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User Manual National Highways Authority Of India (NHAI), Delhi





Disclaimer: This document is classified as internal and to be used for internal circulation by and

between employees of Amnex Infotechnologies Private Limited only, until unless it is specified



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Table of Contents Preamble ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Abbreviation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Document Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Application Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Home Page ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Sign In .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

7 Dashboard ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

7.1 GIS Dashboard ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

7.2 Dashboard .................................................................................................................................................... 10

8 Report ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11

8.1 Project Activity Report ............................................................................................................................. 11

8.2 Document Activity Report ...................................................................................................................... 12

8.3 Activity Alert ................................................................................................................................................ 13

9 Daily Plan Details ................................................................................................................................................. 14

10 Project Document and Approval .............................................................................................................. 17

10.1 Applicable Permits ..................................................................................................................................... 17

10.2 Submission Work Process....................................................................................................................... 21

10.3 Monthly Cash Flow Forecast .................................................................................................................. 24

10.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 27

10.5 Quality Assurance Plan ............................................................................................................................ 32

10.6 Design and Drawing of Project ............................................................................................................. 35

10.7 Revised Design and Drawing of Project ............................................................................................ 38

10.8 Safety Audit Report ................................................................................................................................... 41

10.9 Proof Consultant Report ......................................................................................................................... 45

10.10 Safety Engineer Report ....................................................................................................................... 48

10.11 Sample Test Report .............................................................................................................................. 51

10.12 RFI Report................................................................................................................................................. 55

10.13 Project Photos and Videos ................................................................................................................ 58

10.14 As Built Drawings .................................................................................................................................. 61

9 MPR .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65

10 Payment ............................................................................................................................................................. 66


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12 Diary Update ....................................................................................................................................................... 67

13 New approval ...................................................................................................................................................... 68

14 Claim Dispute ...................................................................................................................................................... 69

15 Grievance .............................................................................................................................................................. 70

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 71

16 EOT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 71

17 COS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 72

18 Authority Engineer Information........................................................................................................................ 73

18.1 Intention to Impose Damage .................................................................................................................... 73

18.2 Inspection and Technical Audit ................................................................................................................ 75

18.3 External Technical Audit .............................................................................................................................. 78

18.4 Monthly Inspection Report .................................................................................................................... 80

18.5 Test check Report ..................................................................................................................................... 82

18.6 Examination Report ................................................................................................................................... 84

18.7 Rejection Report......................................................................................................................................... 86

18.8 Delay Information Report ...................................................................................................................... 88

18.9 Road safety ................................................................................................................................................... 90

18.9 Major Inspection Report ............................................................................................................................. 92

19 Document Management ............................................................................................................................. 94

20 Logout ................................................................................................................................................................... 95


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The information contained herein is proprietary to MoRTH, NHAI & NHIDCL, and may not be

used, reproduced, or disclosed to others except as specially permitted in writing from MoRTH,

NHAI and NHIDCL. The recipient of this document, by its retention and use, agrees to protect

the same and the information therein from loss, theft and compromise.


Abbreviation Description

NHAI National Highway Authorities of India

AIPL Amnex Infotechnologies Private Limited

PMIS Project Monitoring Information System

BFA Balance for Award Project

UI Under Implementation Project

O&M Operation and Maintenance Project

AI Authority Engineer

IE Identity Engineer

RO Regional Officer

PIU Project Implementation Unit

PD Project Director

AI Artificial Intelligence

ML Machine Learning

GIS Geographic Information System

BIM Building Information Modeling

ICT Information and communications technology

Document Purpose

The purpose of this document is to guide the end user of PMIS application. This manual

explains the ways for using PMIS to enter project details, dashboard to make decisions from

data and to track projects with screenshots.

Application Overview

Project Monitoring software (PMS) is used by NHAI to monitor & track the projects. PMS

provides role-based access to various functionalities and MIS Reports.


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Home Page

Home page will show the menu and hero banner image with Login box.

