Using Avaya Aura Messaging

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Transcript of Using Avaya Aura Messaging

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging

6.0September 2010

© 2010 Avaya Inc.

All Rights Reserved.


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License types

Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use theSoftware on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers,so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and usingthe Software at any given time. A “Unit” means the unit on which Avaya,at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be,without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail accountin the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster orhelpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilizedby the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software.Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server.

CPU License (CP). End User may install and use each copy of theSoftware on a number of Servers up to the number indicated by Avayaprovided that the performance capacity of the Server(s) does notexceed the performance capacity specified for the Software. End Usermay not re-install or operate the Software on Server(s) with a largerperformance capacity without Avaya's prior consent and payment of anupgrade fee

Shrinkwrap License (SR). With respect to Software that containselements provided by third party suppliers, End User may install anduse the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of theapplicable license agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickwrap”license accompanying or applicable to the Software (“ShrinkwrapLicense”). The text of the Shrinkwrap License will be available fromAvaya upon End User’s request (see “Third-party Components” formore information).


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2 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

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Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 3

4 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010


Chapter 1: Getting Started........................................................................................................7What you need..................................................................................................................................................7Mailbox access using a phone..........................................................................................................................7

Accessing mailbox from your desk phone................................................................................................7Accessing mailbox from any phone..........................................................................................................8

Initializing your mailbox.....................................................................................................................................8Accessing User Preferences.............................................................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Messaging from your phone................................................................................11The Messaging telephone menu.....................................................................................................................11

Power keys.............................................................................................................................................11Message review......................................................................................................................................12Send a message.....................................................................................................................................13Delivery options......................................................................................................................................14User Preferences....................................................................................................................................14Summary................................................................................................................................................16

Managing fax messages.................................................................................................................................16

Chapter 3: Messaging in Microsoft Outlook.........................................................................19How to access your voice messages..............................................................................................................19

Configuring Outlook 2010.......................................................................................................................19Configuring Outlook 2007.......................................................................................................................21Configuring Outlook 2003.......................................................................................................................22

The Messaging toolbar in Outlook..................................................................................................................24Playing a voice message........................................................................................................................24Using Play on PC...................................................................................................................................25Using Play on Phone..............................................................................................................................25Using Voice Reply..................................................................................................................................26Using Voice Forward..............................................................................................................................27Using Call Sender...................................................................................................................................28Viewing call progress..............................................................................................................................28Using Play on Phone for the first time....................................................................................................29

Voice messages in Outlook.............................................................................................................................29MWI and message status.......................................................................................................................29Private messages...................................................................................................................................30Moved messages...................................................................................................................................30

Chapter 4: Customizing Messaging.......................................................................................31Logging in to User Preferences.......................................................................................................................31General preferences.......................................................................................................................................31

Voice messaging access number...........................................................................................................32Account information................................................................................................................................32Defining your time zone and language...................................................................................................32Mobile phone or pager settings..............................................................................................................33Play on Phone preferences....................................................................................................................33Attendant forward settings......................................................................................................................33

Reach Me preferences....................................................................................................................................34Configuring Reach Me............................................................................................................................34Your caller categories.............................................................................................................................35

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 5

Setting call handling for incoming calls...................................................................................................35Notify Me preferences.....................................................................................................................................39

Configuring notifications.........................................................................................................................39Configuring email copies........................................................................................................................40

My Phone preferences....................................................................................................................................40Message playback order options............................................................................................................41Changing message playback speed.......................................................................................................41Setting date and time announcement.....................................................................................................41Setting addressing preferences..............................................................................................................42

Personal lists...................................................................................................................................................42Creating a personal list...........................................................................................................................43Editing a personal list.............................................................................................................................43Deleting a personal list...........................................................................................................................45

Changing your password................................................................................................................................45From a phone.........................................................................................................................................45From User Preferences..........................................................................................................................46

Advanced tasks...............................................................................................................................................46


6 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Chapter 1: Getting Started

What you needYour administrator should provide you with the following Messaging information:

• Messaging access number

• Your mailbox number and temporary password

• URL to access your User Preferences Web pages

• Messaging server

Mailbox access using a phoneYour voice messages can be accessed from:

• Your office, using your desk phone

• Anywhere, using any phone

Related topics:Accessing mailbox from your desk phone on page 7Accessing mailbox from any phone on page 8Initializing your mailbox on page 8

Accessing mailbox from your desk phoneFrom your office, using your desk phone, you can access your mailbox by:

• Using the Voicemail or Messages button on your desk phone.• Dialing the Messaging access number (internal) from your desk phone.• Dialing your own extension from your desk phone.

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 7

1. The system will say your name and ask you for your Messaging password.

2. Enter your Messaging password, and then press the pound key (#).

Accessing mailbox from any phoneFrom anywhere, you can access your mailbox by:

• Dialing the Messaging access number (external) from any phone.• Depending on your system's configuration, the automatic attendant at your organization's

main number may also allow access to the messaging system.

To access your mailbox:

1. Dial one of the numbers mentioned above.

2. When you reach the number, press the pound key (#).

3. Enter your mailbox number, and then press the pound key (#).

4. The system will say your name and ask you for your Messaging password.

5. Enter your Messaging password, and then press the pound key (#).

Initializing your mailboxTo begin using voice messaging, you must initialize your mailbox by completing the followingsteps:

• Change your temporary messaging password.• Record your name.

Your recorded name is used in the system greeting, if you do not record a greeting. Yourrecorded name is also used to identify you to other Messaging users when they sendyou a voice message. If your organization uses the Messaging system's automaticattendant, your recorded name will be played before the attendant transfers callers toyour extension.

• Record your personal greeting.

Getting Started

8 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Your personal greeting is played to callers when your phone is busy or you do not answer acall.

To initialize your mailbox:

1. Call the Messaging system.

2. Enter your temporary voice messaging password, and then press the pound key (#).If you have already changed your temporary voice messaging password on thePassword page in User Preferences, then enter your regular voice messagingpassword.

3. Follow the prompts to change your password (if required).

4. Follow the prompts to record your name.

5. Follow the prompts to record your personal greeting.When you finish, your mailbox is initialized.

Note:If you do not complete the initialization, your mailbox will still be operational. Thenext time you access your mailbox, you will be asked to complete the initialization.

Related topics:Mailbox access using a phone on page 7From User Preferences on page 46

Accessing User PreferencesYou can configure options for various Messaging features in the User Preferences Web pages.

To go to User Preferences Web pages, use a web browser and on the address bar type thefollowing web address: http://avayamsg/user.

Note:This web address for User Preferences may be different in your organization.

If you are accessing your voice messages using Outlook, you can also go to User Preferencesby clicking the User Preferences button on the Outlook toolbar.

Related topics:Logging in to User Preferences on page 31

Accessing User Preferences

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Getting Started

10 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Chapter 2: Messaging from your phone

The Messaging telephone menuAfter logging into your mailbox, by entering your password and pressing the pound key (#),the following main menu options are available:

Actions Key PressesMessage Review 1Send a Message 2User Preferences 4Restart 5Exit *

Related topics:Power keys on page 11Message review on page 12Send a message on page 13Delivery options on page 14User Preferences on page 14Summary on page 16

Power keysThe following Power keys are available at any time while using the phone:

Actions Key PressesSkip/Enter #Help 0Cancel *

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Message reviewAfter logging in to your mailbox and press 1 for Message review. You begin to hear your unreadmessages, followed by your read messages and finally, your saved messages.

To go directly to your Read or Saved messages from the main menu, use the following:

Action Key PressUnread Messages 1, 1Read Messages 1, 2Saved Messages 1, 3

While listening to a message, you can use:

• Playback control keys• End-of-message options

Related topics:Playback control keys on page 12End-of-message options on page 13

Playback control keys

While listening to messages you can control the playback by using the following keys:

Action Key PressRewind 1Rewind to start 1, 1Pause / Resume 2Forward 3Forward to end 3, 3Message details 5Playback speed - Slower 4Playback speed - Slowest 4, 4Playback speed - Faster 6Playback speed - Fastest 6, 6Delete 7

Messaging from your phone

12 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

End-of-message options

At the end of a message, the following actions are available:

Action Key PressReplay 4Message details 5Forward (with introduction) 6Forward (without introduction) 6, 1Forward (remove introductions) 6, 6Delete 7Send a reply 8Call sender 8, 8Save 9

Send a messageAfter logging in to your mailbox and pressing 2 to Send Messages, record your message. Thenselect one of the following actions to address your message:

• Say the name of a recipient or distribution list• Enter a mailbox number or a personal list number• To spell the name of a recipient or distribution list, press #

After addressing your message, select one of the following:

Action Key PressDelivery Options 0Add more recipients 6Send #

The Messaging telephone menu

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Delivery optionsYou can opt to send a message with one or more of the following delivery options:

Action Key PressPrivate 1Important 2Future delivery 4

Once you have selected a delivery option, you can remove the option by pressing the same key.

You can also add other delivery options, or press 6 to add more recipients.

To send the message, press the pound (#) key.

User PreferencesAfter logging in to your mailbox and pressing 4 for User Preferences, the following options areavailable:

Action Key PressTo enable or disable Features 1Administrative Options 2Greetings 3

You can also access your user preferences using the User Preferences Web pages.

Related topics:Features on page 14Administrative options on page 15Greetings on page 15


You can enable or disable the following features:

Messaging from your phone

14 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Table 1: Notify Me

Action Key PressTo enable 1, 1To disable 1, 2

Table 2: Reach Me

Action Key PressTo enable 2, 1To disable 2, 2

Administrative options

The following Administrative options are available:

Action Key PressTo change your Password 1To change Date and time playback on/off 4


You can record the following greetings:

Action Key PressPersonal Greeting 1Extended absence greeting 2Name recording 3

Related topics:Personal greeting on page 15

Personal greetingYou can record the following personal greetings:

Action Key PressStandard system greeting 1

The Messaging telephone menu

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 15

Action Key PressAway from phone 2, 1Busy greeting 2, 2

SummaryAfter logging into your mailbox, the following are available from the main menu:

Action Key PressListen to all messages 1Listen to Read messages 1, 2Listen to Saved messages 1, 3Send a Message 2Enable or re-enable Notify Me 4, 1, 1Enable or re-enable Reach Me 4, 1, 2Change Password 4, 2, 1Enable or disable Date and Time playback 4, 2, 4Record Personal Greeting 4, 3, 1, 1Record Busy Greeting 4, 3, 1, 2Record Extended absence greeting 4, 3, 2Record Name 4, 3, 3

Managing fax messagesIf your company has integrated a fax server with Messaging, faxes can be redirected forprocessing. If you have a fax server account, the fax is then routed to your Outlook inbox.

Since fax calls arrive at your desk like any other call to your direct line, you need to transferthe fax call to your Messaging voicemail to get the fax in your e-mail. How to transfer a fax calldepends on whether you answer your phone or not.

Messaging from your phone

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For incoming fax calls:

• When you answer the call, upon hearing the fax tones, transfer the call to your extension;the fax is redirected to voicemail.

• If you do not answer the call or you are not there, the call is automatically forwarded tovoicemail.

Once transferred to voicemail, the fax is redirected to the fax server, which then delivers thefax to your Outlook Inbox. The actual fax handling options within Outlook depends on yourcompany’s fax server features.

Note:When calling the Messaging system, fax messages are not available through the telephoneuser interface.

Managing fax messages

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Messaging from your phone

18 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Chapter 3: Messaging in Microsoft Outlook

How to access your voice messagesYou must set up an IMAP/SMTP e-mail account in the Outlook to begin using voice messagesYou can use the following methods to configure Outlook as an IMAP client:

• Configuring Microsoft Office Outlook 2010• Configuring Microsoft Office Outlook 2007• Configuring Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Related topics:Configuring Outlook 2010 on page 19Configuring Outlook 2007 on page 21Configuring Outlook 2003 on page 22

Configuring Outlook 2010To configure Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, perform the following steps:

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the Files menu, click Info and then click Add Account.The System displays the Auto Account Setup dialog box.

3. Select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types checkbox, and then click Next.The System displays the Choose Service dialog box.

4. Select the Internet E-Mail check box, and then click Next.The System displays the Internet E-mail Settings dialog box.

5. In the Your Name box, type your name, for example Michael J. Smith.

6. In the E-mail Address box, type the e-mail address that you use for your Exchangee-mail.

7. In the Server Information section, select IMAP for Account Types.

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 19

8. In the Incoming mail server box, type the name of your Messaging server providedby your administrator.This is the same server name or IP address, used in the URL for the UserPreferences Web pages.If the URL for your User Preferences is:, then is the Messaging server.

9. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your Messaging serverprovided by your administrator. This is the same server as mentioned in the previousstep.

Note:In most cases, Avaya recommends not to use this account to send e-mailmessages since the originating account will be this SMTP/IMAP account ratherthan your default Exchange account.

10. In the User Name box, type your Messaging mailbox number. For example,4085557096.

11. In the Password box, type your Messaging password.

12. Click More Settings….

a. On the General tab, replace the default name for the mail account with AvayaAura Messaging or a similar designation to indicate that this is your voicemessages mailbox.

b. On the General tab, under Purge Options, select the Purge items whenswitching folders while online check box.

Note:By default Outlook does not purge deleted messages automatically. This canlead users to unexpectedly run out of space in their mailboxes. You canconfigure Microsoft Outlook so that when you switch between folders, anyitems you have marked for deletion are purged from the IMAP server. Toenable this feature, you must work online and connected to the server.

c. Click OK.

13. Click Next when you finish entering this configuration information, and then clickFinish.

14. (Optional), You can also add your voice messages mailbox as a favorite folder:

a. In Outlook, click the mail folder.

b. To expand the folder, click the plus sign (+).

c. Select Inbox.

d. Right-click Inbox, and then select Add to Favorite Folders.

Messaging in Microsoft Outlook

20 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Configuring Outlook 2007To configure Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, perform the following steps:

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings....

3. On the E-mail tab, click New.The System displays the Choose E-mail Service dialog box.

4. Select the Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP check box, and then clickNext.The System displays the Auto Account Setup dialog box.

5. Select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types checkbox, and then click Next.The System displays the Choose E-mail Service dialog box.

6. Select the Internet E-mail check box, and then click Next.The System displays the Internet E-mail Settings dialog box.

7. In the Your Name box, type your name, for example Michael J. Smith.

8. In the E-mail Address box, type the e-mail address that you use for your Exchangee-mail.

9. In the Server Information section, select IMAP for Account Types.

10. In the Incoming mail server box, type the name of your Messaging server providedby your administrator.This is the same server name or IP address, used in the URL for the UserPreferences Web pages.If the URL for your User Preferences is:, then is the Messaging server.

11. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your Messaging serverprovided by your administrator. This is the same server as mentioned in the previousstep.

Note:In most cases, Avaya recommends not to use this account to send e-mailmessages since the originating account will be this SMTP/IMAP account ratherthan your default Exchange account.

12. In the User Name box, type your Messaging mailbox number. For example,4085557096.

13. In the Password box, type your Messaging password.

How to access your voice messages

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 21

14. Click More Settings….

a. On the General tab, replace the default name for the mail account with AvayaAura Messaging or a similar designation to indicate that this is your voicemessages mailbox.

b. On the General tab, under Purge Options, select the Purge items whenswitching folders while online check box.

Note:By default Outlook does not purge deleted messages automatically. This canlead users to unexpectedly run out of space in their mailboxes. You canconfigure Microsoft Outlook so that when you switch between folders, anyitems you have marked for deletion are purged from the IMAP server. Toenable this feature, you must work online and connected to the server.

c. Click OK.

15. Click Next when you finish entering this configuration information, and then clickFinish.

16. (Optional), You can also add your voice messages mailbox as a favorite folder:

a. In Outlook, click the mail folder.

b. To expand the folder, click the plus sign (+).

c. Select Inbox.

d. Right-click Inbox, and then select Add to Favorite Folders.

Configuring Outlook 2003To configure Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and earlier versions of Outlook, perform thefollowing steps:

1. Start Outlook.

2. On the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts....The System displays the E-mail Accounts dialog box.

3. Select the Add a new e-mail account check box under E-mail, and then click Next.The System displays the Server Type dialog box.

4. Select IMAP as the type of account that you are creating, and then click Next.The System displays the Internet E-mail Settings (IMAP) dialog box.

5. In the Your Name box, type your name, for example Michael J. Smith.

Messaging in Microsoft Outlook

22 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

6. In the E-mail Address box, type the e-mail address that you use for your Exchangee-mail.

7. In the User Name box, type your Messaging mailbox number. For example,4085557096.

8. In the Password box, type your Messaging mailbox password.

9. In the Incoming mail server (IMAP) box, type the name of your Messaging serverprovided by your administrator.This is the same server name or IP address, used in the URL for the UserPreferences Web pages.If the URL for your User Preferences is:, then is the Messaging server.

10. In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, type the name of your Messaging serverprovided by your administrator. This is the same server as mentioned in the previousstep.

Note:In most cases, Avaya recommends not to use this account to send e-mailmessages since the originating account will be this SMTP/IMAP account ratherthan your default Exchange account.

11. Click More Settings….

a. On the General tab, replace the default name for the mail account with AvayaAura Messaging or a similar designation to indicate that this is your voicemessages mailbox.

b. On the General tab, under Purge Options, select the Purge items whenswitching folders while online check box.

Note:By default Outlook does not purge deleted messages automatically. This canlead users to unexpectedly run out of space in their mailboxes. You canconfigure Microsoft Outlook so that when you switch between folders, anyitems you have marked for deletion are purged from the IMAP server. Toenable this feature, you must work online and connected to the server.

c. Click OK.

12. Click Next when you finish entering this configuration information, and then clickFinish.

13. (Optional), You can also add your voice messages mailbox as a favorite folder:

a. In Outlook, click the mail folder.

b. To expand the folder, click the plus sign (+).

c. Select Inbox.

How to access your voice messages

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 23

d. Right-click Inbox, and then select Add to Favorite Folders.

The Messaging toolbar in OutlookThe Messaging toolbar has the following features:

• Play on PC• Play on Phone• Voice Reply - to reply to the message with another voice message• Voice Forward - to forward the message as a voice message with an introduction• Call Sender• User Preferences• Help - to access online help

Note:The Messaging toolbar is only available for voice messages shown in your “Avaya AuraMessaging” IMAP Inbox in Outlook. If you set up your User Preferences to receive a “NotifyMe” e-mail copy of each voice message, the copies will appear in your main Outlook Inbox.These copies will not show the Messaging toolbar.

Related topics:Playing a voice message on page 24Using Play on PC on page 25Using Play on Phone on page 25Using Voice Reply on page 26Using Voice Forward on page 27Using Call Sender on page 28Viewing call progress on page 28Using Play on Phone for the first time on page 29

Playing a voice messageTo play a voice message in Outlook:

• on your PC, use the Play on PC feature

• on your phone, use the Play on Phone feature.

Messaging in Microsoft Outlook

24 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Using Play on PCPrerequisitesWindows Media Player 9 or above is installed on your system. To update or install the latestversion of Windows Media Player, see

1. In an open voice message, click Play on PC on the Messaging toolbar.

2. Using speakers or a computer headset, play the voice message on your system.Adjust volume as required.

3. You can use the adjacent controls during message playback, such as Pause/Resume, Stop, Rewind, and Forward.The Rewind and Forward controls either rewind or forward 10 seconds within amessage.

Using Play on PhoneTo listen to a voice message using Play On Phone:

1. In an open voice message, click Play on Phone button on the Messaging toolbar.

Note:To listen to a voice message from your inbox or other sections of the Outlook mailfolder, right-click the voice message. Select Play on Phone from the list.

2. A Play on Phone window is displayed (unless specified otherwise, see step 3).Select the phone you want to use to play the message.The available phone numbers options are:

• Numbers listed in your organization’s internal directory (Extension or Mobile)

• Number defined by you in the Mobile Phone or Pager section of your UserPreferences (Other mobile).

• A manually entered number (Other).

Note:This number must be re-entered each time unless you choose to follow Step3.

The Messaging toolbar in Outlook

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3. (Optional), select Always use this phone number check box to use the selectedphone number each time you use this feature.

Note:If you select Always use this phone number check box, the Play on Phonewindow for selecting a phone will not be displayed the next time you use Play onPhone. To undo this, go to the General Web page in your User Preferences, and,in the Play on Phone section, select Ask me every time which phone to use.

4. Click Call.The selected phone is called, and a Call Progress window is displayed.

5. Answer the phone, and at the prompt, enter your voice messaging password.The voice message is played.

Using Voice ReplyTo use Voice Reply:

1. In an open voice message, on the Messaging toolbar, click Voice Reply or, in yourMessaging Inbox, right-click the voice message select Voice Reply from the list.

Note:The Voice Reply feature is only available for voice messages from callers in yourorganization’s voicemail system.

2. A Voice Reply window is displayed (unless specified otherwise, see Step-3). Selectthe phone you want to use to record the reply. The phone numbers that you canuse are those that are:

• Listed for you in your organization’s internal directory, as Extension or Mobile.

• Defined by you in the Mobile Phone or Pager section of your User Preferences(listed here, as Other mobile).

• A manually entered number (Other). This number must be re-entered eachtime unless you choose to follow Step-3.

3. (Optional), Select Always use this phone number check box to use the selectedphone number each time you use this feature.

Note:If you select Always use this phone number check box, the Play on Phonewindow for selecting a phone will not be displayed the next time you use Play onPhone. To undo this, go to the General Web page in your User Preferences, and,in the Play on Phone section, select Ask me every time which phone to use.

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4. Click Call.

5. The selected phone is called and, a Call Progress window is displayed.Answer the phone, and at the prompt, enter your voice messaging password.

Using Voice ForwardYou can forward a voice message to someone with a voice introduction by recording a VoiceForward.

To use Voice Forward, perform the following steps:

1. In an open voice message, on the Messaging toolbar, click Voice Forward or, inyour Messaging Inbox, right-click the voice message and select Voice Forwardfrom the list.

Note:The Voice Forward feature is only available for voice forwards to callers in yourorganization’s voicemail system.

2. A Voice Forward window is displayed (unless specified otherwise, see optionalstep-3). Select the phone you want to use to forward the voice message. The phonenumbers that you can use are:

• Listed for you in your company’s internal directory, as Extension or Mobile.

• Defined by you in the Mobile Phone or Pager section of your User Preferences(listed here, as Other mobile.)

• A manually entered number (Other). This number must be re-entered eachtime unless you choose to follow optional step-3.

3. (Optional), select Always use this phone number check box to use the selectedphone number each time you use this feature.

Note:If you select Always use this phone number check box, the Play on Phonewindow for selecting a phone will not be displayed the next time you use Play onPhone. To undo this, go to the General Web page in your User Preferences, and,in the Play on Phone section, select Ask me every time which phone to use.

4. Click Call.

5. The designated phone is called and a Call Progress window is displayed.Answer the phone, and at the prompt, enter your voice messaging password.

The Messaging toolbar in Outlook

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 27

Using Call SenderYou can call the person who left you the voice message by using Call Sender.

To use Call Sender, perform the following steps:

1. In an open voice message, on the Messaging toolbar, click Call Sender or, in yourMessaging Inbox, right-click the voice message and select Call Sender from the list.

2. A Voice Reply window is displayed (unless specified otherwise, see optionalstep-3.). Select the phone you want to use to call the sender. The phone numbersthat you can use are:

• Listed for you in your organization’s internal directory, as Extension or Mobile.

• Defined by you in the Mobile Phone or Pager section of your User Preferences(listed here, as Other mobile.)

• A manually entered number (Other). This number must be re-entered eachtime unless you choose to follow optional step-3

3. (Optional), select Always use this phone number check box to use the selectedphone number each time you use this feature.

Note:If you select Always use this phone number check box, the Play on Phonewindow for selecting a phone will not be displayed the next time you use Play onPhone. To undo this, go to the General Web page in your User Preferences, and,in the Play on Phone section, select Ask me every time which phone to use.

4. Click Call.

5. The designated phone is called and a Call Progress window is displayed.Answer the phone, and at the prompt, enter your voice messaging password.

Note:To cancel the Call Sender action and return to the voice message menu, press** on the telephone keypad.

Viewing call progressCall progress is reported when you use Play on Phone, Voice Reply, Voice Forward, or CallSender.

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28 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

The Call progress window automatically closes after 10 seconds.

If the call fails, the reason for the failure is displayed. The possible reasons for a call failure are:

• No outgoing line is available.

• Called number is busy or does not answer.

• Dial out privileges are not sufficient.

• Specified number is not a valid number.

Using Play on Phone for the first timeIn some cases, when you use Play on Phone for the first time, the Messaging system needsto learn your mailbox number so that it can associate your Outlook IMAP folder with yourMessaging mailbox. (You only have to do this once.)

Use this procedure If you are prompted to enter your mailbox number.

1. In the Mailbox number field, type your mailbox number.

2. In the Messaging password field, type your Messaging password.

3. Click Save.

Note:If you ever need to clear this association, then you can do this in the Advancedpage of the User Preferences. For more information, see Advanced tasks onpage 46.

Voice messages in Outlook

MWI and message statusVoice messages appear as unread until accessed over the phone or marked as read byOutlook. The message waiting light on your desk phone is lit as long as one or more voicemessages in your Messaging Inbox are marked as Unread. It is turned off when all voicemessages in your Inbox are marked as Read.

Voice messages in Outlook

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 29

Private messagesAny Messaging user has the option of marking their voice messages Private.

Note:You can access voice messages marked Private only from the phone. You cannot forwarda Private voice message.

When you receive a Private voice message in your Outlook Inbox:

• The voice message is marked Private in Outlook and in the body text of the voicemessage.

• The body text and subject line of a Private voice message cannot be edited.

• The voice message attachment is not available and therefore, is not included in anyforwarded e-mail.

• Play on PC is disabled.

• Voice Forward is disabled.

• Use Play on Phone to listen to a Private voice message from the phone.

Moved messagesVoice messages can be moved from your inbox to other folders like any other e-mail. Once amessage is moved, it is no longer available over the phone.

Messaging in Microsoft Outlook

30 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Chapter 4: Customizing Messaging

Logging in to User PreferencesOn the User Preferences login page:

1. In the Mailbox number field, type your mailbox number .

2. In the Messaging password field, type your Messaging password.

3. Click Log In.

Related topics:Accessing User Preferences on page 9

General preferencesThe following user preference features are found on the General Web page:

• Voice messaging access number

• Account information

• Time zone and language

• Mobile phone or pager preferences

• Play on phone preferences

• Attendant forwarding preferences

Related topics:Voice messaging access number on page 32Account information on page 32Defining your time zone and language on page 32Mobile phone or pager settings on page 33Play on Phone preferences on page 33

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 31

Attendant forward settings on page 33

Voice messaging access numberThe voice messaging access numbers are displayed for your reference. To access thetelephone user interface, dial either the Internal number or the External number.

The Internal number is the Messaging access number that can be dialed from your desk phone.

The External number is either your company’s access number or the main number that canbe dialed from any phone to reach voice messaging.

Account informationAccount information displays the following fields:

Mailbox: Displays your assigned voice messaging mailbox number.

Extension: Displays your assigned phone extension.

Additional Extensions: Displays any additional phone extensions that may be assigned to you.If the Additional Extensions field is not displayed, then no additional extensions are available.

Defining your time zone and language

1. Select a time zone for the location where you typically access your voice messages.This setting affects:

• The date and time announcement that is played when you listen to a voicemessage using the telephone user interface.

• The Reach Me schedule.

• The Notify Me schedule, if you use “outcalling” (i.e., in Notify Me, the “With aphone call” option is selected) and your administrator has defined an outcallingschedule in your Class of Service.

2. Select the preferred language you want to use in the voice messaging system.If this is grayed out, then only the default language is available. This setting affects:

• The language of the voice prompts you hear when accessing your Messagingmailbox through the telephone user interface.

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32 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

• The language used for your User Preferences Web pages.

Mobile phone or pager settingsThe Mobile Phone or Pager is used for several features such as:

• Notify Me feature (if the Notify Me feature is enabled for you.)

• Reach Me forwarding number.

• Other mobile phone when using Play on Phone, Voice Reply, Voice Forward and CallSender in Outlook.

The available options for Mobile Phone or Pager are:

• Mobile phone in internal directory, which uses your mobile phone number stored in theinternal directory.

• Other mobile phone or pager, which uses numbers other than the numbers present in theinternal directory. This other number is manually entered in the mobile phone or pager.

Play on Phone preferencesWhen using Play on Phone, Voice Reply, Voice Forward, and Call Sender. On the Messagingtoolbar in Outlook, by default, a window is displayed that prompts you what phone to use forthese features.

The options available on the prompt are:

• Use this phone – If the same phone selected is always used for Play on Phone, VoiceReply, Voice Forward, and Call Sender, the window stops prompting you to choose aphone. If you choose another phone, you must enter the new phone number (any phonenumber formatting is acceptable).

• Ask me which phone to use – Restores the default setting where the system prompts youto select a phone every time you use Play on Phone, Voice Reply, Voice Forward, andCall Sender.

Attendant forward settingsAttendant forwarding settings define where calls are forwarded when a caller presses 0 whilelistening to your voice message greeting.

General preferences

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 33

The options available for Attendant forwarding are:

• Default attendant (operator) – Calls are routed to the system attendant (operator).

• Personal attendant/administrative assistant – Calls are routed to another phone number.You must enter the phone number, which can be internal (typically a phone extension) orexternal (any phone number formatting is acceptable).

Reach Me preferencesThe Reach Me feature manages how your incoming calls are forwarded based on the following:

• Caller priority - A priority status over other callers is given to the callers in the internaldirectory.

• Call screening - You can screen the call before deciding to answer by asking the callersto record their name.

• Forwarding numbers - In any instance of an incoming call, you can forward calls up tothree Reach Me numbers.

• Schedule - You can forward calls during certain hours and on certain days defined by you.

Note:Reach Me feature is only offered to the users when there is no answer to the phone and notwhen the phone is busy.

Related topics:Configuring Reach Me on page 34Your caller categories on page 35Setting call handling for incoming calls on page 35

Configuring Reach MeReach Me settings are found on the Reach Me Web page in your User Preferences.

To configure Reach Me, define the following settings in the order presented:

1. Categorize Your Callers

2. Define Incoming Call Handling

3. Define Your Reach Me Numbers

Customizing Messaging

34 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

4. Define a Reach Me Schedule

5. Test Your Reach Me Preferences

Your caller categoriesYou can let the Reach Me feature handle all calls the same, or define different call handlingfor priority callers and other callers. Priority callers are all the voice messaging users in theinternal directory of the Messaging system.

Setting call handling for incoming callsCall Handling settings is where:

• Reach Me is enabled, allowing you to forward your incoming calls.

• Call Screening is enabled, requesting that callers record their name so that you can decideto accept or reject a forwarded call.

Related topics:Configuring incoming call handling when treating all callers the same on page 35Configuring incoming call handling with priority callers on page 36Call screening on page 36Defining your Reach Me numbers on page 36Defining a Reach Me schedule on page 37Testing your Reach Me configuration on page 37Reach Me settings on page 38

Configuring incoming call handling when treating all callers the same

Options for Call Handling differ depending on how you chose to categorize your users. If youselect to treat all callers the same:

1. To enable Reach Me, select Use Reach Me: Forward their calls to the Reach Menumbers below.

2. When Reach Me is enabled, you can use call screening.

Reach Me preferences

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 35

To enable Call Screening, select the Before forwarding, ask callers to recordtheir name so I can screen the call check box.

3. If you do not want Reach Me enabled, select Do not use Reach Me: ring myextension then go to voice messaging.

Configuring incoming call handling with priority callers

Options for Call Handling differ depending on how you chose to categorize your users. If youselect to distinguish between priority callers and other callers you must define call handling forboth categories.

1. To enable Reach Me for either priority callers, other callers or both, select UseReach Me: Forward their calls to the Reach Me numbers below.

2. When Reach Me is enabled, you can use call screening.To enable Call Screening for either priority callers, other callers or both, selectBefore forwarding, ask callers to record their name so I can screen the callcheck box.

3. If you do not want Reach Me enabled, select Ring my extension then go to voicemessaging.

Call screening

Call Screening is part of the Reach Me feature and is enabled under the Call Handling sectionfound on the Reach Me Web page in your User Preferences. When Call Screening is enabled:

• callers are prompted to record their name before a call is forwarded.

• the recorded name is played when you receive the forwarded call, and you can accept orreject the call.

If rejected, the caller is told that you are unavailable and is routed to your Messaging mailbox.

Defining your Reach Me numbers

PrerequisitesThese settings are applicable only when Reach Me is enabled.

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36 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

With Reach Me enabled, incoming calls can be forwarded to up to three numbers. TheMessaging system tries to reach you using all your Reach Me numbers before forwarding acall to your Messaging mailbox.

To define Reach Me numbers:

1. From the drop-down boxes, select the forwarding numbers.

2. For each Reach Me Number, specify a ring threshold.For most phones, 3 rings is a good choice.

Defining a Reach Me schedule

PrerequisitesThese settings are applicable only when Reach Me is enabled.

When Reach Me is enabled, you can set up a Reach Me schedule if you only want callsforwarded during a certain time period. By default, Reach Me forwards calls at all times.

To set up a Reach Me schedule:

1. Select Forward calls only between.

2. Select a start and stop time.

3. Select the number of days that you would like the schedule to be in effect.

ResultCalls received outside of the schedule are not forwarded. A call rings your extension and ifbusy or not answered, the call is routed to your mailbox.

Testing your Reach Me configuration

After you configure your Reach Me settings, call your extension from a separate phone toexperience exactly what your callers experience. This is important for testing defined ringthresholds and forwarding settings.

You have successfully configured your Reach Me settings if your test call is forwarded to allspecified phone numbers, one by one and then finally, to your Messaging mailbox.

Reach Me preferences

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 37

Reach Me settings

Once Reach Me is configured using User Preferences Web pages, it can be disabled or re-enabled using the phone. The following settings are available with the Reach Me feature:

• Disabling Reach Me• Enabling Reach Me

Related topics:Disabling Reach Me on page 38Enabling Reach Me on page 38

Disabling Reach MeTo disable Reach Me by phone, perform the following steps:

Press 4, 1, 2, 2. When disabling by phone, call handling assumes the followingsettings:

• Treat all callers the same is selected.

• Do not use Reach Me: ring my extension then go to voice messaging isselected.

Enabling Reach MeTo re-enable by phone, perform the following steps:

Press 4, 1, 2, 1. When re-enabling by phone, call handling assumes the followingsettings:

• Distinguish between priority callers and other callers is selected (with prioritycallers My Outlook Contacts and Internal Directory selected).

• For priority callers, call screening is not selected. For other callers, call screeningis selected.

• Forwarding numbers and scheduling is set to the values defined for them beforeReach Me was disabled. These settings are defined in your Reach Me settingsusing the User Preferences Web pages.

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38 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Notify Me preferencesNotify Me settings are located on the Notify Me Web page in your User Preferences.

The Notify Me feature sends you a notification when you receive a new voice message. Youreceive the notification by:

• Text message to your mobile phone

• Phone call to your mobile phone

• Page notification to your pager

• Email notification to your email address

Note:If you do not have a Notify Me Web page, it implies that the notification features have beendisabled at the system administration level. Similarly, if one of the described notificationoptions is not available, it has been disabled by the administrator.

Related topics:Configuring notifications on page 39Configuring email copies on page 40

Configuring notificationsTo configure notifications:

1. On the Notify Me Web page of your User Preferences, under Notifications, selectthe Notify me when a new voice message arrives check box, then select one ofthe following:

• With a text message or page to: <Your mobile or pager number is displayed>

• With a phone call to: <Your mobile number is displayed>

By default, the mobile phone number is the number in your company's internaldirectory. To designate a different mobile number or a pager number, selectand enter the number in the Other mobile phone of pager field found underthe General Web page.

2. If you chose to receive text message or pager notifications, select your providerfrom the Mobile provider drop-down list.

Notify Me preferences

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 39

If your provider is not shown, contact your administrator.

3. Select the Only for important messages check box if you only want to receivenotifications when a caller marks a voice message as High Importance.

Configuring email copiesTo configure email copies:

1. On the Notify Me Web page of your User Preferences, under Email Copies, selectthe Email me a copy of each voice message check box.

2. In the To email address: text box, enter your email address to which you wouldlike the email copies to be sent.

3. Select the Include the recording check box if you want to include the recording ofthe voice message.

My Phone preferencesUser preferences on the My Phone Web page allows you to customize your preferences whenusing the telephone user interface.

The following user preference features are found on the My Phone Web page:

• Message Playback Order

• Message Playback Speed

• Date and Time Announcement

• Voice Recognition for Addressing Preferences

Related topics:Message playback order options on page 41Changing message playback speed on page 41Setting date and time announcement on page 41Setting addressing preferences on page 42

Customizing Messaging

40 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Message playback order optionsWhen reviewing messages using the phone, you can change the order in which you hearmessages. By default, messages are played starting with the newest message. You can setthe Message playback order independently for unread, read, and saved messages.

For unread messages, read messages and saved messages:

• Play newest first is selected to hear messages starting with the newest message first.

• Play oldest first is selected to hear messages starting with the oldest message first.

• Play important messages before others is selected to hear urgent messages first.

Changing message playback speedWhen reviewing messages using the phone, by default, they are initially played at normalspeed, or 100%. Telephone keypad options are available to speed up or slow down themessage during review. By setting the Message Playback Speed, you can choose a slower orfaster default speed at which all messages are initially played. After setting a slower or fasterdefault playback speed, the telephone keypad options are still available to further speed up orslow down an individual message during review.

1. To hear messages at a slower than normal speed, choose one of the following (inorder of slowest to fastest):

• 70%

• 85%

• 90%

2. To hear messages at a faster than normal speed, choose one of the following (inorder of slowest to fastest):

• 125%

• 175%

3. To return to normal speed, select 100%.

Setting date and time announcement

My Phone preferences

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 41

Select Announce date and time for each message to hear the date and time that amessage was received before reviewing it from the telephone user interface.

Setting addressing preferencesTo identify the recipient of voice message, select one of the following:

• Voice recognition - Select contacts or distribution lists by speaking their full name (aslisted in the internal directory or as defined by you for your personal lists).

• Telephone keypad - Select contacts or distribution list by using the keypad to spell theirname or enter their mailbox number.

To set your addressing preferences, select one of the following:

Using voice or keypad- Allows you to use both voice recognition and the telephonekeypad to select voice message recipients.

Using keypad only - Allows you to use only the telephone keypad to select voicemessage recipients.

Personal listsWhen you want to send a voice message to many voice messaging recipients, you can createone or more personal distribution lists in the Personal Lists page of your User PreferencesWeb page.

Related topics:Creating a personal list on page 43Editing a personal list on page 43Deleting a personal list on page 45

Customizing Messaging

42 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Creating a personal list

1. In the User Preferences Web page, click Personal Lists.

2. In the Personal Lists Web page, click Add New List.

3. In the List name text box, specify a name for your personal list. You can specify aname by either spelling a name or saying the name of the message recipient.

4. From the List number drop-down list, select a list number. The list number rangesfrom 11 to 99.

5. In the New member (mail box) text box, enter the mailbox number of the memberthat you want to add to your personal list, and then click Add.The system displays the First Name, Last Name, and Mailbox of the newly addedmember.

6. Continue adding members until you have all the names you would like to include inyour personal list. The maximum number of members that you can add in a personallist is 100.

7. Click Save.The maximum number of personal list that you can create is 89.

Editing a personal list

1. From the Personal list: drop-down list, select the personal list that you want to edit.

2. Click Edit.

3. You can perform the following actions:

• Edit the list name

• Change the list number

• Delete existing members

• Add new members

Related topics:Editing the list name on page 44

Personal lists

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 43

Changing the list number on page 44Deleting existing members on page 44Adding new members on page 45

Editing the list name

1. In the List name: text box, type the new name of the list.

2. Click Save.

Changing the list number

1. From the List number: drop-down list, select an available new list number for yourpersonal list.

2. Click Save.

Deleting existing members

1. In the Members: list, identify the member you want to delete, and then click Delete.

2. Continue deleting members until you have deleted all the members you would like toremove from your personal list.

3. Click Save.

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44 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010

Adding new members

1. In the New member (mailbox): text box, enter the mailbox number of the memberyou would like to add to your existing personal list.

2. Continue adding members until you have added all the members you would like tohave in your personal list.

3. Click Save.

Deleting a personal list

1. From the Personal list drop-down list, select the personal list that you want todelete.

2. Click Delete.

3. Click OK to confirm.

Changing your password

From a phoneTo change your password from phone, perform the following steps:

1. Log into your mailbox, and press 4 for user preferences.

2. Follow the user preferences prompts, press 2 for Administrative options.

3. In the Administrative options, press 1 to change the password.

Changing your password

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 45

From User PreferencesTo change the password using User Preferences, perform the following steps:

1. On the User Preferences Web page, click Password.

2. Enter a new password, and confirm it.

3. Click Change Password.

Related topics:Initializing your mailbox on page 8

Advanced tasksThe Advanced Web page contains the following:

• Reset the message waiting light on your desk phone. Use Reset to reset the MessageWaiting Indicator (MWI) light on your desk phone.

When you receive a voice message, the MWI light turns on. The MWI light turns off whenyou either listen to the message using the phone or when the message is marked as,read, in Outlook. In some cases, the MWI light may not correctly reflect the state of yourvoice messages. Use Reset to resolve this.

• If you are advised by your help desk to do so, you can clear the association of yourMessaging mailbox with Outlook IMAP folder. Use Clear to clear the association betweenyour Messaging mailbox and Outlook IMAP folder.

Note:You will be prompted for mailbox number when using Play on Phone next time.

Customizing Messaging

46 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010



access ..........................................................................9access mailbox .............................................................7access user preferences ..............................................9accessing mailbox from any phone ..............................8Account information ....................................................32Additional extensions .................................................32Administrative options ...........................................14, 15Advanced tasks ..........................................................46attendant forwarding preferences ...............................33


Call handling for incoming calls ..................................35call progress ...............................................................28Call screening .............................................................36Call Sender .................................................................28changing password ....................................................45changing password using user preferences ...............46Configuring incoming call handling when treating all

callers the same ............................................35Configuring Incoming Call Handling with priority callers

.......................................................................36configuring Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 .................21configuring Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 .................19Configuring Notify Me preferences .............................39Configuring Reach Me ................................................34


Defining a Reach Me schedule ..................................37Defining your reach me numbers ...............................36Defining your time zone and language .......................32delete ....................................................................44, 45Delivery options ..........................................................14disabling Reach Me ....................................................38


edit ..............................................................................44editing .........................................................................43email copies ...............................................................40Enabling notifications .................................................39enabling Reach Me ....................................................38End-of-Message options .......................................12, 13

existing members .......................................................44Extension ....................................................................32External number .........................................................32


features ......................................................................14


General preferences ...................................................31greetings .....................................................................14Greetings ....................................................................15


How to access your mailbox using a telephone ...........7


IMAP .....................................................................19, 22Initializing your mailbox ................................................8Internal number ..........................................................32


list name ...............................................................43, 44list number ............................................................43, 44


mailbox .....................................................................7, 8Mailbox .......................................................................32mailbox number ..........................................................31Managing fax messages ............................................16Message playback order ............................................41Message review .........................................................12messaging password ..................................................31messaging toolbar ......................................................24Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 ....................................22Mobile phone in internal directory ..............................33Mobile Phone or Pager ...............................................33Moved messages in Outlook ......................................30MWI ............................................................................46My phone preferences ................................................40

Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010 47


new members .......................................................43, 45


Other mobile phone or pager .....................................33


personal greeting ........................................................15personal list ...........................................................43–45personal lists ...................................................42, 44, 45Play on PC ............................................................24, 25play on phone .............................................................29Play on Phone ............................................................24Play on Phone preferences ........................................33Playback control keys .................................................12Power keys .................................................................11Private messages .......................................................30


Quick reference ..........................................................16


Reach Me ...................................................................32

Reach Me numbers ....................................................36Reach Me preferences ...............................................34Reach Me Preferences testing ...................................37Reach Me schedule ....................................................37reach me settings .......................................................38


Send a message ........................................................13setting date and time announcement .........................41setting e-mail accounts ...............................................19setting message playback speed, message playback

speed .............................................................41Setting voice recognition for addressing preferences ....

42SMTP ....................................................................19, 22


tasks ...........................................................................46telephone menu ..........................................................11Time zone ...................................................................32


unread voice messages in Outlook ............................29user preferences ..........................................................9User Preferences .......................................................14


Voice Forward .......................................................27, 33Voice messaging access number ...............................32Voice Reply ...........................................................26, 33

48 Using Avaya Aura™ Messaging September 2010