Use of Antifungal Creams in the Combined Treatment of … · 2019. 4. 4. · Use of Antifungal...

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Transcript of Use of Antifungal Creams in the Combined Treatment of … · 2019. 4. 4. · Use of Antifungal...

Galician medical journal 2019Vol. 26, Issue 1, E2019114

DOI: 10.21802/gmj.2019.1.14

Case Report

Use of Antifungal Creams in the CombinedTreatment of Obliterating Diseases of LowerExtremities ArteriesYaroslav Vasyliuk, Serhiy Vasyliuk*

AbstractTo perform clinical analysis of the effectiveness of the complex treatment of occlusive vascular diseases andfungal lesions of feet with addition of local antifungal medicines.Materials and Methods. The results of examination and treatment of five patients with obliterating diseases ofthe lower limb vessels and diabetes mellitus with dermatomycosis and onychomycosis of the feet were analyzed.Onychomycosis or mycosis of feet were treated with the help of the combination of the following antifungalcreams was used in the treatment: miconazole, clotrimazole, tioconazole in a ratio of 1:1:6.5 contained in thecombined preparation cream ”XaTonic”.Results and discussion. The use of an antifungal mixture of creams after 7 days has led to the disappearance ofthe clinical manifestations of dermatomycosis of the feet in three patients, and in two patients with onychomycosisafter 14 days there was the reduction of clinical symptoms.Conclusions. The combination of three local antifungal components: miconazole, clotrimazole, thioconazole iseffective in treatment of dermatomycosis of the feet. In the treatment of fungal lesions of the feet by dermatologistsin patients aged after fifty years, an angiologist/vascular surgeon’s consultation is required.

Keywordsdiabetes mellitus; obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities; dermatomycosis; onychomycosis

Regional Clinical Hospital, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine*Corresponding author:

Copyright c©Yaroslav Vasyliuk, Serhiy Vasyliuk, 2019

Problem statement and analysis ofthe latest research

Fungal lesions of the feet and nails are a concomi-tant disorder of peripheral arterial diseases of thelower extremities. Fungal lesions of the feet happennine times more likely in patients with obliteratingdiseases of arteries of the lower extremities and 175times more likely in patients with diabetic angiopa-thy of the lower extremities compared to healthypeople [1, 2]. It was found that onychomycosis is anearly manifestation of the vascular lesion, and thereduction of the ankle-brachial index statisticallycorrelates with onychomycosis [2]. The presence

of onychomycosis significantly increases the riskof development of diabetic ulcers in patients withdiabetes mellitus [3]. Dermatomycosis and ony-chomycosis are difficult to treat in patients withthe obliterating diseases of peripheral vessels of thefeet [4]. In combination of diabetes mellitus, obe-sity, hypertension with the damage of peripheralvessels of the lower limbs there are the major riskfactors for development of fungal infections of thefeet and nails. That is why it is recommended totreat onychomycosis with the help of oral antifun-gal medicines [5]. These drugs have a high levelof hepatotoxicity, and quite often may lead to gas-

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trointestinal disorders and other complications [5].The fungal skin lesions and onychomycosis maycreate the source for pathogenic microflora, whichdelays healing of postoperative wounds, ulcers, andnecrotic process also may progress in diabetic footsyndrome [3].

Objective. To perform a clinical analysis ofthe effectiveness of the combination of the localantifungal treatment for dermatomycosis and ony-chomycosis of the feet in patients with occlusalvascular diseases.

1. Materials and MethodsThere were five patients with fungal lesions of thefeet and nails under our supervision. There werethree patients with obliterating arterial atherosclero-sis of IIa degree (according to the classification ofFontaine) and two patients with obliterating arterialatherosclerosis of IIb degree and type II diabetesmellitus. The characteristics of patients is shown inTable 1.

The patient M. had had diabetes mellitus for8 years. The level of glycosylated hemoglobin(HbA1) was 7.5% at the moment of examination.According to the classification of the compensationdegree of carbohydrate metabolism in the patientM., there was decompensated form of diabetes mel-litus and moderate (II degree) of the severity ofdiabetes mellitus. The femoral and popliteal arter-ies were stenosed from 20 to 50%. The anterior andposterior tibial arteries were stenosed at 50-75%.

The patient Ya. had had diabetes for 15 years.The level of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1) was8.1% at the moment of study. According to theclassification of the degree of compensation of car-bohydrate metabolism in the patient Ya., there was adecompensated form of diabetes mellitus and mod-erate (II degree) severity of diabetes mellitus. Thefemoral artery was stenosed from 20 to 50%. Thepopliteal, anterior and posterior tibial arteries werestenosed at 50-75%.

In all patients (patients B., S., V.) without dia-betes mellitus, stenosis of the femoral and poplitealarteries was from 20 to 50%. The anterior and pos-terior tibial arteries in all patients were stenosed

within 50-75%.The ankle-brachial index (ABI) was measured

in the supine position using a portable vasculardoppler ”Sonoline” with a frequency of 8 MHz.We applied a blood pressure cuff on the shoulderand air was inflated until the blood flow in the shoul-der artery disappeared, then air was slowly releasedand the pressure was noted when the blood flowappeared again. Thereafter, the procedure was re-peated on the calf, which was symptomatic duringwalking. The lowest measurement of blood pres-sure was detected on the posterior tibial artery anddorsalis pedis artery. Then, the ratio between thesystolic blood pressure on the lower extremities tothe systolic blood pressure on the upper extremitieswas calculated. Because of the fact that in patientswith diabetes mellitus the ABI was successfully de-termined with the use of this method, we haven’tmeasured the toe-brachial index.