Menu will have following options

1. About US


a. About NHAI

b. Org Structure

3. PMS– Project management software link.


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4. Help– In case of any query or issue user can contact NHAI by following channels

a. Helpdesk

b. Email

c. Contact Us

5. Photo Gallery – On click it will show photos.

6. Contact Us – User can get in touch with NHAI officials from contact us page.


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Sign In

1. Enter Username.

2. Enter Password.

3. Enter Captcha code, refresh to get a new code.

4. Remember Me, check this box to allow system to remember credentials to login

automatically next time.

5. Click on Sign In button after entering the username and password. User will be signed in.


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7 Dashboard

7.1 GIS Dashboard

After login, user will be redirected to GIS Dashboard page and it will have menu on left hand

side. GIS Map will show project type wise projects on map.

1. From Menu click on “Dashboard” it will show sub menu, click on “GIS Dashboard”.

2. GIS Dashboard will show map with the projects in groups.

3. Zoom in to view individual projects. By zooming in project counts will scattered.


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4. By zooming out project count will be clustered.

5. Click on green dot and it will show Project details.

GIS Dashboard based on roles


• NHAI official can see all projects in any phase on GIS Map.

6. Projects can be filtered as BFA, UI and O & M.

7. Project Details will be displayed on click of dot on map.

For RO official

• RO official will be able to see the project which will be assigned to him.

• Projects can be filtered as BFA, UI and O & M.

• Project Details will be displayed on click of dot on map.

For PIU official

• PIU official will be able to see the assigned projects on map.

• Projects can be filtered as BFA, UI and O & M.

• Project Details will be displayed on click of dot on map.

For AE/IE/DPR Consultant

• AE/IE/DPR consultant official can see the projects which are assigned to him.

• Projects can be filtered as BFA, UI and O & M.

• Project Details will be displayed on click of dot on map.


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For contractor/concessionaries

• Contractor/concessionaries will be able to see their awarded projects on GIS Map.

• Projects can be filtered as BFA, UI and O & M.

• Project Details will be displayed on click of dot on map.

7.2 Dashboard

From Menu click on “Dashboard” it will show sub menu, click on “Dashboard”. Dashboard will

show Project Detail Report. It will show project details based on the UPC code and role of user.

Dashboard based on roles


• NHAI official can see all projects in any phase.

For RO official

• RO official will be able to see the project details of project assigned to him.

For PIU official

• PIU official will be able to see the project details of project assigned to him.

For AE/IE/DPR Consultant

• AE/IE/DPR consultant official can see the project details of project which are assigned to


For contractor/concessionaries

• Contractor/concessionaries will be able to see project details of project which are awarded


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to him.

8 Report

8.1 Project Activity Report

From Menu click on “Report” it will show sub menu, click on “Project Activity Report”. For

selected UPC, status of project activity by Contractor and AE will be shown in this report.

Project status will be changed as per the activity performed by contractor and AE for the


Legends are showing the activity name as Submitted to AE/Pending by AE, Approved, Rejected,

Clarification Requested, Close and Resubmitted, Re-submitted Submitted to Contractor/Pending

by Contractor, replied to AE/ Pending by AE.

Project Activity Report based on roles

For RO

• RO official can view the activity report for all UPC code of projects he is assigned.


• PIU official can view the activity report for all UPC code of projects he is assigned.

For AE

• AE official can view the activity report for UPC code of project he is assigned.

For Contractor

• Contractor can view the activity report for the UPC code of project he is awarded.


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8.2 Document Activity Report

From Menu click on “Report” it will show sub menu, click on “Document Activity Report”.

Report of document activity will be shown for selected UPC.

User can search for the document from Search bar. Table will show

1. UPC – Code of UPC.

2. Activity Name – Name of Activity performed.

3. Contractor Version – Document version submitted by Contractor.

4. AE Version – Document version submitted by AE.

5. Date of Submission – Date when document was submitted.

6. Date of Approval – Date when document was approved.

7. Remark – Remark given for the document.

User can navigate to other pages from pagination in the bottom.

Document Activity Report based on roles

For RO

• RO official can view the activity report for all UPC code of projects he is assigned.


• PIU official can view the activity report for all UPC code of projects he is assigned.

For AE

• AE official can view the activity report for UPC code of project he is assigned.


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For Contractor

• Contractor can view the activity report for the UPC code of project he is awarded.

8.3 Activity Alert From Menu click on “Report” it will show sub menu, click on “activity Alert”. All the activities

performed during the project life cycle has specific timeline. If the activity is not performed in that

timeline then alert will be generated for it. That alerts of different stages and activities will be

shown in Activity Alert.

1. Select UPC Code from dropdown.

2. Select Stage – Preconstruction, Post Construction, Drawing, Construction etc. or All from


3. For the selected stage it will show the alert counts for the activities. Zero (0) in green color

means there are no alerts and One (1) in red color means there is 1 alert for the activity. Count

will be increased based on the alerts generated.

4. On click of red color boxes it will redirect to that activity page. From there user can take action.

Activity Alert based on roles

For RO

• RO official can view the activity alert for all UPC code of projects he is assigned.


• PIU official can view the activity alert for all UPC code of projects he is assigned.

For AE

• AE official can view the activity alert for UPC code of project he is assigned.


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For Contractor

• Contractor can view the activity alert for the UPC code of project he is awarded.

9 Daily Plan Details Contractor have to submit the daily plan and its progress will be monitored by PIU, RO and NHAI.

For Contractor

1. From Menu click on “Daily Plan Details” it will show sub menu, click on “Daily Plan Details”.

2. Select Project Type as Flexible or Rigid.

3. Enter From Chainage.

4. Enter To Chainage.

5. Select Date.

6. Enter details for L.H.S road and R.H.S based on Project type selected.

7. Click Submit.


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For RO

1. From Menu click on “Daily Plan Details” it will show sub menu, click on “Daily Plan Progress


2. Select Project from dropdown.

3. Select Project Type.

4. Select From Date.

5. Select To Date.

6. Click on Get Data.

7. Daily progress report will be shown.


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1. From Menu click on “Daily Plan Details” it will show sub menu, click on “Daily Plan Progress


2. Select Project from dropdown.

3. Select Project Type.

4. Select From Date.

5. Select To Date.

6. Click on Get Data.

7. Daily progress report will be shown.


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10 Project Document and Approval

10.1 Applicable Permits Contractor can apply for permits and AE can approve, reject or seek clarification on it.

Step 1 – Submit Permit (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the permit. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Applicable Permits”.

2. To apply for Permit, fill below form.

a. Select Permit Name.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Enter From Chainage.


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d. Enter To Chainage.

e. Select Road Side.

f. Enter Remarks.

g. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. This permit will be sent to AE and status of the permit will be “Submitted to AE”.

5. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new permit will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of

permits submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on Permit (AE)

AE can view the permit submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Applicable Permits”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted permit by contractor with action button “Seek


3. Click on “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.


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4. This permit will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as permit forwarded to

contractor and status of the permit will be changed to “Clarification Required”.

5. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number permits which requires

clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Permit (Contractor)

Forwarded permit from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Applicable Permits”.

2. In table, locate the permit with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.


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4. Permit will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new permit will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Permit. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted permit will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Applicable Permits”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted permit and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same permit will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means permit is closed.


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10.2 Submission Work Process Contractor will fill the relevant information and submit work process details to AE within 30 days

from project appointed date otherwise system will generate alerts and will give notification.

Step 1 – Submit Work Process (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the work process. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Submission Work Process”.

2. To submit Work Process, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.


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e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. This work process will be sent to AE and status of the work process will be “Submitted to


5. Work process submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It

will show total number of work processes submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on Work Process (AE)

AE can view the work process submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow

below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Submission Work Process”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted work process by contractor with action button

“Approve”, “Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.


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3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of work process will be changed to “Approved” and same will be

updated for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status work process will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated

for contractor.

6. For “Seek Clarification”, This work process will be forwarded to contractor. It will show

message as work process forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to

“Clarification Required”.

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number work process which requires

clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Work Process (Contractor)

Forwarded work process from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Submission Work Process”.

2. In table, locate the work process with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column

click on “Edit” button.


