U.S HISTORY - Welcome to the Educator Login...

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Why did the U.S. intervene? A. Invasion of Poland B. Hitler’s Final Solution C. Pearl Harbor D. All of the Above

“No realistic American can expect from a dictator's peace international generosity, or return of true independence, or world disarmament, or freedom of expression, or freedom of religion—or even good business. Such a peace would bring no security for us or for our neighbors."

Dissecting a multiple choice item:

LC= Low





HC = High


2. This is the stem of the question.

1. This area tells you the lesson number and the complexity level of the question.

2. This is the stem of the question.

1. This area tells you the lesson number and the complexity level of the question.

3. A






The United States declared war on Japan in 1941 because of an attack on which location or group?

A. The U.S. embassy in China B. A U.S. naval base in Hawaii C. An American community in the Philippines D. An American merchant fleet in the Pacific Ocean

What step did the Nazis take in preparation for the “final solution”?

A. They annexed the Sudetenland to serve as a temporary Jewish homeland. B. They drafted non-Germans into the army to serve as concentration camp guards. C. They made Jews register with the government and confined them to ghettoes. D. They dedicated the country’s best scientists to developing atomic weapons.

The quote below comes from the Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. United States, handed down in 1944. The properly constituted military authorities feared an invasion of our West Coast and felt constrained to take proper security measures.... Congress, reposing its confidence in this time of war in our military leaders—as inevitably it must—determined that they should have the power to do just this. Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0323_0214_ZO.html What security measures are being referred to in this case? A-internment of Japanese Americans B-dropping of atomic bombs on Japan C-deportation of all recent immigrants from Japan D-exclusion of Japanese Americans from the draft

This poster was created during World War II. Which statistic from World War II demonstrates that this poster misrepresents certain information?

A Woman workers made 65 percent less than men doing the same job. B Five million women joined the workforce in World War II. C More than 300,000 women served in the military. D The percentage of woman in the workforce increased from 27 percent to 37 percent.

Postwar Boom

Impact of Television

Youth Culture

Effects of 50s and 60s on African Americans

Effects of 50s and 60s on Women

The Beat Generation

Nuremberg Trials

The United Nations

The Iron Curtain

The Cold War

Containing Communism

Cold War Alliances

Another Red Scare

Politics and the Red Scare

Espionage McCarthyism Arms Race

Here is a timeline to recall events and facts about the Korean War….please put the dates for the following and put a title for the event: Beginning of the War War continues Truman fires MacArthur War Ends Find a picture of Korea today and write a short summary statement of what Korea looks like today. Use your text tool to write on the board..use the BIG A. You can resize the fonts to fit.

How did the U.S. Get Involved?

What was Johnson’s contribution towards US Involvement in Vietnam?

What was the public’s reaction to the Vietnam War?

When and how did the US remove itself from Vietnam?

What were some of the effects of the War?

mc:radio:(HC)< SS.912.A.7.10>This statement comes from a Supreme Court decision in 1974: “The impediment that an absolute, unqualified [executive] privilege would place in the way of the primary constitutional duty of the Judicial Branch to do justice in criminal prosecutions would plainly conflict with the function of the courts under Art[icle] III.” Source: http://www.infoplease.com/us/supreme-court/cases/ar41.html What is the “absolute privilege” to which this decision refers?

A. The right of President Nixon to bomb Cambodia without Congressional approval. B. The right of President Nixon to withhold tapes of his private phone conversations C. The right of President Nixon to withhold evidence of crimes by Spiro Agnew D. The right of President Nixon to break into Democratic Headquarters in 1972

MC = Moderate Complexity

Use the source!

mc:radio:(HC)<SS.912.A.6.10>Which statement explains how the Marshall Plan contributed to the beginning of the Cold War?

A-It proved to the Soviet Union that the United States wanted to spread capitalism. B-It showed communist leaders that the United States was hostile to their existence. C-It led to the formation of a military alliance committed to pushing back against Soviet gains. D-It demonstrated that the United States wanted to exclude the Soviet Union from major decisions. points: 1

MC = Moderate Complexity

mc:radio:(HC)<SS.912.A.6.8>These words were taken from a pamphlet that was distributed in the 1950s: AMERICANS . . . DON’T PATRONIZE REDS!!! . . . RIGHT NOW films are being made to craftily glorify MARXISM . . .and via your TV set . . . they are poisoning the minds of your children under your very eyes!!! Source Which person benefitted a great deal from pamphlets that used language such as this?

A. Dwight Eisenhower B. Joseph McCarthy C. Harry Truman D. Douglas MacArthur points: 1

Lydon B. Johnson: Our President

The Great Society

The Great Society Programs

The Impact of the Great Society

End of the Great Society

What Was the Tone of Lyndon B. Johnson's Presidency?

What Was The Great Society?

What Were the Great Society Programs?

What Impact Did Great Society Programs Have on Americans?