The most common pathogens of dermatomyco-sis and onychomycosis are Trichophyton rubrumand Candida parapsilosis, accounting for about 85-90% of all possible causes [9, 10]. These pathogensare sensitive to the topical local antifungal drugssuch as miconazole, clotrimazole, and tioconazole,which were used in this study. In this regard, we’vetreated patients empirically and did not identify spe-cific agents of mycotic infection.

the patients were performed an ultrasound du-plex scanning of the lower extremities’ arteries withthe determination of their stenosis by identifying thepeak systolic blood flow velocity (PSV, cm/sec). Weconsidered that stenosis of arteries ranged from 20to 50% if the PSV ranging from 150 to 200 cm/sec.At PSV from 200 to 300 cm/sec the stenosis ofarteries ranged from 50 to 75%.

Onychomycosis or mycosis of feet was treatedlocally with the help of a combination of the topicalanti-fungal creams of wide spectrum of action: mi-conazole (2% cream, manufacturer of PJSC ”Phar-maceutical firm ”Darnytsa”, Ukraine), clotrima-zole (1% cream, manufacturer PJSC ”FITOFARM”,Ukraine), tioconazole (1% cream, manufacturerPFIZER, USA) in a ratio of 1:1:6.5. This com-bination was used because of the reporting of the ef-fectivity of the medicine ”XaTonic” for onychomy-

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Table 1. Characteristics of patients before admission to the hospital

Sex Age,years

Type 2dia-

betes,yes / no




Type of fungal lesion Stageaccording to


Patient B., male 67 no 0.62 160/95 Bilateral feet mycosis IIaPatient S., male 65 no 0.73 140/90 Bilateral feet mycosis IIaPatient V., male 61 no 0.75 130/85 Bilateral feet mycosis IIaPatient Ya., male 63 yes 0.58 150/90 Bilateral onychomyco-

sis and feet mycosisIIb

Patient M., male 66 yes 0.69 165/90 Bilateral onychomyco-sis and feet mycosis


cosis (manufacturer PUNCH Skin Care, USA) [6],which is not registered in Ukraine.

The patients were explained how to prepare aleg before application of a mixture of antifungalcreams (washing of the feet with warm water andsoap, safe removal of part of the affected nail, clean-ing of the outer surface of the nail plate and nailbed, clearing the gaps between the fingers). Creamswere applied to the feet, nail beds and plates twice aday, and carefully rubbed into the folds of the skin.

in the process of the complex treatment, therewere appointed consultations of other specialists(cardiologist, endocrinologist) and administered ap-propriate therapy for diabetes mellitus, hyperten-sion and coronary heart disease, as well as anti-aggregate therapy (cilostazol) as one of the maindirections of the obliterating atherosclerosis treat-ment of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Treatment results were evaluated by ad oculus,as well as by the presence or absence of symptomsof dermatomycosis.

2. Results and DiscussionAfter 7 days of complex treatment with the use ofthe mixture of creams in two patients (patients B.and S.), there was the complete disappearance ofclinical manifestations of dermatomycosis on thefeet (Fig. 1), and in one patient there was a signif-icant improvement on the skin and the absence ofany symptoms of the iiritation (patient B.).

Figure 1. The appearance of the affected bydermatomycosis foot in patient B., before (on theleft side) and after (seven days of treatment on theright side) with the mixture of creams twice a day.

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Figure 2. The appearance of the affected bydermatomycosis and onychomycosis foot in patientYa., before (on the left side) and after 14 days oftreatment (on the right side)with the mixture of

creams twice a day.

However, in patients Ya., and M., with ony-chomycosis after 14 days of treatment, there wasimprovement only on the affected skin, while thenails were still affected (Fig. 2). Irritation symp-toms have decreased significantly.

All patients have a warm feeling and pleasantslight tingling in the area of feet during the use ofthe combination of creams. The number of symp-toms of irritation (itching, burning sensation, etc.)decreased in all patients. Side effects were absentin all patients. Unfortunately, after the dischargefrom the hospital, the connection with all patientswas lost.

3. Prospects of FurtherResearches

The weak effect of the complex treatment withantifungal drugs in patients with onychomycosismay be explained by poor penetration of active sub-stances under the nail bed and into the area of nailplate growth. Also, the growth rate of the nail on thelower extremity is 1.67 mm per month in healthypeople [7]. That is why it can be concluded thatthe complete renewal of the nail on the lower limbis on average six months. By the way, the epider-mis of the skin is completely renewed in about 1.5months [8]. This means that by increasing the du-

ration of treatment at least 4-fold (minimum, upto 28 days) may reveal the effectiveness of treat-ment with topical antifungal drugs in patients withonychomycosis.

4. ConclusionsThe combination of three topical antifungal drugsfor seven days (miconazole, clotrimazole, tiocona-zole) was effective for treatment of the skin der-matomycosis on the feet in three patients with theocclusal diseases of the arteries of the II degree.

The combination of three local antifungal com-ponents for 14 days (miconazole, clotrimazole, ti-oconazole) was not so effective for the treatmentof onychomycosis in two patients with the occlusaldiseases of the arteries of the II degree and type 2diabetes mellitus.

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Received: 2019-01-03

Revised: 2019-03-12

Accepted: 2019-03-18