Using Banner Ads For Traffic

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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All types of advertising is beneficial to online and offline businesses. However choosing the type of advertising that is most suitable would give it the edge the campaign needs to take it to the next level. Banner ads will do that. Table Of Contents · Foreword · Chapter 1: Banner Ads Intro · Chapter 2: Types Of Banner Ads · Chapter 3: Finding The Right Audience · Chapter 4: Finding The Right Sources To Buy Banner Ads · Chapter 5: The Objective · Chapter 6: Who Does Banner Ads · Chapter 7: What To Avoid · Wrapping Up

Transcript of Using Banner Ads For Traffic

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This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business,

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You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1:

Banner Ads Intro

Chapter 2:

Types Of Banner Ads

Chapter 3:

Finding The Right Audience

Chapter 4:

Finding The Right Sources To Buy Banner Ads

Chapter 5:

The Objective

Chapter 6:

Who Does Banner Ads

Chapter 7:

What To Avoid

Wrapping Up

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All types of advertising is beneficial to online and offline businesses.

However choosing the type of advertising that is most suitable would

give it the edge the campaign needs to take it to the next level. Banner

ads will do that.

Using Banner Ads For Traffic

Ramp Up Your Business With Banner Advertising

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Chapter 1: Banner Ads Intro


Banner ads are one way on ensuring this becomes a reality from a

possibility. Basically these image based promotions are usually done

in a web presence through ad networks where managing the

campaign is the priority. Delivered through a line of partnering

websites or publishers is what allows this style of advertising to

become more popular and thus more widely used.

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The Basics

If the business owner chooses to display the ads on specific categories

at the publishers website the added interest garnered will be from the

highly targeted visitors who are interested in that particular category.

This application also works when the ad is listed in under many

categories and this then will generate possible interest from the whole


The benefits may include a wider audience being sought and derived.

When this happens it would mean more people are privy to the

product or service because of the banner ads being made available for

viewing from a larger platform.

This also allows for the allocations to be set up a Geo targeting which

the focuses on the main areas of marketing and getting customers.

There is also the benefit of having the advantage of being able to

select from a larger list of categories which consist of targeted sites

that project the relevant ads.

There is also the facility of being able to use behavioral targeting

which makes choices based on gender, age, time of day and as

positions to reach the targeted audience more efficiently. Being able

to choose from several different sizes of banners is also another


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Chapter 2: Types Of Banner Ads


There are several different types of banner ads available for the

individual’s use. Ranging in size and color these banner ads are

custom-made to fit the requirements of the ad idea.

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The Forms

Coming in a variety of shapes and sizes makes the advertising works a

little less challenging as the designs do not have to be confined to any

particular size, color, or design.

All these are done using the pixel dimensions which is actually the

smallest unit of color used to make up images on a computer or

television screen.

The most popular style of banner usage is the full banner which

measures about 468 x 60. These banner ads are a good representation

of the range of common ads posted.

Though there are no severe restrictions on the sizing used, most

websites have been known to impose certain limits on the memory

size which is usually about 12K to 16K.

There are many varieties of banner ads available. The simplest banner

ads feature only one static GIF or JPEG image which is then linked to

the advertiser’s homepage.

Then there are also banners which are capable of displaying several

different images simultaneously. This can also be seen as an

animation like presentation. Besides all this, there are also the rich

media style banner ads.

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These ads make use of tools like audio, video, or Java and Shockwave

programs to design and display the ad content. This allows for the ads

to then become interactive beyond the initial simple link functioning.

There is also the interactive nature of the banner ads. These ad styles

allow the flash banners to interact with the viewer and engage them

in the ad content and message. These are fairly popular as it ensures

the viewers rapt attention and staying power on the page.

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Chapter 3: Finding The Right Audience


Advertising is very important to ensuring the target audience is

reached successfully. Banner advertising has proven to be quite a

useful tool when implemented properly.

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Get A Grip On The Audience

When most people are surfing the internet for any useful information

they will be attracted to advertisement teasers which may appear on

the screen. This then creates the interest to open the sites if the

information in interesting to the said target audience.

When the decision is made to use banner ads for advertising and

customer awareness purposes, choosing the webpage that it is to be

featured on also makes a difference in its acceptance and interest


Besides being much cheaper, banner ads perform better when

featured on targeted web pages. This is mainly to unsure the right

target audience is reached instantly and cost effectively.

Visually striking ads are very effective in drawing the target audience

desired. Using the various tools to decide on what type of design or

content will most portray the site’s content will be what determines

the interest in the site for drawing the target audience.

The choice made must in some way reflect the idea behind the

content of the site because based on this idea the target audience will

be prompted to visit the site. Using brightly colored graphics makes

the banner ads even more appealing and noteworthy.

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Designing the banner ads with the core target audience in mind is

always a wise and prudent step to take.

The ad content must be relevant and informative to the target

audience. Before making the decision to purchase or place the banner

ads on a certain webpage, having some knowledge of the content the

website administrators will be including on the said web page is also

necessary as this should always be material that is as closely related to

the individual’s own content as possible.

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Chapter 4: Finding The Right Sources To Buy Banner Ads


Many a time people encounter problems with either their choice of

advertising platforms or with the ads chosen to be advertised. Banner

advertising problems are no different. Although banner ads can steer

a lot of traffic to a site, this traffic becomes useless if not a nuisance to

the site when it prevents the real interested parties from gaining

access to the site easily. Thus exercising a little patience to find the

right or most suitable source to but the banner ads is worth doing.

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The Right Way

As the display advertising landscapes very often is able to boasts of a

large number of ad inventory choices, approaching the ad buying

process objectively is best.

Media buyers are usually in the best position to identify the winning

combination of inventory sources and buying methods. This enables

the process of efficiently crafted display campaigns to be sought and


Because of the ever increasing need to be able to garner the biggest

market share successfully the display ad spending which includes

banner ads, the advertisers demand that a greater audience target is

the foremost goal to be achieved.

Therefore with this goal in mind banner buying will now be expected

to be able to have the advancement of impression level inventory

providers like ad exchange and demand side platforms.

Ensuring the sources used does not cause the new inventory to fail in

its basic intentions which could lead to a complicated process of

display buying. The inconvenience here would lead to additional and

unnecessary line items to an already crowded media plan.

The right sources for banner buying should be able to concentrate on

the display campaign objectives, that the marketers can clearly access

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the leveraged strength of each inventory source and formulate the

best possible media plan that addressed both the direct response

element and the brand specific goal intended.

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Chapter 5: The Objective


Advertisers broadly hope a banner ad will do one of 2 things. Ideally,

a visitor to the publisher web site, the web site that posts the banner

advertisement, will click on the banner ad and go to the advertiser's

web site

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What It Accomplishes

In that case the banner advertisement has brought the advertiser a

visitor they would not have had differently. The banner ad is a true

success if the visitor not simply comes to the web site but likewise

purchases something.

Failing a click-through, advertisers hope that a publisher web site

visitor will discover the banner ad and will someway register it in

their heads.

This may mean the visitor consciously notes the material of a banner

ad and chooses to visit the advertiser's web site at some time in the

time to come, or it may mean that the visitor simply peripherally

picks up on the advertisement but is made aware of the advertiser's

product or service.

This 2nd effect of ad is called branding. We've all went through the

effects of branding previously. Suppose you discover ads on TV for

Brand X glue day in and day out.

The ads don't appear to particularly impact you -- you don't bound

from your couch to go purchase glue -- but down the road, when

you're at the store browsing for glue, they might impact the

determination you make.

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If you don't have any additional reason to select one sort of glue over

the others, you'll likely select the one you're most intimate with,

Brand X, even if you're only familiar with it because of the ad.

So there are a lot of ways a banner advertisement may be successful.

Therefore, there are a lot of ways advertisers evaluate banner ad

success. Advertisers consider:

Clicks/Click-throughs: The number of visitors who click on the

banner advertisement linking to the advertiser’s web site. Publisher

sites frequently sell banner ad space on a CPC basis.

Page views: likewise known as page impressions, this is the number of

times a certain net page has been called for from the server.

Advertisers are concerned about page views as they signal the number

of visitors who may have seen the banner advertisement.

Although they don't evaluate the effectiveness of a branding crusade,

they do evaluate how many visitors were open to it. The basic way to

sell banner ad space is cost per thousand impressions, or CPM.

Click-through rate (CTR): This distinguishes the ratio of page views to

clicks. It's expressed as the part of total visitors to a particular page

who in reality clicked on the banner ad.

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The common click-through-rate is something less than 1 percentage

of total clicks, and click-through rates significantly higher than that

are really uncommon.

Cost per sale: This is the evaluation of how much ad cash is spent on

arriving at one sale. Advertisers utilize assorted means to calculate

this, depending upon the ad and the product or service.

A lot of advertisers keep track of visitor action utilizing Internet

cookies. This technology lets the website combine shopping history

with data about how the visitor in the beginning came to the web site.