What Happened to the Great Society?

1 2




United Farm Workers

Native American Power

What is feminism?

Who Are the United Farm Workers?

What Was the Native American Power Movement?

• Several key civil rights cases related to integration and affirmative action were decided during the civil rights

era. 1)_____________________ ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional. The "freedom of choice" plan in Virginia was deemed illegal in 2)_____________________, though it could be acceptable if it worked to fully integrate schools. The court upheld busing as a method of integration in 3)_____________________. According to 4)_____________________, the quota system one school used as part of the admissions process led to "reverse discrimination."

• In the area of criminal justice, 5)_____________________ held that evidence taken illegally could not be used in court. Suspects have a right to be informed of their rights because of 6)_____________________. In 7)_____________________, the court ruled that states must provide an attorney for a defendant when he or she cannot afford one.

• In the area of reproductive rights, 8)_____________________ ruled that couples have "marital privacy" in

matters regarding the raising of a family. The 9) _____________________ decision said that states could not prevent women from having an abortion.

Remaining words: Gideon v. Wainwright, Green v. County School Board, Brown v. Board of Education, University of California v. Bakke, Roe v. Wade, Miranda v. Arizona, Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Griswold v. Connecticut, Mapp v. Ohio

Let’s Practice This photo was taken at the conclusion of a tennis match in 1973:

• Alt tag: A black and white photo shows a woman from the back with her arms raised, walking toward a tennis net on a court. On the other side of the net, a man wearing glasses is jogging off the court. He is not looking at the woman.

• Which statement describes the impact of this sporting event(HC)?

A) It gave ammunition to anti-feminist arguments by proving that women were physically inferior to men.

B) It led women's rights activists to seek more opportunities to show women's physical and intellectual superiority.

C) It advanced the feminist cause by showing that women could compete successfully in traditionally male-dominated activities.

B) It undermined the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment by demonstrating to many women that

they did not need legal privileges to succeed.

Who were the Little Rock Nine? (LC) A)minority workers who went on strike over equal pay B) students involved in an early effort at desegregation C)Civil Rights activists killed during the Freedom Summer D)Native Americans who occupied a federal building for over a year

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Bellotti v. Baird (1979)

Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)

Alt-tag: Chart with the following court rulings listed Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), Roe v. Wade (1973), Bellotti v. Baird (1979), and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). What was the overall effect of the Supreme Court rulings in Griswold v Connecticut and Roe v Wade? (MC) A)Spending on social welfare programs increased. B)Women gained reproductive rights. C)Workplace discrimination was reduced. D)Government regulations on businesses were reduced.

___ Camp David Accords ___ Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) ___ Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) ___Yom Kippur War ___ Energy crisis ___ Globalization

A. This issue of the 1970s, made worse by high inflation and conflict in the Middle East, helped encourage the environmental movement in the United States.

B. This is the process of countries around the world increasingly sharing cultural, political, and economic ties.

C. This conflict between Israel and Egypt and Syria led to the oil embargo on the United States

D. These talks brought a period of détente between the United States and USSR

E. This group represents countries whose most valuable resource is oil.

F. The high point of President Carter's term in the White House, this event helped bring some peace to Israel and Egypt










Bill Clinton Our President

Elections 2000 and 2008

Economics Issues Technology

What did Bill Clinton accomplish during his presidency? Why was he impeached?

Why Were the Elections of 2000 and 2008 Significant?

How Did International Trade Expand?

What Were Some Important, Political, Social, and Environmental Issues? Environmental Social- Political-

How did Technology lead to the shrinking of the World?






Let’s Practice

• Which country has contributed the most to the foreign-born population of the United States? (LC)

• A)India

• B)China

• C)England

• D)Mexico

• The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was strongly criticized by some U.S. political leaders for its potential to do what?

• A)create a single currency for all Western Hemisphere nations

• B)take jobs from American workers and send them to Mexico

• C)reduce tariffs between Canada, Mexico, and the United States

• D)increase government spending on subsidies for manufacturers

• A graph titled the Elderly Population Grew Rapidly in the 1900s, and the Trend is Projected to Continue is shown. The graph shows the population ages 65 and older as a percent of the total population. The graph shows the population of female and male elderly citizens separately and combined from the years 1900 through 2060. The graph notes that projections are based on middle assumptions for future fertility, life expectancy, and net immigration levels. The graph shows that the percentage of elderly people was around four percent and has risen and is projected to rise steadily to about 20 percent of the population in 2060.

• Which Great Society program is most endangered by the information on this graph? (HC)

• A) Medicare

• B) Social Security

• C) Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program

• D) Elementary and Secondary Education Act

How to Prepare for Final THERE IS A REVIEW FOR FINAL IS LESSON 8.06

THERE ARE FLASH CARD FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE AND EVENTS. Print them and make a matching games. Also, there is a time line and practice questions for each Module.

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