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3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Work Process will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for

old details and new work process will be created with updated data with status “Close &


Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Work Process. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted work process will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification

on it or it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Submission Work Process”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted work process and click on “Seek clarification” button and add

details for it.

3. Same work process will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means work

process is closed.

10.3 Monthly Cash Flow Forecast Step 1 – Submit Monthly cash flow forecast (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the monthly cash flow forecast. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Monthly cash flow forecast”.

2. To apply for Monthly cash flow forecast, fill below form.


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a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. This monthly cash flow forecast will be sent to AE and status of the monthly cash flow

forecast will be “Submitted to AE”.

5. Monthly cash flow forecast submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will

incremented. It will show total number of monthly cash flow forecasts submitted.


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Step 2 – Take action on Monthly cash flow forecast (AE)

AE can view the monthly cash flow forecast submitted by Contractor and can take action on

it. AE will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Monthly cash flow forecast”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted monthly cash flow forecast by contractor with action

button “Approve”, “Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of monthly cash flow forecast will be changed to “Approved” and

same will be updated for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status monthly cash flow forecast will be changed to “Rejected” and same will

be updated for contractor.

6. For “Seek Clarification”, This monthly cash flow forecast will be forwarded to contractor. It

will show message as monthly cash flow forecast forwarded to contractor and status will

be changed to “Clarification Required”.


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7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number monthly cash flow forecast which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Monthly cash flow forecast (Contractor)

Forwarded monthly cash flow forecast from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and

he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Monthly cash flow forecast”.

2. In table, locate the monthly cash flow forecast with status “Clarification Required” and in

Action column click on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Monthly cash flow forecast will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-

submitted” for old details and new monthly cash flow forecast will be created with updated

data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Monthly cash flow forecast. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted monthly cash flow forecast will be forwarded to AE and he can seek

clarification on it or it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Monthly cash flow forecast”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted monthly cash flow forecast and click on “Seek clarification”

button and add details for it.

3. Same monthly cash flow forecast will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which

means it is closed.

10.4 Methodology Step 1 – Submit Methodology (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the methodology. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on



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2. To apply for Methodology, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


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4. This methodology will be sent to AE and status of the methodology will be “Submitted to


5. Methodology submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It

will show total number of methodologies submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on Methodology (AE)

AE can view the methodology submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow

below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on


2. Table will show the latest submitted methodology by contractor with action button

“Approve”, “Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.


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4. For “Approve”, status of methodology will be changed to “Approved” and same will be

updated for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status methodology will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated

for contractor.

6. For “Seek Clarification”, This methodology will be forwarded to contractor. It will show

message as methodology forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to

“Clarification Required”.

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number methodology which requires

clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Methodology (Contractor)

Forwarded methodology from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on


2. In table, locate the methodology with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column

click on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Methodology will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for

old details and new methodology will be created with updated data with status “Close &


Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Methodology. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted methodology will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification


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on it or it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on


2. In table, locate resubmitted permit and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same permit will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means permit is closed.


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10.5 Quality Assurance Plan Step 1 – Submit Quality assurance plan (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Quality assurance plan. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Quality assurance plan”.

2. To apply for Quality assurance plan, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.


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g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. This Quality assurance plan will be sent to AE and status of the Quality assurance plan will

be “Submitted to AE”.

5. Quality assurance plan submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will

incremented. It will show total number of Quality assurance planes submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on Quality assurance plan (AE)

AE can view the Quality assurance plan submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE

will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Quality assurance plan”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted Quality assurance plan by contractor with action

button “Approve”, “Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.


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4. For “Approve”, status of Quality assurance plan will be changed to “Approved” and same

will be updated for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status Quality assurance plan will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be

updated for contractor.

6. For “Seek Clarification”, This Quality assurance plan will be forwarded to contractor. It will

show message as Quality assurance plan forwarded to contractor and status will be

changed to “Clarification Required”.

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Quality assurance plan which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Quality assurance plan (Contractor)

Forwarded Quality assurance plan from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he

can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Quality assurance plan”.

2. In table, locate the Quality assurance plan with status “Clarification Required” and in

Action column click on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Quality assurance plan will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-

submitted” for old details and new Quality assurance plan will be created with updated

data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Quality assurance plan. (AE)


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Contractor’s resubmitted Quality assurance plan will be forwarded to AE and he can seek

clarification on it or it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Quality assurance plan”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted permit and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same permit will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means permit is closed.

10.6 Design and Drawing of Project Step 1 – Submit Design and drawing of project (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Design and drawing of project. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Design and drawing of project”.

2. To apply for Design and drawing of project, fill below form.


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a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. This Design and drawing of project will be sent to AE and status of the Design and drawing

of project will be “Submitted to AE”.

5. Design and drawing of project submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will

incremented. It will show total number of Design and drawing of projects submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on Design and drawing of project (AE)

AE can view the Design and drawing of project submitted by Contractor and can take action

on it. AE will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Design and drawing of project”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted Design and drawing of project by contractor with

action button “Approve”, “Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.


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3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of Design and drawing of project will be changed to “Approved” and

same will be updated for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status Design and drawing of project will be changed to “Rejected” and same

will be updated for contractor.

6. For “Seek Clarification”, This Design and drawing of project will be forwarded to contractor.

It will show message as Design and drawing of project forwarded to contractor and status

will be changed to “Clarification Required”.

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Design and drawing of project

which requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Design and drawing of project (Contractor)

Forwarded Design and drawing of project from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor

and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Design and drawing of project”.

2. In table, locate the Design and drawing of project with status “Clarification Required” and

in Action column click on “Edit” button.


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3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Design and drawing of project will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-

submitted” for old details and new Design and drawing of project will be created with

updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Design and drawing of project. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted Design and drawing of project will be forwarded to AE and he can

seek clarification on it or it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Design and drawing of project”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means permit is closed.

10.7 Revised Design and Drawing of Project Step 1 – Submit Revised Design and Drawing of Project (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Revised Design and Drawing of Project. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Revised Design and Drawing of Project”.

2. To add details of Revised Design and Drawing of Project, fill below form.


is natural

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the Revised Design and Drawing of Project

will be “Submitted to AE”.

5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of Revised Design and Drawing of Projects submitted.


is natural

Step 2 – Take action on Revised Design and Drawing of Project (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Revised Design and Drawing of Project”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as

Revised Design and Drawing of Project forwarded to contractor and status will be changed

to “Clarification Required”.


is natural

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Revised Design and Drawing of

Project which requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit Revised Design and Drawing of Project (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Revised Design and Drawing of Project”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted Revised Design and Drawing of Project. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Revised Design and Drawing of Project”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.8 Safety Audit Report Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Safety Audit Report. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Audit Report”.


is natural

2. To add details of Safety Audit Report, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the Safety Audit Report will be “Submitted

to AE”.

5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of Safety Audit Reports submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Audit Report”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.


is natural

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as

Safety Audit Report forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to “Clarification


7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Safety Audit Report which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Audit Report”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.


is natural

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Audit Report”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.9 Proof Consultant Report Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Proof Consultant Report. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Proof Consultant Report”.

2. To add details of Proof Consultant Report, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.


is natural

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the Proof Consultant Report will be

“Submitted to AE”.

5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of Proof Consultant Reports submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Proof Consultant Report”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.


is natural

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as

Proof Consultant Report forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to

“Clarification Required”.

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Proof Consultant Report which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Proof Consultant Report”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.


is natural

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Proof Consultant Report”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.10 Safety Engineer Report Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Safety Engineer Report. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Engineer Report”.

2. To add details of Safety Engineer Report, fill below form.


is natural

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the Safety Engineer Report will be “Submitted

to AE”.

5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of Safety Engineer Reports submitted.


is natural

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Engineer Report”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as

Safety Engineer Report forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to “Clarification



is natural

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Safety Engineer Report which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Engineer Report”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Safety Engineer Report”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.11 Sample Test Report Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Sample Test Report. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Sample Test Report”.


is natural

2. To add details of Sample Test Report, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the Sample Test Report will be “Submitted

to AE”.

