Using Courteous Expressions in Conducting an Interview

Post on 27-Oct-2015

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english 6

Transcript of Using Courteous Expressions in Conducting an Interview

Using Courteous Expressions in Conducting an


1.The meeting will please come to order.

2.Secretary, please take the attendance and call the roll.

3.Secretary, please read the minutes.

4.Are there any remarks or comments?

5.May we hear a committee report on some plans?

Read the expressions used in club meetings

6. May I suggest________________?7. I move that ___________.8. I second the motion.9. It has been moved and seconded that ____.10. Put this into motion.11. You have the floor ___________.12. Those in favor of the motion say “Aye.” Those who oppose say “ Nay.” 13. The motion is carried.14. I move that the meeting be adjourned.15. Any remarks.


1.interview- an interview is a face to face encounter with a person who will give answers to questions asked.

2.Appointment – setting a time and place of the interview session

3.Interviewee- the person being interviewed

4.Interviewer- the person asking questions or interviewing.

Vocabulary Development:

LC 1 – Interview your Science Teacher. Ask her about the organs of the circulatory system and their functions

LC 2- Interview your HEKASI teacher. Ask her about the ethnic groups found in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and the places where they are found.

LC3- Interview your Agriculture Teacher> Ask her about different ways of plant propagation. Describe each of them.

LC4 – Interview you’re the canteen manager. Ask her about the importance of serving healthy and nutritious foods in the school canteen.

LC 5- Interview the Hearing Impaired Teacher. Ask her about some causes of hearing impairment and how to avoid those.

Conduct an interview: