used  for  the  invitation    


STEP  3  



On  the  invitee’s  computer,  configure  a  destination  for  backups  sent  from  other  social  backup  users.  

Click  on  Settings  tab  and  then  select  General.    

Click  the  Configure  button  next  to  the  Inbound  backup  from  other  computers.  





Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 13




On  the  Inbound  Backup  Settings  Window,  click  on  the  folder  icon  to  change  the  backup  archive  location  to  the  Drobo  













Select  a  folder  on  the  Drobo  that  will  be  used  to  store  backup  data  sent  from  other  social  backup  users.  

Click  OK  to  return  to  the  settings  window  and  then  click  OK  to  save  the  inbound  settings.  









Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 14


Click  on  the  Friends  tab  and  verify  that  the  Default  Location  points  to  the  proper  folder  located  on  the  Drobo.  


STEP  4  





We  are  now  ready  to  start  a  backup.    Click  on  the  Destinations  tab  and  then  select  the  social  backup  computer  that  will  be  used  as  the  destination.      

Click  Start  Backup  to  begin  the  social  backup.  




To  view  the  progress  of  the  backup,  navigate  to  the  Backup  tab.  




Drobo How-To Guide Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan | Using Drobo for On-site and Off-site Backup with CrashPlan 15





The  social  backup  is  now  complete.    An  encrypted  copy  of  the  data  is  now  stored  on  the  destination  computer  



Drobo � 2460 North First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA � � 1.866.97.DROBO Copyright 2013 Drobo, Inc. Data Robotics, Drobo, DroboEllite, DroboPro, BeyondRAID, and Smart Volumes are trademarks of Drobo, Inc., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other trademarks used are owned by their respective owners.

All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. � May 2013