5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of Sample Test Reports submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Sample Test Report”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.


is natural

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as

Sample Test Report forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to “Clarification


7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Sample Test Report which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Sample Test Report”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.


is natural

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Sample Test Report”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.12 RFI Report Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the RFI Report. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “RFI


2. To add details of RFI Report, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.


is natural

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the RFI Report will be “Submitted to AE”.

5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of RFI Reports submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “RFI


2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.


is natural

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as RFI

Report forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to “Clarification Required”.

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number RFI Report which requires

clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “RFI


2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.


is natural

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “RFI


2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.13 Project Photos and Videos Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the Project Photos and Videos. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Project Photos and Videos”.

2. To add details of Project Photos and Videos, fill below form.


is natural

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

1. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

2. These details will be sent to AE and status of the Project Photos and Videos will be

“Submitted to AE”.

3. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of Project Photos and Videos submitted.


is natural

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Project Photos and Videos”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as

Project Photos and Videos forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to

“Clarification Required”.


is natural

7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number Project Photos and Videos which

requires clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Project Photos and Videos”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on

“Project Photos and Videos”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.

10.14 As Built Drawings Step 1 – Submit Details (Contractor)

Contractor will submit the As Built Drawings. He will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “As

Built Drawings”.


is natural

2. To add details of As Built Drawings, fill below form.

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

c. Select Date of Submission.

d. Select Road Side.

e. Enter Chainage From.

f. Enter Chainage To.

g. Total will be calculated automatically.

h. Enter Remarks.

i. Click Submit.

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

4. These details will be sent to AE and status of the As Built Drawings will be “Submitted to


5. Details submitted will be in pending status so Pending number will incremented. It will

show total number of As Built Drawings submitted.

Step 2 – Take action on submitted details (AE)

AE can view the details submitted by Contractor and can take action on it. AE will follow below


1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “As

Built Drawings”.

2. Table will show the latest submitted details by contractor with action button “Approve”,

“Reject” and “Seek Clarification”.

3. Click on “Approve” or “Reject” or “Seek Clarification” button, add the details and submit.


is natural

4. For “Approve”, status of details will be changed to “Approved” and same will be updated

for contractor.

5. For “Reject”, status of details will be changed to “Rejected” and same will be updated for


6. For “Seek Clarification”, details will be forwarded to contractor. It will show message as As

Built Drawings forwarded to contractor and status will be changed to “Clarification


7. Seek Clarification count will be increased. Total number As Built Drawings which requires

clarification will be shown.

Step 3 – Edit and Resubmit details (Contractor)

Forwarded details from AE for clarification will be sent to Contractor and he can edit it.

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “As

Built Drawings”.

2. In table, locate the details with status “Clarification Required” and in Action column click

on “Edit” button.

3. It will show the data in form and user can edit that data based on the remarks given by AE

and click on “Submit”.

4. Details will be forwarded to AE and status will be changed to “Re-submitted” for old details

and new entry will be created with updated data with status “Close & Resubmitted”.

Step 4 – Seek Clarification for Resubmitted details. (AE)

Contractor’s resubmitted details will be forwarded to AE and he can seek clarification on it or

it is closed.


is natural

1. From Menu click on “Project Document and Approval” it will show sub menu, click on “As

Built Drawings”.

2. In table, locate resubmitted details and click on “Seek clarification” button and add details

for it.

3. Same will also have status “Close and Resubmitted” which means it is closed.


For Contractor and AE

1. From Menu click on “MPR”.

2. Select UPC code.

3. Select Month.

4. Upload Document by clicking on Choose File button.

5. Click on Fill MPR Form.

6. Submitted form details will appear in table with UPC, Month – Year, Generated on Time

stamp and Status.


is natural

10 Payment

Contractor will submit the payment details to AE whenever payment needs to be raised. AE

will take action on it.

Step 1 – Submit Payment (Contractor)

1. From Menu click on Payment

2. Select Date of Payment

3. Enter Amount

4. Enter Voucher No.

5. Enter Bill Duration

6. Enter Version No.

7. Select Payment stage

8. Select Road side

9. Select Date of submission

10. Upload Invoice Copy by clicking “Choose File”.

11. Upload Schedule F

12. Upload Test Report

13. Upload Project photo

14. Upload Project video

15. Upload Other document

16. Table will show Date of Payment, Amount, Voucher No., Invoice No., Bill Duration and

Invoice Copy, contractor version no., Invoice copy, schedule F copy, Test report copy,

Project photo copy, Project video copy, another document.


is natural

12 Diary Update

1. From Menu click on click on “Diary Update”.

2. Select Stage

3. Upload Document. Click on choose file

4. Enter version No.

5. Select Date of submission

6. Select Road Side

7. Select Chainage

8. Click on “Submit”.

9. Table will show the submitted entries with Stage, Date, From Chainage, To Chainage,

Total, Status, Created Date and Action as Seek clarification, Approve or Reject it.


is natural

13 New approval

1 From Menu click on “New Approval”

2 Select Stage

3 Upload Document

4 Enter Version No.

5 Enter Chainages

6 Click on Submit


is natural

7 Table will show new approval list data like Stage, Date, Chainage, Status and Action

as Seek Clarification, Approve and Reject.

14 Claim Dispute

1. From Menu click on Claim Dispute

2. Enter Version No.

3. Select Claim Category

4. Enter Claim Amount

5. Select Date of submission

6. Select Claim Proof copy

7. Select Road side

8. Enter Chainage

9. Click on Submit

10. Table will show Claim Category, Claim Justification, Amount and Claim Proof Copy, Date

of submission, Remarks, AE version No., Document upload by AE, Date of submission,

Chainage, Road side, status and Action.


is natural

15 Grievance

1. From Menu click on Grievance

2. Enter Subject of complaint

3. Enter Complain in brief

4. Enter Complain related to

5. Enter Action Required

6. Enter Version No.

7. Upload Document

8. Enter Date of submission

9. Enter Chainage

10. Select Road side

11. Click on submit

12. Table will show Subject of claim, complain in brief, Complain Related to, Action required,

Contractor version No, Document upload by contractor, Date of submission, AE version


is natural

No, Upload document by AE, Date of submission of AE, Remarks, Chainage, Road side,

Status, Action.

16 EOT

1. From menu click on EOT

2. Enter Total Encumbrance free land required to be handed over to contractor as on

Appointed date

3. Enter Total Encumbrance free land handed over to contractor as on Appointed date

4. Enter Total Encumbrance free land required to be handed over to contractor till 90

day from Appointed date

5. Enter Total Encumbrance free land handed over to contractor till 90 day from

Appointed Date

6. Enter Schedule date for different project Milestone

7. Enter Actual date form different project Milestone

8. Enter KM

9. Enter Length in KM (Refer Assumption)

10. Enter Schedule handling over date

11. Enter Actual Date of Land Handed over

12. Click on Reason of delay

13. Click on Submit

14. Table will show KM, Length, Scheduled Handover Date, Actual date of Land handed over,

Reason for delays, Reasonable period of construction, Actual completion date by AE,

Present status of work, Date of completion, Color, Status, Action


is natural

17 COS 1. From menu click on COS

2. Enter COS/RIS No.

3. Enter Brief of COS/RIS

4. Enter Date of COS/RIS identified at site

5. Upload copy of concessionaire/contractor

6. Enter Date of 1st letter of concessionaire/contractor

7. Copy of concessionaire/contractor

8. Click on submit


is natural

18 Authority Engineer Information

18.1 Intention to Impose Damage AE can apply for Intention to impose Damage and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Intention to impose damage (AE)

AE will submit the Intention to impose damage. User will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of

“Intention to impose damage”.

2. To apply for Intention to impose damage fill the following form

a. Enter Version No.

b. Enter Submission date

c. Upload Document “Choose File”

d. Enter Road side

e. Enter Chainage

f. Click on submit

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

4. This will be sent to contractor and status of the Intention to impose will be “Submitted

to Contractor”.

5. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will

be submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total

number of entries.

Step 2 – Take action on Intention to Impose Damage (Contractor)

1. At contractor side it will show the entry and Action to do like edit or reply

2. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up


is natural

3. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit

18.2 Inspection and Technical Audit

1. AE can apply for “Inspection and technical Audit” and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Inspection and Technical Audit (AE)

AE will submit the “Inspection and Technical Audit”. User will follow below steps:

1. From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of

“Inspection and Technical Audit”.

2. Table content details such as

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage


is natural

f. Click on submit

3. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

4. This will be sent to contractor and status of the “Inspection and Technical Audit” will be

“Submitted to Contractor”.

5. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


Step 2 – Take action on Inspection and Technical Audit (Contractor)

1. At contractor side it will show the entry and Action to do like edit or reply


is natural

2. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

3. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.3 External Technical Audit

1. AE can apply for “Inspection and technical Audit” and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit External Technical Audit (AE)

1. AE will submit the “External Technical Audit”. User will follow below steps:

2. From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of “External

Technical Audit”.

3. Table content details such as

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit


is natural

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the “External Technical Audit” will be “Submitted

to Contractor”.

6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

f. Enter Version No.

g. Upload Document File

h. Enter Date of submission

i. Enter Remarks

j. Click on submit


is natural

18.4 Monthly Inspection Report

1. AE can apply for “Monthly Inspection Report” and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Monthly Inspection Report (AE)

AE will submit the Monthly Inspection Report User will follow below steps:

2. From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of

“Monthly Inspection Report

3. Table content details such as:

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the “Monthly Inspection Report” will be

“Submitted to Contractor”.

6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.5 Test check Report 1. AE can apply for Test Check Report and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Test Check Report (AE)

AE will submit the Test Check Report, User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of Test Check


3. Table content details such as:

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the Test Check Report will be “Submitted to


6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.6 Examination Report 1. AE can apply for Examination Report and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Examination Report (AE)

AE will submit the Examination Report”. User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of Examination


3.Table content details such as

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the Examination Report will be “Submitted to


6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.7 Rejection Report

1.AE can apply for Rejection Report and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Rejection Report (AE)

AE will submit the Rejection Report User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of Rejection


3.Table content details such as:

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the Rejection Report will be “Submitted to


6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.8 Delay Information Report

1.AE can apply for Delay Information Report and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Delay Information Report (AE)

AE will submit the Delay Information Report User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of Delay

Information Report

3.Table content details such as

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the “Inspection and Technical Audit” will be

“Submitted to Contractor”.

6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of


7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.9 Road safety

1.AE can apply for Road Safety and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Road Safety (AE)

AE will submit the Road Safety Audit”. User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of Road Safety

3. Table content details such as

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.


is natural

5.This will be sent to contractor and status of the Road Safety will be “Submitted to Contractor”.

6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of entries.

7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

18.9 Major Inspection Report

1.AE can apply for Major Inspection Report and Contractor can edit or reply it.

Step 1 – Submit Major Inspection Report (AE)

AE will submit the Major Inspection Report User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Authority Engineer Information”, It will show the sub menu of “External

Technical Audit”.

3.Table content details such as

a. Enter Version name

b. Enter Document Submission Date

c. Upload Document, ‘choose file’.

d. Select Road side

e. Enter chainage

f. Click on submit


is natural

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below.

5. This will be sent to contractor and status of the “Inspection and Technical Audit” will be

“Submitted to Contractor”.

6. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of entries.

7. While contractor will click on reply Add details will show in pop up

8. Contractor have to fill the details like:

a. Enter Version No.

b. Upload Document File

c. Enter Date of submission

d. Enter Remarks

e. Click on submit


is natural

19 Document Management 1. From the Menu “Document Management” It show sub menu “Upload Document”

Step 1 – Submit Document Management (AE)

AE will Upload Document, User will follow below steps:

2.From Menu click on “Document Management”, It will show the sub menu of Upload Document

3.Table content details such as

a. Select Project

b. Select Phase

c. Select stage

d. Select Document type

e. File Upload “choose file”

f. Click on submit

4. Once these details are submitted it will be shown in table below


is natural

5. Document submitted number will incremented from 0 to 1. Whenever new form will be

submitted, number of Document submitted will be increased. It will show total number of entries.

20 Logout From Menu click on “Logout”. User will be logged out.