Assorted measures are more crucial to assorted advertisers, but most

advertisers think about all of these factors when judging the potency

of a banner ad.

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Chapter 6: Who Does Banner Ads


Who does banner advertisements? Pretty much anyone with PC

knowledge may learn how to make a really basic banner ad.

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The Way To Do It

To code the banner, merely blend the HTML tag for a link with the

HTML tag for a picture. You may produce the essential graphics

utilizing an easy computer art program, like Paint Shop Pro, which

you may download on the net.

Basic, static banner advertisements are so easy you may make a few

for your site in an afternoon, and animated GIF banner

advertisements aren't much more complicated.

On the other end of the spectrum are refined rich media

advertisements. Advertisements with elaborate animation or user

interactivity call for much more extensive computer programming


Amateur banner advertisements frequently work fine; however with

so many advertisements vying for viewer attention, many sites

require the help of pro advertisement designers.

Great advertising agencies and pro designers not simply bring their

programming skills to banner ad production, but likewise their

creative thinking and extensive marketing experience.

They work to match a banner advertisement campaign with the

advertiser's product or service, and to make forward-looking, eye-

catching graphic material. There are a lot of advertising agencies and

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free-lance banner advertisement designers serving sites nowadays,

and they have a broad range of experience, power and success. They

likewise have a wide range of fees: You may get a pro banner

advertisement for $50 or you may spend upwardly of $1,000.

There are likewise sites that provide free banner advertisement

creation. They either supply you with all the elements you require to

produce your own banner ad, like backgrounds and fonts, or they

produce a banner ad for you.

These designers and companies do this for a number of reasons. A

few simply make money from advertising on their sites, a few offer

free banner creation in exchange for their clients posting client

banner advertisements on the customer's web site and a few

designers merely produce banners as a hobby.

A few popular gratis banner design sites are:

Make Your

ABC Banners

Atomic Arts

Like most forms of advertisement, banner advertisements vary well in

quality as their creators vary a great deal in power and experience.

The range is even greater with banner advertisements than with most

other classes, however, as it is so easy and inexpensive to produce and

place banners.

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Chapter 7: What To Avoid


There are so many things that could potentially harm rather than help

when choosing banner ads as a tool to reach the desired target

audience. The following are just some recommendations that are

listed to be followed in order to limit the mistakes that are likely to be


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What To Avoid

• Not taking the time to view the possible competition is one of the

biggest follies that is usually made, thus this should be done with

careful consideration.

• The use of too many words and designs could possibly end up

confusing the target audience rather than coming across as being


Using words and language phrases that are hard to understand or

even using jargon that is not commonly understood is also another

thing to avoid. Ensuring the banner is designed to give valuable and

usable information is more important than designing content just for

advertising purposes.

• Always avoid selecting banner ads that are not really related to the

content or purpose of the site. If the choice is made based on the

attractiveness factor, potential visitors who open and view this site

will end up being annoyed both for the time wanted and also for the

irrelevance on the information provided. This could lead to more

serious repercussions like getting the site blacklisted or banning the

site altogether.

• Having sound knowledge on how colors effect the viewer may prove

to be rather beneficial. Using the wrong colors is to be avoided at all

cost as this could have a bearing on the content in a negative way.

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People often take a serious note on the association of certain colors to

be linked to certain ideas or situations.

Thus using the wrong color should be avoided as it can either dampen

the impact of the message or even worse negate the efforts of the site


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Wrapping Up

An advertiser that's interested in posting banner ads on additional

web sites has 3 general options. The advertiser may:

Arrange to display additional websites' banner ads in exchange

for them displaying its advertisement.

Pay publisher web sites to post its banner.

Pay an organization, generally a banner network like

DoubleClick or Flycast, to post the banner on a measure of

publisher web sites.

These 3 arrangements take a lot of forms and advertisers and

publishers must select the particular arrangement that best suits

them. If you wish to post banner ads on additional websites but don't

have the money to mount a traditional ad blitz, you might decide to

exchange banner advertisements with additional web sites.

There are 2 ways you are able to go about this. The first is to

individually grow relationships with additional websites and trade

particular banners.

This is a really natural process and helps you to place your banner ads

conscientiously and post additional site banner ads that fit your site

well. Your banner ad doesn't end up on very many web sites, however,

unless you commit a whole lot of your time in seeking out interested


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If you wish to get your banner ad on a lot of web sites in a brief

amount of time (and don't wish to pay for it) then your best bet is

joining a banner exchange plan. So get going today!