User Control

Post on 12-May-2017

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Transcript of User Control

User ControlUser controls inherit from the UserControl class which is a derive class of the Control class. We will be creating an EditableLabel control. It will exactly look at a lable but when the user double clicks it, it will transform into an editable textbox containing the current text of the label. You can then edit its contents and when the user presses enter, it will transform back into a label containing the edited text.Open Visual Studio and create a new project. Choose Windows Forms Control Library and name it EditableLabel. It looks just like a Windows Forms but it has no frame. This is because you are designing a user control. Any control you place inside it will be part of the user control. Click the canvas and change itsName property to EditableLabel and its AutoSize property to True. Drag a label to the canvas and change its Text property to Label and its Name property to labelDisplay. Resize the canvas so that it fits the label inside it.

Adding Properties

Since we are creating a user control, then it will only contain properties and events that the UserControlclass offers. To add a property to a user control, we simply need to add a property to the class of our user control. While in Design View, press F7 to go to the Code Editor. Inside the EditableLabel class, add the following property:[Browsable(true)][DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)]public override string Text{ get { return labelDisplay.Text; } set { labelDisplay.Text = value; }}

Adding Event Handlers

Recall that our EditableLabel control should transform into a textbox once the user double clicks it. Therefore, we need to add an event handler to its DoubleClick event. We need to add a TextBox control to our user control. Add the following field inside the EditableLabelclass.

private TextBox editableTextBox;

Now inside the constructor of the EditableLabel and after the call to InitializeComponent method, add the highlighted code:public EditableLabel(){ InitializeComponent();

editableTextBox = new TextBox(); this.Controls.Add(editableTextBox); editableTextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(editableTextBox_KeyDown); editableTextBox.Hide(); }

Now let's go back to the event handler for the DoubleClick event of the label.private void labelDisplay_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e){ editableTextBox.Size = this.Size; editableTextBox.Text = labelDisplay.Text; labelDisplay.Hide(); editableTextBox.Show(); editableTextBox.Focus();}

We added an event handler for the textbox's KeyDown event. When the user is finish editing the text, he or she can simply press the Enter or Return key. Here is the definition for the event handler of theKeyDown event:void editableTextBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e){ if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { labelDisplay.Text = editableTextBox.Text; editableTextBox.Hide(); labelDisplay.Show(); }}

First we checked if the key pressed by the user is the Enter key. Next, we set the Text of the currently hidden label into the new text entered by the user. We then hide the editableTextBox and reshow thelabelDisplay containing the updated text.

Finally, when the label is resized depending on the length of text, we also need to resize the actual user control. Click labelDisplay in the Designer and in the Properties WIndow's Events section, find the Resize event and double click it. Use the following event handler for it.

private void labelDisplay_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e){ this.Size = labelDisplay.Size;}

The event handler simply sets the Size of the user control to the new Size of the labelDisplay.

Compiling the User Control

We are now ready to compile our EditableLabel user control. To do that simply go to the menu and choose Build and then Build Solution. The compiling will create a file with a .dll extension which contains your user control.

Testdriving Our User Control

To test our new user control, we need to create another project. Right click the solution inside the Solution Explorer and then choose New > Project.

Choose Windows Forms Application and name it EditableLabelDemo. We need to import our control to the Toolbox so we can easily drag it to the form. Go to the Toolbox and right click Select the option "Choose Items...".In the Choose Toolbox Items Window, click the Browse button. We need to browse for the .dll file containing our user control. click OK. Now you will be able to see our user control inside the Toolbox. Drag an EditableLabel to the form. You can also find the Text property in the Properties Window since we added the Browsable attribute to that property.

Before we hit F5 to run the project, we must first make EditableLabelDemo project as startup project. Right click EditableLabelDemo project in the Solution Explorer and choose Set as StartUp Project. It will make the name of the startup project bold. Run the project and double click the label. Change the text to whatever you want and press Enter. Watch as the text of the label updated to whatever you typed in the editable textbox.